The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, March 08, 1871, Image 4

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THE BI KD THAT SUNG IN MAY . -co:: A bird Inst spring came to my window sbutt Otto lovely momio* 'he bro ile of day ; Aud trum his tittle throat did sweetly otter A must melodious lay. Be bad no language for his joyous pa.-siun. So solemn measure, no arti>tio rhyme; Yet wo devoted minstrel e'er cud fu.-htnti Such perfect tone and time. It seemed of thousand joy? a tliou?and stories, All gushiug f .nh in one tumultuous tide ! A hallelujah for the morning glories . . -I li ?it bluouud on every side, And with each ca tide's voluptuous ending, He Mpp-d a ?dew drop from the dripping pat Then heavenward his little bill extending, Broke forth ie song agaiu. i ? ! I thought to emulate his wild emotion, And learn tbaak.-giving from bis tonel i tongue; f But human heart ne'er uttered such devotion, L Nur hyman lips such sung. At length be flew and left me in my sorrow. Lest I ihuuM hear those tender notes no mor I And though I carly waked for him each murro Ho rame not nigh my door. But once rgain, one silent Stimmer even, I mci him hupping in thc new tuowu bay; Bul he eras unite, awi looked not up to beaven The bird that sung in May Though now I hear from dawn to twilicht bo The bowne woodpecker and the noisy jay, - In ?jin I Mek through leafless grove and bow C The bird that sung in May. And such, methinks, arc childhood's dawcir pleasures. They charm a moment and then fly away ; ?hrvugh life wc sigh and reek those missit treasures. 'J be birds that sung in May. ? Tlif? little lesson, then, nay friend, rcmccber, To seist enea bright winged Hearing in its da Aud never hope to cat>-h in aold December, Thc bird that sung in May. eawawawawaawawawawiwMiwawawawawawMWMWMWMWJM -They that do Dothing are ou th way to do worse than nothing. -Avoid debt. Ile that pays dowi I will not be called upon to pay up. -"Live and let live," is a noble pr nciple ol' ac:ion. "Live aud help live, is a nobler and better. -A secret warranted to keep in an; climate-A w oma ti's age. ? -A measure of Iniquity-A quai bottle holding little more thao a pin -Why is an egg like a colt ? Bc cause it is not fit lor use until it : broke. -Why was the first day of Adam' life the longest ever know? T Because had no Kee '. -"1 heat my stove because my stov heats me," as thc chap said when h kindled a fire on his stove. -Thc difference between a post offic stamp and a donkey is, that you at ic one with a lick, and the other you lie with a stick. , ? -Thc scarcity of silver chang makes a contemporary doubt of th oft quoted faying, that this is a "worl of change." ig -The entire assets of a ieee nt bani ; rupt were nine small children! Th creditors acted magnanimously, and le him keep theto. -A strange genius, in describing lake in Minnesota, s:iys it is so clea that by looking into it you can see thee uaking tea iu China. j -"Ma, whereabouts shall ? find th state of matrimony?" "You will fint I, that to be one of thc United States,' ? was thc answer. -"Mr. Jones,don't you think mar? riage is I he means of grace !" "Certain ly, my dear, anything is a means o grace that breaks up pride, and leads t< ! repentance." -Thc pumpkins grow so largo ou West that they are obliged to turi them over by putting thc ends of railt under them. Une of them scooped ou forms a very good meeting house for J snaaii society. -The nu rd faet that children ar? born with their fi^ts doubled up, is i strong proof that nature intended thal our success in this world should depend on the courage with which we "fighl our way" through it. - "Jane, what letter of the alphabet do you like bebt ?" "Well, 1 dou't like to say, Mr. Snob," "Pooh, nonsense tell right out. Jane. Which do you like best ?" Well (b'uisbiog and drop? ping 1 er eyes,) I like you (U) thc best." - ^oine person asked Charles James Fox what was the meaning of that pas? sage in the psalms, "Ile dollied bim self with cursing as with a garment " "The meaning" said he, "I think is clear enough j the mau had a habit of sv. cari pg " -Wt at the better is an apple for its rosy skin, if a worm has penetrated and devoured its heart ? What care I for the beautiful brown of the nut if it be worm calen and fill my mouth with cor 1 ruption. Even so, external beauty unless matched by the inward beauty of virtue and holi jj uess. -A petulant old lady having refused a suitor to her niece, he expostulated with her, and requested her plainly to ft.-.divulge lur reasons :-"I i?ee the villiati :. io your face," said she. .."That is per I .fonal lefkiiiion, madam,"^?n.iwered the 1 - loves. -A lady of hi?h rank ami exquisite taste laving read an advertisement of a Loudon silversmith, in which it was stated that by the electrotype process, jenifer* and other articles might bc pla ? ted so that by no possible test they mt could bc distinguished from real silver, ?J* sent her three foe tm en and pa^e to be i electrotyped by the advertiser. j PERUVIAN GUANO, GUINNAPPE, Standard Fertilizers, AND PLANTERS' SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS, Furnished "t lowest rules. l>y Wilcox <& SELBY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 17 Light Street, baltimore. CooaigansentstoUeilled and Libe' al Ad Bude oa theta. BCTKIiEXCKB. rr. H. J. Winn, Kennedy A li orman. A. ?rt. Ber. leah Oraban, at. 3n MONEY CANNOT BUY JT2 FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ll V. TriE DIAMOND GLASSES, manufactured hy J. E. SPENCER A CO., JSew .York, wl.irb are now oflVred to the public, ara pron -Ln?ed by nil the celebrated Opticians of the world tobe the niost Perfect, Natural Artificial hely to the human eye iver known. Tfiey are ground under their own suprrviil .n, from minnie Crystal Pebble?, melted together, and derive their narie. '"Diamond," on aovount of their hardness and brilliancy. Thc scicntiGc principle on which they are con? structed brings the core or centre ot the lens di? rectly lit front of the eye, prancing n clear and distinct vision, as in the ru, tura I, healthy sight, and preventing all unpleasant sensations, inch as glimmering and wavering of sight, dizziness, Ac, peeulinr to all others in use. They are mounted in the fint-t manucr in frames of the best quality, of all materials used for that purpose. Their finish and durability cannot beinrpassed. * CAUTION-None genuine unless bearing their trade mail: stamped on every frame. F. HALTOM FOLSOM, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER. SUMTER, S. C. December 91_ti FuG/iRTI?'S- BOOK DEPOSITORY. NEW CATALOGUE, NO? 3. CHATTERBOX A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUS TRATEN ENGLISH MAGAZINE, for children. Wc will furnish the monthly parts of '.The Chatterbox," for 1S7I. at 15 cents per Part, or yearly subscription.$1.75 Wo have also the bound volume of Chatter? box fortSTO, price....$1.50 Chambers' Encyclopaedia- This great work bas reached thc 20th number. Subscribers will please call for their numbers. Tho two last volumns arc now nady bound in library sheep, at per volume.$6.50 Ancient Classics, for reader." : edi? ted by Rev. W Lucas Collins, M. A. Thc following volumes are now rendy, viz: Homer, the Iliad. The Odyssey, He? rodotus, Crear, Virgil, price, per volume..1.00 Mommcen's History ol R-mc-The 4th v. 1 utue, with a general ii.iicx, completes the work-the * volumes complete, ina neat case, for.-..-.8.00 Froude's History of England, from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Volumes ll and 12, nt $1.25 per volume. The 12 volumes complete for...15.00 The Microscope ; descriptions of varions ob? jects of interests and beauty, adapted for macroscopic observations, with numerous colored illustrations, by the Hon. Mrs. Ward.1.75 Tho Telescope ; a familiar sketch, with spe? cial notice of objects, within the range of a small telescope, and a detail of ?he most interesting discoveries with powerful tele? scopes, concerning the Heavenly bodies by Mrs. Ward, with original colored draw? ing.?.1.76 Field Flowers, a handy book for thc ramb ling botanist, by Shirley Hibberd, 8 col? ored plates.'1 75 Country Walks ot a naturalist, with l is children, by Rev. W. Uughton, 8 coiorod plate?.~.1.75 Sea Side Walks of a Naturalist, with his 'children, colored engravings and wood cuts.1. j The Fern Garden ; or Fern Culture made Easy, by Hibberd, colored illustrations...!. ! Madagascar and its People, with a sketch of the history, position, an J prospects of Mis? sion work amongst tb* Malagasy, by Ja.nes Sibree, Jr.?.3.00 Thc English Governess at the Siamese Court by Anna Harriette Lconowens, illustrated.3.00 Looking Backward ; or, Memorier of'he p?Jt by Mary B. Allen King.1 7 Hanna's Lite of Christ-the 6 volumes in 3-hall the price of tba old edition, for...4.50 George Mcdonald, on the Miracles of our J Lord.".1.00 j The Text Book of Free Masonrv, fully illus? trated, by a member of the Craft.1.00 Helps ; Friends in Council, 4 volumes in 2...4.HO Cassimer Mari mme, $2 00 ; R.ralmah.2.00 Paris in Dccetjhtr, 1S51 ; or, the Coup D E'ate of Napoleon III., by Eugen? Tenat.2.50 The Morning Land, by Edward Dieey, Spa ciil Correxp .ndent of the "Daily Tele? graph" in tt e East, London.5.00 Opium and th? Opium Appetite, by Alonza Calkins, V. D.2 00 New supplies of the following excellent bonks cn hand, Stepping Heavenward, hy Miss Prentis $1.7:"': Yesterday, To day, and Forever, by Hirker'tilh....*..2.00 The Changed Cross. $1.00 , The Shadow on the Rock, $1.00; Shiloh; or, Without and Within.-....2.00 By the Sea; by tbeauthority of Alice Tra ry,".?.1 Broadus, on prepara ion of Serra, ns ...2 00 Conybeore and Howson'? Lire and Epistles of St. Paul.-Tbe complete a.-id unabridg? ed edition, with u.aps and illustrations, 2 volumes in 1_...3.00 %* Our "Circulating Library" ls constantly, receiving accessions of new Light lteading. for thc benefit of persons residing in the country Clubs ?ill be sui plied on liberal terms. N. B. Our MONTHLY LITERARY BULLE TIN will bu sent FREE to persons in the conn fry. ^?9" Persons residing in tho country will please hear in mind, that by sending their trders to us fi r any hooks published in Atwerira, they will be charged only the price of tho book. We pay for the postage or express. Address Fogarties Book Depository. No. 2f.O KINO -STREET, (IN THE BEND,) CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Feb 22_ ETIWAN FERTILIZER, MANUFACTURED AT CHARLESTON, S. C Wm. & BE? & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. Has Been Reduced in -Price. THE SUBSCRIBER is prepared tosnpjlynll orders from Planters on demand. "Ead your lund und it will Feetl JW Circulars and Term? on application. JOSEPH JOHNSON, Agent, At L. P. LORiNQ'S Store, Main Street Jan ll-Sm* MANHOOD* HOW* LOST, II OW RESTORED. Just published, a new edition of Dr. CULVER WELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical eure (? ith'?ut medicine; of STE f: JJ A TO H KU ot A or seminal Weal ness. Involuntary Scaw al Louses, lKPoir.NCT. Mental and Physical Inrapaeity, Is?, pediments to Marriage, etc ; also, COSSIMPTIOH, EFII.BI-?V, and Firs, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. ?&~ Price, in a sault d envelope, only | cents. The celebrated author, io this admirable essay, clearly demonstrate?-, from a thirty yean' sar? ee ? fal practice, that ihn alarming consequence* of self abuse may be radii-ally cured without the dangerous u-e of internal medicine or the appli? cation of the knife; pointing out a mode of eure at onee simple, eertain. ami effectual, hy means or whieh every sufferer, no nailer what hit con? dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, private? ly, and radically. taft. This Lecture should be In the bands of cvory youth ano every man in tbe land. . Sent, under 'eel in a plain et. veto pe, to any address, y*tpnid, on receipt ?ix couts ot two post stamps. Also. Dr. Celverwen.e "Marriage Gulae.-prioe 25 eeuta. . r Address the Publishers. ltT Bowery, Kev York, Post-office Bes 46$*. Dee. $1 I, FOB PRINTING se J IVLABK BOOK MANUFACTURING and B.INDISG i nell its brendas, ge to EDWARD FIRRY, U9 Heeling street pr oiho Charleston Eetei. CHAS. H Insurano Sumte: FIRE. Liverpool ? London & Globe Insurance Company. ASSETS IN GOLD.$20.000.000. ANNUAL INCOME IN GOLD. $6,000,000 Rates a* lew as ?ny First Class Company. Jan ll Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Longa, anon aa Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably n-?ver before ia the whole history of medicine, baa any thing won so widely and so deeply upon the coniidence of mankind, as this excellent rr-jaedy Cor pulmonary complaints. Through a !org series of years, and among most of the races of men it has risen higher and nigher in their estimation, as it bas become better known. Its'uniform character and power to cure the va? rions affections of the longs and throat, have made lt known as a reliable protector against them. 'While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for incip? ient consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throat and lungs. Ae a provision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on band in every family, and indeed es all arc some? times subject to colds and cough?, all should bo provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought in? curable, still great numbers of case6 where the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to round health by the Cherry rectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it, When nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry Beetoral they subside and disappear. Bingert and Publie Speaker? Und great protection from it. Asthma ls always relieved and often wholly coxed by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. 80 generally are its virtues known, that we need not pub'ish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are folly maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, Tor Fever end Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Agne, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Atc., aod indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marah, or miasmatic poiaona. As its nam? implies, it does Cure, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bis? muth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance wtiatevcr, it in nowise injures any pa? tient. The number and importance of its eurea in the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel m the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowltHlgmects we receive of thc radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other rem? edies had wholly failed. Unacclimaied persons, either resident in. or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURE daily. For liver Complaints, arising from torpid? ity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimu? lating the Liver into healthy activity. For BUions Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cores, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by DB. J. C. A TEE ft Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. - PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, DR. A- J. CHINA. Agei,t nt Sutntir. S. C. rasaros ^ FIE ST PBIZE Pai is Exhibition 1867. Purify tho blood and strengthen tho system, eradicating tho effect of dissipation, maintain the human framo in condition of healthfulness, dispel tho Chics and all montai dis? tempers, and relieve those whose sedentary habits lay them open to doprossion. They prevent and cure 2tiiu ons and other Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chilis, 2Ji<t7%rhoea, Dysen? tery, ^Dyspepsia, Sea - ?ictrvess, Colic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, and every complaint Inci? dental to diet or atmos? phere. Ladies will find them a sovereign boon, as they eradicate all traces of Debility, Nervousness, Inertness, and Diseases peculiar to the sex. ^Thousands of Testimo? nials can be seen at the office of i M. JACOBSON, Sole Proprietor, 64 & 68 Water Street, N. Y. CLACIUS A WITTE. Agent* in Charleston. Feb 15 \y DARBY'S PR0P01LACTIC JL HIS Family Medicine, for purify ing. cleansing, recoding bad odors" in all kind. of_sick_nf'? ; f'T hum., ?orr?, wounds, sting. for Erysipelas, rhcajsaa tissa, and oilskin dis co ses, f'T catarrh, S-?M mouth. fore thront, diptberia ; for colic, diarrhoea, cl olera ; as a wash to sof'en anjj_J>?juitjfy_jh^_M<^ n.- ve ink si ota, BtlMair. fruit ptain* ; fakm internally a. weil as applied externally : .0 highly rec-wuimrcded hy a^JrhjT^a^re^u^edit-i^for^ale^yal^i^ejri^s and Qjuntry" Merchants, and may be ordered directly of ;be_ _DA.HE Y PROPHYLACTIC CO., 161 William Mrect. N. Y. FcbJ_ly llarrl*e<j OBide--Every One Hie Own Doctor. A prissie instructor f-r married persons or thoa? ?boot to be married, both male and fe. male, in everything concerning the phj.iulogy and re!ati< ns of oar sexnal system, sod the pro? duction and prevention of offspring, including all the new di ?cc veriee never before given in tba English langnage, by WM. YOUNO, M. D - This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written ia plain language for tba ganara! reader, and is illustrated arith namcroua en? gravings. AM young married people, or those I contemplaba^.marriage,-end baviag the least Impediment- id. married life, should rand thia boah. It ditmas secrets that every ona should be ae?toMt?:a*ttr; slfll a u a book that must ba locked ap and not lie about the bou?e It will be seat to any address oe' receipt of ?. eeafB- I Address Ea. WK. YOUKG. Ko. 41? Sptoeo Streei, abore Forrtb, Philadelphia. Ker? -'I. Ba . MOISE, e Agent,. r, S. C. LIFE. , New Yor? Lift Insurance Company. rfc: ,.$15,000,000. * L IN COME_.$7,000,000. . i^to* as low a? any First Cluss Company. SlftW'S COTTON SEED HULLER, . Ageuls-BlWO.fc. IO., Factin : ami ' Commission Aferchantt, 'CHARLESTON, S. C. M:.r.'h aa FOR SALE BY WILCOX, GIBBS & CO. IM POUTERS AND DEA LE I! S IN CS-XJ-A. 1ST OS. 14vS JJay >ircet, Savannah, 241 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. AND 151 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. For farther partieolsrs, apply or address as above fur pamphlet. ?r apply to FATE it- STUBB*, Ajt* at Sumter. Nov 23 4m DR. SMALLER BERGER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Alway? Stop? the Chille* This Medicine has been before the Pub? lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It doee not purge, does not sicken the stomach, ie perfectly safe in any dos? and under all circum? stances, and is the only Medicine thatwill CURE IMMEDIATELY and perniancntly every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti* .tote to .fZalariau Bold by all Druggiste. Msy ? ly P. P. TOALE . CHARLESTON, S. C. Largest and most complete "\ Ma DO fact orv of Doors, Seabes, ! ?-~, Blinds, Mouldings, Ao, in the f **8 'v. Southern State?. ) Printed Pri?e L st Defies* Competition.*"*^ 13T t?euct for one *"?J3"4 pf* Sent Free on Application.-fi-:!; April? _ lj $1,000 REWARD, IS offered for any ease of Blind, Bleeding Itch ?er, or Ulcerated Piles, that DaBIK'1'6 PILE REMEDY fails to ear?. It ls prepared under the personal supervision of one of the world's great eat living Chemists: expressly ta eera the Piles. Haadreds of cb ron ie eases of over 20 years (tend? ing, have been eared ia rae week, and ordinary cases in a 'ew days, by this medicine. No matter how job-t?nate or chronic the casa may be, imme? diate relief and a permanent eera are gastan teed in every ease. Ask year Draggiat for 3f DEBING'S PILE REMEDY; And Take no Other. AH weak, a? nee, debilitated eaineatly requested to try a bottle ef Via Foe*. Yo? will he startled al {hi wwii*?* fal effects. Sold hy ell Druggists. ?a*orw/orjf 143 Fr**kl>? A, ?e*Aee*e> far sale hy L A, McBAQEW, > Sept 21-?rn Druggist, Sealer, 8. ft -i T r. T -- C. :o:o: WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH THIS EXCELLENT MANURE IT TEE FOLLOWING PRICES: $50 Cash per ton of 2000 lbs. $55 Time, with approved City Acceptance. BEABlNG-;7 PER CENT. INTEREST PER ANNUM. If Furnished on Liens, the '?sml ?at? Interest will be Cterged. Freight and Dr ay age to be added to above Prices. GEO- W. WILLIAMS & CO., Factors/Corner Hay ne & Church Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. Call on GEO. E. TAYLOR, SUMTER, S. C. Jap 25 _,_,_Sm PERUVIAN GUANO. Peruvian C3r u'a xx o -FROM THE GUANAPE ISLANDS. FOR SALE BY GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Sole Agents for Charleston, S. C. Jan 25 3m mWAO?Af?S, SOLUBLE MANURES, AND MANUFACTURED AT THE Etiwan AVorks, Charleston, S. C. ^ BY THE SULPHURIC ACID & SUPERPHOSPHATE WiM. . Tho now well-known ETI WAN GUASO is mannfactured from tb? Nativa L .no Phoapbatea of South Carolina. There Phosphates in their natural atateare Insoluble, and m airo to be ground to power, and made Soluble bj Sulphuric Acid. Thia Company have now in operation tba largest Sulphuric Aeid Chambers at the South, and are, therefore, able to manufacture at the lowest rates, the highest ende of Fertiliser ; it bein*; clear that the (realer the proportion of Soluble Phorphate which any Fertiliser contains^ the less the quantity required per aere. In orde? to make the Fer tiliser complete, Ammonia and Potash in . .fficient quantities ara added. With these views the Company manufacture and offer for sale TH wATi Gruanosi Warranted to contain from 15 to 20 PER VEST. Of DISSOL VED BOSE PHOSPHATE 0F\ LIME, and from 2 lo 2} percent, of AM MUS I A, with a sufficient addition of PERUVIAN] GUASO and POTASH, to adapt it to all crops. Price $55 per ton, cash ; oe tissa $60 per ton, , and interest 7 per cent, per annum. Dissolved BOnei Of high grade, suitable for Manufacturer? or for Planters, being in itself ao excellent Fertiliser and specially adap<ed for eompeet. As large nanti ties of Sulphuric Acid are used to dissolve the Phosphate, thia will be found a cheap and convenient way to transport that material. The grade furnished will be frosa 18 tn 20 per cent. Dissolved Boue Phosphate. Price $40 per ton cash. On lime, $45, with interest at 7 per east, per annum. SHU higher grades will be furnished to order at au additional price percentage. COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, Specially prep? ed for eompoxing with cotton seed and other plantation manures. Price $35 per J tun, cajh ; on time, $40, with interest at 7 per sent, per annual. G-irouxxca. Bone? At much lower rates, eonsiatingaieaply of the Native Bone Phosphates greend to powder. Pries j $20 per too. cash ; on time, $22 and interest at 7 per eent. per annota. WM. C. BEE Si CO., Agents, No. 14 Adger's Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. N. B.-The percentage of Diesolred Bone Phosphate of Lime, and Ammonia in all the Etiwans, j is nfeerteioed at the Works, by their Chemist, befor- delivery. Should any porebiser he dissatis-1 lei* he may return average sesapiai of any parchase, within thirty (30) days after delivery, and they will be analyzed anawt and any deaeieaey ia tba percentage guaranteed will be made good to bim by the Company. JOSEPH JOHNSON, Agent at Sumter, S. C. Jan 25 . Ssa ^m^k WH ANN ' S R?WBG8E STANDARD GUARANTEED net??. MANUFACTURED BY WAiION,WI{ANN&l I WI tMIHB ttttfltL RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE The Great Fertilizer fe Cottell m all Crops The unparalleled sneeeas of this Great Fertiliser on ALL 0R?P8, prim it to be the BEST and CHEAPEST Manare now offered in the market. It hes been ease) by saaay of ehe aaset sentase?-Planters ia thc 8c*ib, eavi In every single fcisUnce ;t tes giveir Entil? SatMacitoiv Oe COTTON lu effects Sara he? parti eelarfy narked. It is ac B J thia* fer WHANN'8 PHOSPHATE to ?aerease the yield fra? 0SI ?UNi>?li>lC'TWO H??DBED PER CENT., ev evea store! ^ Mr. Oas. C. Diaon.eoeteiaeetpJatrter af Cara?, Ga, tan lette? t. the "Banner A Plant er/5 says that in aa ?p?rissent with earea leadla? Sepaeahaesisa?se.ticA Gaacaav ?THA?N'S ame* itself the heat af ?SI fees? trie* ?rte* s>mt prof? at the i?w nurte* rata af $20 M 9?, ace of coitos. A esp? ef Mr. T^YTiWWr?sihia ea if |Bc?He,. FOR SALE BY Qi i iTiiiii ? n f mrti sMMwft Bi eic' . ?*,. ii- ...>-> i< ?>?;:.: ?yr* . .:. 4? ?-'WANDO FERTILIZER/ THE PRIGS OF THIS POPULAR FERTILIZER m MM mmm FOR I DE BM CF m TO MEET THE NECESSITIES OF THE Planting Community, AND HAS BEEN FIXED AT CASH-Fifty Dollars per Ton of 2,000 lbs. at Factory. TIME-Fifty-fire Dollars per Ton of 2,000 lbs. at Fac? tory, Payable 1st November, 1871, wit out interest. WM, C. DUKES & CO., General Agents, CHARLESTON, S. C. ELISHA CAllSO>, Agent for Sumter County. ?8* Call and see me at GREEN & WALSH'S STOKE. In addition ,'o the Wando Fertilizer I am prepared to Furnish Planters the ACID PHOSPHATE, For composing with cotton seed and other Plantation Manures.' Price p?r Ton of 2009 pound* at Factory, $30 Cuh. Oo time $35 per ton, at Factory, parable 1st November next, without inte. cit. Feb 1 ELISHA CA3SOX, Agait. EIGHTEEN YEARS Of P^acticai^ Success. Introduced in 1852. Patented Dec. 20,1859 OLDEST SITER PHOSPHATE MANUFACTURED IN THIS COUNTRY. MAPES' Hitrogenized Super-Phosphate of Lime. -COM PO-ED OF Bones, PhoNphatic Guano, Concentrated Ammoniacal Animal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. No Salt, Salt Cako, Plaster, Nitre Cake, nor any Adulterant o' any kind used. The atn.nnntaenl animal matter in Mapes' Xitrogenizol Soper Phosphate of Lime consist* of the fle.-h (containing 10 percent, of ammonia) .mci the bined f containing 15 per fri! of ammo? nia) of Beeves, Lionet, Fish and other anima'.-*, after the expression of the fut and oil by Suata. We annex ta? analysis of Profanar Shepir.i : Ammonia j ?eldee bj theorjanic matter.2.54 per cent. P. C. . SB Insoluble Phosphoric Acid. 19-7* Pone Phosphate of Lime. 3.38 Soluble Ph' spheric Ari l.5.4? Soluble Phosphate of Lime. 3.38 Soluble Phosphorit? Acid.7.33 Bone Phosphate of Lime dissolved. 7.20 Sulphuric >ci<l.15.4* Sulphate of L mc. An excellent F.rii?zer. Ue-pcctfu'ly rabutittcd. C. IT. SHEPARD. Jr.. M. D. Inspector of Pertil?er*? for South Carolina. Price.$50 Cash? Send for Panphlet. _ KINSMAN & HOWELL, General Agents, 128 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. GEO. We LEE, Agent*at Sumter. Feb fi ' '? THE DICKSON COMPOUND, MANUFACTURED BY THE DICKSON FERTILIZER COMPANY. THE DICKSON COMPOUND ts made on the formul is usr l almost exclusively for l?vera", years past by Mr. Dickson upon his own farm, the best Pern v?an (?nano in liberal proportion being used es a bate supplying ammonia. It is a happy combination of essential ingredient! found by careful ?nd gradual trial on Mr. Dickson's part to b.e the safest and nwt reliable as well aa tba most productive in ernpr of ?ll fertilixers available to the planter. The materials for tts manufacture are carefully purchased by analysuer made at our own work?, nader competent chemical advice, and the preparation ot the Cornrowed ts conducted with al i accessary ear? and attention tn ensere uniformity in quality and value. Nothing whale- er that is inferior is told from out hands. Feb. 1 A? WHITE, & CO Agents at Sumter. NJBW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS! JUST OPENED AT STOLL, WEBB cfc CO., Nos. 287 AND 289 KING STRUTT, RETAIL AXD WHOLESALE. We beg to infotm our friends, patrons and all citizens of Sumter, and the adjoining contuse that we hare opened a large WHOLESALE STORE, AT j)??6t EW&?jpEET, next doer to ear tctail store. thon a falfwgiortmentof efeeep DRY OCODS, at the Io weat agorae for CASH or city aecectQygif ?gs This arrangement is especially cotyTMmjent for country borers, both.Jedi*? and?? jnllemen. 1st. Select all your piece geoda at WolesaTe ; then risit the retail ,j?are sadall ef youf goods packed in one box. ' * -*a?'.. We guarantee 14 show the largest ?tock end et just at^?w figur?e es ?en fe?, io ne* In tb? etty. Be tare anti examine our stock (before'"^ a make up yourbill) tv No. JS9 King staaft. * "smL, *BBB k CO. J? ' A CAR?. Me. Joex <3. Anani ia with as, ead will be always'on hend, ready to gire hit friends andee queir tjheeee ererr ettentioa possible? h. . . . . ' Respectfully, STOtl, WEBB A CO. Sept 28-am F?SKTHE CtlsR? ?f: A LL FORMS OF Dy8fr%p?ia,| F e ? Sm?. gestion, Re? lieves Sick Headache, Restores Tone to the ?System, Quiets Nert *" oneness, Giren Sleep te the Restleas. where a Tea}? li required; ead far tana? ieoa?erinf bom Aaa* Meottfectaroji by W. H. CHAfll I CO., ^ Iwflaal Bay, Ctaria*** &?