? i --i - i 1111 taetsm i .mu- . a ..II II I ? ? gggg ' ? L--L-?--=T VOL. XX WEDNESDAY MORLING JANUARY 26. 1370: , ?O 3S. Tl mo o ???!.. JB4 Doa? Fer? nie?.-Vir?. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. The Suinter Watchman {?SHTADLI81?E? IN I860.) B'/KUV WKUNKNDAY ITCrtBNlIMtJ AT SUMTER, 8. 0.? ?Y (iltBKWT & FLOWERS. Terms .$3 00 li, ??ntfn... ! "I Leuionine.> W , nvHllTIrtB U BNTri inrericd .< tb? rut? WSWi OOLLAB AND FIFTY CUNTS Per ''"f? the Bret, ONU- DOLLAR for th? * IT ?nd FIFTY CUNTS fur ?net? fubnequwit , ,,'imi for imv |>erif conscious, was my mother's voice, pitifully begging mc to answer her, and say whether I had been wounded. I staggered up from thc seaton which I had fall?n, and attempted to re-assure lier ; but. as may bo supposed, unsuccess? fully. For a whole hour alter this wu remained motionless in our chamber, while tho firing uppcured to increase in violence. Thc windows rallied like skeleton boues, und thc very foundations of the house trembled and shook at every discharge 1 was fast becoming cain? again - despairingly calm-when I beurd some body walking up stairs, and then a well known voice shouting our names. 11 was ubi Hobin, our negro servant, whom I hud sent, the day before, imo tho country, to seek for provisions. .My father's .-.?ave und my grandfather's, Kubin, how .seventy years of agc, but tlinre athletic than many u young man, had clung with pathetic devotion to the poor remnants uf ?tho family;" as be called u>. My heart leaped up when I saw his limiest black face, and the ?Olion that wo might bc saved, aller all, brought back nil my strength of will and courage. ?Saved, but how? People in timos of desperare danger, think quickly, and aro opt lo resort to singular expedients. b'lancing about thc room, my eyes fell upon a larger, but exceedingly light straw chair, which J had procured for loy mother's convenience when she was Mroog enough to sit up. Ah, a lucky Conception ! Wo would wrap the in? valid carefully in ft double set of blank? ets, strap her gently to tho chair, and, if she could enduro the pain of removal, Hobin would take her on his back (she was scarcely as heavy as a ohild,) and leave thc city for tho first place of safely ?nat offered. Hurriedly T proposed this plan to my Woiner, who tfid been a baby, Robin placed her in tho chair, scouring hov frail person by passing several cords and a broad strap across her chest und knees, and lastly, taking ih0 |,ur(]cn> w-,th no apparent c ron upon his back, ho went down ?airs, bidding mo follow him. ?nt oh I that walk ol thrco miles, nwt through thc burning streets of i'redcricksburg, with thc roofs crashin? Jbovo our heads, jots of firo darting bo tween doors and windows, tho hiss of balls, and tho peculiar singing of thc great sheila aa they passed in curves ot' Uume through thc thickening smoko ; and then, these grouter dangora avoided our plodding along tho country roads, choked up by overthrown curriuges, and scattered goods ot every description, with hornea escaped from thoir owners, galoping madly among the debris of many a ruined homestead-can I ever forgot it all-ever orase from memory tho fright tul pi ct ur cs cf tint timo? At lust we reached u farm house, thc people of which were our friends* My motlier, with exclamations ot'amazomcnt from tho whole ' family, was taken at onco to bod, but strange to say, she did not socm ab all fatigued ! This delicute woman, who bud not le lt her chamber, scarcely her couch, fur years, hud braved thc horrors of a bombardment in tho open strccts-ridden ou a negro's back for throe or four mile und yet hud not succumbed ! And, what is more, from lhut night my mother's health improved, until now, five yours utter, I huvc .satisfaction of seeing her seated comfortably near mo, and engag? ed upon some delicute sewing-work, iu tho very chair which formed so impor? tant u puvt of thc rescue of December, 1862 ? Her comparative recovery hus puzzled thu faouliy, excepting ono physician of acknowledged genius who dec?ales it wits the most natural thing in the world. "Did you ever rend 'Littlo Dorrit,' Miss Martha ? ho asked mc yesterday. I replied that I had. "Well, then, re? call that scone which represents Arthur Clcuuum's mother under thu influence of a grcut mental shock, throwing off the parlysis of twenty years, and rushing through the town to lind little Dorrit and intreut his mercy I "Ignorant critics laughed at Dickens for introducing what they culled a tour th:/bree, but Dickons, us usual, knew what he was ubout. Such shocks, es? pecially in nervous diseuses, act often with the subtle force of galvanism, and thc cases uro numerous where whal you would have sworn must kill thc pa? tient outright, resulta in a temporary, and even in some cases (look ut your mother) a permanent cure." What meanwhile of old Hobin ? He still lives with "the family," and iu his hule old age delights to' repeat, to his cronies thc minutest particulars of the event of which he was thc unqucstiona bte hero. livery week ho gets more garrulous concerning it, so that, in duo time, the flight from Fcdericksburg promises, un? der his creative fancy, to dcvclopc into quite un 'Iliad of adventures ! A ?ocr o li's sToat v. HY JUDGE ?Jr.AUK. During my six weeks' attendance on him now I. loamed to hate the old mis? creant ? How often I regretted that it was only bin arm and not his neck that was broken ! Of eourso I was bound tu do, and I did do all I could for my pa? tient. '?Only bring me around in time fur tho wedding, doctor," was tho earnest exhortation with which Ananias Skin? ner was accustomed to greet mc on my daily visits uf inspection. Ugh! how repulsive he looked, ns he lay leering und peering out of his wicked gray eyes, his arms in splints and au ugly black cap on his head. The wedding ho wns so anxious about was none other than his own. It would have como off before, but un unlucky pardon mo, I meant inst the reverse slip upon un icy pa ..ment, resulting in ti fractured bone, compelled an udjouru mont. It wus a shume, everybody said, that a young girl like Alice (?ray should think of mat ry i og a mnn of Mr. Skinners' years. lt was thc old case, people thought, of youth and beauty making barter of themselves for monoy j und many there were t-> sneer ut, ai.d none to pity poor Alico Gray, whose saddened look nod drooping form betokened anything but u heart at ease, or one filled with bright anticipations of tho futuro. "And ibero wns Herbert Bjuku to whom she wus engaged, and who sailed two years ago in a vessel never since heard from-how could she forget him so ? soon !" sighed tho dadiing Mrs. Jones,1 a widow of two months' standing, whose grief was fairly inconsolable at thu thought that it must bc kept up ten mouths longer. At first I was unohai ?table enough to join in tho common opinion that in cou trading a murringo necessarily so repug nant to every feeling of maidenly deli? cacy, Alico (Jray wns but engaging in u heartless speculation, and was moro de? signing than designed ngaiust. Dut when Lonnie to know tho truth, und how exalted and entirely puro were thc mo? tives that influenced her conduct, nod how utterly devilish was tho plot that environed her, I felt that to attempt her rescue wns tho only filling atonement I could make for my past injustice Hut how to set ubout it wus tho per? plexing question. I ^hnd gained my knowledge in a matter that engaged my professional honor ngaiust divulging it. However no time was to bo lost. My patient had nearly if not quito recovered and to-morrow was tho day fixed for thc importunt event to which shu had so long looked forward. I had at least tho right to ?penk freely to him and deter? mined to do so nt once. Ho seemed a little astonished at my call. Th oro lind never been any person? al intimacy between us, and porno days boforo I had given him to understand that unless some unexpected chango of symptoms intervened, thoo would bo : nu need lo continuo my professional visits. ' "I have oomo to talk to you ubout a i privuto matter," I began, after tho ex changoola few common pinces-"ODO of which I feel at liberty to speak to. you alone." | Kio looked at mc attentively but said nothing. '.You will romember," I continued, "that previously to setting your arm I gave.ynu ether." "I do," he answered. ''It wus administered nt your own re? quest," I ndded. "I did not think it was required in a caso so simple, but yielded to your wishes." "I am vyry sensitive to pain, dootor," bc whined apologetically , but sorely you don't think any harm has result? ed." "Of that I sh?ll leavo you to judge, whon you have heard me further." Ile nervously motioned mo to pro coed. '.Tho inhaling of other," I resumed , .'sometimes produces singular effects. A not unircqucnt result is u high degreo of intoxication, under tho iufluenco * of which tho patient will talk incessantly, often betrayiug his profoundest secrets without tho slightest recollection of ib afterward." Ananias turned deadly palo. "Such," I proceeded, "wus the case with you. You spoke unreservedly of what, seemed uppermost in your mind your approaching marriage-divulging tho fact that tho bund of Alice Gray was the price you exacted for thc liber ty of her father, over whom you pos? sessed thu power of ousting into prison for debt, he being bound as suorty on u note yuu held for money louncd to Her? bert Dluko, tho young mun who was lost at san." '.You also lot out that norbert Blake paid the noto before he sailed, and men tinned thc name of a wituess who was present. That wituess I have this morning .seen, und he is ready to testify to the pu} ment ol thc note." Ananias turned ghastly pale and gasped, "What is \ our purpose ?" "To put thc intended victims of your rascally plot in communication with the witness,! have referred to," I replied, as I took my leave. . Dut Ananias saved us any further trouble by hanging himself from a hook in thc wull, "with ht? own free will and accord," as his housekeeper said. And Herbert Wake soon after came back from sea, alive and well, and he ?iud Alice have becu married these many happy years. f TL A DI ES AND LAUOANC CT. A Now York correspondent writes the follow - og : Happening into u drug store, a woman stood ut thc counter waiting while the druggist weighed u portion of u dark muss for her li was. opium. Seeing our attention attracted to it, thc woman, who was evidently ono of the laboring class, paid her money hastily, with "don't wrap it up," seized it, and hurried out of ibo store. I? conversation with the druggist, he informed us she wus a confirmed opium oater; that nightly ?>ho spout twenty five couts ut his store for opium. Hu hud ut least twenty regular customers who ate opium/and all of them belonged to thc middle or laboring classes; that nine tout hs of all opium enters bc knew were women, and one-third of them were colored women. Some old colored women were inveter? ate takers of laudanum, and he cited one who regularly came every three days und purchased u dollar's worth of laudanum with money mude by washing. Another of his customers, a white woman, drank habitually four ounces of laudanum a day. On her first coming to his store sin asked for two ounces, mid on receiving it, greatly to his alarm, had put thc bot" tlc to her mouth und quaffed it at a draught. As they became more con? firmed in the habit, they preferred, ho said, morphine, because of its greater si rcngt h. He accounted for tho usc of tho drug by this class of persons by the (ucl that they wcro often exposed and contracted neuralgin, when opium and laudanum were administered by physicians to allay pain or grunt sleep, hence they resorted io it us a relief, and eventually become confirmed slaves to tho poison. ABOUT I'I. IC AS. Thc smallest animal of thc bruto creation, und tho most pesky is thc flea They are about the bigness of au onion seed, and shine liku u bran new shot. They spring from low places and can spring further und faster than enny' of tho big brutes They bite wus than thc muskectozo for they bite on n run. Ono flea will go over and over a mans suburbs in 2 minits, and leavo him az freckled as thc menzies. It is impossible to do enny thing well with a flea on you except swaro, and ficus ain't a froud ofthat, tho only way is to quit business of awl kinds and hunt for tue flea, and when you huvo found him ho ain't there. This is ono of thc flea mysteries-tho f'ukulty they have of being entirely lost jist os you have found them. 1 don't suppose there iz over killed on un average, during enny one year, moro than 10 fleas in tho whole ot tho United StntCS of America, unless there is a casualty of some kind ; once in o while a dog gits drowned sudden, aud then there may bo a few fleas lost They aro about nz hard to kill nz a flux seed iz and if you dont mash 'em as fin as ground pepper they will sturt biz nyes on a smaller kapital, jist as pestif? erous ns ever. Thero is lots of pooplo who ncvor seen a flea, and it takes a pretty smart mun losco ono onuyhow ; They don't stay long in a place. If you over kotch a flea, kill him bo foro you do eunything olso, for if you do put it off 2 intuits it may be too late* Many a flea has passed away forever in less than two micits.-Josh Wir? linga. Notice. rpiIE SUBSCRIBER having met with a very JL Bcrioua loss ip gettlag bis crop of COTTON burnt up, has como to the determination to offer bi? services to tho people of Sumter District, as a BU RV li Y O U. and believes that bil experience fur the last thirty yoars as Surveyor, will enable him to give satisfaction, for competency and promptness. Referenco may he hnd to all the old Judges of the Court in this Stato, and the Attorneys of Lancaster Bar. JAMES D. MelIYWAIN. Nov 17 Sinos. HARDWARE. SAMUEL R. MARSHALL, IMPORTER AND DEALER -IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Pis? tols, Muskets, Powder, Shot, Caps, Cart rliigos, Axes, Cotton Cards, Nails, Ilorso Shoes, Fairbanks Solos, Grindstones, Mill Rooks, Bolt? ing and Wire Cloth, Stool Com Mills, English Ovens, Pots and Spiders, Buildors Hardware, Blacksmiths, Carpenters nnd Tanners Tools. A groat variety Tin and Wooden.Waro, Seine Twines, Gilling Seines. A largo stook of Single and Duublo Barrel Guns, my own Importation of soveral Makers. Agunt for tho Dodges Celebrated Plows and Stock Bells nt Wholesalo and Rotail. 310 KING ST., Sign of tho (BIG GUN. Oot. 13. _ Om Ph. S CHU O KM A??, 271 KING STREET, (OPPOSITE HA8EL ST.,) IUFORTKR AND DEALER IK BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, KNITTING WOOL, EMBROIDERY PATTERNS, FLOSS SILK, EMBROIDERY SILK, KNITTING AND EMBROIDERY COTTON, KNITTED WORSTED GOODS, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, ALSO LADIES* DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS1 VELVETS, FRINGES, IC. ?L&* All orders by mail will bo most carefully ntloudcd lu, and doulot's will he supplied ut Now York wholesale uriccs. N?v IO _ly_ LEN G NICK & SE LL, I iMPOHTKEtS AND Jo mt Kits OP FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, LADIES TRIMMED HATS, AND MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, 27 II .VYNE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Oct 13_6m EDMONDS-!. BROWN, Of the lato Firm of F. D. FANNING & CO. WHOLESALE DEALER IN MEN'S ANO BOY'S Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, ALSO Ladies' Misses & Childrens' HATS. CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 8 -Om j Opposite Charleston Hotel. OSMAN'S TTHANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, wo still solicit tho patronage of our old cunto mers, both city and country, and would respect? fully inform all thoso who are in want of AS? SORT KD CANDY, will nnd itf. r their interest to call and examine our Candy; it is nently put up in 25. 50 and 100 pound boxes, full weight, which wo warrant porfcctly pure and unndultera* lo l, (reo fruin Terra Alba or Marble Dust, both extensively usod nt tho North in tho adultera ?tig of Candy; nlso thu coloring matter being purely vegetable, and will keep in any climate. Ordors that contain cash will have the benoni ofourreducad prices. W. KINSMAN, No. 270 King St., Charleston, S. 0. P. S.-Send for full Ciroulnr. Oct. 13--Gm._ Pacific Guano Company's COMPOUND 11)111 PIIOSPIIATB OF LIMB For compose lng willi Cotton Seed, rpilIS ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED AT .1. tho Company's Works, under tho direction and superintendence of Dr. Ravonol. It contains tho name eiomeiits of fertility ns SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, except thai il lt not rumitdiod willi AMMONIA, lt is pro pured expressly f?>r composting with colton sued, which furnishes tho clomunl of AMMO? NIA; tho object being to runder that sidu product of tho plantation available to tho highout dogrco as an olemont of fertility. For further and particular Information, apply to the under* signed. J. N. ROBSON, Agent for South Carolina, 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. JOHN S. REESE dc CO., (ionoral Agents, Balli moro. Terms $15 cash or $50 on Isl Nov. 1870, for apt roved eily acceptance or other good security. Nov 17 3m TWINGED Especially dosignrrt for the uso of tho Medical I Profession and tho Family, possessing thoso in - I trinsio medicinal proporlics which bolong to an Old and Puru Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kldnoy Complaints. A delicious Tonto. Put np in casos, containing ono doxon bottles each, and sold by all druggists, grooors, Ao. A. M. BININGER k CO., Established 1778, No. 15 Beaver St., N. Y. Juno 28 ly ADRIAN & V?LLERS, WHOLESALE DEALEU3 Itt Provisions, Groceries and Liquors, WI ti MINGTOtf, N. C orFEa ron BAUM l LIO^l/ORS -.Ry? *nd Com Whiskies, Gio?, Brandi**, Kuma of j .ll gradea, lo bbl?., half j bbl?, and catos. WINKS.Ciarat?, Madeira!, Porta, Sborrj?, Rhina Win?, Ca? tawba, and Soupporuong, lo bbls. ?nd oaaea. COHDI A 1.8.Raspberry and Lemur, Sy? rup, Blackberry Brandy, Schiedam Sobrapps, Van Brunt'i Schnapps, Kim moi, German, Plautatloo, Alpine and Baterao Bit? ters, in casea and bbla. TOBACCO.O h a w I o g-Lorlllard'a Yacht Club, Virginia Gold Leaf, Veuablo'a Black Crystal, Monumental, Na? vy, -and eome Common Grades, in boxea and caddie!. S m o lc I n g-Lorlllard'a Rose Leaf, Eureka, Gail A Ax's Apricot, Kllliki nick, Danville, Big Lick, and other branda, in lota to ault. SE? AUS.Havana imported, Parta gas. Lo Flor de Adrian A Voller?, Conciliation, La Corona do Espagna, and sumo twenty brands of j lower qualities by tho milla only. FIRE CH ACKERS No. 1 Quid Chop. OA PS.Ely'! and Coala Water? proof, Q. D., and Mui kat. SHOT.*..Buok and Drop, all altea FRUITS.Apple?, Drlod Pears and Peaches, Shelled Almond! Layer Raisins, Cocoa* nuts, Brail! Nuts, Wal* nula, Filbert?, Currante, Citron, and Oranges, at wholesale only. CANNED GOOltS.-Condensed Milk, Euglo Brand, Oysters and Lob aler?, Fresh Peaohos, To ? matoes, Brandy Peaches, and Cherries, both foreign domestic, Sordinos, Mixed and Plain Pickles, Chow Chaw, In caeos only. DRUGS.Laudanum. Paregoric, Castor Oil, Painkiller, Coppera?, Sal Soda, Sol? er itu?, Bl Curb Soda Cronin Tartar, Fig Bluo Washing Bluo, Esaonce of Popporinint, and Lemon, Raoo Ginger, Camphor, David's and Bartlett's Inks, CSA tl lo Soap, Lye and Potash, in original capos only. CANDIES.Small and Largo Stick, Fnnoy Assorted, by tho box only. TEAS.Imperial, Hyson, Sou? chong, Oolong, lu half ? chests and cadillos. Our Stock of Coffee, Crackers, Soaps, and Can? dios, Flour?, Syrups, and Molasses, Sugar, Bacon and Pork, Sail and Fish, hoing nt prosont tho largest and best assortod tn North Carolina, wo aro ablo to fill any orders entrusted to us with dispatch. ADRIAN A V?LLERS, Dec 22_ Established 1834. G. H. Reese & Brothers. 207 & 209 W. Pratt Street BALTIMORE, M. D. WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS WE RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE Citizen* of Sumter and it? vioioity, that ire are prepared to furnish Every Article in our Line, (Exc^tt /Spirituous Liquors ) At as Low Rates as any House in the United States. Our long experience and unsurpassed faoilitio? for procuring goods upon tho most favorable terra?, enable us to guarantee satisfaction to every purchaser. Wo pay particular attention to T IC .A. es, and can nt any time, out of our extensive ?tock, furnish tho finest, ns well n* all other grades that come to this country. Purchnsors may rely upon having their gouda carefully pnoked, and pr rapt? ly forwarded. Sept 22_ _6m ROBERT BROUN COUNTY" SURVEYOR, MANCHESTER, S. C. ILLnttond prompt'y to nny buslnoss en truslod to him, u his lino. " I1KVKI18 TO EITHER FOES OK FRIENDS. Respectfully bogs icavw of absenco for 1 moulin, after March uoxt. _Nov_24_ B. II. NASH. P. M. HU LIM. NASH & DULIN, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Manufactured Tobacco, SMOKING AND CHEWING, OF DIFFERENT GRADES, SUMTER. SO. CA. ALSO Koop a good supply of NORTH CAROLINA KY K and CORN WHISKEY, ti MG A KS, and LIQUORS of various kinds. TOBACCO at Wholesale furnlsbod at Manu? facturers' Pricof. Country Murrlmnt* will do rrcil to call and oxntnino our stock. Ail onlors promptly executed whun accompa? nied iv ii li tho cash. Tho custom of my old friomls whom I hnvo furnished by wagon for several years is re? spectfully solicitud. II. lt. NASH. Oct. 6-6m. REEDER & DAVIS, COTTON FACTORS AMI General Commission Merchants, A DOER'S NORTH WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. CONSIGNMENTS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, OBWRLL RESDER. ZIMMERMAN ?AVIS. Sopt 1 0m w FIRS: A? INS TJTi. OHAS. H. MOISE &UMTE1 LIVERPOOL AND LONDON I> GLOBE Insurance Company. Capital, Surplus ?nd Reserved Funds, in Gold, $17,700,000. Seventeen Million and Seven Hundred . Thoueaud Dollars-IN GOLD. Invested in the United States, Two Mil? lions of Dollars. $2,000,000. Rinks in Sumter, taken at Charleston rates. Residences in Ute Country Insur? ed at LOW Rates. Losses paid promptly in Charles? ton. On the payment of Ten Years premiums in CASH, a perpet? ual policy will be issued. ? D LIFE A.NOE. y Insurance Agent, l, S. C?. Brooklyn Mutual Lifo Insu? rance Co., of New York. Annual Income nearly Half a Million of Dol?a rs. Character well known in Sum? ter. Phonix Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Hartford. Asset* nt Market valuo, Four Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. 84,300,000. Losses paid io Cash, Seven Hundrod and Sixty-eight Thousand Pollars. ?708,000 This Company has never contested a claim. TERMS-HALF CASH ; HALF NOTE. CHAS. II. MOISE, Insurance Agent, Sumter, S. C. Nov 17 3n? NO BITTERS! sickly. wonderful suc? cess. Brings color to the companion. 3^;.y: M J^AW? pale white lip. Blooui and 15cauty to tho thin Face and Care-worn countenance. Cures Fever nod creates Appetite. THE BEST IN USE. Recammc'ritted by the Jligliest Medical Autliority in the ?State. See Circulars around each Battle. TRY THEM. USE MO OTHER. Ask for SUMTER BITTERS. Sold by Druggists and Oro eera. See that our signature is over tho coik of eaoh bottle. D0W1E & MOISE. PROPRIETORS ANl> WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Oet 18 . 4m ?MU.U?|i><.,l'H|ll|.l|l'Mll1|M,l>l,'lll'?lhl'Hiru.'WUH.,rr Salo by Druffffist* JSvorv*choro.-i?* S?5 MONEY MADE ! CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE SHOE HOUSE. D. O'NKILL&SOXS, No. 375 KINO STURKT, (DKTWKBM QROKOK AND CAI.mn H STIIRBTS,) CHA ULKSTON, S. C. Wholesale Mid Kclail DEALKUS IN T HE LATEST al?los and bust quail* Hos uf Hoots, Shoos, Trunk?, Traveling Dugs, Vulii?ii, Satch? els, ??o.| Ao. liming A member <>f ibo firm ul way s nt the North seUctlug and forwarding stock to us by ?very Steamer, wo oan assure our friendo und buyers generally that we will give perfect satisfaction. It would boto tho intim?t of Country and City buyers to give us a oull and examine our stock which has just boen replenished. Oct 13_