The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, September 08, 1892, Image 1
The Vote a Liht One All Over t Itati
How it Statiali t.y ClIatil-Ti iI048e
Has Carried Nealu-y Fvory (-itiml at
the state.
COLUMB1IA, S. C., A 30g. 3. ' * I i,
no doubt of 'Tillmai' selectie , and IIa
indications aie that he hwi carrii
nearly every conty in the Stale. ''it
vote polled 1,h1ouglhoit the SI itv 4 I <lm
to be a light one. Thef ollowilg is I t
result of the contest by count ies as Iat
as heard trom:
This county will givp 'Tlma aI
majority of at least, IN). 'le( volf
poil%d is ntich lighter th-wi was (x
. pected.
- Aiken will give 'I'itimia at in.ijl it N
of at least 700. The a lvctiol ;aw'std <
The election in ihis c untv r sti ;
in a victory for Tilliman by it in-jtri
4 of 700.
I ' N W 1-:LI.,
Tillinan has carrieti this coa li y I-. at
least 500. All I lie retars ave ntd iI
but these figurt s are stubstaie inlly
rect. They may be izreast d
i; EA%t l t'rl .
Sheppard carried Beaufl'ort eoiaty i,
117 majority.
This county gives Tiia;;. a gol:([
majority, probably 1000. Ti.a ret urwi
are not all in but ia.dleat ioan. intin t I
the above Ilgure.
(Il Al L. T N.
Charleston give, Sheppard a iajIl:
ty of 1,000. 'l1e t otal vlte in i tIhe ('0
is 4,055.'i I- I;
Tilluiain carries I his Coaint by ab1, lit
300. Later returns may chaii.vv the t:
igures a little one W;IV or t Ihe tat he.'.
Tillman will have at least 1( laa.ajor
ity. All the rt turiis art no.t in yet. am!i
these figures iiaty beac'hainge- a 1 -iti
oni way or the ot he r.hut tie ii f
doubt of 'Tilman iaving carrid ita
county by a substal ial iaj- rity.
This coulitv is coicte-d b) M t.e (0 1
'ervatives to Tilhia, but by what
<18jority is not stati d. I. wi;i prohially
acl 500.
Il ildications are at t Ihai u ting
it Slieppartd has cariid Voll-ton
inty by a sinalt najorit y. 1,-:itar r.
'ns way chiinge thisit.Iti. :. iaa111
the ouitliiag p.oi[- lavve"(? li ia a
eard fromti.
I P.\ l .1 N.TON.
The vote ill lh .i cutIt '. Is',(
blit, thU it4leat i a ll, , li -ei i! i h! ,ks -t I
carried by a ht ppikld by a . liial! illa
Tillinan cat i-is hiis t inlY a 1t 3 Vt
1 at 18aidsutne ilajority., I he a' ill;tt al ,,
this hour varyiig iromn ctia ta' twq
I'A I aWl l:LTn e
'"ointy wvill give :t -
L aboit 200 s s'
Wa VIeI (1l1at t to tay at al
Tilliuan's ina1ijorIty ill Ihis collill y i:
estinated at 300 by his fri. old -, but lat a.
returns may chtingl hi i ot.e. way w
the other. The vote is clowl., alld I
lay iitke the olicial count ito dtt rin
inle the result.
(;I:)h,\I w N.
'leppard will have ait 111 jit c y -
2W or 300 in this couity. T i mi'ajo
ity may be in reast-d at lit t le on liit
flia coun t.
The TIilliman electors iri thli.t co'tl l
will have at it ast 6(00 majorlt y. 't Im
1'-uch is concci(atlaby the aplaa.sition:1
but Tillman's friends cJainn- a l:a t e
majority for him.
11AA l"'TOIN.*
The vote pulled in I his cta,atIy ua a
light, and the mnajority Vo T(l luac
will be about 4150. 'The rae bat wa-tn
Tillman anid Shieppaa dt is close, anda 't tat
delitiate result catnnot, he ga ien at. t his~
time, it is blieacvedl lhat'd aTti ha:
.carrikd thle county bay the aoelihO guan 's
k illisIl A wa.
Returns fromn a few precin a-!s shoau
N hat the Reformn delegates wat have lala
least eight hiund(rted Iinajoraity3 In) liar
shaw County. The Consarvatavra
strength centeredl in (Cait-aa, ua Iaea'
the count attood, Consairvat.ivyes :&
Rteforam 78. TIhae country ho;wts a re ad
most solid for Tillman.
L.AN( AsT 1.
Lancaster will gave 'Tillmana a ajor; i
ity of 700. Some oh' his frit .ds c'laii
more.-huit the above seetins t.o bea abla I
the correct figures.
L,A Iil IN s.
'ITlimn's maajtority anIn alan wila
not fall shor't. ohf 1,(00, and' inay b1
muclh larger'. A haavy votl a' ia Ia
I)oited ill the Couanty.
'This couinty gives TI'' inIan I a p
tig maijortty, whiebi 1s t attat at
fromt 700 to 1 ,000. .1 hae tlect :aaa pm. <lt
off' qu'ietiy.
Tkillmiani's iaoritv I at thIais otatall
will reach ait l#a8t, 500, anad iniay tat
4 o.auch heirger .as all the boxa a are laa
I ~ man hats ciarriedtN alr iI n a: util
'aist 500, aaaah his mlaan it y lna
'iclilihighe ias saanio ais St I0 tg
iots havea anot bee a('a od - romt b
fry wtill ga'vea I dhattaa I al a
t', anad iitheigaaaa laay sit
ghier, as thae rait al. at;a a)a
. Thea cual nt v 1 isei.a' a . i I
t)trtN 1:.
.' Ia!!s ill ai'.e a:-' gi\a & It
umiaoritato -110. 'I Ii ss lit. a a
' i , u l e\a aura- s'a b-at ;aa I.
it, thet oant l roab)liality~ I -am la
I(Ki-:Ns. coutilty ilunate h at. Ti ll
ajority wiltla beabma:0 1,5(
ItiIL A NDn.
and1( will give SheOppa'rd a majoj
-about 51K0. The al-ct ban patsse'
quietly with the excaption ot a hre
a'i'AliT'A N lIt'lt<4,
ThIe inidications ae that, 'I itlliaan ha
. carried Spai tang lby a,>bout I ,a
majority. Thela vaote: was ailite heav:
4tnd everything plfassa d (If quaietly'.
The Indicat ions are that hats cot)al
'Jis gone fori Shieiopar I by a small niaa
Jirity. Whon all thie returns are il
Iilloi insy inake a better showing
I ian at tils writing.
tlit County will give Tillman)
1.2 inajority. Voliig is not as heavy
.G >Wats VXpected.
WI LIA it'l1.
' s cutlIjt.y ha tindoubtedly goi
r Tlillgin 11, t. by N hat majority can
not he stateI d at I I Is I imIIe. It will prob
ly reacth GH.
Iet ta ril ale tli.lig ill 8slo ly. 1.iighi
I1%x(s vive T'illial i51.3 majority. The
lotal vote will reach 3MtX ad Tillilan
n ill get 2 to 1.
The CIiIigrei,ailitiital le-ton
COX.t'MBIA, S. C , Aug. 30.--The re
tur-iis Iromi the ongressioaII election
h(Od Io day art- very ineagro and
Inothilnat delinite call be giveli- at this
l lilt' Iirst i istrict Ifw contest is
v r :e- v I i fwccn Irawley and Stoke.,
Wit h Ihe cbanc s in ivor of the form
I t he st' s cod is I tict Tillian and
Tl'lbert- aeit I he othe i candidates and
te n ill have to run over in a secon(I
llInW thbtird dhstrict ,Johnston seems
t.o be iiitinated over Latimer. The
r:we w ll he close but I he chances are
t ht'llfhns101 will I;o nominated.
In the i'foirt i is ric,t Shell is almost
e1-it ill 1O %% il, ait hough Johnston, his
coinJ"t itir, his developud colsilerable
t I lin JtIt.
In tie hlit It di bic ih(1,1 lie chances favor
tite 11(jiiilation of HIemphill over Strait.
alt hougi tihe cont est is close and doubt
fu1, aril it may the official count
to (letermine it.
In the sixth district there seems to
1: nio deubt of AlcLaurins nomination,
but. fron the fact, that there are three
or Four candidatl s in tihe field, the con
1est, Inay have tt I: decided by a sec
('nd primlary.
Ii tIthe sevenIt dist rict. the race be
t wtVn lli y wald and Aloise will be
close. but itrom tI' data at hand the
ristlt c:titol, it- predicted.
I1 by 11i)ots i he ii:hkt I4 Over.
(o .lu 1g A, \ guist .30.- ChaiI IanI
I rby was sevn by ine at i idnight. Ile
was comfortably seated in the Gover
nor's i piazza u ii it I several so-eretaries at
his couiutnaid. The returns wure comi
ing it rapidly and lie was taking
tiungs very comfortably.
"Wt- are going to carry the State, he
said, by froin two nty-live to forty thous
and i1ajurit y. I am perfectly confident
of Til i ui's re-tlection. I will concede
to the t)p1josition Charlestoi, Richland,
G(toigetown and it-atufort . I do not
bilieve t ,at thei Coiservatives will
cijy * noth-r tointily in the State. It
i:s all i have giatiiet and ill that I be
li( ve I1 ey n ill ki er get. You cal just
whi Oh., I (im!-.dir this 1t fairest
prit.-rv II. utiwo we have ever had and
I .ilJht atl that, it is the largest vote
110ha ))h111; V\(r1 ulif1d cw-. The fight, I
is :it in1 (.0 "N ews anid Coil
t ' N.S. C'., A ug. 30..-The
0 11t a set iS L., have inlafie out of the
Sl!hu1-ike i oim inl Charleston I or
ns<me i asn er othir. Some ascribe it
1-> i , !Ius ->f I i e It) Ie1. 113 idc, Din.le
'1'd .)- 1 1 i 1t 0tig ChCI of Police
l'-in al-pinttel Slate COnl'ahlC Oil LIt
ani111 Ilea that shelictll Ferguson In
titA(ti Idd .1lioint diputlis to Kerve at
he oills as ti: police of the cit,y is
itlt r Tilhlanite tle. and] as the Shewill
Ever contnlhti(Il ai) thing of the kind
lit!s cour e (,I the T11m11anite s acted as a
icial al a hti-omra nt--. Whet her this had
It' elb -et (r 1n,41 the leloimer8 who
V r iu Iin the Ti'llIman-Stokes
inetr ipolitaii bo'omi werIe uniable to keep
tei torc(-s tige ., antd the result now
14>4Ks h~kt' a swee1.itn 'jg titdal wavye viie.
Ptry ihr Sihcppan.i a d u Hr law ltey.---Column
I'rohni bI t lion Xnweiselnta thi, Stat.e.
C' l.131BIA, S. C., A ugus'-t 10.-The re
poi Is r'cetived ind(icaite titt the Pro
hiii lotnists have carried Ithe State by
ant overwhielmnitg mnajority. Where
ever repoitrted tiht prohibition vote has
biten very heavy. Chairinan Childsi, in
a j.ulabr way, sid that he actually be
liteed thmat thlitre would bie a majonrit y
tof T5,t00t inl tiht Stat , and that the Pro
hii ioni iists hinui 1.he Legislature.
IThen - iteitt oreh is,.
'Ter' Si ii o be11 i lit1t'e dtit of1
itrv t 5 ot' Iinion as 1 Solicit or
ol Iii Is ei tt. The vote in Chtarlestmn
was vii 3 .ea vs andl his miajority large,
11I. is not hiktly ta ihe overcomIe by lhe
conrylint -nil . innitt
p)owdt r~ malgatzitni 1, belonging one ttachi
to tiht i)tlponIt, Wibnd & Naily and llaz
z;.tI d l'onderi (omipainy, bilew lup hert
.ve-tt'e en at ternloont. 'iTheret were abouil
I600 kigs tnt pioVi ler in tiht magazines
Slghtin hi1)4iad bitent dartinig through t.h&
i-kts ;.11 th lii'rennoon, andt at 1 o'cloclt
a hol1l struc1k tone mtagazint', which ex
- ltioded at tonce urtin g the two otheri
.1r01m the lace ti the earth. Th'1e con,
c luin was t i ilic; the earth trembktd
iti Ituen, i omet'n anid citildiren rusha d
lothet'~ ittret s. 'iho shock broke hun11.
tdretds ol windbows, aint int some in.
'iTe(' exlion.ii u. is heardl at Whijtehioio,
lifteeni IlIles (ditn. ('at ie grazing
nea'.r the) tinl/.azi8e were kiih it and te
tnile of t he niugazmet was badl 1111Iy td im.
ltged(, andt it n ittany oft thernI tile mii taf(e
w<tre lit ioa It (in the tloort aid seriouliy
lijuri . Il tal a dtoz/ell ;tersonIs rt'ct'y
I'd ni lltndL f1111 in broken g i.t-s arid la'l
to,d or it,cconii
calu .f it O\ : -tortt, tInts dotmrnty, af
-a r; 6,e s. ota,yfo
da ie w -i st-ii'i dl himt. shtinl
t en v i 1.1 liit h~ 'amtii to hisi ri-lt[
fli ll f eit dtit ir s n l o g ti, g utt i e o
ihe int unt r t ii t-a. av.tsug. Theltufy
ftretr te in hist Lf. SlIt' cii'r it
-hrV Ai tt m i tIb- Muprdeor hreI
was.riltli ot ci'lo ote buthte
51t.rte d.ed kile the irdwho
wit h ai idethi.,
Uovel illne tat Tr od1e15 118a411a I4a ti bN v'ue
tu I Ite so l to I ato -- 'i1Ihouaa01*
A io atheir It ool v lIit tie.
N iw Vai A ug. 3. The steam
J-hilp Caracas whclh 1lf ia Quayra
NCl)t zlela, Awust 20, arrived here to
day and brouhlt inlformation of consider
able lighting in that country between ti
government forces and revolutionists.
The Venezuclan C:onsul here receive
news that General Crespo, cheif of' th
revolutionists, was in retreat hefor
government soldiers. Tle last hulletit
Showt d him to be at San J Uan de Los8
mors, and that the government soldier
were pressing him closely. Many 0
his followers were deserting him au
his army was made up ol cowboys prin
The Caracas brought conlirtuation an
particulars of the battle Iought at Cin
dad, liolivia, the tiws of which was re
ceived by telegraph. It resulted in
large tiumber of killed and wounded.
'Tie governmon)t forces were com
manled by General Careras and the re
revolutiomists were under the leadersbr
of Geneial Guerra. Careras had sevei
hundred men, while the revo.utionlist
numbered about 1,100, but they were iW
ferior in aims and discipline.
The battle opened outside of the town
when G'eneral Careras caused a char.:
to be made on Lhe euemy. The rvolu
tionists stood their ground firmly an
-uil'red considerable loss. The soldier
of Careras were repulied and fell back
carrying their wounded. After a shor
rest the troops were ) eformned and agai
attacked the rebels. Careras rode a
tile itad of his men and urged them or
Ile was cut off from the main body o
his little army, and with a half d-zen o
his men iund I imself surrounded bN i
large I umber of' dhe enemy.
le fought for his life as bt-ubbornli a:
he could , but was linull.1 knocked oli hi;
hor c and killed. The government for
ces ilt i allied -.itl forecd the rebels t
Tle Venotzuelai COnsul' adVit.L
fron the government at, Caracas als<
contain details o1 the illpoLartait am
bloody battle ti it to-.k place August I
near Villa de ('uia, in whice 1,50o at
said L,o have bevn killd or wounded.
(eneral L iii z. was at Villi de Cur
With a lan.e olev. General Vallt-nf0l
had colcentrat d -000 nc :- omie di
tance from him.
GLeeral I't'lel.0n.iA - c0i.-0( Ied one
the bravest anid able-A om the Venczuela
generals. Ile piavliett to lead the rt
I VO!Iitioliits unAdCr Vali lilla inito an
bush u,I.d d(isroy. hemill. For this puI
pose hie bent, 800 muen unider comman
of General Zoolata to march upon tli
ebehs Wil. iouto to apparenti
01l'er the etm1 battle. When tile
comnillied to) igit the governmet
trools weire to Aow ly retreat aud drai
the enem,jy oil tintl the mai army ap
Ilrilt d, fien a ger.erl onshlight, was L
be made, atd te it.volitionary arm
(iieral Z lolaga drew near to ti
f'orce f 'revo!ltioinAts and wits attackt-d
Ticir lire told w% ith gre l dket and th
goveit men,genieral Mel duad.
Without, a leader ils troops furgo
their instuctionIs, anid enraged at tli
death of their c(Aninander, returned th,
fire oni the~ tclemy .indt at hauL batt Ie raged
ltigh1t, huandrt dI tnten fountd themelveCi'
oplposedh to 2,000IL, buat. toughat on u'es
peratLy3. The Irevoltit)sts hadl se'vera
tiel pitees and thiese raked tile men0.
The battle con tinumed for several hour
with var.,inz sulccess. The modera rifle
anti betetr traini.i of the governinen
troopas iprotduced ieat loss Onl the othec
sIde. T1he revolut,oinists tiamost sur
roundhed the 800. The latter saw ttr Lit
Ilme tbat, the battle was going agains
]Ioth eldes~ semed to have bec'an
crazed anti fought ILriousl y.
The dheadl hay on all1 sides and1 Lih
woundled were tramplledl on as the con:
Ihtlit chnge'd trolln place to pla1ce. 1Lat
in t,be afternoon the remnants of th
governmIient forces succeeded in gettin
thirouAh thet lines of' the enemy. Th'e
beat a hmat y retieaet alid the revolution
ists were too) weakenedi to pur'sue t,beu
anad It wats then discovered that 500
tile SO)00iI menthad een kIlled and ih
g'overnment,ha suheiirs estimlated tbat th
r'evolut,ioniists hitad lost ,(000 menO.
Thme Consu11 ftuither'i stated t.hat Gen
eral Uirdanetta hadl Cone 10 Caracas t
aissumel tile post tof V ite Presidient
Presitdent Villegas is a very old ma
and ratiher sic'kly. Ilie is soonl going t
Euirope for the benetfit of hlis heialth, an
General U rdanetta wvillI act ini his ai
.'ala le r HlundilroiadiFet.
41 o'clock yesterday aftern'ioonI the bileiI
at thet Morgan fron Works' brick var
exploded anid was thrown about 40t
feet from its originial position. F"iv
or six of the negro wvorkmen were sit
ting near the engine when the enginlee
discovercd that the water was ve'r
low, lie ti rnued ont the coldi walter. (
IW. hlart y, mliihangr of the4 cIty wateL
w ol ks, ste ppeatI int o) thet room just ai
the cohal n a t'r re'achead! the red hot lie
Th'ie iposion foellow.ed imnimetilate
aIlt it wais wit h thle grata St difllicult
that Mr. I larly a'esaetd wiitha his lii
llis in jurm'ies were of at veryV paiiff
tough nit Gof a serlius ni'a'r. Th'i
NI-Wl Yott, Aug. 2t.--A fire in tha
l ivie story bI)htl inig (:l the coirnea.r C
l'ri ntce aInd Wooteni streea.ts, a paper ho:
factor'y, hats, it is believed, resulted i
great losa oh lift. lThe fire started o!
the lop floor, ovetpfed by the Unite<
States~ P ictutre Framne Comnpany, ama
<uti;ckly spread to tile other loors
the strtutre, wh ich wvere tased by a p
per box conlceru'. A numiaber of girl
were emploayedh il thea latt,er, amnd it
helieved t hat mny of tihem pe'rishe
I 1,he tI llameits. Sixtee'n hiremnan are re
p horL,'d killed by the tallinIg of one( (
r the walls. Th'ie greatest excitemn
r prevails, amnd it is inmpossible at thi
writing to) obtain deliniine uar't.ienho
r A I,im I Iaug ucr4.aao of tho, Cholsrm
Iluaisse un Paaal
11A II nt'. A ugust 30 - The biiltri
- ness of the at llosphere since early last,
levening hais caused tie( cholera to
spread with increascd rapidity, and
-hopes of the near alaatemlielt of the
disease havo received a shock. Tonight,
81 new cases aid :119. deaths aro re
- ported for the tlay. The number of inl
torments 5ert rnay was 290, almost
three times the average in healtiful
times. Alatiy of the burial.s now take
place at night, as then thIre is not only
less danger ot infection bit also f ewer
persons abroad to be stricken by the
appaulling frequency of the funerals.
Mostofthe bodies are unaccompanied
by friends or relativi s. Persom;s of tle
poorer class dying in hositals are bur
led without any attempt at ceremony
- and without having been even seen bay
9 f riends or the family.
f Tle long expected panic seems to
I have come. The exodus of families of
proverty is continuous and increasing.
le railway stations are full nignt and
I day, 1 and there is difletilty inl findling
.Vrters enongh to transport baggage.
usiness is dead. %lost of the shops
not dleaing in the daily necessities -Are
closed Those remaining open do hard
I ly a tenth of their usual trade. The
I cafts are deserted, and the restaurants
- are without patrons except at meal
P times. The hotels today received but
3 twent.y-nine persons, anld most of them
s are virtually empty. The loss of trade
- i the last three lays is estimated to be
in the millions.
The celebration of1 Sedan Day, aii
e versary of the of Napoleon
. III, has been forbidden. Six cases of
cholera are reported this evening from
the military eampat Lockstedt, in Iol
stein. Many of' thle soldiers are ailing,
and a temporary hospital for handling
victimis of the plague has een estab
A Miilai H11torror.
.oNION. Aug. 26.-An loion,
which it, is teart'd inlav be attended by
enoritus -)ss of h!e, has Occurred at
Aberkenlig, near riduend. inl the coun
t tv of Glamoruan, Wales. ()ne hundred
- aid fi)rty -tIr ' Mi s are VnLtrappe d in
a coal pit, ow liain to an explosion which
shattered the iallerics by which they
could have male their exit. and nothing
Sis known of their filte. When the ex
i plosion took lace a1 volume of coal dust
5 arose tromll the m outh of the pit, and
e this, alone with th I tilblhin! noise, -ave
i 11OtLe to the iih8bt:i1ts ti'l tom thinL
It serious had occi.ue. Womlenl 11nd
chliildren ru,,htd ta tic i u'hli oi the pit.
. er'Ln and ivwim!a -I I.e lathers. han
bapd-5 and bj!oahwr; bhlow. 'lie scuus
at the pit's Il' a' h were i ist dI-re1s
iw-!, and ( forts %viu at aiivvi( made to
reac1 the elioinhlei In[wl an 11 a*acer
. ainl the cxtent IA tha cab'iiAv. h'llese
-. lbrts io lar live proi nito1 uccessiul,
diaid the indaaatt n. are that the explo
e siona may lave destro. id every life in
y the mine. The iaianviagers have called
y oi inia t r nighboring collieries to
it asist im the Woak o fl rc-Cue, and the
V Ilost strenuous exertions are being
. made to open a was to the tinfortunates
o below. In ,eNeral instances women
y have gone fr-iitc over tle, kuspense,
and soiet of thi n have insisted on tak
e ing part in the work. Many hunureds
of spectators have as::embled from all
eirections, and% work is at a standstill in
the vicili3, sot grvat and veneral is the
anxiety to ascertain whether those in
the mine are alive or it - L. Six bodies
have been recovcred from the A berkenit
. i.. Tihec work oft re'scue is still ini pro
s meIsP, but, owmiii to <ilfliculties~ with the
- vent ilatimu aipparatuI (s, it plroceedas but
1 "lowly Iv lundrteds of per'sons5 surrounid
the pit's mioutha, mlost of them waiting
' to identity bodlies of friends alaal relatives.
s Ventilation has becen parl ly restored
in the muine after' it, had1 bcen stopped for
r fi r liours. T1hec work of' rescue con-.
. I ,innies w it,h desperate earn est.ness, but
so far without reisuilt,
snei Death i of Foutr (iirena.
has reached here froma Madison couinty,
tellinrg of the 5sad (eth oft the four
childireni of a tatni ly named Wialsoni, mn
the short space (It torty in utas, three
of thema from the bite oIf a rattlesnake
andh the other lay dt'owninag. The sad
affair occurred a few (lays algo. Mr's.
y Wilson went to at spring neair the houise
- for water, taking the baby wit.h her.
She had left the hiouse but a short, time
I' when screamas attracted her attention,
earnd hasteninag t here found two (If hier
chiildreni deadl and the tinlrd one sick.
T1he litt le fellow, however, was able to
talk, and said thaey hiad paoked their
fngers through a crack in ihe floor and
a hen uinder thle hotuse had bitten them,
Mrs. Wilson hurried back t o t he spring,
aifndi there found that her lit,tle blaby
had crawled into the spring anal been
d1trownedl. WVhen the mother ref urned
to the house she fonnd the little -oy
also deal. Sonme Lim inlat er. thle Ca baer
returnie'd. Search was madeh, andc a
huge rattlesnake was oiind tandcer t he
*house and killed.
r ~ Firo in Atagaiata.
I A u: '-sTA, (la., Aug. 27.- A\ alstruc
L,ive fire occuirred here at. 2:30 this molrni
i ng. 'Thei Alhexancdcr D)rug and Seed
popn stre 0Fleming &Howle'
crockery store, liarvey llhall's pahoto
graph gallery, .Jcseph t. L anler's law
s )llicati homas & Baiona's whsaleac
nui sic atndc sew aing iinachiin ( st ore, t lie
residcctat ofi Leraoy Ali tier ;iand lhe
Unronicle ollice were totally destroy ed.
A uguast A. Do)tra's clhothaing house~- wa'is
slig hthy damlagedl. Tlhec loass is rou ghaly
es ist'mated at Sl iJ0. TIhie enitire
mornmng c dit ion ofi thle Chronicle was
worked off' whih-' thce buaildling wast in
l'.ia'-. .lver. thinig was wviped out. ini
the i-haape of~ type atail iautchinrery. hec
i les of' i,he lipera' from 1800) to daL,e and1(
f thle suabscription lat, boaoks were saved.
Ki'The3i nsurlr.ulca is. abu h 830 1$f0,000, very
S aa genralIly di st ri buLatd ilaniag cornti as
re-presenited here.
jLSat h ran in.anaegatties.
f NELW Y 'im, A ig hd. A hig deb-ga
-lion fromi North Carolininand Virginma
8 waited uiponi~i upcrintendeint IHahn t, o1'
8 the Sp'-aker's' bierent oicf the R1epiiblican
COl comi atte", today tod obltin Itie aid of
-etlicienit sp,eakes m i thiir St ate's. Tlen
f nessee also sen t a an ii, andl several
V Southern st,ateas aire ima:king e'ff>irIs to
8 induce Lthi national coammnittee to lad
.them in making a vIgorons canams
Miss Lonkey, Suare of Tht Ir Devotlon for
Ier. Stal's the MIlII.
.Nom.-: I , Aiinn., Aug. 28.-Charles
Lenott, and Burtl Revier, two valiant
Frenchmen. both int love, had a light re.
uently for the iauid ol'Nellio L.onkey.
Both were handsome, so Nellie thought.
Neiluer of tliem Is fair to look upon
itow. The nmih was interrupted betore
Lh, ight had vot to a finish and Nellie is
still n sotnietlihig of' a cquandary. But
her wits were all shanken up and her
overbaluaced ( llections will settle down
uln Lenout'sside of, thle fence.
The way of it was this: Nellie lkes a
"mill" us well as ".Ja.k" McAuliffe or
"J,immy" Wakely, and when matters
nme to the pass that she didn't, know
which horn of the dilemma. Revier or
Lenlout, to sewe, she )ropos "I a ring and
wo-ounce gloves. Under the cover of'
Lhe night the varty repaired to a (Imet
place. Miss Lonkey sat iv the buggy
walchim.r the lht and saved the princi
pals the expenme of a referee.
Each had a sceon(d and a bottle of ar
nica, but no gloves. Neither had much
light, in him, but there was Miss Lonkey,
lind she eged them on. lLevier h d the
more science, but the fewer pounds. Le
noul was twenty pounds the heLter in
'veiuht, anld heZ! indulged in light, exercise
an the sharp leatures of Mr. Revier, be
ing quite fresh in the very first round.
The latter. bi coming breathless and very
grougy. was sent ont to the ropes handil y
by the deft dukes of' Lenout.
But, 8trange to say, the muss of III III
in the other corner, getting sight, of' the
feather in Miss Likey's hat, gathered
itsell touether and had a far-away smile
on its , celstake countenance when time
was culled. The girl finally got more of
this than she wanted. She re lly liked
Lenout bist. There were manire I)ounda
of uvoirdupo;se about him, and lie had
more bank stock. Sit, wanted to save
him for hersel!.
VhIle the bellIgereuts w-re sit,ting in
their corners waitig for time an If'ea
a ruck her. The horses were skittish,
and when the pwimcipals shook hatiIs for
tl-e third round she cracked the whip
and awaY the horses ran. She couldn't
stoll the horscs, but she did stop the
mill. W ht n they recovered her and the
)u-,-v she was seriously injured, but she
had saved her f.avorite's face trom some
flany pummeling. There a-e in juries
all around, but it is the supple Revier,
whose heart, is brokei. 1le isn't in the
marrian e that, is to be.
liebr'ews' It uumbugged.
Pil A\ t)Li'iI IIA, August 29.-A n um
ber ot the llehrew section of the
Federation of L,abor from New York
spetit to-day at ziontowil, N. .., a
Ilebrew settlement, investigating the'
charges that their people had been in
duetd to ro there and invest their
muaey in home.i under promise ol work,
and were left dh-stitute and actually
starving by Jacob Zion, a .ewish New
York manfactiurer, who owns all the
property of the settlement. The con
dition of affaira was fouriu to lie serious.
I ustances of two or three families being
save: from starvation only by eating
green trtuft and what little food they
could beg in the neighborhood were
discovered, The settlement consists of
a two-story shirt factor', a half dozen
small frame dwellings and half dozen
more in states of' completion. There
are about thirty Ilebrew families, most
of' whom have every cent they own
either inl lots or halt finished houise:i.
For six weeks they have had no work.
Some of them are only kept from star
vation by charity, and two familtes
will tomorrow be thrown out of the
houses for whicht they have given uap
their last cent becauis they cnntot keep
tup the paytients as agreedf. Tlheo Fed
eraitin o)f Labor will take act ion on the
P'robuabl)y I Inane.
*JA Ci(ONVJ Llat, I LA,, Autg, 31 .--A
sp)ecial from WVitnemessett, Volusia
Coutnty, to the Times- Union says: D r.
D). S. L) on wias shot, by Deputy Sheriffs
Peikmts and1( Austin this afternoon, re
eeivingz twvo biliet, wound9 mt the hteadf.
iIe will probably die. Yesterday after
noon D)r. 1Lyon, preCsumaibly ini a lit, of
t,emporary insatnit,y, sfhot, itt his wife
and hit teeua eair-old (laughter. A wart
rantt was sworn out agaitnst him to-'aay
andu the depties caine to make thme tar
rest. Wh len D eput,y ['ercinis prCeeted4
t,be wairri<mt. Dr. [Lyon fired at, film, but
mnissed,. then Perkins and A ustin both11
retuned the fire, slhootinag seven times,
though olady two shots took effetct, one
above Lyon's left eye, lodging in the
skull and tIhe othier b)etweena the ey es,
ltenet.tting the barait. Lyon will tnot
permiit, thte ballk to be extrat,ted, stayiing
that, lie wanits to die. Dr-. Lyon is 5t
3 ears old1, ai native of' New Yo>rk iand a
Lradluate or Yale College, class of' '5(i.
lIe is an extensive orange-grower- and
ptromisent ili I )emoctratic 1101itics.
Itur-ui in a Chatr.
(t-:NT1'im:V m,am, Ia., Auig. 31 .- leze
kiain Shaephterd, a wetalthy farmer, nine
I)'y ears old( whlo livedl at D)rakeville,
was burled recentl y in a coflin in the
shape oI f a chir. lFor fifteen yeaurs Mr.
Shepherd had been tunable to> test e~x
cepi by sitting in an easy chair, nnid in
that position lie piroptosed to (lie. Ills
Iraiends tried to dlissutade him f'rom nhis
(-cccntric notion, but lie had a cabmiret,
niker cotnstruct the curious casket. It
was sdbstantialy buit, of whit,e oak,
with walnut trimmiines. It, was kept
(in exhuibituin ini Mr. Sheph)lerdl's raoom)
s x weeks rtv cons to his detath, and4 lie
took ('spucial satishnetioni int displayinig
It to, his ft inds. lie lef t instrucdonis to
hiave his bod,y fplaced int tins c:usket, itn a
iing poIstuir, thte wrists st rappled to)
the arms of thea casket, thte limbs to its
h i and the heaid attal neck .o fthe b ack.
A glass panel c was Idaiced in Irotit to, cx
fpo)5e the late o(f thte dadi m1:m i.
I(,turna fromt iututn,
ficial s,altemec t oh dleathis front cholera
in Iliussia gives theo total up to August 22
us 10t7,6 16. Thes :fi'.ure.s are utndloubt
ediy too cos-ervative. In tmany dis..
tricts noi ret.urns at all have been made,
and( at, other< the returnts hiave been in
(compflete. Comite ret,urns would
hatve shuownt the tnmber of dheaths to
have b)een I125,000), or perhaps tmore.
Yester'day I156 new eases of Asiatic
choiera br-oke out ini this city', alccordhIng
to the (afliciail returns4 andi( there were 41
To the Amcited 1'rems Agetit About the
l ection.
W A sI1INIiTox, A ug. 31.- -Aln A ssocia
ted Press disItUI from Columbia, S.
C., gives the result ot yesterday's pri
mary election ii the State, and contains
intervi,ws With Statm Chairiman Irby
and G'overnor Tillman, as iollows:
lnitud States Senator .1ohn L. M.
Irby, w1ho is Chairan (f 1ith State
)enmocratic Executive Commtittte-, was
seen by an Associated Press represen
tative to-night, and asked for i3 opin
ion of the resutt ot yesterday's politival
lie said: " Hl'h, sucess of Governor
TillMualk and the lielorm candidates
for Congiess is a positive guarantee
that thtre will be no trouble here as
far as tie Ieinocratic national election
is concerned. Cleveland's electors will
receive the smite vote as will be given
(movernor Tillinan. Our faction has
been abused, ant efforts have been
made to switch us out of the party on
the issue o Cleveland and Stevenson.
()ur political foes have sought to create
the imipression that we were not trie
1)tnoerats, hut this kiort has been
proIipted by a desile to receivo the
Federal patroiaf-m that will be distri
but( iii South Carollhla when Clove
land goes itnto ollice ig:Llnl.
"It all the suthlierni States 1i1-d de
madud the ntn ded reforms withii the
ieocratio pirly as we have done
here, the political distin bances and up
heavals towhere in the Soith would
now he inkiiowin, and il) occasion
woild have arisei for rubbing Kolb
and his party associates ill Ahbalai of
their imajority.
"t'he Ieforin moveiient is not by
any ineauis sinply a Pariner's Alliance
organization. IL is composed of the
bone and sinew of the white people of
oit.hi Carolina, amd numbers among
its adherents the strongest, and best
citizens inl every ection of the State,
and their cont rol of the governmient in
dieates that eve y just obligation of
the State will bt- fully and promptly
met, and thit tll iatcrusts o capital
and labor will tki amply prott eted and
fost ered.
"-Porter tininistratioiss, Irom 1876
to 1I.0, were unwilling to grant need
ed relief and piivileges and opposed
an agricilftulial college fir our youth,
and also fai ItI to give .ie people an
econowiically conducted government.
"lhut the people have overthrown
those rulers; and, instead o! its popu
larity and power waning, as is claimed
by thein, the I eloi i lMovement, is
guinit'g sti ength sIta dily, ani had the
organizationl. ili.tde more systematic
etCrts,gevery 'tongr.sional (istrict in
tlie Stae wotihi have beet'n carrit'd by
Our faction. But I predict eveln a
grvater viviory in 1%591.
*'I,,), -ruor '( 1 ,il . 1111u , int o (11i,.e ;1
young man, i l m.r by (du eat ion and
(.h1ice, hadtwVer hebd an, 00icia1 posi.
tIon b tort'; he iwaI 1 ikill tip by th1it
farinitn, \% 11,h ;m en1dorselint oI
thill y-t wo olt fI, t hir, live cu ti
and his reniiiitt;ill is a source o
gre:it 1I,Iti0eatiloln 1 his se'r s o;
thousalids of adherents throtighotit th<
State. HIis adiijistrationl hias beer
reinimhatibY iise, and lut for hisx ag.
gr'. sive elltss itn bhaltf of re.form it
wmild have haid b1ut littiv opposition
nIow. With the expeit-lice- of Iwo ytw ar
in oflice, I pr(diet for nis hixt teri a
m1o,,, b,illi.atit. admin stration.
i'he lection has been a gratid vie
tory, -arryin)g all hut five of the thirty
live ut: inl the."tate.
G,oveitor Tilltia, ini response to an
Associ;.ted Press repiresentative's re
SI. ii or. his v iew on yerteritay's pri
I ife result of thIw election here, while
graillying to Ilt, is nothing Iliore than
I exped; for iti my alivass of the
State, counlt y by coun ty, dlti rIng thle
last ten w eekis, t he (deimonst rat ions of
love arlil confhtib("c on tlhe part of the
pie'l le f or myse01*lf pesonially, atul thiei r
l i ihsiasin Itir thle cauisie I represente'd
leflt int no rooii for1 tdoiubt, inl lily ii'
as to thle r'esiilt.
'I lie slinder andi abuilse heaped upiOti
1m1 by the new'~spapeors conitrolled by
he opjposition have contributted large
ly to mny success; btut thle dertenria
tiotn of' thle pleople iItoill) thle liruits of
their v ictory two years ago sand briing
about Sil('h r'tforiiis iii 0our laws, and
the inanlagetlnent of' our pubulic allairs
as were necessary to gi ye us a Iiore eo
noic tal tuil 0 llicient1 gover'n 111en1t, cauls
ed irly opponen'it's (Shiipparn'si defeat.
''Al t111'heai I .ipersI' ini the State ex
Coleplt' h Cohun1ii Ii eg ister' ar<d one
tvernngt~ ~i1 jtinal, andi three < aitrters' of
thle wee'iklit'y, we'l i colt,roiledl by miy
opponen'its. l'lit'y hadt all the mioney
t hey wan tel, arid u:id tirot scr'uple to use
it iln every way po(ssib.le. tiut it, avail
"The issues were thie :reatioin of' ani
tIllicie'nt Iuil Iroad Cpna ilssi On; iincreast'
ill t.he' (lliciency of Ihe ifree schools; a
change fromI counti Iy to low nshi ip gr.v
ernment011, ali 1thle cal linig tof a colns1 it u
(t1io1nali ovtionl. All 1,f these quies.
tions hiavie beeni dilscusst'd fulIly and
elaoratel y, anid I take my electi oll by
suchi all ove'r whetimini izg v'ote, t hat. the
peole endtorsed miy attitudie on all of
them n."
(ovenor TIill inan's ploition ini re
gatrdi to the IinIanesi tti c redlit 01. the
Staite was clearly exemph141nted by a re
pet1 itioni of his wordts lon t.hl(se iibje'cts,
whlen deli vingiii his List, caitoipaign
dlowvn. I deiniy abisubitLly and1( IItterly
that I, or anyi one)11 c,onnrect,tI wvi th met
in thet gove' lllnent, has done (onei tthing
to i njuiire thet Stat's edilit. We aire as
aniou)is an~d as willing hi) pauy the just
obligatioiis ol th' Mstte as is G overnloi
She'ppardl or a.13 boiJy else'. I1does not
take I ianicial abi11ly to pay deibts. It
onlly talkies iioniey anid t,hu desire.J
liave, ahlv.i\ys pit myll~ own dlets, antd i I
I can giet he ion ey I wili pay Sout:
CarobhiSa's eb, ii thle oppositiomn w ii
be patriiotsi istad if mkaplots-ant
wve get it. |A pplauis.| 1 amI in avol
it as they ar'."
* ''~ un)435hisiiIV Dem crt .'"
Col A., S. ( ., A tg. 31.--TIhe Coli
servative l xentive~ Wer4
ill session last nighit, hut gave ou
nothihig for publeiationr. Whether o
not they hIave discovered any cases o
fraud has not bee'n stated.
Chiatriirin )i bble when asked to
some statement, f oJr publication replie2
"I believe tey have (efeated 11s b
about 15',000h. We arte D)emocrats am
of course, ixpect to abide by the resu
of the D)emocratic primiary." lie wi
leave Ior his home11 at Orangebuirg I
the morinag aute.
StatePs Ot1cers Working Hard to Convict
LIzzie as the One Who Committed the
11rutaul Murder of Her Aged Parents
No Blood on Her Clothes.
FA ur RiVER, Mass. Aug. 29.-The
1 >rdetn murder trial to-day was rather
scnsational. Drug Clerk Be tie and two
others testified that Miss Lizz4 Borden
attempted to buy prussic acid of Benie
the day before the murders. Mrs.
Churchill, the first person on the scene
after the murder, testiflel that Miss
Borden had told her she was in the barn
at the time of the murder looking 1or
some sinkers, and Miss ltussel testified
Hi it L-zzie told her she went there to
get a piece ofiron or tin to lix a window.
The contradictory statements caused a
sesation. Witnesses said there was
blood on Lizzie's dresss after the mur
Mrs. Adelaide B. Churchill said she
lived next to the Bordens on tie North.
The day of the tragedy she saw Uzzie
standing against the side door, apparent
ly distressed about something. She
opened the window and asked what was
the matter, and she said: Oh. Mrs.
Churchill, do come over, some body
has killed Ihther. Witness went over
and asked where her father was. She
replied: "In the sitting room."
When asked where she was when it
happened, she said she was in tMe barn
looklog for some sinkers. The witness
asked Uzzie where her mother was and
she said her mother had to go some
where. but she did not know but that
she had been killed too. She wished
somebody would go and try to find her
[or at e thought she had come in sn<.e.
She said her father must have an enemy
for every one in the house kad been sick.
After Ltie neighbors had commenced to
come in, Lizzie said again that she
wished some one would go and find Mrs.
Borden fIr s ic was sure she had heard
her co nie in, and here the Nitness des
cribed finding Mrs. Borden. The wit
ness said that when ihe go( i'side the
house, Lizzie was so mui agitated that.
she fauned her, iparing she would faint.
Alfter they saw the body they left Bdd
et n 'e rooi and have no knowledge
what she did there, ir anythng.
The witress could no' remember that
there was the least sign of blood on Liz.
zie's dress, hands or face at the time
she first saw her; her hair was done ud
and ap)earel not to be disarranged m
t he slightest and there was no indication
ut anything in her appearance that any
vhanges had been made since she arose.
Miss Alice M. Russell sai,d she had
known Lizzie about eleven years. Shec
c ti, to Lthe house on hearing of the a
fhir and found Jizzie leaning against the
She remembered Lizzie telling her in
answer 10 a question that she went in
the barn to ge a piece of iron or tin to
fix a wiudoiv with. (Sensa.inal.) It
wa i wbien Lizzie was sitting on the stairs
that I.zzie aiid her father nust have an
eneii%. I L was when a polceman su
vested that sonie farm hand had (lone
t,e deed that Lizzle said it could not be
so Ior one man was sick and the other
had to stay on the fitrm; furthermore she
would not suspect either of them. She
remenibered Lizzie answered all ques
tions freely. it was quite evident Miss
lissell's evidence had made consider
able imiression oi tihe defense, and
when she had finished her diret examina
tion Lizzie's coutisel put, their heads to.
gether and1( allowed the witness to sit
down tor a moment.
(On cr>ss5-examination Miss Ruissell
said she t>athed Lizzie's lace after she
went in and saw no signs of blood on
any of her clothing. She could see no
signs of any undue exertion about ILz
zie, nor was she pantimg as though ex
hanusted. T1hie witness was positive thut
Lizzie dhid not go up stairs before the of
Ileers wenit because she remembered the
oflicers go)ing up to L!zzie's room and
inding it locked; of their pulling the
door open and of tier requesting to be al
howedl I > look in first, because she did
iiot know what condit,ion it was in; she
looked in and finding it all right it them
Ehe lIenic a drug clerk, Frank Kilroy,
a miedhical student, and Frederick B.
1I[art, empl>)yedl in a dIrug store, testified
that the (lay b>efore tihe tragedy Miss
i)lordeni caime into the store and wanted
to b)uy ten cents wort,h of prussic acid
but was toldl it could not be sold without
a prescription. TIhiey testified that Miss
IBorden saLid she wanted it to put on a
seal skin sacque or coat she had with
her. Benie testitiedl that tier voice was
tremulous but Kihroy testified to the
Thel State's oflicial says that the
strongest p)oint to-day was Lizzie's re
mark. sneaking of her mother to Mrs.
Churchill: "I do not know but she has
beeni killed, too.'
Lizzie made this remark while telling
that she thought she heard her mother
come mn. WVhat reason, ask the ofil.:tals,
(fidl Uzze have ior believing her mother
was killed? On the~ oth.r !:mLd, the
fact that no bloodl was on Lizzie was in
her favor,
Roughly Treated.
.T A NOIEL, A ug. 30.-The Sultan cav
aIry and infantry started on exhibition
into the country of the rebelions An
ghieras thuis morning. After burning
tour villages they met the main body
of the insurgents. A brisk exchange
of musketry shots followed, but in a
short time the majority of the rebels
fled. A few of the insurgents fought
desperately until Hiaman, their leader.
seeing the battle was lost, fled. The
troops then returned to Tangier with
the heads of the rebels they had killed
for which they will receive $8 per head
from the Sultan's treasury.
Torn to Death.
PA nis, August 27.--Madame Mars, a
bear tamer, while performing at a show
in this city today, slipped and tell upon
r the floor of~ the cage. The bears, which
she had been holding in check, at Once
y sprang upon the prostrate woman andi
l,1 tore her to pieces. Her husband, who
t, was near by, made an effort to save her
Li . life, but in vain, lie killed one of the
n bears, but the others could not be sub
dued before their victim was dead.