VOL.O XXII.IC S . C., fTURSDAY) JULY '19, 84 O 4 THE MANNING MEETING. GENERAL RICHBOURG'S FIRST AP PEARANCE ASA SPEAKER. The crowd w1ih T111nan-Ava Ovation to SeOCretary 'indai-Butler Favore the Forination o Sliver LeatuOs--What the Other oarididates Sed. MANNTNO, 1. C., July 10.-Notwith. standing the rain today the conrt house was crowded to hear the candidates for State and Senatorial honors. The speeches of all the candidates were re garded equal to, if not better, than at any previous meeting. The crowd was overwhelmingly for Governor Till man for Senator to succeed .utler. General Richbourg made his first cam. palgn speech today. The meeting was presided over by -Ion. S. A. Nettles, County Chairman. After payer by Rev. H. M. Mood the speakers were introduced in the follow ing order: lon. J. Walter Whitman, General R. N. Richbourg, Hon. W. 11. YeldelJ, Governor B. R. 'fillman, Sena tor M. C. Butler, Hon. John Gary Ev ans, Comptroller General W. H. Ellerbe and Secretary of State Tindal. The first speaker was G. Walt. Whit. man who denounced the charge in Co. lumbia Journal that he was run out of Clarendon County in 1870 as a damna ble lie. Gen R. N. Richbourg was the next speaker. le said he was no politician and appeared on the stump as a candi date because he had been brought for - ward by Reform papers and prominent Reformers, He referred to Candidate John Gary Watts by saying that he had never known as a military man such an ofilce as "Assistant Adjutant General," but he supposed that military men could create what they chose. le loved the ' military, and if elected thought he could make this arm of the service the proudest boast of the State, Representative W; -. Yeldell of Edgefleld spoke in behalf of his candi dacy for Railroad Commissioner and said he was unfairly beaten by the Legislature at the last session. Governor Tillman was uproarously aDplauded as he began t speak. He said he was telling no lie when he said he was glad to see the people. Yeldell had said it was chilly, but if he had struck Manning the day he first came here, "Good God, what would he have said about the weather?" le wanted to go to the Senate because he could do more for the people than any other man. He would go there with a fork and let out some stench. The Democratic party was as r'tten as the Republican. We have seen the President, said he, sell out; go back on the Democratic plattorm; strike down silver; veto the seigniorage bill and now they are tink ering with the tariff bill in Washing ton to see how little reform they can give you. If Cleveland is to set the pace of the Democracy In these United Stgtes I am not a Democrat. (Ap plase.) Free sliver meant simply the restoration of the double standard and ten cents cotton instead of seven cents. These scoundrels know it and they try to befuddle the people and send fel lows to Congress like Col. Elliott to vote for Clevelands policy. The Re publicans and Democrats in New York and the New England States are iden tical as to their tariff views and we have got to align our forces with those 01 the West and take charge of the Democratic party. If we don't, then we deserve ta continue as slaves. We are the slaves of money and with all our boastp about freedom we are the greatest slaves on the earth. They buy and sell our Congressmen like eheep, They control elections and they are trying to control this election now and buy your votes for th6 Senate. I won't say General Butler will be Cleveland's "cuckoo," but I say lie has more pat ronage than anybody and that Cleve land prefers him to me. General Butler was well greeted by the crowd. Hie warned the people to look out for rings, slates and cliques that are looming up. Hie considered the Alliance the best organization the farmers had ever had, si d If it hadl ad hered to the principles which originat edit. it would have accomplished un told beneflis. it h~ad made a great mistake by laying down an arbitrary, procrustean rule with which to work out the financial problem. It was leg islation uinder the McKinley bill and subsequent Republican legislation that had brought about the hard times. Hie thought the tariff bill would be put in to operation within three weeks and better times would come when it got -well uinder way. In proportion as sil ver has been dlegraded the price of farm commodiitieos has gone down and where silver has been recognized fully and completely prices have gone up. Hie advised that silver leagues be or ganiziail, not only in the South and West, but in the Northern and Middle States. If we can't get our own party to come up abreast of the times and give us the relief we are entitled to, he ' was willing to take relief where~ver we could get it. When any man talks about not voting for me I want him to put his hand on some act wherein I have been untrue to my duty. lHe must fInd some other excuse for turn ing me down. I challenge any man to point out where I have neglected any public duty imposed on me by the peo ple of this State, either in war or peace. L have not taken up the burden from personal ends; I have done it some Limes carrying my life in my hands, and I have simply tried to do my duty' in the Senate. The office belongs to the sovereign people and if I am not elected I shall Lhank my God for being able to turn that office over to you without one blot or tarnish upon its es cutcheon. God grant that all the good that has been done by the Reform movement may be perpetuated. God grant that every patriotic citizen of every faction may take up whatever good has been done for the Commonwealth of South Carolina and carry it forward to com. pletion- If Governor Tillman is nec essary-lor the perpetuation of the Re form movement the best thing you can do for him and for you is to keep him hero where he can watch and guard it and send meo back. (Laughter and ap plause.) Keep him at heme where he can watch the antis and prod them with his pitchforkc. General Butler had a great deal to say on the line of tariff and silver legis lation and he was listened to closely and applauded frequently. Hie held that his servien in the Reate had .a.e him better qualliled than ever to ropre. sent South Carolina in Congress. Senator John Gary Evans followed. lie spoke of the achievements of .1e. form and said some member of tho Legislature, who had been a Confeder ate soldier, going to Baltimore when the bonds were about to be refunded and saying that Tillman ought not to be assisted In this. This same person, he said, had introduced bills in tne Leg islature to keep the btate debt running at 6 per cent. If elected he would pur suethesame policy as Tillman had. The reason the anti newspapers whined and wrote editorials against him being Governor was because he had whipped all their trained parliamentarians I ni the Legislature. le had the facts to prove that the Darlington Dispensary troumble was a riot gotten up by the whiskey trust to show that Tillman could not rule in South Carolina, and at the proper time he would produce them. General Ellerbe was the next speak er. He declared the Farmers move ment ought not to be turned into a lawyers movement. As Comptroller 1 General he paid out annually $54,000 to 1 lawyers who were officers of the State while he only paid out $22,000 to all other classes. Lawyers were not com petent to represent the interest of farm era as farmers were themselves. Secretary of State Tindal was the last speaker. He was handsomely greeted by his home people. Ills speech was full of substantial advice to the farm era, advising them to educate their children above all things. le said that no rings should be allowed in the State and hoped that the Dispensary question would be separated from politics. As long as the moral forces of the State were devided strife would be stirred up. We do need peace, and so far as we can have it without sacri ficing principle we must have it. This was James E. Tindal's day. Nearly every man in the audience was for Clarendon's son for Governor. Nor no man in South Carolina is more be loved in his home county than Mr. Tindal. He has been honored for years by them and now his thousands of friends and admirers want to see him given the highest honor In the State. If they can bestow this honor on him they will work like beavers to do so. Mr. Tindal was given an ovation to day. A VERY UGLY AFFAIR. New Way to Prevent a Witness Fromn Testifying COLUMBIA,S. C., July 13.- The State yesterday obtained the details of an exceedingly ugly affair which occured in the upper portion of the State, just across the line dividing the counties of Abbeville and Edgelleld, in the first named county, on Friday night last. The affair was the outrageous beating and shooting of a negro laborer by a mixed mob of white and colored men without any apparent cause other than that the victim had been summoned to give testimoney In a case against some negroes, pending in court. Ile will probably die from the effects of the treatment he received. The facts of the case were obtained yesterday from Cap. E. 11. Youngblood, a prominent and reliable gentleman of Edgefleld county, the Jnited States Commission er in that section, on whose place the victim lived. It appears that the negro, James A. Nelson, is a quiet. well-behaved labor er upon Capt. Youugblood's place. On Friday night last, some time after midnight, several negroes and white men came to the negroe's house and knocking on the door, woke him up. They told him that their wagon had broken down and asked him to come out and assist them in reprning It. IHe got a torch and went out with them. When they got to the road the torch was knocked from lis hand and about fifty white men and negroes surround ed him. The'y tied him securely and started him across the line into Abbe yille county. They gave no reason for the seizure. As the negro was passing Capt. Youngblood's house lie cried out once, but the mob placed pistols at his head made him keep quiet. They then dragged him along a distance of about three miles until the Cedar Creek section, just over the Abbeville county line, was reached. There they proceeded to whip him in a most bru tal manner, and ilnally wound up by shooting. him with shotguns in the right leg and right aide, leaving him there, evidently expecting him to die. The negro managed to secure aid, however, and got home. Capt. Young blood says that the man's body is a mass of cuts, stripes and blisters, where lie was beaten, and that there are numberless bullet holes in his leg and side, lie is in a precarious condi tion. It seems that in this section of Edge. field count~y there are a number of white men andA negroes of low class who have been violating the revenue laws. Several (days before the event referred to a deputy marshal summon ed the negro as a witness in a case against another negro. The men who had been dealing in illicit li'luor sub sequently declared that they would kill any negro who informedi on t hem, and it is supposed that they took the summoning of this negro as a witness to mean that he had informed upon them, and they consequently wanted to rid the community of him. Their idea seemed to be to carry him over into Abbeville county and let it be thought that highway robbers in that county had dealt foully with him. The negro, however, recognized six men ini the party-flye white and one colored, the latter being the man who was un der indictment and against whom Nel sen was to have testified. Such are the facts of the ease .--State. Would Pl~~-~~ CMOrAQO, July 8.--Mrs. Isaac B. Hammond, a Southern woman, an nounced that she would display from a window of her house a Confederate flag on July 4. An angry crowd, learning of her intentions, gathered in front of the place, determined to tear dlown the flag if It appeared. Police Lieutenant Stift called upon fea. Hf inmmond an advised her not to hang out the iI ig Mrs. Hammond had ordered a Confeder. ate flag but it hadn't been seat home by the maker. This was told tile crowd, andl it dispersed. She then hung out a British flag, which a small boy took for a Confederate banner and promply toer down and destroyed. The crowd re turned later and decorated the premises with the national conr. DISPENSARY FIGURFS. b I[ NATOR BUILER HAS SOMVl HING I, TO FAY ABOUT TI-trM 11 A alF1 Osowd Present- Govornor Tigl mail Hvn He 'w Il.oeI ok In th 0I14 ponuary Mt tter. .ONNEAUS, Judy ll.-Thecampaign ra faced the braves of iBerkeley today E mnd repeated once more their oft-told V ales before one of those "small but en, husiastic" audiences, as apologetic and T haritable newspaper men sometimes 1D ay of theatrical performances where be gate eceipts scarcely pay board D )ills. Speeches were made by Stokes, Lindal, Whitman,Ellerbep, Evars,But- a er and Tillman. 7 Gen. Ellerbe got vigorous and laid rf he ring business on John (ary with a rowel. le first touched up the Spar- S1 anburg end of the State by showing N ip Gantt's Inconsistency in packing A hat county for the Aiken man. Ile l nade a cold-blooded charge of double C lealing against the sage of the Pied- S nont Headlight in this wise: A "Gantt wrote me that his county was 'or me, and that It was impossible for iim to carry it for any lawyer. Yet L ith these misrepresentations and lies A ,hey have taken that county from me md it's no less than robbery. That is L sertainly evidence of a rin; and I be leve that the rank and file of the peo- 8 ple will smash it as we smashed the old 1U ,ing. One of my friends told me here b oday that they had already packed ;his county for John Gary Evans. c( The '-Buckley" braves didn't relish n his plain talk worth a copper, and ii ;hey began to flare up at the intrepid s Uarion swamp fox. "Who told you that?" asked one of he hosts. S "Give us his name," shouted several thers. But the General kept that to himstlf saying that he did not believe the Ber- P kleyites could be packed. ti 4i'm cripple," cried the irrepressible a am Murray, "and I can't be packed." I And as he wtnt on peppering Evans the l bumptious boys in front yelled, "Look V Dut John!" "You look like a Governor 0 already." t Ellerbe rapped on, declaring that if Evans were elected he would put all 9 his family in oice. Ile did not think f all the Reform plums belonged to the 9 Garys and Evanses. C Te Aiken game cock had his gaffs e on today and he sank them deep into t Gen. Ellebee. Ile spoke with probable t signilicance of some men who held sal aries sitting in bomb proofs in Colim-9 bla during the Darlington troubles, while he was standing at the Gver nor's back. This was greeted with tremendous applause from the Dennis family. 'Are you an Alliance man ?" shouted Evans at Gen. E'llerbe. t The General tried to explain that lie 1 ad been a member, but had to quit. C Evans waltzed into him, declaring that t ;here was something rotten in a man t who joined the Alliance and then quit I .t. lie said that Eailerbo, if elected, E would give all his brothers ollice. IIe a %pologized for "spanking little Willie a ind putting the darling infant to 0 leep," adding that Ellerbee made it V necessary by whining. 1Evans proceeded to make a very se- U nious charge against the Supreme I Dourt for their decision against the d Jispensary law. A gray-haired man on a Lbe stand asked if the judges didn't get t . little whiskey. 8 "I expect they did get a little through I' the back door," shouted Evans. "Judg ing from their decision I wouldl say that I t.hey were all dIrunk, except Pope." Glen. Butler's speech contained a statement about the expenditures of E the dispensary. ie said: I have presented extracts from Mr. r'raxler's report for the quarter endingr January 31, 1891, on a former occasion, but the facts have never been grouped as I have them noW. If' they can be E iatisfactorily explained, I would 1)e 0 very glad to have it done, as I do not r wish to make an unjust accusation C sgainist any man. Although Mr. Traxler may be pri- I marily responsible, and I have no rea-t son to doubt his honesty or Integrity, 3 1Bovernor Tillman's name is signed to the report and of course ha must stand by it. The following is the statement f assets and liabilities for the quarter nding January 31, 1891: 0 E~xtract from the Report of the State i Dispensary, from November 1, 1893, t ~o .January 3l1, 1894. t R EOATPITUL A TON.c ASSETs. N ov. 1.-Stock on hand .. 39,831.431 Mtachinery, oilce furniture. . 2,589.97 ( Amt. (1u1 by dispensaries.. .. 82,953.50r Itev. tax ad'vcd distillers.... 10,386 24 ,( DIash in State treasury....... 7,514.55 Leb. 1, 1894-Stock on hand .. 15,926.00 i Amnt. (ue by dispen'rs others. 101,481.87 e $280,347.27 ($260,034.16 LIUILITIES. Approiation.............. 0,000 i Bills payable Nov. 1........61,027.53 t Bills payable lFeb. .. .. .. ..69,982 58 Amount to balance.... .....99,337.16e $280,347.27 Lotal sales to date..........114,89714 [otal cash receipts. .......06,147.11 Bottles brought back andc breakage...... ......... .7,28.106 Amt. due by dispen'rs,others. 101,481.87 I~Iii'CORR EFOTED.)$20,1.2 LAbilti........ .. ...... 20,34.127 Shortage............... 19,713.11 5 It will be seen that the column of a assets when a(dded up does not amount v to $280,347.27, biul only to $260,034 10 1F and therefore the accounts (10 not bal- a ance, the assets being short by $19,- t 713 11. a Now Governor illman says this is a e mistake of the p~rinte~r and that the ii B19,713.11 is accounted1 for on the oppo '] Rite page as "Cash in the Treasury." n I must leave the public printer and p Uovernor Tillman to settle the ques- a Lion of mistake,but granting that to be 5 true .1 don't see how that helps h)im, i because the column of assents is still t short and does not balance with the p liabilities. Now 1. make no pretensions to a a knowledge of bookkeeping, but I have submitted this report to an expert ac- I aountant, and here is what he makes I1 31t of it: in two sea..m stment--, t )th of which show a shortage of 87,. 4.55. Perhaps this may be ex'plained. Statement of cash account from July 1893, to January 31, 1894: DR. ec'd from State appra'tionaS 50,000.00 ee'd from July 1, 1893 to Oct. 31, 1894.............. 100)332.13 ec'd from Nov. 1, 1893 to Jan. 31, 1894.......... 205,814.98 $350,147.11 Ci. )p. acct. to Oct. 31, 1893.. . 72,566.36 de. acot. to Oct. 31, 1893... 70,251.22 xpense acct. to Jan. 31.1894, 58,108.33 ds. acct. to Jan. 31, 1894.... 127,998.54 $328,919 45 o be accounted for........ 27,227.66 educt cash in treasury Feb.1 19,713.11 iscrepancy ................$ 7.514.55 Take items on page 5 reported As isets and substitute the figures 819, 13.11 for $7,514.55, and the following sult is obtained: ASSETs. .ock on hand...............8 39,831.43 lachinery and furniture.... 2,589.97 .mt. due by dispensers...... 82,95350 ev. tax advanced .......... 10,336.24 ah in treasury....... ....19,713.11 .ock on hand......... 15,92660 imt. due by dispt n'ra,others. 101,481.87 $272,832 72 labilities on page 5........$280,347.27 asets as above............. 272,832.72 lacrepancy ..............S 7.514 55 If there had been reported in the bate treasury as on hand February 1, 194,$27,222.66 the account would have Alanced. Governor Tillman admits that he ex ieded the appropriation of $50,000.00 iade by the Legislature. The follow. ig statement taken from the report lows the amount of that excess: [erchandise purchased from May 22, 1893, to July 7, '94.8 93,321.43 tate appropriation........ 50,000.0C Excess..-..- ...............8 48,321.43 In the above purchases the amount aid during the ibovG period for bot es, flasks, kegs, corks, sealing wax nd racking cases is not Included. 'ifteen thousand dollars would be a >w estimate for these items, whict rould make the expenditures over $63 )0 in excess of the State apnropria ton. Now I would like to know where hi eta the authority to disregard oui undamental doctrines of our form o overnment, that no executive oflice an spend one dollar of public money xcept that which has been allowed b he legislature, the representatives o he people. Sec. 18, of the dispensar. xet makee the appropriation $50,000, I o much be necessary, and not a dolla nore and by all rules of the adminis ration Governor Tillman was restrici A to that amount,and he could not ex eed it without a usurpation of aui hority. Section 2 does not avail him, becaus he expenditure of $48,000 or 803,00( 7as made before he had sold a gallor f liquor. How can he justify his ac lon, which is palpably in violation ol ie constitution and laws of the State f he can exceed the appropriation by 48,000 he may by a million of dollars ) you can readily see where such loose dministration will lead. There is one ther phase of its administratio rhich I cannot quite understand. A riend has handed me a commission Iven by Governor Tillman to R. V, antt, of Lexington county. It is ated the 8th of January, 1894, and ppoints him a special constable under ie dispensary act. How many of these pecial constables have been thus com kissioned we do not know. Governor 'Iliman alone can inform us, if he will a trannmittng his commission to Mr. antt, Mr. D). A. Tompkins, private 3cretary to the Governor, writes thE >llowing letter: State of South Carolina Executive Chamber. Columbia, S. C., Jan. 8, 1894. .V. Gantt, Esq, Irmo, S. C.: Deoar Sir-Governor Tillman directE te to send you the enclose cornmisslor f a State constable and t~o say you will sceive as pay $25 for each con victior i a wvhite man and $10 for each con Iction of a negro you secure, and $i or each seizure, lie has no room or he regular for you, but may call or ou some ime. Very respect fully. D. A. TOMPKINS. Private Secretary. It will be observed that Mr. GIantt i: fftered $25 for the conviction of rhite man and only $10 for the convic on of a negro. Why this discrimina lon against a white man, I confess annot comnprehend . Perhaps that alai ay be explained. All these facts re ito to the administration of the die ensary law and do not touch the mer ts of the law itself. They are legiti tate subjects of inqiuiry. Governo: illman has made a fair proposition t< ay the expenses of experts to exam rio the dispensary accounts out of his ontingent fund. I do not object t< hat, but it seems to me that it is im osing an extra and unnecessary ex ernie upon the taxp~ayers of the StatE a these matters ought to be explained y those charged with the administra ion of the law. This, I believe, is thE sual custom where public funds are ntrusted to public otticers. Tfhe last speaker was Governor Till ian, and his introduction was greeted y long and ringing cheers. The Giov. or said1 that one of the plesantest of the ampaign meetingi in 1892 had been at 31is place, and while the crowd wai nal it was because of the sparse rhite population and the long distances eople had come to get hero. hlut loso you left at home are just as tru( ~eformners andl just as determined tc ote for me as ever. (Applause ) lh iluded to an incident of the last can. ass when Colonel Y oumans had claim. jg he was a better farmer thani lie wai uid could split more rails, and pointing ) one of the old farmers present, hE aid: "You told him the people intend :I to make a fence around the Gover or's ()fllce of brand new rails and keel 'ilman in there till he got as fat as a imfed-j awed pig. (Laughter and ap lause.) You see, said the Governor, I m growing fatter and have gainedi >me flesh, but if you want those muf. es to come you will have to send me : Washington in Senator Butler's lace. Voices: "We'll (10 it."'. (Laughter and Ruter ayshe has plowed more than have and is as good a farmer, and aa 0 has had his place eighteen years, I Llak you had better lnt him go to bli farm and plow awhile and let me go to Washington in his stead. Replying to Gen. Butler's dispensary questions the Uoveinor contented him. self with offering to have an examina tion made irto the whole business and if anything wrong waa found to sue Traxler on his bond. As to exceeding the appropriation, he said he simply bought on credit. He had told the whiskey makers he would see that they ot either the money or the whiskey ack. As to offering $25 reward for a % hite blind tiger man, and only $110 for a negro he said: "The white man deserved just that much more punishment, and I just discrim inated, for I can make the rewards what I please." If the Supreine Court had let him alone he would have had Charleston dry, because he had seen Mayor Ficken and informed him that if he did not enforce the law he would call the Legislature together in three weeks and put thecity under metropoll tan police and Ficken had gone home and gotten things straight. The meet ing then broke up. ASSESSMENT OF REAL ESTATE. The State liot d of Equaniz at mis R -ip it Seven Per Oent. COLUMBIA, S. C., July 14.-The State Board of Equalization completed its work of adjusting the tax assessment on all real property in the State. The result ls an average raise in the values, as reported by the County Auditors, of 7 per cent. for the whole State, which is equivalent to an increaso of the value of all real taxable property of about $6,000,000. This makes the total value now about $101,000,000. The Board met at 10 o'clock and re sumed the consideration of the district committee reports. At 1:30 p. m. the Board adjourned and reasembled at 3:30 p. m. and continued its labors until a completion of them was reached at 5:30 p. m., when it adjourned sine die. The following are the charges made as to the County Auditors' reports: Abbeville-2 per cent. added. Aiken-5 per cent. added. Anderson-2 per cent. added. Barnwell-5 per cent. added. Beaufort-5 per cent. off. Berkeley-5 per cent. off. Charleston-5 per cent. added. Chester-2 per cent. added. Chesterfield-5 per cent added. Clarendon-12 per cent, added. Colleton-5 per cent. added. Darlington-5 per ceut. added. Edgelleld-10 per cent. added. Fairileld-10 per cent. added. Florence-S per cent. added. Georgeto wn-5 per cent. added. Greenville-2 per cent. added. Hampton-5 per cent. added. Horry-10 per cent. added. Kershaw--13 per cent. added. r Lancaster-5 per cent. added. Laurens-6 per cent. added. Lexington-15 per cent. added. Marion-15 per cent. added. Marlboro-5 per cent. added. Newberry-2 per cent. added. Oconee-12 per cent. added. Orangeburg-10 per cont. added. Pickens-12 per cent. added. Richland-5 per cent. added. Spartanburg-2 per cent. added. Sumter-17 per cent. added. Union-2 per cent. added. Williamsburg -5 per cent. added. York-2 per cent. added. On motion of Colonel Stokes of Colle ton a committee was appointed to p re sent the following memorial to the Leg islature: Whereas the Legislature in its wis dom and liberality at its last session suspended the collection of taxes in the storms swept region of our State for the fiscal year 1893, and extended the time for the payment of the same to the fall of 1894; whereas the distrution of the property was greater and the scope of territory far exceeded in extent, Injury to property and damage to crops, so that our peoplo were red uced in a great many instances to want and absolute destitution, depending upon the aid of others for means of support the past year; whereas the action of the Legis lature was only partial in the sense of relief; therefore, be it Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board that the said taxes of 1893 should be remitted altogether, anid that a comi mittee of our bodiy be appointed to me. morialize the Legislature upon thme subject of relief indicated and any ki dred matter, The following gentlemen compose the committee: Theron Earle, GAreen vylle; WV. D. Scarboro, Sumter; F. P. Hlardee, Beaufort; .J. I. Pettigrew, Florence; D~r. Ii. B'mer, Charleston. The following resolution oiferedI by Colonel Stokes was adopted: Whereas, there I3 some misuinder standing ini relation to the scope of dui. ties of this body in respect to personal property, and the right of appeal as to where it vests the appellate court as to the special subject of taxation, includ ing banking property of a personal na ture, and character; therefore be it Resolved, That in the opinion of our Board that all appeals by the taxpayei can only be from the Board of Assess. ors to the County Board of Equaliza, tioD, which Board has cognizance of the subject matter and its decision i~s final, Tihat there is an underlying principle of law that tihe right o1 the State to appeal does not exist . 'The gentlemen who composed the Board have performed a work of great importance. The work was hard and the strain severe. They deservo the thanks and commendation of the peo pie for the thorough and satisfactory manner with which it was done. They were all glad when their laeors wore completed and nearly all of' them left for honmo on the first train.- i1egister. A Fioridi it< reor. JTAocsoNvrr LLE FIA, .Juiy 1-i.--Tivo months ago near ,Jonsen, in 'his State, Miss Kaiser, a iretf y g'irl, was mur dered, Her head wast severed from her body. The girl had been attacked while in the woods neaat her hoome and amn at. tempi, had boen mnade to assault her. No clue was found at tho time to tihe murderer, though severnil parties were under suspicion. The ciee dIroppied out of publie noitice until this aiternoon, whenm Marcelius liardeec, a youngr man belonging to a weamlthmy andl promiment fa-nily o1 -Jensen, was arrested for t~he crime. Det~ective R hodes, of 1 al timore, worked up the case and lhe claims to have plenty of evidet co againsti, H rdee. Hie says that Hlardee met the girl and made an improper prop~osal to her. This she resented and then Hlardee attempted to assault her, Tne girl fought him and Hlardee used a knife, severing her h'.al from the body CONVENTION WILL BE HELD. Thto MeieSig of the Referm EeCut'Ive Clomnitteo. COLUMBIA, S. C., July ll.-The State Reform Executive Committee met- yes terday at noon in the Senate Chailjer, Chairman Sligh presiding, with full attendance. The entire business transacted by the committee is comprised in the reso lutions adopted almost unanimously by the committee and given herewith. The point upon which there was most serious deliberation was that as to whether the August convention should be called off; this question, how ever, was favored by only three mem bers of the committee, Messrs. Kirk land, Glenn and Earle, Mr. Kirkland alone speaking in behalf of the general primary. There was a most patient hearing accorded this small minority eentiment and the committee placed itself in possession of all the argu ments, pro and con, before taking ac tion. ThUlie only change from the original )lan is that the convention is called to take pl.ce two days later In order that the canvases may be completed, there by giving every candidate an opportu nity to address voters in every county. The following is the address and res olutions: To the Reform Voters of South Caro lina: At a meeting of the State Reform executive committee held this day the undersigned members thereof were del egated to prepare a statement of the proceedings of the said committee that the Reform voters throughout the State may act uniformly in expressing their choice of the candidates for the different State oflices. which will be subject to the action of the Democratic primary to he held on the 28th day of August, 1891. The following are the resolutions: First. That a convention for the sug gestion of candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor be held in Colum bia. S. C., on the 16th day of August, 1891, at 12 o'clock in. Second. That said convention be composed of delegates elected by con ventions to be held in each county on Monday, the 13th day of August, 1894 each county to be entitled to double ai many delegat-es as it has representa tives in both houses of the Genera Assembly. Third. That the county convention aforesaid be composed of delegate elected by the various teform clubs i the county, each club to send one dele gate-at-large and one delegate to every twenty-live members or majorit fraction thereof. In those countie whero there are no distinct Reforn clubs the Iteform members of eacl club shall be called by the executiv lIteform committeeman to meet at th usual place of meeting and elect delt gates as aforesaid to the county con vention: Provided that in the citie of Charleston and Columbia the nun ber of Reform clubs and polling prf cmcts shall be left to the discretion o the members of the State executiv committee. For the purpose of saI election the clubs aforesaid shall bi called to meet on the IIth day of Au gust, 1891. At such meeting no mem ber shall participate except such at voted for the Reform delegates in th August primary of 1892 and all otheri who will pledge themselves to abid by and support the ticket suggested b) the State Reform convention of 1894. Fourth. That all Reform candidatef for State olflIces, including railroad comnissioners,shall publicly announce their candidacy, ant shall file with the chairman of the State teform commit tee a pledge to abide by and to sup port the nomineen ni' said convention. T1hat said pledge shall be 11il:1 as afore. said on or before the 25th day of July, 1894. No vote for any candidate shall be counted in the State convention who has not complied with the fore goinig requirement. Fifth. ''hat in holding the primary elections in each Reform club provided for to take place on the 11th day o1 August, 183I, each club is to provide managers for holing said election. Theu cornmuittee adopted the follow. inp: resolution: ltenolvcd, Tlhat this committee sug gest, to the county iteform conventions to b)e heldl on the 13th day of' August, 1891, when they elect dleeates to the State convention, to also instruct said delegates whether or not to vote for the nominating of a full set of State oflicers, including the oillece of railroad comminissioners. This committee take pleasure in commending to the consideration o1 t he people of the State the address is suedl by the special committee on the - t~h of A pril, 1894. .J. TH'IOMAs AUSTI'N, J1. M. G LENN, J1. It. ICAnrc, hi. A . DE~AL, .1. C. OTrTw, Lours AP'PELT1, Special Committee. The following la a list of the com. mitteemen ini attendance upon the A bbevllle, I. Ii. McCalla; Aiken, J. TI. Gaston; Anderson, J. M. Glenn; liarnwell, A. 1H. Patterson; lierkeley, 'J. 1H. Morrison; Charleston, W. Gibbes Whaloy; Chester, T'. .J. Cunningham; Chiesterfield, 10. N. R edfearn; Colleton, L. i0. Parler; Clarendon, Louis Appelt; D.arlihgton, 10. L. Gray; ESdgefleld, .J, M. Gaines; Fairfleld, J1. W. Lyles; Fior ence, .J. S. McCall; Greenville, J. T,' Austin; Georgetown, J. IL. D~etyens; llampitonl, W. II. Mauldin; Ilorry, J, M. Stalvey ; Kershuaw, TI. J. Kirkland; L'mucaste'r, 10. P. Lingle; Laurens, .J. A, .Jones; Marlboro, J. 1P. Breeden; Mar ion, .J. M. Rodgers; Newberry, J. A, Sligh; Oconeo,Jl. iR. Earle; Orangeburg .J. W. Stokes; Pi::kens, W. T. 1I owen Itichiand, IU. A. Deal; Spartanburg, T L. (Gentt; Sumter, H. Rt. Thomas Union, .J. C. Oti s; Williamsburg, Wm Cooper; York, J1. C. Wilborn. The comnmittee adjourned last nigh1 at Ii o'clock. Attempt at JRobbery. SAVANNAH!, Ga., July 7,-Thl mornmng three men appeared at the 01 flee of the Southern Express Compan at 4 o'clock and pretendedl that the wanted to sendl a package. The cler told thiem they were too soon. Tb strangers drew their piatols and firec l'he clerk returned the ire, The me ran up Whitaker street ,and escapec Later in the (lay three dynamite fuse were foundi in the suburbu ol the cit left, by three men answering th description of' the early mornini maranuder-a HARD TO PLEASF. MEMBERS OF THE REFORM PARTY DIFFER AS 10 A POLICY. Tie Evans Bleu Jublant, but the Ellerbe Men lue-Soano Strong Talk iadulge d IJ--The Ailliwe, and the Sena'a,141 Fig!a'. COLUMBA. S. C, July 12.-The ac tion of the Reform executive commit tee at its recent meeting in refusing to call off the State Convention to nomi nate a candidate for Gqvernor is not giving general satisfaction as the arti cles published below will amply prove. The following Is clipped from the Reg ister of today: A prominent out of town Reformer talking on the political situation yes. terday and referring inciden tally to the action of the Reform committee in making only a partial change in the plan for a Reform primary, said that a growing discontent was manifest among the farmers at the prominence a certain influence within the faction was taking in the management of af fairs. The farmer's Interests, he said were being relegated to the rear by this influence, and lawyers and wire pullers have assumed the entire c3n trol and conduct of things. A few men who have gained power and place by their association with the Reform movement are now seeking to subvert the interests of the people to the fur therance of their own political aggran dizement. The band that manipulates the caucus and the club is becoming bolder and bolder and throws it in the face of the farmer that there is no man in their own ranks capable of filling the duties of high positsons and re sponsibility. "Are we," he said, "to be set back where we stood before 1890 by the very men who have been but the recipients of our favor? The peo ple of South Carolina in 1890 set the seal of their condemnation on ring and caucus government and those men will reckon without their host when they undertake to leave the farmer un consulted in the choice of a leader and to foist upon them any man that a i clique of lawyers, editors, office holders and wire pullers may choose to select." 9 The views of this gentlemen were I somewhat pronounced and the emphat i ic nature of his leaves no doubt that he - meant what he said. He was not alone r in these sentiments or expressions and r others who were in the city yesterday, 3 and the day before, talked in the same I strain. I On the other hand, there were many a who seemed to take the opposite view B of the case and in their conversation the wisdom of the committee in making - no material change was heartily ap a proved of. The choice of the majority of the Reformers, they say, will give entire satisfaction to all except a few f disappointed office seeks and the ranks 3 of Reform will, be as solid as ever when I the time comes to support the nominee. 5 It is useless to disguise the fact, how . ever, that a considerable amount of un easiness exists among many of the Re formers as to the outcome and time alone will prova whether the views of the first party quoted are correct or not. The State of this city, says in its is. sue of this date: The action of the State Reform com mittee has caused quite a little stir in political circles. Tne Evens men are very jubilant and don't hesitate to ex press their delight at the victory they have gained. The Ellerbe men, on the other hand, while they keep a stiff up per lip seem to be pretty blue. The Ellerbe men openly charge that Governor Tillman had his hand in the pie and assisted in carrying the Evans scheme through. The Alliancemen say too, that if Governor Tillman wishes to risk his own chances by taking Evans on to his coat-tails and imposing a lawyer upon them for Governor, he can go ahead. Many think that the Alli ance is a dead cock in the pit, but the Alliance's time is coming, they say. All kindis of harsh talk is hurled at State ChairmainSllgh. Some of the El lerbe men says that he is responsible for the action of the committee. They say that there is no doubt that the comnmitgjee is composed of a majority of Ellerbe men, who, under other circumstances, would certainly have called the convention off. They say that Chairman Sligh got in his fine work by calling the committee together and not telling any of the members before they came what they were to do. They came here and had previ ously been instructed to carry out the Colleton idea by their counties. The change was sprung upon them and nearly all voted against the change on tile ground that their counties had' given them no instructions contrary to those originally received. The Ellerbee men say, however, that hie has no fear of the consequences, even now. They say that the counties in which tile Evans machine has been organized and may be regarded safe for Evans are not more than seven or eight and that Ellerbe will have an equal showing with him in the organi z.ation of all the other countie.. Pope and Tindal are generally re garded as out of the race now. But there is going to be a meeting over at Aiken on the 26th of this month which may change the political outlook somewhat. Some of the Alliancemen seem to be very much disgdisted with Governor Tillman as an Allanceman. The meeting referred to is to be the annual meeting of the State Farmer's Alliance. It is said that the meeting is going to be the most eventful and interesting one that this body has ever held. The statement is made that the Alliance intends to pass resolutions urging all Alliancemen in the State, and farmers who are not members of the Alliance, to support men for the Legislature in their respective counties who stand fiat-footed for all the Alli i ance :lemands and obligate themselves -to vote for such a man for the United v States Senate. If this be done, the v Alliancemen cannot of course voto for k either Tillman or Butler men for the a Legislature and that third candidate *who has been so much talked of 10 'the last week or two may make hisa appearance. It remains to b~e seen therefore whether Goyernor Tillman is really bigger than the Alliance or not, Teaove summary of the pelitical e manoeuvres now going on is based en E tirely upon talk heard in political cir cles yesterday.