The Sumter Watchman, AVE PX ESPA Y? MARCH 29. W. Y. PAXTON ? ? BUSINESS MANA8ER Jv JIT EH HAIL A RH AS GE il EM TS CHANG K OF SCHEDULE, CLOSES. orin. Northern, 3:15 P. M. MAI P. If. Bootherb, 11:30 P. M. 4:2< P. M. Manning, on Mon day and Thursday, 6:00 A. M. 6:00 P. H. Bitb'ville on Mun? day and Thursday, 1:00 P. M. 11:80 A. M. Office Hours, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to ? P. M. Mails close on Scndays at ll o'clock, A. If. Office open from s.'iO to 3:30 P. M. T. B. JOHNSON, P. M. January 25th, 1S71. tr ?Sf The adrertisemeot of Messrs. AD.UAK A VOLLE RH, of Wilmington, is worth tbs at tention of Merchants and others. The aiolno Cotton Seeds The adrertisemeot of Mr. J. P. SHITS, ia this issue, is'worthy the attention of oar planters. The original letter of Mr. Bunker, from, which an extract is pc bl it bei, is in our possession, and may be seen by those wishing to refer to it. Fire Loee Paid. The Ki eb mond Banking and Insurance Com? pany, through the Agent, Mr. A. WHITE, at Sumter, recently paid to Mr. JOSEPH GALLCCHAT, Jr., the sum of $-100, amount of loss from the barning of a. email dwelling at ?fanning. The Spring Opens beautifully. It has been, ss far, one of the mildest of many years. On many farms in this region corn is up and growing ?nely. Gardens are progressing with promise, and should lhere be no ki:fieg frosts or icy winds in storo for os, lhere will be sn abundance of fruit. Msy heaven grant tu a. rieb harrest this year to gladden the beans and re rive the spirits of our oppressed and despondent people. A* A* Setoaaotsa. In a well written and handsomely displayed advertisement, our friend, A. A. SOL WOKS, tells our readers the trite but nevertheless important truth, that "money saved is money made," and that bis Store is the plaee where this deeideratum may find its consummation. He knows of that of which he speaks, and derives bis knowledge from well matured experience, and we advise our feeders to profit by it. Joseph Gallucbat, *?***> The card in our columns to-day will inform onr readers, and we take pleasure in noticing the fact, that JOSEPH GALLCCHM", Esq., bas become a citisen of Sumter, and will in future engage in the practice of the law from bis office at this place. We welcome bim to our midst, in tbe bope that tbe chung* from Manning to Sumter may prove both pleasant and profitable to bim. An Editorial ''Dream"-?iood for High ! Some unfortunate wight of tbe quill editorial, rumi neting, probably, over bis pinching necessi? ties and his long list of delinquent subscribers, falls asleep and dreams a dream, and bereit is. We had a dream tbe other night, When .?verything was still ; We dreamed that each subscriber Came up and paid his bill ; Each wore a look of honesty. And smiles were round each eye, At they handed over the stamps They yelled, "How's that for high? Sc coud Quarterly Me ed nz. Religious services in rocnexion with the Se? cond Quarterly Conference of Sumter Station, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, will com menee tbis (Wcduesday) evening, and be con tinued during the remainder of the week. The Presiding Elder, Rev. W. H. Fi.ei IMO. will be in attendance, sod, in connexion w tb the pastor of the Church, Rev. II A. C. WALKER, will conduct tho meeting. We trust much good may result from tbi? meeting-to our cliiistian com? munity at large, as well as to the particular branch of the church directly inter? ited. Fire. Just at the hour for the commencement of publie worship in oar Churches, on Sunday even? ing last, the cry of fire sounded through our streets with s ts riling impetuosity. The congre? gations which bad assembled were summarily dismissed, and the people posred into the streets. The fire was soon discovered to be in a stable on the rear of premises owned by Mr. J OLIOS SCHWEII;*. The building was an old wooden one of some site, which was rapidly consumed. Through the ellbrts of our firemen and eititens it d'rd not spread furl her, A mich ap to the **Ecgle," by which her "Suction" was damaged, rendered ber inefficient for the eveuieg. Th* "Wide Awake," colored Company, did good ser Tic*-th* laen working with a will-which we are pleaded to record. A ncr Suction for tbe "Eagle," we learn, is now ea route for Sumter. Extra Coan. The extra term of tb* Court, on tbe civil side, Tor Sumter, began its sittings on Monday last, Judge JOH? T. GREEK presiding. Under bis dispatch of business, the eld nasty docket is being cleared of its ace emulated rubbish. From tbis rubbish, too, under a recent decis? ion of the Supreme Court of this State, declar? ing their legality, was resurrected a pile of negro bonds-or obligations given fer tb* purchase of negro property. The announcement that judg? ment in these cases should be entered up, with? but argument or plea, came like a thunder clap. Tb* publie taind bad generally settled down under the impression that this class of old debts was dead ; and especially was it belie red that no aetion or decision contrary thereto would come from the cxislingjodieial authorities in this State, representing, as they do, a party, whose soul and life has Seen derived from the obliteration and otter annihilation of every remaining vestige of slavery, either in its principles or practices, or tangible form. . Jf* cannot but deprecate this addition to the terrible load of financial difficulty ender which tb* people now groan. Eaten op with taxes, pressed ?nd behind with obligations for eg; teal? taral an i domestic) ?applies, distress end min staring tbe country in the face, it wat to have been bo DEALERS or WINES. LIQUORS, SEGAHS TOBACCO, ic. SSS E?8T RA Y, CHARLESTON, 8. C. faM ?. Bring the Cash -AND SAVE MR PEELINGS ! The undersigned begs le?ve to return his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed Upon him, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Will keep constantly on hand a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Drugs, MEDICINES, &c?, &c, which he will sell at a VERY SMALL PROFIT FOR CASH. He is compelled to make his business STRICTLY CASH, and hopes one and all will SAVE THEIR FEELINGS AND NOT ASK FOR CREDIT. DR. A. J. CHINA, Successor to A. ANDERSON & CO., SUMTER, S C. Jan 4, 1871. tf FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING CASSIMERES, &c. I am now receiving a Large and Complete Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. C??0riIS. CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, Kentuckey Jeans, of low grade? and Terr cbeap. Shirt!, Drawer*. L'ndervests, Gloves and Crarati, Suspender?, Collara, Socks, . Hankerchi) fs, ?c., ALSO A FULL SUPPLY ASD VARIETY? XX .A. "X" S . Thew Goods I sm determined to sell lower than they esn be taught in this market. Dent? ing in tbi J line alone, I am enabled to do this. I only ask my old friends to esl! and examine, and if they do not Su J my goods cheaper, I will not expect them to buy. D/J. WINN, Agent. Sept 28 HARDWARE Store,: Maii-st nuder Sumter Hotel. L. P. LO RING, -AQKST FOR Messrs. King & Huppman, BALTIMORE, SI. D. Would respectfully solicit the patronage of his friends sad th? public. BE BAS IN STORE A COMPLETE Stock of Hardware and Family Utensils, imbraciog ?rory article In this lin? of business, which he intends to sell at th? LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH. 9? will keep always io ?tor?, a complete assort. ?Mt of Collin's Axss, Ames'Shorels sad Spade?, Trace Chains, Hoe?, Rakes, Pitch Fork?, Grain Cradles, Seythe Blades, Guano Stives, Pocket sad Tat!? Cutlery, * Brass Preserving Kettles, Ti? War?, Window Gists-all lites. Person? in ?ant of the asoat convenient and too oom ?eal Stoves, ean be supplied with the tatest improved paitcrns at pri?e* which cannot WI te ?ive entire satisfaction. Jan? IS AT TH E Sumter Book Store. LETTER PAPER, 10 ??nts. per quire. Feels Caa paper, IA reata per quire. Blank Books end Disrie* for 1871. Almanacs Writing Desks sad Work Boxes. Hair Di SJ bee and Toot) Brushes. Oesske and Paney Artistas. A lara* lot ?f Miscellaneous Books, ? And Cbeap Besets, etredaoed r? te?. JanlS_A. WBITB A CO. For Sale or Best ATRACT OP LAND near, la Sumter County, eontaio Sog 238 aere?la tely trwned by C. C. Jackson, sad purchased by Uni from Edward L. Murray and Wire, Terms sesees taiamtlsg. Apply t* R Wards ea ? SOB, si Sumter, g. C. - G. WV. WITTEL. MW GROCERIES ! GROCERIES! -AT Thos. P, Upshur's Store, -CORNER MAIN& REPUBLICAN STREETS SUMTER, S. C. TUE UNDERS?GNBD RESPECTFULLY announce* to tb? public, tbat be has in Store, and will be constantly receiving; a lsrge and varied assortment of GROCERIES, Suitalle for Plantation and Fatniby nee. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT will be allowed Merchants, and they are specially invited to call and exatrine bis Stock, and they will find that bis business facilities enable bia to supply them with goods AS CHEAP AS THEY CAN BUT THEM in any Northern or Southern Market. Come and see for yourselves, an ocular demonstration is the best. Highest Market Price paid for Cotton. AND TUREE FOURTHS OF THE VALUE CASH, will be advanced, on ail Cotton Shipped to the House in Baltimore for which be is agent, and it will be held over if desired. He will mako a speciality of Corn, Bacon and Flour, which he is prepared to furnish In any quantity ?&- Country Produce taken ia exchange Respectfully, THOS. P. UPSHUR, Ja. Feb 23_ THE FIRM OF mn & RESPECTFULLY INFORM THEIR Friends and the public, that they are constantly receiving -AND Medicines. Of the Best Quality, and all Articles usually found in a Ding Store. The business of the House, comprising Pliarmacy and Prescription Stand, will be under the special charge of Major J. B. RUSSELL who brings to his aid an experience of EIGHTEEN YEARS in the chemical combina-, tion of Medieines. Prompt and careful attention will be given to Prescriptions, and Medicines for tbs same can be relied on as pure and oftbebest quality. DRUG STORE, CORNER OF Main arid Republican Streets. Feb 22_tf_ MISS E. D. BRITTON WOULD RESPECTFULLY INtlYB ber friends, and particularly the ladies of Sumter and nity to call and examine Her Rich and BeautiM Stock -OF Fall Millinery and Fancy Goods. Having rel et: ted her goods personally, and with greet rare, in the New York and Baltimore markrts, she feels confident of pleasing all, both as regards quality, strle and price. As usual, there are manv novelties for tbe season. MISS BRITTON is supplied with a FIRST CLASS MILLINER end a DRESS MAKER, from Baltimore, who are well qualified for the business. Tbe fashions procured io New York. Ladies, call and have your Dresses and Hats made in the latest sty his. Pap^r patterns nf Dresses, Sscqnes and other articles ot' dress may be had. At the Kew Store next to J. T. SOLOMONS ?ept 28 Greenyilie and ( olumbia Rail Road. COLUMBIA, ?. C., MARCH 1,1871. ?fi? On and after this date, the following Schedule will be rnn daily, Sundays excepted, connecting wi'b Night Trains on South Carolina Railroad up and down: also with Trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railrosd : UP. Leave (Vumbia ut. 7 00 a. m. " A luton. 8.10 s. m. " Newberry?. ll 15 a. m. " Cokesbury. 3.00 p. m. " Belton. 5.00 p. m. Arrive at Greenville. 6.30 p. m. DOWN. Leave Gr :enville at.M. 6 15 a. m. <. Belton.m.8 15 s. m. " Cokesbury.19.07 a. m. ?. Abbeville. 8 15 a. m. " Newberry...,. 1.50 p. ic. " Alsvin......... 4 05 p. ss. Arrirf at Columbia.M 5 55 p. m. M. T. BARTLETT. General Ticket Agent. Hi ?Bi RT BROUN, Architect, County Snsveyor, -AND Mechanical JEngineer, WILL ATTEND TO ANY BUSINESS En? trusted to him with accuracy and dispatch. Refers to FOES OR FRIENDS. Address, Manchester, S. C. Oct. 79._ VALENTINES! ALL STYLES. Would eal! special attention to the LABQEST and BEST stock of OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. Lamp Fixings, As Burners, Rims, Wicks, Chimneys, Shades Ac, in great variety always on band. Hew Safety Burner. Call ead examina it CANDIES from 29 cc ts to 91 2* per pound. FRUIT-aR- kinds. FANCY GROCERIES AND FAMILY SUP? PLIES. J. BT, SP?HST, Agent. AT DARGAN'S LATS ST ASP. Tah? /*.. g? ' I p.* New Advertisements. WATCHES. The extensive use of these watches for the laat fifteen yeera by Railway Conductors, Engineers and Expressmen, the most exacting of watc i wearere, bu thoroughly demonstrated toe strength, steadiness, durability and accuracy of the Waltham Watch. To satisfy that class in alf these respects, ls to decide the question as to Un? real value of these time-keepers. More than 500,000 of these watches are how speaking for themselves in the pockets of the people-a proof atid a guarantee of their superi? ority over all others. The superior organization and great extent of the Company's Works at Waltham, enables them to produce watches at a price which renders competition futile, and 'hose who buy any other Watch merely pay from 25 to 50 per cent more for their watches than is uccessaay. These time-pieces combine every improvement that a ; : . nee has proved of real prac? tical use. Having had tLe refusal of nearly every invention in watch making originated in this country or in Europe, only those were finr.lly adopted which severe testing by the most s til full artisans in our works, and long use on the part of the public, demonstrated to be essential to correct and enduring time-kceplng. Among the many improvements we would tar ticularizo: The invention and use of a centro piniot: of peculiar construction, to prevent damage to the train by the breakage of main-springs, ls original with the American Watch Company, who,having had the refusal of all other contrivances, adopted Fogg's patent pinion as being the best and fault? less. Hardened and tempered hair springs, now universally admitted by Watchmakers to be the best, are used in all grades of Waltham Watch? es. All Waltham Watches hare dust proof caps, protecting the movement from dust, and leaser ing tte necessary of the frequent cleaning necei: ary in other Watches. Our new patent stem winder, or keyless w.-,tch is already a decided success, and a great im? provement on any stem winding watch in the American market, and by far thc cheapest watch of ita quality now offered to the publie. To those living in portions of tho United States where watchmahcts do not abound, watches with the above mentioned improvemanta which tend to ensure accuracy, cleanliness, durability and con sentence, must prove invaluable. The trade" arks of the various styles made hy? the Company are ss follows : AMERICAS WATCH Co.. Waltham, Mari: AMS. WATCH Co., Waltham, Mass. AMEBICAM WATCH Co., Crescent St., Waltham. Mass. APPLETOS, TRACT A Co., Waltham, Mass, AMERICA* WATCH CO., Adams St., Waltham, Mass. WALTHAM WATCH,CO., Waltham, Mass. P. 8. BARTLETT, Waltham Mass. WM. ELLEKT, Waltham, Mass. HOME WATCH CO., Boston, Mass. Examine the spelting of these oararrs carefully before buying. Any variation even of a single letter, indicates a counterfeit. For sale by all lea Jing jewelers. No watches? retailed by tbe Company. An illustrated history of Watch-making, con? taining much useful information to watch-wearers sent to tny address on application. HOBBINS dc APPLETON, General Asienta for American Watch Co., 182 Broadway, N-w York. FOR Hand and Machine Sewing. J & 3P~C0ATS' SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. FOR SALE BY All Dealers in Dry Gooda and Notions. DR. S. S. FITCH'S FAMILY PIIYSYCIAX 90 pages ; sent by mail free. Teaehe? how to eure all diseases of the person, skin, hair eyes, complexion. Write to 714 I.roadway, N, Y A Great Offer . tSt Broadway N.Y., rill dispoaeofOne Hundred PIANOS. MKLOORO**. and ORGANS of ?ix first-class makers, including Water*', at EXTRKMRLT LOW THICKS, FOR CA^H. DURISO THIS MONTO, or will take a part ca.-h abd balancein monthly or quarterly ir>g a'lmen'<. BLOOMINGTON (ILL) NURSERY. 19th Year. r>00 Acres. 13 Greenhouse!*. Largest A?sortment-all sizes. Best Stock ! Low Prices ! Would you know What. When, How to Plant! Fruit, Shade, Evergreen Tree?, Root Grails, Seedlings, Osage Plants, Apple Seed, Early Kose Potatoes, Shrubs, Roses. Greenhouse and Hardin Plants, dre, A. Flower and Vegetable Seed.? ! F-nest, Best collection-Sortsand quality. Send 10 cents for New, Illustrated. Descriptive Cata? logue-90 pages. Send stamp, each, S-r Cata logues of Seeds, with plain directions- 64 pages: Bedding and Gerden Plants-32 pages, and Wholesale Price List-24 pages. Address F. K PI1OXIX, Bloomington, Illinois. _ A_ B? FARQUHAR, Proprietor of Ptnmyivaaia Agricultural Works, Manufacturer of Improved [YORK, P:tss*A. STEEL PLOWS, SHOVEL PLOW BLADES. CULTIVATORS, HORSE-POWEns, IYRSKII IMC MACUIXK*, Ac. Ac Seas lor Iterated Calogee. FOR 1$ PER LIKE. We will iuscr! an advt rti>ctne?t ONE MONTH lu Ten First Class South Carolina Newspapers, Including Oue Daily. We re'er to the publisher of this paper, t? whom our responsibility is woll known. LIST SE XT FREE. Address GEO. P. HOWELL A CO., Advertising Agents, Nos. 40 A 41 Park Row, New York. 5T?$i? PER DAY ?3 AGI S who engage in our new boniness make fiona $3 to $10 per day in their own localities. Full particulars and instructions sent free by mail. Those in need of permanent, profitable work should address at onee, G KOKS E STIXSON A CO.. Portland. Maine. EMPLOYMENT for ALL ?ftA MlARl FER WEEK ANA yHJv expenses, paid Agents, to sell our uew and useful discoveries. Address B. SWEET A Co., Marshall Mich. _ UPLOYMKN Less for ..ll.-Be.-t Ii. dustri . 50 ets. per ycor. Sen TEM STAR. Boston, Masa. SADLER BROS., Manufacturers of Cheap Jewelry. Circular set : free. So. Aultboro, Mass._ IftOfi USE THE "VEGETABLE 1Q??/, JLOeCO Pulmonary Balsam." 1?IU The old standard retacar for C-ughs, Cold?, Cou sumption. n?*dnmf better." CUTLER LI.OS. A Co., Boston. PSTCHOMANCY-Any lady or gentleman ena make $1,000 e month, sec H re their ovn happiness and independence, by obtaining PSY CHOMANCY, FASCINATION, or SOUL CHARMING. 400 pages; cloth. Pull lasirae tioas to ase ibis power over mea er anion's at will, how to Mettneris*, become Trance or Wri? iag Mediums, Divination,Spiritualism, Alchemy. Philoiepy of Ornees and Dreams, Brigham Young's Harem, Gui le le Marriage, Ae* ali con tained in this hook ; 190,000 sold ; price by mail, in cloth $U*. paper covers $L Any person willing ta net se agent witt receive a sample copy o7 the work f;ee. Aa eo capkal is fra aired, all desirous of gt ?reel employment should send for the boo*, enclosing 10 eta. for no-iage, to T. Vf. KY?&tVC3,MSt*thcih St, Pbilad?3ijiu % & g ^ 't* ss ls ? TOTHK WfEKIXO CLASS.-^?q arc now prepared to fun all cla.-sca with C-nstaut employment at borne, the whole of the time or for the .?|>arc Momenta. Business n?:w, light, and pr?^tal>le. Fcreona of ei-hcr sex easily carn (rom 50c. to th per evening, and a proportional sum hy ??cvt.t?i JJ their whole time lo ttio bu.-irci-s. B?ys and gill.? carn nearly ns muih ns men. That nil who se? ?hi.? notice tn:iy seed their ad? dress, nn?l test the business, we make 'he un paralleled "ffrr : To such as are not well satis? fied, we will scud S ! to i ay for Il e livable of writing. Ku!! particulars, a valuable sample which will do to c.-nnncnee work on, ?nd a copy of The Penjrle't Literary Comp"H ion-otic ol thc largest ar.d bo?t family newspapers ever pul. ?shed -ail sent free by Reader, if yo? want permanent, pr? fi'ab'c work, address E. C. ALLEN. A CO.. Acersra. V.A-.SZ. AVOID QUACKS -A victim -?f carly cretion. causing n*.Troondcbi?i'.y. prca .-iture decay. Ac, hav ing tiio.t in vain cv? ry advertised remedy, bas a simple mea na of seif cur?", whick ho will send free tn his fellow soffercr*. Ad? dress J. II. TtTTTLF. 7S Nassau St- Kew Fork. li EA T MEDICAL B<7oK~"au?r i- H K N C11 SECRETS f i Ladies and Oents. Sent ?Vee f??r 2 stamps. Dr. Bonaparte .t Co.. Cm cinrati. 0_ SPRING AND IMPORTATION, 187a. RIBBONE Millinery and Straw Goods ARMiTRONsTcATGR & CO., IMPonTf.ltS AND JoBBSKS or 3onnef. Tomming and Velvet Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Satins an?l Velvets, Bb.m's, Netts, (.'rapes. Ruches, Hovers. Fva:licrs, OmauccTS. Straw Connels and Ladies* Half-Trim? med an?l Ul tri tn med, Shaker Hoods, Ac. 2:i: and239 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Offer tho largest Sto?k to he fisted in this country. nn?l unequalled ir choice variety and cheapness, comprising thc lancet European Nov? elties. Orders solicited ana" prompt attention given. .Marci. 1 _ .OTSUARES, SUMTER FURNITURE -AND Chair Ware-Rooms. THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS ' Friends and Customers that he bas received and trill continue to receive XEWAXD CU KAP F CR XI TC HE, TO SUIT THE TIMES. His St^ck consists of almost every article in that linc, viz: SOFAS, SIDE-BOARDS, BOOK-CASES, Wardrobes. Extention Tables, Bureaus. Wnsh-Stands, Sitting and Roy-king Chairs, of ecery kind Cribs. Cradles,Truudlea Cottage Bedsteads and Mattresses. JUST RECEIVED Some more of those CHEAP COTTAGE SETS. Meat Safes. Window Sha les and Wall Papering-all low for CASH. J. E. Suares, jf?t?t Street, opposite Express Oftcc Entrance from Stair Cs?eon Hein Street to FURNITURE ROOMS. F. HAITOH FOLSOM, I pvc? % s mm1 : Watchmaker and Jewailer. SUMTE?. S C. Calls thc attention of t!.c public t-. b:s : -s< rt rn? tit of Waches, Ckcks. Jewelry, Sj tack*, and a Fine Article, f Si I VER PL ITF.D WARE. Bridal Preses**, Ac. Personspurchnwng id kim ran roi :.--?;r? d ol gettingarttcli* a- repre????ed All w.-.k ii. my line ne ttly r paired an 1 guaranteed. Removed to the Store recent!;, itervptt I hy Express C-vipn.-y O t :?_ M AMIOOIJ. HOW J.O.-T, HOW R?CSTORKI?. Just pub?she >, a t.t-n rdiii?n of Dr. C F LV WELL'S CELEBRAI ED ESSAY on -I.?..' mfr (v i?h- ut niciiciiit ) ??f SpK**AT"U? i;o:\ or seminal Wea' ness, ftirolnntary S?n i. al Las??*, mPuiKXCY. Mental and l*hys>w?| [nea] netty/, In pedimcnts to Marriage, etc .- a!.-o. Cossen Pi los, EMUSPSY, ami FITS, induced by eJf-iedn??eaica .>r ieaua1 JB*S~PrK?, in a seal. .1 c?tv-d? pe, rrdy 6 cents TheOtt* bruted a-iti.or. in this admirable essay., clearly demonstrates. fi?ructi?-e. that ita? ala-ini.'g c> ti-eijiunn-S ..f self ?l:use may bc rad ie? Hy cared without ile dangerous u-e of internal Medicine or thc appli? cation of ike k?ifn; painting out a mods of ci.rc at on.-c simple, certain, nod rSccleal. by, mean of which every lett 1er, no s .?:ter w'.:.t !,i- ( >> . ditton may be, may cut e himselfcheaply, private ly. nn?l i ?td?cntl??. iii. This Lei:ere sfcoeld be in thc '. :.*;.'$ every youth :?nd every maa in ft?faed. Sent, nedor seal, in a plain cn\c'.-'|>c, los eddrese, ju,*t^.i* Dee. 21 _]S_ COTTON SEED, FOR PLANUNG. QA BUSHELS PURE DICKSON. ?V,/ ?< S.'?? per ba.-hcL T~ Bushel? Boyd Prvlif-c. O -?" i'-'" per J.u?h-?. Inquire of L. P. L'Ml E-.p. M?m;