lie Silier Watcliman. Y. PAXTON - - BUSINEvSS MANAGER aaV* AU Transient Advertisements, and all ' Work matt be paid for in cash. This will ??erred without distinction. Subscription! Uso payable in advance. JP* Applications for Job Work will be oscde, ie office, to THOS. E. PLOWERS. ie WATCHMAN books are in the keeping of W. 'AXTON, who will receipt for monies due and id to all matters connected with the Adver g or Subscription departments. t'~ Our Advertising friends are requested to in their favors not later than Monday. ii TER MAH ARRANGEMENTS CBAROB 07 SCHEDULE. '* ?ai " ?Loses. OPENS, rthcrn, ', 1ft: ~h? M. 1 P. M tbern, . .. 11:10/A, H A. M. hning. on Mon < and ?bnrsday, 6.-9C A. M. 5:00 P. M. h'ville on Mon . and Thursday, 1:00 P. M. 11:30 A. M ce Hours, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 6 P. M. M opens Sunday from 12:.".0 to 1:30 P. M. T. B. JOHNSON, P. M. anuary 25th, 1 Sri. tf Kal* It wiir be seen bj a notice of | k A. WHITNEY. SDDER, that Sons interested in thc cotton Tax, I farther their interest by calling on ??* DuriDg this week only returns of j sonal Property may be made to the ioty Auditor at his c*nV. Parties making their returns are liable to a aity of 50 per cent, on their return Bas: year. The ladies of the Baptist Church ll ciscuntinue, after this day, until rthcr notice, their Ice Cream enter ?nmentg. We ask for the ladies, io ?ing their very pleasant entertain? ers, a liberal/patronage. Besides the lightfal cream, music may be expected (the evening. [The ladies of the Methodist Church ll hold their entertainments on [ursday instead of Friday. The Columbia Pltcenix, of th inst., says : The work is being pnshed forward ?idly on the Wilmington, Columbia 1 Augusta Railroad. The iron is rn as far as Hopkins'-about twelve les below Columbia. The road will &op?3 to this city by the 1st of Octo Quite Natural. |fhe abuse heaped upon Mr. KENNE 's recently published poem, by the ?ical papers, has caused many to read ho would oot otherwise have done The poem is intensely Soothera hot against oppressors of the peo and hence "the galled jade winces." A Bite? Pf ctn re. t'assengers, letters and papers for iter leave Charleston at the same r. The plsseugers reach Sumter same day at 6 p. m. The letters papers reach here the next day at a. Wilmington and Augusta and |umbia papers reach here at noon oo of publication, aod Charleston >ers tvccnty'fouT hours later. llave Charleston exchanges oothiog to to thc P. O. Departmeot? Choice Beef* e enjoyed recently, some of fhe beef of the season, fat, juicy and er, a present from our kind friend brother typo, M. J. DAVID, who, jil be Been by his advertisement, is ged in the butchering business. Our End MANLY has abandoned the es, for the present, and we almost ?y bim bis relaxation, from thc case, ?ng the sweltering days of August, commend him and Dis choice beef be patronage ot our citizens, and lt he ni':-y find for it ready sale. Rev. D. M cQ ii ecu, D. D. ^?"reprint OD another page from the Irleston Courier, a letter which we will interest many of oar readers takes deservedly honorable mention hncn who are highly esteemed Irevcr known, and gives to Sumter jame and a prominence over the ? circulation to which the Courier 8 the utterances of Juhl. re learn that Rev. D. MCQOEEN accepted an invitation, from a Ithy Virginian, to visit the Old Do? on and enjoy a few weeks recreation is guest, bis host haviog on several ?, to Sumter formed quite an at aeoi 4o the genial Presbyteriao r. Dr. MCQUEEN'S church has him leave of abseoce for this (ose, aod be leaves for Virginia week. It it understood that his \\t will be supplied te far as practica loriog his absence. lovers of Dark neat. the RadicaJ papers io this State Ki their billings gate against Rev. IRARDZAU'S address ta menoricun e Confederate dead and the cause roten they died, it is simply be ie-'-'Ahej love darkness rather than Decause their deeds treevil." The bate? ?Seltnes* as something to lb he can. never attain; and the [cal hates parity, refinement and totten and everything whieh ls ly, and of good rep?W, ir things J>ird iii? reaeh and foreign to all hi* oiations. The anthems of the pfeim ?d the glitter of the golden | j eta, raise a fresh howl from: thoa* goish t?efr ' teeth rn the: I rack* of darire'eas iotefJer. Th?* howlsta Radical .p&::mti?'- iii scilUwig oyqr the Memorial scene at zn? The Edgefield Adcert?er, of the 10th instant, says : : "Wc learn that the South Carolin! Club, composed of m tey of the most prominent and' refined gentlemen of the State, and over which Major William T. Gory, oar talented and accomplished yoong townsman, presides as President, have determirred to give one of the moat elegant balls ever given in Sooth Carolina. This ball trill be given at Colombia, oo Thursday evening, the 9th November next, during tb 2 great fair of the State Agricultural Association." The Cbarlestoo Newt,of JOtb inst, says : Themas Byres and Frank Clark, two privates io Company 6. of the 7th United States C.-valry,stationed at Sumter, S. C., were arrested".^ the detectives yesterday morning onboard the steamship South Carolina, charged with desertion. The prisoners arrived here yesterday morning by the Sooth Carolina Railroad, and bad bought their j tickets for New York when captured. They will bc sent this morning to their j company. Godey*** Lady's Boot? This popular Magazine, for Septem? ber, has been received, and is for sale j at the Sum; er Book Store. The inhabitants of Wyoming brew] many troubles but no beer.- WU. Jour. 1 Just so friend Journal, bot their] "Bear" is "broia" itself. Cotton At New York on 15th inst, in better demand at lower prices. Upland 18}. Gold 112|. [For the Sumter Watchman.] Mr. Editor: Io common with all others interested in the prosperity of our little Town, I waa mach pleased to see you calling attention, in your last issue, toan evil that threatens seriously the trade and business of this place. We cannot pay the heavy freights now charged to and from thia point, and compete suc? cessfully with out more favored neigh? bors. Jost after and since the close of the war, oar merchants, despite the hi^h tariffs of freight then tn existence, by their energy liberality and fair deal ing, built up a business for Sumter sur-'J passed perhaps bot by two cities in the] State, the benefit of which she is still enjoying. Bat as other Railroads have been extended and other points pat ia communication rith the coast at less cost than that we have to bear, trade naturally taking t he channel with the least impediments tCill give as the go by, and pour its benefits into the laps of our enterprising neighbors. Under these circumstances, Ma. EDITOR, it becomes as not only to write about it, and talk about it, but to do something to bring; this existing state of facts to thc atten? tion of our Rail Road authorities so plainly that they can but see that a continuance will only result io ultimate; serious damage to Sumter, aod loss to themselves-for the business of this place is no inconsiderable item to the Road. In all of our dcaliogs with the present govern meat of the W. C. & A. Rail Road, we have foo ad them io variably courteous attentive and disposed as far as they could with justice to themselves, to grant any favors or accommodations asked, and if we will take the necessary steps to put this ?alter fairly before them, we feel little doubt that tba cvH complained of will be remedied, at least io a meibure. It is well worth he trial by those INTERESTED. Wc atv a gentleman a few days ago whase Soger had bean painfully mashed just at the nail.' He risely applied Dana r's PaorarLACtie Fa,CID, itld exofrienend instan : relief. ' Siena of tba Zodiac. . (. . fl . A philosopher in the Wes!,'grown'in to afemi-. .ation of thc Cherry Pectoral, writes Dr. Ayaf-, or instructions under which sign he shall bc j ?led, which blistered, aid whieb vomited, ansi mder which be snail take Ayer's Pills for an iffection of the liver : alto under which sign bia ??fe should commence ta take the Sarsaparilla 'or Y ar ailment. He adda that be already knows 0 wean bia calves nadar Taurus, change bia V ? pig* in Scorpio, eat hts bair in Aries, and soak -is feet in Piata? or Aeqnarina as their condition require*. Scboolmarters, ?tart irr Wisconsin, and virrr Mr. Barn when yoa gat Clere. [Loweri Dalry" [iowa. GOUDEYSYILLE, BtflOIf CO., S*. ?. If taara. Do wie, Mola? A Dar li, Dca* SxftA.-Haarjr Moot*, ?taam known in tai? aeigbborbnod, bad bectrme very mack .?a?m^'m-w?uawad attacks of ?Ck If? and p*v*7." aad bad f??adl no*r?i*?f fte**- quinine er jut can ouiaalvwl ewfgj WK W.f^lST,9 lave sold U>*m. tkaj M^RSjjp^?o^ "por ?al* by all DT**gfi*t?. . ' Pickled B?e? ? * - 1 tf Cts.' per lb: Western Butter, - SSc.ffci'ib. \ ? ? ' i I' Best ?osien Butte**, on Ice/ 50 cents per pound." ?reafcfast Strips/ ^iSfei^erlbj'i *?.??... ...'.?'.. .' UH ^--"?-'ir bira ?.riilij'-'. Voil .iii'i^ ,7,ra?fl Sugar Cured Hams, 20C^r"Jb. Lotf Stades Flours, ft? pet bbl. Su^r ?lou*-, * - $7 per bbl. ClarifiedSugar, . 14c. per lb. .V :>i ? ?Ci 1%. "wi > More of tbat Hyson T?,. at 75 cents: p?r> pound. ? 1 .IK hm .i%..?.?. ,6oe:a .?:r. .? .. . Heidseick Champagne Genuine "Pieper & Co.," Pints and Quarts. ; . j. .-ri .v..~ .-^i>. .?>. . . - ? ; j. WlflMcf?m Whiskey, Best Scotch Ale Wild Cherry: jfrandy. ?*** ?. - . Self-Sealing Jais, P??^8lr%r%e9v^?fe. j ;..-.>.' iuq . : ila -o'* Just Received and for Sale bjj* GtmR Moise & Co., SUMTEft,-5. C. jnyat- ? .. - . 21 : : AN GRIS IIS ANCE To Amend an. Ordinance entitled uAn Ordinance tinder' ?Le YtQfh Section of the Act approved QtK cf Marchall, authorizing the, Intendant and War? dens of the Toten oj Sumter u To make roch Ordinances ai they may deem . expedient in relation to licensing per? sons who are or may be engaged in ! axer! carrying ok amy. bittiness within the corporate Imite: Ratified ike. 5 th juMct A.M,mi: ... , De ;t'f>r'diifleo?>' tie IntAh?aVt *Bd Wandte? of th? To WO. of So BR? i? CeMtU asiemfcled, Tfcnt ?o meefaef flieellB 0Hftrf?i?a\0t4inance a? ii exjroietf fn't^^ lg. reculer merchant*" ?ri?. .cfrcb ^?o^'lr?, bc i? en de?, to nwd *. fouoir^Ti? : Oil Aftne'm (not herein n>eeiallj mentioned) C??TI?* -OT bj o'her ?jr.ft'TeirrfarmersbiBU, Sit. *** sgCTJ.0.5- ll-That M B\|? o/StetlfEFVlI cf ?wd OrdlstQM.M^f uprrtMd io rh? Cai low ijrg word* Md figi rac, ?ii : "IumaetAfMeiec, (for ?MTI Ag???7) UV h* - wdnd to md M fotloiri : Inrtrance Agffl?H* (os Mteh Anotj,) ll. - SSC. Iftr-TMt ioao? rf fcWlon Til of Mid Ordinasevrt>ufiu? Li; . quoi)?,) ' ? bose ann aal sale? exceed" ^ WO bet do a ot exceed f 50,000, 50 0* On ear? Dealer in Gooda, Warts and Ifcicbaudls?, (tt*>er thea Pi?1tai?u 14 quoTi,T who?? ann ?Ali aalet exceed $50,000, bat do wt ?xcu?d$A0,?M, SAM OB eera Deafer to Ooeds, W?ret awl . Mere&aadl?, (etb?r?baa Bpirtto??? 14?' ; qaon,) whet? Maw?, arftt exceed Itja^tortetoMl waaMw^im . 41 N (to tara Dealer te ****** Wartt and ltereaa?wite, (otber ?baa Bytrftaoai LU pym wA'ttottet titotd m,-s, di 04 rto .tera Dealer ia ?ocdi, Warts a?3 i Mercbaadtae, (other tba? Spiritaoes Li $90,00l bat de ?ot exeead $104,0?, W Of 0? tack D*J?r ft^.W>es M4 i Kerebaadiae, (oibtr tba? SffaitorasM [L. ff.] day of July, A. Di, rae rt Kin a ?if*t >Mii?j sai stiralj saa AM ? Sf9' ? m+ ?j 'j-y a,?.". 1 ;'i?. FRESE AND PURE DR?OS, ME?fCltft?S. CHEMMLS, PERFUMERY ?c. &c. ALWAYS ON BAND. PRESCRlfTIONa CQMrWflE^WiTH ?ARE AT ALL HOURS. March 8-_ ?H? FIRM OF IRR 4 JpSPECTFULLY INFORM THEIR Friends ?nd UM pcblic, thai tbey m oonstsxtly reeeMng -AND Medicines, Of the Best Quality, and all Articles usually found in a Drug Store. The btt*?D?M of tb? Ilon?e, comprising Pharmacy and Prexcrrpt?m Stand, will be nader tbe special charge of Major J. B. RUSSELL who brings to Ms aid an exp?rience of J EIC HTEEN TEARS to the chemical combina? tion of Medicines. - Prompt and earefel attention ?will be giren te Prescriptions, and Medicines for tbe same cst be relied on as pare aad of tba last qeality. DRUG STORE, CORNER OF Main and Republican Streets. Feb? _tf_ ADRIAN & V?LLERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. WE KEEP THE HOST COMPLETE AS? SORTMENT OF GROCERIES TO BS FOUND IN ANT SOUTHERN MAR - . keL Onr Line of PROVISIONS Of every kind il complete, and at prices that eat j Off all inducements to send orders North. Close J baying cuitomcrs. will find that they tare mony by ordering from ns. Oar Catalogne for tbe spring trade is inusjully full. Wines, Liquors & Tobacco. ALL KINDS Whiskey, Oin, Ram, Brandy, Wince, Bitters, Ale, Porter, Ac Chewing Tobacco j in caddies and } boxes, of j great variety. Smoking Tobacco, all kind/, In |, I, i and poand packages. Segars, a good many different sorts and all qualities.. The shore we offer to the trade low fer CASO . ADRIAN & VOLLER8, * March 17_Wilmington, N. C. IN STORE. 16,000 BUSHELS CORN, 8,000 Barrels Floor, IS? Barrels Pork, 90 Boxes D. S. ead L. C. Sides, SO 3bds..D. S. aid Smoked Sides and Shoal de ra, 450 Sacks Rio, Java and Lagnayra Coffee, 20 Uh ls. Deaurara aad P. R. Sogar, 150 Rbis. Refined Sogar-all grades, 350 Hbda. Coba Molasses, ? 150 Bbl*. Coba Molasses. . 150 Hhds. 8ogar ?louse Molasses, 100 . Bbl?, Sogar House Molasses, 390 Bales Hay, 2,000 gseka Sail 150 Bbl?, and Boxee Crackers, 15 Tabs Better, 300 Boxes Soap, ISO Casee Lye and Potash, 76 Rbis, aad Taba Lard. i , 75 Bbla.end Kita Mackerel, 75 Boies Tobacco, 80 Boxes Soda, 150 Kegs Nails, 00 Boxes Cheese), "For salo b> , . / ?, F. W. KERCHXER, .. 27, 28 ond 29 North Water Street, May 10 . . Wilmington, N. Cg NO. 3 GROCERIES. XHB ONLY STRICTLY Grocery and Liquor House j IN TOWN THE UNDERSIGNED, begs lease te, ?all the attention of kb friends ?ad tba pabrie generally te kia NSW AND. WELL SELECTED " * STOCK OF Heavy and Fancy Groceries Wkiehhsof ?relowfor CASH ONLY. tSsV. AU artielae warranted as recommended ?ST Pera Medwiaal Liqeore kept constantly ot hand. J. ?1. EBERHART. *t*m '..//_tt_ Xi TZ' 3k? 3FL f AL?/^? ALITIB8, -At tm Near the Sumter Depot ess* ttl wo.;- UJLS?xUil?J' sff?e??Wi **** dtatli'Stai'aelafl ?M. mm mn* r. *? 5 V_K } GROCERIES! GROCERIES ! Thos, T, Upstair^ Store, -CORNER-~ M?JN ? ??PUBLICAN STREETS SUMTER, S. C. TES ?NBEP.S?GN?D RESPECTFULLY announces to the pnblie, that he bee ia ? ?tore, ead will be constantly receiving, a large aaa* Tarred assortment of GROCERIES, Suitable for Plantation and jFan??y usa A LIBERAL DISCOUNT will be allowed Merchants, ead they are specially invited to cali and exaarino bia Stock, and they wilt fled that bia business facilities enable Mm to rappiy them with gooda ?S CHEAP AS THEY CAN BU? THEM in ody Northern or Southern Harket. Come and see for yourselves, an ocular demonstra ti cm is the best. Highest Market Price paid for Cotton. AND TUREE FOURTHS OF THE VALUE CASH, wiil be advanced, on all Cotton Shipped to the HouaeTio Baltimore for wbicb be ia agent; I and it will be held over if desired. He will make ! a speciality of Corn, Bacon and Flour, wbieh be ia prepared to famish in any quantity Customers and Familiea purchasing their supplies at my establishment, can bare them delivered free of charge, at their residences within the Umita of the tova. Country Produce taken in exchange Respectfully, TAOS. T. ?JPSHUR, Ja. Feb 22_ HOYT & FOLSOM, WATCHMAKERS ANO JEWELERS, . JU A IN STREET, SUMTER, S. C. WE, the undersigned, having fm med a co? partnership, on the 5th Jane, 1871, under the name and atyle of HOYT A FOLSOM, would respectfully announce to the publio of Sumter, aid the adjoining counties, that wo are now pre? pared to ox?ente all work entrusted* to us with promptness, and ia a workmanlike manner. OUR STOCK will embrace the latest styles of | .JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S WATCHES. All of which will be sold st the lowest cash price?. OLIVER HOYT, F. H. FOLSOM, At Hoyt's Old Stand Main Street, the genuine DIAMOND SPECTACLES, manufactured by J. E. SPENCER A CO., New York, alwaya on hand. SUMTER ryi?UBLE YARD fJIHE undersigned having just received a Soo ; MARBLE* S PREFABED TO FURNISH Monumental & Cemetery Work, of all kind' io ? manner that will compare fa vorably with eny work in bis linc. Having received a liberal patronage heretofore, be continues to iori te all who may be desirous of any thing ya his line to gire him a call." De defies competition in prices. fSt- Positively no work delivered ia thc future until poid for. TT. P. SMTTH. Jane 14 6 L 0 T 'HI Mt G, CLOTHS, SiC. Spring Stock. D. J. WINN, Agent, No* stas'io Store a Large and Careful? ly selected Stock of Spring aM Summer Goods, WHICH HE GUARANTEES AS RKPRR SSNIED, SU-tn AS ~ CLOfH"fNG-Fine, Medium and-Comrnon. Cloth? sad Cassimeree, Fine LA* Twoeds, . ', Brown Linens, ! Sbirti. . . Drawers, Underveets, Glove? ead Crav*U, Suspenden, " '" .Tl ". g Seek?, * Haakereblefs, te., which bo pledges himself to sell low fer cash. April Xl_ CHARLOTTE FEMALE INSTITUTE. CHARLOTTE, N. V. REV. R. BURWRLL. > pn,m..9ktM /OHM B. BU&WELL, A. at. } THE 14th ANNUAL SESSION commence? . on the ?nd October next, ?ad eoatiaaoti until 30tb of June, 1872. This sobeo) is believed te poseeos peculiar ad. vaniiignsfoi*yoong Ladre* to acquire a finished education, im ol) branches usually Uaght ia first eJoos Female Se? i naries. . Cirtatar sal Catrlngne f*M*\?g full par ?ewls?^as ^tem*Ae., forwarded oa appllca New Style Window '0 - JUST RECEIVED. A JINS ewortmeat of WQODEE VINDO W A SHADES, 9bieh for their darabUity excel all others. For sale at Ibo Sam tor Furniture iWare-roewM. / j. g. S?MlrlE? Agnat. '' March / J.E.S??RES, Chair Ware-Rooms. TH? S?f&CtfIBER INFORMS * Friends and Castos*er? Itet b a b as received and will continue to receive NEW AND CB??P PVBNITf?jS, TO St?T THE TtMS?. :' Bte Stoefc Consists of almost titi j article la thai Ira?, TU: . SOFAS, srf^BOARDS,BOOK-CABEa Wardrobes, Extention Tables, Bureaus, W.uh-Stands, Sitting ind Boobing Chairs, of every kind Cribs, Cradles, Trun dies Cot tage Bedsteads j ead Mattreste?.. . . JUSf RECEIVED Some t?ore cf thdso CHEAP C0TTA?I SETS Most Safes, Window Shades and Wal Papering-all low for CASH. I E Snares, Atti? Street, opposite ?xpress Office . Entrance from Stair Case cn Main Street to FURNITURE ROOMS- ? " .? SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE m Staads unrivalled by any other manufacturer in tho whole world. Tbe sales for last year IS70. 137,833, being over forty four thousand mora than aaj other company. It will .hem, AU, bind, gather tack ead in fact do all that can possibly be done by machining In tho most perfect manner. *? ' A full assortmen t of silk twist, colon t?ea, I tee dies for all the lending styles of machines and a general stock of attachsoeotr and sewing ma? chines goods generally. Address GEO. E. NEWELL, 'J Agent Singer Sewing Machine. . ' Ne. 9 South Front St. Wilmington. April 19-8m_' ? 'J PERSONAL. NOAH WALKER & CO. THE Celebrated Clothiers ?fl BALTIMORE, MD, Q Aneoaitcc the introduction of a ?lan'of ordering j CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR BY LETTKtf, - te wbiebtbey cal! yoar special Attention. They will tend on application their- improved and accurate RULES FOR SELF.MEAg?REMENT, and a fall line of samples from their Immense stock of CLOTHS, CASSI HERBS, COAT? INGS, SHIRTINGS, tc, Ac, thus enabling parties in any part of the country, to order their j Clothing and Shirts direct from them, with th? | certainty of receiving garments of TIte Very Latest Style And Most Perfect Fit attainable. Ooo's ordered will he sent by Express to any part of thc country. As is well known flifMIJrlJUBt- the Southern States they have for FORTY-THREE YEARS.) EXCELLED in all departments of their business, which b a substantial guarantee as to the character of the Ooods they will send eat. A large and weil assortedeto?k of READY-MADE CLOTHING alway? on hand, - together With a fall line of FURNISH INO GOODS including all lb?latest NovelHea In Design, and nt ; . ; POPULAR PRICES. When qoed* ?re ?eal per Express C. 0 D., there wi!! be no collection charge, on amounts of | $20 ?ni ?ver Roles for Self-Mansuremcnt, J Samples of| Goods and Price List sent//*? on application. The attenti n of the Trude 1.? inviced to onr WU OLKS AL tS DEPARTMENT which ia al. ways kept ap to the highest standard. ? NOAH WALKER A CO. Manufacturers ead Dealers ?a Man's and B?ys* Clothing and Famishing Goods, either ready ma Je or made to order. 165 nod 167 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD. April b._ ' ly. Charleston Broom Factory, J. P. BROWNE, Agent. ALSO AOENT FOR Safety Lamp. PERKINS A HOUSES' NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE LAMP IS -baolutoly safa both from Breaking and Explo L,OU. G iva? twice as mach light as ordinary. Lamp?, and otea 39 per eent. lesa Oak,, Gives ?fa no oder, and lasts it lifetime. For sale by * J. P. BROWNE, 13G Meeting st., and 51 Broad Street, duiriestoT, A C. Agent for Stat? of Sooth Carolina. , GREEN' A WALSH Agents for Seater, S.C. April &_-_om Kinsman ?f ???iXfe??9\ Factors and Gommmin Merchants. Liberal?dvaH??s tnade tn Vott&n and Naval Storks. ?hafle?V. Farrar.!.1.50 Self-Renunciation, from thc French, with an Introduction by Rev. T. I. Carter, M. A.5.00 Memoirs of the Lite and Writings of Thom? as Chslmers, D. D., LL. !'., by bis Son ?n Lnw, Ref. Wm. Hnnni?, LL. P., the English Edition, 4 vols. Svo.7.50 The Bayard Serie?, Choice Books, comprising Essay? in Mosaic, by Ballantyne: Saint Louis, King of France, by De Joinvillc: Religio Medecr: Urn Burial. Ac, by Sir Themas Browne: The King and the Com? mons; Cavalier and Puritan Song: Let? ters, Sentences and Mn Tim?, by Lord Chesterfield; with n Critical Essay by Sainte Bauvc; Rasselas by Doctor John? son: neatly bound in flex cloth, gilt; price per vol ;.1.25 Common Plnee Books, embracing Book of Authors; Law and Lawyers; Invention and Discovery: Art and Artists; Clergy? men Doctors: Omens aud Superstitions: richly bound, cloth and gold; price of each vol.1.00 Carlyle'? Works. Peoples Edition, small crown, Svo. Sarton Resa>ttis......30 Thc French Revolution, vol. 1.'JO A Memoir of Charle?. Mayne Young Trage? dian with extracts from his ?cu's Jour? nal, by Julian Charles Young. A- M.. Rector ef Iliuington. with portrays.2.25 Common Sense iu tho Household, a Manual of Practical Hausew?ery, by Mario* Harland.1.75 The Yoong Housewife'? Counsellor and Friend Including the Duties of Wife and Mother, by Mrs. Mary Mason.2.00 The Religion of thc Prevent ar d of th? Fu? ture, Sermons Preached Chiefly at Yal* College, by Theodora I>. Woolsey-2.00 Tho Life of John Hilter, Narrated in Con DCCtioU with the Political, Ecclesiastical und Literary History of his time, by David Masson, M. A. LL. D., roi. 2. 1038-154.5-....4.50 Wonders of European Art, by Louis Yiardot, illustrated.1.50 On a Fresh Revision of the English New Testament, by J- E. Lightfoot-.2.00 The Parchas Judgment, a Letter of Ac? knowledgement to thc Right Honorable Slr J. T. Coleridge, by H. P. Liddon. D. D. D. C. L.. together with a Letter to the Writer by I)r. Pusey.-.25 Evidences'of Natural and Revealed Theolo? gy, by Charles E. Lord.S.50 Jurisdiction and Mission of the Anglican Episcopate, by the Rev. T. J. Bailey B. A.1.00 A NJw Volume of Sunday Echoes in Week . day Hoers, a Tale Illustrative of the Journeyings of the Children of Isrcal,by Mrs. Carey Brock.1.50 FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES. IVE HAVE RECENTLY MADE LARGE ADDITIONS ro our stock of BIBLES. The prices aro greatly reduced. We arc now offering an unusual la-ge variotyof ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FAMILY BIBLES. POCKET BI? BLES, and the EPISCOPAL PRAYER BOOK, at extremely low price?. ggf Persons residing in the country will please bear in mind that by rending their orders to us fot any books published in America, they will be charged only the price of thc book. Wo pay for the Postage or express. Address FOG ARTI K'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. No. 260 KINO STREET,(IN THE BEND). CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. April 5_ MONEY CANXOT BUY IT, FOR SIGHT TS PRICELESS ! ! THE DTAMOND GLASSES, manufactured by J. R. SPENCER A CO., New York, which ?re BOW,offered to thopublic. are prjncunc'd by all the celebrated Optician? of the world t" be the most Perfect, Natural Artificial bely to toe haman eye over known. They are ground under their own supervi.-:nr. from minni? Crystal Pvbbios, melted rog? ther, and derive their r>au.e. "Diamond,*" on account of fhelr hardness and brilliancy. 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