pTEPNESDAY, AUGUSTO. M?MXT?F^" - BUSINESS MANAGER All Transient Advertiaamenta, and all ?b Work ujuii he paid for in cash. Thin will observed wi tb oat distinction. Subscriptions I also payable in advance. PST* Applications for Job Work will bo made, Ibe oftVe. to Tnos. E. FLOWERS. QM WATCHMAN books are in tho keeping of W. PATTON, who will receipt for monies duo and und to all matters connected with the Adver? an or Subscription departments. Our Advertising friend? aro requested to i in their favors not hiter than .Monday. 7J/ TER MAIL A li li A S G E M E-V T? CHANG s or SCHEDULE. CLOSES. OPENS. rthern, 10: A. M. 1 P. M Ithern, 11:30 A. M. ll A. M. inning on Mon f and Thursday, C:00 A. M. 5:00 P. 31. rh'ville on Mon fand Thursday, 1:00 P. M. 11:30 A. M Ice Hours, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to o' P. M. ?co opens Sunday from 12:: 0 to 1:30 I'. M. T. li. JOHNSON, P. M. fanuary 25th. 1S7I. {f .We are indebted to Capt. E. C. tEEN, now in New York, for late and jrtani New York papers. -4*?sss>-s* 2HTKII AND THE COTTON TBADE, Respectfully but earnestly do we feet the attention o? the nianageis the Wilmington, Columbia and igusta Rail Road to the matter con? ned in the communication of "A ?rebatjt," printed in another column, estatement that, with the high rate freight now ruling, "the purchase ol ;tou at Sumter is impracticable," riles us, as we make no doubt it will ir.y of our readers. And that the ight schedule?, .-hould bc ?ueh as not permit SUM.ter to compote with mden aud Chcraw, argues something ically wrong. if**A Merchant" ai.J his correspon it present the difficulty fairly, wc can feel that the Rail Road managers ictioued will at once proceed to re lie us. CAUTION AND INSl RANCE. p a dry time, such as we have had for iks past, it is especially important for fcethuMers to guard against fires, by pug at hand and ready lor instant j ? such appliances as- arc necessary for J ir extinguishment. When a few days j p thc residence of J. J. I'LL M INO, ! ., ou Washington Street, tuok fire, it saved from des:ruc:ion by the i npt usc of axe, ladder and bucket, ! ?Jough the fire ou thc roof had made \ progress before it was di-covercd j thc l oaring of the Sames was the j notice thal the building was on fire, i [premises are insured in thc Her- | jia and Security Companies of New j c, a!.-l the damages, although slight, j proniply paid by their agent. Mr. ; fViiii K. by aud with their consent direction. The Fire Companies! out immediately on ttic alarm lg given, but the fire was extiu |hed before r ii ey readied the scene. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, N. C. ic attention of our readers is direct b the advertisement of the Clerk Bc Faculty of this institution, which a:e pleased to know is in a very ?sh?ig condition. it for our Denominational Colleges, ! people would be a most deplora- ! ?Cotidilion, as to thu ?ducation of | sons in the higher branches of lng, our State institutions bavin" ' into unreliable hand.-, as to their ! hil control. lese J>enominatk?nal Colleges arc j pectarian, affording, as tbe\ , advantages to al! who atteud ? course of studies, as indicated in Ita logue of Ihvidson, i-a? extended p of any other like institution in id, and the expenses are certainly loderate. - mm* . LLTY AN D lt A Dit A LtSTI-THE 1 OST. laking their demonstration again-t fopped grant of CI5,000 a year to Arthur, the iua>s?-s of England fearon, but liol law, on their si le I. Gladstone explained a few days esc allowances for thc support of ^cen au J her family are made in ice ofao implied compact entered the beginning of her reign, and lt within thc discretion of Parli rcvoke or diminish them. At ie time, it is not to be wondered poor men should rcsisi. this ap useless expenditure. The |gets ?385,000 a year ; the Duch bambridge, widow of thc Queen's JifjfW1.' - thc Princess Augusta, 1er of the same cousin, ?8,000 ; ike of Cambridge, son ol'thc.-ame, 0;the Princess Teck, another .Jer of the same, =?5,000} tho Priii lice, ; the Prince of Waite, (0; Prince Alfred, C15,000. Total, )0, or nearly ?J,500,000 a year |a lot of ladies arid gentleman nothing for it. 'et thc (respectable; royalty of does uot co.>t near as much as .Jten-radicalj royalty 0f America id his tlurt'j fnr relations in fet the people more than this, no account ol their stealings, by far thc greater part of what Icket. {'S ARGUMENT.-A Kroncb doctor bas tha,t a wa.-p sting will cure Khenma >w DAIIBV'S PBOPHTLACTIC iYrjo will Ep sting. Therefore Darby's Propby jd will cure Kheumati-ra. Trv it. HONOK WISHED IN BLOOD. We wish there could be a u new departure " in that tone of society which demands that wounded honor should be washed io human blood. Thc tongue of slander is glib- and active. An evil word spoken in haste is indiscreetly conveyed, and, in its repetition, often exaggerated. Bad blood is generated, and human blood flows, desolating the household, leaving widows aud orphans thc victims of pas? sion, and wounded honor washed in blood smells no sweeter for the lurid ablution. These thoughts come upon reading the sad tragedy enacted recently in New Orleans. Mr. Rainey having been in business with Mr. Boyd, was dissat? isfied with his management, and spoke of Boyd as a thief. Boyd called on him and asked him to retract. Rainey refused. Boyd shot a jd killed him instantly, without any waruiug or threat. Both parties moved in respectable cir? cles. Boyd was a cotton press man. Rainey was the book keeper of a national bank. Has Boyd proven, by being a murderer, (for in law he is nothing else,) that he is not a thief ? If he has never stolen before, has he not stolen a precious life from orphan children which he cannot restore? Why was this killing? Because society j had heard the whisperings of this foul .?lander, and, unless Boyd killed the I ru:in who called him a thief, his friends ? and acquaintance would cut him as a I coward ..nd a poltroon. How little there is of true courage in I all this ? How blamable the whole ! affair ? And yet the surface of present I society is rotten with this polluted j principle. Men should learn that time wears out slander, and that rectitude of j cuiiJuct give the lie to cowardice. ; There is true bravery in leaving the j I slanderer to perish in own corrup | lion. We ned a "new depart jrc " to cor-1 rect this evil of society, for the sake of J widow and orphans. THC SOt.'TIIKItN FAVORITE. Thc August uuinber of Burke's Magazine for Boys au>l {Hrh is the List yet issued, lt is copiously illus? trated, its articles arc original and vrell written, at;d its entire niakc-qp is admirable. Every loy and girl in the ? Suuih ou^lit to Le a subscriber to this excellent magazine-thc very best we know ul, North or .South. Terms, 8- a year. Address, J. W. Burke & Co. Macon, Ga. ~ - -- THE VOmSiil LECTIONS. Kentucky will lead of next Monday in the coming elections. On the iirst Tuesday in September Vermout and California will elect a Governor aud Legislature. Maine will hold a general election on the secoud Mouday of thc same month. Next come thc October elections iii the States of Pennsylvania, Uhio, Indiana, and Iowa-al! voting on tiie secoud Tuesday of that month. These elections will have a decided j eflcct utou the national campaign in '7-# j Al by Du Von ?'01:;;!? ? Vin :, it ii ia your power to relieve yourself; a I tea uW? . J DH. I LU'S EXPEC TOKANT trill cure y vu and allay tue apprehensions vf your . i friends : moreover, it ii pleasant to lake, it plo ducts uo nausea, aud sureoglbcuei tue L ...g.- aud I u,i<.ai io rceist attacks in Hie tatara. Mutbers I II . d u -I ?tread ttie Croup they have a Lottie ? ol iiiu valuable c?n?p?ttud II? ibo boase. Sigua ol tbc Zodiac. A philosopher iii the Wcst.groWu int-; aduii j ration ...j tue Cherry Pectoral, writes Dr. Ayer j tor instruction* under which sign h? shall be bled, which blistered, and which Vomited, und , ui.-ler which he shei! taite Ayer? Pule tor au atlectiuu ol the liter : also under which sign his j ?ile should couilucuce l?> take the Sui.-.i;ariii.i ( fjr her ailment. Ile adds tbat bea'rea ty knows I to a eau bia calves under Taurus, change bis 1 igs ;ii Scorpio, cut bis bair in Aries, aud .-oak Lis ?eel tu Pieces or Actuar?a* a? their condition ' requires. .schoolmasters, start for Wisconsin, and visit: Mr Hutu aben you get there. [Lowell Daily: i News. j Debility and Emaciation - ! i, ? Ii -th remit from the lack of ability lo convert \ the food into nutriment. How necessary, then, j for ti. ,.-o suffering from these alarming symptoms to iuiiuevliutely resort to a remedy (hat a iii strengthen tho stomach and digestive orgaus. . Fer, as KV.ii as this deniable object La.- been ac- j comph.?ued, the heal a improves, and the patient re.-ume- bis u.-ual personal appearance, llostct ter's Stomach linters bavo attaiued a world a i ie I j- .pulaxity in such cases, and have been provea j ? iii- oeatimd sale.-t means of removing constipa? tion, toning the stomach, giving energy to the liver, and relieving every symptom of nervousness and depression ot .-pints, lt.t cheering ?nd bene acial effects are highly spoken ol by thousands, ?ho one to it their restoration to health. No restorative in the annuls ot medicine bas attained thc sume popularity in tho short space ot lime it Lab been bet?re tho public, or hns won tho bi>b ; endorsements accorded to this excellent tonio. .Many other preparations, purporting to be cor? rectives and re-torutires, have leen introduced, ?ind have perished one by one, wi ile tho popular? ity of lioa'tetter'fl Stomach Bitters continues to increase, and is now recognised as a standard household medicine. Tho su ress which attends the usc of the Bitters- evinces at once itt virtues i in all cases of debility and daease of the I ft..mach. Certi?cates, almost without number, have been published, attesting its truly miracu? lous power in removing those painful and fearful diseases. And st this time it seems idle to do moro than call the great remedy of tho ago, ia order to awaken public attention to its excellence. It is the only preparation of the kind that is reliable in all easer, and it is there? fore worthy et tbe consideration ol the afflicted. Cheap Goods, AT - ? j ;? Planters' Wareho?^. Pickled Beef, - - 10 cts. per lb. Western Butter, - 35c. per lb. Best Goshen Butter, on Ice, 50 cents per pound Breakfast Strips; - -12 ?c. per lb. Sugar Cured Hams, 20c. per lb. Low ?rades Flour, $6 per bbl. Super Flour, - - $7 per bbl. Clarified Sugar, - 14c. per lb. More of that Hyson Tea, at 75 cents per pound. Fresh Dates, - * 15c per lb. Heidseick Champagne, Genuine "Pieper & Co.," Pints and Quarts. White Corn Whiskey. Best Scotch Ale Wild Cherry Brandy. Self-Sealing Jars, For Pickles, Preserves, kc. Just Received and for Sale by Chas. H. Moise & Co., SUMTER, S. C. July 2? AN ORNIi\AA*CE To Amend au Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance wider the 3Qth Section of thc Act approved 0th of March, 15*71, auth< teizi ny the. Intendant and War? dens of the Tuen oj Sumter " Tv make such Ordinances as they may deem expedtent in relation to licensing per? sons ichj arc or may be engaged in and carrying on any business within thc rorjiorate limits. Ratified thc Oth June, A. J). 1871. Bc it Ordained by the I ? tun dan t and Wardens nf the Town ul'Sumter in Couoeil assembled, That to uiucb of Section VII of Mud Ordinance a? in expressed in th.- following words and fig. ure.?, ?ir: "On Agenries carried on by other than regular merchant? for each agency $10, be auieudou, to read ne follows, viz : On Agencies ?not herein specially mentioned) carried on by other than r<-^ular merchants, $10. SECTION II-That ?.. much cf Section VII of said Ordinance ns is expressed in 'be follow? ing worde and ligures vii : "Insurance Agencie?, (for each Agency) $10," l>c amende! to read ns follows : Insura&ee Agencies (on each Agency,) $5. SEC. TH.-That so much of Soction VII of ?aid Ordinauce as impures a Special Tax npon Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Good?, Wares and Merchandize (other than Spirituous Liquor?) be amended tu read as follows: On each Retail Dealer io doods, Wares and Merchandize (other than Spirituous Liquors) whose annual sales do not ex ad five thousand dollars, $5 00 "II nach Dealer in Good?, Wares and Mer. uann lize luther than Spirituous LU qaor.?j whocu annual sales exceed five tboosand dollars but do not exceed Un thousand dollars, 10 00 On each Dealer in Goods, Wares and Mer? chandise (other than Spirituous Li* rjuors) whose annual sales exeeed ten thousand dollar?, but do not exceed twenty thousand dollars, 15 00 Ou ? ach Dealer in Goods, Wares and Merchandize (other than Spirituous Li? quors) who.e annual sales exceed $20 000, but do Dot exceed $30,000, 20 00 On each Dealer in Goods, Wares and Merchandize, (other than Spirituous Li? quors,) whose anoual sales exceed $30,000, but do not exceed $40,000, 25 60 On each Dealer in Goods. Warea and Merchandize, (other than Spirituous Li? quors.) whore annual nales exceed $40,000 but do not exceed $j0,000, 30 00 Ou each Dealer in Goods, Wares and Merchandize, (other than Spirituous Li? quors.) whose annual sales exceed $50,000, but do not exceed $60,000, 35 00 OD eaeb Dealer in Good!, Wares and Merchandize, (other than Spirituous Li? quors.) whose annual sales exceed $60,000, but do not exceed $70,00?, 46 66 On each Dealer ia Goods, Wares and Merchandize, (other than Spirituous Li? quors.) whose aaauai sales* exeeed $70,000, but do aot exeeed $80,060, 45 00 On each Dealer in Goods, Wares and Merchandize, (other than Spirituous Li? quors.) whose annual sales exceed $30,004, but do not exceed $1)0,000, 54) 00 On eaeb Dealer io Goods, Warea and Merchandize, (other than Spirituous Li? quors.) wboae annual sales exeeed $90,000 but do Dot exeeed $100,000, 55 00 On each Dealer in Goods, Wares and Merchandize, (other than spirituous Li? quors.) whose aaauai salea exceed $100,000, 61 00 Ratified io Town Council, thia tba 9th [L. S.] day of July, A. D., ona thousand eight hundred and sevonty-oao. E. C. GREEN, Intendant. Jon;- F. HariiwoitTK, Cl'k ?ad Trans. Aug 2 3t HORSES FOR SALE ONE CAR LOAD OF STOCK, JUST from Kentucky, Consictiog of j?2v\ HARNESS. SADDLE AND WORK^Qi horses, can be seen at the Stables, near ibe depot, ELLIS t GRAHAM Julv ?ih. i m. Dr. J. S. HUGHSON, WOULD INFORM HIS PATRONS AND FRIENDS, that be bsa removed hts office to the new building, on Main Street, next above Mr. T. T. Upthnr'f Store, wbere they may find bim from 10 o'clock. A. M., to 1 P. M., and from 4i j to 6} P. M., unless professionally engaged. If j absent (bey will please leave their namei on the slate. After 7 o'clock, P. M., be will be found at bis residence on Liberty Street, opposite tbo Acade? my Oreen? June 81_ SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE 1 Ry Stands unrivalled by any otber manufacturer in tbe wbole world. The sales for last year 1S70, 127,833, being over forty four thousand more than any otber "company. It will bern, fill, bind, gather tuck and in fact do all that can possibly be done by machining in the most perfect manner. A full assortment of silk twist, colors sizes, needles for all tbe leading styles of machines and a general stock of attachments and ?ewing ma? chines goods generally. Address GEO. E. NEWELL, Agent Singer Sowing Machine. No. 9 South Front St. Wilmington. April 19-Qm CHARLOTTE FE3IALE INSTITUTE. CHARLOTTE, X. C. REV. R. BURWELL, 1 Pmscipu* JOHN B. BUR WELL, A. M. J '?WCIPAIJ. THE 14th ANNUAL SESSION commences on the 2nd October next, and continues until 30th of June, 1872. This school is believed to possess peculiar ad? vantages for yoang Ladies to acquire a finished education, in all branches usually taught in first Class Female Seminaries. Circular and Catalogue containing full par? ticular* as to terms,Ac., forwarded on applica? tion to the Principals. Julv 12 2m SUMTER MARBLE YARD rp ME undersigned having just rocei\ed a uno 1 lot of MARBLE, S PREPARED ?TO FURNISH Monumental & Cemetery Work, of al! kinds in a manner that will compare favorably with any work in his line. Having received a liberal patronage heretofore, be continuos to invite ail who may bc desirous of any thing in his linc to give him a call. Hedefie.-1 competition in price?. l&iSr P- -itively no work delivered in thc future outil paid for. W. P. SMITH. Juno lt - ADRIAN & V?LLERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. WB KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE AS? SORTMENT OF GROCERIES TO DE FOUND IN ANY SOUTHERN MA li? ker Our Line of PROVISIONS Of ercry kind i.? complete, and at price* that cut ot! all inducements to ^ctld orders North. Close buying curtomers will find that they .-.ire uony hy ordering from us. Uur Catalogue tor the spring trade is unusually full. Wines, Liquors & Tobacco. ALL KINDS Whiskey, Gin, Rum, Brandy, Wines, Bitters, Ale, Porter, dc. Chewing Tobacco, in caddios and \ boxes, of variety. Smoking Tobacco, nil kiuds, in J, \, i and 1 pound packages. fegar?. % good many different sorts and all qualities. The above we offer to the trade low fer CASH ADRIAN & V?LLERS, March 27 Wilmington, N. C. IN STORE. 16,000 BUSHELS CORN. 8,000 Barrels Flour, 15* Barrels Pork, 90 Boxes D. S. and L. C. Sides, 30 linds. D. S. and Smoked Sides and Shoulders, 460 Sacks Rio, Java and Laguayra Coffee, 20 Hb ?j. Demsrara and P. R. Sogar, 150 Bbls. Refined Sugar-all grades, 350 Hhds. Cuba Molasses, 150 Bbls. Cuba Molasses. 150 Hhds. Sugar House Molasses, 100 Bbls. Sugar House Molasses, SOO Rales Hey, 2,000 Sacks Salt, 3 00- Dbl?, and Dozes Crackers, 15 Tabs Ratter, 300 Poxes Soap, 100 Ca?es Lye and Potash, 75 Rbis, and Tubs Lard, 75 Bb!*, ? nd Kits Mackerel, 75 Rexes Tobacco, 80 Boxes Soda, ?50 Kegs Nails, 50 Boxes Cheese, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27, ti and 29 North Water Street, May 10 _Wilmington. N. C* ' New Style Window Shades. JUST RECEIVED. AFINZ assortment of WOODEN WINDOW SHADES, which for their durability excel all others- For sale at the Sumter Furniture Wart-rooms. J. E. BL ARES, Agent. Marsh New Advertisements. HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO ADVERTISE SEE THE ADVERTISER'S GAZETTE. Book of 100 pages ; issued Quarterly (new edi? tion just now); contains lists of all the best Newspapers, Daily, Weekly, Religions, Agricul? tural, Political, Social ; also Magazines and all Periodicals devoted to class interests; also esti? mates showing costs of advertising, and hints, incidents and instructions gathered from thc Experience of Successful Advertisers, Mailed to any address for 25 cents. Address GEO. P. ROWELL A CO., Advertising Agents, Publishers, and Deniers in all kinds of printers' .Material, _No. 41 Park Row, Kew York. H. J. SAYERS, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE, F R /TN KLIN, P. A, Buys and sells improved cud unimproved lands anywhere in the United States. ^GENTS WANTED FOR TUE TRANSMISSION OF LIFE. Counsels on the Nature and Hygiene of the Masculine Function. B** Dr. Napheys, author of The Phyiieal Life of Woman." It relates to the male tex ; is full of new facts ; delicate but outspoken, practical and popular; highly en? dorsed; sells rapidly. Sold by subscription only. Exclusive territory. Terms liberal. Price $2. Address for content?. Ac, J. U. FER GUS A CO, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa._ Agents! Read This! T\TK WILL PA Y AGENTS A SALARY Y j of $30 per week an t expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. Address M. WAGN ER A Co., Mar? shall, Mich. WANTED. LOOK HERE Profitable employment furnished every man willing to work in his own neighborhood; (no lazy persons wanted). Profits over 20H per cent Enclose $1 for samples and partic ulars. Sales rapid. JONES A METZGAR, Pittsburg, Pa. A. A. SOLOMONS, Has a Full Stock of DRY GOODS. A. A. SOLOMONS Has a good assortment of Shoos and Hats A. A. SOLOMONS Has everything useful in Hardware. A. A. SOLOMONS Has a full assortment in Pots, Ovens and Tin. Ware. A. A. SOLOMONS Continues to keep his Grocery Room well sup? plied with every thing in that linc. A. A. SOLOMONS Is selling his goods VERY LOW, and selling for CASH ONLY. fall and sec him at tho CORNER MAIN AND LIBERTY STS. May 31 GROCERIES ! GROCERIES! -AT Thos. T. Upslmr's Store, -CORNER^ MA /Xii- REPUBLICASSTREETS SUMTER, S. C? rpi! li UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY I ann..unce* to tho public, thut bc has in store, and will bo constantly receiving, a ljrgu arni vari.'-' assortment of GROCERIES, Suitable far Plantation and Family use. A LIBERAL DISC<>UNTt will be allowed Merchants, und they arc specially invited to call and cxrwrine his Stock, nnd they will lind that his bu.-ino-? facilities cnabte him to supply them with goods AS CHEAP AS THEY C.I.Y BUY THEM ia any Northern or Southern Market. Come and ocular dcuion:tratioti is thc best Highest Market Price paid for Cotton. AND THREE FOURTHS OF THE VALUE CASH, will be udvanced, ou u!l Cotton Shipped to the Holbein Baltimore tor whi.-b he i- ag- nt, and it will he held over if deiiicJ. Dc will muke a speciality of Corn, Bacon and Flour, which he is prepared to furnish in any ?juatittfy Co-torn, rs and Families purchaahg their supplice al my ctabli.-bmeiit. can have them delivered free of thargo, at their re-iden--es within the limits of thc town. ^9" Country Produco taken iu exchange Respectfully, T}1US". T. UPSnUR. Jr. Feb 22 Court of Common Pleas, COUNTY OF SUMTER. Elizabeth X. Bradly, Plaintiff, a ja* ' doha Mchrod Bradley, (?urdan lu'ad try, Mart/ Mtirtny Hrndley, Sn mi" I Bradley, Il'iu ?j //(/-///< s Headley, John X. Frirnvjit ami Edward E. Evans, Defendants. l*uMimiit to an Order of thc t'ourt in thi- ra?e, made at May Term. I-Tl, tho Creditor* of Samuel J. Bradley, deceased, tho testator in the ...?u-e, are herchy no tided to como in before ni- and prove their debts, on or before the I -t day >.: December next, and that in default ot their coming ia to prove their debts by thal time they will be ex ciudod the benefit of the decree mad.- in th? case. <;!.:<>. V. REARDON, Clerk of the Court and Referee. Clerks Office, Sumter, -May ?lit, 1S7I. June 7 tf. For Sale* THE place on which I reside,containing about TWO THOUSAND SEYEN HUNDRED (2,7u0) acres ALSO My plantation on the Santco River, in Clarendon, container TWO THOUSAND TWO HUN? DRED (2,20?) acres. ALSO The tract of about ELEVEN HUNDRED H100) acre?, lying partly in Sumter, partly in Ciar n don. and ten miles South of Sumter C. H. This tract is heavily timbered and well adapted to Turpentine. Either of the above will be ?old as a whole, or divided, if convenient, tv *uit purchaser.*. J NO. ST. rTJKRSON. Statesburg, S. C. May J - J m FOGARTYS BOOK DEPOSITORY. NEW CATALOGUE,No. ll. RAWLINSON'S MANUAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY, from the Earliest Times to tho Fall of the Western Empire.$2.00 Lonormnnt's .Manual of the Ancient History of thc East, to the Commencement of the Median W:;rs, 2 vol?, in 1.5.00 The Rook of Travels of a Doctor of Physic, containing his observations made in cer? tain portion? of the two Continent?.2.00 Thought.* for the Young .Men of America, by L. U. Reavie, St. Louis, Mo.1.50 Spring Comtnedies, by Lody Barker.1.50 Essays ff an Optimist, by John Wm. Kaye, FR. S.1.50 Light and Electricity, hy Jtio. Tynclell.1.25 Constitutional Monarchy in Franco, bj Er? nest Renou.75 Hand-Rook of the Administrations of the United States.1.50 Thc Life and Letters of Hugh Miller, by Peter Bayne, M. A. 2 vols.4.00 Friends in Connell, a Series of Readings and Discourse thereon, by Arthur Helps, a new edition, complete ?3 2 vols.4.00 Dy the same author-Realmah, a Story.2.U0 Casimir Maremond a Novel.2.00 Companions of my Solitude. 1.50 Essays Written in the Intervals of Business..!. 50 Bravia, Short Essays aud Aphorisms.1.50 The Witness of History to Christ, being the Ilulseao Lecture lor 1S7?), by Rev. F. W. Farrar.1.50 Self-Renunciation, from the French, with an Introduction by Rev. T. T. Carter, M. A.3.00 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thom? as Chalmers, D. D., LL. D., by his Son in Law, Rev. Wm. Hanna, LL. D., the English Edition, 4 vols. Svo.7.50 The Bayard Series, Choice Books, comprising Essays in Mosaic, by Ballantyne; Saint Louis. King of France, hy De J.?inville; Religio Medeci : Urn Burial, Ac ,by Sir Themas Browne; The Kingand the Com? mons: Cavalier and Puritan Song: Let? ters, Sentences ?nd Maxims, by Lord Chesterfield; with a Critical Essay by Sainte Bauvr: Rasselas, by Doctor John? son; neatly bound in flex-cloth, gilt: price per vol ;.1.25 Common Place Books, embracing Book of Authors; Law and Lawyers: Invention and Discovery: Art and Artists; Clergy? men Doc'ors; Omens aud Superstitions: richly buuud, cloth and gold; price of each vol.1.00 Carlyle's Works, Peoples Edition, small crown, 8vo. Sarton Rcastus.90 Thc French Revolution, vol. 1. .90 A Memoir of Charlo) Mayne Young Trage? dian with extracts from Iiis son's Jour? nal, hy Julian Charles Young, A" M., Rector of Ilmington, with portraits.2.25 Common Sense in the Household,a Manual of Practical Hausewitery, by Marion Harland.-.1.75 Thc Young Housewife's Counsellor and Friend Including the Duties of Wife and Mother, by Mrs. Mary Mason.2.00 Tho Religion of thc Present and A thc Fu? ture, Sermons Preached Chiefly at Yale College, by Theodore D. Woolscy.2.00 Thc Life uf John Milton, Narrated in Con? nection with the Political, Ecclesiastical and Literary History of his time, by David Masson, M. A. LL. D., vol. 2. 16.1S-loci.4.50 Wonders of European Art, by Louis Viardot, illustrated."....1.50 On a Fresh Revision of tho English New Testament, by J. B. Lightfoot.2.00 Tho Parchas Judgment, a Letter of Ac? knowledgement to the Right Honorable ?Sir J. T. Coleridge, by H. P. Liddon, D. D. D. C. L., together with a Letter to the Writer by Dr. Posey.25 Evidences of Natural and Revealed Theolo? gy, by Charles E. Lord.3.50 Jurisdiction and Mission of the Anglican Episcopate, by tho Rev. T. J. Bailey B. A.1.00 A NJw Volume <>f Sunday Echoes in Week day Hours, a Tale Illustrative of tho Journeying* of thc Children of I?real,by Mr*. Carey Brock.1.50 FAttlXY AND POCKET BIBLES. tVE HAVE RECENTLY MADE LARGE ADDITIONS to our stock of BIBLES. Thc prices ure greatly reduced. We .ire now offering an unusual large variety of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FAMILY BIBLES, POCKET BI RLKS, t.nd the EPISCOPAL PRAYER BOOK, at extremely low prices. T-ii" Persons residing in tho country will please lear in mind that by sending their orders to us for any books published rn America, they will be charged only the price of tho book. Wc pay for the Postage or express. Address FOG ARTI K'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. No. 2'-.0 KIN? STREET, (IN THE BEND), CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. April 5_ DOORS, SASHES. BLINDS, &C. P. P. T o a 1 c , Manufacturer awl Dealer. No. 2" Heyne Street and Horibeck's Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. ..?V This i-the largest and most complete Factory tb? kind in tho Southern States, and all articles tn hts lino run be furnished by Mr. P. P. io A iK at priced that defy competition. ti'" A pamphlet, with full and detailed list of all !.?...???! D-iors, Sashes and Blinds, end the juices ..f will bc sent free and post paid, on applicative to P. P. TO A LH? CHARLESTON, S. C. .Tit'v ?2 ly ! "ll. XJ IVE B E5 \ L L yf A LITIES , -AT THE W LIIBEB MD, Near the Sumter Depot. \\r i: b iviug so lrity of these t?reat Eye Preservers consista io the cai-? ful Mathematical Accuracy I in the construction of the Lenses, lioin/j maim facture?! of the Best White Flint (?lass. Ibo exact Shape ol'the Eye, thu? obviating all tlliutuiering und ?Vavering of ibc Sight, Dizziness, nod all the other Train of Evils produced Ly tit.: uso ol inferior spcetarles. Every ?lie whore sight is failing unlerstnnds its value. By baying imperfect spectnele* you help to dcitmv if. Rl'y TH F HKS! ! Itu y tim Srhttj??utusctt Spectacles nun pfscrr* the /.J*/'.s-which arc prieewss. j FOR ::ALE BY ( . T. MASON, Vine-'- Wat? u maket ? Jcrckr. Miller's Safe and Iron Works ESTABLISHED IN 1857. MILLER'S BALTIMORE MADE SAFE tbe best now in usc-wai muted free Irom rust, dampness oe decay. Fire-Proof Merchants' Safes? WELDED STEEL AND IKON Burglar-Proof Bank Safes. FIRST CLASS Key and Combination Lock. Bank Vaults and Doors. Sales Room 265 Baltimore St. FA C T O R V- Sanare bound, d by Henrietta, Claret, Fremont and Warner Streets. SEND FOR ILLUTRATED CATALOGUE. OVER 12,000 AV USE. TESTED IX 200 FIRES. NEAR REFENCES: Fraser, Ifaynsworths A Cooper, Hoyt A Folsom, Sumter, S. C. Worth A Worth, Wilmington, No. Ca. John Agnew A Son, Co'umlia, S. C. National Bauk of Chester, S. C. Smith A Melton, Chester, S. C. OOO IN BALTIMORE. OVER 12,000 SAFES IN USE. TESTED ty 200 FIRES. FIRST CLASS GOODS, AT LOW PRICES. _Ju'y2G ly__ HOYT & FOLSOM, WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS, M A IX STREET, SUMTER, S. C. \VT E. the undersigned, baring fot med a c*? ty partnership, <>n thc 5th June. |S"|, under the name end ??lyle of HOYT .k FOLSOM. would rer|>vctfaliy ?uniunco '<> tho public ??f Snniter, aad the adjoining counties that we ?ire u> w pt* . pared to ex?cute all wuk entrusted to aa with promptness, and in a workmanlike UM III> ... OUR STOCK will embrace thc latest Styles o? JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLE?, &c. LADIES* AND GENTLEMEN'S WATCHES. All of which will be .?old at C?o '??est ca>b prices. OLIVER HOYT, F. lt. FOLSOM. At ITovfs OW Stand Main Street. Jt**tM'he genuine DI I MOX H SPECTACLES, manufactured by J. K. SPENCER 1 CO., New Y">rk. always "D hand. PRICKS OF THE ii & CABINET ORGANS. I Four ? I The -ame. Doolie Recd. ... ; r'ivc'Oetate Organ?, aub Tremulant. I Carr-d ?nd '?rnnmrntcd . !"' j Thc.-?ni?. I? .ai.;.. Kv-I. with Five St -\ . 12 j Fusty Other Styles, ap. !.*???. i " "_ All in . i.? nov greater than ever before, ut ev. ry competen judge ?he ??il ? artfully ?-xatnine and Coinpar? must perceive. Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. Ware roo ms, ;>ii6 HroadwRy, NEW YORK. For; :.; Wilmington N C. hy P. HEINS?KRGER. \??ril 121ST1. Charleston Broom Factory. J. l\ BROWNE. Ageist. ALS.O AGENT FOR Safety Lamp. P ER K I NS A H 0 t* SES* NONEXPLOSIVE KEROSENE LAMP I: .buolutvly yafe both from and Expto sioo. Gives (?rico as much light as ?rdinar; Latnp*.?nd n.-?? 3$ per c* nt. los OiL tiiv?..>-: o-) oder, :md lasts a lifetime. For Kaie by J. P. BROWNE, 136 Me'filly st., and .A Hf Mid S*r") t'hailrslnr, S. C. Agent for State ut Sooth Carolina. ORKEN A WALSH Agents for Sumter, S. A i ril ft Rm ASPK'-IUTTY, FLOUK SACKS, PA PEI LACS and WRAPPING PAP*:*. At EHWARIi PERRY***. 119 opp- ;rc Cl.?rlestoo ll- 'c VSIAI A. .UiUGL?. "'S"---v ? - - rf ^ FRESH ANT) IT!:E DR irr; s, M R I> ??; 3 XKS . CHEW ILS. PERFMIERY Sc. &o. .J A rrj rs ox HA xi>. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUfvCED WITH CAP.:. AT ALL HOLLS. Mardi 8 TH? FIR31 OF RUELL & ?mi DrlSPECTFULLY [NFOHM TUKUL Friend? and the public, that they ?iro constantly receiving DRUG- S -AND Medicines, Of the Best Quality, an?] ?Il Articlvi usually fuundiu a I ?rag S:or\ Thc bu;ioc?3 of J^c ^IZenirr. couprisin;; PJutnnfcj ti>i ??rio?< t? hs.? s: ? < ; rx;. rx:.w . EIGHTEEN FEARS: ?a the ciurnioal c. ur. lion of Mvii.iue*. ?'r- rnpt :njil ew ful Bttenti'-n ? i'" . ; Rive" ' . Prescriptions, and Medi?is!?-" for . ' . . . be Tvli'-'l va as pur-: nu J ot the ?joaJity. DRUG STORE, CORNER Main and Republican Streets. Feb 22 t: CLOTHING, CLOTH S, &C . Spring Stock. I). J. WINN. Agent, X >w has'in Store a Lar.-1 and Careful? ly selected St ? ck of Spring and Summer Goods, WHICH HE GUARANTEES AS REPKE SENTED, SUCH AS CLOTHING-Fice. Me?'a? *t? :.*..< -no?. Cl 'th* nn-l Casjixcres, Fiic Lot Tweed*, Brown Linen?, Shirty, l>r.iw?'r.-, Cnderve?t*?, ??I .vcs an.1 Crarai*. Sn-pcridcr*, Collar*, Sock*, Hankcrehiefa, .tc-, which ?ic pledges himself :. .- ?". ;.,-r : ; ca-h. April 2fi J?RS?ARES. SUMTER FL*!?X!T?T;:E -AX?> Chair Ware-Rocms. J?' A TiiEsiriLscRinEi: INKOHVS HIS ? I .i-U't." :iP.i l*'l l . . li I and w... ? ?nein?. . t?> rccw .VA*ir.:.v/> ..//AM." /.'? .': v. r.' .'.v Hi- St-i;;|v ? ot" a'tii'.-*<.. t . line, ii.-.: SOFAS. sir?E BOA?, :. " Wardrobes Kxtcnti ni: RnrcHn?. v? Sta? I . .-iirinx ?ti i R *-kinr < "'. l rsl--. ? r. dles.1 ."?a ' ? ' ?. - - !:<-' . uno Mattrjrv. ?. .MST ttKCr'eVK!) I S'.nw :n >re?. .> . ri!EA!' ?-'??TT-.*?":* ' Meat s. Wi- ? .. >1 . ' ' Fapcrt::;; ti! io* : ' <"A?!i. J. E. Snares. j Mri., St,-.'. >?,> '? A , . j Eni wnre tr? ::i Sta:: . '* KfRNlTt'Rr ' ' \ NO. iGROCEISiKN. THE ??SLY M ' : !.V Uroccry ;?;?1 Li WK?.l. SK?.M? "S lit? ST4K-L "! Heavy and Fane v GiGCcrics Wfai '. i.? oiStfslow f-i CASH ?NI.V. '?.Ct- MI -nf . :. ' .? '. : Tir {?ose Mv ! Ulai I. ,. . ' .?.. ... !i ?11 i ^ ir ::!:.;: H t I .Vpn: 13 '? J. E. ADGE2 & CO , iV?lsrK?c> ?r ;M i . ? . ? HARD Vf A EE, Lo ; Li-riV, 'JJ. Z'.t ..! T.i ? AN:? A^riciilliiraS is.:;: .. it . .1. E. Adjrrr, A. >! 1?. I'.-own. '? {.: . V.-u- . --.. E. I?. I:-- '-... ; .T \ I ;. ? ?11 \! . ? rt: ...... !.. \. >*>?*'. { 1,1.,