THEWATCHMAN J&H?ktttt'??e j?s? ??L? ?, ?T'OILB'EBT V-VT." '.^^.'-?'STOR TUB S Vit T?R W ATO ll M A S HAS HY t'Ait Till' :,AUG SST ^ ?IHOULATION {RHP HOI ALL f IN IHR SUIIHOUN DINO CO UN TH Y,) OF AN y PA I'Ult IN sun THU, AND WAS KS rA ll Lt MIK U ? ?N APHIL, I860. VIU GIN ? A . runtier xinmlllutiou impOMd..Hir?jit Ttl re? te un to Veto-.simmer ?cvercly uv ral hy Trumbull*-"! m m . ti ? . ( rondu In Attenduiire. Thc Renato, on Friday lait, ?flor . protracted struggle, and lu (he midst of great feeling nud dun. e crowds of auditors, Auntly piieic t tho bill admitting Virginia, with tho imposition ol' further conditions of humiliation. The telegraphic columna of tb? Charleston ?tairs of Saturday lait, contaiued a dispatch from Wuahingtvn to tbe cflToet that Preildcnt Grunt hud ?id ilmi if tho Munro accepted, tho r?|(iv7 i mm a? Imposed by tbe Ku nu to, lu> should bc io-*? dined lo volo the bill, na K'wusa violation of faith, and of the lim of April hut. 'Ibo annexed interesting report, no make up from the Hielt mond l/i?pnuh of tho 22nd lust: .Since ilie days of the itffpcuchiucQt, Ula} ol. Andrew Johnson uo such packing oj tho Senate galleries hus buen witnessed us thal of this after? noon, when the people gathered in groat crowds to hcur ibu diicusiiou upon Hie Virginia Hill, livery tv ok and corner iras occupied, and lum drods were uniiblu to obttiiu cnirauco. .flU. Iftgo portion of tlie audience nus composed of elegant? ly drotcod ludier. Ibo Hoer of the Scnatu was nguiu crowded nilli uieuibors of the Itougo and persons of mite ; among tho lutter was Ucncral ltmovrniu, .Nearly three out of tho throe nnd a half hours devoted to Virginia oOTiirs were taken up by Senators Trumbull and Sumner in continuance of their controversy about their several political' nets and in criiniuntion and recrimination, in tho cutirse ul'which gentleiuen dealt each other their burdett blons. Intense interest, bordering on excitement, mis kept up until ilit veto was taken, und tho mnni feslalioii ul fcu'iug muong thu listeners iras fre? quently given in murmurs, nnd non and then in o|iun applause. Tho volo upon tho.various amendments ol Messrs. Urakc and Wilson, nnd mo v to iip xi the pnssngo of the bi!), nu* (Alien in almost breathless ??lenco, brukou mi I? us tho result upon cavil nus announced by the Vice- President? Such a raking Junn as Sumner suffered nt thc j hamid nf Trumbull hun nut boon heard In tho Se?alo chamber fur many a day. The gross mis* representations mudo by Sumner, aud repented from day to duy, relativo to tho notion of (bo Ju diciury Committeo whilst considering tho Vir? ginia bill, and tho falsehoods repeated by Sumner its to tho position of tlovornor gillier, lind so outraged Hie sonso of fairness, and justice nnd truth, th ut Mr. Tr um bu ll could no longer refrain from exposing them utid castigating tho offender. Mr. Trumbull proved buyund a possible doubt that Sumner's assorti in thal tito so culled loyal isis had sought a hearing boforo tho ccmtniltco nus n fulsuhoud oul'.of ibo nholo cloth, und ho turned to Sumner, scorn nud contempt depicted in bis fuoo, and asked, "Could iuipudenco go fur thor?" Sumner felt this rolmlto sensibly, mid moved nb*ut uneasily in bis chair; nud then cunio from tho ititdionco a general tiltor of dc? liglit. Tho Bonatur from Illinois exclaimed, mercilessly, "And now I propuso to stiip from bim this assumed infallibility mid superiority." [Hero another sensation in Ibo audience.] Mr. Trumbull procccdod In withering Invectivo to describe tho Massachusetts soniilur's "practiced falnchoyud under suintly show," and tho deep icu* lieu eouehod under ii boly garb. Ho reproduced tho occurrences in tho S?nalo n fow days ago nilen gurblod extracts of Governor Walker's speeches were read, mid most admirably ropro diiced .Sum uci 's shout nf Traitor j and then ngpin tho midionuo fairly mared nlth laugbler. Mr.' Trumbull Iben unearthed "Loyal Porter's" ro eord, and had rend the proceeding.-? of tho court martial nhich tried, convicted, and sentenced, bini losU months' imprisonment for treasonable language. Mr. Trumbull exclaimed, "And this ia tho kind of loyal pcoplo (bo Massachusetts* senator has bocomo thu chuiupioii of." Ho recited tlie various rodions of tbe Virginia Constitution, showing that Walker hud not opposed tho educa? tion nrticlo, ns churned by Sumner, and Hint the Inlier could not have been mistaken in tho fuels: "and yet," Mild Mr. Trumbull, 'Mho modest soim tor insisted that tin vol nor Walker wanted to brenk down 'ho system of education. "This was thu gigantic fact about willoh tho senator had railed so loudly, and though cxpluinod by Sena? tor Stewart so thnt no one could truthfully re? pent tho chnrgo against Governor Walker, tho senator from Massachusetts had again rcltorntcd lits gigantic fact! mid Trumbull asked, "Is that not modest ?" [II- ro oiwthoi laugh mid slight opplausc] .< . ' Mr. Trumbull road tho nnine.i of tims* w-nntors who voled for tho reconstruction nets nud thc f?f (couth amendment, and trailed, "Do yon miss any nomo there?'' Was ?1 possible Ibut any smdi nets could ho pinned without tho volo if tho sen nttir. Mr. Sumner's mimo is not among those who voted for those mensure?, mid yet bo lind amtouincd (hu oilier day timi ho was "always present." [Great laughter.] Tlie southern coi me l pcoplo unod Sunnier ihicr thanks for these mensuro*. Mr. Trumbull said, honorer, thal Sumner did vote for thu bill altor Johnson vetoed it, and ho argued 11w 1 Sumner's malice and hn trod fur Johnson ba I proved tobe moro poten lint than tho necessities oftho colored race or thc principiu involved in tho legislation ; "so wo got' Iiis voiu ibero." [This lunge was onjoyod Itrigcly by (In listeners.'] Mr. Trumbull saul it was un pleasant to bavo to multo (hoco exposures, but lite assurance and eilVotilory of Sumner- Hore th) Vi-u President ea I lcd Mr, Trumbull to. order, and decided tIntt "elVrontery" was uiipavliamOnt iiiy. Mr, Trumbull respectfully begged lo differ vt 11li tho Vice. Pr?sidant, hut would' nor appeal limn his decision. Willi this Mr. Trumbull tin. ...isled. Having gul his adversary "in chuneory" and polished hi u off, ho magnanimously, reigns id his bohl' When Sumner roso lo reply lhere was agita? tion ni) urouiLt.. b! Very body ex peeled uno of the best flVoru of tho champion of loyalists, but it WM* a failure. Sumner frit bis weakness loo sensibly lo bandin his opponent.. Thu fact-' wein tigaiusl bim. Thc pur? mun would not bo drawn tis} |o from tko groin ?ptasllon to indulge In per sou.iliiii's, which bu said tho Illinois sitliiilor took lu as lords tu iii? air nud ii-h to water, Ile went oil'imo a rambling tirade upon tim Georgia pun pl-, and pitched into thu Ku Klux Klan, tauch to thu men huon t ol' bis I ma re is. Ho charged iii il Triimi uil was til ways fun nil voling n^'airsl tko Colored mun, and tittil lu; had- thrown tho protection of bis volo over that giviiitioriioiliill Au Iren Johnson : rend aiioiiymoiitv hitlers fioni various purls of Virginia lo provo th it tho etoo lion ol' Walker nus n gnni uotisplrOcy ol' tho rebels le gat possession of tho Stale ;. repented "Walker is a traitor," and remarked that W??liter had benn coiled a pillar nf tim Sfutt-, but Lo was a caterpillar of tito Stile, [daughter.] li? proceeded tu criticise tho motives of Senator Trumbull's assault lipon bim. nud characterised it us venomous, [lloro tho Vic?. I'rosHc.m dtol o.'i I!I.ii' venomous" was unparliiiuioulufy liiti gilago, ftlld tho great chao pion bowed to thc II< i'i.-i'Oi, and protested hu didnt mean lo uso naii^b'y w??rds.] Ile fotndudibl hy in ti iiHompt to whitewash thc loyal I'utU-t by roadlug a rcsolu tnoi p'ii'tol by tho Heptlblicnn Coll Irai Commit (nu of Virginia mdnr. V. In n (be vote was iintioiincod 'hero wu? ?light .Umping awong tba H??\C?L mRfbtrAftj ;tb? Hon ie who had com? {g ^.:*sr%zf? itm ?\%>I lia * crowd behind Drake j fe?, ra jk ?. Driko's secoud sroondiDCiit ?Jmiil bjnWO ' ?to 29^-and ?g?!rr-?llgrit Bjiplsmf^Diibe tffio Wilson's amendment *JVP?'?W,' b/s t tojft) ? Morton'? modification irr vu read a third time ?nd paned br 48 to IO, the latte/ btioafnh Ualnoorais. ,TV lire suVpfttfe of everybody, Sumner did not vyto ro/lho.yjlpn |U QI.UJI paoage^-.,.. w. .v_ ?gjf. Jodge.L?(VM<4ii?in died ot.Cawdor), on Sunday evening lest, having been holding tie eeiiion of the Court at that placo. The P/iain'x of yoi ter doy, makes feeling end gen trou s'hV? i???i, ?n re?oYdtn?rIfnV/fealK.' ?otu, hontes of the Legislature, ndjouvntd. ir} nonerTf tie deod, on Monday, and united in escorting his remains from>one \ TUK VWftilMA ADMISSION HILL. " The Ke?f T^ITT'I Mfe>3 of QiiUMMbiiV aays of Mr. Druko'r? proscriptive amendment to the Virginia admission bill, "not ono vote wasglren " for it from tho tbreo great stales of Now York, Pennsylvania and 0Mo','v. hieb, together, nuni "bor mora than ono.fourth of tho pcoplo of tho " Union. It wai carried by n combination of little j " .State? and liulc iou);-a large majority of the, \ " \nerldan .pc?|do, ov?n-, as -..represented In the' " Sci)ate, being Opp0!H>d <.? it." . i IMtlftCK KDWAltD Ainuva. The'second eldest sou of Qtif|K(i ViOTonu, arrived at Washington 0*11. tho 22rd inst., ' nocyiu panlvd by Mr. TilohSTotf, tho British Minister nnd his prlvatu Secretary, in tho midst of u press lng orowd of sight seers ot tho Hull Hoad. Ills prcaenco, howevor, onuses but little excitement. Ho mt Iked to and from church with Mrs. Tuon*, i TOM, on Sunday. Tho British Minister, with whom ho il staying, will givo him a glittering /"tte. A N Ii ti HO V NI ? HI) S T ATltS SUN ATO lt. Hovel-n full-blooded nogro:-n nativo of Mia ?issin|ii, but eduo.itodtu Ohio, hnsbeon elected to tho United States Son:.lo from Mississippi. Ho ls SnicV tl> be.u, fair specj'mqj ' .oT Iii?-rai o; and will no doubt reflect credit upon tho party he ? roproicnts. This isa beginning of sumo show of honesty to tho negro. South Carolina, should 1 havo at least ono nogioin-the National Sonate and two In tho House, ns matters now.- stand. THIS VIIKIINiA-AU.lllSMON III Ll, l'Assiis XIII: IIOUSIC. Disputed??, under dato of Jan. 2i, p. m., from Washington, ?Into that tho House of Represen? tatives, on that day, took up tho Virginia .admis i sion Lill, as lt carno from Ibo Semite, and after a whorl dobalb between Bingham, Butler and Pornos worth, passed it, by a strict party volo. -. - - ALAS- VIHUIMA! Tho Hichmoud Dhpittch, ofShtnrdn'y Inst,pith Hy says that Ihepoop?t??f V?rgio?iicnn now op prccinto ibo wisdom of tho Spanish' proverb, "no who would inp with tho Dev il ?huuld havo a long spoon," THE lSlililMJt A RI K N D 31 Iv N T Our readers hnvo'heard it gient deal about tho Fifteenth Amendment to tho Constitution of thu United Sta tos. " Through tho powor of /?r?M brought to bear by tho (Sovcrnmcnt upon the South, n sufficient nulabor ot Stales, it ls now sup. posed, will ratify it to s'ecuro its success. Hero it is In full: "Section 1. Thc right of ell hons of tho United States shall nut bo denied or abridged by tho Uni tod States, or by any State, nu account ol raco. color, or proviens oonditiui of servitude* "Section 2. Thc Congress shall have power to enforce this nriiclo by? appropriate legislation/' A SrXIUVIMO, C&IANCB To combino tho economical ! tho ti."! ! ilio cn, tcrluinirjg and tho -hcai/ffful I ! ! Wo havo ar? ranged to furnish tho "Sumter1'Wiilchinnnn" mid ..Duniore.-t's Illustrated Monthly," ibu model parlor Mugiuino of America fur only $5, DumoroSt's Monthly NlagnzlliU contains .tho essentials of nil others, including tho uti Iii ?es o' tho Household nud Homo iiUtrests in all their departments. Tho only reliable fashion* In nH their dotait.*, Tho beauties und.utilities, of I ?itera nure, Poetry, Sketches, Stories, Mpsio ;and ovcry branch .oj entertaining and usclel rcatfV-ig calculated lo en? liven und efevnto society and make our homes oncer lui, ul (mot I ve, useful .aad happy; with n largo and magnificent Stool Kiigru.ving 2S by 35 inches, entitled "Tho Plo nie.on tho Fourth ol July," valued at $10 to each subscriber ns a pro mi uni. Thc engraving is all dono lu lino and stipple, from thu original painting by Lily M. Spencer, and besides tho copyright, cost over favell, thou sand dollars, nnd is acknowledged l>y artists U bu tho most purfevl and beautiful largo engraving over issued in this u-mntry. Certainly $1? will not procure another that Combines so much in ! torust and ,beauty. 10 .cents for mailing lin engraving should accompany (hu subscription. mm ? ni'-..?.- in ???????I . ? kiXOIIAKORSi ' Tnr Mi)i:NT.\ixi:ni.- Wc havo boen pleaser to welcome ngiln tho familiar fabe of our ob' fr tomi, "Tho Mountaineer," published al Qrcen ville, S. C., by (I. K. Hi.ronn. Ivlitor-nnd Pro pricier, with ti. fl. WK cs Associate Kdilor Titi; CAIIOI.IXA SUAUTAN -Tho Improvement) of this lil ito sheet aro marked. It is now really ono of tho neatest'piin$r/7li.,'lhe Rtato, 1 tikeiiu; credit upon its highly esteemed proprietor, Copi F. M. Tlil.M.MIKit. KiiWlS H. Hollo, ffrq., ono ol sp,ivin.i>bur?}'s, promising youu^,. lawyers, hat recently bbeolno associated'n's editor, nitikliif hil tit/mi in n graooful snluiatm'y. Spnrtatiburg, with her qolli/gof, ncwsjiunc?s, o*,d suethl-ir?d io: ligious oomnvnnlty lins'du.'e?ycT pro nincTieo in tho State, I *'' ?' " ? Oonr.V-Always protupi n*d' lihvliytV nUractivc -graced our desk, in its'Fobr'nrary prosonlallon, soiiio days since. A few copies will bo found ni ibo Sumter Book Store. . Tin:,M AN 1: PA vt' r 111:11 -A Brif.HKii-T!iis is ti work of great interest irv-Hu? gnat progressive department-" iudtcatod. It ls a'.argo ami hnnd some periodic ?I, "itlillihuri'tty Weilort A Co., 37 Park How, N. Y. . j,'./'?\\. Tun ll?ur.MVKi.t. Jut'iiVAfc.-This oiilcrprislnfj sheet is now published ,&!iakWookl,v--on Wod nosd.ty and S?tnrMoy - reiniiiirtg tho size nnd amount of maller of its f?'Jln?V' Weekly issue. Ifs oticrgclionnd ivurlhy pi'oprlofor, .hms S. Sitt'CK) Hi (j., has our be.-t wi b's for tho success of his nlerpr.lsc . -, . . . . .. Titi: PI.ANTATI IS.- Ti.i? ti lae tillo of an ex coiletit Weekly, norning to'iis fro n Albinia, (?co., Ululer Ibo editor! i? con luol of Messrs. T. ?, How ?. un nu t H. A. Ataros. It lum rs tho ap? propriate insignia, "ii.lfiriilitH lutiur vim ?I timnlii,'' mid, ns llr.s and ifs n ?uri indioa?e.?, is deviled ttl Ibu interivis of Agrlrultitto,' Bural ivcouomy, mid tho benefits nf t.iio' A.-Siirniico. Sixteen pagoi-prlco .^:? p< r immun,' ris?'. i.f? .uifji?Arrv'i A if.ii ri'.MJNc;, Wo hail ibo p?cisiirn ye>tcrd.iy nf ic ing Mr. V. W. l!rii.;gcM:niiu, tho Agent of ibo Newberry S.-ciciv. Ito is just from Now Vork, having ari ive I ?tl Ibo .Ma .ballan, neeoiu riiifii'id by li if ....I ii i*u tl .ruittii linmi^innis.-. Kiglii of these, h M'- gunn lu (Itnlutliivillo, niuo lo ['mn ten, mid tho ronni fluter to Newberry and 1.anions. Mr. I!, bas brought on ooo hundred ind twenty rix - linuiigrniils iv i Milli the last six necks, nnd oxpec'.ri from tinco lo four bumlrcil norn in thu noxl Ino nionllis. And wo say Iel hem como mid welcome. *ro slilinhf like lt? sci hoosnmis ol' I he m. There ls room tor tli'iu/ and Ibero is work for thurn.-Chillh'M'iii Courier. ItUIIOVAL Ol' H?O?/lTI<:Al4l>?.SA!IIIil? III UN? A Corrcs|)oi)daii| anya H .IsflnHid'thnt'ns soon is tho Rei'onstrdction di ni od I toortisposss -nf th? rcoonsiriietlo.11 measures belora them, they intend to preparo a bill removing political illsilliillllci from all persons who ino disfrntiohii^d by lin finn ti Amii iiiucmlinept?i'i*liO pi oseni ut.rjjcjttijind lng is Hint tho bil) W11I lut Univers'al'in in cb fi ino tor. A similar mensuro is ulrandy pendinu in Hit Sou ito. : TbWcgSTst Irootbiy AIcMog of AtaKooiely wa* held till*day. President Jobn,B. Moorain Iba abai? .w ??? ? ~--w Tbe ruin?les of tbe laat regular, meeting were road undconGrjjed. 0 \ v 1 # ^ 1 Mr. W. J. Durant, Chairman of Committee on ''?fcis^ItuTO,'"' .ubin?lted ? report, which wa? read, imd ^4kvatWuv'Ord?r?d'to b? -{?blirfced.-. [We wtybcfvf- A^irqpyrJ '"".our next U?me En-WA7?{ff*N/ f,i Wi - f ? 1 i Mr. W. J. DurftoUileo jnodojrcpoit of bis furru-, ipgjoperatyqi fflLtbe,p*4t year, which was or. dcnWj.0 bo?ltd. ' fi f.)k There being no further report; submit*.*, and .,vn-Jusnioi?: beibg noav > lu orJcr/Hio following resepti? waa offorecf by< Dr.?;3*. Al. S?ndcrs, which on motion, was adopted : ; IteM ct!, Tbs* aTomtaff leo o rio ur "bc fippofhi ed' tosoloct'a satiable placo for'th? regular meet jnga. of thja^ aociety. Under thu resolution, tho ohulr appointed E. A. Edwards,J. 8. Richardson, A. Whitney Sudcr, un'I Andrew J. Mose?, X On motion ol J. S. Richardson, tho chair np pointed .tbe'fylbjwiug ?pmmitte?^. determino-as to the propriety of changing the ? timos - for the meetings of Ibis society so that they will not con? flict with the eiOtng> bf the. t)oitr|, to wit : J. S. Richardson, W. J. Durant, Q. L. Warron, Dr. John ll. Furmnn, Augustus Sanders. .Mr. CL Xi. Warre/, oflbred'?ni-followingTOBO iulion, which was adopted. Itetolted, That when this Socloty adjourns, lt bo to meet, again on tho first Saturday of Pi br u ury, nt 10 o'clock, A. M., and thal tho members are rcquosiod to bring what improved agricultu? ral implements they may bavo for trial, and thnt Mos-rs. J. S. Richardson and tl. A. Edwards, bu appoiniod a c?minittco to select a suitable place for tho trial of such implements, und to ro ccivo tho same. J. S. Richardson, Jr., then nddrcs'oJ tho meet? ing in regard to certain information he lind re? ceived willi rofcrenco to procuring Swodo and German labor, and was requested to speak again on tho subject at tho nest meeting. Mr U. L. Warren ramio an explanation as to a certain report which bad boon circulated in rolcrcnco to bis having boon ongugod in trading in seed cotton, and bogged that Biiid report bo de? nounced by any mouther honring it. Tho Society now adjourned. JOHN 1). MOORE, President. A WHITNEY SUD HU, Secretory. Legislative. Mo.NDAr, Jan. 17.-Sennto-Upon tho mo? tion of Corbin, a concurrent resolution was adopted, and sent to (bo House, requesting Con. gross to appropriate $20,000, tocnnblo the Sisters of Morey, of Cher les mo, to rebuild their Orphan Asylum. Acts to repon 1 the Township Act, to protect tho rights of persons lawfully in possession of'lands ami tenements, and to incorporate. .Ibo policy? holders of (Ito Tonlino Lifo Assurance Society of tho South, woro ratified, with other Acts. '? Tho Judiciary Committee through Corbin, reported unfavorably upon Ibo cbnrgos against Judgo Cavpcnter. His afin-?aI reputation," thorc foro, ls unsullied by bis manifested purposo to administer tho lan regardless of partisnn feeling and dictation. > ' Roust:.-A biil, offered by Dcl.argo, was read thc first time, which requires Hanking Associa Hons to deposit with tho Attorney' Central Stnto Rond!) to the onion ti i of one third of (bo capital stotk paid in., Jan. IS-Senate-Petition of James Hong, of Sumter County, asking that certain cs cl culed property bu vested in bim, was referred lo lite Judiciary Committee. . Favorable report on tho bill to incorporate tho Sumter Manufacturing Company was made. Nu|ico was given of a bill to allow attorneys compensation for (hoir services-when unsigned to defend persons cbargod with Clime. Thu limiso bill 11. .designate tho officers by al.otu salli.? ordered j?y t|l0 Courts nf Common I'lvaso, and dodges thereof, and of (ho Courts of Probate, shall bc made, and for other purposes, aftor mttfh discussion, was ordered lo bo en? grossed. . Tho bill to extend (ho limits of tho city of Charleston and to pr?vido for tho election of Mayor and Aldermen of the same, aller elaborate disensi?n, was indefinitely postponed. . Ilo?si:.-Hill waa introduced, requiring Pro bate Judges to take charge nf certain bonds and records in (he ofiicor? of tho late Commissioners in Equity. Tho resolution from the Sonnlo asking Con? gress to rnuko nppvopiiation in behalf of tho Sisters of Morey, of Charleston, was referred to tho Committee on Federal Relations. A resolution wits adopted, ordering, nt tho ex? pedite pf the State, a bound copy of tho join nais and resolutions of thu (Jouerai Assembly of isi s and '(VJ; for each member. Certainly-(lioso men ure neither .?pending (hoir own money, or that taken from their constituents. Whipper introduced a resolution, which was lytoptod, instructing (be Secretary o? Stnto to pur. chuso, for (bo usu.of lite State, 100 copies of thc fourteenth volume of Richardson's Equity nnd 100 copies of Iiis Haw Ripons. Thc bill to establish mid maintain a system ol free common schools for tho Stale, was (aleen np, altered tittd HUI ended mid recommitted, to bc [tul iii shape Its ni I en d. A bill (o regulate. Ibo publication of nil legal ?nd public notice*, wits read thc third limo and ?mased. WKtiXKSli-lV, Jan. 19-Senate -A bill lo fix tho weight of crude turpentine which s li II ll bc inderstood lu make a barrel, in (hu ob.-citco ol ?roof of a Special stipulation lo Hie contrary wu* -cud tito second (imp. Tlie (lovernor approved tho Act repealing thc Township law. Itoi'SK.-Do Largo go vo notice of a bill to ro? lba) tito dollin Act (o rnlidalo Ibo Charleston ilcelion of 180?, approved io. Mardi, I MM). Notico was given of a Mil lo exempt inonu 'actmers established, or toon lo bc, fi om tuxes or five years. TtruitiiHAv, .fan. 20-Sonnie-Tho Committee 'ii Incorporations reported unfavorably on thc till to extend tho corporate limits of Columbia, A resolution was odVreil by Jillson, which i'as adopted, Instructing Ibo Comiuilleo on Roil tonds to report a bill regulating tho turill' ol rolghls on tho St. IItli Carolina Kalin.nd. Hoi st:-A resolution was adopted, iiutlmrlxlng hu Treasurer lo pay to (ho Superintendent of th? 'cnRuuHury $0,11(10 per month. The bill (o lix tho weight of crude turpentine h i o ii sholl constitute a banul, was reported III orreelly engrossed and ordered toa third lemi? ng. Tho bill lo increase tho salaries of Ibo Justices f ibo Supremo (Kurt and of (Ito Circuit Judges, ns ordered for a HC?OIIII rending. Hill lo provide f?r paying Coroner's jurios wits i doted to bo engrossed furn third reading. A roKoluHoif to adjourn nine dio on tho first 'lICS day ill .Mai vii in tabled. I'IIIH.W, Jun. 21-. Senate-A Hill lo nppropri. (o ?i.iiin.tiiiO for (he purehiise of lundi-, was rea tl ho second timo nuil ordered to bo engrossed. A Hill for tho relief of farmers of this Sinti as 'ix fi. 111 d lo tho Commtlteo on Finance. A Rill to exempt mills and mniiufiiclorict rom tux for five yours was tend Ibo llr?t time. Wright gavo notice of a bill lo prohibit pud ling whiskey. H.,t;?i;-~Whipper gavo ?ntico of a bill rcquir ig fi.-rc'gi; insurance- agout i ,s to pay it licontool ? looper Jg* ftjrjMilag ftturnaee in thia Ike saWa*WnearT#?a>-ib^ asking 'Ooftre*??o?i"f^prra?W'?2ojo|? o lb?Sitters of SSfqSmBpa fixing tte d?y rnJj&orumeDt on tb? 1st erny of March was adopted. BATUSSA?, ?-U, 22-Senate-The resolution nruraoo?15~?lfru , ThcblH ft? icaike further apptopriathrts, foy tho purchase if laud by lb? frnd'CoumTMfofc? .wa*tabled,-. - - .- -..-----.?-.-..-.-...? .-^ ~ Bills to designate the offlcerti Jif whom" prides' ordered 1>y lntf^'Court'* of Common Pit a's'mid Jud|cj thereof, 'afid of* the C?Jjfi 6f Probate, thall bo made/ and to incorporate- the African -Melodie* Kpiseopai-Chare* of this - State ' wenr ratlflcd. rt ? j / . " i /j (in I l?o cs a--Nolie? WAS given of bill to llconttgam* bllng houses, -?' ;t%i; On tho Dib inst., at tho residence of thu bride's father, by thoRcv\ W. A. Gregg.-Wm. R. DIX? ON, Estiii to Miss LUT A J. SPENCER, ali of Bishopvillo, S. 0. OD Ibo llth instant, by tho.Rev. JL M. Mood/. Mr SIDNEY M. DENNIS, of Sumter, to Miss JULIA C. ELLIS, of Charleston. STI?AVA MIDS' ITIM UT I N?J. ' - Tho Regular Monthly Mooting ol tho Board of Stewards of Sumter (Station) Methodist Church, will bo hold at tho Parsonage on Thursday ovo'nlng, 27th, at 7 o'clock. A prelimi? nary meeting, for tho accommodation of the members of the Board who resido (u tho count.y, will be hold at tho ?frico of Ibo Sumter Watch? man, ut 12 o'olook this day. Members will pienso como prepared to report collections for tho mouth of January. J.H. DI?OLE, Chairman. F. A. Foi soy, Secretary. Jan 2ft if 31A SO A S IC. IUIBREGULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICA? TION OF CLAREMONT LODGE, NO 64, rt.?, F.*. M.*. will bo bold on Thursday .evening, Feb. IO, 1870, nt 7 o'clock, P. M. Brothers will toko duo nuilee uud gov< rc them? selves accordingly. WM. ll. GIRARDEAU, \W..M.\ T. V. WALSH, Secretary. Jan 0 : COMMERCIAL.. SUMTER MARKET, JAN- ?5. Our Cotton Murkel has ruled quiet past week nt from 20 to 23 ots. according lo grade-very Uttm offering. BACON-Bib Sidos, 10i@00; Clear, do., 20 fy)00; Shoulders, 17(300; Hams, 25. LARD-25o. Fi,OUH-Per bbl. *7?$12. COFFEE-Laguayra, 30(332 j Java, -15(351); Rio, 22@30. SALT-$2.00(3 $3.00. SUOAlt-Brown. 17(^00 ; C., 17? 10; A., IS (^ 19; Crushed, 10(320. BAGGING-Best, 30(a)32; Gunny, 28@30. IRON-TIKS-104J)I2. hOPE-10@15. BATB3VILLE SHIRTINGS-Per bnle:121o. YARN BY Til li BALE-$2,t0c. Per bunch LATEST QUOTATIONS OP SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN CHARLESTON, 8. C., ; Corrected weekly by A. C.KAL'FJIAN, Broker, No 25 Broad Street. JANUARY 21, IS70. STATU SBCUHITIBK-Soulli Carolina, old, -@ 82; do new,-(??IS; do, rogisl'd stock, ox int - (ii? 75. CtTV SKCUUITIBS-Atignslo, Ga. Bonds, 83@ 80; Charleston, S. C. Stock, (ex qr int) 52(B)51; do, Firo Loan Hoads, -(375; Columbia, ,S. C. Ronds, 05(3*70. ItAlbnoAU BONUS-Bluo Ridgo, (fl rsl mortgage) -?5)05; Charleston and Savannah, 5S<300 ? Charlotte, Columbia mid Augusta,-(ci)S\ Chornwood Darlington, -80; Greenville and Columbia*(1st morl) r-(&1&} do, (Stato guar? antee) C0(S)~; Northeastern, 80(382; Savan? nah and Charleston, (1st morl) -75; do. (Staio guarantee) - @C4| South Carolina,-?SO; do, 71 ; Sparenburg and Union, -(3*50. STOCKS-C'harlollo, Columbia and A u'/ti.-.!:..-d$bby Grcenvilki and Colombia, li fit i! ; N'-r.ihonstorn, 7f?lSj Sn vanna b and Churlos l?a. -nf-ii23JI South Carolina, (wh'do shares) :t?*f,u3Uj"do, (balfdo) 18(3 ISJ. ExcilAXOR, Ac-New York Sight, J ofT p w; Gold, 120@122; Silver, 115(3117. KO UT II CA HOI.I N A BASK DILLS. ?Bunk of Charleston.-(ii) ?'Bank of Newberry.- ?l) Hank of Camden.ant? itank of Oeorgetown.-(Vi) 20 Bank of Sooth Carolina.10(a) Bnrik of-Oheslcr.18(t$ Bank of Hamburg-.,...5(g) Bnnk of Stato of S'C. prior to ISol.55(3 - Bank of Stale ol ?. C. issue 1861 mid 1802 15(3 *Plantors'ait,d Mechanics' Bank of Charles-(q) ton.'-('$ - *Peoplo's Bank of Charleston... .-(W) ?Union Rank of Charleston....-(?> - ^Southwestern ll R Bnnk of Charleston, - Qt, . (?dd)., ....-t?) '"Southwestern lt R Rank of Charleston, - (ii) - (new).- (o; - Farmers' niid-Exchango Bank ofChnVles-(3 ton.- ([iii Nxehnngo Hank, of Columbia.,.M(?) - Merchants' Bunk of Chornw. 5(3) - Pinnlars' Hunk af Fnirflold .5(3 - Stato of South Carolina Hills Becoivnbto..,pnr. City of Cluirlesti u Chango Bids.par. *? Hills mnrkod thus (S) aro being redeemed nt tho Bank Counters of ouch. .Ina 12 ly Notice. All persons indebted to Mrs. MARY E. DU? RANT, [doeonsedj nvo rei|iionted to forward and Kettle; and those to w|ii>m --bo iva? imleblcd present their claims legally nttcstod In, J. B. WITHERSPOON, A dministrutor. ?Tau 20-11_ Valentines ! Valentines ! AT TI1I? SUMTER BOOK STOKE, Adam and tho Adamite, or Ibo Harmony of ] Script uro and Ethnology, n disouision .eon coining tho origin of ibo negro. At tho SUMTER BOOK STORE. riulnreb'ii Lives, Josephus, Works nf Edgar A Poo, McCnnlny's History of. Kngtutid, Webster's Unabridged Pictorial Dictionary, Family Bibles, willi Photograph Loaves, Hymn Hooks, Prayer Hunks. (Md Elsie, by author of old Mnmsolls tociot Tho Doomed Ship or Wreck in tho Arolir Regions. Shirley? by (.'liner Boll, VillaUo. by durer Holl, Scenes lu Clerical I,ito. by Goo Elliot, Pi g Wotli-iglon, by ('hurlas Rend, I,ovo mo little lovo ino long, by Chus Hondo, Foul Play, NIX I'oniurv for January, G odey's Ladys Hook 'or .January and Fob. Al tho SUMTBR HOOK STORK. . Jan 2d Teacher Wanted, ALADY to tnko eh argo of a small soled school, Apply to CT. MASON. Jan 19-If_^ Estate Notice. AALL persons having elating ngnlnsf Ibo Es. tnlo ofW. W. MoOuleben, dooen sod, will please present them duly proven. And all per sons indebted will plonsn make pa vmout lo H. C. MoCUT?I?EN, Adtn'or. Jan 10-If . 5 /> .A^BMjriQ?r 2?p *TT%H R~ IHMmfM R"- *?O*TH LY"" MEETING . J. -of.tbe Company will bc bejd at lb? Engine Jlo?ie, on "Wtdneedsy evening, February Sod, at . . llauibfra ?r* roquftited to be punctual af bod ?M*Of importance-?ill be .abtaUted for cousld ?ration. . By .order of President W.-ll. GIRARDBAU A. WHITNEY SUDRR, Seoretary. ,. Jnn 26- 2t_. , ^_ Change of Base F. A. FOLSOM'S CHEAP TAR?E I t STORE -AND CONFECTIONERY. IRESPECTFULLY notify tny frlewls ond tbe citizens generally, that I hnvo taken tho ad. joining Stund, and om now prepnrcd to offer (?realer Inducements (ban Ever? Continuo to soll Cboap Gooda and nothing elie. Batyo ins in Fancy Articles Particularly. LADIES DEAR THIS IN JUN?. CONFECTIONERY. MRS. FOLSOM has resumed thia department in sntuo stand, und informe ber friends and ibo public, Hint sho will bo constantly supplied with the hist of CANDI KS, FRUITS, NUTS. CAKES, CRACKERS, CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, Ao ?TIE?-A.! TES.?. 2 ! TUE DEST MADE, nt $1-76 por lb. And a splendid Article nt $1,3*. V. A. FOLSOM. Jon 20 CORT'S MILITARY ANO COMMERCIAL Academy, JU A YES V ILL E, S. 0. IN 'HUS INSTITUTION HOYS and YOUNG MEN wHI bo thoroughly flited for COLLEGE or DUSINESS. In addition to Anciont nnd Modern Languages, tho Sciences and ordinary English Rrunchcs, pcsoinl instruction will bo given in PENMAN SHIP, DOOK KEEPING, Kusine?? Forms and Accounts, und in Vocal Music. The Principal refers with pride nnd gratifica? tion to bis former pupils, who hnvo taken bigb positions in College or business. THE FIltST SESSION begins October 1st, and closes February 15th. THE SECOND SESSION begins February 10th, nnd loses dune .'juth. TERMS: $100 por Sossion for Board and Tuition, invariably in advance. French, Uerinnn nod Drawing extra. Pupils cntoring will bo charged, in all ensos, from ll.o first of tho Session. CAPT. WILLIAM II. COIT. REFEREES i Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D. D., Dr. J, A. Mayes, Maycsvillc, So, Cu.; lien. W. L. T. Prince, Choraw, s. C. ; Rev J. IL Mack, Charles? ton, S. C.; Roy. G. W. Petrie,D. 1)., Montgom? ery, Ala. : Messrs. Itlatiding A Richardson, Sumter, S. C. Jan 20 t/july. SOUTH SEA GUANO. Rodes' Ground Gypsum. jJS??* Circulars with detailed statements fur? nished on application to tho Gcnoral Agent, B S. RHETT & SON, Charleston, O. Or. to GREEN, WATSON & WALSH, Jntig2G-3ni]_Agents nt Sumter, S. C. SHERIFF'S SAL.ES. BY virluo <>f sundry Executions In mo direct? ed, will bo sold at Sum tor Court II nure, on ibu ( Monday and day following in February next, within legal hours of salo, lo the highest biddor, for cash, tho following property, situated in Sumter County, Purchasers to pay for titles and stumps. Ono Tract of 12J Acres of land moro or loss, adjoining lands of Ishtitn Moore, W W Anderson mid K M Mooro, levied on ns (ho property of Isintu N Lenoir, at tho suit of ll M Moore, trus? tee of E O Mooro. Ono Traci of :1U0 Aoros of Land, moro or less, adjoining lands of Dr It Muldrow, Estnto of John FMuldroW and Estnto of Mathew E Muldrow and Estalo of J R Muldrow and J II Cooper, luv ?cd on us tho property of Estillo of .Mathew E Muldrow, decease I, nt tho suit of John A Craw? ford, against Mrs. Sophronia. Muldrow and otil? ?is. One Tract of -125 Acres of Lund moro or less, on Scape O'ur swamp, adjoining lauds nf Estato of.J W Kember!, Zack McKinney, 1) J Robert? son and Dr ll .1 Abbott, levied on tts tho proper ty of Jumes W Reinbert, nt the suit of S M (Irccn. Onu buggy Icvlod on ns Ibo properly of T W Arbidgo, at Ibo snU of Moses Levi, Ono Tract of 5JQO Aeres of Land, moro or less, unjoining lauds of S Durant, W Durant and ot li* ors, levied upon a tho property of Citas II Durant, nt tho sep?ralo stilts of D F Fleming A ('o Eliza I,ui< bison, W ll Smith A Co, and Wm J McLeod, Adm'r, Ono Tract of ??03 Acres of Land, moro or loss adjoining lands of KstltO of C Chandler, Mason Rheums and John Pringlo und other lands of W Lewis, nnd lands formerly of Graham A Coghlan, levied upon ns tho property of William I ow is, nt tho suit of Lemuel Gray, Administra? tor. Ono bouse mid Lot in (Ito town of Sumter, bounded East by Washington Street. West by lands of DJ Winn, North by Lot of E W Malsu, nuil South by Lot of .1 J Morning, levied on ns (ho properly of Thus D Friorson, nt tho suit of Wicsonlicld A Co and R P Eoylcv ,'v Co. IO bushels Corn moro or less, f,00 lbs fodder, nod ll bushels potatoes, more or less, levied on ns tho properly of Thoa W Prichard, ul (ho suit of Robt L Christmas. 200 lbs Fodder, 2 Hams mid 2 Sidos Raeon, levied on un thu properly of Rnitns DoSuussuro, at the suit of HW Moiso. 17 bushels Ear Corn, Lu vied on ns.Gio proper? ly of Geo Goodwyn, nt tho suit of H W~"T!*d*uv^ 17 bushels Ear Corn, ono Yearling, nnd :(b0Tol&* fodder, levied on as tho property of Lott Polk, at the soil ol E W Moiso. 20(1 lbs Fodder, levietl on ns (bo properly of Cain Anderson, at the suit of E W Moiso. One Grey Maro, loviod on us tho properly of Van Euron Anderson, nt tho suit of E W Mo? ise 125 lbs seed Colton, 2-r>0 tbs I'm.der, loviod on as tho proporty of Rom y Polk, nt (he suit uf 10 W Moise. .T J COGHLAN, SSC. Jan 20 OT El IC ll N Vf, r.s. Tho Sheriff also advertises for salo, on tho first Holiday In February, th reo building lots, hinno (Lately in front of tho Court House. G. W. Reardon. 0, C. P.,advertises (ho plan? tation, with tho residutiuo tuoronu, on tho High Hills of Santco, known na tho "Oakly Tract," oonlnining two hundred nnd nluoty-elx aoros. -?AND-ii- . v 1 GYM??NASITJM? ENLARGED AM) IMPROVED FOR THE PBESKNT 8?A8ON. THE ELEPHANT IS COMING 1| (/fear 2'radtv /^op yoyr Bridges, and took out /or your Teams, Mr. REYNOLDS, (a Ci tuen of Sere?? n Co., Ga.) confidently offer? thia Collection IO bit friends and tho publio generally, ae the most complete and perfect Collection noa traveling the Southern States. The Animate aro all fresh and young, the best speeimene now on exhibi? tion, and Ju?* imported by Ii Reiche, ox ?rostir for this Show-together with the New and Novel Performances given at each Entertainment, Torea a first olasa Exhibition, and the audience never fail to say that this is decidedly the beat Show given hero yet, all exhibited in a Now and Im menso Three-Centre Pole Tentl Built Expressly to give the Wonderful Niagara Leap. SumterTJau.28,187(* Admission.......A.??.76 coots Ch il il ron under IO years.Half Price. DOORS OPEN at 2 and 7 1-2 O'CLOCK. Jan 2ft_lt_ REMOVAL.. -o HAVING REMOVED to Cornor of Main and Republican Streets, nnd thoroughly revised and renovated my Stock, I oan offer to my customers and tho pnblic genornlly, as fine AN ASSORTMENT OF WELL SELECTED Drugs AND General Medicines, An can bo found in ibis market. Comprising most of the popular Patent Medicines, -SUCH AS Rnendulis, Pbilotoken or Female Friend, Mystic or Fema'.o Regulator, Jayne's Expectorant, . Jayne's Pills, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, Wistar'a Bnlsnm Wild Cherry, Hembotd'e E: tract Buohu, Simmons' Liver Invigorator, Snndford's Livor Invigorator, Hall's Hnir H?nower, Barry's Tricopheroua, Tommi's Aperient, Stafford's Ulive Tar for colds, congba and consumption. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Russell's Soothing Cordial, without ano? dyne, . Holloway's, Van Henson's and Hurley's; Worm Candy, with all tho Vermifuges. A completo assortment of PERFUMERY. TOOTH BRUSHES AND TOILET ARTICLES. -ALSO A oholco nrtinle of COLOGNE, of our own manu? facture, which wo can soil cheap-with all olber articles which should bc found in a Weil Regulated Drug Store. Jan 20-tf_J. F. W. DKLORME. Glass and Crockery Ware3 Thc cheapest ever odored In Ibis market. Fancy Groceries, In great variety. Fruit and Confectionery In any quantity desired. Family Supplies, As Coffco, Sugar, Flour, Uulier, Lard, Soaps, Starch, Ac, .tc, always on hand, nut. J. N. SI*AN?V, whoso sorviccs I bavo pcrinnnontly secured, will toko pleasuro in allowing goods to all who may wish to examino thom. Call before purchasing oise where and you will be sure to securo GOOD BARGAINS. JOHN S. HUGHSON. Untier the Photographie Gallery. Jan 20-If Thc State of Sontli Carolina SUMTER COUNTY, By C. M. Hurst, Judge, of the Court of\ Probate, for said Couutg. WHEREAS, JAMES L. HALE lins applied lo mo for Loiters of Administration on nil and singular tho goods and chattels, rights nm) credits of tho eatiiio of H. S. Griffin, deceased, of I Toxos, U- S These aro thcroforo to cito ami admonish nil and singular, tho kindred and creditors of the said deceased, lo ho and upper beforo roo, at our next Court of l'robato for tho said County, to bc hohlen ut Sumter Court House, on tho Lh day of ? February, to shew CHUSO, if any, why thu said administration should not be grunted. Givcu under my Hand and Seat of office, this 2GIII day of January, it? tho year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and in thc 'J 1th your of American Independence. C. H. HURST, Jan 20 -2i] Judge of tho Court of Probate. COTTON SHIPPED. Wo havo m ado arrangements to ship COTTON To Now York, Balli moro or Charleston, making J Cash Advances on sumo when delivered, nnd hov ng it hold at EITHER POINT ns long ns may bo desired. Wo will rocoivo Cotton at Sumter, Lynohbnrg, Moycsvillc or Mnnchcstor. Green, Watson & Walsh, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ANO COMMISSION MER CHANTS. PERUVIAN GUANO, FERTILIZERS ^Sfe,|,^Mid Corn. JpLANTERSlfteBsl^JOUS TO PUR clniso for them, ^^^^?MSK CORN, PERUVIAN GUANO, '^^j^ S0LUADLE PACIFIC GUANO, '""""y CAROLINA FERTILIZER, OR ANY OTHER KIND OF FERTILIZERS, will plonso sond In their ordors by FIRST OF DECEMBER. Oreen, Watson & Walsh, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. SUMTKH, 8. ?O, J.o. 1,1870. VROM AN? AFTER THIS DATE, TilB | bntfa?M oftho PL A? fTKRS' W AREHOU8B* passe? into the hands of M rc jr?. CHAS. II. j MOISB A GO. Ia retiring, I commond the ne? Sra Jo ike confidence of Ut? pabilo* B. W.MOISI. THE SCJBfSCRIIfBRS Hare thia dav formed a CO -PARTNERSHIP, i nuder tba name of CHARLES. H. MOISE & GO. for the parp?te of carrying on the buslneee of | the "PLANTERS' WARBIIOUSE." CHAS. H. MOISB, JOS. B. RASKIN. StTfnt?rr C., Jwo. lit, 1870. CHEAP GOODS. COFFEE.?.20 ote. per lb. SUGAR..*?....?".AH ele. per lb. FLOUR.26 lbs. for $1.00. FLOUR.-.$7.00 per bbl. BUTTED.40 eta per lb* Bacon, Lar J, Molasses, Soap, Starch, Caudles, Mackerel, Crackers, Herrings, Cheese. Salmon, Halibut Smoked, 15 cts per pound* (Dry G- o o ;?.*k above allu? ded to, I will continue the businesV'a^.^tho Old Stand. And ask a continuance of the pafiY?\age horolofore extended. .? Resptelfnlly, X. A. MoKAGEN. Jan 1-tf MAYESVILLE, 8. ? 'fl J. A. MAYES^GOl SVILL CONTINUE DURING TllK Ym* W KEEP 0? HAND A FULL R?JW DRUGS, MEDICINES! GROO ERIES, ?HB PEO ? I gio Bs, nod bop? to norh ? continuance of tba Ilk. patronage they bare bei ri receiving. " Wo desire to call particular attention t?~ trade ta v?w?i FLOUR, It li ow? aloa to keep Tor sale only ,. Gea of FLOUR, and families may rel? UDUn atoek aa affording the beat grades of v Extra ami yamil// Flour to be bad in the markets* Our groceries generally aro all PIRST-CLASS GOODS, aud our DRUGS and MEDICINES are . ranted to be pure and genuine. " Besides the usual etocxSof DRUGS and Mri. ICINES. keep always on hand, ne effir u invaluable preparations of our own romaii,cllt,' Anti-Malarial Specific, FOR THE PERMANENT CURB OP Chills and Fevers. TONIC BITTERS, an admirable combination of TONICS adsput to nil eases needing Tonio Medicines. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds t,kettll BARTER for goods at fair pri?es, .T. A. MAYES A 00 Jan 1,1870_ ,j TO THE Planters of Maysville and surrounding Country* GBKTI.KMBN; We most respectfully offer yon tho followio|l manures; m PERUVIAN GUANO, diroct from the agent, FARMERS PLASTER OR GYPSUM, up t, I standard, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, forcomjiofi ting with cotton socd, DISSOLVED BONE A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FLOUR OF BONE, BAUGH'S UAW BONE PHOSPHATE, CAROLINA FERTILIZER, THE NAVASSA AMMONIATED SOLl'Ml PHOSPHATE of Wilmington, ensli orders solicited. MAYES A COOPER Agents. Jan 5-Sm THEATRE O PEN Business before Pleasure, A NEW PLAY? ACT 1. SCENE 1st. Scene, the Storo, corner of tho Old Hotel-| next tho Court House-SCIIWKMN bellini the counter-Enter a Countryman. CHU NTH vu A N. Aro you tho man that tell STORE! CLOTHES so cheap ? S"?WBntx. Yes, I'm tho man. So If your clothes aro worn out, or ruined by leann'. There's no use in CUMIN' but go right to A'eAirer.'* C. What! O o to sieeor?n' / hook here, m; frleud, if that's tho way you talk, how do you oxpoct lu prosper, wheu tho Bible says "Swcarj not at all ?" S. You don't undorstnnd mo, I menn come l?| me ; and I'il fit you out with n new suit, inside and outside. My name ts Schwerin. 0. Obi That's it, is it? Well ils a cuss-n very bail, name, any how. But I s'posoyour go ds me none tho worse for thal, and I seo ow you iniglif Ot mo with a snit oultide from your si oui. of Hats, Boots nn<> '"hoos. Coats, Vosis and Pants, Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Socks, Collars, Handcrehicfs, Ac, Ac, but how can you fit mo to a suit inside, hoy? S Why, I'll toll you. Some of my exi-eller.1 G HOCE ll I ES there would tull yon imideta a T wouldn't they ? C. Ves. they would, linn's n fact, some of your Suc;ar, Coffee, Tea, Flour. Molasses, Canned Fish, Oysters and Lobsters, Chow Chow Pickles, ?kc., Ac. S. Yes, I sell my Dry doods nnd Wet Cfooifs, Groceries . Clothing and other articles to i numerous to mention, very CHEAP FOR CASH. ..Small Profits and Quick Returns" is my motto. Exit Countryman with a bag full, a basket full and a bundle full. Sept 22 jhn NO. 3 GROCERIES. THE ONLY STRICTLY Grocery and Liquor House IN TOWN rjpiIE UNDERSIGNED BEING DULY Authorised to continuo tho business of the Into firm of CRANE A EBER II ART, boga leave tn oall the attention of his frionds and tho publie generally to his NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Heavy and Fancy Groceries Which bo ?fters low for CASH ONLY. ^EQ. All articles warranted at teoemmonde tfSPr* Pure Modfcinnl Liquors kept constantly on hand. J. H. KHK lt HA KT. Surviving partnor. Doo Itt if MILLINERY AND Fancy Goods. MISS E. D. BRITTON HAVING roturnod from tho North is pro prepnrod to'ofror her friends and patrons t HANDSOME AND COMPLETE STOCK OP Fall and Winter Millinery) FANCY GOODS, &C. Carefully seleotod by horself. She will oonlints to get fresh supplies every three or feur weekf, so should anything new occur In tho stvles of HATS and BONNETS, liter In tho season, lb? will bo furnlshod with the very latest. ELEGANT BRIDAL HATS AN1> BONNETS, matte* lo order on short notice. Country orders will receive atriot nttontlon. Ooie ?f