The Sumter Watchman. WEDNESDAY, FEBR'Y 22. VV. Y. PAXTON ? . BUSINESS MANAGER All Transient Advertisements, and all Job Work mast bo paid for in cash. This will be observed without distinction. Subscriptions are also payable ta advance. Applications fer Job Work will be made, at "the office, to Tabs. E. FLOWERS. The WATCHUA ? books are in tba keeping of W. f. PAXTOV, who will receipt for monies doe and attend to all matters connected with tbe Adver? tising er Subscr.ptioc departments. ?ST Oar Advertising friends are requested to ?end in their favors not later thaw Monday. S UM TS B MAI' A RHANGEMEM TS. CIAIUI or SCHEDULE. CLOS.S. 0PZR8. Mertbera, 3:1? P. M. 12:45 P. M. Sotthern, 11:33 P. M. 4:20 P. M. Manning, ea Maa* day and Thursday, 1:00 A. M. 6:00 P. M. BUh'rille ou MOB. day and Thursday, 1:00 P. M. 11:30 A. M. Ofiee Hours, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 6 P. M. Utils close on Sundays at ll o'clock, A. M. Office open from 4:30 to 5:30 P. M. T. B. JOHNSON, P. M. January 25th, 1871. tf Relljglsmsj meeting. An interesting religious meeting has been in progress at ?he Baptist Church of this place for eight or ten days past. Ber. J. E. MKKDXHHALL bas been preaching with groat earnestness and ability, large congregations have been nightly ia attendance, and much good, we trust, is being dene in tbe holy name of our common Lord and Master. We trust it may go on. Personal. We hare recently had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. J. W. Sitar, of the excellent house sf WILSO? A SELBT, Commission Merchants, of | Beltimore. Our friend SELBT is one of "the salt of the earth." We refer to the advertisement of | his house with the utmost confidence. Ball Road Courtesy. We are greatly indebted to Col. K. B. BRIDGES, President of the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta B. B., for an "editorial complimentary'1 aver his road until January 1st, 1872. Groceries. Mr. Taos. P. UPSHCR, Jr., who bas connexion with Baltimore houses affording ample facilities, bas opened a Grocery House at Sumter, aa will be seen from his advertisement. He is selling goods at very low rates, and we take pleasure in commending him to the favorable cc -sideration .? eur numerous readers. monumental Sapper? Mrs. 0. H. MOSES, President of the Ladies' Monumental Associator, of Sumter, announces . Supper in aid of tbe work of erecting a Monu? ment to our heroic dead, to be given early ia liaren. The movement, we trust, will meet prompt aod liberal response. Dregs and medicines. It affords as pleasure to notice the advertise? ment of Messrs. BUSSELL A Boss ARD in this is? sue. These gentlemen are eminently qualified for the Drug Business. Maj. J. B. BUSSELL is well known, in Charleston and elsewhere, as an experienced and accomplished compounder of medicines, whilst Dr. BOSSARD adds to this knowledge the .-ci rice and skill of a successful practitioner of medicine Tbree nail Pallure* In Eisht Days. The Southern Mail due at Sumter on Friday, the 'Otb. inst., failed to come to hand-the mat? ter it contained reaching its destination three days afterward. The same mail due on Tuesday, the 14th, fail ad to arrive and came to band tbe next day. Ibo same male due on Friday last, the 17th, .Iso failed. And here we have the failare of an Important ?tail three time* tcithin the tpoce of eight day*. This, to a business community like Sumter, ts ?o small grievance, and indicates shameful neg? ligence or incompetency somewhere. Those in charge of this section should look to tail matter at once. Journalistic. Maj. W. T. LEBESSE, we are pleased to see, has formally assumed the editorial conduct of the Clarendon Prett. We welcome bim to tbe edi? torial staff. Ho has already given earnest of bil versatility of genius, in connexion with the pen editorial, and we trust he may find it both pleasant and profitable, now that he has entered regularly into the harness. Mr. M. B. LCCAS eontinaes as proprietor, and to him our heit withes are also extended. Col. JOIR W. FEES uso!? baa rMeetly taken the editori. 1 chair of tbe Lawr?r> .ville Herald, relinquished by Col. B. W. BALL. To the latter, in retiring, and the former ia assuming, we make our compliments. -.i ? SB) I - Sainter Female Institute-Historic Leo* carew by Ber. Donald IttcQueen. The Regalar Session of the Sumter Female Institute, under the conduct of Mrs. LAURA A. BROW?, SJ Principal, began on the 15th instant under favorable auspicies, considering the finan? cial depression of the country. This school em? braces a full corps of accomplished female teach? ers, ia the seroral departments, including that of music, now under Mrs. F. L. CREES, whose high cultivation and success io this connexion are so generally known and admitted. A highly iateresting and profitable feature of this Institute U found in the regular semi-month? ly Historie Lectures by Ber. DONALD MCQUEEH. It was our privilege, through appreciated invita? tion, to hear bil lecture of Thursday evening last. We were both entertained and instructed. The able Lecturer is devoting bis present series to the Hit tory of England. Beginning with its earliest period he will advance steadily on to the present time. Hil detail and delineation are very {borough, as far ai ail points and facts of interest or importance are concerned, whilst bil precept and admonition, both penonal and na? tional, as drawn therefrom, and eliminated as be passes along, are both useful and impressive. The labor bestowed upon these Lectures, and the thoroughness and style with whieh they are pre. pared, exhibit both the intellectual indaitry and ability of their author, and gives this Institute a special advaatige. While upon this point, we sight ai well say, (what ii the tratb) that auch thing? are not suf? ficiently appreciated in the community of Sumter. Our people, to a very considerable extent, are educated, and we have much literary taute and accomplishment here, bat it is permitted to lie dormant, like ,iidden treasure or light under a bushel. Tbe rials of these times may have something te do with this, and still euch ibould not bc Ute eau. Intellectual culture and enjoy, ment eonrtitut? one of the blessings wbieh have been spared tu us, ead wbieh marks tao white race with distinctive feature, and meit eon tin ne to gita it that metal elevation and parity whieh so largely tend te make wp the elements of oon. trolling inf neree. Bishop G F. Pierce of the M. E. Chcroh, Soi th, ia a letter beansg date Jan. Slat, anya *DA*?w*f PaoparLAcnc FLUID ii a pan ieee a preventive and a remedy. With my wife, a sta? ?wa matu" A disord ir of the digestive organi renders a man irreso ute, infirm of purpose, a*M both in? disposed te, and unequal to enterprise of any kind. Tren why not leeka remedy therefor andiaeb ai is afforded by tbe cure of the c?l?br?t ed Seethern Tonk, the "Old Carolina Bitters." If yea wita year ebadreo reu? rou uf worms, ase WmeamaVffem Coady! f1,000 REWARD ii offered by the proprietor of Dr. Pierce'? Alt Ext. or Golden Medical Dis? covery for a medicine that ?ill equi it in tba care of all those diseases for which R is recom mended, among which ere terer?, acote or ling? ering Coughs, Consumption in its early stages, Bronchitis, "Lirer Complaint," or-MBiliousness,'> Constipation of the Bowels, Scrofulous diseases aol Skin diseases, as Eruptions," Pimples, Blotches sad Boils. It is sold by druggists. Correct the Stomach. It is a well ascertained physiologies! fact tint the origin of most of the ills that afflict humanity is ii deranged eondition of the alimentary canal. Tbs Bowels become constipated and sluggish, and theare arises a train of painful and distress? ing maladies. As a preventive and i 'ure, there bi no remedy so safe and sure as DR. T?TT'S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. p?f If yon want tc buy Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Bags, Satchels, Collars, Hames, Chains, Riding bridles, Martingales, Whips, Spurs, Curry-combs, Horse-brushes, F-ather brushes, Axle-grease, Dil, Leather, Saddlery Hardware, and all Goods kept in a first class Saddlery Establishment, call at J. S. TOPHAM A Co.'s., No.8 South Front St. Wilmington, N- C. "CLBAKBIHO THS Bboo'>," upon wbicL char? latans hare harped so much, is not a mere catch? word and delusion. The microscope shows that some disuses exist like parasitic growths npoa the globules of the blood, and it ls further known that some subtle substances destroy or expel them. These substances have been com? bined to make Ayer'? Sarsaparilla, which does effectually expel the disorders that breed and rankle in the blood to rot out as it were thc ma? chinery of life. Mercer (Pa.) Whig. Notice to Planters. THOSE PLANTERS WHO HAVE PAID UP their Liens, and who need supplies, will for. ward their applications, and see if they can meet our conditions for another year. Planters need not apply until they hare paid up or hare secured balances. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Factors, Charleston, S. C. Parties who wich to make application, or se? cure balances will call on, GEO. E. TATLOR. Sumter, S. C. Jan 25-2m_ Notice. HAVING REMOVED MY OFFICE TO Messrs. GREEN Charleston, 8. C. J Da. A. J. CHINA. Feb I Agent Sumtor S. C. DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC Fluid. THI8 InTsIaabls Family Medicine, fur purify ing. slosasing, removing bsd odors In all kinds c^ieknsss^foririrni^sores^voa^ for Erysipelas, rheumatism, and all skin diseases, for catarrh, snra month, sore throat, diptheria ; for colic, diarrhoea, cholera; as a wash to soften snd beautify the skin ; to remove ink spots, mildew, trait stains ; taken internall} as well as appJrteo^xternaHyj^Mj^ aHjshoJiaTjB^isJorjsale^^al^Droggbts and Coon try Merchants, and may be ordered directly of the DARBY PROPHYLACTIC CO., 161 William Street, N.T. Febl_ly J. E. SITARES, SUMTER FURNITURE -AND Chair Ware-Rooms. THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HI8 * Friends sad Customers that hs has received sad will costin oe to receive NEW AND CHEAP FURNITURE, \ TO SUIT THE TIMES. His Stock cons 'is ts of almost every article in that ] line, vis: SOFAS, SIDE-BOARDS, BOOK-CASES, | Wardrobes. Extention Tables, Bureaus, Wasb-Stands, Sitting and Rocking Chairs, of every kind I Cribs, Cradles, Trundles Cottage Bedsteads I and Mailman. JUST RECEIVED Sema more of tiose CHEAP COTTAGE SETS. Meat Ssfes, Window 8hades aad Wall Papering-all lew fer CASH. J. E. Snare?, Mais, Street, opposite Express Office Entrance from Stair Cs se cn Mein Street to _FURNITURE ROOM8._ ??O-. AT THE - ,4; Sumter Book Sore. LETTER PAPER, 10 seats, per qaire. Foals Cap paper, 1* cent*, per quire. Bleat Boob and Diaries fer 1871. Writing Desks aaa wets Sexes. Hair Brashes sud Tooth Brashes. Cewbs and Faaey Anieles. A lam lei of Miscellaneous Books, lu'htaasaes, go to, EDWARD PERRY, Itt Mwlwgjtusl jr "Itt Charleston Hotel Green & Walsh NEW STYLES Dry Goods, BY LATE ARRIVALS OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, &c, is complete in all departments. Our Goods are marked at PRICES that will PAY AN INSPECTION OF TU EM BY ALL PURCHASERS. GROCERIES, OUR STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, is kept full at all times, consisting of all kinds, (Except Liquors.) GREEN & WALSH. Buckwheat Flonr. Mackerel, new. Batter, Mountain and Goshen, Cheese, Pearl Hominey, Bolted Meal, reakfast Bacon, entucky Hams, For ialeby GREEN & WALSH.. Satin Cloth, a new article for Ladies Dresses. The Largest ASSORTMENT OF DRESS HOODS in Town. At GREEN A WALSH'S Al! Wool Merinos, Delaines and Empress Cloths. Dress Trimmir.g's, OF ALL KINDS. TOE LATEST STYLES. At GREEN A WALSH'S. Alpaccas-all kinds, colors and qualities. The NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRT At GREEN A WALSH'S. Silks, Poplins, Scotch Plaids and Fancy Delaines. Shawls and Cloaks, AWFUL CHEAP, At GREEN & WALSH'S. Cloaks and Shawls of all qualities. Blankets, Clothing, AND HATS, of all kinds, At GREEN A WALSH'S. Largest Assortment of Harness in Sumter. Como an J see it. Saddles, Harness, AND WHIPS, of best quality, At GREEN A WALSH'S. Saddles and Bridles to suit on ry one. Crockery, Glassware, AND HARDWARE, at retail and wholesale, At GREEN A WALLH'S. Another Lot of thoso New Style Hats. ACCIDENTS PREVENTED BY PURCHASING THE NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSINE LAMPS, to be had only At GREEN A WALSH'S. China and Glass Ware. Crockery of all kinds. Full Stock OF CORN, BACON, LARD, HAMS AND BUTTER, COFFEE, TEA an dSLGAK, At GREEN A WALSH'S. ?Calf Skin, Sole and Lacing Leather. Rabber Belting. FLOUR. SALT, MOLASSES and MESS PORK, At GREEN A WALSH'S. Philadelphia Boots and Shoes. New Lot OF WHITE GOODS, GLOVES, HuSIERY and DRESS GOODS, Just receirud at as? tonishingly low prices, By GREEN A WALSH. Mile's Boots and Shoes. King's Ladies Shoes. Kew Tork Exchange, BOUGHT AND SOLD BY GREEN A WALSn. Bargains in Bemnants, At GREEN A WALSH' Planter's owing us for Supplies are requested to meet their obliga? tions promptly, as this is the time of the year we need our money. If you do not wish to sell Cotton, we will ship and hold it GREEN & WALSH. COTTON. We are prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR COTTON, OR SHIP AN? HOLD WHEN DESIRED, making CASH ADVANCES ON SAME. Oreen & Walsh DEALERS M SENERAt MCRCHANDiSE AB? COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EIGHTEEN YEARS Of Practical Success. Introduced in 1852. Patented Dec. 20,1859* OLDEST SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANUFACTURED IN THIS COUNTRY. MAP?!S' Nitrogenized Super-Phosphate of Linie? -COMPOSED OF Bones, Phosphatic Guano, Concentrated Ammoniacal Animal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. No Salt, Salt Cake, Plaster, Nitre Cake, nor any Adulterant^ any kind used. ??* The ammoniacal animal matter in Mapes' Nitrogenized Super Phosphate of Li ne consists of the flesh (containing 10 per cent, of ammonia) and the blood (containing 15 per cent, of ammo? nia} of Beeres, ii torses, Fish and other ac ima1?, after the expression of thc fat and oil bj Steam. We annes the analysis of Professor Shepird : Ammonia yielded by the organic matter.-..2.54 per cent. P. C. 9.06 Insoluble Phosphoric Acid.^.. I9.7S Bone Phosphate of Lita?. 3.38 Soluble Phosphoric Acid.5.4S Soluble Phosphate of Limo. 3.38 Soluble Phosphoric Acid.7.3S Bone Phosphate of Lime dissolve!. 7.20 Sulphuric Acid_....15.4S Sulphate of L mc. An excellent Fertilizer. Respectfully submitted, C. U. SHEPARD, Jr., M. D. Inspector of Fertilizers for Sooth Carolina. ?rice -.$50 Cash. Send for Pamphlet KINSMAN & HOWELL, General Agents, 128 East Bay, Charleston; S. C. GEO. W. LEE, Agent at Sninter. Feb g_ "m Bring the Cash -AND SAVE YOUR FEELINGS ! Hie undersigned begs leave to return his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Will keep constantly on hand a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT -OF Drugs, MEDICINES, &c?, &c, which he will sell at a VERY SMALL PROFIT FOR CASH. He is compelled to make his business STRICTLY CASH, and hopes one and ail will SAVE THEIR FEELINGS AND NOT ASK FOR CREDIT. DR. A. J. CHINA, Successor to A. ANDERSON & CO., SUMTER, S C. Jan 4, 1871. tf COTTON FOR GUANO. $1,000 PREMIUM. We propose Bolling * limited quantity of oe Guanos for Middling Cotton, at 15 ct? , deliver? ed at planter's nearest depot, by 1st November next. Wa also offer the mngnifieent premiara of] $1,000 for the beft yield from oar Guanos. F>r particulars apply to our nearest Agent, or address os for Circular. WILCOX, GIBBS ? CO., Importers and Dealers Guanos, Charleston. S. C., Savannah aad aguata, Geo. Feb 15 _1m ISAAC A. M'KAGEN, Jae 25 COTTON SEED, FOR PLANTINO. QA BUSHELS PURE DICK801?, - fJ\J at $2.50 par bushel.' TC Bushels Boyd Prolific, v ^ st $1.50 par bushel. Inqnire of L. P. LORI1CG, Esq., Sumter, or direct from R03KRT BROUN, Ft? 1-Im* . Manchester, S. C. ! Ladies ! ! ! I P. A. FOLSOM I X OFFERS YOU BARGAINS IN g Y Fancy Gooda, and almost anything in Calicoes, Needles, Everything ! & Y -dT REDI CE? PPJCES. Y _ ?y I My Confectionery, g Y The first established in Sumter, Y <3> Is always supplied with ?I CHOICE CANDIES, FRUITS, ? Y Nuts, Cakes, Crackers, Ac, X and Toys, io variety. Y % TEA.-.$1 25. A $ Candy Reduced to 30 cts. per % % lb. fron this day. % *> Jan 4 F. A. FOLSOM. <> FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, CASSIMESES, &c. I am now receiving a Large and Complete Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CLOTHS, CASSIM ERES, TWEEDS, Kentuckey Jeans, of low grades and very cheap. Shirts, Drawers, Vndervcsts, Gloves and Cravats, Suspenders, Collars, Socks, Haukerchiefs, dc., ALSO AfFULL SUPPLY AND VARIETY 0 33 JOL wS9 m These Goods I am determined to sell lower than they can be bought in this market. Deal? ing in this line alone, I am enabled to do this. I only aik my old friends to call and examine, and if they do not find my goods cheaper, I will nat expect them to buy. D. J. WON, Agent. HARDWARE Store,: Main-st under Sumter Hotel. L. P. LORING, -AOSST ron Messrs. King & Huppman, BALTI.TIOKE, TI. D. Would -.espoctfully solicit thc patronage of his friends and tho public. DE HAS EN STORE A COMPLETE Stock of Hardware and Family Utensils. embracing every article in this line of business, whieb be intends to sell at the LOWEST PK ICES, FOB CASH. He will keep always In store, a complete assort mes*)of Collin's Axe*, Ames'Shovels ?nd Spades, Trace Chains, Hoes, Rakes. Pitch perks. Grain Cradles, Scythe Blades, Guano Seives, Pocket and Tftblo Cutlery, Brass Preserving Kettles, Tin Ware, Window , 0!..-.!% OS 1 C'?.. Portland, Maine. ! HE tC Y rnw E S K v.- Y 0 li K I: .. : ? X CHAM PION or arm. seri AGAINST 1 HE WORLD - \ r.r>t C" page Democratic Weekly, cs' . its! c ii . .. - $2 ; or year: $1 for fix coctLi. Sub.-c; i f-? it. For specimen c>; ic.-, a io io-s "DA'i 3 ";K, Sew York City."_ D~iT S. S. FITCH'S FAMILY PUT. \ r : \v; yo papes: sent by vail free. Tes :.. - bo? t > eure ail diseases of th. . rrsoi?. .-i. . h ?>. eyes, complexion. V?'r?rc to 7! i siroa?*?". y, N, Y. r.NC?.K JOSH'S TEUNK F?LL OF FUN. A Portfolio <-f tir-? ci Nts Wit :.-. I Rc -. eon tainioe tito Ricins: (.'...:.i-alStories. ? . . " Side-?plitltag Jokes- Humor?a.- I' .1: -. >?utiu Psr-dies, Burlesque S-w.'*>, New C I rums as.! M:r:h? r? v..!,?n;: Sp .<.< ?..-- ?.v.-r ?". ' ?CU Funny Engravings I.!u.??: .;?.-! Co* r. Pri?? lucent*. Seat 1 y mr.'!, p .-:.-.o paid, ta ?ny pirt of tho United*, ?* r.e.-ipi . f i rice. DICK A FITZGERALD, Publishers, ! - Acn .-t., New York. A. B. Fia^t'KAR, Proprietor of Pennsylvanie Agricultural W??r! s. Manufacturer of Improved Polished ?vel [Y? rk Penna. Dickson Sweeps. S-.i i S'e-.l Sweeps, an J Semper.". Steel Pl? ar*. Shovel Pl a Blades, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, H irrows. Rots . Powers. Ihrcshing Maci.iucs, Ac, Ac. Sec I f< r ii.Bitratcd Catalogue. _ APPLE PARER CORER AND SLIt lill. Made by D. H. Vernes.:.::, Wvrce.-ter. Mis.?._ BRIGGS & B2UTS ?Hijs?rc?ed &, c (a(2fo?se OF FLOWER m VEGETABLE SEECS. AND SUMMER FLOWERING I i LBS. FOR 1871. Will be ready for mailing l \ th< mid Ile < f J*i n ary, notwithstandingour great ???ss ?-ftvp.-, pa per, engraving?, Ac., Ly ti*c. which <:<. trey ol tho Job Printing oGce of Rochester Democrat Mi? Chronicle,25th December, 1870. It aili be pritited on a most elegant new-tinted ? a] er. a'.J i'.lu.-trated with nearly Five Hundred Original Effsravinss. At.f ?-t 112 Pages aud n* so'.n aa^d wii; be ?c. t tn e t . al! who ordered setilr ft. m us by wai! '..i-: iva.- a. To others a cria'gt; of 13 cents ; ..r cot y w?? be made, which is r..;t thi" raiuo of thc C : i Plate?. We r.ssurc ?ur fr:ec?> :!..: thc iode e mcnts we ?fier to purci; t<>.r- ?.: t- <*;!>. W i d ity anJ exicct of Stock. Dtscoani^ an I ?'roo;": i ti? are unsurpa.-sid. Ple.uc send or Ur- for Cata logues without delay. Our Colored Cromo for IS71 Will be ready to ?cr.d out i:: January. Tr \".;ric::c-- '.t showy an.l popular Flower.?.??f n ; ^!..., .-. t color. We design to make it thc be.?t P?at* of Flowers ever issued. Size. 19x21 inches. The retail valve would bc at Ica*t Two Dollar?; wo shall, however, furnish it to cost ::. -. ..: 7.) . LS. per copy, an t ?5"er it ai a Prenti : i v.\ ax ord? r3 for Seeds. Sec Catalogue wh-.:i < at. BUIC.CS k BROTHER, R .chester. N. Y. 1323r 187? Thc old .-tai. tani remedy for C- tt ?: -, Col U. C n ?Uluption. "StAli ii-y t?ittr." Ci;::::: i.': -. A Co , i.o-?on. TTPIIt?l SDH'IL VTif?tV POWDKR. Removai suncrflaooa l. ?ir ia j . '.. without injury to thc tkin. Sent hs mail for $1.25. ?PIIAM'S ASTHMA CURE Relieves m. .-t violent paroxysm? in yr? aiiawlee and c?Tcctl a speedy cure Pi ice Sj by mai!. TI1K JAPANESE MAIR STAIN Colors thc wl'iskcrs and hair a beautiful BLACK or unowN. It consists of OR/y ou* p**fn*nt?? t. 'J cents by maiL Address S. C. ?PIIAM, Ne ttl J.ivnc ?Screct, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent free, frddby cl I>r-:tr-T:--^__ if? * -A s? .> ;? '.. H ?3 p e c ? r? -? a v ii TO THE WCRKING CLASS.-We u.. BOW prepared to furt.i-h all ria?!*es with c- Bs ..r.c cmpytoymcnC at b?nse, the whole of the tits? or for the spare moments. Business new, l?g? :. and proSutble. Persoasof ei'her sex.casi!; . rn fr?.tn :>'.<*. to $."> per evenir1 ?, rii?.l a T,r-.>p.i' eal ?um l-y devoting their wl....e J.u.c :;.e tu. '. c.-s. Roys and girls earn nearly as nit;. h as BWU. That all who soc thi-notice mtv sec i th?-..- i d drcss. and test thc business, wc m.i'.:e the un paralleled oC?r : To such as aro not well salis* fied, wc wi!! $1 to pay for ;!:.- trou' ie ? f writing. Full particulars, a valaable - .r.plo whi? h will do to Commence w? rk on, and 3 ....: / of T?" l\"?.r.'* LU. -ora Cooq .".:. x-one f ti . larg-?i ?nd !>--st family aewspa] -.-rs ?. vcr ;1 Siish? d -al! ?eat free hy maiL Ii-.-. !.. r. if y. . want penna nant, profitable work, :i Mress E. C. A I.I.EN. ? CO . v r .- r?.3 tn Agents I Read Tl "ll WILL PAY AGENTS A S ! .'. \ ?! V yy ?I c H per week ..i ex .. 'argo e mmis-i'-n. t>. s-. :. o::r r> -. .?:. . . .-. .i iav?r.;?-.t.s. Adurcssj.. WAGNI I ? C . .' shall, Mfefa._ tl Riol S, HOW STBA\?K! The Married Ladies Private Cow panton >i - tuins the d'--!r?*'l inf?nu..tiou. S-: ! rt? stamps. Address Mrs. I!. '. '. /. -t .. . over, PH. VV0II? liUACKS.-A vi..:: ?. of carty creti.'K, causing r..-r.?>as l-t...:'y. pre . at?:<9 decay. Ac , bavirgtrifl :n rain . very a .-. r :- . remedy, ha? a simple ..<-:::.? of self cure, r! 1 he wiBsead fr-c to h'? W!< . -ld dre?? J. H. TI TTLE. 7- N ... N-? Y rk. $3 WATCH! $3 WATCH! THE GREAI ECKO ? AN Fure?ia Alumls?B Wstch Co. i,. v. w:iO:;;:ST & co., .;.. -. 40A 42 BKOADwAY, NM? \<.:ttv. SOLE AGENTS Fol? ?HE t and have iit.ihorlzc i th-m to -?.'; l*teTr gt. Eureka Alamil u::i Gold VVatcb?.-s : : l?r .. U< - lars, and to warrant ea !. ar. I .-v. r\ . ? rt. kc i correct time for ooo year. Tilts wa?t< |. w.. ?t? .rr., tee to be the bc-t atut cheap-.-t ' !ine K? .: . now ir. u?c in any part < .'ii.e n'. ?He. .'; ; e ?or! . are M doubla ?rases. Lad ?M . <'..? t's - t . .. . are lH?au!?fu!ly I. T ?' c.i-c- are n< . . metal now *o widely kf va ia Ec: Aluminum GoM. Ii Las tho cxae< .? . . wl.!ch it elways ret..i?.? : \: v,? \ t" thc strong. st :.cid- : ao ore can tell it ! only by w?ct0ht, t!ic A';ut;-!' ? ?< .? : '. ' li? The w.-rit i?r? Ly i . ? sime r? thc u.-I! l.n"'vr ' ? .. ri-' .i " Atantinum i- a cheap m< : !. i . t.c . ? I lovett the Watch f<*?3a 1 raak. ... I j Wu parkthe Watch saf- :> !. - li ! \ rend ir by mail to etty pan ? I :'? t '.' <. on c.-ipl of $...?0 fiifty cent* !--r p c". . .; ai I | tage. Addm>> ?ll . r.:..-- -o L. V. DEFOREST A CO . " _40_.t 42 fi eadwaj. N n V rfc. An Independent Fortnne IN FOUR MONTHS. Can be mule in a quirt vr ;y Ly n.-n that arc capable of keeping thc twret. Ali-.-- I AM N GOODWIN. t>7 Exehan?oPiacr, V ? Y rk. Carriage Guido- -Kvcry One ; " - <>u > % ?odor. ?A private it structor fr natv I ... :.. .c th-ise aboot tobo man K.i. ?....'. : ; . male, in every thing cocee.i ;i.g .'?.. | ... and re!attoas of our sexual -. sm ?.>?'. ih< p . - ductt'.n and pr?vention . : . ff ; . . cVI . . ?ll tbe new diser.?erie? aevrr h f?*rv -:?.? ir. ri English lan ullage, by WM. YOUNG, M. f> - Tt>i8* ?V?in plain lat f ; ; . . | rca?er, and is' ?nh Re:ocr.i?i? c: g ra v inga. All young tn?r*;< peoi-l contemplating niarriase. tic ;..:-t impediment ta married I le. should read ll:is Sook. It ?C'rtWeS secret.? ?! ?. cut v . ?ic -h ?cl i be acquaint d witt. ; still it i- a fe? K lUa< misc be locked np and nu lie about the b-n-. e It a i i be aent to any ?dilly on r ?...cipt of i" rent.? -- A>fvn.-o Street, aboeu Feorth, Pbili '. Ij l.u, Nov tt.. T tStn