The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, July 28, 1892, Image 2

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imKENS SENTINEL. PI,CK ENS . 11., S. C 0 J. E. 1OG00, Eclltor and Proprietor. iterect at lickens 'ostofflee as Socond Class V Matter. SU liSCRI PTION 1RICE,41:5,0 per Year invaria lly in advatnce; for dix Hintim, 75 cents. ' Adveutisenentit iiertl atLitrdollar per square t of one inch- or less for the -first- Insertion und J fifty ceits for ctuth subseqttent InsertIon. A liberal Uiscount rnate to merchants atd others aivert0ming for six montla or n year. f or'' 'OSIT'IO'N A-Dl-.ItTISEiENTS 1'OSI. a TIVELY NOT TAKEN. Obituary nottes exceedling five lines, tributes of respect, communteatt os of a pvrsotnal character, when adtmable, will be charged 2 for as aruvertisetuents. . - -- - - h, We recognize and respect the rights of v others to honest difference of opinion, and t otaim the same right for ourselvem.-Col servatve Platform. D1OCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. V For 'residient, GROVER- Ci-VE:LAND, I Or New York. For Vice-l'resdetit, ADI,AIl. 5T-VENSON, E.. Of lilluolm. Conmervalive State Ticket. { F'or Governor, JOIN C. Sill1''A ItRD Of 1-1geield. For IMeutetint-Govertior, J-11 M F-S 1,. OUR(1, Of Greenvillu.' For A ttorney General, w.I-AIlly M .\ '11N, Of ("olletoti. Por 1oinptroller fienerni, J. 11. 1I UMI Et'T, OIf I,autena. .or Secretary of Stit, L. w. VOCSi.\ S, Of Harnwell. Air .uperintentient of Ilutation. RElW. ). W. [llo'Y" , Of \ntdersitt. -Por Atjutont anid Insi,-vtor Uoueril, . . U. DIXON, Of York. *'or Treasurer, t Of Lexington. T1lI1SDAY, _JULY 2 , 1, JOIN ICE iP"C FoS1ON. If youl W:t to be on1 the viniing sile in] the electicin in .\ntiu al inz NovemlIer I join a Ciev-0:h1n1, svensn, Shepard lial r Orr club. The (icket is gaining grond - 1 every day. Whell the campaign first open- t cd Governor Tillnan said ic would carty f every county in the IFate, but now he modificr that somewhat and says that. he t will carry enough to elect him. Ie may do it it, but we will have to see the returns 11 fion the election in August before we will p believe it. There are very few counties in) t: the State that will give him a very large IV majority of tile votes; and in fact there i', tI not a single county but what will be very p near evetly divided. Two years ago the G4overnor had at complete walk over; but m11any of thoso who vot(d for him theii did so because they believed him to be a patriotic man anti really inteiided to use every effort to help thein but they have seen that lie is entirely a different, kind of " a man and will not do for Governor, al t therefore have- left him. We know of t many such men in this county and they T can he found in every unity in the State. We know of a plice inot a thotisand miles it from here where a month ago only twelve b antis or confservative democrats could be i found and today there is one hundred. The e country pesople do not want him for gover nor because he wants to take thc election of .their officers from them, because they do L not want to be soldi to a road overseer like slaves; because they do not want to pay at three dollar poll tax, and for many11 othert good antd suilleicnt reasons. And they are I the kind of people that make a country. They are the backbone and support anad stay of our counftry and when they sec ef- f sorts mnade by those in power to enslave I them they rescnt it at the ballot box. c Uovernor Tilhuan would havc aill stuch if he could, deprived of the right to vote e for he is in favor of putting at propierty or educational <qualification o)n voters. If n either of these mewasuies should be a law, how many honest antd good men in Pick ens county would have to stay at home on ) * election days? Thle people will not trust such a man as this with power. Suppo~sc . Ooycraoor Tiillman is elected, it will virtual. hy say to him, "pass all these haws, its aull right. We want to pay a three dollar poll tax,; we want to bo so1ld like slaves to the road overseer; atbolish the lien haw, for we want, to boe hirelings and slaves to the hand -owner; we donflt Want to vote anty more. No gettinrg around this. As sure* ats you vote for Governor. Tillmuan you will lbe agreeing to do thesec things, and willing for hinm to make you do it. So we say get on the right side, the 'a in ning side and be a free people. Join the proersoion ad help in a gootd work. Come to the mass meet ing' next Monday and hear< something good from Col. O)rr. THl I% Eill EETINN . The mias meeting next Mondlay is to nominate dele@gtecs to be votedl for t.o got to the Somnptemhi r Stnte convent Ion. Del egates favorable to Mr. Tillman for Glover- U nor have alr-eady lbc(n anamied. Delegates fatvorable to Mr. Sheppard will be inamed next Monday. Th'le meceti ng will be adi- hi diressed b'y lion. Jamues L. Orr andl lIon. tl 1". Bi. Muirrayv, ni-i phaIps others. Lett - every conservative, fr-om every anoi mid ly coruner of the. e-muityv turn~ out ami l 'id hi s e . influence anad voice M. the im of pe-. 1 servatti v. INo inm'o-teane initempen-),aae or a abuse. There w ill lilwly he somea stirringz speeches. Those wtho (jopse T'illamta andl -favor Sheppard area doing so with the tirm convict.joon that is both their doiy antd plr~.i' 'ilege to enforec their views by thmeir ballots in thme primnary. Thela conservatives are not against the Farmers Movemntt. They are for -It antd they want. to 'uis it for the benefit of the farmtera. It is idle for any one to say that, the conservatives are -against thme interests of the farmier, when a large miajority of. the conservativ'es arc .lurmer's, andl successful finner-s too. Come b> t:e mtla.s meeting. It is a Sheppasrd meeting, but,alh cordially invited to at tend. ________ __ Carefuil Inguiry and observation ha;ve convinced us that the.. Is a considerable number of botha TilJmanitos and antis, that will vGo indepoendently in- the ap -proaching prtin:atry. 'That is their votes -till be cast accordingt to their judgeentt, of th'e can1did WAe's umerits,as ide I romi pati it~ inifituence one way or thet othier. -) 4 > ~g 'i~~ Ie ntever before. lad I m an3) iy iad-I XBOASVED REFORM. W-niust do sonething to stop the cry the anti press, "where is your boasted form? ias your taxes been reduced?" c. When the taxes are lowered that cry ill stop, and not before. * * * * I am a reformer of the highest order, uid believe that everything ought to be one that can be to relieve the people of icir burdensome and oppressed conelition. ust think of it, soven cent cotton to pay ie oflicers salaries, sone of them range -0m $5 per day to *3,500 a year. If I mi not mistaken, some or all of the idges get- more than that. Now, Mr. Editor, if I ani wrong, I hope me f-riend will .Ahow in my error, but if um right I. hope ill will fall intQ line ani elp to senid mcn to the legislature who i11l work for reform first, Iatt and all the me.--Plebs in the Journal. Dear Plebs: The Journal did not an wer you. How could it? You were rrong in sending your comnunieition to bat office, but you are right as far as we ave quoted you. Plebs, e,mc nigh unto is and let us talk to you. You are a man ,fter our own farmert' movement heart. Mhe SYNTIN1. would not have opposed lovernor Tilihnin for it .ecomd term if one miif the piltfouil on whtich lie wais first )lee.edl,k had been Carried out by his ldin.. strationl. But instead of Thilhna, Shell, [rby and Talbert trying by coneiliation imd fidelity to their pledges to serve the 11ssep, twy began by arrotgance and boss 111, to (ntrenclh theiselyes in politi-al >ower. They did not wait i Salal ies reduced. They got up selmvilles that 1ad not even been hinted at in the phlt ormi on which they weie elected, an1d en leavored to foist them i laws uiin a (icon iding people It is the gieatest wor.der of lirva years thatt thest polilicAl jobd did not aUS4. B It 0n. V. TI. )lowen. of Piek i, carried experilence. latriot in. coir O 1111( feedoim of 11tlul,ht to) CoIhllilnli Vilhi himl, and11 whuen Ihey dmme i o44. hie tnave thi-,m a coul: gt,uti anid m hiatic "No.'' I. it tha! 'No" that i nOW iIg hi a ai, oilt of tLe annoumin111it (lin of the 'ilinl or-aIn? Thvri Ire unidredts of antis waiting to vote I' r him i I go to tie (lgJ1ltiare 12ill ed reie- t lat "N O.-'it Yes, hs, y. arl e right Me(d en to e legislatme who will work f'r ref mii" istead (Iof for Till-mai und Irby; Ienl ol erve, gti, back holle, Cmralilge alind inle enldelle -menl who (o not (.At a i col.!ilniel ll for What T1illman thi: is or N%wants, but ho will work andl(] vote "first, i and all t ic Iiine,' for lower salarivs antd less ex L'SeS all ar-o11nd. TilE DEILEEGATE hIIDN EMN. Ol the 30th of August, the vtoter.; of ickiens county, will say which Llly wint r goverinor Tillman or Sheppard. T11 r ill be two tickets, one for Tiilhnan and le for Sheppard. If the delega< on I le Tilhil an ticket Ire Clected they will go Columbia in eltfemiber and Note for , fliman. If the bheppard (lelegates are et(t they will go to CoIlumia in Sep -mber and vote for Sheppard. This wilt the first time there ever was a. conitest Pickens county over the offive of Gov rnor. It is likely there will be a good oLe. Two years augo there were only a ttle over 1,600 vOtes potlled. There will e more than that this year. TIlE EIFAIIIEEl' NEOVE.1IENT. The farmers' m1ovemlen)t never mleaniti ixinlg tihe p)oor manll three dlollaurs for the ri vilege of wearing his hied on his shiouil ers. It nicver meanRnt assessing his labor t eighteen 'entIs a (lay for road dutly un.) er a contraictor. It Rnever mlenit takinig -omi anry white dlltemocrt the right to, volte never meanlt: dividing ouhr peoleh inuto lasses, inleit ing thie:n to hate each other nd1 kickting up a( dusLtuand hi:ah to driive ut (of the State every dtollaur that can get. uit.---G(reenville News. It. wasR initenided to reduce'( taxes "ad sal ries, antd as far as possible economnize t he ix to bIe clliected fromi the ipeopl ti his Lear is mIore thani was1 ever taken fiomi heCm in years befo re. The farmers' move- 1 icent never meantii to dho that. It was pulishedlC( ini the JlournRal las t reek and we have the promise of it thisI week. It is the Con.stitution, t.he only3 >illiwark that staiglae between you anid the1 his to priotect youlflC andi your' p)rol)mty re'ii (overno1r TiillmRan iand his pol1i tax, rid yet lhe is askinga! you) fo r your Vtb- Ito14 icike him GioI vernior. (CanILot we tindt onle io voite fo r whoI doe4s riot wih Li) tear downi It has bieein a long thi sh:ce I t cditor0 e hais doi. allibe tenni tol asit inl Iiidhg elegatoes fr thle conerivative t ieket ni. t fondayliL, lie watst to cool1 off at q1om e ofI .rc Rinieralt sprlin gs in iRarinia, :aid gatherI rength to huirirah for the wi:mRing side(. r to digest his3 phlte (It (row. So manuy fiairmind ed Tillmuian men ave eome squarely out andi de('clre that 14 conlservatives aire perfect ly juIs tiiable in is free' (ouniItr, iniR inaki-nRg the prt senit hut, thatt it4i s reatty rI fresing. lHe lem indI Vile I we 1helieve~ we eni 'uin, theLIre i3 a inint defat of wh(i (Lab ct weshuhl tble tione oi1' TilIimas. Voce ini the' (row W ha \4 it ai out Gov - I wai (Governor ( Shitppalird's roo ma11 rite Li Clilge andit have (bell aLsilcIiatedi with lim twelve years ini the l.egishime, andt iever kew orI htard RIof his' bing iundRiter the ii iente (If lI<pIril or' biettiRng at all. lie was electetd fouri or live Lime to(L the F.eoislaturie, thiree times oIf the~ louse, and once Lieuotenlai tWve:rnor, andI p.mi know it would have been charged oil uhm if true. You knomw that nio bank would keep a nai for pres1?ien w ho( lithier not drun1k or ambdled, andi last of all, (Governor.Tld nanl eiitier insiiinutes whalt is no t, trule ubout (Govero )theppardli or' hIe attemilpted LO get the conIventilon to nomlinate ai )lan for governr w~ho is a dirunRkard and na.un. tiler wh len hie secondted~ici ihe iar's n)O0&na linm m'thi Biate Conven;iijon, lI friends t*de their choie in t his diheauina Either way it retlec'ts severely on Gover nmor flihvat). Ihr l iLheiL v.(.y oiur '' ~ * Chicago: 1Li For- I ill--I'rry, D Tr F~or UIols-T'hnan.iiif, TI Waddecl. F?or f:(levelnd-.1mer( VA. TXE FOLL TAX. The Tillinamites, say the Antis, are mak ng a great blow against the $3 poll tax, di, to no purpose-that Tillinan cannot )as it. Is not that a brave answer? If riluman cannot have it passed why is lie xdvocating it to procure votes? Ile is Alier Ignoraut of his own ability or he is idvocating it for mEre political puriposes. We are obliged to bust his bubbles as he blowsi then ill). . The Journal thinks that what the Si-Nr NEI. says oil this 'ibject is "111ieoMbc." Well,.ournal the same logic makes all that Governor Tilim saiys about it "Bun combe" too. We do not. care at gingersnap which horn of the (ilemIlia you take. Either onc will gore you as deep as the other. It will be a woider to ts if this rie pair of hornis does not toss You into the cosiervativc camp. You are evi deitly oliposed to Tilknan, 8 y011 persist in holding the constitution between hill. aid the i-Iterests of his supp ti ters. The J<>irnl says: '"the iirsNt., de. dlared in its last i:uc its willinlgniess to le qin loitilities anew." Oh! no neighbor you imi.-jiudge us. 'Ihe 8:NNICr, was not, hostile, is 4ot ho..tiHe and will not be hos jie. We cantot le held iesponsible for Lhe editorals in the Greenville News. But we lad lmade pill) ouir Imind, if you cracked lat iu, ti swallow Tillnman and the Jour ml or be swallowed by theim imiiediately [t is a matter of small import t the peo deC, whtIhr the matter 1itblished in the 31.4 1riNI:l. i editorials, is dieteted by Con ressm n .Mills, A. I.. Williams or Julius j.Ug:;s. The qmtstion of greatest, mo nent is: 'Is it true'" As the time to al a%ver ha.s ux-pired., your s,i]leco vaysi "Lis n w." 'lhat cnservativ eith ait Dacusville cer aiiV haslot lher) good w-iI. TheTill 1w1es al not so intoleenit , as 'i"my sup. 'vc. vrybody -;ays this is iL free comi rY itlit yolu e,it VIte and talk aii you - an euthiiihistic Tilhlinite read an di'.orial in lA weeks SerNTIN:. to his wite i.c relonikd: 1. think a fewi more like lt, v:ill miake a coinservative of you." Therc 6S 110 Ileed for the Tillianites to me alirmied. Will the Journal say iat' this is the siren song of a conserva ve? TI'LiEaIAN's i83 POI.L TAL ich, but 1enrd for tle Poor. Govvrinor Tiilman advocates the $3 poli LN. It is ill-atlvi.ed, heauise: 1. It is at vaninee with the theory of 1mntion, viz: that lie who has niucl pays tieh; le who has little Ipays little; he who Ias nothiig pays nothing-ihence it i.4 i 41it:ihe anid un11jlst.. 2. Because it larg per Cent. of the ne ros womil4l evade it-every whitl man vmuld have it to pay. White mten have i re:d hithitationi- Iegroes iove about -very ycar ant d tiousiiands escape the poll ax. 3. Btecause it makes the burden too great jpon the ponr. It is easy for tlie rich to ay--it is hard for the poor. The man ivorth $t110 pays the salne is aman wortb 4. It amakes time poor pay foir the educa f the rieb, while thle reverse should be. 5. Because i f 63 is better thn *1, then it-> would lit better than $:3, and $10 better thn $5. If taxes are Lto hbe raisetd ini this way, abotili otir prese'nt system andl( levv' hlarnaouint per capita. Iiseeai se ruanyl'I negroeq would igo to jil or at while rather thnm pay the #3, an.d thie ax p)ayers ruust payi their board while in We faih utterly to see how it relieves the F'arier'l MYaruth and tile Tarift. .1 cut' is ainothier iihlt.ttration of the opwr.. Ltiin oi(f otur uiqule tairifIf law, says thle lostolii I'erldt. Ar. Mar-li owns and( oc muijies a farm which is pairtly ini Vermoint md1( partly in ('anada. IIis pasture is on In Candianlii side~ wIle his barn is on thle dlarsh hought teni horse-s ini Cana~da and1( rotught. t hem over th line to his Vermont4 aim paying the regular taiffII ditty on the iminlials.. Sublsetuienitly lie triried themi '.it ini his pastuire, and a-s t her :'tn-ivedt ICer'as the line while browsitig Fariier Wartmsh was enlled upon to pay a new duty If. t:30 pecr head when lie uutdet tok to aim g the animitals borik to his barn. Theli lO>ird ofI genearal n apprais'rs hiaving been atp maitld toi by Farmer' Marish, that solen udly alIlinius the dreision of thie collector, i ho will con'ltiinu' hi keep1 anLi eye on Far ner Marish andh atSMess him 2::;0 every t iine .e his hotrses. ini from the pasturc. . tblw .~'is gi ven t lie reuar'aingedl programn :u p i"i i',n of tlwn appo'iinments madle by bI )uiemoirlI e J..''iutive' Comniittee for .\l,ftrinbIr', 'Siaturoy, August I6. (ben l Tgi, u ut A 'i!tenim Wdad:.t9I Afgos a!in o. s itnhme.i hsiv, 'Aul1nal i y pi Laur(i te watoly Aniuitert 20. eece n .i A fitt iin adver iit. imitr by~u telect. dIt i ii oitut andi nearley tilty applhi.. :anlS pi 'r ete athenu-elvest. I befo ehm r a t, :: theatue ie Witsect ie hsmWissed ltihe est "I shul lik tIn knowtul ieht a fnendf h"onut whtiih grouni you ah-o dv etht ovi witoustl sigl recnrenec.. tahn?' "Toiuug tate istke, paolte d gen. 1m1 "he t 41 hem gret liituan ie wied .i t: fhor hie tuam in itad ose )the n 1-r atrodi, showing that he was ae-t "oi .e upia him clothe to'at, hue ld man,h 'A hs hmi Ii1 the r, in and thoughtful,~ e nticed toff his capiwhen heil ee cl,ean, ullyea hofwmig tipa thjt he a o ied tgen lianly; e ittled uw ia book ihtieb et Lacei't onIt the1 tah!c- thislet terstoftep e for it I shovel itaide andt IL boyby Susietlmy fors tur inats ta oll tpi'e ing >rso crowdineshowin lite wasiv hine." land' ordeln. lWey wralkid withd lim I wated ttrhi:tl ohswr ca refiliullyl brunh nad, leharing ther o e ani eet a [ oied thatl his :ie aiils were cilean [ut' you c~llthehiglterofr er of r5ie fcmmenatiot ~n hei civem." we asittenda strcl Pt our on mann.ersam A DINAST OUS YEAlt. Tie Woem mnd Vatastrophleri of the First Ilulfof 992. If the remaining six months of tbisycai sha1ll u(1plicate 01 ecvei approxilmate to the re(ord of (lisAsterS which have occure(l in the first six, tlie year 1892 will be set d.own as the most fatil lu life in the United States that has ever been kinown. Fires, llood.;, explosions Iine easalitie.s, (.y elones, wini torms, lightning--all the el emlental forces, indeed---seem to have cMllbined( Wilh hu11man ligencies to destroy lfe nitid to preseit ilt aggregate of groat (lisisters iml co11paisonl with which ordi narily terrible events seem to lose their Significaitce or attract perjonial attention onily. ince Janulary I there have been four destricti%c Windstorms, killing t.wo hun dredt persons, viz: April 1, Mismourl and Klansas, 75; May 16, 'lexas, 15; May 27, Welling(on Iam., F5:; June 16, Southom Minesota, 50. In the same period there have been four great floods, viz: April 11, 'ombigbee river, 250; Mlay 18, Sloux City, Iowa, 0>; Lay 20, lower M1isasissip, 36 .lIno 5, fire aid flood, Oil Creek, I a., 10j. 'here also hve beeln fouril lling disasters, Viz: .1amtnary 7, AlAllister, 1. . 65; April 20, Minersville, Pa.,12; Mlay 10, Ros. lyN1, Wash., -t; Tlhy 14, Butte, 1i1t., 11, Three firs have been unusaily disastrous to life: January 21, (liiapoiis, surgical in stitutle, 19; Februtary 7, Hotel Roval, New Yvrk, 30; Apiil 28,, theater, Ihliladlh1)ia, 'esidese there were on March 21 an ex jlosionl at Jordan, Mich., by which ten hves were lost; June 13, the explosion at the Mare Island Inavy yard, which killed 13 and JIune 15, the fall of the biidge over Licking river by which 32 lives were sacri. iCed. Tlks! are tihe principal disasteri of tihe year thi.i far and they involve an ag gregate of Uo) lives. Adding to this total the sum of losses by minor accitents as i port,d to the Tribune, we lmave the follow ing sj an.d unuual ecord: By'fire, S76 by droutig, 1,:264; by explosion, 313; hy lalling strulcturme of various kinds. '1: .bY 11inn disastf r-. :109: by wind tlormo d0, and( by ligdInbng 10: grand total ,. 5m. Th. total los o life by theCe CALUSeS d tuig the whole (f last yeatr-and 1,591 was one (f fle momt destructive years on record-ws w ,it , "30 it is evidlen'it, that I1813 vill far surpa) its predecessor. It if a sud and aeppaing t co thi,; of great disasters folloing' do-(1 Iel)u n LMehi oth er's hl(,Vlq. ut rils tike day. of tho war, when one tfok tip lhw 1o1,1,r pler nly to read the list of kd and ;endd it the p-ruviots da:ly's h and the same restil then aits now, liz: Tlt Ihe great hattle so overshatlowed the smaller ones 1 lat, little at tention was paid to the latter. So nfow, tlhe great entaclyis-ns so far eclillse the siv: tller ons that the Iat!-r thIomughl th111y would Ibe consikred aiv shck ng and exceptiol in any Ordi..ary t.iies are now hardly an hour's woude. JENGET ON LSEN. Vje%st; of Intercrt li the 1'remuntI Con..f Somehm!-; ~ L h:c .rn eG- vil'( News a copy of .e Ae buiille Prs.: mid Inner of July ,a !,P-- two years : tmnor- . row--- re porl im. spcbes delin red 1hv vai-t ons C.ani<iltes tor congres at i'naldd. ['art of the spWeh of W. U. BeIet is :e portedt as follows: Soic onle asis if I aml for T'ilfin. I am now as I was before Ite Ma1rchi conven1 tiot. I then tlouglht hit it wouh be a tistake to loiuminate Tilbnai. ie hus ma1.1de so manly enlemies. lie wo:.1h Imake many more. Ile was too aggressive. I did not think it well or wise to have as goovernor a man who laid aittagonlizedI f SoI large and strong a minority of. his own party. Such were moy views expresssed to Shell and Irby at: ing I .aurens cour conservative 11a1 m101 leeeptablec believedJ thtere w the( leaderts of I kntew T'illmmant i aifter his noinlation I said int his preCsence| there wvas only one' man in) this State whlo could heat him for governor "Who is it)' was asked by others. Is it Brat toil? No 13 it Ilagoody? No. Is it Earle? No. Isi Orr? No. Shmeppamrd?' No. Well whoi is it It la B. R. Tfillmn h,imtsel f. When he takes the stumpj he will mtake Joist akes and:m lose his sutpport probab)lyf.. WVell, I finta now that I atm mlistaken. lHe has made14 miistatkes but he har: lost none of .his suapp ort whicht slhowsv that this mloveentt is nt T 1ilhnanisma. It is too strlong for Tihlnmn to hmtit or indIter it,. it. is a1 evo lutiont. Thecre is not Tfilhani ina Georgia Notrth Carolina and1 lihe other farmer States yet the saine mlovemoent is goitng eni there. Why thn, d.on't I comle over* to Tuilman? My friemi(s, I am1 as I always have beenh, on the side of' thle tnecsures~ deCsired by the~ farmners, imt if I wecre toI say no0w, "OC yes I amil for TI'llhnan." I would' deserve your conitemupt, I might get your vote by so doing but I had rather have your esteem anld resplect than your vote. Tlrumst nio (ea'ndate for any3 ofliec who niow says I am for T1'ilhnan udesas hie can say he was for hiam last Aitrch. Jnst ask hirn how 01(1 his Tilmnan baby is? \V hen it was horn? Don't, vote for aniy min who comes over to Tiilitman no0w when T1ilman does no41tineed his lieup. Well my friends I have spokeni much lottger thanIm I tiededl. (Cries to go oi! (ho oh!) you1 ate toio kindcind( inltalgent,butt I mutlst stop tihe train is abnol(t dueii. I have fried to b:ow yout how I killed mnysel f in Grtceenville. .If that is suicide thena I nm dead.c. But st ill I tink 1I a very lively corpse.4 teler lui Docubt,. We are ghli to know thit tiher" is at. lsta dlot to whet heor the u in recent ly whlippedc( by a disgutised mob10 was pI ishied blcauise het. was for Shiepp'ard and O rr IThe G.~re'envlle! Ncw. ims 111tOlhOied conti dlti(ce in and regatrd for the0 i".-oplI or our Slato. We are ailw:.vq 5lrty to be ftorced to til ieve fh 1 a1no (1.hI em hamve dlone any act of cowiardice, brn:(ity or in'toiveno-ee WVe w<i mm:iilIh r:ither thi k t hat (our h-i are atogitr ac(cordnuig to) Iheir hoinert betief's and are true bothi~ men ot 1ing ito' they think h iStflot thme -tate and themitselves an'd wil lintg tto tallow 01lherts the S,Ute right. 'Thel Un'iott enunly inc1idet ';houhcl be' ttorough1ly lo' ke' iinto, h(Ioever thme pro( 1.!e thr In we t)Io their o~w repuitt ion todrot onte of1 two thliiWS prove that t he peris.cut tiln was not politit(al :1ad was eauisted by the badl cliraetter nad evil eban:etet .f flie v iitm 01 bruig the mIemIbers oIf the mob to jusatice. It may he well for loen who hike fair play and1 who notice and4. are gutidedl by4 thet condctltC of contetnding paties to rininheI r a fact or1 twoi in 'onnec'tjti withi thistalair. Tlhte ('cserativye neCwspaper's in speak tna of the alleged whippinig of Harr is for hi, Ipoliticail op1inionis ht' ave sugested thaft pubt tie sent timenit ber suspenlded unittil tIhe faicts wiereo known,- anml htae refrained! from 41on1 ml eiming any1 bcdy" of c'itizen'is 0on a oe sidedc si atemt~o1. They ha cve p'le ty of cr1h: is-tues to oter' for' thle consideraitiont oh ini Tiilhaamn niewspapters and wrckers5 hav-e k ('n upj a little Wcoo of fHity eight lot ire'en ville city andi tiied t, ma:ke thte W'i'e he lievt'e thatt the cosrtiv:: ',t i,raeni e were guailty of (dabelleal la :icenio ('1 nd1, t di fferene. il he 1( treni me inct f theI seS mutsi im:pre(-l'i n d!l Iir nicdecd mw*I As Fo: $5.00 for the ieavi $3.00 for the 2d 1He $2.00 for the 3d Ie ALL VARIETIES. CARPENT MANSION HOUS. MiPOrders by mail solicit An Indtaniants View. Mr. George 8. Billiigs, an eilthusiastic lndiant democrat, says ite 8avaunah ilorning News of the i2d inst., entertain d a itnber of 8avanliinis yt-sterday Lbout 2 o'clock With Iolitical predictiois Lbout the result of the tpproabchin.g presi lential contest. Mr. Billings is a travel ig salesman for the Varry Carriage aillq Vagon Colupany, of iudianapolis, and his )UHness carries him frvin mne cud of tlie United States to the other. "In the last twelve months," said Mr. 3illings, "I have traversed thirty-five 3tates, and being of apolitical turn of mind SIIVe nade it inly bulsinets to feel the mise of the people on ihe presidtlliall sit matiou. To me, as a democrat, the resiilt las been inest gralifyinl". If thlc SutIh mly -tollds :;olid, ClcvhlAitl an ttvenson vill sweep the couitry. Mloitana Iaud Ne >raskia will go to the thit-d party. Wis 10m1sinl xill qtirely p:lvc its vote Il it. dcll. >Cr-attic tom Mii.j ui ill 1.1 i i qu Iy am lioil; w%ill e xra ri : y-b>5c, m i!h -l1c1 ltc f;-.vering dtum hip gfticinei, "Il sppo, v-N i-. 1Jar -i!so I a big maIjority' This 1Iery a0roitsel Mr. I ligs Io I rreat pitch. "Who says s Io? e ab ' houtw.d. "'Youl call plit it (itv %-I t% level:mld alid Nvtevin' vwi v arr in, 11111 by 10.000 1111j,Ii y. 7dtm- i i S the llost tipolllar i:ma ill tit etI In fact hf, veve.r wais potimlar aid w 't mye c:lr1ed Im11(lialil in thec' la-t colitm S1't e. -ept for htidlvy's 'blovks of five' briber3. 'nnsh:ave h:iEd inlcc hn r, 6e lmve tie Atttralialn syste1m a-l flw ie N 110 c1imice for bibury. Ha,rris..nI's pop.1) .iarity w:as :;h)wli ill good shape hIten lie '.Il for G'mven-imr A."pinst Wil-. atis. Ie was ;( hlad)j- .'iinoweri un11dekr itt le uidA n',iwl 11u(t fuoi 111rco years. Iuliana gave 2'!.0U0 dem,1nitie imijority nt the last voinrZ3,ional electOon, an1ti 10, Wo is it low.% calcut,timit for CILt eat't iteveii"oii ii\t Novem>er." "I gttes yoil woullii'l bet h uch on adi LIm, thoUgh." said nt.b101,r 411V in Ith par Y, fo1 t purpo--:e of fmheic. )iout It Iad the tesired <feCt,. Thie I1miii ms t 'A '.iti r to a iwhi . vitch. Ilk po- "iw ' l heti vit hila-14ed u dt 1(t y tt i1uN. lil,'',-,-t - .;h i 0 u '!hl0sal is u ia twi 1;'. C!il l :iud l.nd .1,nso a 1uaJo-4ty of not h.+s hall 11,000. and that the tilket, n 1i a1so :arry New York, New J ' ers, Io(moicut JVi.Cco iin. It ta Le! (1I ' l I t ke :mv.. )ody's fatucy I'll put :50 right no. ,he loosier weit dowu lilto his pC ls roll. Nobody offered to take tithcbt, Billin,'F 4...t , ...a .. . , .. . .. . Thle father of Jewc!ry was Prom)0 ihen he wiue cuti loose by .lierieie.c he chains the.L fasteneci him to Mo' 'astis lie made a rinlg oait of one inks of his fetters, anid in 7 im her.e ie fixed at porlion (f the rackl:. Aet ) I'iiiny that n as the firsL rmil( an irst stone. --- Paris Figaro. It is one of the prerogatives of Gott Al nmghty's gentileman to use4. prfieOLl lau - Idge iu publie spa-echei(s. 31-'OR31(lO 4103 EU. P'. II. luGt 101 iz re:ej'ctitflly annlouinct i.s i aliiidt for re-eleetiton to l tii iien' of Con r for l'ekens eotity, siihject to the .tii of tie 1)ne,.enLit in thle przino: .y. FORt .SOLICIT1'0t. I hercby anniotinee uanyself as a calid Idate for n'electioni to tic oltico of Solicitor or tho *:ighth .1 i uiial Circuit of 5. C1., Alibject to the ,etionl of the I enicratir ty ini th ptjrimaary teetlor iii A t'lynst nex\t. M. F". .\ NSI. FOlt Chil:l1. ' 4:AI. t I'. .1. J1. 1.\ w IS is r''.''a ozl omitaerl asM a an,ll14nie for thi.: 'ilbre of Clr of ' :Ight for ilnweratic turly b,ii th i uary. ________ 3. A l1.1(7ll'v is. re .po't tfolly ann:onced r.8 . nal lad teV for rc-elet"Iionl to ht olte C.f S.!ter iri lor P'iket' i- unty, li ubrae'j t to the acttion of he D'in nii party inI th.- j.riuaar y. Foll'ii TiEs'Ri:rt. .J.'l .0 Y(OlhIULOiD i' re''.pletfailyanrn. di Ill. 1 nlau'1 'Iat.t 4 f r~ r.-*tTti:>i to' ti he i:' (of 'i .'Oun t f' lnerf' P --le s.a ny.Eh tt be at : z o f the'' I d : : arty 7 aru1 ' . I O . .i l'D!TOl, T::XI'fi-M of .i . i . N * Y01.l'.:r e-i! n ra ti pinnu y Tu. -' ifn Inn+ o P. IAN x l.l ::.;, .1 heI 1h- -' rni ' is. L j' iu 'L.- p r: h'a '. th o i u '1 . . c,, i. 2. L. in m t. a Greenville, . i; h. Llowvs: est Tunidp. aviest Turnip. aviest Turnip. NO OLD SEED. ER BROS., U DRUG STORE. Grcanville, S. C. w,d. ACCIDENT, AND LIFE n 01 91c. T YjPJj7 o J/W )IT 1 i Ia ' P l r. i --..., - i. .. IL i , ,-: .o e'z1i g hb UIt bohei th iper.e. j,., h p; ..i - ju 'r . 8 :i''~Li'. 'i4kle-p ;'d.' f. l IUandprf 1 rian- to h 1 o1 typA n r itin: 1 i, int tag press, . A ill .. Il II1. %I ( I- n;et , h<p wh'. . h '- it om .! --- t: le' r n becheolue all opeat1 r ib IcO a ,i in i t ratIor i %h-,lnrk of vn1:a lImpi"!,; CA:; 1110;v 1,:eC t.-s ItIld :ahvnawen wrllted. 8pe. " + 0 1-)iei e r t i n r-;. F-' l lij:ll ll!.h i,_ i 11:itl run, -m I . I n bl re,sI bri t r ii t t U~~~~ ill S' 1 . I ~)~High aa~ Easley, S. C. yotar patrohnageC. Witi paiy ym: 3 per In<OU:thsu. naa41 l5 per (cent~, for per.'Iod:I of' six Iun 0 h.-. Interest to comeneie in flr Fo if mon)1th stu-i eed"ing date1 of de(I('tUs14. I .'tosits tuli pityable, mn denu:nd withiout lticl. W. 4. LO.\W) 1), l'ePiOiet. W. C. I'.\I ITl, 'aslht er. HOLLJOWA Y'S Barber Shop! I And Bathi Rooms. In rea ofI'lI Mision iUl nau-, OlImJ'NVILL,E, 8 (1. Scientific Americas Agency for A U -. CAVE~ATS. L .TRADlE MAnr'a DETQal PATENTIi 4 COPYr1CHT8, etc~. 11t NN &c CO. 1 E A )io:WA V, NE~W Yonivc, n Olete.' burat:au '1or IP'r,lerU lUlut uf 11 A llh'ar F'!-rva p.,t. ta,m ant by lu a is broaught be foretq tb~ IITC Imb)! B a notlr(U givenl f ro, of chbtrgo In t1.0 V Ja'&r'--,t fdreuIr.I 141n nft anyl Lr:en)tIflt p'er In tho II YUUi1.1. I>letlittIly! lus4truted. No jntCllbsenlt, 1. n.h "" ''ld be 'ithoEut It. Wcoly 543.00 8 r. l-fnixmot1l1. A dhIresa MUNN &,C -J 'd UAway, New York. I Newspapers :. FR EEK -.. U ' ' 4n ten --f yo.ur iliendU ir aia'bhloaa? ra .- kLY. ..A ''NI) I I fl i :'I G<;;s Weekiv inth1 the a ofh i -a en ' i n~ lr-te I page.' It ba ':nliy a~ 1.1 lU l n Il enre'f11u-l e l e If31.t; 'alae:' Soua t vt r lu-.'. . 11 ' re: NO LOT IVERY e14,400 IN G OLD COIN Anyone f.. r onls IUy g42., call Q-c11re bth the(' L '.l:!y ('u.u ''i .1U0I iamil :-r on4;,wvith the. I: pp .U* LUIy' of4 mni,.alug1 foir the~ (Coa;- I: lI -aluI: i aupra dt edii'' o)11r" 'f <-.0)j IUIrr I' $1C.C4 in (.UUIa lCoin and1( 41 pirizes' oUf aShu ! i b I in Cohl ('oina. Sinp1IjUUl''cop of) the WIe'l:y ; I'- .;,l.U o d a h - .en at ha UUf:,a-. lar, 5 I a ' ';.. '.'o 'ilth'' ( urha'r Iouar' a... n.any, ,aul- v1lb-. N' ,i a'P' WIpy w iII he t . 4r ' he i to a ') 9'5A77/4hU#tr:2h; I* h l4 1 'I a! RE ~EMOID & DANIL! L I, W. Iluidekoper A% Reubin Foster, tecelver, Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line - Division. Seced ule in efret May Mn, I92. NoRtaO'2U. No. 38. 10 Xio. i2 Eastern Tie. Dlaily. * ,v. A tlatat (K.T)... ". ChatbWee .......... " Norerobs ........... D uluti ............. Suwannee......... Ilurord.............. "=lowry Irauch... Ganevile........ Lula.......... .... "elloit ............ Coruelia.................I 1.42Pm1 lo.blam* "Mt. Airy...................i i o.bbuln " Toccoa ................... I2.20"In 11.l9ttm "We-stininster . ...12. b7ttin I I.M%ni "011ncn ...... .. . ... .. 117tI 121 m Contral ....... ..... .. . an 12 1, ElsleYS......................2.1tan "UGreenville. .. 008pin 244am Ipm Greers............ ......3.14tim 2 Wellfort<P............ .33am 3.Opju Spartanlburg pn..704) .4tn .3l Cifton ...... . . .4t 3.4p Cowpons..................4,1ua 34 pi Gaf.'n....................4 ilOacke urg...............5.0fa 4 Grover...................5.111%' 4.37plu 6 King'i Mountain...........28ain 4.bpm Gastonia .. . ..r.2ai Lowell....................OMM 5.31pni lelletont.......... ....... .ain 5.391n. r. Chiarlotte ...........0.10pin, .408in .00pm SOUTHWARD. INo. . No. If. No.9. Diily. Daily. Daily. Y. 31irotte.......9.41511t1.5p0in 2.20im Itellemionit................. 2Pm 2.42nm Lowell............. ........12.23pn -.W29am Gits2ton1it............ 2.31NIvin 3.0-Itut, iivgs ) .......3.i.7mi S.27am Grover................ .... 3.161mi I:3.43max u.276pin 3.531nip ........................3.4 1)ni -I-JOILM ..................10 1.420in I!fol.......... .lan .45pm 3.51pi 52.42p8n (;reers 4. il. ... .;1.. b.01l i . 42111 OR IBm34pn . 4..4..n. 4... 0Vlm Cv;i ril ... .... .... . . ... .341jit2 7.i10^1u1 .......... ................7. ipti 7 rig1am ...0m ............... I 4.27a Mt. A..r................ 9.(0 1pm . 11 p'm (111It (2124.11121 2~. t. 1 2422 I I8- 1 ~1 0'..4A III 4,orI0wA 4 itI. 140#10011tt?, tit t!y em-2ept Smiity, lett1vpH4 Atltttit p. IlI t .riv(. .iua 9.X) p. in. Rettiring, 11 a 6mnt .. . . ... Atiktt 8.6 a. In. ,I)t SwItIpty. filihd No~. 0(1divily. h-a2ves4 Luln.i 8.1i5 p. i. vi,- itA . Ia1.. a rrive .%thletI s 10.00 p. Ili. and Ga'tt. i. ..t.ii g. leave At..e.n.. No. 10 di ,t. exeept IRIIIly 112141 No. 1 dily. 6.16 P. In. n l .;t I llI.. . ..i- L 7.65 p.m. tin4 8.50 ..m. Itcl wcu T41voll'.1ui 211 ElbeOrT401-'No. 61 dtily ex L:I,t Nuilly,1II l'lve~ To.ot I IA iit.02. Ili., a rrive F l " r'.k)II 3.'.1) 1). ")1. litIi ll1rh . 'No. COb tilily except .Ill-liuty ~lm% . 1). v !2 r).( it. 1U., arrive T1octuou Po, 9itn-.! 1W IL Puinit, Sleeemr betmeeni Xtl I22wid New York. NoIs. aw11l :Is, Wash1Iin2gton1 and4 Sothw11.eFiternl .ifle Liittl. bmee Wstshim,ton and. t1mita1 . Tl I 2lh I IIIIIi N1111 leelierh between4(j pow Yw.k Nid Wash IgIo ll kn i ml pis Vild 'N111111til and Itirming Itli. Obse~~rvaIt ion1 car be14 twcon2 Wash%in1gton1 and Nos)1 11 1111 1!, 1111111112in 1122iffet Sleeper be - For %111vil tltmittion us (o 14Vjeal and throV t 1 lisr 11 Sleeping car ros rvitiolish, emife4.r with lovaLl 21g022t.s. or add rebts .. A. OSO.N, uperkillt. ntIlta, D il. encrat Ma4nager, Was1.gtn, 1). C. T'rIitilie. 51ming v 1, 1% msinii gtoll, 1). 3). M VAW171f . . 4 ............~r lt122 L..3.m .53nin . 102111.......4.L0pm1e4.412Ar ...............,re ......0 .3m I ''" . ;~ AIIltrx.t . r...4....7.10am 1 .~~ Iv114jt442 .......'u258am) 1 2~ r~it... .ot .. 7~.1 . 7a 1 pi lo........p 8.55mu I I122 jdio...........8.4Onp.3a l2Opfl reeni..........43 .3nm ittoi, doi!urnt.\2L, t 1114.0d2ty, le'tteiln tg i IMmen and thel1 __.____h__ y,_ex 22 1'1 r ,trn . 9 d tS L l .14 . I. 0,nl 95n. in. Clrrive A thtr 1.0 p.m.n lIun t....n.. un.leave A .he..N.10 dal I exceut 2No.. al. .1p. m. L2.,n1n4 . Ar 5'Ti Lula 7.55 itd 50 .m Hetwe n oen niI.:'1hrin -- No. 6 1 Illx er. n n . IAI . 1 Reuring.)jL rNo . OS alyecp, Iiny le . -Ge .t wn 5.(0t..,..arrIeTco n111. _'AbuledLi__ited between~ Washin____ ton__ and thnt Thrug S'AtillaN S oNoetwee fIlo . .d .ifip i i tlantagl an imig I in .>sra io Ar be242' tet Waliigo a45nd lIr 122 1141 and 1I, Pllm antp.12. lu (fe i Sl'ee e b1 e-Xt N.2 tivniii 312 IIlW . A2p.tIII,ttK 112 AIie',P x . 't,.t i ta'a I tltit't 1 '212t12 2 J.21 A1. IMI . ONl , '.1 p. i, '1 I'II SuerintendentU. A1 t1ilnt, iGall. Wmie.11 ) 2. 211. . Ut)ltImNu.422d .8 TrailleP0 12innager.I, Washington11, D. C. pm...A rl(42~ Greenvill LA.......12.00n'n.,(.22 (ieteen nderotMlIner,o aC1u21 Gr-envi).lC - 0. TATH)N .. No. g, nin.......I. Atiagrso A.........02 S1pin '.On ...... ihd i n . (.,ielton A 3r... l.. ..73p ).5b2it .... ....Peln st .. . i.i . .. .5pra .mim ..........ree vie.. . . ..... 61p mt .01 ~.. by A. liinAr.......4.3pin Spl...... lNon Aerr........... l.2pm j2l2pi....A WIllbImtonA..r........ .0pm 1.126 .. ... let.....Pelzer........... .1.5p m 122 ..... .. ..iIIn..... .... ....1 .40pm -70prn... .....Genill........12.00n':i2 1.11. STAT1 NS 1No... .5 14. ,l.100 ... ........Ato ~n............ 5.1p m 2.114pm ........ Frisle2.. ....... .1p m .21pm .... .... . 4 IIan t .. . .... .... 4.0pn --- . . . . . . 22p 0 :1 . . . . . . . . . 3 4 p p n . .. ... P a olet . . . .. ..2.64 2p m