The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, May 24, 1894, Image 1

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, MA 24~ sty VLXXItPlKNS(.,TItDAMY2, 1894. .NO36 DiFINES hIS POSITION. GOV. TILLMAN ANSWERS THE QUES TIONS OF T1iE ALLIANCE. There Qau be No lists ke as t o His Staw on National Questions-Can Vote foral ibe Demands Except the Sub-Treas Ury Plana COLUMIIA, b. C., May 16.-On April 18, Governor Tillman received a lettei Wt from Ion. Thomas P. Mitchell, chair man of the executive coimittee of the Farmrs Alliance, enclostug the fol, lowing questions which be had beer ordered by the Alliance, to propound to all candidates for cfllce in the gift oj the people of South Carolina: "First. Will you discuss the Ailliauc demands in the comiag campaign, par, ticularly those relating to the flnanceE of the country and defend them tigainst the enemies of our order. "becond. pledge loyalty t( the demands of the National Farmeri Alliance and Industrial Union abovo loya$.y to party caucus and vote againsi any and all candidates who decline t< commit tbemselves to this extent Y" To this letter Governor Tillman re plied as follows: Columbia, 8. C., April 28, 1894. Hon Thomas P. Mitchell, Woodwards B.C. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter o April 18, 1 desire to say: 1 will discuss the principles and polici of the Alliance in the coming campalgi and make myself clearly understood. 1 am a candilate for United Statei Senator, and if elected will vote on al questions as my conscience and judg ment dictate. But as I shall not, I elected Senator, represent myself but thi people, I would at all times obey the in structions of the party in the State t, which I belong as set forth in its plat form. Yours respecifully, B.R. TILLMAN. Yesterday Governor Tillman receivet the following letter from Mr. Mitchell Woodward, 8. U., May 14, 1894. Hon. B. R. Tillman, Columbia, S. C. My Dear Sir: Your letter in reply ti the questions on the demands of the Al liance was duly received, and as I di A . not think you made your position al clear as you might have done- and pos sibly not as clear as you intended to di I respectfully submit them again fo: your consideration. I am sure you ar4 with us in this matter and I hope yoi will come right out and say so. I cai assure you, with my knowledge of th sentiments of the Alliance and those i: sympathy with the Alliance, this cours on your part will cement them togett er in one solid phalanx for your electio1 40 to the United States Senate and we wil roll up such a majority for you tha General Butler will not know he was 11 the race. Hoping to hear from you b reuriinail favorably in regard to thl matter, I am, sir, yours fraternally, Tnos. P. MITCHELL. Chairman Executive Committee. To the above he replied as follows: Hon. Thos. P. Mitchell, Woodward, k C. My Dear Sir: You. atter of yester day received. As you ask for a promp reply, I answer at once. Having beei the recognized leader of the Reforr party or faction in the State since it organization in April, 1886, and havin been very pronounced and outspokei in my speech at St. Louis last Octobei and more recently in my interview c April 9th ult., I did not go into detail Ihr answering your letter of April 18t0 because I thought it entirely unnecei sary. I had no thought of keeping an opinions or policy I hold on publi questions hidden-as I am not a strad dler or dodger in politics or anythin else. I will, therefore, answer as clearly.a 1 know how, in order to satisfy all wh may care to know how I stand. The financial policy advocated by tb Alliance embraces three things: # 1. The abolition of national bank and the Issue of paper money direct b the United States government. -2. The tree coinage of silver at the ri tio of16 to 1. 3. The inc~rease of the 'circulatln mediums, gold, silver and legal tende greenbacke, to at least $50 per capita -population. These fundamental ideas or demand are accompanied by the' scheme for government syst em of banking, inco: porating the sub-treneurv ide'a and thi lending of money .to the peoiple at low rate of interest. To the three propositions set 'fort above I can and do give my earniei support and wlli strive, if elect ed Seni tor, to see them incorporat ed into 1a' and become the fixed policy of our goa erngnent. I also can advocate arnd fight for a the other "demana" except that doubt the wisdom or practicability < the government owning and runnin all railroads, tel* graph and telephron lines. I will take occasion during t V campaign to- discuss all' these mattei fully. The one essential ponint c .which I differ with the Alliance is thi lending of money to the peo e. could easily dodge behind the "orlom thing better," if so minded, but na self-respect and my duty to the peop who have shown such love and trust, i my leadership will not, allow me quibble or shirk,w hatever conatequenci may follow this avowal. I would I unworthy of the honors they have coi Sferredi on me in the past and of a trust whatever if I did not come ot boldly and tell them the t ruth. This the more obligatory on me now becaut I am seeking to enter national politic In 1892 1 did not discuss national quel tions or oppose the incorporation of thi Ocala plattorm In the State Democrati platform in hMay because I saw ther was danger of our hotheaded Allianc4 men splitting off into a third party the fatal blunder which caused M Cleveland's nomination and well nig Sestroyed the Alliahce in all the othe Outhern States. Had our example I Bo0ith Carolina been followed' in th other Southern States Alliance ideE would be the predomir~ant ones in al the South to-day and our national at ministration would not be controlle .by allied mugwumps -and Republicari and traitors. I am differently situate .now, being a candidate for the Unite States Senate, and honesty compels thi every one who votes for me shall knoi how I stand, I am unalterably oppose to the national government lendin .any body money. The Alliance is nc consistent when it demands the aboli tion of national banks on the groun that the system is unjust and robs th people (in all of which I Concur) for thi benefit of a privileged few and then turns around and asks that the govern ment lend money to the -farmer under .a similar system on the same terms. It C is a transfer of a Special privilege which should never have been granted to anybody, from - the banks to the i holders of cotton), wheat, etc., and can- C not be defended, because two wrongs I never make one right. But without going further into the argument, which can be amply discussed this summer, I must remind you that in spite of. all our efforts tQ restore silver to its place, 'I the money power has succeeded in its 0 long cherished purpose of demonetiz I ing it. This wan accomplished through I the unwiso leadership of those South ern A)liapcemen who left the silver Democra s at the critical time to or ganize the third party and enablPd Cleveland's henchmen to divide many I Southern delegations and control oth ers so that he got the nomination in v spite of his record on silver Now, as t South Carolina set her sisters a wise t example in 1892. it is incumbent on hor c to repeat it In 1894 It is a time to be r formulating the plat form and marshal- i ling the people for 1896. Abating not e one jot or tittle of the demands which can be defended and upon which we can go to tne country in the hopes of carrying the next Presidential election we must eliminate all radical and im practicable schemes and appeal to the good sense aid enlightened self-inter- I est of he great American people. Too 1 many issues will only confuse and di vide us and we cannot afford to palter c about lending money -on cotton and t wheat when we have not been able to t prevent the Lombard & Wall street combination from accomplishing the enslavement of the masses by the de monetization of silver, and the bank ing system which enables those thieves to control the circulating metlium' at I 3 will. LEt us give battle to the ene- I - mies of liberty and prosperity among t the masses under the flag of "free silver I - more greenbacks and gold-all legal t tender and all receivable for any and E all dues private and public," affd we have some chance of winaing. Leave methods of distribution and system of banking alone to be settled after we win the fight on those issues. Now, as to voting against caucus control, 1 can readily and willingly promise to sustain policy and vote on the lines I have indicated without re- I gard to any caucus. The Northeastern i Democrats have set us an example on 1 that line, which will be sufficient ex- i cuse for all time. The Senate Demo cratic caucus has maie concessions to local interests which have destroyed 3 what little there was of "tariff reform" I in the Wilson bill. The goldbug Dem B ocrats of the House refustd to caucus on the repeal of the Sherman law last summer. Eastern Democrats and Re I publicans alike ignore party lines and cautcuses when' their interests are at I stake. It is time we of the South and 7 West should do likewise. The caucus was a good thing as long as it served to rob those sections; it becomes obsolete when justice Is songht to be obtained through its agency. My dear sir, in eonclueion, I hope I have made my po sition clear enough at last. If it shall unite and cement the Alliance in my - support I shall be glad, if not Ishall not t complain and will. cheerfully leave the t matter of my election in the hands of I my follow citizens. If honored by their 8 suifrages I will in the future, as in the g past,stand by their rights and Interests 1 with all the power of mind and heart ', which I may possess. If they choose to f retire me to private life, I will as cheer s fully abide their will. Respectfully, B. i. TILLMAN. making it ilot for itm. c LLINGTON, Ky., May 17.-If the whitehaired, silver-tonuged Breckin g ridge could have peeped into the Lex ington Opera House Monday afternoon s at 8 o'cloce and have heard what was o being said about nim, who where the speakers and who composed the audi e ence, he would have rctreated and me solved never to show his face aigain in Sthe Ashland district. *The meeting to protest again the re nomination of Col. Bireckinridge to .- Congress was called for 2:30 o'clock, and an hour bef.ore that time the lower 11l'-r of the Hloune was full. By 2 r o'c. )ck the galleries begaun to liillup, and f when the meeting was called to order a half hour later there was not standing a room, and some five or six hundred a people had been turned away. 'W. B. 3 H awkins presideo. e Upon the eame platform where Col. a Bre-ckinrldge received lisa ova' ion which gave him confidenice of his re h ele-ction sat some one, hundreu mem tbsrs of the most prominent, and most -honored families In the country, anid some of the best known edu~cattors in Kentucky. There was great, enthur.. am. iiThe lirst speaker was El-ler J. W, iMcCarv..y, who defendeo the Mmnt> te-rial Union from the attacks Breckin. ridlge made upon It in his spers;nes here and at Paris. ie contend~ed that minis. et era did have a right to p)oint out 1o stheir flock the dangers that 'lay bet ore them, and that when a wolf is coming to di stroy them it is the (uty of the. minister to warn their fI >ck in tim-. Pointinrg to the motto over the stageo, which read: "The honor anid initei rig eof Ashland district must and shall be Spreserved," hie said that he was proud of being a Kentuentan, and that bt' cause he was prou<l of lis State he Surged all voters whbo were t ruly pat . riotic to cast their votes agaluist the re Iturn of this man to Congress. t Thle lion. Milton Ji. 17urhiam, Coim s ptroller of the Treasury, (diring Cleve e ton' first term, was the second speaker :- Breckinridge unmercifully. In speak e ing ot. him, he said if lie ilved an up c right and moral life there would be lit. e t10 question as to the advisability of sending him back to Congress.I -would rather he had good virtue than"a .silver tongue, and I believe you will say the same thing at the ballotebox " r In closing Judge Durham said: "I n ask yout in the name of these womnen, Sof these mothers and daught~ers and wIves of good citizens not to retur Col. Breckinridge to Congress, becauise I believo it would bet a disgrace to the district. and to the State." This Was Sreceived with loud and prolonged ap Splause, Resolutions indicative of the purpose and sentiment of the meeting twere then introduced anid adopted. Many Perish, d NEW YORK May 13.--A special cable to The Herald from Caracas says that *t a terrible eartiiquake took place in -Vengula on AprIl 28. The cities of Mo d rida, La Q unillass, Chiguara, and Dan a Jtuan, are reported totally destroyed. o Villagres are said to be wrecked.' A GREAT SPE CIU. lOVERNOR TILLMAN'S ADDRESS AT ROCK HILt , . C, In the Occasion of the Liaying of the Corner Stune of the Winthrop inldus tilal Oo)lege for Wvomon at fliatTown. The following is the address of Gov. e 'illman oi. the occasion of the laying r f the corDer stone of the Winthrop I ndustrial College for women at Rock I 1ill on the 12dh instant: (OVEIRNOR TILLIMAN'S ADDRESS i Latlies and Genthman: This is a reat and alourious day tor S-uth Caro ina. ' It is a day of promise and bright ope for York conty, but, thO men and romen whose breasts should swell and brob with doepast emotions ot gratula ion and pride are the men and women i I Rock Hill-those whose pluck, self eliance and for slibted business astincts and parioti-4m made them nter the race for the prize nd come out winners. If as always learly apparent, the prize is a greater, aore valuable one than they themselves ver dreamed, then I icnow every one of 'ou who comes to celebrate the pub'ic )stallation of this arand institution will oin me in congratulations to the people >f this ambitious, progressive little city LUd your hearty sympat.hy is shown by his outpouring of people to witness her riumph. We have met to celebrate with fliting eromonies the laying of the corner toni of this grand State institution of earning. It is, as It were, the public 6nd cfficial birth ol the Woman's Col. eve. As chairman of the board of trus ees the task has fallen to me-and I )erform it willingly-to make a few in roductory remarks. And first let me iay that, in casting about in my mind or something fitting the occasion, I bought it would interent you to know iomething about the ceremony itself, md I went to work to look up the sub. pct. I soon found that I had gotten uto very deep water-30 deep in fact ,bat I have never touched bottom-for xlthough I have ranched encyclepedias md Masonic dictionawies, I can find iothing very clear on the subject, and ibsolutely nothing is to its origin. We read every day of the laying of the cor ner-stone of this monument or that edl lice or church, and it is always done by the Free Masons, but the Masons tho delves, while they employ a most impos ing ritual and use symbols that ire very impressive, are equally in the dark with ourselves as to when, where, or by whom the ceremony was Instituted. In tracing tie matter up I got as far back as ttie Book of. Job-one of the oldest books in the world. He lived more than fIfteen hundred years before Christ, ac cording to the accepted chronology and In that remarkable poem occurs this )we-inspiring query, propounded by Cod himelef to the Man of Many Sor rowe: "Where wast thou whea I laid lbe foundations of the earth; declare if Ihou hast understanding? Who has laid the measurew thereof, if thou knowest? )r who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the toundations thereof fasteie6? or who laid the corner-stone' thereof, when the morning starssang to rether and all the sons of God s'ioutod for j)3?" Ilere we find iueuticu made of the corner-stone cf the earth, as though it were an cdiflce built by God himself; also of the "line" which Masons use for their. mearuring. 01f course the Book of Job was writteu by a man and necessarily his similes had ieference to to pre- existing conditions and customs, and the beautiful ceremonial, which you will shortly witness will excite in your hearts and minds sensations and thoughts of the most solemn and inspir ing nature. The mind will dwell upon the idea of' a great first cause, a sure toundation and a wise ndatutation of means to en~ds, while the heart will 1)e lifted in gra~titude for the bienssingi we enjoyed in this world and 'he hope otf a hieher life in the nrext ; and, then, the imagimation will picture briL'ht est; dreathss and anticipati mas for the future of' the in em ituition which we pmr po0se to'erec, here~ and I ho boundl~(hess beneillts thatt are to ac.crniu thieretromn to our'' S'ite andi peo %imida, describes tin-in as "s '~iold thait thes hmv fi 1 irroie. the names of ttirh inudes, 1nd( white,-ats we havei secii, 'hi re~ is rLottnr o is hitry touclhhig the origin of' the ceremony ot haivine the co~rner atone. the first begiuimns of Mt sonry. the ori.gin of the order, are eq .il, a mystery. IL is claitned b2I Vomu that. t )e Miaonic traterity fiest, beciami in oriaized or' corporate body am, the build iug of Somo' T 'mo!le, viuc'i was de~ idiited( nearlyt 2 900 years titro. Who ther this he trite ior fas, thbere is abhao hute proof tat the MatsonS aire the most Lncietif I.ud~d or ordeir in the wor'id; and, w hite H~ugo)'t apoflhe-gmt i applicable to tutm fraternity, it is a rtain that a cere mlonyv, similar posibly to the one w hich y ou will itnees today, was perf,>ratnd at t hie beginning of the e'ect mou of that mi'gnilleent e'hilce, which David's son er'ected i o the Most, Iigh. Ini th days113 of old1, it is irue that the Mason was the amani who hewed the Stone, fitted it to its place, tried it wit~h his level, measurld it with hi sequmro, fixed its pierpendiuar by his plummet, and1( placed it in p)ositionI as 'a basis and etarting poimt of thme edifice. But wioihe the stone-cutter of today may be0 a Free Mason, the Free Mason is no longer ne cessarily a worker with the hamnmer and the chisel. TIhie hidory of the trauisition from tihe active, practical workman to the speculative, mysterious philanthrop its and dloor cf charitiable wor ks might interest ybu, but I. must hastein on, and you will doubtless 1)e more than willing to hiaveyourr mmds ibroug~hiback from this excursion ito the dimi pasit, with Its uin knowable mysteries and its mtipirattionis, to the Present with its duattcs and high purposes The 'history of' higher education in South Carolina for men is one of which our people ma~i well hLe proud. The South Carolina College, at, Columbia, was founded In 1801, rmety-three years ago, and it has always deserved and received a handsome support from the ioys was established fifty-one years ago. Jntll within the last eight yers, these. wo colleges which were promptly re pened as soon as the white people re aIned possession of the government in outh Carolina in 1878, were considered mple by those who had control to upply all the needs of out people for igher education by the State. But the wheels of progress were mov siL, even in South Carolina, and, after a omewhat protracted and bitter struggle, nother school for boys-Cleaison Col oge-was established in 1889 by act of he General Assembly, and opened its loors to itudents last July. This school 3 a new depariure. The three founda nental ideas which.have actuated those' vho plead' for it, and who have opened t so successfully, are cheapues's, the lignity of labor, and, the application of Lpplied science to practical af tOairs. It is "bread and butter" school u every seonse of the word, seeking .o fit men for the ( ccupations they it en:1 to follow, while giving a good prati al drill in the EiOlish branches. It was ontended by those who opposed its be. ne founded, that the man should be ecu aled first and leave him to acquire echnical or special training afterwards. FEe foundamental idea of the Clemson urriculum is that the two shall go to ,ether; that while the mind is being rilled to reason correctly and the brain ultivated by the acquisition of know. edge, the hand and eye shall also be rained, and that, instead of wasting ime in physical culture in the gymna ium or on the base ball ground or in he tennis court, the boy shall receive all iecessary muscular development by per. orming labor. which is educational )u the farm and in the work 'hop. That this college has met a ong felt want and that our people have 'aith and hope for the new system of ed. ication, vou have occular demonstra. .ion in the splendid corps of cadets, iumbermg 560, who have paid tWeir own way to come across the State to give an 5arnest of the pleasure they feel in idding eclat to the ocaasion which has brought us together. Consider that ten montbs ago every one of these erect, nanly looking youngsters was a gawky, ilouchy country lout or city dude, while bt of them have only been at Clentson since February, and you will give due credit to those in charge of it for the transformation which has been wrought. I have reason to know that the trans formation going on in their minds is equally marked. These youths are the seed corn of our country. They are be ing taught that God helps those who help themselves; that success in life re quires self reliance and labor; that work is honorable; that work is necessary, atpd that South .Carolima will never achieve greatness except through the efforts - of her own children; that knowledge of books is good, but not the only knowledge that Is necessary; that knowledge of things ts better; and that skill, onel-gy and perseverence, with di versified Pursuits, will alone make South Carolina great and prosperous. We find, when we come to recapitu. late, that the South Carolina College, hoary with aze and rendered illustrious by the famous men it 'as educated, stands strong and sturdy among its clus. tering elms, in our Capital city. The Citadel, equally honored by its alumni, Is doing its special work in Charleston. Clemson, which is spanned by such a bright rainbow of promise, is fanned by the mountain breezes of O.once. All for boys. What.lhave we done for our women? Where does the State educate its future mothers? The answer to the one ques tion is "nothing"'; the answer to the other is ales, too often, "nwer. But, thank God, this great wrong will soon be righted. This reproach on our justice and our statesmanship will no longer cause us to blush. We have waited long-too long--but, tardy jus will he done to the sisters of the nois for whose education the State has splent hundreds of thousands of dollars. while the ghrls have reccived nothing. Grander in design than any or ail of them, larger and more elaborate In ar chitc ctiure, more beautiful and ornament ed, as is fIttIng; the Winthrop N. r mal and Industrial Collego of South Car olinai, will erc long pierce thes eky withI its stately spire, and the sk'. of' York wilh be spannedl by another briiht, rain b)~v of promise., I hat, wviil a'tract. the gyz of p)eole, not only of this State i'ut of many States. The building whose corneur atone +e lay today, is oune of I be larigest single, school edifices in the Sajueh, and, w hen the two dI .rmi tori-s hich are require'l to comtiplete the plans are eraetid, it. will be the largest, female coll-e of us kind ini the~ Uniotn. Be~ i 14aid to the mnen of he State, that whet her from lhatoe at, tfeir long ne. tilect, our from at tardy re-aliztion of the huece~aitu anui imfportance of the avat~em of training whico we pr~opose to inaugu rate here, that, thre hans not been one diseent ing voice ttua far raised acainst the bulildinlg and equtipment of this col legs, since the idea ficat took shape'three 13 f arn I proceedl to give a brief out hoe t f the scope andl planl of the institu tioni as it, htas been miappled out by the board of trustees, I wouldl go back a lit tle to spea1k of Clemson. As von all know, that collegg is located at Fo)rt, II ill, the 01(d home of' Carolina's great eat statesman, John C. Calhoun. The history oh its etndowment by Mr. Clemn son1, whosa name it bears, is not neces - sary to be given as you are all familiar with it. It is of the connection of tbe school with Calhoun'a memory and spirit, which is its presiding genius that I wish to speak. In 1850, DanIel Web ster, Calhouu's greatest compeer In the Senate, wan made Secretary of State in Fill'nore's Cabinet, and his place was tllledt by appointinent of the Governe~r of Massachusetts. In March of thatyear Calhoun p~assed to thle land of shadows, and this successor of Webster, a man of noted ancestry, of ripe scholarship, the highest integrity and character, the broadecst statesmanship, eloquent and every way fitted to (10 the subject justice pronouncedh a eulogy upon the dead Carolinian. In the II~u-se of Represen tatives of which he had been a mnember for ten years previous, which was em!. nently worthy of both. ThIs is the bond of union between the two men. Die [CONTINUED ON PAGEi FOUR.l REPUBLICANS IN A ROW. -- si GU:..LAH SMALLS MAKINd IT HOT FOR "i CONGRESSMAN MURRAY. - at snane Claisn that Murray Was Not Fair 1y and Cquarely Nominated-Meeting of g4 the State Rtepublican Exocutive Uon- 1F el rnitt 0-What Was Done. U COLUMBIA, S. C., May 16.--Unherald- T ed, the notables of the Rtepu olican par- 8] ty came into Columbia yesterday morn- a Ing and during the day there was a great rattling of the dry bones of the ti Republican corpse in South Carolina al There was Bob Smalls, the "gullah f statesman," there was George Wash ington 'Murray. the present gullah Congressman from the seventh dis- a trict.; there was Jenkins, the "gentle man from Bucksley," there was Dick Inson, Edmund Deas, FordhamilBray ton, the white ex State chairman; Web- a ster, the present State chairman, and ci Dthers. R1 The followinir is a complete list of b! those present: E. A. Webster, chair- t< man, Orangeburg; Robert Smalls, Beau- p fort; E. FT. Deas, Darlington; J. F. Lo- ti pt-z, Colleton; G. W. Murray, Charles- $i too; R. E. Brown, Charleston; E. J. It Dickson, Aiken; Professor Morris, 1 Barnwell; J. 1H. Johnson, Newberry; R. A. Tolbert, Abbeville; W. J. Thqm as, Oconee; L F. Goldsmith Greenville;p B. F Means, Spartanburg; V. E. Boy- rX kin, Kershaw; .J. E. Wilson, Florence; t L. Jacobs, Williamsburg; R. A. Stew art, Clarendon; W. W. Ramsey, Sum- d ter; George A. Reid, Beaufort; I. E. Jenkins, Berkeley. They came here to attend a meeting of the State Republican executive com- 1 mittee and the meeting was held be hind closed doors, continuing most of r< the day. The principal wox k of the day was trying to settle a first class row between Smalls and Murray about Li the nomination in the First Congress ional district. This has not been set tied, except in so far as a result of the meeting. f The most important thing done dur. ing the day was the appointment of a d committee consisting of BraytonFord ham, Dickinson and Webster, to devise means for testing the election laws of South Carolina as they now stand in I the courts. This committee proposes to bring a test case in the State Su preme Court or in the United States 1 Court to test the constitutionality of the State election laws. They propose to establish a fund for the purpose and cmploy able counsel to make the test. Another matter of importance tran sacted was the revision of the rules of the party, so as to reach all cases of redistricting, there being no such pro visions heretofore. The committee an nounces that it proposes to issue an address to the Republican voters of the State very shortly, calling upon them to register, and referring to other mat ters of registration. The committee yesterday did not dis cuss the matter of nominating a State ticket, saying it is as yet too early to discuss that matter. They say, how ever, that they will cali the State con vention to be held in September, and there the matter of nominating a State ticket will be given serious consluera tion. They say they are watching the Democrats to see what they are going to do and their action will be governed accordingly. In regard to the Congressional fights E the Republicans will make, they say f that they will not bother with any but I the new First and Seventh districts. In the Seventh the Republican candi. dates for the nomination are: IR. 11. Richardson, Murray's private secreta-1 ry; T. B. Johnson and E. M. Brayton. The fight between Murray and Smnalls for the First district nomination is in teresting. iBoth claim that they have the nomination and it looks as if no matter what comes both are going to be in the race. The row had its start i about tihe organization or the district< -committee. This committee met, it seems, and elected Sperry chairman pro tem, in place of RL. ii. Jenkins,who wvas lt in the new Seventh by the redistricting or the State. This com-n1 mittee called the nominating conven-1 tion. Smalls and his friends chal Iengedl the legality of the call but went ahead arnd went Into the convention. ' Murray claims that they made no big kick till the conivetion met anid they founda that t hey could ntot carry'i thei convent ion. Murra.y says tha'. Smalls then wit hdrew with one4 dhelega.te, t rumiiped uip somre foilowers ini the st reet arnd get tintg them ' ogether maide hem nominate him anid declarid him-in a li their reguilar nominee. Murray clain a that Smalls is stopped from any furt her contest by his wit Ijdrai wal fromt then convention. Smnalls cilims t~hat the. chanige of the diii rict dIestrfy ed the Republbean organization in, thie dJistrict, and that the convention which tiominated Muarray was irregular. Murray claims that the laws of the St ate have nothing to do with the Con gresial organizalione. Hie wives the following letter in aupport of his posi tioti, and gives some interesting in Ilion. E.- M.' Brayton, of the National C'ommaitte-e. Columbia. S. C. My De&ar Sir: It seem's to me that lion. G. W. Murray, member of Con gress of the old'Seventh District, is the regular nominee for Congress of the new first district. I understand that lie was nominated at the district con vention May 2nd, by a vote of 29 to I; that the convention was regularly call ed, andi that on some technical grounds Mr. Robert Smalls claims that the nomination was irregular atnd an niounces his candidacy. I hope that you will use your good offices to see to it that Mr. Murray is sustained, and that no bolt, is made against him among the Republicans. The chances are in favor of the Rtepub hicans having the next House, and the First district of your State ought to hel[ consummate that result, and it willI do so if.Mr. Murray is sustained. It seems to me that it would be a po litical mistake, yes a political crime, not to sustain Mr. Murray. If each county in the new district had a com mitteeman elected by the cnnvention in the old Seventh district and every comn mitteeman thus elected joined in the call for the convention which was held in Charleston May 2nd, the convention was regular and its action binding upon the Republicans of said district. 1. am with great respect your obedi ent servant, J. HI. MANLY, Chairman Executive Committee Re pulcnNational CommIttee. Th Stlian committeaftoer co-sd.. ig the matter yesterday, referred it r adjustment, to a committee cot'. sting of Chairman Carter of the Na. Onal Republican party; Chairman abtcock of the National Congressional ammittee; State Chairman Webster, id Messrs. Brayton and Deas. Murray says: "I do not fear the can dacy of Smalls inasmuch as I have t the people of the district and am tiafled that I will get seven out of very eight votes, and besides I've got e backing of the national committee. his State committee controlled by nalls and his friend Webster, has no ithority, I hold, to take any hand in te matter. I will appeal to the Na. mnal Congressional committe." The )ove account of the meeting is taken om the State and Register. BRIBERY ATTEMPTED. unton and Kyle Expose the She mes of the Triff Barone. WASHINGTON May 1.-In the Sen .e today Lodge, Republican, of Mason. iusetts, Vffered a resolution reciting a atement in the New York Sun that ribes have been offered to certain Sena ore to induce them to vote against the 5nding tariff bill, and a signed article in ie Philadelphia Press stating that the igar schedule has been made up, as now stands, in consideration of a rge sum of money paid for campaign arposes of the Democratic party and coviding for the appointment of a com attee of flve Senators to investigate tose charges. The Vice President: What action aos the Senator desirt? Mr. Lodge: I ask for the present con deration of the resolution. Mr., Cockerell (Dem.) of Missour!: tt it be printed and lie on tne table. The resolution went over until tomor )w under the rule. Senator Hunton of Virginia, and Sena >r Kyle of Soath Dakota, (the latter irough his clerk) this morning admitted ie truth. of the published statement iat they had been approached and of ired money for-their votes against the iriff bill. Although both gentlemen eclined to name the man who made the ffer, the story was j>ublished in full in , New York paper this morning, and rich the exception of a matter ot detail a substantially correct. "Yes," said Hunton, the "story ii sorrect, although I am sorry that it hai >een made public. It was not a mattei >f recent occurrence, however, for il sappened more than a month ago, an( [ immediately notified the managers o Lhe bill on the floor of the Senate an( it is in their hands for such action ai they may see fit. I do not care anything lor a Congressional investigation, but I the mar.agers of the bill think it is thi best thing to do, I will assist them all i my power. The ofler was made to m personally, through my son, the sum t be paid being fixed at $25,000 by a ma who attempted the bride. No, I cannc Vve the name of the man who sough -o get my vote." Kyle is oat of the city, but Huntoi aid he knew the same mon had ap )roached him and this was corroboratei )y MacFarlane, Kyle's clerk. . Huntor vent so far as to say that the man wh< iad attempted to conduct negotiaioni or these votes was formerly connectoc vith the carpet-bag government of South 'arolina an4d tnat. he had subsequentl3 one to North Dakota, where he residec nr a number of years. Rosently he said z had been about the Capitol in the ole of a lobbyist. The pertinent query in connection Fith the call is who ts the man? The >rincipals in the bribing episode decline *bsolutely to say anything about the nan's identity. A prominent Dem catic Senator, however, told a reporter hat he knew the man well and named . W. Butts, ex member of Congres. coin South Carolina during the period if reconstruction. Hanged. JA UKsONVILLEA, Fia, May 16.-A pecial dispae cn to the Times Unmon rom Ocala, Flat., says: At 7 o'clocli hils morning, Nero Young, the negrc wvho ravished Mis9 Lizzie Weir, neai his placd yea.rday, was taken from~ jail by a mob composed of several hun )red citizens atnd lynched. The mot tittered down the doors of the j-il with tiedge hammers and the j-iller seeong r.sitarace was usaless, surrendered the key to the cell in which the negrO wai ueonlined, L'he negro iis taken to the Dotlukirts of the town and speedi3 iwuing to a tree. lieftore being baingen' he conifessed the crime. TPhe shei! had been 1)n watch at the jail all night but left at ddwn of day, thinking thal no a'temnpt would1 be made to storn the jail in the broatd day light. Full: oneo thunand persons have been ouit t< view the borty of the negro on whose breast. ir pinned a card bearing this le gend: "Our women must be protected.' (Signed) Citizens of Ocala. Hoth i Ar, is [rilends. CoLUMBIA, S. C., May 106-The Chariotsee Observer prints a AI)prch [romi Washington to the effect .that, Gv srnor Tiliman is deceiving Coinptrollei LGeneral Elierbe or is changtng from hie slleged favoritism for Senator Johr [sary E'vans to General Ellerbe. It1ii slleg~ed that the G4ovetrnor has written etter which indicates one thing or the >ther. The attention of Governor Tll nan was called to the special and he was asked about it. His answer was ac ollows. "The Charlotte Observer" Washington special is not the first lie ,bat has appeared In that paper aboui ne. I have written nobody in Washing. on in a month and never wrote any such etter as described any time. I. am tak ng no part in the race for Governor hvanis and Ellerbe are both my friende ersonal as 'well as political. Eithei ~i make a good Executive, Both un lerstand my position fully."-ltegister About Dogs. SAVANNAJI, May 14.-A specialifron Biaxhey, Ga., to the Morning News says t. terrible murder was comjnitted ii this county a few miles north of (Gra sam, Saturday about dark. John Di ill shot and instantly killed Williare MicEachin and then shot and wounde< Andrews McEachin.The McEachins ai nephews of Dyall. There had been a feu betwe anthe parties for quite a while an It was renewed by some of the partit being accused of poisoning the dogs< the others..All of the parties are whitt The coroner's jury rendered a virdict< mutrdae Dyall has ileA a THE ROUSE ASTONISHED. A PECULIAR INTERRUPTION PROM THE GALLERIES. & Colored Orank Threaten" lhttsuction of the Ptbllo lutildings If Oex- y'd Meas ures Are Not Passed. WAsyINoTON, May 14.-The day In the House was devoted to the considera tion of busines3 relating to the District of Columbia of local interest only. A disturbance was ,creatrd in the House by the sudden interruption of the even tenor of the proceedings by a' burly pegro In the centre gallery aris Ing in his place 4nd shouting: "Mr. Speaker -of the House of Representa tives." Instantly the House was in confusion and all eyes were turned upon the new orator in the gallery. The Speaker, who was the first to regain his composure, directed the doorkeeper to remove the off ndor. The man was of powerful hysique, and the doorkeeper was unable to outs him for some time, the negro en deavoring to deliver his alleged divine ly inspired message to the effect that the Lord had commanded him to come to the Speaker of the House and order him to pass the Coxey bills. He was finally ejected. The crink's name is Matthew' A. Cherry. He is a blacksmith, residing in this city. le insists that he is not insane, but his mind is manifestly un balanced. When questioned by the Capitol police, he a iid that unless the "Coxey good roads" bill was passed, there would be a general destruction of government property in Washington. Congress would be given until the 24th instant to pass the bill. If it did not. become a law by that time, the.public buildings would be destroyed by bombe. le was arrested by the Capitol police and taken to the guard room .in the basement of the capitol. le was per. fectly tractable and offered no violence. le was retained in the guard room about thirty minutes, -when he was taken to the sixth precinct station. Be fore entering the gallery, Cherry endea vored to see Speaker Orisp. Ile called at the corridor which inns in the rear of the House chamber and was stopped by the doorkeeper. Speaker Crisp's room is situated at the East end of this corridor, where three doorkeepers are stationed. 'A colored messenger also guards the door of the Speaker's room. When the crank demanded to see the Speaker, the doorkeeper asked his business. The crank reolied that he desired an audience with Speaker Crisp, but refused to state for what rea son. Upon the doorkeeper, again stern - ly refusing to'comply with his request, the crank faced about and went up I, I the gallery. 0 "The town is full of cranks" said Col D Snow, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the a House, in speaking of Cherry's & arrest. "You can't walk Pennsylvania t avenue without meeting them at every turn. . There is :n individuality about cranks and a student of human nature will recognize one at a glance. We have taken every precaution to guard the members of the House from the vio lent actions of these people, for a crank is violent when you least expect it. But no precaution can prevent an evil dis posed person from coming into the gal lery with a destructive weapon in his pocket. During the excitement about the first of the Aiontib, we kept an offi. cer in citizen's clothes in the gallery, and every suspicious person was care fully watched. It is our rdle not to permit persons carrying valises or pack ages of any description to enter the gal lery. Where a man is regarded with suspicion, the oilcers keep close to him to prevent any overt act. There prob ably never were sp many cranks in Washington jas at present'and the White llouse ann the Capitol are their storm, centres. Do-I anticipate trouble with them ? I do not, because no precaution is neglected to protect everybody about the Capitol. The promptness with which Cherry was ejected from the Ihouse gallery shows the excelienit system In vogue at the Capitol in reference to cranks. Obherry had not spoken fifteen seconds before dloorkeeper Bo'wen grabbed hi m by the collar and dragged him into the corridor outside. 4 Slick 8w edier JACKsONVILLE, Fia., May 16 -L ast Sal ui, tay, ,' y..unig m1111 appeare~d at the p jostoalue in Fetrniin~ua antd onu'chas'.d se~vetien p)ostal no0us, eatch for -10. cen'~ a. I'o. oo were inum ')red fromi 13764 to 18780 inicluwlve. Theo young man' probatoly spenit Sunday iti raising the niottes fromi tena cents to $4 10,for on Monday morning a well knouwn merch ant of this cirty presented one of the notes for payment at the Jacksonviule postoflce. Tihe clerk called his atten tion to the fact tha', the strip denoting dollars on the side of the note had been torn off, but as the merchant was known and as postmasters sometimes make mistakes in tearing off strips, the note was paid, condition ally, that the. merchant should refund the money if the note was a f rand. Postmaster. Clark wrote the Fer mandina.postmnast er, who telegraphed immediately that the notes had been drawn for 10 cents, and that seventeen of them had been Issued to one party. After the mer Ichant presented his note, two others came in for payment, one of them from a lady and another from a well known bank. The merchant who presented the first note said that on Monday a stranger appeared in his store - and asked him to cash a postal note, saying that he did not have time to go to thie postoffice, as he was in a hurry to catch a train. Said the stranger: "The note is for $4.10, Just give me $4 and keep the ten cents for your trouble." The young man has disappeared and has left no trace, save a number of aswind led people._________ - ~ Terror to Iaoxeyneos. .WASHING TON, May 14.-Jacob Cox cy's commenwoalers wIll quite the Dis trict of Columbia. The new camp will be at the famous Spa spring, near the . historic duellg ground at Bladensburg, I just over the Marylandi line. This decl. sion was reached by the general of the -army when he found that his followers could not become dependent upon the local city government, but might be pun ished by terms In the workhouse. The d terrors of the workhouse are more than e the commonwealers had calculated uponi. if They were willing to be fed ia jail If et it came to that, but woiking disconcert >f ed the whole army, offi1ers as well as privates.