The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, January 26, 1893, Image 3

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S SENTINEL, LOCAL NEWS. away snow. got to make your return go'the t T. A. Price, we are glad to oving. ma Daltoi, la teaching tile chool. J$oweu, visited relatives at must be waiting for anuother. slow. o F .of 11ices, paid us a 'n urday. E IPE ris hits been qnite sick or it is improving. F 'A --S to know that Mrs. Jere. ti - got able to get about u tor , t 'A -6 ributed silx dollars to " a t Dr. Talmage's Taber. ry - rd wits il Session every T eral new ones added - of ii 'ers. s he t, of Easloy, was hob t -terd.i last Thursday the , p of lig now. 0' . e, is teaching school ,le'0 1 1ine West side of the county bo e1'0 ost Office. hi0 e .I)ickson, one of the er ieenville died there last d in t 2 years old. ais bouiht a supply of h (' d will soon be ready to 0 o ity. Is' oil Sn(lay. Aut 5i ssik is a traveling i. Clausen & Co., ef re low o the road. rreachling inl thle Prlesby Cenbl - "--- -lext Suoday 'at ',1leas ,stor Dr. J. It. dre tea it (~ it.l~a .t at :ht er has been ( Ua but is now e It did by D r. m et imissioner lBright says he Chool j1st 1S 800on as lie ec thawed sufliciently to do C clubbin- offer in another offer you he SENINRT anl]d Guide and IHme Compan-on )petitive examination for Wof School will be held i i the iiissioner's office onl Mobnd-, n the 221 inst., at 11am, %vi-41and Miss Eeie1iln ohin T. Lewis peiformed the 11n1y. -e hundred di'fferent macines -nte IM & bOMr roc)(k, "%ys 'lie ' seeretar 's for boring ond su rer.. - Icti Witiwld" of littlo 'ames of tv Mrs. W. 0. inities 1 ildest I at Lib 1 wn I -ruTow led ou. of - tr 1t Georg.e thi. .y . N \ elborn I,' q1UitV .9. htsb e serionl;I >m 01, noW. Dr. G. W -kolion of t'vn -ols:1t week anld th to. 't ,iV. J. Ulramnlett and News is authority for raM Luither T1rammnelIl and o formed a parIttnerCishipi -~rnment dist iliery inthis ic.known ini what sectilm it. ting~ Leommuin11iica1tion2 from our neC(lyn ai t F"tort lii11 realchetd ai~tt weeC(k's issue, but thr g'hiceh we will p)ublishi inl .lri attenitionl to the adve'r . Lewis & Son in1 antother he0 greatly t-> y'ouirs inter' e these gentlemen y'our I fair and square amt( se'li rices. ; Orr', youngest son of the Orr, a1( nd'brther of Col1. envilie, (lied at Andersoni m !ia. lie waIs abIut 301 a bright future before Iared. Iwenlt from near Ambler lie 20th inst.. It consis es, nine big turkeys. two a, one TIom1 ('at lad on2e Tlhey all sttll for 'cah. eat this for a variiet.y load(. ng"Cha'racter Sketches' It is a dlelightful booltk the hearit aigainist sinl andc ce Mr'. Rollinls and3( get s, a) colored c'it izen of th1is rie the Mayor in Greenvtille for trying to brea1k a rock4 (olored Icitizten1's hen2, . Ilie ')pay $ I0. 5eve( ten2 datys 02 Ibie accepted the last 'with f ft. tI ar sor.ry to hear that Mr. neI f San2ford', Fia. , sn -liost his w'f- H" I e had beenau r from3 himii. A. husObandl( and1 ib T[homupson has gIven1 nl f).atterson Tlobacco Co., (al 52. ( tud'ill sooni go (on thc litem). SuIccess to you,3 ewvocaItion. encalledintseu ls htif the snow colntinulled the price of meatt wold g' ,lhe said, thle peItople woull (1( sup1ply (of rabb1lits killed, Still blacukberlie cSan.e in,. Im 3 WVeil, of Gr',eensille', having A 'ted stock of good2ts ofli Mr. o ouigh thie SIcNri'N.L, thait hi - tsand1 dollars worth of cloth. I which he will selI at a sacri 3id It to your iterest to vlii of Mr. F'rank Porter leal last Friday andl being in ran with himU. Th'le bo~ Ifastened by) the bridle reim: 50me1 dliStance thbrouigh th< H le finally g It tho muul( 'xtricated himsielf when thc * rmd and gave hinm a sever< with one oIf his hind feet. a 112a1f Inches long near th< .t and tIhe left wving of th< 4 arFy bone21 was slightly fnie Rf rksey was called in and( dr2es Saird left the paltienit (doin1 q A Monflelde. Another bfoody aff ray is added to the at uals of crimes in this county. At a negr frolic at the house of Ienry Lewis Ia Friday night, who lives on ;the road b tween Easley and Old PIckonsvile, Lew lost his life. A dispute about dancing too laco between Lewis and one Sam Edward and they went oull... -- , ' ettle it It is said thrA tfter they Went out, wort became profuse ond hot and Lewis stru< at Edwards with a knife but missed hin then Edwards with his ready kni fc poum ed uipon Tewis and struck him a deat blow. The wound took effect on the lei side of the neck and ranged lowmward severing an artery leading to the heair Death was instantan.ous. Coroner Boggs was notifled and went t Easley saturday where he held an inques Dr. Frank Smith made an examination an testified that death was cause( b)y tli wound. The jury returned a verdict tiu Lewis came to his death by the stab of knife in the hands of Sam Edwards. A soont its information reached here Sheri McDaniel and Ex-Sheriff Richey left fo the scene. When they reached there the were infoi med that Edwards iadt made hi escape. The wire., were put to work I head him oil on the railroad, but he wit not caught. Hutday afternoon Sherif McDaniet was telegraphed frot Cent al that John lienry Allen. who was charge with being accessory to ithe killing, ha eIen arrested and was waiting for theSheril lie left imeillmdiately and returned Monda morning with him i and lodged hiim in jail The last news from Edwards was thit h1 was in Atlanta. Efforts are being made t, catch him. Edvards has not been out (f the penitetl tiarV long, having gone there last year fo assatilt and bmttery of a high an'd aggrava ted nature I Mr. F. 13. Morgai at Cen tral. To the Editor of the Pickens SKSrrNiI. We, the undersigned ladliei or icken and vicinlity, having learned tfhat anattemip is being made to open1 a dispens ry of spir itoni liquors as a heverage in out' towi hIrebIy ask to he grainted the right ;nd pro priety to publiely disapprove sneh a bu:..i ness We do not wish to see thorns aln thistles growinog whre the lovely rose ca flouris : Ms. M. C. Newton, Mrs. Ann Griflin, ",E. .Youngblood, Nora K OsbonIle " E A. R)hinson, K. 1i. Moi, "lt. A. Iiowen. 1. M. (tarto " A. M. M,;rris, to ).owelicifin, " P. . ( I istr, .1. J. Lei, ". T. McFall, . M. Moris, " W. 11. Aslnore, "' . (. i(llri os, vrI.Tnim, C. 1. Itobinson, ' . C. , I ) im s , ". . lendricks,ii. N. Hpkc, "S. G C lark, ..E iel " . . i. ies, '' ( a lmer, Ur.~~~~ ItSiATt . L. Cenreor, . Mc. Bucie " J. M. Meatliewar, J.~~~~ L. M.rey Mis C orris, to 1. . G iffn, " 0.loll i. w rh W.~~~~ J. P.1-rs "C arey,l-1 A-~ ~ Mv-).ici W. Stll pis Whra,:Ii effort has I)cen miade to es tab ilih a '' di nIVI .'y (4 Hiclumc-,; at Piclwlis' .V " iG 1 i0clgned 'li zensof sin paec "1 J. Mevl).y liaer , ' -chylexp s our l)ip oe a it i.l.o to nIpcIS tl e iss iorii f atc,i 11(11._111' in (.fit tom- I, also) to opil'Itte t il paskgt Of aGy Bill in, lill tn-e I hat Nwoth llo W.fti iar s , stk ia stt place as ifevei " 01. A . . ., .iT. NCwto AtC. Jo hnil L. Th')1illey, Rev. (". It. S11:t hercas an eIt.hsenndet . abi a rdi-p nW. r. y Fl I. a. Prikn, . I- he I i i , Atud r in . .1. ie 'Wis. za-1 and'I vric ity our purpose1 au C(XA . 1~'"' . C;I.x Xtl' 1 1Jt . R P: lt'. J Int etio Vt ppe. hW. oe. ing I. a d trl.. Br. 1". I 11, Hv1).,lJ . I. Ne To' fJr Wa. .a k A l. oa.'c . 'N l . iil T. T. Ilar is, -W. wT . .1.all C . J.P i < A. Bi'vin,M. L P li,tir N. P: IPr, ('eer J.- Xe. W. m'it. Kay thi . W.i' N1 e w Pard linfc~o 'or t'l of te 'letis t . MXedlii ga:io, ot this couinty, parrdon41e1l Governr Tn'ilh nan 1oil MomhyW pardotu' D raytolnt Mhini andic . ame's Metdtin on coil neer r'e'.urni. Tihey neeptedi thle (0ond hIlyl~ but Geni. (Gray knot ws whiere they arc The N edl iis, it wcill beu r~uelebered,wr ('oinviteid hire ab Iuti foilr years ago oIf ccor ed( to Iiv( years 'a'h in the penitenItiaryI A imant nameld i'ehfr'y was one of the ganil I Ie died in thle penlitenltiary. Jason Med lin, another'i of the ganig, teeaird troml pr'. son1 about1 six molunths ago. e'd live hecre lint will nowv leave. Thferecar se'verail indictm1 ent 3 yet agatin lst the Mietl Iliis but1 as they' ha:ve pro1iScis- to biietcim better cit izcens they mayi3 not1 lhe mo. lestedl. Thiiis is tile imy Steri' usP lcdo referreid I iln Clut:lh ia disptches('1 several day's ailo. l)aily News. fDlntle orni good e'stIzent. Mr . Msni101 liarine, Iiv1ing ive mliki north of Easley 1:i tha' Mountt Carmel ne~ !ZliIhborhood, die 1ic onTe-day~ last. MI l3urdhine wias ani ol timl, upright, an hi oiorable gent.lemein . lie was 811 yeai ohi4. anid was born1 anl I raiised, a'id had ali war;s li vedc in thle con-munIliity' where l died. If' he ever i.d an enin'yi, th:is seril: ne've' heand of it, ani it was ocur plleaisui tco know Mr i. lHurdinle froml ourii very (ear l est, recollection, liIe was a citizen of1 whie tile St ate c. uldh be proud of; he was ne(ighblor bloved,. a fatherci and hsaii chler'ishied and revered. Forn inanvl vearus lI was a dlevoult membetilr of the Mehod4)1i: clinic!. lie leaveos twvo scons to mourn i depar~)turei. II is r'emtains wi re inte'irred the McAcdaims huringi i giond iw ith1 Masmc ic honors. - Easley IDemlocrat. Ftroni Fort MIlIll. Th'le mlercutry lhas been play inlg nroun11 ?(ero1 forc a week ocr miore. 'lhe circeksi this viciity~ were firozein over. Seni: riiver' was liiilI of tflotin g ice. 5c<cine pliec< wer asc lar hge *1s a1 roo.1( I t hink the col was more'( intc''se at Mei een flain he(re. A lady friendc at Ihlat plt (:arriedo us In hier conserv'atoiy tc view tI f'rns oni th ni indow14 '~ panes(. '[leyv wiv t he mot n iearly perfect we (ver' saiv. Mi C. L. Ne'wlimn, wVho has beenvi visitin ig 'h fathlet at. this place, has retnined to Am kal sas wvhere lie hals charge (If the State's Jc - Perhliemnt ali Statiltn. Mrs. Jlines llalPs liealthI is very pocor. Miss Happy Newman lias [been quitei hut is imnprovinig. Ourfr(n Wadice Barggs istl h o erator for the miaterial trun on the' A. & C theiir escape oi slamoy, th( O- vrl) Central (:uiliungN. -ir. and Mirs. Lew'vis, of Gri'envihle, a vi siting ter d.m 'ghithier Mrs. 0. h. IHeur' M rs J.. 5. I11al1, of Fort 11ill, spet ae cril days here Ilast week. Mr. Ileniry' Hester and familly are mnovii to C ah liun, whei'e they1', haiveo ere'cte'd a inh hmctse- MIiss Emmina IIester has gone Lavonia (Ga., where she will assist in tI l lich School. M r. WV. . D)enidy, oIf ritchiland, sipent ti alfte'rnoo(n in thle city 3 e'sterdayv, Sinday. Mrin. Zi nunermnan preachedt yesterdta imoring ini the. Method aist church. Very fe were (lit n n.ecounat of tIle inlenlcnt weall er'. Ihe will pr''ach agtla ie nxt Sunod mughit. -i He; thti dsie an Ih a servan an,d ltk, th hote. Grower Clevelaand t- For the second thne will stand in 11 o portico of the beautiful Nationlal Capitol it on March 4th, 1898-and be inaugurati President of the United States. a What a great event this will be, and wh k a countless nmiltitude will be there 1 3, A Nast number will come from the Sou 1. and Southwelt, aild m11ost of theso will tat Is the Richmond & Danville It. R.-the &rep k est Southern systeiu.-Its regular service i, three daily trains, running solid, betwei !- the South and Washington, including tl li only vestibuted limited,composed exclusiv t ly of Pullman Palace drawing room ar I, dining cars, will, oil this occasion, be gren augmented by the most c imn>leted arranj ment of extra service ever offered by th L> imodel system. Excursion tickets at the rate of a fai d and a third for individuals, and one fai e for party of military, twenty-five or mor t w;ll be sold on March 1, 2, 3, and for trai a to arrive Washington 1)y noon of March s Valid, returning, until March 8tb, 1893. .1 Further ikformation obtainable from ar r agent of this system or of its connection A Meeting. The Executive Board of the Twelv Mi!c Itiver Association is called to meet i Pickens C. I1., on 8alesday in February i I I o'clock. a. in. A full attendance of tI Board is carnestly requested. JOHN T. Lswis, J. A. OtiFFiN. ,ar load of fine Mules and Horses f< fntsli er oi good papers. Come and see i if you want a good horse or mule. It. G. GAINKS & Bto. Central, S. C. - -Claude, a son of W. B. Algood, wi - acting Cow boy last Friday trying to ride catif. The calf thinking lie was being In posed upon coneuled not to let Clau ride any longer and threw him off. Claut came out with a broken collar bone an several bruises and scratches. Dr. G. 1 Earle ias called to see him last Sunday I set the broken bone. Cleri'm Sale. STATE OF SOUTU CAROLINA, 1 County of Pickens. Complaint for Foreelosure. Lewis Wernicke, Vs. Elias Day , et. al ByN virtue of an order of foreclosur madc by Hon. J. J. Norton on 6t .Janiary 1893, and on file in th Clerk's oflice, I will sell to the ligl est i)idder before the Court Hous door at Pickens, S. C., during th legal hours Z. sale on .Saleday lin February, next, tile following real estate to-wit All that certain piece, parcel or lot c land, in the county nid State afor( said in the old village of Pickensvilk cim taining two (2) acres ntre or les being the same lot on which Lewi - Werniclhe now lives. Terms, casih, pirchaser to pay fo Ipapers. Child & Boggs, vs. .1les Roseliion(d. Complaint for Foreclosure. By virtue of an order of forecloj I ire nMIde in the above stated ease 1 -[oil. T. 13. Fraser on 5th .Ju ne, 188 I will sell to the highest bidder b, fore the court huise door at Pickes - C. II., d in the legal hourts fOr sl oill Saleuhday' in February~ :next, the following read estate to-wil -All timt c'ertaini pice, parc~'el or' lot 'land ini the-_county and Sta.te aforesai in thme town of Easley', contaimnig or half (s.) ace more or' less, on tI: - nior'th sidle of thme Air Line railroa< and knmown in the town plat of sai to)wn as lot No. (33,) thirty three. . Terms cash, purchaser to pay fc - J. M. ST'EWARIT, C. C.. P. A,sessmu,enut Notice. -The' Asssmient of Property fe -ille fiscal year' 1892-93 will conninenIc 'on the 1st, day' of .January 1893 am close the 20tih day of February 189: - All prIoper'ty miust be r'etuirned its t rue mnarklet valuie owvned on tli lst day of .January. A ny changes 1 . transifers~ of Reafl Estate sinice last r< e' turn must he given when returns ai inadIe. All male p('rson1s between the ag( oif 21 aind 50 y'ears arie liablle to pu tiax, ulless e!xempit by law. Thle po ialty of 5(0 per cenit. will bIe enforce Bfor nonl-returlmn of p)roperty by 20t Feb)ruary 1893. For the convenfienlce of Tax Payei the Auditor' or hlis D)eputy wi'll atten -the following precinmcts on (days nan AtCetrl,Monday and Tuesdn .1 Janunary 9th and1( 10th inst. h At Liiberty, Wednesday and Thur a day, 11th and 12th ,Janutaryv. At Easl4ey, F'riday andl Saturda; 13:t h and 1 4th ,Januvary. s At Crioss Plinls Mon0iday Januar. S1G;th. At Daeusv'ille, Tuesday, Januam 17th. A.t Foisier's Sto'e, WXednlesda; ci Jauary 1 8th. "At Pumpnikiitiown, Thlursday', Jai IAt Kings Store. (Eastatoe) Fa - day 20th. At Iurric'ane, Saturday, Janam Alt. Six ile, M~onday, Janumary, 2: sAt Priater's, Tuesday .January', 2 I- A nmd at Pickenis C. HI. until t) 20)th of February, at which time il Boohitks will (lose. II .1. B. CJXLDE, Atiditor, Ii.\MI.IN lil-.\Ti' l:, .J.\ M ES A. li4V G;imENVILIE, S. C., C Sub. cribed Capital over $85.000. T.'Ihis C omlpamy recetive's intemElt hflitril depolasits, paintg 3 per' cent. intePres4t, su1 gj et to the nuual rutles. All (lepits8 ai l)litl pva l oulemamntll wi'thIouit not i'. .0 Y'our de(poisits -ure as safe with this inst e ution as withI any) (.t her hank. I )'positsi (ceived in any) amnount fromi Omc D)ollar ri ic wards. Them c601ce of the C~ompanmy is in the I5 y tional Bank' or (Greeniville. w F. F. CAIPEICS, S -c. and Treat. Y ramilin Be'sttie, J1. A. Hoyt, Jatimes It. Mmaxwvell Lewis W. Park D). T. lacot, T. 13. hlayne, C, Nelson Poe, Frank ii:rurgisa, It .Tnlito C. S.nitv XI t Lb t. McFALL'S ALMANACE Y &&"Here's at ye Agin.' Kold Cash Is the Word. oron "Short Settlements, Long Friendship, le d "It's an III wiand that . blows nobody good." O No cosaplaint thais year abouat-ft being "6bgger tban Youa thnoughatyitwax."1 If yous can't pay ofW your lnst y,ears account, conike Iea "Here'sh a ltte man'n C Shao t b ote m M at. s jut troit,in w riend hiu g it ban o i wilo ttakei placeprett noodygod. aWoe wilu sayitoor uthnr thattgke t Aseat Prku isnt bigan on fnyource so ut trtit an hile peuau" orhn cloheae Stalr Fy nie thaecat beacecured. son de i will t candt otrcustiomn ea nuas you can the r 2M5ents.i e Respc tully,ABt Va a WYARS McMALO,L r W Ptubot Meata at so just FArotI Rit nwEpD, e r lace Arety 15,00ouorien-h.Lr tet willulatio sfay toekly Newstoper THE GRESTUTHRNWERL de is tile he ente y chmn ar o cunusuat for 2eintest 0 ts espec turecotyno 4. ma~ oo ofa olpd byur hANY TEN outh WAsNEEConn NCoveth Wold Dr.Tann00rech00 or0 t WallcelPlIed and Frlat, L.8ano r regularlyuemloed o bay Weekl , .ppe I- A.M Ir (Tare Plunket) hs we MarkH Tagun, Ilobert Iar teonso Itdar Kiplin' Fan Stcktnl ichar Mlcomb Johnof n,andlthe est literart geits Sftecrald cotribute toits col 4. AND1( EVlt ISSU idSANY ENUCAow ,Aent ated cine ever genaly.sMone; for gets in orkinga for t DrEN l' vinge prthes addrese i fyore .To(' amI:nlye ehahris (U wnct freemco) NalAc PE . R/dit frkL agnt ter reuf"larly of spIx)3 fo Fietola. a e 1- .M.Wr(Atressnkct h~we MarkTwan, Rber Toi I,A oN s,G ityr Kpln>ESGN FrDi rStectlon hhr M atrons anolm1tfniend tthe hast itera whereIi%1 hef tilhe WT t ibta e toairut.shcon p.aetsro nae d in e ry oa it p Mot . nln,for preentsin orak ns ling t il SonD ata otheri dti'aserof th ofenly. SI ulfVe R eipetflly,wo atre N.YIS fJ. aeoayru. HAGOOP, BRU( Wish all their Customers a pro NEW YEAE More prosperous that the one ji They are inucla eneouraged' with tli ronage amad tiMe proznptotes of vaiost tonters In neeetinig their obligatlos. are still openm for all deliquents. last day of grace find you dinfigure& the ring. A large lot of Plows, Plow Stock Farn Insplenents ready for lnissove4 An good Flovvr, as nuclk of it, aln any one'ml We leanadle violsinig but reliable g< anxious for your trade. HAGOOD, BRUCE GOOIDS AT COST 'Now is your time to buy. In order to reduce our Stock of Goods to prevent breaking and wa-te moving to our New Store next to the Postoflice we will sell anything in C line AT COST For the Next Thirty -Dtys. Yoi will mies a bargain if you do not embrance this opportiunity. We will sell you Goods so cheap that your neiglibors will thiniz you st them. Respectfully, HUNTER & IAWTHORAE. XWiOne good horse or inulo and] a good one-horse wagon, (Markley m11h for sale cheap for cash or on time. January, 5th, 1893. 'Carriages, Buggies and Wagon SPECIAL OFFER! TO CASH BUYERS! We offer at RElDUCED~ PRICE1'S, Carriages, Buggies ane U J COME, EXAMINE ANI BUY. The Greenville Coach Factorm H. C. MARKLEY, Proprieto G- W. SIRRINE, Svaperinteuudenut. ap30y1 THE PICKENS CASH STORI Is Still in the Lead oni Bar'gainis. A nice line of Calicoes, WVorsteds, EtAc., to close out at cost. Shoes, Towels, Shawls, Men's Shirts, etc., at greatly redlucedl prices, Don't forget that we still handle Stoves and will sell them as cheap as an ybodv. For the NEXT SIXTY D)AYS we will make a general clearing sale to make room for Spring Goods. No old Stock allowved to accumulat.e in this Store. J. T. LEWIS & SON. N. B. All w~ho owe Lewis & Morris may look out for "Tu if they don't conme to sce them before February i st. Februsary, 1,18 . PASS THIS BY nes you aure intereste<d in Or A NEJV Jf4AT 1'or a ilttil Jtroney. I f so'. ''ii -ho.uM hy all xnnri, sc-e ouur I r.amt D i'Ihty of Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods! If yotu don't, yoiu wI li va to re 'rCt It, fo, '.e i ave the Newest Stc in Greenville ! -An<il We enni Ilease the inoust faistu<tious~ in SMITHf & BISTOWt, G;ItII-VILI,E,S. 1E &Co, sperous 0 T st passed! e liberal pat of their cus Their books E0n't let thit I andi, out or m and otlher Is4. it as chealop la 3ods stud are & co, .J. Li'AWis. .1 L'Ll:S F. iOGGS THE PICKENS Land .A gcency! Tho 'iek I.liniO Itr-if- now im,s for tialo il tie fil mim :n -ir.h-4 n . ". A ee' I n1h' b.1i'.n I ':.Ir' . er in til' it ii4h I,4t< , It e (f ,ulti1ati n: i'- I 1 4 '11 r% d : dw - lig 1 u1 111thetI 4 11111r hm] . , : ... t.h.e. sintil furnt In vi-'i'N vc-imitt -rum enu 50 neres on wo1 f '.4! ' . ii:;i 'n' r pas-' Itire la44d: 1 4 nel.- in --ult;v4. ( : 41.i: n Pickens onl 1:n14 y r .: tm 11 . ( 1 4 witter power u% h i t. I - , o . #-,,:I "i V.1:1 pirew,-. and 44ow i'f V in ,' vi i, - 1, v. i I r.:I..r w I 4i l tixttirves: i41 1 :1:1 1 y I.* 'I .. - v . d wellilig hom.-v1 with w l f .4. w tr ; . i. t , nevussitry'' u h, i ' ,li:: . 44t i h --t 4' 4 t k 15 ner'.., on4T1u41 444 4.''..4. 4:444n i4e w e. 4t.'ik C n4' j444 d 4 4 u 44 : . .. 444n1i. el4,14 - e r i.t I eI 1 en4 . V 4I.I -rI'II 1 1'. 44r1 1r 111 il il - ers's hu. w. wn,a-hin Ill: vi it q1 4--rti ! o : I.( 444 41 run of cul'ti-r ; mic-hnlif cit-h1. i6a! 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