The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, April 12, 1894, Image 1

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AVR VO.XXII. PICK(ENS, S. C., THIURSDAY, APRIL1218.NO30 DARUiNGTON TRAG.EDY. A DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENE OF THE RECENT BATTLE. None ofthe Teastlnonv isefore the Co'O ner'a Jury will be Given 1or Publication Until the Came la Closed-Cor myE zlon of the Jury. DARLINGTON, S. C, April 4.-The coroner's inquest into the terrible trag edy which has so powerfully stirred this State. began this morning at 10 C o'clock before Coroner Parnell. The inquest was begun in a little room at the depot of the Cherew & Dar lington Road. The room is about 14 by 16 feet. The only door to it leads to the platform on which the constables stood when they were fighting with the citizens. Within ten feet of it is where a Constable Pepper fell with a bullet in his heart. Fitteen feet away is where young Norment drew his last breath and twenty-five short steps to the . West on the railroad track, is where Redmobd fell dead. . The *dnly furniture in the rooim is a stove, together with a number of the usual seats seen in a railroad station, e seats divided by small irbn bars. The I room has long been used as a waiting c room for passengers. The ceiling at s different places is cracked. Two win- r dows on the Soutl side look out on a dreary scene. The depot is at the Northeastern part of the city and the I houses of the people close together af ter it is passed. A little slot in the wall a is where the passengers put their mon. d ey through to get.t tickets. t I do not believe that a description has I ever been given (f the scene of the bat- C tle. It would not make an enchanting t picture, but in view of the absorbing. interest taken in anything connected with the affair I will attempt to tell of it. Picture to yourself a brick depot, ( probably seventy-five feet long. Two tracks of the' Cheraw and Darlington r Road run right in front of it, the plat- C form of the depot being within six Inches of one track. .Just opposite the distance separating it being that of the two trackb, is a long platform. It is 0 about four feet off the ground. Part of I it. is covered, but is open on the sides. I Under the covered portion is stored a < few sacks of guano. Besides these are v two pair of trucks and a pair of scales. F A hundred yards away is the Darling ton Phosphate Works and in the rear are smaall stores and a few dilapidated builduigp. The depot is like that seen in most towns of its size One end of It, and the largest, is used for freight purposes. Tbe othe r is for the passenger buint-ss Over one or the large treight. doors is a white sign board with the word "Dar itigtoti" painted in blaek letters on it. Over the door of the room where the Inquest ie in prosress is this sign board "Wadesboro 55 miles. Darlington. Florence 10 miles." Nearly unaer this sign board is where the constables were standing when he L fighting began. On the railroad track t to the West are spots of blood, almost covered by sand. This blood was shed by Redmond. Pepper was killed near e the Southern end of the platform and Mr. Norment fell between the two. I was told today that Redmond was killed by the constables under the im- I pression that he was C. S. McCullough, the prcsident of the phosphate works. It i said that Mr. McCullougn fired the second shot in the affray. The con stables knew this and weretunxious to I kill him. Going toward the town from the do pot. is a sandy street and it is over a I mile to the heart of the city. It can thus be seen how the constables had time to get away before the infuriated cit izens could get from the city to the I depot and begin pursuit. IG took sev eral minutes before the news reached the town and it took longer for the peo ple to ahn~ themselves and start on the hunt. The constables availed them selves of this time and fled across the open country to some woods a half mile to the North west. In the absence of E. Keith Dar gan, who went to Colu mhta, Gao. WV. Brown appeared as the attorney to 1 represent the civil aut horities and de velop tne testimony for that side. Mr. Dargan is expected to return this af ternoon. .No attorney for the State was on hand, although it was said that the Solicitor of this circuit had been telegraphed for and was supposed to be on his way here. After the calling of the jurors Attor ney Brown announced to the Coroner that he was ready to begin the examilna ation of witinesse's. Mr. Brown said ho I took it for granted that if witnesses I ar'd absent the inquest would be post. poned from day to daty until they aip peared. Mr. Brown in luired of Coroner Par nell if he had issued warrants for the constables and was informed that he had . This, therefore, puits all the con stables in the position of defendants. U~p to this timo no warliants have been sworn out for citizens. Coroner PatrnelJ is about 50 years old. lie is about five feet, nine inches high and has a partially gray moustache. Hie carried in his hand this morning a small Testatwent and a'statute book. The jurors drawn by him are as fol lows: J. G. Mc~ali, foreman, a mer. chant; P.E. Cooper,a brickmason;-G. M. ilil, clerk; J. R1. Anderson, factory operative; 1P. (- Friaway,affactory op. orative; T. J. Browon, cierk; J. 0. Muli drew, druggist; P. Ri. Pierce, butcher; E WV. Sutton, photographer; (1. 1'. Flerce, farmer and butcher; Abner Gibson, carpenter; J. A. Smi th, auc tioneer. I asked the corner If he knew the po litical corn plexion of the jurors. lie said that three of them are suppbsed to be Tihimanites, two Repubicans, three dloubt ful and the others straightouts. I One of the jurors is a colored man. Wifh the jury of twelve citizens sat a nDiiitary court of inquiry, as it 'is *. called, flve militiamen appointed by Gen. Rtich bourg at the instance of Gay * ernor f illman. These genatlem.on, Capt. J. A. Money, Butler G3uards; C ipt,, II. J. Harvey, Gordon Light Da"goons; Bergi'nt J. C, Cooper, Satley Rifi s; (Cr- I poral A .D, Mii'eral,lHamnput Guards, and Privar eF. Hi. Dantzier, Fi ,rt Motto .(Gnar ds, have tbeen Instrut d to hear the evideince given and make a special 1 report to tne Governor. Not only news paper correspondents but all ctettish vn ho were no~t jurors or witnesses were i excluded from the court. Tne testi- I monxy is being taken ny court Sten..g. 1 .raphers snd will1 nor, be made pubic il ,gation. This is undoubtledly the isest and safest course to pursue, for >y the time the stenographers complete heir work and transcribe ,heir notes he constaliles and the military will be )eyond the borders of Darlington. The constables are all here, having rrived today and surrendered to Gen. tichbourg. Nobody in this city had my idea what time the constables vould arrive. Gen. tichbourg and his flicers were the only men posted and vith the int!itary secrecy which has haracterizr.d their dealings have said Lothing. About 6.30 in the afternoon our companies of troops were formed n the public square, and were march d in a round-about way to the very epot where the bloody tight had oc urred. They were then posted a few set apart and given the strictest or era not to admit anybody within the fnes. This order was literally complied ;ith. Even passengers who wanted to et off on the train hAd hard work to ,ass, ar;d then it was only by order of len. Rtichbourg and Major Newnham eho were present and in charge of the rrangements to receive the constables. 'he train was an hour late and about orty or fifty people were at the depot. leneral Ritchhourg asked a discreet cit. en to notify him if he saw the least videnco of any hostile demonstrationi. le said that the constables would ome fully armed, but that they would urrender to him immediately on ar Lying and would leave their arms in he car which they had occupied. Two I m gas lamps flickered on the depot latform and shed a sad and sickly ight on the. motionless soldiers who tood with fixed bayonets. The sol ters were lined up on every side of the rack. The Coroner's inquest was in rogress in the little room, and the onstables alighted from the train on de very spot on which they had fought tat Friday afternoon. To Unite the West and South. WASHINGTON. April 4.-President 3levelanw's veto of the Bland bill has asulted in a proposition for a national onvention of the West and South to rm a new political party based on the emand for the free coinage of silver. 'lie proposition comes fromcertain rad ,al Democratic Congressmen, who be. eve that the time has arrived when the arty's salvatiom in the West andl 4outh emauds that it should repudiate at once nd forever Eastern domination in flu ricial p-Ahties. Western and S8uthern )emocrats who are at the head of this n vement declare that the veto of the 3lurd bill shows that the administra ion has st its face toward the single loid -stajudard. IR p, :e 'ative McLauriu (Dem.) cf 51lu.h t.r Iia has taken the bold initia ive iu :.t-is t-ip He has prepared the >roposition, and it will he followed, he avebya cal! eigned by Democratic il er Congressmen. Concerning the rievement he authorizas the lollowing latemeut: "It, seems to we that the condlition of ur country is such as it should impel tue men to rise above ptrtisan and tao (oual considerations. 'The veto of the reigniorage bill by e1scident Cleveland forces a distinct is u between the South and the West .nd the East and the North. The S>uLh nd the West a e the borrowing and iroducing sections, while the Njorth and lie E st ai e the lonninY and consuming ections. The South and the West do naud higher prices for their products, vhich is but ano.her name for cheaper noney. The North and E ist are str'v ng for cheaper products, which in turn a simply another name for dearer noney. "in this manner the two general di risisons of the country are arrayed iuainst each oether. Toe North and East mave for many years controlled m.11 leg isla l:n, and as a natural rosult have enact 'd laws fivorable to their own section mud agaiinst, the South and West, "The mnone', of the country has been ~radually and almost surreptitiously aken from the people, and as a neces ary sequence the prices of all products ave declined. "This manip~ulation of the currency ans continued until every product of the oath and West are to-day sold for less han the cost of production. The result nt eacect of theme abnormrlly low prices i seena in the rapid accumulation of ebts and t~he increasmng distress among he people. "1 beheve the time has come when he South and WVest sfimild unite in ones mnghty (fro)rt for self protcetion. 1 want, o see the entton planter of my own sec ion and the wheat produacer of the West intie and make a contest for higher irces andl happer conditons." Impost mel. It 'Jvae. SUMTER,8S. Os, April 4.*-Your cor espondent learned today that Chief Jonstable Gaillard bad had a conversa Ion with Col. 1). J. Auld, of this city, mn the evening of the tight in Datrling on and that he had given information wvhich abould be made known to the mublic. I called on Col. Auld and he mnbstantiated what I bad heard, which a in substance as follows: That he Gaillard) had for several days previous ~o this light found great dialiculty in ~estraining his men from getting into fight; that the men wanted to tight; ~hat several of them were desperate and reckless fellows; that they were eaving Darlington mad because they lad not been allow ed to fIght. iThis :onversation took place ou board of he Charleston, Sumter and Nor thern rain the aftereoon of the riot, anid esfore Gaillard knew what had hap ened at the Atlantic Coast Line depot. [t is also a fact that these men, who )recipltated the fight, had been drink ng all day. Mr. W. Hi. Commander, a :itizern of Sumrer and a nephew of Sheriff Scarborough's wife was at the iome of the 80ierif on Frlday, March 10. and positively assert9 that many of hem were drinking and at least six i'ere drunk.-Nes and Courier. A Prui Peat. WASIIINOTON, April 3.--The San los~ scadl.-, aui m.s5et whith has proved no4ti. estucive to orchards fin 041t ornici, h-is appeared at Da Fuiak Fla., and I'vsrsade, Mdl. In duir I . d an orchard of 300 peaIch anid ~pplU a va has been pr actically . ruined is ihe pet Che insect made its (irst ppearan~ce in the eastern states last ear at Cnariottsvlle, Va., wbere the~ tate boarnd of agriculture, with 'th .elp of *beC departmeot of agrioultuore, an just completed operationa which, ii hoped, have destroyed it hia.that Io ality. GOV. TILLMAN TALKS. HE MAKES A SPEECH T0 THE TROOPS AT COLUMBIA. SBy He Will Rlule the St te, bi-t Did N. t Agaravate Matters-Pol o to be Used to Enforce the Dispeontary Law. COLUMI[A, S. C., April 4.-This morning about 10:30 all the troops sta tioned at the penitentiary numbering about 400 were marched to the front of the State House by the Governor'd oi ders. He intended to dismiss them from the city but before leaving he wanted to make them an address. After they bud neen properly lined out the Governor accompanied by Cols. Mixon and Watts appeared at the middle door and advanced to the firat step. Citizms generally were crowded on the steps but Tillman ordered them to stand back and give him plenty of room. When the crowd made an opening for him the Governor advanced and spoke as follows: Citizen Soldiers, Volunteers and Fel. low Citizens: South Carolina today is attracting the attention of all the United States. The situation here ia so grave and anomalous that it is proper that a clear and official statement go forth -an analysis of the causes that brought it about. As Gover nor of the entire people (and I have never sought to be anything else) it is b !st that the statement come from me. All are familiar with the occurrances of the past few days. There has been a conflict between citizes and officers of the law. The cause of it all was those who resist the enforcement of the dispensary because they say it is tyranical, invades private rights, is unconstitutional and should not be enforced. This is a qu!stion that should not be fettled by armsbut by the ballot. Let us look for a moment at the consequences, it the claim set forth that private residences can't be searched for contraband liquor. Wby it amounts to a repeal of the dispensary law in an unconstitutional way If a man can keep whiskey in his house and make a saloon of it or it he keeps and carries it in his pocket or other ' Ise io saloons tien it is useless to have a di3jlensary law. Tbii law has been enacted t- 1-e plen ple. I, is on the statute bookd and I have sworn to surporL the laws of the State. Until this law is repealed, so help me Gvd, [ exercise every power given rme to see that it Is obe3ed, (loud cheeri.) I am not here to discues the whys or whert fores, t .e ad vantage a or disadvtn t agea of the dispensary. It will be au is sue in the nex. cambpaign and then you can decide whether N ou want it continued or not. When thie collision at Darlhngton oc cured the ne ?s was flash, d all over 'lhe country that 100 men were out, in pur suit of the constables. How do the lac's bear out the statementi? The consta bles had (lone their duty and had gone to the depot. They had been seUt there and the chief constable and others had been sent be cause the mayor had allowed them to be insulted and cursed to their faces, A mob had broken into the amory and stol en the guns and we had the spect %c:e of citizens (f the State ee'zing State pro perty to shoot down StLate <(filcers. I was informed that the guns had been re turned but not having confldence in Capt. Thompson I ordered |the Sumter com pany to go there. They wen6 and every thinag being reported quiet, I ordered them back home. T wo boys, mete strip~lings, got into a fight and soon 50'mna armed to the teeth went to the depot. They piclted a quar rel with the constables and men on both side were killed. Tb'lc fault cannot be clearly placed and probably never will he known, but if' ever it is it will be found that the coostables simply did their duty. The mayor says the arms were stolen in fun but this shot of fun occurred else where and some of the compames were actuAlly in mutiny. lBut thank God, there were some brave men who responded and you soldiers and boyti are hero today as an evidence that no aligarchy will ever rule this State again. (Cheers.) The mayor tries to luay the blame on me by saying that I exercised p~ower that no Governor had ever attempted. Bunt when these troops--these band box soldiers-were ordered out they re fuised to obey being influenced by politi. cal rancor and men even went so tar as to cffsr assistance. It can't be dispro-'ed that the Darlington hunting contables are not, l5nchers at heart. The mayor said he had a right to arrest them but he had no right to ao with armed m'en hunt, ing them unless accompanied by the sheriff or some lawful constable. The thing has its rIdiculous side too and it looks like a big April fool ioke. Ihere a-e men admittIng themselves to be lynchers prancing around the cotunty hunting for a few constables and there hasn't been a shot, fled since the row at the dlepot. They didn't, want to fiod them. Whby dlidn', they lynch the man they had in their power who was admit ied to be in the row. They slandered themselves by proclaiming they would lynch nmen whom they dido't wsnt to when they haid one in their power. In 1876 1 witnessed a iscene on this very spot when this whole explanade clear to the moument, wasu crowded wihh men indignanit that lie S ate H,>tuse had been seez-d by tr.ops. I was there. We were all ot one( 11und( th~en. We were all brothers, friends, Cair,>liaas and] patri ts. To.'day we are two hoslit camlus bec ,usi Ihn mtuarity do't want the nu j >riLty to rb h '. dy politic i, dIieandI-i in, a fvr Trio p3Oti~e of Ubham letoniht (o C..umn hia have taken into t '-r o) "'tu a viper Ina the shape (f i o oV e which daily deal out veinim. My ti to abuse me by alanoer aiind uerepre. senmation but I wear a coat I, mi 1)01 that they have never pierc..d which is an honest heart working for the b.'t a mod of' the State andl its people. T:ase aannot go on else we will have civil war. I deny that we are responsible ,or this trouble. The opposers of the aw must realize at once that they ' nust submit. These two newspapers will not let the wound heal. They keep ,he wound open and daily pour poison n it, and they are aided and abetted )y the whiskey men and their sympa. hisers. When the news of the collision at Darlington was flashed all over the :ountry lying reporters said that ex plosion wpuld come. That there was in arsenal of powder in the State and t he spark would soon be dropped in It. a 1hey said civil war would come, but j ,t didn't. It cannot come for the peo- g ple are in the saddle and Intend to re- c main there. (Cheers.) t Theee men would destroy the State if c they could only destroy me. The re- C port has been sent abroad that my 8 ife was daily in danger. One promi nent citizen told Mr. Yeldel, from my own county, that he had a shot gun ind came here to kill me. I can get bis name if neceadary. I have never felt any doubt as to my personal safety. I have remained at the man sion perfectly safe but rather than gratify my enemies by giving up to them I would have gone out there a :orpse. The barroom element is at the bot tom cf it all, and the rulers of the ormer olegarchy are encouraging them and this row is the result of political Frenzy. These lives are offerings to the moloch of whiskey. The dealers de alare that they will resume their in. quitous business and they propose to do so by selling whiskey from their residences. Shall the demon have any more victories? I don't Intend for them to have any more if I can help it. Here somebody standing near the Governor was talking: "Shut up there," Tillman said and resumed. I shall not budge one Inch but shall continue to carry out the will of the people. I'm not going to aggravate the situation but I'm going to let the peo ple know tomorrow by a proclamation what I intend to do. The General Statutes of the States are a min& of wealth, wisdom and strength. What would I have been able to do had I not been empowered to control the telegraph and railroad companies and keep assistance from the ineur gents and lying reports to go out and turther influence the people? But I have another sword of Domocles to suspend over the heads ot the insurgents and I will cut the string tomorrow. Section 519 of the S'.atutes gives me power to take control of the police of The State and mayors and city councils must campel them to carry out the law. [ intend to see that the police do their duty or I'll discharge every man of them. - I intend to control and will not surrender. The laws must he obeyed. Some one away back In the crowd veiled out: "Why don't you obey the i .w?'' "Whercin have I broken any law, Oir"' was the response. The militia and the volunteers then commenced yelling, "arrest him," "run him off." One man hollered "shoot him," and it looked as if ranks would be broken and a riot precipitated. Col. Mixon was the first to call out "hush" and Governor Tillman waving his hand said in imperative tones, "stop. Stop I tell you," The militia did stop and what might have been a serious af fair was averted. GovernorTillman re sumed his speech and continuing said: If the people want the dispensary they can have it. Those that don't want It have got to take it. Hereafter 1 shall conflue the constables to the duty of watching police PRnd reporting to me whether they do their duty. If the anthorities of the cities and towns don't co-operate with me the Legislature will be called and laws will be made giving me power to re move these mein and putting In their places peoiile who will carry out the law. Private houses will continue to be searched. With an extra session In sight the police must do their duty or be renmoved. Let the opposers of this law quit. They tuust submit. I want harmony and lpeace. I have not nor never will negravati, the situation, but I cannot, will not, dare not, submit to the will of the minority. The people mast govern. Rebellion must get oft the track for the train is coming. I am at the throttle and intend to get in on time. Just as lhe said this he waved hIs hand, turned around, and went in the n ilding. ie was loudly cheered. John Gary Evans then appeared and read the following order No. 10.: The emergency requiring the assemn bling of troops at the capitol no longer exists and the colonel commanding will return them to their homes by the near est practicable route on the first outgo ing train. The commander of each company of militia and volunteers will give a certflcate to the railroad conduct nra of the number of men transported and to the point to which they go, which will he a voucher to the railroads for payiment of their service. The Commander-in-Chief n the name of the State extends thanks to the gallant and patriotic soldiers and citizens, who at a inoment's notice, dropped their various avocations and pursuits to respond to his call. Their action is a stinging rebuke to those companies which tailed to do their dluty in this crisis when civil war and anarchy seemed to stare us in the face. [r. shows to the w'orl', however when the masses of the people uphold the governmenit treachery and mutiny can.i not overthrow it. B. IR. TILIMuAN, Governor an'1 Commander-In-Chief Trho volunteers then marched up stairs in the State Ilouqe andl stacked the arms given thoem. The troops then lisanded and~ each company went to ti-a to L'O home. Befor e leaving the captains Paid (off for their men. Thiey got *1 a day and their board It is untderstood that it will take at least *15 000 to pay for "suppressing the in surcto, Thle Governor yesterday patid the Soutih Carolina rairoa't a check fir tranorting troops. The ot her roadls will be paid too but It will be some time before all these bills can ba settled WILL MEE' IN AUGUST. 'HE REFORM CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN THAT MONTH. leeting of iho Stati Ittorm Execntive Ooomintltte in Columbla-'iins for Ho'ding iho vnve-itio --Au AddroFs to Reformers. COLUMBIA, S. C, ApI il 5.-The State teform Executive Conmithee met in he State House yesterday. There was ,full attendance of the com mittee. Lfter the committee assembleu an or anization was effected by the election f Rev. J. A. Sligb, of Newhery, emporary chairman, and Messrs. Diun. an and Ott secretaries. 'The roll was ailed and the following delegates re ponded: Abbeville-1. H. McCalla. Aiken-J. T. Gasten. Anderson-D. K. Norris. Barnwell-W. 1-. Duncan. Berkeley-J. B. Morrison. Charleaton-W. Gibbes Whaley. Chester-J. C. Cunningham. Cheaterfleld-W. G. Craig. Colleton-L. E. Parlor. Clarendon-Louis Apelt. Darlington-E. L. Gray. Edgefleld-J. M. Gaines. Fairfleld--J. W. Lyles. Florence-J. S. McCall. Greenville-J. T. Austin. Georgetown-J. C. Larrimore. Hampton-W. II. Mauldin. Horry--Mr. Stalvey. Kershaw-T. J. Kirkland. Lancaster-C.P. Wingard. Laurens-J. A. Jones. Lexington-C. M. Etlrd. Marlboro- Mr. Napier. Marion-James SLackhouse. Newberry-J. A. Sligh. Oconee-J. P. Pickett. Oranwebnrg-J. William Stokes. .Pickens-T. C. Robinson. Richland-II. A. Deal. Spartanburg-T. L. Gantt. Sumter-II. R. Thomas. Union-J. U. Oct. Williamsburg-William Cooper. York-R. T. Riggins. As soon as the roll had been called 9r. Sligh suggested that it would be well for the convention to decide at mee what they would do about the presence of people not members of the 3ommittee. Mr. Mc'alla, of Abbeville, said thai in his opinion it would be best for E Reform conference to be held aiongsl Reformers exclubively. While tR'-form era were not ashamed of anything the] did, still something may be said tha we don't want published to the world. Mr. Deal opposed the motion of Mr McCalla He said that reports of thi meeting would go out any way, au they might be misrepresented. Any way Reformers were In a positioin ti do business in the broad light, of day. Mr. Pickett, of Oconee, raised t h point of order that the debate was otw of order as no permanent organiz-ifio 3ad been perfected. McCalla stuck to it that outsiderj )uaht to be excluded and Mr. Sligh ruled that the Pickens delegate's poit was not, well taken. Mr. Efird argued that it was always 'he rule to have party consultat ions in tecret. Mr. John W. Ly1ks;, of FaiTnield, of rered an amendio-nt, that. U(formers who were properly ouched for could ,emain. Mr. Mauldin said that everyone but memobers should be excluded. This was & conference of the ROieorm party and lot of the Democracy. Mr. McCalla said that this wa:s the flost important conference in the his ory of the party and nobody should ce in it except members who would lave to bear all the responsliilitius for heir acts. Mr. Larry Gantt observ'ed that he would have no objectioni to the secre ~ary giving out the proceedings to the ress, but that the debate shoutld he in ecret. A member called for less talk andC more work, whereupon Mr. Lyles amendment was lost and the McCalla motion prevailed and everybody left Jhe hall except delegates. The following report of the proceed. ings after the committee went into ex. acutive session, was furnished late lasi aight by a special press committee ap pointed for the purpose: The chair then appointed Mr. J. 1i E~lkins doorkeeper. On motion of Mr. McCalla,the temipo rary organization was then madle per mnanent. Col. J. T. Gaston of Aiken moved tt hlave a convention of Reformners it nominate a Reform candhidate for (1ov. menr and Lieutenant Governor. T.ih< motion was carried almost unanimous ly. A commnit'ce was then appointed b: the chair, consisting of C. M. Elird, W II. Mauldin, J. W. Stokes, D). K. Norrie and T1. L. Gantt, on rules and regxula, ions andi a manner of holding sait convention. The convention then tools a recess until 5 p. m. At 5 o'clock the convention reassem. bled and shortly thereafter tOne coin mittee on plans entered the hall and mubmittedl the following report: We, the undersigned cominiuttee, beg leave to submit the following rep~or ti 1. That a convention for the noiina ion of State olileers be held in the cit.y af Columnbiaon the 14th day of August, 1894. 2. That said convention be composed af delegates to be elected by conven Lions to be held in each count y on the ith day of August, 18914, each county beinag entitled to diouble as many del gates as it is entitled to re'presenta tives in both branches of the General &asembly. 3. That the county conventions afore laid be composed of delegates elected by the various Rteform clubs in the sounty, each club to send one de gatei for each twenty five lR-formers or majority faction thereof. In those ~ounties where there are no is' int iteformn clubs the Reform member~s of each1 club shall be c tlled by the Execu lye Reform Committeemen to muet it I he usual place of' mfeetilng aind elect lelegates as aforesaid, to the couunu-v sonivention. For I he p~urp)ose of s:id 'lection the clubs afor.sai shalt be :alle-d t~o meet on the 4-h day ot Au lust, 1854. At sunch mt-wig no im-rm Jer Snall particinate except suchi as voted for the lt--erm ('f-gates8 ti he August primary o 1893, atoual athers who will pledge i mselive-s ti bide by and supuort 'he 10 form tick 5! of the State Reform ohuvenutioun o: 1894. 4. That each Reform candidate for Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall 1ile vith the chairman of the committee thirty days previous to the meeting of said convention a written plcdge to abide by the action of the con ention herein called and support its nominees. Respectftully submitted, C. UL EFInn, Chairman, For the Committee. The report was adopted. Oa motion of Mr. Pickett the chair appointed Dr.Stokes, J. A bligh, J. C. Ott, C. M. Elird and J. T. Austin as a conmittee to prepare an address to the lIeformers of South Carolina. The chair appointed as a press com mittee 11. A. Deal, J. C. Ott and W. 11. Duncan. The following resolution offered by U. Al. Ellrd, was adopted: lesolved, That the Reformers at tending the various club meetings call cd by the committee on the 4th day of August, 189.1, be requested to express their choice for Governor of this State and that, the chairman of the delega tion of the each club to the county con vent ioll be required to make return of said choice to the county conventioh held on the thl day of August, 1894. Mr. J. T. Austin offered the follow Ing resolution and it was unanimously adopted by a rising vote: Resolve(l, Tnat we, the representa tives of the Reform party of South Carolina, in convention assembled, do most heartily approve of the action of his Excellency, Governor B. I. Till. Iman, for the prompt manner in which he acted during the past week in sup pressing violence and disorder and in maintaining the supremacy of the law. T. L. Gantt moved that the thanks of the convention be tendered to the chair, secretaries and doorkeeper for the ellicient discharge of their respect ive duties. On motion, the convention adjourn ed, sutiject to the call of the chairman. THE ADDRESS. The address was issued about 1:30 o'clock this morning and reads as fol lows: Feur years ago, after years of strug gle in the arena of reason, with the torces of wealth and culture and trained leadership combined against us -a combination conildent, exultant in the pride and prestige of power long enjoyed-the Reformers of the State joined issue squarely before the peopli and at the ballat box won their fight by an overwhelming majority. Bul the struggle did not end there. At active, intelligent and aggressive mi nority has kept up the fight with a te nacity that, in a better cause would L comind the admiration os all men Every resource known to legislativ and j-d(icial obs'ructionists has beei lain under tribute to retard the per formance of the pledges of the Reform ets of the State to the people of thi SStai e, and to defeat the operation o these pledges even after enacted int< law. Notwithstanding this active an( skillful opposition, under the most a(roit and astute laedership, we have performed every pledge made to the peoplo in 1890, in so far as such pledges can tic performed uider the organic law of the State. We have worked out Ihe refi rns we promised the people ani more than we promised. With a clear record behind os, we now stand face to face with the future, ready and eager to grapple with new questions and new isuets that shall make for the upbutildiog of the material prosperity of tWe entire people in larger degree and upon broader lines than ever be fore. Moreover with full control of every department. of ths machinery of gov ernment., with a constituency unilled anti solidiiued by successful struggle, we are mn position not only to project lai ger tihings for the people, bat we are in position t~o p~erform what we project. Let us not rurget, however, that al though we have rectified many of the wrongs~ of the nast and accomplished tie * eforms dlemfanided in 1890, there are still importfant issues to be settled. In carrying our, the pledges of the past, (iuetions of the most vital and far reaichinig import have been raised (luestions that go to tihe very founda tioni of governlment by the people. The issuie has been squarely raisedl between organlized capital and the organized people by whose suffrage aggregation of capital became p~ossible. Thle crea - ture has grown so powerf ul and arro gait, t ha!, it, has dared to measure arms with its creator-the State. So hot hauve the lteformers made this light that corporate monopoly has been dri ven fromn its cover and forced to fight in the open lield, it's subitle grip upon t he people1's throat has been loosened andtu comiplete emancipation for the peo .Ille is only a question of time. It is a proper subiject for congratulatioo that in this mighty struggle, world-like in its scope Snuth Carolina Rteformers -standi well out in the front. It only nee di no0w that we be true to our prin-. ci pies, to our coun try and to our peo ple, and the victory is sure. To insure continued success, a cer tain aimouint of orgai' tion is neces - sary, In I890O the necessary organiza tioni was accomplishesd by a March con venti on. For various and suflcient reasonis such a convention was deemed inexpecint this year; but after full disenassion in the press, thme plan of holding massi meetings to elect a State Iteformi camcpaignm committee was adopted. Meetings were held, commit tot mzeni weie appointedl, and thiatcom miti tce in its assembled wisdom formu. latedl a plan of suggesting Rteform can dhidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Tlhis plan, as will be seen in the published proceedings meets all I he rt quiremnts of a primary for Governor and LIeutenant Governor. It meetsa the reasonable aemnands of the peoplei to0 see arid hear and question every man who aspires to their suffrage and( looks to the selection of that Ite form catluiate who gets the moat Re form votes. It provides for an open ilbid for all who aspire to public pre ferment, and it is a safe plan. We comimendt this plan t~o the favor able consideration of the Reformers of theii Stat e Study it well; carry out its provisionus faithfully and our move ment will enter upon an era of broadem anti higher usEfulnless than in the past Let "very Reformer in the State dc his u<tl'y and we will pile up a biggem mne >ritiv for rule by the people that ever before in our history. . - . OTTS, J. Tul(,MAs AU8TIN, - C. St. ElvIno, .J. WILLIAsi STOKES, TIlE VERDIC' RENDERED. CONSTABLE8 MCLENDON AND CAIN HELD FOR MURDER. The Cvil and Millitary Jartes Agreo.em ara1l Rchbiar4's Address to the Soldiers Who are About to LeCv. for their Homes. DARLINGTON, . C., April 65-The coroner's jury returned a verdict late this afternoon and the verdict is espe. cially in accordance with what has al. ready been published. The jury unan imously returned a verdict fixing the killing of the two citizens on McLen don and Cai, and that of Constable Pepper on Redmond. The military court of Inquiry concurs unanimously with this verdict, though the decision of the court has not yet been officially announced. The testimony of the con stables alone was enough to fasten guilt upon McLendon and Cain. and the evidence against them, strong and clear at all points. A jury composed of Tillmanites, Conservatives and Re. publicans had no difficulty in arriving at a verdict. The main facts of the case have all been published and the entire testimony con(irms the published accounts in every particular. The cor oner will at once issue warrants for the muraerers, who are now in the hands of the military at Florence. It is not known what jail will hold them, but it is thought that they will be con lined at Darlington or Columbia. Gen. Richbourg made the following address or announcement at 6 o'clock this afternoon: Headquarters 8. (. Troops, Darlington, 8. C., April 5. The general commanding the troops here announces that all commands will leave tomorrow morning. Instructions will be given to break camp at a proper hour to take the train. On the eve of departure, he desires to express his gratiflcation at the hand some and soldierly conduct of the ofil cers and men he has had the honor to command. Their bearing has been uni formly excellent and in very trying cir cumstances has won for them the thanks of the people of the State. They have been helping to make history here and can depend on history to vindicate the position they have taken. le desires to express special com mendation of the conduct of the DArl ington Guards and of their commander, Capt. Hf. T. Thompson. The company is a credit to its community and State. Governor rillman, commander-in-chief authorizes the following statement in his behalf: "It affords me pleasure with such lights as I have before me, even at this distance to give expression to my admiration for the conduct of 5 Capt. Thompson and his men. The situation would have been much more aggravated and the prospect of a satis factory settlement of this unfortunate affair much more remote, but for their courage and devotion to duty." Tho general commanding desires to commend particularly the promptness with which the Sally Rifles. Capt. Stead man, and the Dibble Light Dragoons, Lieut. Culler, responded to it sudden call on the afternoon of the 4th inst. Their conduct on that occasion demon strates their value and efficiency and was a credit to the volunteer forces of the State. The general commanding desires to express his thank-i to his staff and field oflicers for the efficiency with which they have performed their du ties. Very much is due to their energy and ability. By order R. N. RiornouRG, Brigadier General Commanding Second Brigade South Carolina Troops. CHAS. NEWHIAM, Acting Adjutant General. The pay roll of the troops and ofil cers stationed here and at Florence is as follows Dibble Light Dragoons.......8384.98 Sally Rifles--.-............ .... 593.48 Greenville Guards........... 208.78 Butler Guards............... 252.17 Maxwell Guards.............. 374.48 Hampton Guards............2.21 Palmetto Rifles............ 207.27 Morgan Rifles-.............74.48 Edgefleld Huassars............ 274.17 A bbeville Rifles.......... ....16.17 Fort Motte Guards..........10.17 Gordon Light Infantry........255.98 Darlingt -n Guards...........51812 Santee Rifles............... 301.55 Edgelleld Dragoons..........179.67 Gen. Rich bourg and the other officers associated with him will receive in the ag gregate $319.97. The cost of maintainance and trans portation is, of course, not included in this. At the conclusion of the dress parade this afternoon the soldiers pro posed and gave three rousing and inspiring cheers "For Mayor Dargan and the cit izens of Darlington.' These cheers wvere well and worthily given. Hie Bought; the saloo n. MONTGOMERY, Ala., April 4.-A special to the Advertiser from Selma, Ala., says: Rev. Byrd Moore, pastor of the East Methodist Church, pur chased the bar room of Moss Issason, corner of Maxey and Water streets, This barroom Is across the street from' the East Tennesse railroad shops. Mr. Moore carted off most of the liqnor and then smashed the rest and let It go to waste. He missed a few bottles of whis key and a dozen or so bottles of beer. The shop boys destroyed this in the old fashioned way after the gfood man had gone. The buying and dest.roying of this saloon was an act of Christian philanthropy that will be highly com mented by all right thinking people. If removes a temptation away from the gateway into the shops, where some 300 men work. PRESIDENT Cleveland seems to be thoroughly discouraged. Hie is report ed as having said to one of his friends: "If I had known how hard it was go ing to be, I doubt whether I would have accepted the nomination. Nothing could induce me to remain here a day longer than I am compelled to stay." is second term so far has certainly and signally failed to fulfill the promise of his 11 rat. It has been as remarkcable for political blunders and unfortunate administrative steps as his-' former term was remarkable for being free of them. Will B Trifid. COLUMBIA, S. C., Aptil 5. -The Goy ernor says that all of the constables who were at the Cheraw and Darling-. ton derot shall stand trial by the civil law, without any interference from him---.Raeis-e,