The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, February 01, 1871, Image 3

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The Sumter Watdunau. WEDNESDAY* FEBR'Y t. W. Y. PAXTON - ? BUSINESS MANAS ER ,?&f AU Transient Advertisements, and all Job Work mast be paid for in oasb. This will be observed without distinction. Subscriptions are also payable in advance. pf Applications for Job Work will be made, st the office, to Taos. E. FLOWERS. The WxTCBMur books are in the keeping of W. T. PAITO?, who will receipt for monies doe end attend to all matters connected with the Adver? tising or Subscription departments. Oar Advertising friends are requested to send in their favors not later then Monday. SUMTER MAIL A R R ANG B Af BM TS. CH J. .TOS Or SCHEDULE. CLOSES. oran. Northern, 3:15 P. M. * l?:45 P. M. Southern, 11:30 P. M. 4:20 P. M. Manning, on Mon? day and Thursday, 6:00 A. M. 6:00 P. M. Bith'ville on ?Mon? day and Thursday, 1:00 P. M. 11:30 A. M. Office Hours, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 7 P. M. Mails close on Sundays at ll o'clock, A. M. Office open from 4:30 to 5:30 P. M. T. B. JOHNSON, P. M. January 25th, 1871. tf RESPOND PROMPTLY. Oar busioess manager ie making an effort to collect the amounts due ' the Watchman. We urgently ask parties to respond promptly. If personal ap? plication be unpleasant, please call at the office and settle. We intend, ire- j apectfuily, to ask for what is due us, and continue to ask for it until it is paid. EYE GLASSES. Our friend 0. T. MASON, whose ex? perience in optical matters is valuable, advertises eve glasses for all ages and conditions of defective sight. MAMMOTH TURNIPS. Mr. JUNI?S SPANN, sent us some Ruta? bagas yesterday that would fill up the muzzle of a si ity-four pound Columbiad. He keeps them for sale at bia Con-1 fectionery and Fancy Grocery. COMMENDABLE PROMPTNESS. We are informed that Mr. CHAS. H. MOISE, agent of the Liverpool and Lon? don and Globe Insurance Co., received instructions to settle the less sustained by Mrs. Redding, ($1,000 on dwelling) within ten days from the receipt of the usual affidavit. .STATE APPOINTMENTS. Gov. SCOTT has recently made ap pointments, in several parts of the State, which the local press say will give satisfaction to the people, and carry confidence sn a just and impartial administration of the law. THE SUMTER ROOK STORE. Valentine? in beautiful variety are displayed in captivating style in the show case of the Sumter Book Store. All who bay writing paper at this establishment instinctively ask them selres how it is that it can be sold so cheap. School Books, miscellaneous Books, &c, at very low prices. MANIPULATED AND PHCBNKX GUA NOS. Messrs. PATE & STUBS, of Sumter, are the agents of Messrs. WILCOX, GIBBS & Co., for the sale of their j Guanos, Salt and Plaster Compound, maoufactuered at Savanah and Charles? ton, and Phoenix Guanos, imported from the Phoenix Islands, as will be seen by reference to the advertisement in our columns. THE WANDO FERTILISER. We beg to direct the attention of j the planting community to the proroi- j nent advertisement of this popular Fer? tilizer, in this issue. The price bas been reduced to $50 per ton, cash, or $55 on time until the 1st November, next, without interest. Mr. ELISHA CARSON is the Agent at Sumter, to be found at the house of GREEN & WALSH, and will be pleased to receive orders for the coming season. THE DICKSON FERTILIZER. The advertisement on another col? umn informs our planting friends that Messrs. A. WHITE & Co., have become the agents for this valuable manure. It is manufactured according to the expe? rience of Mr. DAVID DICKSON, of Geor? gia, whose reputation as a successful planter has become co-extensive with the limits of the cotton growing regions of the South. His personal reputation is therefore involved in its reliability, j In the State of Georgia it has been extensively used for the past two years, ] as far as we know with entire satisfac? tion. RAIL ROAD FAVORS. We have been complimented with al free ticket over the Spartanbutg and Union Rail Road, for ?beyear 1871, for which we beg to make our acknowledg. menta tu Messrs. THOB. B. JETER, President, and F. H. COUNTS, Secretary and Treasurer. The very kind and courteoaa manner in which this favor has been extended is especially grateful, and meen a wara reciprocity. Courtesy, liberality and good management are leading characteristics of this Road. To Mr. ALFRED 0. TTLEB, Vice President, we are also auch indebted for a complimentary over the South Carolina Bail Bead for the year 187L GENERAL L??. We feel asa a red the mass of ont I den will be deeply interestedly statement of fae ts. and circumstance! connexion with the life and deatl the great patriot soldier and christ published on oar first page to day, taken from the recent lecture of G PENDLETON, at Augusta, ?ta report?e the Chronicle & Sentinel. Geo. PENDLETON was the chic; Artillery under Gen. LEI, and, iii the war, his pastor and intimate frit -ministering to him in holy thii while yet he lived, and standing, ose tba weeping circle, around bis dyi conch. Much that be tells of this great i good man is new to the outside wot and is invested with a deeper inter because of the high and intimati familiar source from wbenoa it oom giving it tba foll power and effect simple truth. And by no .portion of will the reader be more edified and e tertained than the simple story of t daily habits of the great and good m in every day' private life. His morai and evening levotions, hi? family pta ers, bis pure and generous bospitalii the happy scene of bis family eire and bis simple but regular habits-: example worthy tba emulation of i the great mass of people of whom baw tba centre and soul of admiration. JOURNALISTIC. We were pltased to receive a call, is week, from Mr. PEQUES, of that sterlit old sheet, the Camden Journal. THE YORE VILLE ENQUIRER, of tl 26th ult., wits one of the most bandson and entertaining issues of that first cia family newspaper. The Enquirer is f ornament to the journalism of the Stat In size, too, it is the largest in tl State, and is published at $3 per snout The office of the Chester Reporter offered for sale by Mr. JOHN A. BRAI LET, JR. The materials are eomplel and in good condition. THE CLARENDON PRESS, The last number of this paper coi tains thc withdrawal of Mr. M. J.DAVU as one of its proprietors. We wish ot yoong friend success in whatever h bands may find to do, whilst wa regn to lose him from the journalistic corp The remaining proprietor, Mr. M. I LUCAS, we trust, willi find ample . et couragement and pleisare in bis COE duct of the Press. THE XIX C1SNTUARY. The number for February, under tb auspices of Messrs. LIVINGSTON ? ERCKMAN, has been received. Thea new editors and managers have inprove the Magazine and rid it of all ob? jectionable features, and we take plea? sure io restoring it to our exchange list and calling upon oar people to give i liberal support. PETER'S MUSICAL KOSTHLT. The number for February is at hand with its usual beautiful variety. It i a mystery to us how the publisher cai furnish so much valuable music for sud a small sum-each number contaioio] from twelve to fifteen pieces ol musk the cost of which, in this form, is bu thirty cents. Send thirty cents to the publisher, J L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, New York and he wili send you a sample copy. WILMINGTON. JOURNAL. The issue of tb is paper, of Thur?daj last, contains the valedictory of Mr ALFRED L. PRICE, as one of its edi tors and proprietors, leaving to Majo; JOSEPH A. ENGELHARD tba sols control, editorial and proprietary? Mr PRICE wea one of the founders of thc Journal, his connection with it dating as far back as 1844. Wa notice bit withdrawal with regret, and yet trusl that other fields mora inviting and promising have opened op to ba occu? pied by bim. To Msjor ENGELHARD, and the Journal under his management, we tender our cordial feelings. Th? Journal once 'one of tba ablest, soundest, and moat interesting of out daily exchanges. RURAL CAROLINIAN. No agricultural magasine, from any part of the country, prints, monthly so much matter of direct borne interest to tba Southern planter and farmer as tb? Rural Carolinian. Its contributors are mostly Southern planters of large practi? cal experience, saab as Aiken, Pendle? ton, Graves, Jones, Wilkes, Berckmans, and other equally familiar names, and its eon tributo? from abroad ara vary distinguished mau in tbair special lina, as Drear, of Philadelphia, Dodge, of Washington,"aisd Commissioner Rivet Carnac, of British India. Tba present number is no exception to tba raia. Pendleton's exposare of Villa's thaory of farming without manure, Aiken's fleeood paper on Southern stock farm? ing, and several fi rat* rata ?apara from various planters on experiaentii with commercial fertilisers, Will ba road with interest by all engaged in rural pursuits. IJKRWAXB HAMM, Col. Susan B. Anthony and tba other gushing woman suffrage shriekers seta completely to have won Ge?, (beast) Bat?as ease. Butler bm kag boas Ita. pasted of being ? ?ttia spoof?, * .-v-i ? ? PEBSOKAI? We were pleased, sofie days - since, to receive a call from Mr. FRANK E. TAYLOR, the very gentlemanly and competent representative of 6X0. W. WILLIAMS & Co., of Charleston, and WILLIAMS, BIRK IX & Q0tj 0f ?few York. 4 . We were abo gratified by a visit, tome days ago, from Mr. B. F. MOISE, of the house of Down & MOISE, Charleston, who are proprietors of the popular Sumter Bitters. Meanwhile, we beg to direct attention to the adver* tisement of the tame in this issue. ttW Grant, says the Louisville Cou* rier, must feel it to be quite a pity that j Bishop Simpson did not jgp with the San Domingo Commissioners. If San Domingo were the property of the Meth? odist Church South he would have gone. He has never yet lost a chance to "go for" that sort of property. THE WHOLE CASE. Commenting upon Senator Morton's j Eu Klux bill, the Missouri Rep?blica* suma up the whole case thus i "The Radical party having appetled to the polls and been overthrown, now appeal to_ the bayonet, and pin their ] hopes upon that piece of glittering steel j which is the chosen instrument of ty? rants the world over. The President and his friends have thrown 'off the mask, and display the real 'spirit and purpose which have actuated them from the beginning. We hear no mere about 'let us have peace/ a restored Union, universal amnesty, or any of that soft nonsense which th es- 6?ntlemen dis? tributed so lavishly a short time since. There is to be no peace, no Union, no amnesty, no justice, honor or honesty in our dealings with the South, until the people of the country rise in their j might and strangle a party which has been nothing but an unmitigated curse from the beginning of its existence." If the Radical party ii tobe strangled, Frank Blair and men like him are the only partiea capable of thai feat. SPECIAL NOTICES. ?&- Hon. Alex. H. Stephens of Qa. taja, 'No featly should erer bc without Darby's Prophylactic FlaitL"_ ' ?aV* $1,000 Reward will be paid by the pro? prietor af Dr. Pierce's Alt. lat. er Ooldea Medi? cal Discovery for a metUeise that will equal it in curing all the diseases for whieh it ii mended. Ia tbs care of severe and lingering Coughs, Bronchitis and diseases of tba langs it j is without an equal. Sold by all druggists. There is a prodigal heir, and experience is bis banker, bat his drafts are seldom honored, since j there is often a beary balance against bias, be? cause be draws too largely on a small capital, is not yet in possession, and if he were, wonld die: bat sucb is not the trae experience ef those who pat their trust in the medicinal virtues of the "Old Carolina BitttraJ Relieve yeer children from misery, by using ! Winmaaa's Worm Candy. "CLiaxsDta TEX BLOOD," upon which ebor- j lateas have Iserped so touch, is not amere catch? word ead delasion. The microscope shows that some diseases exist like parasitic growths ?pon the globules of the blood, ead it ia farther j known that some sabtle substances destroy or expel them. These substances here been com? bined to make Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which does effectually expel the disorders that breed and rankle ia the blood to ret est aa it were th? as cbiaery ef life. Mercer (Pa ) Whig. A So a therm Trinan pa. Ne medicine ever offered to the people has won for itself such a reputation ia so short a j time, as DR. TUTT*8 EXPECTORANT. Wherever it has been introduced, it bat superse? ded all other Cough remedies. It not only cores the Cough, bat ea thoroughly purifies the Laage, that ne fears of ita retara aeed be appre? hended. Tho Future Prosperity of the South. There eaa be ae doubt that it would eon tribut6 greatly to the future prosperity of this acetic of the Union if many amongst ea would tarn their energies ead capital ia new channels of j enterprise ead baal nos?. The old roads are dear, bet they are worn ead crowded. Blase a new path through the woods fer yourself, young mee, end you will arrive at the goal of success ahead of your competitors. A striking example of the raine of this precept is found in tb? ease of Mr. P. P. Toale, of Charleston, 8. C., a plain trochante, who has made himself ) th? bead of a large manufactory of doors, sashes ?ad blinda,_ . Unanswerable Argument*. Established facts are silent arguments which neither pen nor.tongue can shake, and it it upon established facts that the reputation of Hostel? ler's Stomach Bitters, as a health-preserving elixir, ead a wt olesemo ?ad poworful remedy, is based. Whoa witnesses COOM forward ia crowds, year after year, ead rei terato the rame statements in relation to tba Senef.eial effects of a medicino upon themselves, disbelief ic it? efficacy ia literal, ly imposable. The ?rodentiais ef this unequal? led tonie ead alterative, extending erer a period of nearly twenty years, ieeksde individaals of every class, ead residents of every clim?, ead refer to the most prevalent among the complain ls whieh afflict ead aerase the haman family. Either a multitude of people, (treegert to each ether, hare annually been seised with aa insane and motiveless desire to deceive the public, or Hosteller's Bittere, fer BO kee thea a fifth ?fa century, hare beau affording such relief to suff? erers from indigestion, fever and ague, b?liees oess, g?n?ral debility, ead nervous disorders, as no other preparation bat erer imparted. To? day, wh&o the eyes ef thu reeder are upon theta lines, teat of thousands ef portent ef both sexes are relying af*? the Bitters at a aura . doereeo ?tenant tin tthtusi eilst thu franni mina sa genders, and their confidence is not misplaced. The letal potions whieh iakrettt? ?Vsaiert eeete tinet endeavor to foist af** te* sick le its stead, are oitryuhoto sauting the fate that is da* to fraud and impostare, while the demand fer the great vegetable specific k eonstaatiy la private Baewwater iwr HRM jsaraviai ?sr thee* about te be married, both janie and fis male, in everything concerning tb* physisfegy ead relations of ear sexual system, and the pro dnetioa and prevention ef offspring, Inclediag all tao new dlseoveriee never beftwe giren in the Beglich language, by Wat YOUNO, M. D Tbk k really a TaJuabk and iatefsatJag werft. It is written in plain language fer the general read?, and k hlratratei with atutereut *a e'r^Uru mM Btv ihew?i read thU book. It dicelesat asaastt tart every cae should betsMaafa^ widtrttiBttk a book that mest beioe*tdepa*daattkabot?ti*>a*^ ItwiH Tb? Pain Eiller ls Bj universal consent al lowed to have won for istelf a reputation en surpassed ia the history of medicalp reparations Its instantaneous effect in the eradication tad extinction of Pala ia all its various;' forms in eideat te the human family, ead the unsolicited written ?ad verbal testimony of the niasses ia its favor, hare been, ead are its own best advertise? ments. The ingredients of the PUB KJLXEB, being ! purely Vegetable, render it a perfectly safe and 1 efficacious remedy taken internally, as -well as for external applications, when used according to directions. The stain upon linea from its use . is readily removed by washing with aleohol. This Medicine, justly celebrated for the eure of se many of the ailie .ions incident of the human family, has now bee? before the pablio over thirty years, sad has fosad its way into almost erery corner of the world; ead wherever it hes been used, the same opinion is expressed of its medical properties. Ia any attack, where prompt action upon the system is required, the Pain Siller isfavaluable. Its almost instantaneous effect ia Believing Pain is truly wonderful; and when used according to directionr, is trae to its name, a PAIN KIL? LER._ DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC X HIS invaluable Family Medicine, for purify* lag, cleansing, removing bad odors in all kinds of sickness ; for burns, sores, wounds, stings j for Erysipelas,rheumatism, and all skia diseases, for catarrh, sore mouth, sore throat, diptheria ; for colic, diarrhoea, cholers ; as a wash to soften aad beautify the skia; to remove ink spots, mildew, fruit stains ; taken internally as well as applied externally ; so highly recommended by all who bare ased it-is for sale by all Druggists sad Country Merchants, and may be ordered directly ortho DARBT PROPHYLACTIC CO., 181 William Street, N.T. Feb 1_ ly SUMTER BITTERS, The mott delightful Tonic known. Imperfect Digestion Cured by Sumter Bitters. Lost Appetite Restored by Sumter Bitters. Bodily Weakness Cured by Sumter Bitters, j CHILLS ABD FEVER, \ Prevented by Sumter Bitters, j Female Complaints Restored by Sumter Bitters Health aad Strength Restored by Samter Bitters. {Nervous Diseases Cared by Sumter Bitters. Recommended by the highest m?dical authority in the State. This popular Tooie'aad delightful Beverage ) is for sale by all Druggists aad Grocer?. ?DOWIE, MOISE i DAVIS, Proprietors, ' Aad Wholesale Druggists, Charleston, 8. C. DB. A. J. CHINA, Feb 1_Agent Sumter S. C. If JOB weat to buy Harness, Saddles, Iraak*, Valiese, Bags, Satchels, Collars, Hames, Chains, Riding-bridles, Martingales, Whips, rpara, Curry-comb*, Horse-brushes, Feather brashes, Axle-grease, Oil, Leather, Saddlery Hardware, aad all Goods kept ia a first class Saddlery Establishment, call it J. S. TOPHAM A Co.'s., No. 8 South Front St. Wilmington, BJ C. To Conan mp tl vee. The adrertiser, having been permanent]- eared of that dread diesen, Consumption, by a simple remedy, le anxious to make known to bis lellos sufferers the means of eure. TD all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direct1 ont for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure eure for Con-umption, Asthma, Bronchitis, An. Parties wishing the prescription will plea?? address Ber. EDWARD A. WILSON. 165 South Second Street, Williamsburg, N. Y. Dee 7-ly_ Error? of Yoe th. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiseritioo, will for the sake of suffering bamaaity, sead free to all who need it the reeeipe aad direction for making the sim? ple remedy hy which he was eared. Suffers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience eas do so by addressing, ia perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 42 Ceder Street, New York. DooT-ly _ 1871. TO The Planters. Oar planting friends who desire os to parches GUANO, CORN, or BACON for them, are requested to hand in their orders by first ol Febnarj. Those not wishing to dispose of their COTTON DOW ar? informed' that we eao hold it as long as desired, making a CASH ADVANCE of two thirds on threame whoa delivered. The low pri?e of Bacon at the present time should he takes advantage of.- j The Balk ?seats .aaa be smoked with a loss of onlj 5 par sent Shoulden at ll twa ts, and sidee at 12* cent*, are the present prises. Now is the time to save jo? money. CREK* & WALSH, MERCHANTS AN? BANKERS, flit ff, 8. C , Jaaitarj 4,1871. . STEW STYLES Dry Goods. BY LATE ARRIVALS OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, &c, is complete in all departments. Oar Goods are marked at PRICES that will PAY AN INSPECTION OF THEM BY ALL PURCHASERS. GROCERIES, OUR STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, is kept full at all times, consisting of all kinds, (Except Liquors.) GREEN & WALSH. Buckwheat Flour. Mackerel, new. Batter, Mountain and Goshen, Cheese, Pearl Hominey, Bolted Meal, Breakfast Bacon, Kentucky Hams, Tor saleby' GREEN & WALSH. Satin Cioth, a new article for Ladies Dresses. The Largest ASSORTMENT OP DRESS GOODS in Town. At GREEN A WALSH'S Ail Wool Merinos, DcLaines and Empress Cloths. Bress Trimmings, OP ALL KINDS. THE LATEST STYLES. At GREEN A WALSH'S. Alpaccas-all kinds, colors and qualities. The NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRT At GREEN A WALSH'S. Silks, Poplins, Scotch Plaids and Fancy Delaines. Shawls?and Cloaks. AWFUL CHSAPj At GREEN & WALSH'S. Cloaks and Shawls of all qualities. Blankets, (Nothing, AND HATS, of all kinds, At GREEN A WALSH'S. Largest Assortment of Harness in Sumter. Come and see it. Saddles. Harness. AND WHIPS, of best quality, At GREEN A WALSH'S. Saddles and Bridles to suit ercry one. Crockery, Glassware, AND HARDWARE, at retail and wholesale, At GREEN A WALLH'S. Another Lot nf those New S jle Hats. ACCIDENTS PREVENTED BY PURCHASING THE NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSINE LAMPS, tc be bad only At GREEN A WALSH'S. China and Glass Ware. Crockery of all kinda. Full Stock OP CORN, BACON. LARD, nAMS AND BUTTER, COFFEE, TEA and SUGAR, At GREEN A WALSH'S. Calf Skin, Sole and Lacios; Leather. Rabber Belting. FLOUR. SALT, MOLASSES and MESS PORK, At GREEN A WALSH'S. Philadelphia Boots and Shoes. Kew Lot OP WHITE GOODS, GLOVES, HuSIERY and DRESS GOODS, Jost received at as? tonishingly low prices, By OREEN A WALSH. Mile's Boots and Shoes. King's Ladies Shoes. Kew York Exchange, BOUGET AND SOLD BY GREEN A WALSH. Bargains in Remnants, At GREEN A WALSH' Planter's owing us for Supplies are requested to meet their obliga? tions promptly, as this is the time of the gear yoe need our money. If you do not usish to se? Cotton, ve vriU ship and hold it GREEN & WALSH. COTTON. We are prepared to pay the HIGHES! CASH. PRICE FOB COTTON, OR SHIP AND HOLD WHIN DESIRED, macing CASH ADVANCES ON 8AME. Oreen & Walsh DEALERS IN 8ENERAL MCRCHAND1SE ure COMMISSION MERCHANTS. GREAT REDUCTION In [Prices. GOOD FAMILY FLOUR, 15 lbs. for $1,00. GOOD COFFEE, 20 cts. per lb. PRIME COFFEE, 25 cts. per lb. GOOD BROWN SUGAR, 12 1-2 cents per lb. GOSHEN BUTTER, 40c. per lb. LARD, 20 cents per pound 6 pounds for $1.00. HYSC N TEA, $1.00 per lb. Just Received, A FINE STOCK OF PAINTS -AND OIL, At Greatly Reduced Prices, -AT PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE, Sumter, S. C. Jan'll_ ????????? 4> ! Ladies ! ! F. A. FOLSOM OFFERS YOU BARGAINS IN Fancy Goods, and almost anything ia your line. Keeps Corsets, Glares, Udkfs., Hosiery, Laces, Em? broidery, Trimmings, Hair Nets, Hair Pins Sewing Cotton, a good arti? cle at 5c. Emb'dy Silks and Cotton, Rnfflings, Chignons, Ribbons, White Goods, Calicoes, Needles, Everything ! AT REDUCED PRICES. I My Confectionery, The first established in Sumter, Is always supplied with CHOICE CANDIES, FRUITS, j? Nats. Cakes, Crackers, Ac, ? and To?s, in variety. X TEA.-.$1 25. t andy Reduced to 30 ct?, per lb, from ibis-day. Jan 4 F. A. FOLSOM. Coifs Military and Commercial ACADEMY. MAYES VILLE, Boya prepared for College or Baetsteoa. First Session, from Oct. 1st to Feb. 15th. Second Session, from Feb. 16th to June 30th. TERMS :-$100,00 par session, for Board and Tuition, in advtuee. Special Instruction ??ven in Penmanship and Rook-keeping, Business Forms and Accounts. For further information, address Carr. W. H. COIT, Jan 18_Mayes ville, 8. C. AT THE Sumter Book Store. LETTER PAPER. 10 cents, per quire. Fools Cap paper. 15 'eats, per quire. Blank Books and Diaries for 1871. Almanacs Writing Desks and Work Boxes. Hair Brashes and To?;th Brushes. Combs and Faney Anieles. A large lot ?f Miscellaneous Books, And Cheap Novels, atredueed rates. Jan 18_A. WHITE A CO. EGBERT BitOUN, Architect,. County Surveyor, -AND-* Mechanical Engineer) WILL ATTEND TO ANT BUSINESS En? trusted te him with accuracy and dispatch. Refsrt to FOBS OR FRIBND8. Address, Manchester, 8. C. petit y _ Final Notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE FIRM OF A. ANDERSON A CO., mast ec me forward ead settle up. I aa co at pel ?td le dose ep the b?stete?. A. J. CHINA, Jae. I-lt Surr iring Partner, Iron and Hoes OP GOOD QUALITY, Are NECESSARY FOR MAKING A GOOD CBOP, AND PLANTERS Coming TO SUMTER, ARE INVITED TO CALL And EXAMINE MT STOCK WHICH Will BB SOLD LOW FOR CASH. THEY ARE EXPECTED TO Arrive IN TIME FOB PREPARING THE LAND, AND WILL BE OFFERED By A. A. SOLOMONS, WHO HAS ORDERED A GOOD SUPPLY ALSO OF TRACES, PLOW BRIDLES, HAMES, AXES, Ac. Next HE WILL HATE A PBETTY ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS, ON ARRIVAL OF Steamer. Jan IS tf RE M OJ A17. fJIHE UNDERSIGNED HAS RE? MOVED HI3 Fancy Grocery, Confectionery, and Toy Store TO THE BUILDIN LATELY OCCUPIED BY Maj. J. W. DARGAN, where will he con I stantly fou Dd a tandie me assortment o? Fancy Groeerie?, Family Supplies, Candies, Coffee, Nats, Sugar, Canned Goods, Ae., Ac., Toys, New Year Presents, etc. FINE SEGARS-CALL AND TRY THEM. LAMPS AND FIXINGS. F Thankful For past patronage, would solicit a call from ALL at my new stand. J. TS. SPANN, Agent, AT D ARO A N'S LATE STAND. Haring disposed of my Stock of Goods and stand to J S. HUGHS ON, I cordially recom. mend him to my customers who hare so liberally patronized me Tor three years past. MR. J. N. SPANN, his agent, I know will continua .-spense Good Things from the old Sumter *? ctionery to the satisfaction of all. J. W. DARGAN. Snmtcr, S. C., Jan 4, 1871._ NO. 3 GROCERIES. THE ONLY STRICTLY Grocery and Liquor House IN TOWN THE UNDERSIGNED. Kegs leare to cali tho attention of bis friends and the public generally to bis NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Heavy andFancy Groceries Which he offers low for CASH ONLY. t^. All articles warranted as reeommende EB*" Pare Mod:einal Liquors kept constan on hand. J. H. BEER RA RT. April 13_rf PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. Pictures ! Pictures ! ! Pictures ! ! PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES, ". AMBROTT PES, A XS PORCELAIN PICTURES. These Picture? ara now taken at the Sumter Gallery, in all lim and styles-up to Hf? site. Raeent improvements have been bronght into r?quisition, and the undesigned feels confident that beean produce as -erfect and well finished Pie tu rae as eas be obtained in the State. Copying from Old Likenesses, and the original lineaments of tba pie/are folly reproduced J. D. WILDER. Oat_tf SOUTH CAROLINA Central Sail Hoad Co* CHARLESTON, 8. C., January Tl, 1871. THE SEVENTH INSTALMENT OF FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE, will be payable aa 14th February, pru imo. Ia h?rtesten-at tba Otha af twa Cenrpaay, Na. IO Bread ?tree?, P J' Ia 8??ter-To Major JOSEPH JOHNSON. In Clarendon-To Dr. 6. ALLEN HUGGINS. WM. H. PERONS KAU, Treasurer, Jen ll a -AND SAVE NOR mm ! The undersigned begs leave to return his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Will keep constantly on hand a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT -OF Drugs, MEDICINES, &C-, &c, which he will sell at a VERY SMALL PROFIT FOR CASH. He is compelled to make his business STRICTLY CASH, and hopes one and all will SAVE THEIR FEELINGS AND NOT ASK FOR CREDIT. DM. A. J. CHINA, Successor to A. ANDERSON & CO., SUMTER, S. C. Jan 4, 1871._tf__ J. E. SU ARES, SUMTER FURNITURE -AND Chair Ware-Rooms. THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS ? Friends nod Customers that he has receive?.' and will continue to receive NE WAND CHEAP FURNITURE, TO SUIT THE TIMES. His Stock consists of almost every article in that line, TI'S : SOFAS. SIDE-BOARDS, BOOK-CASES, Wardrobe?. Extention Tables, Bureacs, W.ub-Stands, Sitting and Rocking Chairs, oferery kit d Cribs, Cradles, Trundles Cottage Bedsteads and Mattresses. JUST RECEIVED Some more of those CHEAP COTTAGE SETS. Meat Safes, Window Shades and Wall Papering-all low for CASH. J. E. Snares. Afain Street, opposite Express O msc, Entrance from Sta:r Case on Main Street to _FURNITURE ROOMS._ MISS E. D. BRITTON WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE her friends, and particularly the ? ladies of Sumter and commu? nity to call and examine Her Rich and Beautiful Stock -OF ' Fall Millinery and Fancy Goods. Having .--elected her goods person* Mr. aid with great care, in tlie New Tor* and Ba market?, she fVc'.s confident of pleasing a!!. ? <.;!? as regards quality, style and pri?e. A? .?wai, then? H re many noveltiej f< r the season. MISS BRITTON* is supplied with ?FIPST CLASS MILLINER ead a DRESS MAKF-K, from Baltimore, nh" are well qimhfi d '???r the bu?inc??. The fashions procered itt New Y-?rk. Ladie... call ana have your L>resie.? and Ha s made in the latest Styler. P.ipcr pattern? of Drespe?. Sneques an; oh:r articles of dre?? may b* had. At the New Store next to J. T. SOLOM NS Sept 28 TO THE LADIES. Fail and Winier Opening MRS. M. J. ZERXOTV Has recently returned fr m Now York, where ehe selected an clo gani and varied assortnui.t ot Goods in the MILLINERY LINE, embracing all the latest NOVELTIES OF 1 IIB SEASON. Her Stock has bren selected with j,rra? c.-ire, and will he found uncqoT?ed in'.h^i.-? i-i-; <*M - ty, and will bc . Cered at prices th : C*:T. : ta i to give ratirfnetion. Order? from the country w.'l receive prompt attention. Ott IV ETIWAN FERTILIZER, MANUFACTURED AT CHARLESTON, .?. Wa C. BEE & CO., GENERA L AG L'X TS. Das Been Rf doc ed io Prier. THE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to ?up, ly all orders from Planters on demand. "Feed your land and it will Feed Von." Circulars and Terms on application. JOSEPH JOHNSON, Agant, At L. P. LORING'S Store. Main Stree:, ina ll-Sm?