The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, May 24, 1894, Image 3

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PIOKENS SENTINEI ldAL NEWS. Be egreful not to eat too man atra-vbeFries. The road from Pickens to Libert as been worked out clean down th The fourteen-year locusts -are sing bw higli tenbr west of Twelve Ml River. ' The Pickens railroad will be finial ed, before another Democratic pres dent is elected. Read Sloan's ne* add. and whe In Greenville partake of his coolin saymer drinks. The Eighth Cirenit lawers will 1b la attendande upon the Suprenm Oourt next week. Mrs. John Abercrombie, on tb Twelve Mile side, has been criticall; ill for several days. Mr. J. Lee Carpenter and family of Greenville, are visiting the famiIl of Capt. J. J. Lewis., - The sh6wers were kept iip lasi week till every section of the county had a very good season, Ot'penter Blros. have one of th< handsomest and most stylish sodr .fountains in the seven States. The court house has been shaved had its hair trimmed, and the uglI wart removed from under its left (ye gon. W. I'. Bowen's most valuahl) farm hors6 died a few days ngo, hav ing become sick on a drive to Green Ville. Lee P. Orr is erecting a building next door to his store, which will b< used by Mrs. Orr as a photograpl gallery. See change in the advertisement oi Smith & Bristow and take special no. tice of the many great bargains the. are offering. Miss Grace, Williams, who has been visiting her brother, Dr. J. F. Wil liams, returned to her home in Wel ford las$ Saturday. The work of tearing down and re moving the old court bou goe bravely on. They, are now workinp on the basement story. "Bunk" Crane now rides in a fin new buggypurchased from that relia ble daler and manufaaturer, H. C MarkIley, of Greenville. David Arial, who recently returnei from Birmingham, will be mail car rier and express messenger betweei Easley and Pickens for.a few days. The first Mondays in June and Ju ly are the only remaining days o which registration certificates will b issued before the next general elec tion. Two dollars worth of painting wil add ten dollars to the v'ale and twen ty d(ers to the appearance of th, buggy you purchased last year o before. - The W~olf Creek school distric mass meeting at Secona bridgo las Saturday' evening voted one mill 1ev: for- school purposeS: Provided th< frost does not kill the cotton. V. E. Hiudgens a few days ago reC ceived from the north spveral cage ri n)? C''s which lhe will se - )nc cage con taine< tL. iWhen they star usea fine sail. JDu despanir iRandolph. The wal nut 1og had to-face a circular saw be fore it could have the smiles of th fair maiden wvhose mirror it no' bears. Hecr pa lhas no toeth no1 Bowler prefers beef to bones, so nies time go by the market. Next Sabbath the sacrament of thi Lord'asenpper will be adlministered 1 *the Presbyterian church. Children day exercises will be had in the Aifter noon at 4 p. in. Other Sabbaf1 Schools are cordially invited to parti< *ip~ate. The children will meet TIhur: day afternoon to rehearse. The county commissioners have s far resisted all the tempting offers t rent out any portion of the cour house square for agricultural puirpos es. The application for the site c the old court house to b~e used as pumpikin patch has not yet receive< .the attention of the board. Last Thursday was the hottest; o0 Friday-the thermometer was niineCt .an& on Saturday it snowed for thre hours this side the Blue Ridge. Sal bath morning (Chiuney Top was whiit< . The frost nipped th~e sweet potat slips and killed somew cotton plant: Overcoats were still in demand Mo: day.. Mrs. Becky - Turner died on il morning of the 18theat thme home < her son-in-law, E. H. Gilland, noi Dacusville. She was sixty-three year old and the widow of a Confederal soldier who died in service in til army. She was buried at Oolonc Bapistchuch, ofwhich she was member. Children's day wvas ob~served T welve Mile (Camp Ground last Sate day by a large crowd, notwithstant ing the threatening weather. A( dresses were delivered by several ii - vited speakers: lHon. H-. M. Prinic of Williamston; Rlev. John' Attawa, 0. Ellis; William Gravley; WV. bi. as Davis Morgan. Theo occasion wvu one of joy and will be long ren -beved by those presoMt. ReIv. John Beck, of Bowispan, Gt was in Pickens last wveek. H~e preaci ed an interesting sermon in the Bla tiet church Thuiirsday evening and Sal bath evening. On Saturday afte noon and Sabbath foronbon the pulp was occupied by Rev. T. J1. Rook,< Pelham, S.O., whose discor'sos wem that one of the divines will be cal ed to the pastorate of the churcl Tpte membership wvill meet in confe enco noxst Saturday afternoon. Capt. John L. Thornley was righ sick last Tuesday. Soon the tall sycamore will wavi over the ruins of the old court-house Brother W. A. Lesley spent a fev hours among his Pickens friends out Y day last week. Col J. E. Hagood arrived from Char leston last Monday and will be ir Pickens a few days. D Many hundred bundles of good fodder have been pnt oi the- market i- In the last few weeks. I- B. D. Stewart has become an ex pert wheelnan with one week's prac tice on his fine mount. Mrs. S. P. Bruco is thought to be somewhat* improved. She is grad ually gaining stren'gth. e ~ Some as pretty farming as is done in the State can be seen between Eas ley and the Saluda River. The norther receded Tuesday morn ing and again left the zephyrs in charge of the hills and plains. Mrs. Eliza J. Hunter's condition last Saturday was such as to caus6 much concern among her friendo. Last Monday the singing school had to adjourn to the Preebyterian church to get stove accommodations. The evergreen and wild flower dec orations at Twelve Mile Camp Ground last Saturday were most be'tting and in elegant taste.. M. F. Hester, the accommodating carrier between Pickens and Easley is viewing the sights about Washing tol), D. C., this week. Mrs, 11. J. Giguilliat and her beau tiful little daughter, of Seneca, are visiting relatives and friends in States ville and Wilson, N. C. The young folks at Col. 0. P. Field's will now "make the sweetest iausic." The Colonel carried a fine new organ home with him last Mon day. W. G. Lewis has a fine mount of the safcty bicycle variety and when the roads are dry takes .a pleasure - ride between his store and suburban cottage home. The annual meeting of the stock holders in the Easley Oil Mill Co. will convene at the office of W. M. Ha good, secretary and treasurer, E3asley, June 1st. at 3 o'clock p. m. Mr. J. Marion Looper's singing school will close Saturday evening with a musical concert, having a most ttractiv program. Exercises begin at. 8:30. A small admission will be charged. The case of Mrs. Ida, Anderson vs. - John W. Thomas was called on the do-kcet of Trial Justice J. T. Pryor, e of Dacusvillo, last week. It was heard by a jury. The plaintiff was repro. sented by J. P. Carey. The defen danit plead his own case, and for tLwc hours' pounded the jury with arg'. ~ mnents. Abont 11 p m1. the jury an nonced that it could not find the ver diet, and his honor ordered a mistrial. t The?~i sdewal obstrmuctors we fuss madec ini ereting the new~ p)ost oflice and tearing down thme old court house. Besides thme wind blewv so much brick dust into their lungs and -noses they could scarcely smell their s pipes. They would have taken: up t temporary quarters' in the woods I north of townm but the keeper- of the t soda fountain told them there would be rain every afternoon and their .. wves and nigthers positively ref used .to tote their dinners to them, declar inmg they were willing to cut stove v wood, tie out the cows, but with one accord thcey drew~ the line at enry'ing t anything to a beari danuce ini the fori est, if they never got to patss oni an unobstructed side walk. C After printing wvhat Tr. SENT'INELr, afid about the dleath of Mrs. Marthil Clayton, the People's Advocate, ol Anderson, added the foll~owing: "An. other- of the friends of our school hoy days is gone. She was one of oum fellowv pupils at 01(1 Thmalian Academy under old1 father K~ennedly when we o were a little toddler, and1 our ulemo. ) mies of her are v'ery pleasant, for be t ing older than wo she was ever ready t~o help us over the hard pl.aces. And f this was 'her char-actepistic through L out life. WVe have known her and her :1 excellent husband almost as long as we havn known anybody and it -is a with perfect sincerity that we render a trib~ute to her memory and offer our s' decep syimpathy to tile bereaved hus .band and children." . The announcement of the death of o Mrs. S. A. Wertzt, ot . Liberty, which 4. occurred on the 15th instant, is sad - intelligence, to many wvarm friends. She had been a great suffer'er fron: e rem atism for several years an) fdurinig a great part of the time wam confined to) her bed, b~ut her genera health had be'en so) far resqtored,- thai ealthough she could not wvalkc, life hai e assumed its wvonted charms and th< y~ glow of health and hope was in every a line. of heri cheerful face. '.I:is con dlition of health and strenigth mad< her doubly anxious to walk, and sh< 0was advised by' her physician that i r'- surgical operation npon the limbs arf Sfected would possibly give her the de -. sired boon. -Accordingly she went ta G reenvillo on Monday the 14th instaun 3- and the operation was p~erformed th< v; next (lay at 11 a. mn., by Dr. ,J. R1 (1 Wilkinson assisted by Dr. J. 13. Earl, Is and1 another physician. She survive< '- the anosthetics and cheerfully ex pi'essed her hopes for a successfunl re suit from the operation,. but the con ~. tined reaction showed that the shocd . was too much for her strength and a . 3 p. mn. she passed away. The funer r.. Al was hed froim the Liberty Presby ii terian (Churchl on the 16th andl th< ,f remains were interred in the cemeote -o ry west of Liberty. Mrs. WVertz wal lo twenty-eight, years of age anid I. decvoted1 member of the Presbyterial 1church and leaves a husband and twv r- little childred to mourn their irrepar ablo loss. An oil Mili For Liberty. 'the citizens of Liberty and vicinity mnt at Liberty on the 16th instant to take the prefiminary stops for estab lishing an oil mill in that town. J. E. Boggs was requested to act as chairman and W. H. Chapman as secretary It was decided that it shoild bo known as ~"The Liborty Cotton Seed Oil Company." J. 1H. Brown, W. 0. Willard, T. N. Hunter, J. T. Boggs, J. D. Smith and E. B. Richardson were appointed as mem bers of the board of corporators and instructed to file with the Secretary of Stato the necessary declaration to procure a charter. The capital stock was fixed at $20,000, divided into shares of $25.00 each. As soon as the proper certificate is received from tho Secretary of State books of sub. mcription to the c'pital will be opened at Liberty. As soon as fifty per cent. of tho stock is taken the company will hegin 'business. The success of this enterprise will add much to the general business and commerce of Liberty. We the undersigned merchants of Pickens C. 11. agree to close our places of business at six o'clock in the evening except on Saturdays and public days beginning -on May 21st and to continue until Sept. 1st 1894: T. D. Harris; W. T. McFall; Ha good, Bruce & Co.; W. 0. Bramlett; A. M. Morris; Lee P. Orr; J. T. Lew is & Son J. B. Newbery; A. 0. Til den. The ladies of the Easley Presbyto rian church last Thursday evening gave a lawn party on the beautiful green in front of the Mountain View Hotel. The net profits from freezing i the ice creana into a coccrete mass, I and then melting it in the abstract, was $7.25. They expect to give an other this week, if it does not snow. , Premature baldness may be proven- f ted and the hair made to grow on heads already bald, by the use of 3 Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew- a oi. Bost 5 lb. Coffee for $1 at Morris's. See the W orlids kitar for Fifteen Cents. Upon receipt of your address and fifteen cents in postage stamps, we will mail vou prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is Fifty cents, but as we want you to have t ono, we make the price nominal. You wilL find it a work of art and a thing' to be prized. It contains full page views of the great buildings, with do scriptions of same, and is executed in highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, after you get, it, we will re fund the stamps and letyou keep the book. Address 1L. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, Ill. Nelson Morris and Co's., breakfast stripti at Moryrris's. Notice. All persons interested in the public schools of Bethlehem School District are notified to at tend an election to be held on the question of levying a special tax for school purposes at the bridge on Shoal Branch, one.half mile north of E. Smith Griffin's mill, on Saturday the 20th instant, at 3 p. m. E. SMlIT il GRIFFIN, Scc'ry of Board. Fine fat mackeral, three for 25c. at Morris's.. It is a fortunate day for a man when he first discovers the value of Ayer's Sa rsaparilla as a blood-purifier. WVith this medicine, he knows he has found at remiedy upon which he may rely, and that his life-long malady is at last conquered. Has cured others,] will cure you.. Peppers Natural Leaf and Silver Seal Plug Tobacco at Morris's. All Free. Those who have used Dr. IKing's Newv Discovery hnow its value, and those who have not, have now the op portunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Blottle, Free. Send your name andl address to H. B. Bucklon & Co., Clhi cago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and H~ousehold Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost yo nothing at McFall's store. Finest (Cicily Lemons 20 cents per dozen at Morris's. Health Restored ALL RUN DOWN No Strength nor Energy I M iserable IN TIJIC EXTREME. 'Iands 'COVERED -with CURED BY USING Ayer's Sarsaparilla rSeveral yearsm agmy bloodl was in O fbad condition, my system all run down,O -and my general heatlthu very mneh in- 0 pairedt. Jly handls were covered with 0 - large s'res, discharging all the time. I 0 ha ostrength nor energy and my feel- 0 ings were miseralble in the extreme. At 0 last, I comme-needC~ taking Aye-r's sarsa- 0 rarilla and .soon noticed a change for the 0 ttrMyappetite returned~ and wvith 0 It, rcnewed strength. Encouragedt by O these resumlts, I kent on taking the shr-- 0 Balparilla till 1 had used six holies, and 0 ihy healtiiwas restored."-A. A. ToWNS, 0 prep. Hlarris-Hottse, Tihomnpson', N. D~ak. , Ayer'stSarsapiarilla AdmItted0 AT THLE WORLD'S FAIR 0, o - OOnQOOOOnnoooooooO,2,nnaa .2 P A.P-E RS For One's Price. 3Y SPECIAL ARRANGEMUENI WITH ~HE ATLANTA WE:LY CONSTITUTION Ve are enabled to offer it with -TiE ENTINEL for one year for $1.50, club. ing subscriptions to be sent to this oilico rid accompauied by cash. IBERAL PRIZE OFFERS Every subscriber to this remark able club ing proposition is entitled to enter TWO HRIZE CONTESTS, sending his guesses or the )1,000 Cotton Crop Contest a which there are FOUR PRIZES offered nr the NEAREST ESTIMATES of the ize of the cotton crop of. 1893-4, now be nig marketed, and award to be made as eon as the New Orleans-Cotton Exchange nnounces the ofiefal crop figures. $400 N GOLD for nearest guess to the crop, '200 prize forsecond, $200 prize for third, 100 for fourth, $100 for fifth. Crops for recent years have ben as ollows: In 1888, 7,017,707 bales; in 1889, ,935,082; In 1890, 7,313,720; in 1891, ,655,518; in 189., 0,700,305. In addition to the above every clubbing ubscriber can enter our combination MISSNG WORD CONTUT FOR MAY Supply the missing word in th< ollowing sentence: The five hundred pounds of gold which he had received in exchang or his treasure, had been convey, to the hiding place in the -- hield. ONE FOURTH'I of the net a ucription receipts of those entering his contest wvill be divided amont hose wvho supply the correct wvord ir he blank in the above sentence ['bus, if there rre $5,000, one fourtla vould be $1,250. If ten supp)ly th<( ~orrect wvord, each would receive $125 f 100, each $12.50, &c. Both of the above contests fret ma inaddition to TWO PAPERS For the Price of One. Ias a circulation of 146o,000, and ih iHE PEOPLE'S PAPER. It fa iors Tariff Reoformn, an Individal] [neomo Tax, and the Expansion ol hie Currency to a degree sufficient te net the legitimate business dlemandt >f the country. It covers the newvs of the wvorld] 3ver-y wveok, having news correspond. mnts in all the news centres of th( world. We ofI'er you THEI PICK ENS SE~NTINELJ and( T11 HI VTLANTA WENL DONST ITUJTION f'or $ 1.501 per1 year!. [F Y0U WANT TO BU' 2oods Cheap for cash, come. and see mec. anm at Lewis & Son's old1 stand. Good Molasses 25e peri gallon. Suigal Syrup 30c por gallon. Muscova do Molasses 40c por gallon. Many other things: Sugar, Coffeo I:ard, Tinware, Glassware. I alst iavo some Patent Medicine which ] will sell at cost for the cash. If you owe me on last year's accoun1 some anti settle. I am needing money didn't mean to mnake you mad wher 'ou bought the goods, so come ani eottlo and let's be friendl.y. W. U. BAMLETT, l0t)oCI$.0 e 100 squamre feet. Makei Sgdroffryears, and any olne cnn pu2 4t on. (lum-Elastic Paint costs only 61 -(nts per gallon, in bbl. lots, or *4.50i fo hvo gallon tubs. Color dlark redli Wil stop) leaks is tin or iron roofs, and will huaq for years. TRY I'i. Scnd stamp foi samiples and1( full particnlars. Guim-Elastic Rtoofinlg Co. 89 and 4L West Blroadlway, NEW YORK Eona Agenta Wnnuted. a C&oe PICKENS, S. C, WE haven't been saying. mu It is not out of place, however selected stock of goods in Pic] bargains, but when it comes to IN SHOES-Our stodk conp Our stock is largdr than ever a We have suits from $4.oo to DRESS GOODS and FAN( prices on GROCERIES that ca to be found anywherc. WE I HAGOOD, BRUCE & PICKENS. Mc FALL'S ALMANAC -FOR nAY, *1894. ------ Another car of Good Flour. A large lot of Good Corn. A lot of Sound Peas. A lot of Wheat Bran. A lot of nice Salt. A good stock of Shoes. A nice assortment of Hats A lot of pretty Dress GoodE A now lot of Tinware. A lot of good Jogwaro. SA house full of Furniture. Another lot of Stoves. A big lot of Baskets. A largo stock of Lamps. A lot of nice Trunks. A little of almost everything. Wo liko to show our goods. We like to soil them too. So) call and see us when you Come to towmn. A now lot of Grain Cradles, Mow Blades, Sweeps, Grind Stones, W heel barrows, H~arrowvs, Briar H-ooks. I oes Rakes, Sheep Shears, Bells, and a lot of other usefnl things in this line. W. T. McFALL. WE WANT TO TOWEL THE COMMUNITY, Adhristhe way we propose to do it: 25 dozen 18x3s6 knotted fringed towels al 15 cents. 25 dozen 21 x24 knotted fringe& towels at 20 cents. 25 dlozen '24 x48 knotte( fringed towels at 25 cents. Special Drives In Table Cloths. Better bargains wvere never offered. B< sure to see them. Stamped Kensington work of every (10. scription. 4ilso a beautiful line of Stamped ILinen. TIray Cloths, Splasheirs, Scarfs, etc. Crochet. andi Embrohte ry Cotton, Wash; Bilk and LInen Floss In all colors'. It is an old1 chestnut, and we wouldn't spring It on you if it didnI't stick our' com petitors 50: llest Indligo) Blue Prints at, S cents. Best, Staple GIhighani at 6 cents. Here's Anlother Sticker, 5 papers of plns for 5 eents. Our hosiery and underwear department Is compl~ete In every respect. Our Ladies' Lisle Tfhread Vests at 25 cents, would be good value at 50 cents, Our Landies' 25 cents Irose can't -o be qualed in Greenville for less that 35 cents. WV1tAT DOES PLANT'S S~foES AND) OXFORDS) MEAN? It means that when a lady plants a pail of them on her feet that they wvdl stay there longer than any other shoe she can buy and saves from 20 cents to Si per pair. VERY TRULY, GREENVILTA, . C. ch to you lately. There is more ii to put out a few sign boards here, cens County. We are not claiming an every-day, substantial bargain, % rises the cream of three of the be nd there are some low p -r-s amonj $15.00. IN HATS-Wre have c Y NOTIONS in abundance for tl n't be duplicated. The largest st( PPRECIATE YOUR TRADE. VOURS TRULY, co. w. N M F n WATER M ine and Cj Now at CARPENTI Jones' Gray Monar< for the Market. MANSION HOI Greenville, NOW THEN, BRACE UP (Alld stop gro, Then. busisoessfor Put nad in~~. DEALERS who push the sale of WV. I. which helps to increase the' salecs on tl: PICKENS, S. C. One Hundred Brewste -The13EgST and Ever Offered in! --AT TIi Greenville Ool We make the One and Two Hor Why huy Chop Western Wagons when that wilt out le 4WPatronize HOME INIDUSTPRY. H. C. M i works than words, anyways showmng the way to the ha. to have any two-for'-a-ickl er- can't be equaled. 3t. factories in the country the.. IN CLOTHING verything a mian c ould wisho" 1e ladies. We are naming eck of Tobaccos and Cigarg I. HAGOOD &O EASLEY, ELON %NTALOPE SEED 1R BROS. Bradford, At. Best Water coelon 7SE DRUG STORME - t I S. C.h ving aoat uard tisela iu flalink. Wime are namrdg ickwhileobaccos andospear EADSUEYA 3NToLOPoe Sles. ilt BalmgSho Bvrad rd ninaBe t th rie, 1.on LAg RU SDTOE6 adE WO III 1NTNL cir full lie ogoods They cn in a i sa :on sin ls youg. Flt o uthroC Car ho oliahecs I nd-r.W rs h ) oieSho, WAGONs. yous eaubu ali SHoemar ode.Wgo Ut li' sa wo. tijiac iRKLE, $2 ropr$,e$tor dent. ~ 'r~. l Soy..-.