The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, April 05, 1894, Image 3

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PP10 k.NS SENTINEL, LOCAL NUWs 0s,; vv* and wheat are much damaged by L i .'i snap. Tore cre yet a fe'case of the mumps in Naee epoVrtions Of the County. P .ud tiip tickets to the Midwinter Fair t !t%?frav. Iac are new abot 076.00. T imiv ladtc hats are merely the out - 4 r of C': fashion for the next season. h appears now that the four beautiful u troe In front of McFall's $tO WOe at., djaath. Tc Polhtical newspapers is this State are *rrv eloered at their mepctive poet. -A,: i woood cuam, ( . 51. Boggs (Doch) s been quite - days or two weeks. 9 e was '.~- a 1-' !e some better last Thursday. W i. grenshaw, of the Crow Creek vr .td about sax acres of corn up -U work, a0 it was mipped S:. VT Shirley had a handsome little Ij I 'r the Presbyterian church at I he is making its surroundings * ,ie. . . Wilson, presiding elder, S sus on business last Fiday He -. :erly conference at St. Paul's - n ng. Ne. postal notes after the 1st day "s timely notice is given that ish to use them after that date full supply. a Ward and James Price were he 16th of March. The cere. p-trformed by Rev. B. Holder, I ce. It was & Gretna Green Phillip died on the -5th alt., below aSAley; after suffering eka with a cancer. le was a and a consistent member of 'i'-cr t Methodist church at Fair A. Pi rice and William Sutherland on the 25tha ult., by Rev. B. >residence seems to have been -sort that day. Two couples naot much of aday for mar I half a dozen runaway scrapes . tat week, and horse accidents. . a horse at Easley let his rider, s~a ~ Mr. Leeley, fall, and in the - p ab was cut on the boy's leg ' -~ tepping On it. Looper, the wife of Mr. Joe . , ackwards from a chair on the I ci, and had the uisfortune to I - h. She was attended by Dr. - There is little hope of her o -le to walk again, as she in up. *,I- ty years. A& the case of Maxwell vs. The ortilizer Co., last Thursday rdict in favor of the defend I I 's attorneys gave notice for a s - 'his was the third time the s submitted to a jury. There . mistrials. Aon, an insurance and build. I c gent, was before trial Jus. At Thursday, charged with qb y under false pretenases from S . wford. He was held for trial a . .. essions. The Stale was rep. r' ''- P. Carev, and the defendant b ~ .s. e rate.Of these none survive. A son and Pola were killed in be - - - ragg, Smith Cooper and 5 ye died since the clo se of the w. - ere nineteen hceutemeant gen er he bse all are dead save four, n, John B. Gordon, James '4 1. 'IJoseph Wheeler. ling mlii from Atlanta are go . careful with onee arm or the ot. a they are suffering from a -the smallpox by reason of Va' Whatever danger there is fr~ e, Central is very much ex po' .it, is not protected by any pre 2, neasures, and abitnt every mail'' some people fresh from - At there. 'Igad uythdteeor a 1i. - .Wlth ncn~ keg oei it ro n apr 'tejralmgthv bee c ehdbe ik n h law .c *i l vrtefor oh reals;.Balrwsreomne for grand fillol thheacacour - T t. B. aremns bftlenthwas me. ~ led t We, M jr John L * Gr. t oqest arened apndneratly May isthe juryal iht sense the ' .' ct henoadieetin s andrthe to.oalls Falls the riks.h Jam: *. aidlywas rec ttmmeded eeT' - 'o ae hermtiketbus elethe. with in lat C nay. Cnednral daye 2th of Mafrch8.Afeth see led to trernc m JohicH. hse I' ''tued r.o tL. Henry.o ha " ate unaimlssoube, of hth e he. inomtin way ase are Jmr anerd thdard potat wire etect - a. The tce quaiy w-etd noth ~ ' en istinorday. beena th~em '' tsined r low89a. aske d ' ' o tohe tuheym awhial. ha i o& 'taduce gnothod.ry Th '~'~ pe' Advoathes thbe ast saye - .. in sotie way. pThe are sCors' *'(ered thnay atoon, with ins. o ae wase acoted lathei thl . amS. As to quyan't, by oe not bel can aistungenshobetween anem -' ' iloed sy eroym. Weci . onetohgve prerla tra. .Age psele y droae, 2'pthiolt. lie e*Vr a htieg1 tok thae ball tah,'.''~ 'aer ba. of th ln'f, byhone and -~ :alug in atdre decntiono and''~t 'n tioed to.h s ery dame. erv. is bewe her toerarge ande- 'e- &' " o'aeionWieate r pist and bed '. .e. 'rees iles aoe of thall, tI . *' '~ o back Is a h beatful tiho andsue s": . O re - ahnd the idictionso lthej e'e cafc .F. Cvinkscf alheslwa Isallea t ~ e tee~n o aid r h in iery deu. weT' " il dWhiteatr ad rechnto b een - --id Maid Au. by. Gen. W.a. Ervisfthir bgtweens thasw large a abue ane tey e sboed lWahea Irn O. * bl.tizzard bIe abfules o aeu. - ca ee nd soe heJo' indfcat.n a 1."':nc Theun acrdes are cu de a de, a eiof hetwn~ecd r lim t.h Eanrc '.on 'ii r W J.cube Dfore ofo to. tham~i' end JnuW.rF gardenero wlhea ee"t"senxtya. -wllduTee willuc be . 3t~, iccdc Mr.u the 2hl. MrI hdoe struthei gar ens s tage ca Prof.. Looper had c'ulte a large class and furnished some fine @lnging at the Baptist ehbrch last Baturday evenirtg. - Married at. thq residence of the bridel parents, 0n the lit inst. Miss Martha Par rott and Md. Hunter; Rev. J. 1. Stewart offioiating. We have just rcoelved a highly appreci ated present and a most cheerful epistle from our eldest maternal aunt, Mrs. iar. riett E. Alexabder, of Cumming, Us. The largest vote that has ever been polled in Pickens was recorded last MondAy In the town eleetion. It resulted As follows: J. J. LSWIs, latendant, S0. Wardens: J. E Cox, 9;-B. M. Griffio, A8, J. B. Newberry, 29; C. E. RobInson, 40. 'There was slight op. pbeliton as w-lI be seen from returns. There is cohusiderable suffering among horses and mules from distemper. The un precedented told of last week. no doubt, aggravated thj disease. Several of Col. Hollingsworth's work annimals have need ed medical attention. He was out at T% elve Mile doctoring a fine colt last Mon. day. Last Friday evening aurora gave its prettiest exhibition. It amused itself in painting the northern sky fihst with a pink sheen; then, while you were looking, with. Out seeing any Movement, the weird light would adjust itself in columns of pink and blue, decked with dtars. It has not shone so beautiful since just before the war. Miss Laura Ellis returnedlast Friday and will be among her Pickens friends this iummer, She spent one year and four months In the mational Normal College at Dberlin, Ohio, where she graduated, and )n her return spent two months and a half aear Gainesville, Ga., teaching a nourish. ing school. She is certainly thoroughly 'quipped for the work. Mr. Mathias Richardson, of Anderson :ounty, was in town last week and chatted pleasantly with his friends. Mr. Richard. ion is one of Anderson's best citizens and 'armers. He has or.e son, L. C. Richard. oin, in the Naval Academy at AnapohI [ad., who h taken a very high stand, and mne in Furman Universuty, who is prepar. og himself for the medical profession. A SMALL FIGRT. he State lider Marshal Law-Te Origin of she Treulte. The telegrams on first page will ihow how the storm commenced to rew, and we clip from the Augusta Chronicle. the origin au results of the difficulty. The excitement through ut the State has been intense, and many of the militia threw down their irms. But prompt obedience of the Greenville companies speaks volumes for the loyalty of the up country. At this writing the State troops are in possession of Dirliogton, and all is auiet It has required the utmost exertion of cool heads on both sides to avert still greater calamities. The dispensaries at Darlington and Flor ence have not been sacked. The details will be more fully given in the next issue. The following communication re ceived here to day gives the first in formation as to how the trouble star ted at the depot in Darlington : "A very sad tragedv occurred, at the station on the C. & D. railroad by which four persons lost their lives, and three others were painfully wounded " It began with an attack made suddenly and unexpectedly by Fioyd, the dispe'nsarj~ agent, on Youn'g Rodgers, the clerk at the Entf-rpr-ise Hotel. A young man rushed forward to) stp the fight and the twenty con. stables who were present covered him with their guns and ordered him back. The city marshal about this time, with an assisetant, ca me up to quell the fight, and the constables covered him also with their '- mncheter's and refused to let him interfere. One of the constables, MicLendon, began cursing Frank Norment, who wished to stop the fight, and on his answer ing back, shot him dead. The consta bles then presented-their gun., and two of them, Pepper and another whose nanme I forget, fell. Pepper was shot dead and the other was mortally' wounded. The rest of the constables hurried off a short dis distance, faced about and flred a vol ley and then broke and fled Louis Normnent received a painful wound. Our brave chief of police, in this part ing volley received a painful wound, and young Lewis Redmond was shot deadj." .The train that was fired into by the citizens was seen this morning. It showed that seventeen bullets hit it. The constable, McLendon, I under stand, was the man who killed both of the citizens. I am told that he emptied his Winchester and his pis. tol bo0th before he -was downed and himself killed. Thirty men from Edgefleld will be here at 4:40 forming a military com pany. .F. J. W. DBFYING THE GOvERNoN. Columbia, 8. 0., March 81.--The governor has declared Darlinigton and Florence counties in a state of insur rection. He has also ordered the railroad authorities not to transport any bodies of men unless authorized by him. The railroads have thus far refused compliance. The governor has also ordered the telegraph com-. panies not to tr-ansmit any news of a war-like tendency. Obedience to this order has likewise been refused. The Edgefield Hussars,-Gov. Till. man's home company, will leave Edge. field at 6 p. m. for Columbia. The Sally Rifleti of Orangeburg and a company from Aiken will also reach hero to-night. TIhe ten Greenville do.mnty companies are under arms and awaiting orders to move. Telegra phic response has been received from~ mnilitary companies throughout the State, and during the night and all tomorrow troops will be pouring into Columbia. Th e situation is very grave. It is understood on the other hand that citizens of Columbia have signed a paper agreeing to go to Dar-lington to asisiit the citizens who are after the coustables. It is reported that an at. temp~t will be made here on the arrival of the Nowber-ry Rifles to force them to return or prevent them from pro. ceeding. The troopnar arri......n. by The Wealeyan Methobaite. The Wealeyan Methodists see to be going right ahead with t church work. They will soon h a neat house of worship complete Central. They have a handsome tie church recently built at Andei one at Townville, and expect soot have one at Oakway. Mr. J. Cochran and Mr. Fielding Lewis taking a very active interest inI work at Central, and the members of that church already is of suffc strength to make it wield a strc indtuenoe for good. noun& 6 eep masy. "John, is 01 the corn planted ?" "Yes, sir." "An' the cotton ground plowed I' "Yes, sir." "An' the meal come from mill?" "Yes, sir." 'An the mortgage took on i mule ?" "Yoe, sir." "Well, I reckon there ain't anythi to do pow 'ceptin to run for office; hitch upi" A Go& Steafeesamt. One of Col. W. C. P. Breck ridge's relatives is the proprietor o large litne factory. He will do a a fering public a favor if he will shif few carloads of his product to Wai ington and supply it to '-Willie case as a disinfectant. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syre for children teething; softens i gums, reduces inflamation, alays ps and cures wind oolic. 25a per bott Sheriff's Sale. S TATE OF SOUTH CAROLRN PICKiNs COUNI. In Probate Co Alice M. Bruce and H. Earl. Russ as administrators of the estate J. Frank Bruce, deceased, P< tioners, against Sarah Bruce et al. Respondents. Petition to sell real estate in aid assets. By virtue of a dooree of the P bate Court duly made in the ab< stated case, I will sell on sale day May next, during the legal hours sales, the following real estate to-v All that lot of land and the bui ings thereon, in the town of East County and State aforesaid; said being known as lot no 8, in the p of said tow-, fronting on Main stre bounded on north by Main street, east by J. Ellison, on south R. F Smith, and west by J. E. 1R inson; containing one-eighth of acre more or less. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay papers J. H. G. MoDarxr.,, 8. P. ( 18th April, 1894. Church Notiee. To all the churches in the Seo< Division of the Twelve Mile Ri Baptist Association: As we have b4 invited by the First Division to m with them in a union meeting Pickens C. H., Baptist church Saturday before the fifth Sabbath April, 1894, and we think the pro siti->n a good one, and hereby expr our willingness to accept the inv: tion. The churches of the Secc Union District will therefore el their delegates to mneet with the Fi Union District, at Pickens 0. H., the time above mentioned, and it hoped that they will send a full d gation. W. C. SEABOR12 Moderator 2d U. For the Best flakes of Pianos, Or ga i Sewing Machin M1usical I nsatr ments and Pai Calleon Alexand Bros. & Co., I Washing ton a Greenville, S. Notice.. My fine Jack will be at W. Price's on April 9th and 10th, a every ton days thereafter for season. Persons desiring his sers will pleaoe meet .me at that tix Insurance $8.00. J. A. GILLESPIE Executor's Notice. All persons having demands agai the estate of 19ero Lay, deceased, notified to present them, props proven, to the undersigned, witl the time prescribed by law. Wv. Lay, Y~ene, kqo . , ito liP It ug PAPERE ,For One's Price. Ito SBY SPECIAL ARtRANGEME19 a WITH rt. pll, of Mp2 int ,us, We are enabled to offer It with TI SENTINEL for one year for 61.50, chi bing subucriptions to be sent to this ofE of and aecomnpanled by cash. ro Pe LIBERAL PRIZE OFFEla IN in ,rr , Every subecriber to this remarkabe chi Id- blng propositionl Is entitled to enter TV my, PRIZE CONTE8S, sending his goes lot for the in let, " $1,000 Cotton Crop Cont ob an In which there are OUR PRIZES ofE ' for the NEAREST E8TIMATER of for size of the cotton crop of 1893-4, now log marketed, and award to be made aeson as the New Orleans Cotton Excha Sannounces the official crop fgures. IN GOLD for nearest guess to the cr Md 200 prIe forsecond, $300 prize for thi r 100 for fourth, ,100 for fifth. en et Crops for recent years have ben at follows: In 1888, 7,017,707 bales; In 181 on 6,985,082; In 1890, 7,818,726; in 181 in 8,655,518; in 189'3, 6,700,8GB. po. In addition to the above every clubbi BS subscriber can entcr our combination ta nud lot forli YtDhDNhe rat is 105 ?ZanUAaR, 4.. D. following sentence: The moments were numbered; t strife was fnished; the vision closf In the twinkling of an eye our fiyi horses had carried us to the termit tion of the-aisle. At ri~ angles we wheeled into our forn: direetion. The turn of the road c ried the scene out of my eyes in instant and swept it into my dreal forever. ONE FOURTH of the net si scription receipts of those en tori this contest will be divided amo those who supply the correct word the blank in the above senten Thus, if there rre $5,000, one foul would be $1,250. If ten supply I correct word, each would receive $1 if 100, each $12.50, &o. Both of the above contests f ,and inaddition to .TWO PAPERS tFor the Price of On er 0)7" C. Has a circulation of 156,000, and THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. It vors Tariff Reform, an Individ, Income Tax, and the Expansion --the Currency to a degree uufflcient the legitimate business deman nd of the country. he It covers the news of the wom ice every week, having news correspon se cnte in all the news centres of t world. int We offer you THlE PI1l1 rly ENS SENTINEL and TH A TLA NTA WEEKL~ CONSTITUTON ror $ s )HAGOO] To begin wi trade and pr< have never ha position amon counts. We - can for them ti been in some i to come forwa your help., and and give your We have s Coffee and Fl Plows, Plow " Tools. We h; will sell them - Come to see u T ? Mc FALL'S ALMANACK - FOR [E APRIL, ce X38946 S -- I 0,--0-U-R-B Ginning now to need a Double Foot Plow Stock, a Cotton Seed Planter, a Leather Collar, a Back Band and Straw Hat. We have probably the best c red earth. Something new and durabi the You may also need be. a Guano Horn, a Tie as Out Chain, a Wheel g Barrow, a set of Harness 100 a good Halter and a pa. 'P. of Lines. rd' Your wife wants a Lawn Dress, a Hat as and Light Sho os, a new 9, Stove, a Milk Bucket, a Churn and a New Broom The girls all want ug a nice Sailor Hat, a new lot of Ribons, a new supply of Embroideries, a new Calico Dress and a lot of other nico things. The boys should have a suit ol Tough Cattonades or 11 ICKOI ST RIPES, a Summer Hat or Pockel Knife. We have a good stock. Wi he buy to sell and try to please. d. W. T. McFA LL 'a ht or ir an nNotice. Notice is hereby giyen that th b- policies of the Farmers' Mutual Fir gInsurance Assioc'ation will not tak geffect until the 1st day of May next .ig The delay is caused by sicknesas an in unfavorable weather for the agent ce. to canvass the countv. th J. M. SEWAiRT, President. he Le, Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat eat business conducted for Moornari FEE,. OUR orc Cs OPPoerr U.S ATETO~ resnote from Wash ngton. iSend model, dawng or ph ooto. wi deci charge i O Wr tenou et patents ecred Addrfr e .s.norinconre C. A.SNOW&co. 4 COMPOUND. *tisJVaJthousar. ~ Fa.. crsrea dO0 eo tal noe sa qenoAsk for Ceoeio. of _ na Bold in Pickens and everywhere by all responis ble Druggists. Id may 11 '93-ly. Eatic Roofing Cost. only $2.00 per 100 square feet. Makoi a good roof for years, and any on~e can ptzl . It on. Gum-Elaatic Painet costa only 8( cents per gallon, In bbl lots, or #4.50 foi E ftve gallon tubs. Color dark red. wiii stop leaks in tin or iron roofs, and will lasi Y oryas. TRY IT. Send stamp foi sampes tidfull particulars. 0 Gum-Elastic Roofing Co. R BRUCE OUNCEMENT FOR 1 th, we want to thank our friends fo >mpt settlements during the past I better collections. There seems g the most of our customers to se ippreciate such trade, and propose i is year. The few who have stood vay hindered from paying us, we rd at once and do their best for u you may need ours later. Pay us note for the balance. BARGAINS. ome Bargains to offer in Groceries aur to be had any where. A full E itocks, Plow Gear, Hoes and oth< wve bought these goods lower tha -ccordingly. Lots of corn and seed S. HAGOOD, BR NOW THEN, BRACE UP And stop groi No wonder yo Have you an i No? Well, pei In buusinzess an seem hard to Y Call and get a Put an add in developments. will soon pasi The Best Sho"-us for the Least Money.W S3 A0g STYLE. Stnke $r3 nS DEA LE RS who push the sale of W. which hlpsatto increase the sales ont footwear of the dealer adverisedj below. Cata1 W. T. Mc FALL, PICKENS, S. C. Buist's &e are the B We have Garden S Greenville FORD. W have Onic Onions8 2 t< Car One Hundred Brewsti The BEAST and Ever Offered in --AT TH Greenville Co We make thc One and Two Hot Why buy Cheap Western Wagorie when that will out i 'Patronise HO0ME INDUSTRY. &C091S 394. r their liberal season. We to be a dis. ttle there ac :o do all we ack, or have again urge e We need what you can The Best Lssortment of !r Plantation' ri usual and oats for sale. UCE & CO. vling about hard tims. m think timex are bard. tdd In TIlE SENTINEL? pie don't know you are ii that is the reason times OU while others prosper. 'r rates on advertising. The Sentinel, and await Hard tines with you away. L. DOUGLAS SHOE"E" &.Bottom Waterproof. Best Shoc sold at the price. and .5O Dro.6isshoo. wa vrk, costing from $ to $S. $0 BPRivI~g S1hoe,g A.solos, $2.50, and $2 Shoes, Unequaled at the pnrice, Boys 8 "L?5Seboo Shos L ADIES' -$3, $2.50 $2, $1.75 Fitn a .orioabie... in toni . rol tye. L. Dou glas Shoes gain customers, heir full line of goods. They eam ucan sav .n~iony uying an year MORGAN BROS., CENTRAL, S. C. beds est.. the finest selection of ceds ever brought to GENUINE BRAD 4TER MELLON. We ni Seed that will raise 3 pounds the fIrst year. penter Bros., IREENVILLE, S. C., r Spring Buggies OHEAP.EST South Carolina ah Factory se W AGON&. you can buiy a H~ogemaide Wagoni a~t two. RKLIEY, Proprietor.