A GREAT SPEECIh. [CONTINUED FROM PAOE ONE] Rusted with the'trend of politicl effars, for he was a friend of the South, this man retired fromn public life and devoted himself to other pursuits aud good workA as have made his name a household word to America. So that, wheu Georve Peatody, the celebrated philanthropist who has done so much for education in the South, died this gentleman was app inted chairman of the Board of Trustees to carry out his will. This was more than twenty five years ago and you can readily see tnat he must be very old. At his home) in Poston he is calmly awaiting the call of the Master. It was our purpose, and we uaed every effort to have him grace thi6 occasion with his presence, but hi physical candition did not permit. Ii response, however, to our urgent mvita tion, he bas sent us a letter which I will read: Boston, Mass., May 3, 1894. His Excellency Gnvernnr Tillm-in. Thr Hon W. D. Maveld, Professor El. ward SsJoines, Committeo. Gentlemen: .Your most obliging letter of the 30 1i uit., reached me last evenin, and I hasten to acknowledeo it wit h my IlaceI thanks. When my illustrious friend, Mi Peabody. to whose memory all tho rih utes of Southern, Pchools wnsi colleeCq rightffuliv hlnr, placed In my honwd hit great instrumentl, of enidow ounn., a ir< than a quarter of a century nio. am1 appointed me the permat4,- chleira.u of his trustees, I dId noij. dream for i moment of the duties or distincot (el which that, appointnent. would involvr sM heert, like that of Mr. Peiboihv, wa wholly engr 'ased with the wlfire o t11 children of the South. and vith th restoration (,f broherly love amion11! th people of the Union. I cold iot h iv imagined that I should enter my 86, year, if at all, to be so hihh, honoredi a your communication nnu(-unns, in lb old State of South Carolina. Cotnsciou of having cooperated it the extent my ability with my fellov trustees nni with our successive Lcierai nvntip, lb Bears and Dr. Curry, in promuotit'g I vital cause of education in all the S uth ern Staes, which were included in Mr Peabody Pe udowmefn ( I have repnat edl. excused myself Irifr anly persoli ro cognition. I hav found an amplo rewan1 for all I have done or ti.tepi.ed Io do) i signal success with which the0 fl'orts o our board have been attended ani blessed. I cannot:, however, he iniensible, as my Hfe Is drawing so near to ls close. to the distinguished con lient. arrani!e d for my approaching birtlhday. Most heartily do I wish 1 c-uld be with Vou at Rock Iill personally on tiat, occasion but ape and infirmities compel me tc deny myselt, and I can only a! eum yo of my heartielt vzratulude. - The Normal and Industrial Collegi with which South Carolina ha"Is hionorc my name has already ftulille. the ex pectations and hop3s of its iciends, Unde the devoted care of Preaident Johuson May it continue to be, for ecunturics ti come, an oronnitnt antd Rupport, to Ih State which has so wisely and liberall: founded it. Believe me, geitleien, reapectfulli and faithfully your obliged Icilow cii. r.en. loBElr C. Wl ayrn-o. I will say here, by Wvay of parenthe sis,that it was through his fostering care, as trustee of Peabody Flund, t the Training School forTn achers,'sthrt ted in Columbia in 1886, began (in -work which laid the trundat ions of thi * Institution which we are now erecting I know I voice the sentiment 01 every man, woman anid child in th audience and in South Carolina, that it is altogother it and right that we have - honored Calhoun's friend and1( eulogist - by giving his name to Clemson's twin sister, And I know you will all tinite with me in the prayer that thuis grand, good old man may be spared( at least t~e see the fruition of our hlope1s in aissem bling within these walls of the 60Cf South Carolina girls for whom wve are * preparing. Neither of these men can receive any honor from the association of their names with t he twvo collcges. Let us hope that the youths of our State from association wilt emulate their illustrious exam ple. This school is to be known as the 'Winthrop "1Normai" -and '-Industrial' College. These two wvords 'Nor. mal and Industrial" are tihe twn: lode stars which must guide our people out or the wildiernesE of poverty, ignorance and st agnuation which surrounds us. Within theti meaning lies otur only hope the one say: ,educate; the other means work. I wouk not be understood as claiming or intenm ing that the women of our Siate do nol - now work, or that they are all ignorant Ina fact some years ago( in dhiscussing~ the causes of our depressed financial condition, I made the aseton-n I stick to it yet-that only I wo cliussses of our populahtion did their (due -share of work. No observant or fair mnd(ed person will deny that our wives andir daughters have met the changed con ditions wrought b~y the emanicipat ion of the slaves with much greatter succi as and fortitude than the men, arnd that. they do a mitch larger portion of work than we do. On the other hand,'it is equally patent thuat the bulk of the -labor among the colored people Is per forme~d by the men. B~ut to ret urn to the s&ope 11md( pur .pose of thetwo line-s of teaching wvhich we expect to pursue here We diesire to say that we fulily realize and undo stand the great need of better teacherd -teachers trained sp'eciilcally for that. vocation. 'There are hundireds arnd thousands of fairly well educa ted wo men in our State, many of whom aire are following tile noble ad(vocation of teaching. But the mere possess5ion og knowled gedbes not carry wviuh it thme power of imparting it, of exciting em ulation, of making study int erestizlg of training children how to 'think and exercise their reasonin't powers. .I have often thoughut.thuat teachers are born, no ade- and we occasionally meet * Wipatingos k ho have a enius for lim. * which all te 'r ae of tat scoo wages than others of equal educaton -who have not had the ra tim i proof that normal training.an geu, soloute necessity and invaluable. Wor which has hitherto been1 done i'1 thk time, it is our purpose to enlarge aniE improve on that work, and it will be our ambition to have such professors -and inaugurate such a curriculum as will not only furnish facilities for per sons already educated to get this nor mal trainIng, but to take the young girl fresh from home and carry her hrough al the classes up to the higli * est proficiency in the normal depart ment, conferring degroee for the vary. Ing degrees of proficiency. There will never be any restrictions as to the num ber. of normal itudents, but we will take all who apply for this special training. But along with the normal, Co oper ated andl of equal importance,: will be the Industrial fea'nre of the scool. Somebody long ago said "knowledge Is power." In those latter days we have also come to learn -that knowledge Is money Inde pendence. And knowledge coupled with skill, backed by industry, will insure any woman, however fra glie, absolute exemption from want arid poverty Every father, who thinks aright, would have his daughter, if thrown on her own resources, able to earn her own support. The effects of slavery upon our habits and customs are still plainly visible however. We are disinclined as a people to have our women leave home to seek their for tunes or enter Into industrial life. The conscquence is that, with the system of education which has hitherto prevail ed, prbpAring women soltly to a:-lorn the drawing room imd society, our wo men have been altogether helpless and ourlsystem of education has been a fatal blunder. How many thousands of our women, teniderly nurtured, carefully trained at the expensive boarding schools, have found t hemselves by the death of fath er, brother or husband, thrown on their o wn resources, left to battle with the cold, hard 'world by tLe loss of their protect. ,rs? Every day we come acrosi some of th-tse, aud, while arn iucreasing rumb-r have found -positions of late sears ts clerks in stores, th- vast army h ive ha:1 no other ivenus open to them'except work as seamstresses and iII Cottoll Factorie. 1la these lat-ter owing to the fact that the manufactu. ring iilsti les of our 8tate have only 'tiv. lopedi in the c.,arser fabrici, their laior ias not be-ni very reimerat 1t aid it i. only somght as tho dornier re so rtI. Anyvone whio hats visitid th-, Nortnmern ci'es and faut->rtes is sti tich vith the pfu(itil con rast in the dress; demenor. intelligence and . ovident prosperity oft he skilled fvnAle la4.r conmpar4-il wi h I hit which we sea titero i'i i h San!.h. We c-mn and 'ntt cliigo this In the hiduistrial depart ment of this college it is our intoutioni to teach everything aid mave tle students priac I ico every iudustri Al art th.t will led to lindepenlenIce. Music will le taught btt only as an indlutrial art--in ot tir words, with Bo iiticn proficiency only inl singing and playing a1Is will insure 4 ivelihood. As an ornament it will not he taight at all, and those lacking in 3 spi cial talont will not recivvE tition if) it Iut don'. inderstand mo as me10n.01 ig that. wo Intend Only Lo lit. 'hie whoi ter the indusit rial deipart ie-inis for inaking their own suqpport. We will ha:1ve i Jaundry, where lie girls do their own washing wnd Ironing. Ilhe (livniUtry and practice of cookery will be tauight and everything connect ed with litusekeepi fig. 'The dining room and iressmaking departmets, 11d all ti, goes to make up those thousand and ong things which a wonlim has to do t., make a pleasant hiomte will be taught in the best man ner possiblo. They will be taught by having them done by the students themselves, for we will have no ser vatls except for the drudgery work. All the distinctions of wealth vill be done away with. Elvery pupil in the school will be requited to wear a uni - oriu and a girl's whole clothing outlit for a year will cost not exceeding $20. I'm getting im deep witer here, for I ai not altogether skilled in this de 1)artment, wut I know every father and husband will sympathize with our as pirations along this li.ne, and I will simply say as a corollary that I have a daughter off at boarding school who has ben gone nearly a year. She car ried oft a big Saratoga trunk futll and - her mother has sent her so many diress v s since she left that she will have to t, buy another trunk to get baick homie - withI. Anid we are dIetermlined that nio girl shall leave' the WVinthirop College with or brinig to it a Saratoga truink. There will be no conilict or rivailry be tweeni the normal andl~ inidustrial do partmnenits. In fact the normal stui dents will bo required to take indus trial training it ordler that we may he able to have manual training tauight by the Winthrop graduates in our tree common schools, when this feature shtall be gratted on to our school sys tem, as we hope to see done ere long. Now I'm going to do some very plain talking. While our asp$iations and ambitions are all In the direction of fitting women for self-support, both as the teneher and as followers of' induts. trial avocations, I want it understood that I, at least, amn irrevocably opposed to anything being done or taught here that ill tend in the slightest degree to rub) the bloom off the peach. God for bid that this school shall evdr send forth a woman wvho has been unsexed. WVe would have the clingmnig, helpless creature abile to stand erect and walk; we would have thie bird If necessary' given ings to fly from home sick ave -mnues of independ (ence; but never, nev er, never have any of the daughters of I South Caroline, who shall be trainedt I wit hin trese wvalls, by reason ol' the st rength and10( self-resp'ect which we hope to impiart hecrehbecoime of her t han helpful wives and happy, self-respect fuil mot hers. Woman's special prov in-com in life is that of a home-maker. I ier greatest glory, her prouidest dlis iictiou,, the object of her creation, in fact, is that of miothierholod. ", Woman,(Godi's las t,best gift to man,'' Is associatend wvithI alI th.t is brighlt est and nioblest and10 besit in meni's lives. A', danglhter, sister, sweetheart, wife, mother, she is an i tispiFitrai anid a so lnce. As a wife, she doubln a man's joys arid halves his sorrows, simply by sharing them ; but the hi-lest, puirest. most self sacrificing lo.ve ini the world is that of a rnt her. It is to lit women to be mothers--high, noble, p~roperly trined mnothiers, thu liar ural and~ prop or guiardians of' chiioren--that this school is founlded. We will start it in that pith, gi ve it, the bIas andl(1 drec ion to which it should be held, and( thus best discharge the high dutty im posed upon us by those who have placedl us in control. Contrast lie picture I have drawn of a woman trained in all-the domestic arts and economics andi~ some bread winnoing occipation; self-re'lit and strng, yet withal modest, self-respec', tog arnd ladylike, with what we srome times see, oftenor read about-a strong mindled, hold, brazen, pert, selrf-assert leg female,prating of "woman's rightsa" man's,ty ran ny and aol fish ness,the deg ra dation of nursi ~g children, and so on adnauscam--thcl fIrst a pictitre to flls trato WordsvWor th's noble linies: "She wvas a phantoam'of dlel~iht * When first sho gleamed upon01 m'y sight 1 A lovely ap~parltioni, sent' 10' he a moment's ornament; 1-er eyes as stars of twilight fair, IA ke twIlights, too, lion dusky hair, liut all thhiigi elso about her drawli Fromn May-timo and. the choorful dawn. " A croaturo~ not to') bright or good For human niature's daIly food; ortransient sorrows, simple wiles, Thrao blme. love, kisses. .tear ani smilIey 'rhd rmsonfn, the temperate wvll - A pduaco fornag1 obltrongill mand'skill;. 'i'o warn, to comfort'al command." fo ot ohae ee sun he praises, all right Winking men and womein ofn be pretty .well set forth in the lat lin of a piece of doggerel brought homne from school a few~days agoby my itt tIo s1X-year-old danghter Whoto great delight In repeatinglit: o O "I know a little girl With 6 little curl Hanging right down her forehead, When she Is good, She is very, very good; But when she is bad she Is horrid." These composite, unnatural, unsexed women, strivieig to be like men, and te do like men, have lost all of the ilnei graces and charms which have altwayc made men the slaves of the sex, and have gained nothing in exchange ex. cept their own morbid self-esteem. Such wouen are simply "horrid," and it will be the ambition and care of all friends of this gollege that it shall never send forth and harbor one ol these "horrid" creatures. Every tru man - acknowledges the existence and pays due respect to !'woman's rights.' Wordsworth gives her the right t command, and all men sinde Adam sel us the example in obedience, even t( do evil, have obeyed when the behes' was given by a true woman in a worn anly way. The young men who will be trainet at Clemson in the manner I have indi cated will natur'ally look higher and seek, anong.the students who will flocl to Rlock 11111, for their future help meets. They are even hero nnw recon noit~oring the ground, and after Win throp gets fully under way I think thal it ought to bo the fixed policy of thi ImIanlagemnent of the two colleges t( havn frequienrt migrations to and fro for it will inspire and help the boys tu come here and the girls will be equally benelltted by an occasional ex mursion to ulemson. The Ylliruce- is a natural one and the two schools run into eact other, and a e just as much bone o' onf bane. 11 -sh of one l-h, as though al. ready married. l3ut I must basten to ii conclusion and loave to -the distin guishied or-itor of the day a fuller and 11r1e i'loquenxt discussion of thesa th eles. ii. fore closimg I want to give empha s,. to one thought. I have already pointed out the unanimity with which men of all classes, conditions and ideas have joined hands in aiding to erect tihis school. It is the one thing and the only thing upon which the men of South Carolina are at present united. ()iy alluding, in pasinug, to the divis ions mid bitterness whien exist among our people, allow me to express the hope that this point ot union may Iro w arid spread: Lhat the inspiration of this day may prove a harbinger, and iel) to hasten the restoration of that harm my and filendly feeling which once existed, anti which must nec'essa rily return before we can liave any great degree of prosperity. Our inter esw are one, our ancestry the same let us yield to the rule of justice and reason and the government of the ma jority, for we be brethren. Why not dwell together as brethren ? As in the days of old the ancient 8abines were brought to peace with the Rm)nians by the women who had been seized and borne off captive to become the wives of the latter, so may the women of South Carolina become our peacemakers. Let them take hold of the work in earnest; go to all the cam paign meetings in full force to make their fathers, husbands and brothers behave themselves, and at the end of the summer we will have "something better thai prohibition" or the sub treasury; peace in all our hearts, peace iU ill our homnes. RIIromd Rumors. The News and Courier, of last Thurs day, says it has been a good many years since anything like the activity which 11a1 prevailed recently has been mnan t ested in Charleston railroad affairs. T'he interest in the recent; sale of the South Carolina Rtaiiway and the more recent formation of the South Carolina andl~ Georgia RWiilroad Company has, of course, been universal and very absorb ing. In the flurry which hams attended these events sight has been pratially lost of some other iItters which are of great importance to Charleston. Rle cently there'has been a good deal of talk about one company or another be ing organized to build a road between 'Charle-ston and 'Augusta. The first rumor of this effect originated in Augusta. A dispath 'fromn that city, which was published some time ago ini Thie Newsa and Courier, stated that tihe Louisville and Nashville systems had some idea of purchasing the Port Roy ali and Augusta Road, and of building a line from Fairfax to this city. For a while this scheme was pretty exten sively discussed, and created con considerable comment in more than one section of the coun try. Interest in such a project is no0w very vividly revived by certain statements which Were made yesterday The facts given came from reliable sources and are worth consideration. A gentleman wvho did not want his name given, but who said his informna ibm wvas thoroughly reliable, said to a lHyuportedl: "Were you aware that at th is very moment the Atlantic Coast Line system is engaged in making prelimintary surveys t or a line Cf road bet ween this city and Augusta? It is ai fact, and y ou will be perfectly safe in making thle statement~ As I under standl ihe matter the Cost Line people have been thinking about this project f r somn. time past. T'hetr idea is to build1( a roatd from' Ashley Junction in as s:raight a line as is practicable to Augtisto, and they now have out a party of enginieers making a survey for such a route. The Coast Line never has much to) say about i's own buliness; bu'tvwheni it makes up its mind to do a thing it, irenerally loses very little time in rioing it. It i8a powerful system,with prac~ticahy unlimited means at its com mand, antd it can very easily build this niew- road it iii hae mind to." Anot her gentleman whio knew the facts which are stauted above said: "My idea about it, ic that the Cost Line Is very anxious to got into Augusta. That system'u has bien restive ever since it was shut oult of participation in a very' rich Georgia tarfl6 by the loss of theu Charlotte, Colutm bia and Augusta lioad. Tihe management hats never ceased to cast aroundl for some means of rAecpturing the territory thtus lost. I have been informed that the surveys for tihe Chiarjeston and Augusta road are actually heing made at the present time, and as I take it there is something more than mere talk in tihe scheme. The Coast Line is al ways oni tihe alert, It is always reaching out in one direc tion or anotner Thej Wilson Short Cut was no sooner linishedi than lte D)en mark extension was begun, and now that the D~enmairk Road is being corn pletedl it will not be long before you wvill see the Coast Line laying an other track. If ibis not betwveen Charleston aund Augusta it will be somewhere olse'" To lurn 0il, AUllolA, Ills.,- May 13 --'l0 the vnrde of' the Chicago, Burlington and Qaincy lailroad company a number of iccomotives are no0W beIng ;rovided wIth appalratus f r burning oil. It Is said that Ii will take but a short ilme to equip every engine belonging to the company, with tlus appliance. Superintendent F, C. Rico is enthusiastie over tihe prospects of being able to do away with coal.- He siys it Is much cleaner and that its uge will'leave locomotives in much Jetter condition than coal; it will last much longer, weigh less- and occuny less space, aind hence will give much room for Water-an important considerailmn. GOV; TILLMAN'S LETTER. What the Daily Papeu. Think of alio Posaition.. We append below the comments of the daily papers in South Carolina on the Governor's letter to the Alliance: WILL AROUSE DEEP TiIOUGIIT, The Columbia Register, which, as all know, is a Reform paper, says: - Governor Tillman's letter td Chair. man Mitchell contains matter of inter est, calculated to arouse deep thought. That letter is one of the most striking 'treatises on national politics which has appeared in a long time; by it the pow er of the Alliance and the part it ought to play are most citarly set forth. An unthinking reader of that letter might come to the conclusio, that Governor Tillman and the Alliance wore travel. ing on different paths, but such a con clusion would do violence to the whole tenor of the letter. The difference be tween the Governor and the Alliance are more apparent than real; in aim in hope, in purpose, they are one, and they only differ as to how they shall accomplish the same thiugs--an(I even in this their variance is but slight Governor Tillman tells a plain truth when he says that Alliancemen are largely to blame for the fact that Alli. ance ideas are not completely -in the ascendant throughout the South. The fact that the Alliance in this State is in much healthier condition than in any other State is due to Tillman more than any other man, and this fact is re alized by the Alliancemen of other States ats well-as of this State. While smie Alliancemen may be inclined to take exceptions to some parts of his letter, they will acknowledge its wis dow and its boldnesi. "A lird in the hand is worth a doz-n in the bush," and a man is more apt to get a bird in the hand if he concentrates his efforts upon the capture of one bird than if he tries to catch a dozmn at once. This is home. ly philosophy,but it Is the philosophy of Governor Tillman's letter and will bear testing. While the masses have been trying to secure a dozen reforms they have secured none, and have never lost ground. Governor Tillman's advice is that effort be concentrated upon the task of securing the most im portant and the most needed reforms now; then when they have been brought about, it will be time to fight for other . and less needed reforms. This is practical, hard, common sense. If tried its. worth will be proven- be yond the shadotr of a doubt. Governor riliman has raised a star dard under which Reformers 'throughout the Union may array themselves and can secure victory. The standard bears this inscription: "Free silver, more greenbacks and gold--all legal tender and all receivable for any and all dues, public and private." That is a platform broad enough for a party to stand upon. Success under that standard will not be secured with - out a struggle, but success can be se cured under it. The above sentence expresses the most crying need of the country today. When that need is done away with, the national reform era can decide what next to fight for. D)ON'T SUIT THE DEMOCRACY. The Columbia State, Conservative, Rays: The Governor "readily and will ingly promises" to vote on the lines he has indicated "without regard to any caucus." 'He justifies this by saying that the Northeasto-n Democrats have set us an example on that line which will be a suficient excuse for all time." "The Gold Bug Democrats," he adds, "refused to caucus on the repeal of the Sherman law last summer." Yes, and they were bitterly denounced by thme Governor's organs for doing so, and called by them "Re~publicans" and "traitors." No w the Governor proposes to follow their example and do wvhat lie heartily disapproved of their doing. We take the liberty of reminding him that just before this declaration he wrote of a similar imitation, "It can not be defended, because two wrongs never made one right." We find no where in the letter any referenice to Democratic principles or the national Democratic platform. The objections he has to Governmentill loans to the people and government ownership of railroads and telegraphs are apparently conceived without reference to the principles or policies 6of Democracy. One important question in the Alliance catechism the G overnor passes over in silence. THe does not say .whether he will or will not bind himself to vote against any and all persons who refuse to pledge ,support to the Alliance de mands. The persistent Mr. Mitchell might find It advantageous to make a supplementary inquiry on this point. Incidentally the Governor says that he did not in 1892 oppose the adoption of the Ocala platform by the May con vention-thoughi "unalteraoly opposed" to at least one of its feature i-in order to keep "hot-headed Alliancenten from splitting off into a third party." ilhat is to say, he subordinated principle to policy, and consented to the ad~option of the populist platform in order to keep P'opulists in the control of thie Democratic party machinery. Ocalites. and Popuiists in other States made a "fatal blunder"-in being honest and going out of a party whose principles they opposedi; they should have re mained in the party and betrayed it. "South C3arolinam sets her sisters a wise example in 1892," andl "it 1s incumbent on her to repeat it in 1894.'' "it is time to be formulating tihe plarform and marshalling the people for 18961. Tlhat. is to say, this year the hypocrisy .of 1892 must be repeated, and the people drill ed so as to go in 18961 into the Gover nor's propnsed new ailver party when he gives tihe word. This is the resul' of our analysis. We are not able to say whether the letter will suit the Alliande, for it is not aj complete suir render. But it certainliy will not suit the Democracy. AN AniJECT SURtRENDERI. The News and Courier, Conservative, says: In his letter to the chairman of the executive committee of the Fermers' Alliance, Governor Tiliman explains his position upon the "demands" of the Alliance, it will be observed that he dloes niot "stanti fairly and squarely" upon the"denmands." Somne of them he will advocate, others he does not favor, but all of them, ho makes 'it very clear, ho will swallow if such an act of (deglul tition be found necessamy to the cap ture of the entire Alliance vote of the State in Governor 'Tillman's race for the Senate. "11f they choose to retire me to private life," says the Governor "I will cheerfully abide their will;" but' t he does not leave any 'room to doubt that he will leave no stone unturned to make his position thoroughly agreeable to the Alliance voters .of the State. There is one of the "demands" to which he seems unalterably opposed, namely, that the Government shall lend money' to the farmers at a low rate of interest but we fear that he would abandon this entirely proper position upon com pulsion or'persuasion, lie is not in a 1 position at this time to refuse any uin- 1 reasonable demand that may be made I umpoki him, and- we think that ,.another< etter from the Hion. Thomas P. Mitch 3l1 would bring him to the ground. Hie I bold Mr. Mitchell in his letter of April' 18, "I am a candidate for Wnited States 1 Senator ar d if elected will vote >n l all questions as my noin dfcence and judgmentdictate." told ' Mr. Mitcell - in his ter of May 15 that "if elected Senat he Will strive to abolish the natlo banks,. to provide for the free coin of silver at a ratio of 10 to 1 and to crease the circulating medium t( least 850 per capita.' These "dmotan as the Governor says incorporate ' sub treasury idea ahd the lendins money at a low rate of interest." .q listen to the Governor', the same 1: man who told Mr. Mitchell on Apri that he would "vote on all questioni my conscience and judgment dicta1 listen to what he tells Mr. Mitdhell May 15: "1 also can advocate and Ii for all the other 'demands' except t I doubt the wisdom or practicabilit1 the government owning and rumni all railroads, telegraph and teleph lines." I will vote on all questioni my conscience and judgment dictf but I can advocate and voto foi' all demands of the Alliance although my conscience and judgment they u be unwise and impracticable. Gov nor Tillman's letters are remarks for the information they contain of complete and abject surrerider to Alliance and his contempt of the I tional Democracy. They do not esti lish his courage, although they sh how lightly he holds his allegiance the Democratic part.y. IIURRAHl FOR TILLMAN. The Charesion 6un, Neutral, says Hurrah for Governor Tillmanu 'I bold stand taken by him against Alliance's catechnical demands of c didates 'establishes t'eyond quest, his independence as a man and worth as a leader, It is the most a prising stroke in the career of this markablo man. In his original i swer to the Alliance catechism Gov nor Tillinan wrote: 1 am a cat-didk for United States Senator, and it ele ed will vote on all quest ions us ! conscience and judgment dictate. I as I shall not, if elected Senator, rep: sent myself but the people, I would all times obey the inst ructions of t party in the State to which I belo as set fortb in its platform. - lurr for Tillman, the Democrat. .An Enquiry to Rogin. COILUunIA, S. C., May 16.-A co of inquiry for the investigation of 1 conduct of the coiripanies which failed resipold to ' .h call of Govi nor ,Tillman during the Dar!n tou troub!e has been appoint and will begin Its iivestigations in week. The investigainon will be sear< ing. Thet m, mbre of the court arc mi tary men and no matter what 'nay their political feeling the.. will mak a r port in accordauce with the iacts a the evidence. The following eeneral c ders regarding the court were issued v< terday: Executive Oflice, Ollee oi Adjutant and Inspector Gen. Columbia, S. C., May 15, 1894. General Ocder No. 9. A court of inquiry consistiug of Brig dier General R. N. Richbourg, Brigadi General E. J. Dennis, Col. Woie Jon and Capt. J. T. Barron, Judge Adv cate, is hereby ordered. Said court w convene in Charleston, S. C., on Tue day, the 22,3 day of May, 1894, to ma Inquiry and report to these headquarte on the following points: First. OAs to Brigadier General T. Huguenin, commanding the Fourth B gade, in failing to report with his cot mand at Darlington on March 30, und orders from theseheadquarters. Second. As to whether any of the b: gade, regimental or comp1any eflicers men of' said Fourth BrigadIe are respon ble for said disobedience of orders; if a who and im what degree. Third. To examine into the behavi of the oflicers andl men belonging|,to ti N'aval Battalion in Charleston and tiont Pesant during that occasion al Fcurh. A soo asthe inquiry here >rdered shall be completed the said cou will convene in Columbia and invest iga the conduct of the oicers and men the'Second Brigade of Inlantry and t1 Bordon Volunteers, Cap. .L. T. Izhr sommandmeg, who failed to respond orders from- these headquar ters on Mar 29, 30 and 31st, 1894. Such inqui will De seaching andl the opinion ot U court as to the degree of guilL in en case will be reported in these findings. By order Commander-in-Chnef. OliilB. 1t. T iIA M A N, Govern or. J1. G..nyt W A'T'Ts, As4 A. & I. Gen, Murdteroed .fr her Mioney, ATLANTA, Ga., May 17.-Atlan has a murder mystery which has great afiected the residents of a large sectit of the city and whiich may result in lynching, though any outbreak of thi nature has so far :been prevented, [rI dea~d body of Mrs. Marv Lilly, one' the beat known women of' thec city, Wi fo~und ear'ly oneo morninig in heor honnie the suburbs.' She was laying on the ibj . i her kitchen and lying against her neCi was a pair 01 toncs. Ievestigatioi shiow~ed that she had been at ranivled wil Ltiese tongs. There were no marks violence tupon the body except those c ,he neck. The murder had been coti rniuttedl Ior robbery. Mrs..Lilly wviasb invedl to have money in her house, anl .he plance was ransacked hv the murde si'o from garret to cellar. lier shoes ht been taken off'. evidenely mi the seart or concealed bills. Suspicion points george llawkins, a negro living c the Lilly place, andt George Yancy, hi friend. Both were arrested1, andi it we with . ditticulty that the police preven their bei..g 1l nched by indignant neigi bors. IBoth neg'roes are ex convicts. la believed t~hey had accomplices. Mr Lilly went to Atlanta in the early seve: tIes. She was the wife of the bandma ter of' the Sixteenth United States infal try. After her husband's deati, al marrierf a well known theatrical ma: ger named .Javis. She obtained a i vorce from him andl hiad since been physician with a large priactice. Si mad accumulated coosiderablo propert; mdt was believed to keel) several thou: ndl tdollars im her house. She did has few hundred dollars, but the mnurde, nra failed to find it. Mrs. Lilly iormnei y resided mi Columbia andi had two son u the United States army statione here. Both of thi young men were we :nown and took part in many smusici ntertainmnents. Prof. Charles Lill Iso taught t~he Silver Cornet Band hat city. In flad L.uok, LNEWV YORK, iNay 13.-The Ltev. D) L'almage's (ne w Tabernacle, at the co er of Cli ntoni and Green avenue 3rooklyn, was burned at noon todaa L'he Hiotel Regent adjoining and sei ural dwelling houses in the vicinit veme ailso destroyed. The loss is est nated at #1,000,000. ThIs is the thir ine Dr. Taimage has lost his churc )y fire. When the fire started lie wi n the church sur~undied by a numbn >f his congregation, but' all escapet l[e was moved to tears as he witr'esse he destruction of the beautiful edinici ['hree firemen were injured during tb ire, not -fatally, how ever, and thei were scenes of panic as tule fre pr< Iressed.. lie EFF ECTS OF NO RA IN. let Thiq Woither and Urop ulietlin nal ige - the Past. wecek, In )l COLUMBIA,. C., May 10-The dj" lowing is the weekly bulletin or the condition of the weather and or of in the State, issued yesterday by St ow Observer Bauer: old The week ending with Sunday 1 128 characterized for its uniformly fai i as able conditions, and, except for a I e;" local hail storms and some high w on which did a little damage to cot wht and grain, the weather was all t hat could be desired. Many corresponde r of spoke of it superlatively as "very go inag "Ideal" and like expressions. In i me nearly all the reports were corrob( I as ti ve, from the mountains to the co ite; From the counties of' Richland, the angeburg, Sumter, Clarendon; in- Williamsburg, come the least fa, tay able reports, for in those counties er- showers were least copious and not ble general, but oven in those coun his there was some rain. The most mar the improvement was shown in the soi Ta- eastern portion of the State where ib- rainfall wts quite heavy an' gene ow being sufilcient to relieve the drou to and revive vegtationexcept small gr crops which are too near maturity be much benefitted. The temperati was slightly above the n~rmal the 'he tire w-ok, with somewhat less than he average amount of sunshine, Show mn. were numerous and well distribu on over the entire btate. The rainfall i his excessivo at many places, but air- ground being very dry soon absorbpc re. and permitted farm .vork to go Lm- Weeds have not yet proved troul vr- some. te Cotton is coming to a good sti at- from late April planting and May nY planting just coming up promises i ut also. Chopping out and working progress everywhere. Much sea imil at cotton replanted and looks well. he Corn of healthy color but very rig even stand owing to much replanti all on account of worms, the latter be] still troublesome in many places. Th is little improvement to note in whi and oats. Sweet potatoes being plan Irt delayed in localities waiting for m ho rain'. Sprouts plentiful. Irish potat . not uniform in condition. Colort ir- beetle and drought having caused cc siderable damage. Melons doing wo and beginning to "run to vine." C dition of rice ranges from ~"fair" a "very good." Tobacco counties need] !more rain. No fruits except some I h- (second crop,) some varieties of gral o and blackberries. Truck farms a 0- gardens much improved, and hea Id shipments continue from the I ir. counties. Pasturage and grasses a- general doing well. Generally spe ing the season is later than usual, I the farmers have been enabled to k( Nell up with their work owing to fi orablo weather. Every thing consid a- ed, the outlook for agricultural er terests is most encouraging. The following places reported o " inch, or more, of rain during the pi - week: lllackville 1.50; Charleston 1, ill McComick 1 41, Greenwood 2.45; Wal 5- 3.51, Hardeeville 1.91, Allendale 1.1 ke St. Stephens 3.64, Hunter 1.65, Gree rs ville 1.10, Central 1.30, Heath Sprin 1.50, Canden 155, Loopers 100, Lit 1 Mopntain 1.80, Cross Hill 1.28, Be i fort 1.55. u er A Fearful Crime. .JAUKSONVILLE, Fla., May 14. 1i. special to t'je Times- Union f-rom Oca >r Fla., says: Neil Young, a negro, we si- to the house of Mrs. Iholmes, a wid< o, lady living near South Lake Weir, ti .morning abou: 3 o'clock, and enter rthe room of her twvo daughters, ag to 13 and 15. In drawing the cover< tthe girls the'negro awoke them. Th~ dresisted, and he snapped a pistol dthem three times, but it did not~explos This so frightened the girls that t unegro succeeded in ravishing the old one Mrs Holmes was aroused about til to the negro had acompllshed his purpo >t and rushed into the room occupied ie her daughters. T1he negro intimidat ur the mother with his pistol-. When tc .0 by the elder daughter that~ the neg :h had ravished her, the mother begg ythe brute to kill her and the outrag 10 child. After threateging to return ai kill them if the alarm was given, t negro left. As soon as day dawned t fearful story was told and a posse b gan pursuing the negro. lie was trat ed to an old 'church and captured ai brought back to Ocala and lodged j~ril. It is rumored that an attem will be made to lynch the negro1 .night. lyA New Bond Issne. it WASIIINGTON, May 14.-The redi a' ion ot the treasury gold below $94.001 it 000 has started a new speculation as ce is new bond Issue. When the rece 01 bond issue wvas made the treasury gc s~ had decimed to $05,000.000, but wi in the prnoiii hmgh rato of xchange it rn known that gold wIll 11->w from us. Si k retary Carlisle (lid not deem. it wise is prbmlf the gobt reserve to fall bolt $ 65,000..000, and it is argue -that wiginot new permit it to tail below t1h Ii hliure. The tcoper of congress is sti t that. no legislation is ex pected on1 finaS >- cial measures to strengthen the trenau (d so il leaves thue secretary with no diser r-Lion except to use the nleans law giv dI him by selling bonds t.o replenish t h treastiry wheni it is depleted 01 gold. -0 far nco step) looking, towards a bond ist n have been taken, and ii the gold outp is ceases none will be necessary, bi 5 among~ well- informed treasury oficial d1 if the present condlitions continue, bol U' issue it the near futuroesa looked upon CL almost uoavoidable. Wi~Vthdiraws,. ' lowing letter was puollahed in yestc d (ay's Rlegister: While I sincerely a preciatme the many kind expresslol - from friends of the Reform moveme a of the State, deslring me to become e candidate for the position of Govern< P, in tho ensuing. elction, I have concl -(ded after a thorough canvass of ti e situation, that the interest and fin .success of the movement, as conter .platedl gi the beginning, will be bett a suibserved by my declination than othe a wise. It therefore becomes my dui 11 to anntounce to the public that I w: not bo a candidate for the position yGoyernor of South Carolina. I w: Vgive my cordial and undivided suppo to the candidate who best represen the interest of the farmers and Al. anco men or the State. -RBelieving th; the interest of the Alliance will be be r. subserved by this course, I hope th; L- my friendls throuighout the .State wi , take the same view of the matter. Respectfully, - W. D. EVANs, y. - Lynched. STOPIXA,'May 13,'-A special to Tj Capitol from Sharon Sprines, Karl rsays: Williain McKinley and his 8< Lewis wefe lynched for the murder Charles Carley, a son-in-law of Willia . McKinley, a week ago, Fred McKinle e another son of Willham McKinle, col e fessed the crime, and said he had bee -induced to commit it by lisa father at brother Lewis. . *77 Musical Home$ are Happy xiomes. Have yon ever noticed it? Call to for mind the homds of your friends who' have a good Piano or Organ In the house. Are they not brighter' and fol- mpre attractive than th6e where the divinejart of music never enters ? To the be sure it costs to buy a good instru ops ment, but it lasts many years, and Will ate pay its costs many a thousand times over by interesting the young folks in Vas their homes. Don't make the mistake or- though, of investing haphazard. Poot ew yourself thoroughly by writing Ludden lnd & Bates Southern Music House, Savah ton na Ga., the great music house'of the hat South, established in 1870. They have uts supplied 50,000 Instruments to South D ern homes, and have a reputation for his fair prices and honorable treatment of 1ra- customers; and they represent the lead ast. inog pianos and organs of America Or- They take pleasure in correnaanding And with you, sending free catalogues, etc. ror- Write them. the as ties .m4 PiE Ier RoUd te ra d o ai gua and Se What You Cas Sol Rht- I 11la ;Z,)~T~l 51' .-.3 to 1* . H U .: u1 ^ *, ire A en- -41C F. n w ted $69 r . V6 9 o, ----3 Jlst I ntroidive th'-m. Uie &No (reiht imid on this Or. I it -gia.- uaranited to bi a 'A .0ricau or uoey re 3n. '**'tl d.~ )le- -'~ ~ nd ,ell -- -rm (%ah-, Rocking Chatir DI van, 'd ' *..i -w- rith $45. will deall, -.- This No.' aig W~~ ~ ill ore sat with 2J 3te 1pieces of Lre ware vl1 )es edt o por fiii )n- A G S*WiN G caM-1a to wit 1111All aLtiwiatints, for - ng .---O NLY $1 0. r,-----i d.0.l.vered (n your .tepot gs .ric rvgul'r rte of tia ?es BU00Y Is )(my to 75 tillers. nd The nainurtu- r ays all VYtheexpensxes and)( I RVll them to you for 562.13.743 DW And guarantce everv one a in s No freight paid ik sia Buggy~ tlt A $4 PIANrE ep 6v Br-. Ln ne 1st deliverd .tyour de at 59, frel gh I r - A Sernd for catalojues o lurniture, Cookng 9, Moves Baby Carriages. ticyolee, Organs, P1-. r_ os ea Sata, in:.xr :Iets, Lamps, &e., anii go BAVE?A0NFV. A*Sdrms tie L.P.PADGTT "Srt" -THE ed 4'.~For Agricuu ed - tural and~ Gin )ff I("''~eral Plantation ey 'j Use,bhave earns at )e~ d theirreputa-. he. tion as the best . er For Simplicaty sby fuel and water ' ed - . TE TOsEn id - fHas no Equal. ro, bie 0- - - in c- p lbd to ~D I~O w Times Hard at OGNS Prices Low l'y(Pnly 5Q90 for'a Sluperb) M ASONr & 10 'tops. Iich Case. :5 cash es anstd $3 anontlhly. IededucedrI le frorni '$115. WVacIT a US. onmly$6;0. 4sets Iteeds,1i8 p. e e~Weary, te . IL Lovely New i4tlx at 86 an *75. w nITE Ufs. ' Ei asnt Now P*lano, only $22. iWaTre Us. Tremnadouis bagaina In neasrly i~ lift ~ new Planos and Organa, used f~ a ifo only. w. ICITK UJs. If you wantj. Piano or Organ now is the f Ini to buy i0 II0T. Wum~rax Us. -Wrlit us asnyhaow. T1rad1o ia r r. dull and you can't askc more p.o nestions about, Pianos tad Organs than we want, to an [)t wer. Tiry it, pleaseo. 1 * SAVANNAH, GA. r.NOW-IS THE TIME 11 TO P'LAOE YOUR ORDERS FOR. -Threshers! li- And I Sell the Best in the Marlket. Writo tto me Before Buying. st Shingle Machines, t Stave Macbines, 11 Brick Machines, Planing Machines, Swing Saws, Band saws, Gang lRip Saws, and all kinds of 10 - wood working machines. Grist Mills $115 to $250. '' Saw Millif $190 to $400. 1 >n Watertown Engines and Boilers. of Talbott Engines and Boilers. - mI Seed Cottoll Elevators. Cottoh Glins and Presses, i- HIGH{ and. LOW GRADE. VOLUMBIA. 5.'0,