?LACK tit HEAVEN. ST H. F. BT A KR. Bebrynge tbe Pilgrim, lifting np bis bead, Btw the I?ea(h Angel standing near his bed. And beard him say. in accents cairn and cold, "Thc ??raes that I write within my Bock of Geld, Are nau.es af those ?bose |>l.tce it? Heaven ie won; Te gata such plaeewh.it has thoa ever done?" Bchrynge ?Lc Pilgrim, struck' up?n his breast: "Ala? ! full many a law have I tran-rressed ! Yet al God's feet, for creatures He had made, Both mote ntid helpless, all my life I laid, A od pr*vcJ him daily that roy strength might ls Their fritbful safeguard, as He guarded me. The Duroli Beasts' catite I plead through all tb? land. And stayed tbe tortore of the oppressor's band; With righteous wraft I awed tbe creel mind, Or strove by kindness to make oren more kind; My life, my all, to the great work 1 gave Yet know I not if deeds like these can save/ The Anget vanished. \?ben at Heaven's gate, Bebrynge the Pilgrim sadly came to wait, Lo ! the pearl portals flew asunder far, A light shone round bim like a glorious star, Anda voice said,"Thy sins ar- all forgiven ! Love fur tbe helpless won thy place in Heaven.*1 A Little One's falk with the Stars. Yon little twinkling stars, that shine A l.i.ve toy bead so high. If I had but a pair of wings, I'd join you in the sky. "? do not know bow old you ara, *V whether you can speak ; ?er yon-may twinkle al! night long, And play at bide ard seek. "Oh. tell roe, little star?, for much I wonder, whyyouj*o The whole night lot g from east to west, ?o patiently add ?low." "We have a Father, little child, Who guides ix? on our way ; We never question when Ile speaks Vfe l?ten and obey." Hope. ''The night is mother of the day; The win ter of the spring ; And ever upon old decay Tho greenest mosses cling. Bjttfnd the cloud the starlight lurks; Through showers the sunbeams tall ; T?r God. wh> lore th all bis works, HM left bis hope with all? -Inscribe injuries on sand, and bene firs on utarble. - Ile who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do any. - idleness has no advocate, ba ?any friends. -Fancy runs tactrt furiously when a guilty conscience drives. -Thc sho iff of Yermiliion coanty, Illinois, is named Search, aud he doc? it. - The easiest labor is a burden to liiui who has uo motive for performing it. -If sonic are refined like gold in the furnace ot affliction, there ure ? many more that like chaff arc consumed in it. -The manners which are neglected ns small things are often those which decide tuen against us. -Nothing costs less, and nothing parchamos as much, as a kind, rerpect fal, courteous and agreeable treatment of others. - Mus Julia Ward Howe urges a general congress of women of all coun tries to pl?mete peace aud a general alliance. -A* liri le cotton dipped in kerosene oil and carefully tied upon a finger upon which there is a felon, will cure it in one night's time*. -True politeness is perfect ease and freedom. U simply consiste iu treating tobera jost as you love to be treated yourself. - Every wisc man and woman and good child will turu over a new leaf in their life book, now io the beginning of J this new year, and strive to keep it as cleau as possible. -Sorrow cc ni ss* se on enough without despondency; it docs a man no good to carry around a lightning rod to attract trouble?. -The editor of the Corning Journal\ has been escorted to a soda fountain by a good lot.king lady, and ..treated." He has ever since been a warm advocate of woman's rights-to treat. - A youngster, seeing tho sky very red a night or two before Christinas. Mid : "Mamma, (?ol fi?ut* ('lause getting ready to bake cakes." -Josh Hillings says: "A man who starts on the day of his marriage as first lieutenant iu his family, need never ex? pect to be promoted." -A person being asked ?hst was meant by the "realities of life," answer ed, '"Heal t st ate, real money, and real good dinner, none of which could be realized without real hard work." -Tlie man nrfco- raised a cabbage head has-dbire saure gnod than ali the meta? physics-io the- w?>rlV' said a stump orator at a arcoon^/ "Then," replfrd wag, "seor mrtfcer unga* to hare the premium." -?Were ? to asi?, trre way to the next town, you would; ire- doubt, be able to tell me," said r superintendent to a Sunday school ela**; '-but if 1 eViould inquire the way la iiear^rK ?bat answer would you give?" A little gir) \ climbed .io the top of ? ben?h, and'said, ?.'Jesus Christ is thc ray I" . -A Down Hast editor, who bas keeping a.record of big beefs, aunounefa ?t last (hat 1 ?he beet that beat the bee? that beat the other beet is nov beaten by a beet th kt beats al: the beets, ?belber tb? original beet, tbe beet that beat tbe beat, or the beet that beat the beat that beat the other beet." -A gen tleman advertised in a Soot h tn paper the other dajjejbr tbrrc awift VT Uer*. Thc types usnde it read "three r?rfft waitera." 6aak aerurd of negroes tattooed Use. office tb? ?est mor stn? tilt* lite editor, mistaking; titer ' motive tra* ats*** m bundle urj ami bt&x? bj afet iWKk dui* - aaaaflml A KISS. p| "What's in a kiss ? BejBy, Whep peol\ pie coree to reflect opon the matten calmly, wi at can th ty see in a kiss ? ' The lips pout slightly and touch the cheek softly, aud then they lost part and thcjuy ?complete ! There is a kiss in the abstract. View it in th* abstract -take it as it stands-look st it philos? ophically I What ts there in ii, after all ? Millions upon millions of souls hare been made happy, while raillions upon millions have beet? plunged into ornery and -Je.spsir by this kissing4 jtcd.yet when yon look at the character of the thing, it is simply a ponting of the lips. In every grade ol society there is kissing. Go where you will, to what c nntry you will, and you arc perfectly sure to find kiss?fyff. (Tr. MASON.] WATCH MAKER .AND SI,'M TER, S. C. lias just received and keeps always oa t*aod Kew and Beautiful Styles of JEWELRY, EYEGLASSES, &C. WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY- RE? PACKED WITII DISPATCH. March 31_ O. F. HOYT. SUCCESSOR TO OULD reipcctfally inform bis friends und the public of Sumter, and adjoining counties, that be bat recently received a choice setee tioo of LADIES* AND GENTLEMENS' Watc lies, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c, Ac, His stoe c embraces all tbe latent styles, and will br gold at ressonablc rates. Sept 29 P. HALTOM FOLSOM, Watchmaker and Jeweller. SCMTEB, S C. Calli> the attention of tba public to bis sssort meo t of Watches, Clocks. Jcwalry, Spectacles, a sd-a Fine Article of SILVER PL ATE* Vt A RE, Bridal Presents, Ac. Persons purchasing of him eaa rest a??ared of (fattir JJ article? a? represented All work in ray Has neatly r? paired sad jjoarsatesd. Barrett's Building, South West Cornrr Main and Lihcrtifsirrett. Oct*_I SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE Xorlb frutera Rfiira&tl i oapaoy. CHARLESTON, S. C., Aug Ia, 1870. np HE ATTENTION OF THE PUH I L?C is resprrtfully called to the following REDUCED RATES of Kit RIO HT hetwseo Oha rief ton aad Smtioos oa the WILMINGTON and MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD, to go tuto operation on the 20th A ur.cut. TJ Stifter-M ela*?, $1.'5; 2nd els?*, 90c; 3rd ela??, SPr.; 4th elass, Me.; 5lt? c!aa?, 35c. T? Mnve?ville, Ljnchbnr^, TimmonrvSlle, Mar's Binti, Ps Dee, Marion-l?i . lass. $1.10 ; 2nd class. ??e; 3rd class, lie.; 4lb cia* , ?Oe ; ?lb ein??, 3Qe. In order to sh?w the ezteat of this Reduction, the following OLD RATES are sppowded : To Sumter-l?t ela??, tl 80; Zsd cia??. $1.40; 3rd cia??, $1.20; 4th chu?, 7bc; 6th class. 47e. To Marearills, Lynchburg. TinnaonsrPle. Mar's Ii I a ff. Pe Dee. Marion 1st elass, $'.70; tad cia??, $1.40; 3rd elass. $1.15; 4th etass, 70c.; ?I h ela??. 45e. S. S. SOLOMONS, Sap'L Amg 24-tf WILMINGTON Iron and Copper Works MACHINS ?H0P, FRONT STREET, BELOW MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dealers sad Manafaetarers ut Steam Engines, Pea Hat Machines. Safar aud other Mills, Ola (lear. Cotton Screw? aad Presses, Terpentine Still-, and all ?lade ?fGs*ttag* and Uarhinrrv wadi; ur rc rod. Also, Packing anal Bailie*, W ?od Moulumg. Brackets. Kewell Posts, Stair | JUlling, Ae., of the late?? patterns. . UART fc BAILEY. ftptM EERBER fc D COTTON FACTORS, ?NP | Generar! Commission Merchants, ... A?O*B;S -?BAR*, jj C ha r^Knavt-o-n , S.O. rl Oswell Reeder. aisasasnai.a Datjs i fl?** ? . ? . ? . ? '. - tva Molasse? ?: Hotasaw! j y ^ DHDS., TOS: ??REIA, *? ilawiife,j Par sat* Vy? . mi . I *. ; rt rp T i of* Vo Jto*jn$?Um$M^foftovft\?j*t tir* inTeresting _a? ?notel. FRESH F?LLEND RELIABLE! ... ' -zN* Corn^etitioi?.? *j SO IHatftsineeni Fait Pagre Ktizravliia;?! 293 OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS Of exceedingly interesting sud varied character, many af ?beta hntaorou s. AU ab?ttt ice princi? pal cities of the Island, V?F expenses, paid Agents, to sell our new and useful discoveries. Address B. SWEET A Co., Marshall Mich. NEW MEDICAL PAMPHLET.-Sentinal, Physical and Nervo, t Debility, its effects and sore! Price25 cents. Address SECRETARY Museum of Anatomy. 618 Broaoway. New York. A CARD. A Clrrgyman, while residing in South Ameri esas a missionary, discovered a safe and simple ! remedy fur th* Cure of Nervous Weakness. Early ' Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organ?, and the whole train of disorders brought I on by baneful and vicious habits. Great nam I hers have been cured by this noble remedy, j Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will ?end the neeipe forpreoaring j and using this medicine, in a scaled en vd p. to any one who needs it, Free chare**. Andres* JOSEPH 1. INMAN, Station D, Bibk House, New York City. Nwr 16 PROVISIONS. JJEAVY CITY MESS PORK, Dry Salted ."-boulders, bbds. and boxes; Dry Salted Sides, bbds. sod boxes; S < oked Wertern Shoulders, bbds.; Smoked Western Rib Sides, bhds. ; Breakfast Strips, Hams, ev? ered aed naked. LARD-Pure Prime Natural and Extra, in titr?es, bbls and tubs. Extra Fine Table Baiter, tubs. Best Factory Cheese. SUNDRIES. COFFEES-Java, Lagayra, Rio, all grades, FLOU RS-all grades ; SUGARS-ali grades ; MOLASSES and SYHUPS-all grades; CRACKE S-all kinds, in hbls. and boxes; RAISINS, Choice Lem oos and Orange*. Bottled Ale and Porter, English A American, ia eases end barrels ; Chewing Tobacco, caddies, quarter and balf boxes ; Catawba Wine, Choice Scupper. Bong Wiae, California Hock Wine, Clarets, Raspberry Syrup. Black? berry Brandy, Jellies, Essences, end Grocers Dru**t, Lye and Potash, snd a general as? sortment of Liquors, Groceries, Sugars, Tobacco, dc. For sata, at Waeletale only, by AMAIN At TOLL EBS, Nov S Wilmington. N. C. HUBER'S H0??S?7 28* KING STREET. (IN THE BEND,) CHARLKSTOX, S C. Tn TS POEULAB IiSTABMSLI MENT. pleasantly Incaled on Ring? be tween Wentworth and Hasel Streets, offers en excellent accommodation ta tba traveling public It is bot a few yards from fr*m the City Rail? way, and not seer* than five minutes walk lo the Post Office, and all tko business houses on Meeting and Hasel Streets. Transient l'uard $2 00 per dey. ; CT . Sp?cial nrraagttsaeit will be asede tor beard oe application to the proprietors. B. HILBERS. Nov 16-3m_GEO. A. WA G RN ER. P. HEINSBERGEST BOOK SELLER, STATIONER -aaa Blank &4>ok Manufacturer. DE V LEK IS Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins. Chromos, Ac. At New York and lioh iraore Pitt ea. Sept 14-_WILMINGTON. ?. t>. THE MILLS SOUSE, ?lAMi&tt ? find, tnpritiT*, Charleston, S.- C. HAVING been recently and thoroughly tea- (: .fXew York. . , . _ . . j! Vee? :ln&'-A ' (MARLESTON HOT??V Thbt j?*n haps* ase! jsajkO |Ma|X CLASS U9Tt%?mmm^VB^or?? Wf ; and ?tee (a ?he rentre et tb? W6el?s?!e Bu*U?r* Heese*. asVrds ?aetl?le*. a*at?<*r?* ead nt?tmSf. fie tNNa?vs for Pfs^Mre ?ww Aterchaat* on soeow4 tc awi? leriwa United 8?xie*. -AND-<- I Money Wade!! \ JP. BLAND?, of M?ye?vHlr, P. C., is now . re eirir.g hil SEC 'ND STOCK of FALf. ?nrfiViVrEJ?. ajOODSf ?urtWftV H?'* jd?Vr mfoeti tovell hi? LARGE ?ijoiPWKU? Sj?tBJ?T BD&TOCKAM'itfi MUCH for COTTON and ALL KINDS cf COUNTRY ? 'RKDCCEaa eau begotten in Sn? tor} Therefore y?u.wiU baja TWENTY MILKS SAVEb by doing your trading ? i h him . Hi* ^rutk-T-iurcha?c? aii.ce iii-; .recant Acine. wilban eye to the wnnts of thia section-is COMPLETE. ? { ? DRY GOODS, 1 c>3 Alps *ens. Figured De-Lai nea, Sc<>|ch PI.ai.da. P^irijrs. Baliuora? 8krrja./Arv:*rith lan endless variety of Prwiti?. Lindseys af?d l>oinestiee. Laiiie-' IL;t.-. Ribbons and Fancy Articlf?. lt ft AD Y M14 ?> E GL OT?f TS G A full assortment Cassiraere*. Melton Cloths, and Jean? of every'grxdej Boots? Shots, Hats and Cups. GROCERIES. Sugars, CotTe.'s .Molasses, Salt, Flour, Fish, Bacon and P ck led P.rk. HARDWARE; Biggingand Tie?, Axes, Shovels, Tin-ware an ! aH Kinds-f Cutlery. [ CONFECTIONS. Canned Peaches, Pme A pp Us. Corn, Salmon. Oyster*. Brandy Peache*. R.-tLins, Nuts and Candies. Cae so and Cracker... Tobacco and Cigars, with ?ll kinds of -31100 FLY" Gim Cracks ap?l ?1irli-tuia> X?:ijriiv Ho ic-[MCCully solicits a rall, with many thank* for iwi!>t.ia.vprs. - - . . Tory Rwpcei.olly, s 'j .Li""- > J- *: BfcAXD. i Mayesvlll?, S. C., Dec T-lm p. P^TMLE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Largest and most complete \ Manufactory of Doors, Sashes r Blinds. .Mouldings, ?c., in the I Southern States. " ? ) ?3TPrinted Prien Lisi Defies Competition."^^ &f Send for one tfe^ ?St* Sent' Free on Application. -T?5 April 6 ly GEO, W, WILLIAMS & GO., FACTORS, Proprietors Carolina Fertilizer. CHARLESTON. S- Q WILLIAMS, BIRNIE-&C0. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. Y. Liberal Advances made on Cotton and !':., w.'e shipped to us in Charleston or New York. Agent's for Beard* L- cfc. Eureka and Buckle Tie, Butlerand SitU'i law. J . \T Sept 28-'m. . ?* > . - J. E. ADG???c?T, IMPoRTKBS ?OF itt DEALERS 15 HARB W ARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, BAR IRON, STEEL, AND Agricultural Implements, J. K. Adger. A. McD. Brown, K. D. "Robinson, ?. M MotT-tt. j J. Adger Sm} ta, I EA. Smyth.' J Sept ZS 139 Sleeting Street, ntid ? ?2 En*i Bav S?r?-et. CHARLESTON. & C. Aaa LEROT M WILSO*.Jon? W. PEL*T. WILSON * JSELDT, COTTON* FACTORS AND GENERAL Commission Merchants, NO. 5 Vi AT KU .ST., BALTIMORE. OFFER their sirrices for the tale of COTTON, SPIRITS, ROSINS and SOUTHERN PRO? DUCTS Of every description, old for tiepnr chase of PLANTERS' SUPPLIES and all kinda af MERCHANDISE. Mark each 'package distinctly. ' Forward Bill Lading. Orders executed promptly and at best market rates. July 27-An . .v.??iv> DR. 8 H AL LE N BER ti BI'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE ? Always Stope Lbe Ckii ti.! Thia Medicine has been beforv . e Pnb - lie fifteen, years, and is atillal*: ' i of ail other known remedies. It decs not . urge, does not sicken tte stomach, ?s perfectly safe la as/ doe? tai under nfl carena ttanrwe, and is the only Medicine tibet will and Agu?, becesae it is a perfect Ante eXo*e ea> JaTalatrta> Sold bf aa- Brugtfits. Bi WHOlTOttf^RtfJ^AlER ll? Parlor, ?mml?^Miing-Rootn, Mattresses, . ?>'1* { Window 8hsde?. ? ' -? :; Sa>fc,* Ellene aWi tr'iattOssaiSal?a^9 -asTjaaefl ? ?.Mm* rr?-, JeplU I''*,**-, - - - - - - -ihr:-rjiET ~} r~ 7 ~ W-^**T^tf rtoiv Engineer*? Bo?er-Makers, Nos. 4. 6, 8, 10 & 12 PIUTOIJAttp St! V?KAl'i ' TH? 'bhX.DOCK), ClfJARLteSTOrt, SO. CA Steam Engines aad Boils rs, MARINE, STATIONA.UX A POSTADLE ! Rice Treshers, and Mills of sw ; . t^?:"!' ia. Ol? BOO .Wi .. . ^ every inscription..- ? Shafting Pullies, and?,Gearing. Iron Fronts :forbuildings, Castings of every kind in Iron or Brass. We, guarantee ta/urnish, Engines") and Boilers of as good quai* .iiy and powex, and at , > as low rates as caa be had in New York, Baltimore or Phila? delphia. AGENTS FOR JUDSON'S CELEBRATED GOV BWOTT-^'^xOT VJ&VE, which are pat on all of oar Engines 6ept ?8 Old Carolina. Bitten. A Delightful Tonic. WE "TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN OF ' ' FER?NG THE 1 OLD CARQUIS A BITTERS ! to the pehlit. They are compounded* with zreai ! ear?, aad contain some of the beat' Tonic? ia the Phnrmaawfji*. At eeitknooof HM ?uperroritT of | ??ur Li ITTERS over all other., wa hare cortifi en te? from many of the leading pbj. ieun* ia oar j State, who have prescribed theta in their prac wee. Thc Old Carolina Bitters I Will be f?unJV>preaead Chromic TTTMW? KO^??n. ?^cSn^anSt^^?r^ jT^^j L^^^dney?l a^tv?Fiarfrtoffis^ Bit fra) bai? bean snoot a-^eaeafnf. iBadiPis? ?Mie*?re e??ae4 br Vit^Slc?* whkh fr gvnerdly produced by dersageaseat of tba ?eytavigoreta tbs stomach, aod stbnslat? the torpid liver end bowels, ?hieb render them of rawjwalledefficacy ta ?'ea*rinv the b?oolo? all imparities, and imparting new ii?a and rigor to tb? ?bots system. ' djyspepsia or IncHgesttca, Headache, Cneat. Dtzzmeaa, Sow Stomach, Bad Taste m thritWh,H Jiona Attack* I>IrtU?on>f the Heart, Copious Dttcaargea of Cnn?, Fain In tba regions of tho Kidne .?, and a hundred olhvr painM aymptoms whieh are Cfcs cnbpilnga ot ?)yapepal?, are enred bytheae B.t tera. Clean*; tita Ylt?rtadlTood wh-merer yon Std ita faawarUJea baratin? Uu?Vjrh tho akin i v Pha &Eroptiona, or Borea; eJeaaseit when it ie ead yoorfeeliaee will tell yoi wVn. Em? ta? ITO art tho health o? Gougrbs, Colds, ftc For the Speedy Relief and Per? manent Cure of CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, ^St?XeS*,' COldS, And ali Diseases of ?be LUNGS,-CHEST, OR THROAT! 1M?E EXPECTORANT is composed * exclusively of Herbal ?ad Mucilaginous product?, winch Permeate the very Suhttance nf the Lung* causing ibera lo throw ol* the acrid matter wbieh collccia in ibe Br ncbial Tabea, and ai the sam? time form* a soothing coating relieving the ir? rt attoii which produces lb? cough. The object lo be obtaieed ir to eieanse the organ o( ad imp?rtete* ; to assfMi an>i tiength en it whee it bes become iotpaired and er.'eeb'ml hy disease; to renew and invigorate the circulation of the blood, and strengthen tb* a?-rvou* organ? isation. The KXP?JTOKAKT does this to ?a astonishing degree. It is active bet asild and congenial, imparting functional energy and natural strength. It affords Oxygen to vitalise lb? blood, aud Nitrogen to assimilate tba nat ter lt e^aallaee Ike "nerrena loaT.aeac?,? produc? ngaaniet and co ai poe are. TO CONSU PTIVES It is invaluable, u it immediately reiie.ee the difficult breathing a.id barraasmg congo which attends tbat disease. FOB ASTHMA It is s specif e-00? dose often relieving the dis. tressing ceo? i ag, and prodaeiag calm ?nd piensan t repose. FOR CROUP No metier sbostd ever t,e without s bottle of the KXPJ?CTQRAKT ta lbs howse. We bar? aameroas certificate? of bs having relieved, almost instantly, tb? little saferer, when death sppeered almost rnerit.ble. MOTHERS BE ADVISED ! Keep it on Band ! This dread disease requires prompt a et ion ; a? soon aa th? hoarse, hollow eoagb is heard, apply th? remedy, and lt ls mt?j subdued ; BUT TIS DELAY 18 lill?r]MSS)l TbeprepertieS oftbe ?XPECTORAXT ara aimafcsat? natrrtvt*,balsam{e. seething, and healing. It braces llw nerrena ivstea and pr? pnecs p!e?saat and rs fresh i ag ?Ina??, It Exhilarates and Relieves Gloominess and Depression. Containing ai*, tanjas sjaatitiis ia a ewav?aient j eBd9cewentratedferm.it baa proveo le be Ike] nm ikmim* um IAISSAM rvtreffered to Ittflsrerf from Palaoaary dlseas sa. . Ir ana ree by W3k%B-TirrTe . . AUGUSTA. QA. cr" WOPPOED C0LLE03? wMasrai?aaia;? .?. ai^ SO. CA. rn, mm Q ' . i FAC?LTYI ttetV; A. ti. SHIr*P, I?. D.. freefdont sad r>?.f?e*^ M?%totW Moral. Sci nee. Wt IO '?IWCA9, A. IWeaeer At^aat RE?. wrSrfKVo?KOSHITH, v D-, Proreseor WABBW D?PaJr, A. kt, Profe-aar ifatm) r'??-fL l\tSttE, A. ProSna?r HlHory j FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. CHAS. H MOISE, Insurance Agent, *U TER, S. C. FIRE. ! Lira. _ I _ LIVERPOOL AND LONDON NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. A SD GLOBE - j Tins Company having complied with Insurance Company. theprOT?5?oosorilie rec"" ..^ "" apical. Surplus and Reserved Funds,; - in Gold, $18,400.000. i P08?t" Act< b PreParcd ,? i>sue ? Life or Endowment Poli; ?es. Bateen Million and Four Hundred Thousand Dollars-IN GOLD. Invested in the United States, Two Mil liona of Dollars. ?2,000,000 ? Risks in Sumter, taken at Charleston rates. Residences in the Country In? sured at low rates. Losses paid promptly in Charles? ton. On the payment of Ten Years premiums in CASH, a perpet? ual policy will be issued. ON THE MOST F WOKAULE TERM?. Having Thirteen Millions of Dollars, in Assets, perfect security is guaranteed to the insured j while its immense and constantly increasing income enables it te declare liberal dividends. Thus a Policy in thia Company is steadily in? creasing in value, at a cost which de? creases with every annual payment. CHAS. H. MOISE, Insurance Agent, Sumter, S. C. Feb J'S NSW FALXi AND WINTER DR? GOODS JUST OPENED AT STOLL. WEBB cfc CO., Nos. 287 AND 289 KING STRUTT RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. We beg to inform uar friend*, patrols aad all citizen* of Sumter, and tb? adjoining econ ties that we kare opeoed a large WHOLESALE STORE. AT HO. 289 KIHG STEHET, next door to cur . et.il ?tore, where we will abo? a follassortment of cheap CRT GCODS, at th? lowest figures for etsi nr city acceptance. This arrangement ia especially convenient for eountry bayer*, both ladies and gentleme*. 1st. Select all y?or piece god* at wholesale; theo ?UU the retail store and bava all of your g->nds lacked in one *?x. We guarantee to *n?w thc largest stork and at just as low figures as ran be fonad ta the tity. Be sore aad? xamiae oar ?tock (befure you make up jour bill) at No. 239 King ?treet. STOLL WEBB 4 CO. A CARD. Mw. Joes G. ADAMS is with er, ar.d will be alway* on hand, ready to gire bis friends and ac quai tance, every attention possible. Respectfully, STOLL. WEBB A CO. Sept 38- 6m FOR THF CUKE OF ALLFORMS O F Py s p e p * i a Yrs?^/'^^ gestion, Re Ague ^Er^r&v rf** ? Headache, Functional \ \Jf^ Q\ \ v\ j| Q Restores Disorders of ^^^?jf^^ ? g/ fl/?' T??6 *? ^* ^^s^wSs^^L^B^^ ^?a^ns/s^r^^^^^*wi^??^Sa^-??^^ ^ Appropriate Tn all r?>r* ?bate a Tonic it required ; and Tor ?bote reentering fit.? Aeata Diseases, it is a wonderful re?w%eratit?. Manufactured U W. II. CHAFES A CO., 207 Ea?! B?y, Charleston, S. C. Oct 5- _ _, .. .. _tZ. --- - - m M M m rriiT^iiMi*iir^wKnri?r-M- I"M-I- - "** .. -.... ...... - ACT Ff KS 1 PKKMIUM AC rjj 1SPUOVED FAMILY ?jj sLwilvy lu irniAfe, $12.50 dear pn fli per day. $75.00 per week. $3U0 per month made t.\>\ by any Laar or G EMTLEMAS introducing this GKKCISK and OR? ?IXAL an FAVORIT?. Wubin many new and practical auditens, making the mott coo p ?ie combination of Valuable aad useful improvements ever effected iaaey oas machine. The tm bod i maul of extreme simplicity, efl ?ency and utility, entirely different ia model at d design from any low priced sasxhioe. It ia tba mutt serviceable elegant ?od reliable FAMILT SEW SC MACMIHK ?rar iarcatcd, gi*-fpcrleet sati.faciiwn where?cr introduced. Ha* received PREMIUMS. Mood thc teat of lt years, and is fully approved of bj ??rrj ?amily Who hare tact* ie ose. Is aoisc?w, mas? tb? strung ?ad beautiful ELASTIC L- CK STITCH with wonderful rapidity and cr-: TAISTT. Sew? anything a needle WILL a? Tatucas. ir?s* the faeat to tb? thickest labrie. Irm ?ad aeai. wit' tasa. Usas ?li kinds af silk or thread direct fron tb? ?pool ; ia improved with ?a *e f-a-tU.n iee* roting tenaioa, self gai er. and ?se? the adjurta bl? sra* to ar a-aasLt, perpeao-irular motion, ?ilk po warfe I laver action. P meas*. ?tx th? gut*; quaiiim* of th? beat high priced marbia? c n daoned, witkenl tkair e?mpiieatk>BA OB 7ATL7. Sample* of ?ow teg SK sr FRcr<>n receipt ?I ?lasaa For certiSeatej, ?kc see BBSCHIPTIYK PA a PHI K a mail** tV?f. A tkofoasrb prartic .! sewiag ?a chite for family ?sa-.*T?t??uae." A ??-ry str?>: ?. aad relrabiem ?chine, at a low price - 'Standard. ' Thia heautin! sowing machine is one nf :l e asa?' inganisas piece* of mechanism ever invented "i/cmocrat,** Qa. Worth many times h* cert to say family.-"N. V. Weekly/' It is quite a new machine aita its assay lat? improv m< Bf. aad sew? with astaedabiag eaaa. rapidity aa.i neatness.-"Bepeb iean," H. Y. Single ma?bia*?, aa sample*, seteeted with cara, mi FA* IL Y CSU With evrsything co? PUCTX, ?eat to any part ?>f tb? ooaarry par express, packed io strong * CH den bo?, rear, on receipt of jrrfce, tl ft Safe dc i|r?ry ?fgeed* gearaatecd. Ferward ee*h by BMtwTSBBB LXTTEX, cr F. 0 MoSET OR DE a, rt ear risk. AgaaU wan t?rt. ssa Sb er female, every, waar* New pamphlets containing extra liberal tedaeamearc. teat rata. Adare?. Family Sewing Machin? Co., Oflee, , St Nassau 8treet, Nc?-Tot k. j Aag II- ly tleOClO REWAB 35. i K."fmasjhtf%9tmmm%f ssWML'limidftg lick ing.or Ulcer*;** FiM*. teat DalliV.?'? PRK I Kb* M fi DY fall* to vere.' It ? prepared aaeerthe l*ersena) swp^rrmiea af es*af HM world** treat eat living* Cb "mists, expressly io cara tb? Pit.*, j Hbae>iit?af ebretrbr ewstsr of OT** 20 years rtaad ' , ia^j bara beca cured ie ssa? week, ?nd erase* sj ! casa, la a ew days, by this medicine. No matter I hem ab?tie**, er ekreei* the erseteay ba, imme ,tm% IM tmr-toti , tn ere rr case Ark year Druggist for DsSHiW HLB ISatEDT;' And Take BO Other. r?j batir? jji lem *rww??*g*. ? imkm**. . m* ? " vT . :"- v Ayer*s Cathartic Pills, j^Jo^t?l th? puipuaan of m Lnxa?r* aa?, Perhape noone medi i?w cine Uao universally AW required by erery body aa a cathartic, .JBsjajamnBtZ^ aor era? ?rex say be ?^?VaflB?TKi flare to tadrenauy 1 Rf adopted brto nae, ta I?\M teHf oeery eooatry aad l*f?LV&!?BW aooogaaciaaaes,** T J this aDd botedoeot /SS ^kk obvtoua reason is, :?3B ttiAtixUanwrerelia ^^??snnnas????""^"" bte and ihr nore ef? fectuai retnedy than any otter. Those who hara .ried ft, knew that it cnred then ; (boee wbo hare ?know that licores tharn?it*bc?s^frieads; aO know that what it does once it doe* sJ ways - that it new feils throe** navy Bude or aea> riect of iu composition. Wehare tbou&sods rrpoc, ?xxuaad? of certifient? ofrbntr ranwtahte cares of the tcOowfeMj eocaatetata, nat such ceres are known la erery neighborhood, and we need not pnbushthem. Adapted to aBasres sad eoeoJtioua in ail climate? ; coataiiuoa; ne?ter caion?eJ nor u j deleterious dru*, they asay be taken witt safety byan/body. Tl slr ingar Plaste*prasarrssthan erer fresh, and makes these otaaaant to take, wfcQe betas; poreiy etnreiabie, DO"harm can arise fron? fteir nee ta any quactiry. , They operate by pcwnrfoJ tetado; OB tts teternsi riacera to ptrrffy the biocd sad stuatHai* ? nto aanlthr actfccT-iwotore the oUirac?ooX ot'hs atootach, bow?d<, Hrer, and other c>rnaj of the body, reatorta?; their oresjater action toheatth, and by oorroctias;, whertrer they exist, anch do ^snanidlrecoSa? on Oebox?forthe foOow^^oc?^kUln^\rhS?^e*? P?U rapidly care: For .IDynpeaaaihi o? ?uaUrnat.ua, l.tattnr BMnsn, learner ahd Lssssf ApumOf, they stooHbe faa^ragggrsae^ te^toBaUtte ?toes ^ fcc A>rpgCe say Bot ^grff?flf?: S te pensasen the estent of a drastic porn. ?sr ? tapps snaAnsi A terna dose ohoaJd hs teto nrit PTtjdnces the desSred ?s?het by sy? ?ntie? JWL saan one or two WU te JPrtaF. C AYMMSCQ^rt atelsnt CUml** DB.-A* #. vttc.- n. . Amt. t ai Js.vu.tr. 8. G X> e BING'S (Thejaaj to tj for relief ) TV? Pare Jaie** nf Barks, Berte, Booti awl Banfes, fer saja. Pteari-y, Anasaa.Brooeiiitw,Cr-ap? terte^Cnterrh, Wistepiac Coarjrb,