PIKENS SENTINEL, P6icK E NS C. IL..S. C, .1. .. MES A CO., 'roprietors. Eatored at Pickens Postoflice as second Class C Matter. g-iimipTiION l'iCE-. Vl.50 per Year iuvarit bly Its advnce; for six m1101hM "i5 celsig. Advertisemelns itserteil it mm1 dollar per square of one inch or less for the refit inseri lot, atl fifty ceiits for each subsequent ilitit1o11. A c liberal discnit made to mer himas ,a:sd other advertisit . for six ntmls or a year. gW/-l'os1T')N APOSIiltOsENlI-NTs POS TIVF-LaY NOT TAK EN. Obituary notices exceeding five lites, tributept of respect, cominunications of a personuatl 0haracter, when adiulasable, will be charged for as advertisenetits. 4 TIHURSDAY, APIlL 12, 1894. Back to tho Farna. Under the influence of a protective tariff which put a fictitious value uIxm no niany articles of conmerce and manufacture together with the ma chine raiied and almost spontallneou1s growthi of western crops, farming as A a money latilg occuipation has been r4educed much below par and railroad olies, governent o'lioes, the profes mions, stores, facfories, towns and cities have becomo over crowded. Tho coiditionl i,4 a mtnace to tho stabilitv of tho government. Reac 1 tion must take place, and the timeiv is not far distant. The question < f a living is becoming parainouint to the fluestion of making money. Goveen- c in nt or no governme 1 tar or 1:o vo tariff, silver or n> silv.-r, tie soil of b America is bound to feed her teenm ing imillikois. The hosts that have bmen turiled oiut of the mills, the is shops aid the offices will caalus tho iwages of those retaiiied to be lower ed. The gigantic and philmthropic e chliarities. of last winter cannot be kept up. No civilize.1 e. >utry, how ever wealthy, cam long taid the strain of charity fed millions. The i alternative of starvation or work on the farm will drive thousands to the furrow. When the tide is onco turn ed in this direction utold wealtlh and )rosperity will h) bourne upon its crest. The real stirength, and stfety of the country now is in the men who have small farms paid for and are con teuted aid happy on their incomes. The wide aread-distress and suffering last winter among tbhe mases engag ed.in other callings has tiilken rau tch of the glitter from seeking a competeut cy elkewhere than from the farm. I ii truo in mny of thb southern states that. furming its ani occnpaitioni is iteadily going down, but it has about renohed the rebounding point. Thin is due in a very great meiasure to the alitootton methods of men of smnall means. 1 Th age plan11ters' maike and! save money ev-ery year', because the~y 14 know how much cheaper it is to raise their own corn and simall grain. It costs -less to raise flour and meat at home-than it does to buy att $2.00 per bar rel;nd 7 cenlts per* potud. Back to the far'm and back to some1 of the old methods is the only sulccessful a >lution for this country of the tariff and money questions. Th'e war of contending interests will finaall y es-t tablish an equilibrian among the rnills, the farmis, the workshops and the professions. Pickens should hlave a deep[ and abiding synpathy for its near11 neigh bor, Breuvarid, N. C. Scarcelv a mon01th1 passes inl which that deserving 1-ttie town, does not do something in the way of trying to bring a railroad to its lmitst. It is sure. to succed some of thee dlays. It would be a big joke, if it shonld get ahead of Piukens ini this respect. The great imlpi 0v0 mnent in the lhustler is well calculated to make one believe that brother 8hipman is a citizen of anl Eixtraor0di :nary amoliunlt of push51 and1 determlina~i lion, and these are the qualities re *1usite to build r'ailroads nd( imprlove towvns. Brev'ard is a good pla1ce to < e'xercise these qualitIes. It han anll vxtensaive atnd fertile back country thait will always3 be its own, an~d once in the possessioni of r'ailroadl facilities, its lasting prospecrity' is atseried. It will be seen from our' advertising c columns that the town of Pickens will.i soou be greatly indelbtedl to thle county I commisiners. They have dletern) ined to rid the p)ublic square of the ti old court house. As soon as this bi very desirable work is accomplished, l THE SENTINEL morven that tile cOrn-' n insioners be voted the freedom ofc the city, made its hioni red guests and tendered a banquet. IL in true, th~ey e1 will be serving the good of the county (1 mfore0 than1 the town, but the latter ft will have a better ap~preciation oIf tileg service, as it wvill daily enjoy the0 re- B sult of thme good work. ~s w Piekens county and THE SENTINEL. g will not havo to change to be in line tm ilth. the prohlibitionists, but they will ai not injnye the cause by terymng to lead its, ometimes the best waiy to find f, gon~d'hompany is to wait for it to y come along, thenl tall in. e The citic an4 mlitnry investigation f Sthe Darlington hoinI1oide' fixth1 e spbnsibility for tbe deplorable affair ~k' ~~hE~cnstables, and show further4 ~psary law was not theI I:.troubLle. ' i Gov. Hegg id not hard upon Fry's ivision of Coxey~s army. Why did not tie CioIflumbiai people all their Shandon "Shondon?" Things are going to be badly mixed his suminmer for aspiring politicitma. lobody serene except thoso high up, n the fence. The Union Leanguo Club of Chier ,o has antnounced its intention of rasing from its roll of honorary nembers the name of Hon. W. C. P. 3reckenridgo. Many other clubs will loubtloss bray his silver locks. The urV tay not agree, but public o)in. on never makes a mistrial in a case ike this, and remarks in extenuation f his conduct or mitigation of his entenco are not in order. Li, QUEET IN NOUT471 CAROLINA. roops to be Iuterei 1td out To-day Tie' 'tiltnry Alone 4'ott site state t 18.,OO-mtc lee oz, amd ('an are Held anle Pls iepain. Col ttn bia, S. A pil 5 --(Spcial.) -The roll of Lk lrknm will be heard n1 Co'umlbialln stieets again tomorrow, tit it will be a1) men of peace. It -ill be when the troops, who have een on duty in Darlington, are re Liring home. Gov. Tillinas to-night issued a pro laiation declaring that the counties f Darlington and Florence are no Mgoer in insurrection and that the ivil status has been restori d. The uiet hieh prevailed here to-day has cen alnost painful. Business is go ig on as usual. All the spies returned from Flor ce to day, having given in their vidence hrst night. Chief Gailliard amo back sick and broken down, to went to bed at once. The troops who reiponded to the overnor's call are to be ptid $1.50 0 Lay for their ssrvices. Gen. Rich sourg will be paid -at the rate ol ,1,000 a year and the other officert vill be handsonely renunerated, 1'le e.,tiro cost of the military eXpo litini will approximanto $18,000 Jov. Tillnan his issued an order call. ng the troops from Darlngton an<] PAlorenice here tomorrow and to I paid and mustered out of Eervico. To Iteorganihei milita. The govornor is naking arrange ment for fatn entire reorgantizat ion o: the State militia, deelatring that h( wouild prefer twenty-five coimpa nica upon whose obedientce ho could de, iiond than the pnesent large nmnilben hvhich have shown that they are in. eliable. Aisitant AdjOtant-General Watts and Colonel M ixon will leave otmiorrow for ( harleston for the pujr. )oRe of collect ig and Ihnigjt to Aolumiaji the iams and euipmenlt~its if t he disbanided FoutrthI Brigadei. L'his br-igade- is thne crack conrps of the tate and includes the celebrnated u'ashitngton Ligh t Infantryi of Char. A F'uss lan tihe Lamny. Charleston, S. C., April 5.-It nowv ranspires thnat G3ov. Tillman's oflicial amnily is imost woefully divided in re ar-d to his course in calling out the oldiers and issuing his recent pro lamaition. Evenry onne of toe cabinet xcept, perhnaps, M r. 19 ayfield, depre ates his conduct, and several (of thetm r-e outspoken in thneir denunciastion fo ciens tyan.This informa diinto this, Secretary3 of State J. .3. Titndnall, is incenised because Till. nain issued tine p)olico proclamation, mnd hnad his clerik sign it while he the Secretaryv of State) was in Char. eston, as it is well known aull procla. nationis aren hignied tihus: "B. Rt. Till inan, Governor; by the Governor, I. 10. Tinidall, Secretary of Stiate." It isn not a mer e form, b~ut the sec -otanry must sign his own ntamo and dinx tine gtreat seal of the State to the hocuminent issued. W hen tihe tak of c l'ilhinuan's issuing his~ police proclnaa ion ihi at begn o, Secretarny Tindadl uxpressedi thte tst utnistakable dis irpproval of the schnemeia, aund after thne >roclameat ion was~ issuedl Secretary L'indall stated to ant entirely respon-. ible gentlemani in Charleston that he nad given no one any perission to ign his nnante, and thnat his chief -lerk lhad been given explicit orders~ not to affix thne great seal of the State xcept in lisa (thne se:cretaryv's) pres tnee. It is not wvonder-, therefore, thant e~cretalry T1indall w-as amnaze~d to, read hte pr-ochaunation in the News and ~ourter. withn huis owtn name ap~pended Ve-rdlet hlendlered. Darlingdon, S. C., A pril 5, via Flor ine-Thne conroner's jury hans rendered ts verdlict to ho0ld McLenidon for time illing of Norin:ent, Catin for tihe kill. ig of ReOchaond, atnd that Redtnottd illed Peper. Tine ihtary' C.ttrt will rat submliit its ro1;ort to Gov. Tiliman, unt it is uindetstood to concurti as to no facts as thney hnavo beeni publishied. lie cor-oner- is now imakingrout thne niitmitmienits for the two meon. Nothing to DI)Ituh b the Quiet. Dai r-ingtotn, S C., A priI 5, v-ia Flo~r nce.-Theron- was absol0utely no inmci it to-dauy -to dis-tunrb the peacoe of to place. No omne thought of any rther trouble anid everythning is fast itting back inito the regular channel. usiness, wicih lhas bee p(11 arayedI neo last Friday, is being revived ith the assurance that there is no 'ound for further appnrehetnsion. The oops are making themnselves at home d, but frthneir. guard duty, would live nothing to do Thne hearinug of the testimony be >re coroner's iinqunest, wich begun caterday morning, has beeni practi ally ended. At B o'clock Coroner Parnell adjounrned the court to uawait urthner ord ers from Genu. Richnbourg. Owo witniesses were al sent, hut a uffieint numiber wvere examnined to >ormit an intohiigent verdict. None if the evidence w1ll be givein out until he. conclusion pf the hnearing, when t will be annnleod by tim c...urt ie a'd treated with constant and varable hospitality. It gives ne easure to acknowledge this couroteou l Latment, rendered even more hospi ble and courteous undpr the cir- ym instances. Through all of my ob- be. rvations, oflicial and otherwise, du- be4 ig my stay here, I regard the good Ri me of the citizens of the town and For Air statements as to this trouble it were previously published as be absolutoly and completely vindi ed."-News and Courier. athern Eaplist Convention, Dalla, I Texas, May 11-15, 1894. It' affords us much pleasure to in :e your attention to the superior vantages of the Georgia Pacific tilway, the Great Short Line, and unequalled attractions for your rney on the occasion of the South n Baptist Ccnvention at Dallas. ,1 Georgia Pacific Railway from Janta via Birmingham is the only ie presenting choiee of three routes % Birmingham, lemphis; Shreve >rt and New Orleans. In addition regular sevice in daily operation, e Georgia Pacific contemplates spe %I trains on this great occasion to ost comfortably and expeditiously ke care of our Baptist friends. ingranis are now ready, and you iould most certainly look out for )ur own best interest by seeing or """ mmnunicating with any ticket agent this line, or with one of the under gned before closing your arrange- E ents. Be sure you get the best. B Robt. W. Hunt, Trav. Pass. Agent., .ugusta, Ga. Chas. L. Hopkins, 'rav. Pass. Agent. Charlotte, N. C. m N. B.: You understand, of course, of Lint the service returning homeward of also best by this line. onafederate VeteranW xecussiota, Blarmo angiana, Ata., April 25a-, 1891. al The Richmond & Danville Railroad d, fnd the Georgia Pacific Railway will tiake special reduced rate of one fare tc or the round trip for all persoas at- S ending tho Confederate Veterans' '.f ?eunion, at Birmingham, Ala., 25th t lnd 26th of this month. This is go- tn ng to be a great gathe ing of the tr Id soldiers and their friends, and be people of Birmingham are ex- di iectiig many thousands to be in at endance. The Richmond & Dan ille and the Georgia Pacific are mak Lg preparations to handle the veter nm from all along the line in Vir jinia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alaba ia anld Mississippi, and the low rate f f one fair offered makes it wNithin each of all to enjoy the great pleas- 1 res on that occasion. Ca1 on any o cket agent of the lines named for er ill iformation. fhe Inspiration OF ENTERPRISE. Thuis store was nevier so) interesting~ as it - ill be this week. Our namhds ha've d rs~yed dullI )'easions. The lbusinless -ina Iring oods abpounids-can not helit maasnate Skill drives a double team I our stock of Sumnmer lDress. Materials >ve this. They are unralledl. YOUR LIU813AND'8 DOLLAR: An lincrese in the purenasing~ power of I mur humsband's dollar is worthy of con leration, ISN'T [T? a h's worthy while reading what we have say, whent by So doinmj you save your " Many bargaians to arrive this week, con. aMin g of Wool Uballies. Scotch Zephyrs, .K's., D~ucks, Linenm Dutchess, Organdies, ied 'n fact everything in ic Suumamer Wool Challies 12) cents per yard, never 1d before for less thani 20 cents per yard. ace Striped ainnt Plaid Zephyrs, the 50 - e~nts qualhty for 20 cents. Linen D~utchess )r 15i cents. Just as pretty asm a 50 cents Jo 'rgandlie. 20 yards for one dollar, the est bargain of all. What We Believe: < wo We believe in treatinir every visitor with "" in the utmost conside'-ation, no matter pta hether they buy or not. We balieve in _ a'erfully- exchanging gmods or refundin "" eo purchase parice whent returned In goix auition. \'e believe in adIvertising and 'ig exactly what we advertise to (dn. me believe ini giving satisfactiona to our astonwers, feeling that tthey are not only eo best, but truest advertising mnedituus. VEIIY TlIULY, GIIEENVILLE, S. C. Nuinanaons for' Relie. 1TATE 01F SOUTH CAROLINA, PIcKENs CoUNTY. CoUtRT oF PtoBDArE. >hna WV. F. Thompson, R. M. Grant, Robdt. A. Thompson, in) his~ owni right and as administtrator of tihe estate of Ranson Thompson, de ceased, Plain tiff:, against uorge AlcD. Thompson, S. Francia lIanmlton, Charles Neal, Silas M. Neal, John WV. Neal, tile lheirs at law of Abbie Dcan,dceased, names, num~lbers and residlence unknown; If y the hiors at lawv of Deampsev Thomp- pla< 50on, na1 lmes, numer an1RiSliid residen1ce unknmown; th heirs att lawv of Re-yo b~ecca Evatt., deceased, nlames, num.- not he': andl residlence unknkuown, De- uan fendattta SumanmonsR for Relief. (Comnpl~a. t not Served). > the Detfendatntsq above named: You aire he~reby~ suimmlfonled [and re aired to am'swer the netition and mplaint in this action, which is nrewith filed in the Court of Pro. 7 to, at Pickens~ Court House, South trolina, andi to) servo a copy of your I swer- to the said petition and com-i aiint on the subscriber, at his~ office W halhla Court I louse, South Caro. la, within twenty dlays after e service hlereof, exclusive of the Ly of such service; and if you fail to swer thle petitionl and com) plaint thin the time aftorid~t(, the Plain-0 fa in f is action will apply to the murt for the relief demanded inl tile tition and complaint. Dated March 5, A. D. 1894. Pickens Court H~ouse. di1 flonT. A. THoMvSON, Plaintiffs' Attot noy .J B. Niwnnny rmean *~ Mi ographer. A strict guard has beeon or mantained all day and none excepting., in witnesses were allowed to approach pl the court romin. tr Last night the sixteen constables ta were examined and were taken to cu Coltiibia, except McLendon, who has se been sent to Florence, pending the rii verdict of the coloner's jury. While i the evidence is noi given out, it is Lh understood that it makes McLendon th and Cain the principals. in The inq uat over Henry Green, ca colored, killed yesterday by Dr. 11. D. Payne, was not held to-day. as the * coroner was engaged. Gen. Richbourg has orders to break up camp tomorrow morning and leave for home. The pay roll of the men ad has been made up and allows $5,0010 i1H to the forces here. Two constables . came into town to-day. They were not recognized by citizens, but as soon e as the fact was reported to Gen. Richbourg by Capt. Thompson they A were taken into the country and start ed for North Carolina. This was " thoight best as a precautionary mueas. LU nire. t The embargo on the Western Union c office at this place has not yet been c raised. All telegi ams have to be n submitted for iispection. A squad t of imen guard the entrance to the office. No news dispatches are re- 1 ceived. Y Maj. Black, who took an inventory c or the stock in the dispensary, reports 01 a shortage of $210. The special committee that wento to Columbia to confer with Gov.Tillman, A rettitiod to-day and reported to a , meeting of citizens. They said that neither had made any progriess and it was finally decided to have the coniuitte, Mayor Dargan and Gen. Iichbourg, con fer aid telegraph Gov. C I illman what they thought had better be done. There has been the very best of a order on the streets. Everything is i quiet aid people are anxious to get I back to work. Gov. Tillman will t meet the troops at Columbia and I thank them in person for responding 1 to his call. Special thanks will be i given Capt. Thompson and his com- < mand, the Darlington Guards. t Quiet at Llorence. I Florence, S. C., April 5.----This wat the last day of the military ocempa v tion of this place and prelarations i for breaking caip consumed the day. Gen. Farley returned to town on he V Carly i'morning train, having arranged for the conveyonce of Constable Me Lenit on, the man alleged to have oc- r Ciasioued the trouble (if last Fridav to Darlitgton. Col. N. G. Evans, z ti Gen. le.,y's stafl, was detailed to fi go t.) Tiinimonsville oi( conduct in investigation of the wrecking of the P dispensary thero. Late in the afternoon the troops wer-e marched1 out on dIress plaralde and aifter having been inispected by t he adjutant and inspector-gener-al , " were addressned by himl. H-e comttpli- si mlen tedc themii hiighly on their conduct I anda~si 1 thait t he excellen t servic :ren- (A dered by them wvould be prodtuctive lpr of good to the State. On tihe afternoon tiraimn Constables McLendon and Meakin were briought Y' to town, guarded byx a detatchment..SI of miilitial. They3 were quai-tered at td the hlotel until night-fail and wer-e hi then remloved to the. iirm'oiv, where they will spend the night. Tile troops hlave beenl ordered to assenie to- a morrow mnorninlg at 7.21), when they will take the train fur Columbia an'd their homnes., IEhuissed. In dismaissing thle D~arlington coil- f tigenit, (ov. 'Tilhnan said: (. "I feel that it is imphlortant and b ne~cessalry, and indleedI due, before dhismissing you, that I should return; in the namale of South Car-olina, thanks for youri valuable semvices. Without a1 mlom~ent's4 notice, without a mom- e ent's hesitationi, you responded to the ti call. WA hen1 you depar-ted for Darl- e iigtonl the ideaf prevailed ill the ~ mlinids of some thlat you were goin~g c there to shoot your- fellow citizAens. ii No such thought ever enltered tlhe miund of a sane min. You wer-e order-ed there for- thle p~urpose of sup press5inig disorder andI restoring law to let those who had (done wrong be dealt with by the civil cour-t and to pr~eent, a molh-om doing moure-and - to see that the laws must be obeyed. You have been away from your famnil. ies and I am glad to send you home- K war-d with the be-nison and bht asing of every lover- of order- andI peace. I1 Ihankc you, fellow citizens anld soldier-s, for~ the valuable services you have render-ed South (Carolina, and inl coin clusion let ma say it is time for this bi tterness and anlimiosi ty beitween brethren to etase, and let us hen1ce forth and foirever- be one--uited for tho glor-y and honor- of South Caro lina."-Augusta Chronicle. (sien. tichbourgM Opinuon,. Glen. Rlichbour-g was found at sup. pe and1( was very much111 fatigued. Hie very willingly miade the following statement inl referce~ to) theo conidi tion (of uairs as lie has found thema: "a hen I alrrivedl h( re I found some unrest, the people not knowing what wouIld be dlone. WVhen they discovered T I was in comimandi this unirest at on3Ce vanished and thlings w"ere at once q iiost quiet and( peaicefuil and even ap- c( piarently cheer-ful. This condition of hi affairs has conltin~ued without initerup- ha tion during my entire stay heie, and1( C I have had not the shightest clash ill at any) respect. I attribute this enlir-ely pl to the conservative trecatmient and the at ~eviet desire oIf all parities here that lii law and~ order be mahintainedl. The thi troops compjosing thle commlandI will di fully bearti me out in this statement. nr The position and statements made by wi Mayor Dargan anid his assistanlt tii prior to may arrival have been fully Ci borne out by all that has come under pt my observation officially and other wise, F"romt my imlpressions of the Bituation J see nO reason to doubt that overything will- go on in a most ~eaceful aind uiet anner. We have ,cnjey tiee neouub. LoU can easily do it, if you will keel) ir stomach, the laboratory of your body, ;ood order. Tyner's Dyspepa Itenedy I do tils. It will build you lop and give i good health. It stands alone as the L. end for book of full particulars and ,ured -enjoy gool health and be happy. ok free to . all. Price 50c per bottle. 'ale by druggists. This Is a beautiful book and at the same time one of the most useful. Comprising in o'e volume the rarest treats in history, adventute, art and science, concluding with a concise, but most comprehensive history of the World's Fair. 500 splendid illustra tions and beautiful engravings of Columbian Architecture. Sold only by subscription. Address or cull on 11. W. FAIIII, Itice's, 8. C. Citation. ITATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF PICKENS. J. B. NEWBERRY, Esquire, Probate Judge. Whereas, J. M. Stewart, C. C. P. side suit to me, to grant hin letters administration of the estate and ,ects of Ira T. I)per. 'I'hese are therefore to cite and ad nisih all and singular the kindred d creditora of the said Ira T. Roper, ceased, that they be and appear 'fore me, in the Court of Probate, be held at Pickens Court House, C., on the 25th day of April next, ter publient ion hereof, at II o'clock the forenoon, to show cause, it ey have any, why the said adminis stion should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 12th Ly of March, 1894, in the 118th ar of our independence. J. B. NEVBERRY, J. P., P. C. inee County Cn s loner PICKENS COUNTY. Overseers of roads are hereby noti d to put four (4) days work on the blic roads, between now , and the th of May. They will carefully serve the law in regard to default 4, and return the names of all de liters as required by law. By order of the Botrd. J. J. LEWIS, Clerk of Board. PickensC, March 15. 1894. it. MIURRAY. J. E. 11OGGS, A n~ierson, S. C. P'ickene, S. C URRAYv & nOG00s, ATTOiRNE.s AT LAW, P1IK ENS, S. C. IL & WELDO)N, D)ENTISTS, Main Street. (2REiENVIL LE, S. C ha gex a: ewery 'rh trada inad Friday, and I. J. P'. CAnLISLE, DENT 1sT, coover Westmoreland liros & Duke's Drug Store. |ansltf G REEN VILL E, S. U. C. FITZGERA 1.D, PHiOTOGRIAPHJER, GR1EENV'ILFE, s. C. vor Westmioreland liro.'. D~rug Store. All rk done by the instantianeous process. Also ke enlargcements from old pictures to any interpotgrasr, crayon, India ink, oil and U.P DOWN and SIDE hat is the way 8LOAN'S 8EEDS OW. If yott want the last varietics, ou want the best quality, 8loan's is the :e to buy. They nao not claim to sell cheaper than anybodty else. They do claim to keep everything, but they can tlly get for you anything not in stock, you can depend on what you buy of SLOAN BROS. Main St., GREENVILLE, S. C. 1E BEST OF EVERY THING IN D)RUGS. J. E. Sl1RRINE, vil Eng ner and Surveyor Greenville, 8. ('. 3pecial attention given to Sttb. Ison of land, Terracing and esti tion of Water Power. Office 881 din St., on r Felton's Book Store. NUM BER 103 Main * Street, GREENYILLE, S. C. We are just now receiving and SUMMER CLOTHING tlh this season. We bought close a can and will sell cheaper than an you will be rewarded with the sil Lowest Prices ever shown in the FREE WITH EVERY BOY'c SMITH & ] LEADING CLOTHIERS COL1M1II AND 6WVILUL, Samuel Spencer, F. W. Hiuidekop ir and Reubin Foster, Rcieivers. Condensed Schedule in effect Dec. 24, 1893. Trains run by 75th Meridian Time. No. 11 No. 12 Daily STATION8. Daily. 7 15am........LIv. CharJfeiton, Ar....... 845pm 11 20an........ Colu mb..... ....4 15pm 1203pm........ Alston 330pm 12 l8pm........ "Pomaila "........ 3 14pm 12 35pm......" Prosprity "........ 2 5pin 1250pm........ Newberry "....... 239pm l'i5pm........ Helena "........ 235pm I 30pm........ .Chaippell's "........ I 56pm 2 18pmm......." Ninety Six "........ I 32pm 231pm...... . Greenwood "........1255pm 300pm........ . .lodge's. "........1235pm 3 20pm.... . Domiad' ........ 10pm i 335pm. " lionen Path .........23pnI 355pm..........Ar lilton Lv.......11 40pm 400pm..........Lv fielton Ar.......140pm 4 24pm............A nderson... . ... . 5pm 4 58pm............Pendleton ............1036pm 5 30pm...........A r Soneca Lv..... ...10 00pmI 550pm...........Lv Seneca Lv........ 9 4pm 6 2pm. Ar Walhallia lv... .. 90 m 6~1*ip .....r (ireevileiLe . . 5p. ~1m Between Anderson, Belton and Greenville. _______________Unily. No.11 STA TIONS. No. 12 308pm.........Lv Anderson A r.........1207pm 3 40pm.........Ar ielton LV........... 1145pm 4 00pm...........Lv ielton Ar...........11 0pin 4 20pm........A r Williniston. Ar.......11 09pm 4 26pm.............lzer.............103pm 4 10pm.............Piedmont.... ......10 481m I120pm .............Greenville............1015pm Between Charleston. Columbia, AIston and Spartanburg. D111y. N, .13. 'A ONS - No. NS. 7 15am........ Lv Charleton Ar........ 8.45pm 5 10am.........Lv Columbia Ar......... 100pm 550pm.........:...A sin.... . .... ...0pn 6 44pm.............Cirlisie. ........l6pm 6 53pim .............. SntuC... . . . ...11 I7pm 7 10pm...............Union ...........10 59pm. 7 30om.............oneville..........10.:;pm 7 3om............. 'n olet .............10.31pm ' U 10pm .Ar Sprtunhurg . . v......0 nm I II 20pom...A r Asheville Lv............0a lietween Newberry. Clinton andu Laurens. D~aily Exeplt Sunidy. 1 "I:rn.'........(aa~'......l3,m 2 ::l om...........I()......21.,m 3.Wpm........ r(:l n .1 lsti 2 li........ aimnd.~tan.vi~e No Ii STATIO\'.s No. 10. 3 .omLv I'oumbh A r........2 ' 4 in S ap.........'a nhe 'f,............2 I'3p 3 Om .... (A bbve le L........2 h No . TOS. No. 10 0.pm......Lv iloudge A r... ........ o I 0pm...........Ih, :it art 's........... 'O;.g m 3 I0m ...A r A bbev ll... ...I 'i':im No:. omm.vi .50 e . : ''4 10m...Lv (lodges A r......2.''-mpm 11.30am...Ar Savannah Lv......1020am No... 13 and 14 aremsold tralnmshetween Charles ton and Asheville. Through conch botween Savannmah and Amahe ville on I4 and 23. Tramns leave Spartanbumrg, A. A tC. divirloni northbound, 1.43 a. in., 5.05 p. m., 6.12 p. m. (Ves. t ibuled limited ): south bound, 12.25 a. in.. 2651 p. in., 11.37 a. m. (Vestihuled liomied); westbound, WV. N. C. divisIon, 6.20 andl 3.10 p. in., for lien. dersonvilie, Asheville and flot Springs. Train, leave (reenville.S. C., A.A&C. division, niorthmboundt, 12.4'2 a. mn., 4.00 p. mn., 5.23 m V'estibmul ed limited): southbound, 1.20 a. in., 4.00 p. in., 12.28 p. mn. (Vestibuled limIted). Trains leave Seneca. A. A C. divisIon, north boundi, 12.30 p. mn., 2.27 ,p. mn., anda4.10 p. mn.; southbound. 2.32 a. mn., 5.35 p. mn. and 1.37 p. mn. P'ullman Sleeper on 13 andt 11 bet ,, con Charles ton and Asheville, via Columubla and Spartan burg. Pullman palace sleeping ear on trainus 35 and 30,3'7 and 38 on A. & C. dlIVIsIOn. Gen'l Superintendentr, Coluimbia, S. C. S. Ii. 11.ARDIWICK, Asa't Glen'! Panss. A gt., A tlanta, Ga. -W. Hi. GR EEN, Gen'l Manager, Washington, D. C. W. A. TURK. Gen'tl Pass. A gent. Waahntn, D. C. Trafic Manager. WashIngton, 1). C Money to Loar:. - On improved farm lands in sums of #300 and upwards. Loansa repmynbile in sijmall unnual payI meats through a peneud of six venas thus e na bling the borrower to pauy off 1hm. Indebted ness without exhausting hisa c op 1in any one year A pply to ,J. E i1OGGS,A ttorne -, janlyi -lpiekens., ' C n ti PRICE 80 CENTS PEN mOTTLE. WS0 if VALIASLE InUSIMATIO3 UfR~, r 'IRE RIPAWSTAULSreamto the steotaieb, * ? iver and bowels1si y., obio, ae ldeas ant to tae safe and a taYu1Ycal. lable Chiro Diarrh _o beDa moa Bea owc~Pom ena oery arr Poo iin--i . to0? tlI ett nme bol ane s e.. ms THE PLACE TO GET YOUR SPRING * SUIT. the freshest stock of SPRING at will be seen in Greenville id at great advantage, We ybody: Come in and see and iht of the Finest Goods at the market. A BALL and BAT SUIT, 3RISTOW, , GREENVILLE, S. 0,a Amuel Spencer, F. W. Iuidekoper and Reubia Foster, Receivers. Atlanta 4 Charlotte Air-Line Division. Schedule In effect July 2nd, 1893, Noytimsot'ND. No. 86 No. 121. No. tS Eastemn Timit Dally. Daily. Duiiy ,V. Atlanta (E T) ...... 6.45pm 9 M0am I c(pm Peachtee .......... ........ ........ "lelt Junt'tion ...........10 Iit u. Goudm i's....... .. ........ I12tan:. " Chaniblee .... .........I 0 Um . " Doravitle........... ........ 1031am . " Noreross ...... ...'23pm 10 81min . Duluth .. .. ...........10 .arn. Suwante.... .. . .......11 Oim. Itufoid......... . ........ 113mm . "Flowery Jiranch ..Ii 26 m. S . .......... a. " nineavilie. ......~ i'' I 4tiam 2 New Holland------- .1 50am 1" hite Sulphur.......... -1 60b'n a.... ........ 8 44-m 12 12pm . to id tolt ........... .... 141n. Longview .......... ....... Ihpu s Conea'-..'.......... 12 M-n . Ar. bit Ai!y............ V t'5pm 12 42rn Lv. Alt Aiy........... 9 (.5m 1 tym. " A erhvaIe .......... ... ....1 20pm "o 'TOccoa -.----- 9ti m 13r iad . - ru - . ...... i(l'pm " iarn --............ ....... l-1 . "Mstnister--.-.......... 26.m. lrbihan .........-........ II in - Seainea................15. iA:6.m t ao houn ...... .... ........ 3 1 0 , . " enea. ............ l 3j.n 3 m ... "(erssweal------.... ...1L3.i. 3tSpm 'M " Gl . 4 . ............. ........ .m . .'o..... ........... ....... 2pm . " Thacketty --........ .......537pm " uine.......... 125g'm 550pm I~)m Groer--------........ 611.an . "..........r..i.y...... .... .... 645j . I-ts saan.............. ...4 7 35pn. A r.a Chaltt.... .u.......50a 74 4in.m' ''i. alot....1...I25m 62(00 ' 9.186am .....do................ ..... . 2lm. li;emon......... ........i if227pmf -ibsell............ ........ . " mt eirer..y.............aa le(Jm. " ackgs Luntai.... ....i..~ 6.l-m tm " rover ................... 137pm "Uksburgi ... ..tt~i...446 1.m. lGas.ffner ..............2.9.m 2.7pm . " Thce......... ........ 2.2pm . " ICwPI8.............7 235pm . "...fon......... .7 2.381. "r li Spartnur...... 35um 3.00pm U~m paranbug J ne. .. .... N.02 1mN. "v FhairFores............... 13007pm .3 " lod........... ....... 312pm " Duncma'.......... ......26pm. " Grers............ ....... 38pm. " areenvll..........2.28am 14.05pm a. lierosswell....... ... .......4 2pm. " Ensys................m143pm. " Libery............. ......47Slm ." - " Cffenta. ..... 175am 506pm '. ." "ow Calo........... .......lpm.0p " lifeoe........... ...... 54m''" "Seanenr.............3.m 2pm"'' " ihlandst... ...... ...... 45m -' "Westinerd...............55pm ."" " indrson.--..----..........0pm . " ~ - -- . - - . . . i p ... " Toccoa ... ,......8am 4.sj Ayersvill.---........ 63..60 m . .y.M..A.r..--------.......... 46 pm Lioreyi....... ... ........ 7 20pm. ..n.v.. .............. l 2pm Kellone......... ... ......43pm . Lusa...............5Oam 502pm. W1Ihtelphu..............5pm. New Hoalnd....... ........ 35pm. lIais...........34m.1p eldison---......... ........23pm. fordo ......6 114pm . Suwce-... .. ..... .... ....8 pm . Ault.h--r..----...... ........9.8y m. N~orcrol.......... ........02pm . Doelle......... ..9 4 mtfl Cl.m.......:::::: 70pm. rI lieant (p. Ti.........7m0 15pm4.m Ntew esellly that.ta.n.. N..,.,870adpm (Jlrnetweenlorm....l3amn A 1anta instea flaeand's..an..A ent.w.l..g.v.al20p ub cil oweryl liand have..new ..papsm . oa 1)ntinh..accod..cew.th. ur.ex.. ingadpm . igoarrangens......9 2 m r Atant (K 'I W.. 1A TURKmi~ *l Aru 't Gieon' Pars Ag't., Atlanta, iGta Lulaana Atant . A.t wilOgie lON, b inaragmnsprnednAlna.a WV. A. TGRE, Genras Mager, Washington, D3. 0. SOL HAASK Traerl Manager. Washin'gton, D.' D. '!U ATLANTIC C0AST LIN~3 R PASVENUER DEPARTMENT. Wilmington, N. C., Jan. 14, 1893. Fast Line between Charleston and C'olulabia ' uid Upper South Carolina and Western North arolina and A thens and A tlanta. Condensed sh:edulo: ning Wesl. Going Rs No. 52. STA TI.ONS. eo F.0dam..v Charleston, 8. C., A r.. .4pa. .40am........... a ..... .. . ,.7.Cop I.53pm ........S m e -.--.. . 35 - 056am.A...r C.olumnbia Lv.,'.4.5 ~.20pm... ...roserity.......... .1a ~.48pm............ew erry-............ 2.3p .30pm............inton-----.........6m .41 pm..........reenwood-..........4pi . p .........A bbeville ....,..... 2.53 -4p...................nt.............. .gas .20pm.... .....nWinboro .30pm~.....'arlotte, N .......2g *sps-...........Aerson.-.......1116ana I1pm......... ..reytenvle-........10 ans I 0m......... Satahug---.......0m 1pm..endersonville, N. C.----4748m 20nm.....Aheville, . C......... 66aa wuallty. Nos. 52 nd 63 solid traisbtwieen harlesto.'i and Colunbia, 8. C. ' 11. M. E M E RON, ' A sa't ('n') Pas.....A a~