PICKENS SENTINEL. LOCAL NEWS. -It is feared that the recent rains will lamlage the grain crop. -The welcome rain came last Saturday .0 water a week's hard work. -A sinner's vote will count as much as taybody's in the next primary. -Cleveland, Oconee county has been 0hanged to Fort Madison again. -Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. 0. Lhompson, on the 17th inst., a son. -Sometimes a good wheat crop is saved withont being damaged by the rain. -Misses Alma Smith nd Lida Folger ire visiting Judge Newbc, 's faily. -Anthony Kirksey and Queen Iagood, both colored, were married last Sunday. --Mrs. Laura Baker was adjudged in sane last week and committed to the asy lum. -Some of the bridges between here and Easley were washed away last Saturday night. -Checker boards are in such demand here that a drummer came here to supply the town. -G. W. Taylor. Esq., of Greenville, accompanied by his two sons, were in Pickens last week. -The streets are needing work badly in many places. It is probable the hands will be out In a few days. -The contractora of the new court house say they will certainly have it ready to hold our next court in. -The recent rains raised Rice's creek so igh last Sunday that it got up into the nil near Larkin Hughes'. -Col. Wim. Elliott., C-mgressinau from .he Seventh or black distrtet lias decided not to be a candidate again. --Congressmnan E. T. Stackliouse ot this State died in Washiit'r1onl on the I ith inst., after very brief illikess. lie was 69 years old. -rhtere will be a prohibition mveting at this place on the 20th inst. All who are interested in prohibition are request, ed to be present. -The wheat crop in PiLskcns county is gencrally fine. The oat crop is generally first-class. This is a good stand off to the low price of cotton. -W. R. Garrett of the Hurricane Townsk';p has a good crop of June anld August. peaches. lie snys his wlat is splendid --better than for many yem. --Mr. A. (.1. Stapel is back inl Pickeiis to inish up the heating apiparatus at the court ion1se. He is acom)aniel by Mrs. Stapel aind they are stopping at the 11 >tel de rhornley. -W. H1. Hainilton was before Tr! u Jus ice Robinson Iast. Saturday for sh')ting at ohn McGracken. It, waived pn-11-iinIr -xamination and gave buid or hii app1.r ace at court. -Married, at th. residence of the bride's ather, Mr. J. C. Wilson, on the !' b inl. IuIsic for ti4 occasion. The proceeds *cre abouit $10. -Jack Algood will have to comei again. ir. 1). WV. McD)onald placed on nun table .st. Moniday IL cot tonl stalk mieasurinig 10l iches high and ha;vinig about 50 leaives nd several well devlopeud suaresa. The ICe now is for biloomfs. Mr. McD). ex ects a bloom by t lie 24th. -Mr. 8. C. McWVhorter was in to see us ist Monday. The rain has not (lone as mclh damage about him as in some places. Ie says he is keeping mighty quiet about .olities and hooking closely after home)1 af airs, but he wvants it. undersiood that he is ir Uievoland tirst, last and all the timec. -Mr. Silas Hlinkle was in town last Phuirsday enjoying a little vacaLtion before e begins to lay by3. Hie says lie niever nlew before how to woruk ai fll co rn rop .. easy. Hie left off cot toni etire ly this ear and haus an easy time. lie could weV tendeld a larger corn eroip, liut it was a neccessary. -A letter from Perry F. Thornley tellh i lie is anxious to have the St.:rriNa.. is best friend in Pickens paid for it auf dered it sent to bim just before his lett ej as receivedl. ihis manny friends hiereaL )Lts will b)e glad to know that lie is get *ng oin well, andil is hi bly plleaised with hi unployer, the Union ecws Company. -There was quite an (extraordhinaLr splay of electricit.y at Easley iast Satur ty. Balls of fire darted alon the rail iad track accoimpaniiedl by frequent amu olent explosions. Two t .elponeu post crc dlemnoished( nearui hioleombe & John m's shop and the wire was biroken in t w< laces andl the insulated (oper wirO neLI ie Easley phone was burned out. -The seondl unfioni meetinlg of th 'welve Mile Association wvill be held witi ille Creck church, on Friday biefore Lih fth Sunday in July, and the Tw~elve Miu .inging~ Association is asked to mecef wit. ie umon1W. All the churches andl singin lasses are requested to send de4legautes' tev. W. U. Seaborn wvill preaLch the intre 'nctory sermon, and W. G.. Mauldin thI u issionary sermon@i. -The County Conmmissioners have d< lided to make the bar11 in the netw (0o1 tOUSe IL little larger-abuit four feet, wides ns5teadl of having two docks for the p)ri: iners inside thi lhar as now arranged, their dli be only one dock, and that on tIe ot edge of the bar in front of tihe Jlud(ge tandl. They will not. have any jnry box( ...s nowv arranged. Th'ley are inndeI to hiol ivelve meni, the pet.it jury, andl there is ni lace for the grand Jury. WYith the c:hangi ie spa1ce will lie large enough for LI rand Jury on) either side. WVe admirie t1 hange. -Cl. WV. E. Welhorn, of Tiu:doio Ve 'y, South Carolinaii, wals in) 'Tocca < Vednesday. S peaking of the crop prie sects lie said: "T1he outlook wIs nev etter. (Crons of all kinds are tood im '9 ? nauLre.gIiL inusihii:t u4nete. og i. veety-eigh.t hiundiredl acres of it, sin - se war, Miy success is aft uit aide in 'gree to Ceonomy. An lnshtance, .hi'h we never let the f1ire go outt. h v'ife is seventy-fiuvc years of ag~e Iand h: eve-r had a match ini heri hnand in her lii 'ie doubt if the r'econl of C7olou;vh I l;a(,. W ewor Joule du 'atd.T Court convened at Anderson last Mo lay. -Miss Laura Ellis is spEndlug her vac ion at her old home. -We hope that. the late rains have n laniaged the caandidates any. --The store of Mr. G. W. Gignilliat, 3eneca, was broken into last Sunday nigli nd robbed of about *300 worth of good -11ev. John T. Lewis is havin a ne md substantial dwelling crected on I lace one mile South of here. Mr. Josel Boatright has the contract. -J. II.Pryor, a wbte prisoner confin in the Anderson jail hung himself fr( h bars of his cell window last 8abbe mornining with strips torn from his bla; 't. -Col. J. 0. Gibbs, of Columbia, NT )'re last Monday, looking up more viaci td forfeited land. Surveyors will be 1 Ji the mountains soon to locate all SU land. -Two women, Mrs. Collins and M Paris, of the Keowee side, were bef< Trial Justice Robinson Satuirday, charg with arson. 11. 0. Bowen represent them and they were discharged. --Some disorderly colored boys w were driving Mr. "ureton's team on t streets last tiabbath. Contributed *0 to t town treasury last Monday morning as special tax for their smartness. -The "phone" at the Easley end of t Pickens and Easlvy telephone line has he moved from Mr. Wyatt s store to the ra road (epot. Vick Hu(genls. with his u bounded suavity, will always be ready wait on you or give you information Connection with the "J11onc" business. -Claisa Leona, the eldest daughter Mr. Lemuel C. Reid, of Oates, died Friday, t lie 17th inst., at the age of ni years, of pleulloiil. All that could doe was done to save the dear child fra its impending fate, but all to no purpo The funeral was held from the residen ,. ,.-:s iiig conducted by 1ev. 'lie remains were interred ying ground. The bereal the heat-I felt syipathies a this their greatest sorro '- the realm where childho is. liaeood has just gradua at. miss Kelly's School in Charlestona. Vas aWardel a medal in music. '. News aid Courier sav-: As tlie old picttre. ill Florence ser 13rwninlg thought. for his ebaracteri: poem b3ly that. n1amle, so the poem furni (A material for one of tlie leiveret ess" of the evelilng. Miss Liile M.E .agrq(l tvrpret l rowning's Nvion withI asul poetiv feeliig iof her own, dissectinug1 Ipo(Ii With t a flinesse that a I bOtanist mU feel for a a rare and delicate flower. Are Triay Married? It is re ported that W IT. j)ilnekwe :iatda Mi; s l*'ia!akhn- ofia tip hava er-e I the -Bhuw Ridge wi It the toldilm ()I rettimlt Inmr-ickd. H.t- ha'. bi I.vilng his respets to h(Ar for 1tit, aNN I ~anil the marari.aga is not unex pectedl, rue. Thiv -aidI-to-hek ridle is 1nl Sixt ya';rs of .a, mhile !lw -roam is thi two an d as thle lav r( t;uir vv' I he coni1 of tIh puarent bfr i-- a ifr a h:ari licen1se ill this State, it i'- supposed t thu)-z'ht h:-t tiaalu ratlLr that ml thii, ir.talelain n1 o ii. 'The li - xtvl11d bst wishes (a.1ithations to them wht ther mari or no'. Thy tale Ib0 Nh wIl kioN his plac a11 are hi-hIly resmected.- I si(teraI)!e! amniit or nat valelaic (lthd a am:iiiae toi g::,(dens and~ younhhg fruit. withastaninag all of this, crops are haeo line, Whleatjeuattinag is begiunnig to bt ardera of the dlay. aind it, isi aeal line, Imp:a s the best cropl L.aor sevaeratl yemars. r. Jlosepha Emaersonm, oni the (ithi *while workuig at, s-ome part of thae ma' cry at AMrs. I lunnient's mill, had his I S(auight in the geamring ami1( badly carus lIe anever spoke- after the accident an about twvo hours dtiedl. lie leaves at andl seveaal chaildren. SENR.( Anotheri rtreur. GIreenville coumnty hats maade a are.oa the laist t wao wem whUeb is not evie Ihaer sister count ias. In tlmt le ngthi if four homicides have occurred. The one wvas thec killing of L. Washain 1liipps last Saturday an Glassy Moutx townshiip by Isk son in-law, J. Wa. J. gana. A sinlgle ahamghtar (if 1ilipps birth to a child some tiame since, anal old mian acausedl Morgan of being the f: (if the ehihl anal disgracing his (hang Th'lis infutariated Morgan, and after the manl hadl gone to the field to work, M< tiook his gun loaded with buck-shot killed hiam. Morguan has not, been arre A Iumnia Ai.rociationa. Th'le Ahmmnali AssI(oialien of thbe & Carolinua Coalle-ge will give- its first Ai Receptl ionii to Itie Graduat ing Class. am College Claap(-l, at Coli nbia, on the ning of Jnne 251th next. Addresses - he madate by thle P'it-sidlent of t he As' I tion, Mr. Lew'ais W.l Parker. of (Graea: a3 '. ., ai'l lby the O)rator oaf the ouc - Iliunry 31halhins. Esi of thei Marionu,| h ar-. Thereim wvill bei oither a pprin :t, (ri('ses. Al 1h)1( studi(enats oh theii C( aire meulunt i-d to att timl , anal ta athe p a c(rdiad iniitatiomn is e-xI ended. A 4 itardot' Thiaanksa. SMy famaily t.as ben surely pr-essed 1 fliction. All thaat '[kind hands 'anid k hearts coul (10 to alleviate the great s ing aind rad( hemreavemenct wahnichas rlit chl sttteniiit to lion. W. C. Whitncy at Chi cago last Sunday. -- - - 046p ro. Sullian's counsel have nade public th( ire note Suffivain received a short time befor( ed the tragedy. Jt Is as follows: ed GRtENviL.ic, S. C., June 14, 1882. Mr. J. blinis Sullivan, City: lho Sol You took occasion to insult mc he yesterday in the presene of a ininister he which was very disrespectful to him an a entirely uncalled for, and to crow verj loud on your own duighill. Now, sir, i li you will come out, or meet me anywher e you may designate, I am ready to settl n the iatter with you. No gettleman wouk - offer or accept, an insult in the presence o a minister, but I shall endeavor to fully sat t isfy YOU Uo)01 seeing you. Yours, &c., 11. G. GILREA'rI. Ten minutes after the note was received of Mr. Gilreath had been killed. le Even in Pickens colty the Sheppar< be and Orr forces are beginning to move, al mi though in the last county convention the: se. dil not have a single repreFentative. An ,e, it is finic for Pickens people to move. Thi J. county has s w- recollect, about 11,00 in white to %000 colored population. Main; ed of the while people are renters atid sma of farmners. The three dollar )O1l ax ide w. mean.kus tha , in thai county three white me od must ply tire dollars cach on the clian of securing three dollars fron one negro c patying foi his keep in jail. Let the Pic hc ens conser)vativ(es get to work. They ca he Carry their couny if they will try.--Dail News. oconec is booinin' o1 the candidate que tic tione. ''hie following are the announc Ql- ments to date: 3's For Clerk -J. F. Neville, J. C. Mickle I James Seaborn and A. Zimiernan. tLie For Sleril'-Col. Join M. Hudson, N le N. Cox, T. S. Fennell, W. E. Niinon iW. W. Moss and B. F. Doutlilt. Fo)r School Cominissioner-Neill W. M Caulley. For County Commissioner- Wi. 1 t Thrift ant V. II. Mongold. l Fr, Tre er-- A. i'. cisp and S. 1 . F( F)r Auiltor-W 11. iRevider, N. C. M ile Don-Tid, d. N. Morgan, W. T. Grubb ati if '. R. Norris. ty- ie pul;sltthr of t Ruthern Christl eit Ativoeit, or.vn of the chluodint churt the serend ho e denmnination in tL ley State, has sutained a net loss of over or Ake tIhtmsand sni,-rihers from tie lists siD< ied 111 41i e S - 4 ti C i Cd Ilusiaiess iNoti'es. uil '-wi'ere,^s, .1.. 5'tewart, ''. C. P.. iade.tt.sit in- me t grn hint leatters of aidininidst riltit thleestatel of ual eil'-uls of Mrs. Emina F. 'm aain. dec'ened. These'i~ iaie therefore to c-tit nainnijh per- '.uel riicui r the kilatreat ataitlreretitors of I Iah 3i1e ) . e.nrit F. wilson, aeeense, t hatL ii be tn a ppe.r befo.re nie a inte 'roluatte Cot(i t. li e hel.d at -ek-ens coa:rt Ittause, S. . on I nnii- .tha aly of .1 aily, next, a fter jm,nI-.liaat ion heren uid ati ii i'c1.seck in the fori.oon,* to shew entise iiil hut t ichv, h rmitheiniitdti.itr (;l iven umdoer my hande this 14th day of .in1 wife i*.5?, ini th( 011e hunda(rLti atl sixteenthl yeatr * jituaawil .1. 1i. N1 w till1Y, J1. P'., P. . IoW I~~ Lina AN t.he r' . ' ather - 2 ter. old W W rgan .E aT and Euterpriaing Touni M traa Trne A ('n. lnntr,i a small awainer hotel. !f I d ,m't s-acce--i .1 thrt.. i M to work a.li nt . the buincrs in whicha I made amy an, 'ue &e Co.a shalt wo Ias,r-ae ad si..rt you,a roin if we do, anad if yoa n work i,a.i:n--.nly, y.'n v-iil in otIh I jsiah,, ..bh,a..huy an , boad n,ai laiId nm hiot . if you, muul ! ** Mo n **" **ar''" at *aa' "'''o" i*' of"'a-r' l day and honobiy. by toso, if niither se,. young or i iC antd io iteir own !neniie, wiherevor they lino. A ny mc- amndo tho wor.Er.E t1 e:.r.;w e fuarnaih everything U~ rsh. ou on dvelsvnn rpa i emonts. cr all y.inr w ill to the work. Tii en6lroly new ltad briae wa-ndorrni cros to every unt'car. nle0haners ar, earning fromn $2 (III- Sn pe r week ,n.d ,m.warda. ,al an snro aft,r a li-~.io ymil I rienca1. We en,farhih you th'aempi.iyment--woteaei 'FREE. Thisin can ar.e af rn,ry-lous things, and ha ( willreward every indinatri:s workorn. whereyor you and whaativer iou arc doling. you want t' 'r.now abuni X- imundaefulwar - at '-tco. Dlcy ,aneanaenach ,ua.asy ic 't..Iyou. No. spa.e in ennial., heire. tus if you will write I -SCHOOL. CHU'RCH, 8 I * 6AND COURI IHOUS :aintea ' &te for R, . Det tife-and Publtc U30d'gw >bbed GTSD S hieer- I GA ENY tat8. aever j*luIIL.8 of A Household Remedy who5 BLOOD AND 8KI DISE ASES me the, s Botanic Blood Balm meect-- Y Curs. SCiIOFUL.A. I-CERS, SAL. ' ".... RHEUIM. ECZEMA, evem a, to form of malgne.nt SKIN ER UPTION. bi sides being efficacious In toning up thi 3id system arid restoring the const itutloi US- when impalre.l from any cause. I1 almost aupernatural healing propertie in justify us In gianteing a cuire, ;i~iit. dIrections are folowed. narlym SENT EEo.W . .. '"~ ii8, BLOO BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. lIba . iRo~'llT. KIliKSEY lit on 'i('kts olhtis hias lrt a siaat serv ites to thet ineas are0 1r thal)Ile CoE lleh!e tat Phavi ~ial Stritons. tat iItti moire, 1 89(, frout .hmo fIs llkinls, 1831. Was Slttimo 'e. 'lddc'J1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Pickens. Court of Common Pleam. Summons for relief (complaint served). Frances M. Folger, Plaintiff, A inst Corrie . Davis. Robert Keith, the clil. dren of John Keith, living at the lime of the death of John T. Gossett, de ceased, to-wit: Wilkins Keith anti Fra ser Keith, and John It. Gossett, execu tor, Defendants. To the defendants above maied: You are hereby suiumoned and required to answer the complaint In thilsaction, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his of fiee at 'ickens, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, ex clusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the tiic aforesaid, the plaintiff in this ac tion will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated 14th June, A. D., 1892. JULIUS E.ABOGGS, PI'tffs Att'y. [ORAL.] J. M. STREwART, C. U. P. To John Keith, with whom his children Wilkins and Fraser Keith reside, and to the minor defendants, Wilkins and Fra ser Keith: Take notice, that iless a guardian ad i temi is procured to represent you, the said minors, within t.wenty days froin the ser vice of this notice upon you, exclusive of thu day of sich service, tie plaiintill will aply to the court to have such guardian ad litemn appointed on your behalf. To all the defendiants: Take notice, that the object of this action is to partition the real estate described in the complaint amongst the parties to this action according to the terms of the will act out in the com plaint, and that no personal cluini is made against any of you. If you answer said complaint it will be at your own cost. Juj.ius E. Bouus, Plt'ffs Att'y. 14 June, 18U2. MCFALL'S ALMANACK -vFolt 3. 93 01 Q oTTff E30 Flv Time is here. Fans! Fans! Fans! Fly Fans! Fly Traps! Mosquito Nets! I 'arasols! Umbrellas! d Butterily Hats for boys! Sailors for girls! Nicely Trimmed Hats ni for Ladie3. :Broad brims for Men. All kinds of hot weather goods. e Fruit Jars and Sugar. Grain Cradles, Scovil Hoes. Handled Hoes. - .ecps, Plows, Bush, Briar and Reap Hooks. Nice Honey. Seed Tick Coffee. /.T. McFALL. of -il C. C. HALLMAN, All kinds oif carpenter work well r~Pi.sand pcrotuptly dt.iI 'iPcesll and work sati,factory. Givi~ ~Better Than an En cyclopedia. ) A inaai Df Amican Hiog. The I'a Most Wondlerful Pl'ctienatlot ever issued.-i hbitcal Me U t iM g bked, l"'* A Coinplete llistory of our G;overntnaenat by Al inist rationsai taitd tigressesi. b,atesat I1802 iid ipe. tion, lEix0a& inches (tanriget ever jiritld. Mou; yr tedt on rolle,rs act top and boiittoain. rel -- ~~' iy) speciI ar ranalgleentsc itlh the puabltahe th.we are ale to ob)1,4iii a uabeaalr of clw abovat,' metine Mam, tandi paropose~ to fulrantsh Ioine e es, each af our 51 nc seibiers. Tis Mapj Is at niecea. ty in everyv home, schooalI or otihee', andii will bie IBO, perlinIly desirablte to refer to (aIlly ducrIng tI A omitng polt it l anmpiain, as it Iaoentes at lainee evcery impjortanat faict cuonnleiIted wicth I hiactory of oaur coutr y a,r.u Aluerienni po lities, A ligri.m 5,howc lng i il of tie l'olitical Pnt AIU )ihioramt Shaw in lg I all t Pid: 'aae t of ncebi 0 i.ngress. exgi. A t)haurneu tac howig the 0 reeds of tihe Wor A Dinalr;rul S (owI tie StilIting A rmlies F;an''h i oln. hi:i? .\ Diamgrin sharowaig thec Nacvnl Tonanaige A (!omlplete MI ap raf th ta o Irld,t 13x:20. A Compalete M'i ap uaf th la nirated Statesr, Ita Mc Nally .& Co'a -16ixii. A~ Macp of Ucen:t rai A merten. 10xh0. A Macp of Alaska. lOx 13. A Macp of Souatha .fri'n. l0x i3. A Mapi of lIp per Nubaian aandr lanbelh or A biyi na. lox 13. A Macp oaf Persin, A fghastnn anad hielaucisti 6ix 13. A Comiplete Miap of tIhe Soliar Syr.tem-lesat eria5 mnd. 13xto. PIU'itES Ol'' A i,L TI! E Plui:siIl:ENTS Fit( WAt'il NGT(ON.( T A IatitISON. it also glyves in brief: Th'le listocry aaf '.alonti l'iili(h9. Th'liar I 'tiy rof ltevoluitin.iry Pl'itles.. 'The liaiiiy oaf the ii'orde.lcitioni. Thie II -tiiry raf thea U. S. Govieara naeat by C< * Thela i stoary oaf ther I'. it. by) Administrartloa Au Aaale of. rthce Fedlerai Govearnmaent. * V'aluaalae intlistli': oni iebts. . g V.'iuanbaie ttat ii tle on u lievenlaaex. V'aabicie S'tit littles rit Extipemiataares. i.'iurs ofi all I'l'rhini iarties, The i laory oif all l'ailatarial I'sa ttis wichrt he A ( haronaologienaa tale of 319 of t he mnosit: liortlant evenats frioim the l atiave'ry oft Amaer tico1 the prsiit ay. . 'I hre plishei'Irrs parIceta is ai wh iih tis very I -- r'onideirinag its anerit'r biat wo in r'onaneet wc'ih la rat of tre lemat inag pubailishaera in aclI Satates, hacvre been fr tomati ina arranging ra eatongha ta oa ra, it h act raly tCi iients r'ahdeli cI ainrl en free to aany puz art' thect 'alit XLt'e, i.cr (cit i- I owa. j lt.Toany anew aiubiscrliber. ijo iud. To an ry rrenetwsialubirtier. Ilacina :or. Tor anya sucaribr now tat acrrars who p atnrl up to .1 aatmry ist ntext.il .i ' ns thee macph aat tIhe loaw laurces, we advisiae ii ;' aihc de i : c .-G :hi' ,-hi of thi., oppo litti ;I .11 to ittutin to t, a01ulat' HAG00D, BRUC xcrrX.&MM1, s. C W. M. HAGOOD & mASK4Y, S. 0. Are Now Receiving Their SPR Dry Goods. I Special attention has been given their Dry We are heav Goods Departments and among the selections keep only Good are the latest and best goods from the dulteted 8ug New York Market. Some of om They are closing out all odds and ends in about the balar accumulated old stock. Any Hat, Shoe or am obliged to I Remnaunt of Cloth that has the mark of ago Others don't on it is sold regardless of cost. ain't our fault. Some rich bargains in these for but remember Cash Buyers. predict a heres 0I HAGOOD, BRI W. M. HAGOC How dear to my heart, as the season advances, With smiling and frowning, with sunshino and rain, Are the thoughts of the past, of its dreams and its fancies. Its sorrows, its pleasures, its joy, and its pain, I muse o'er the orchard, tho meadow, the mountain, The bridge and the rock where the cataract fell, But dearer than all is the thought of the fountain, Of icy coll I soda, that Sloan Brothers sell, The fresh, foaming soda, the bright., sparkling soda, The thirst-quenching soda, that Sloan Brothers seU. How oft have I grasped, with hands that wero glowing, In the heat of the morning, the noon and the night, A glass tilled with nectar, with coolness o'er ilowing, A joy to the taste, a boon to the sight, How sweet from the clear crystal brin to receive it, Fresh, cooling, just drawn from its own icy well, Not a full blushing glass could tempt me to leave it, The fragrant cool soda, that Sloan Brothers sell, The fresh, foaming soda, the bright sparkling soda, The thirst-quenching soda that Sloan Brothers sell. That silver-bound fountain, I hail it a troasure, Of sweetness and coolness and freshness untold, How oft have I drawn from it exquisitive pleasure, While drinking its contents, pure, sparkling, and cold, And when far removed from its loved situation, The tears of regret will intrusively swell, I earnestly long for a change of location, And a draught of the soda that Sloan Brothers sell, The fresh, foaming soda, the bright, sparkling soda, The thirst quenching sodi, thai Sloan Brothers sell. The Finest Prescription Drugs in Green Ville, at SLOAN BROS. THE SPRING CLOTHING UlIEENVILL~E, S. C., I CQylitein Eveliyi Dipa'tment, Our Stock of -CUSTOM-MADE SUITS! -: Every St3 le and Quality in the Market. Renmember we cani it The Talles~t Man ? The Stouitest Man! And the Thinnest Man In Pickens County. Bo11ys1 and Children's Cloth,ing from the Cheaper-t to the Best. Odd Pant,s aund Shirt Waists for Boys. SMITH & BRISTOW, Tailor-Fit Clothiers, I 3 Carriages, B3uggies and Wagon SPECIAL OFFER! TO CASH BUYERS! We offe-r at, REl)UCIEI) PlRICES, Carriages, Buggies and Wagons. COME, EXAMINE AND) BUY. The Greenville Coach Factor' H. C. MA RK LEY, Proprietc (4. WV. S RRINE, aSperuIinendent. ap30y THE NEW MODEL HALL TYPE WRITEI A Merectachin !rig 92aract * Remodeled and Improved. GOOD~.~ -Te 01 MANIFdOLDER. I Teet,Standalfrd Typ)e Writer i Worl. Inexpensive, Portablb, No Ink Rlib or ~Easist to learn, and rapidl as an,y. 01 Agents Wanted Everywhere. Warranted as Represented. This chine Is Eveybody's Friend, Every1 should have t.heir writing dome on a' ur -- . Watrt.tl always insures the most pn E & '0., ; CO., ING GOODS! in Groceries r buyers and lowest sellers. We Flours, Purest Lard and Una mrs and Coffee. Debts. friends have acted cleverly ices duo from last year. We Jhem. come to see us any more. That Don't get mad at us about it we think of you every dal and fter to all such doings. pne to See Us. JCE & CO*, )D & CO. J. J. LEWIS. JrI S E. OGG( THE PICKENS Land.. Agency! The Pickens Land Agency now has for mil, the following desirable lais: 2510 acres 1 miles below Liberty: 125 neres tn a high stAte of cultivadoln; gooid orchards; dwellings and other hou'cs: level; the be-C tittiall fain III liekens eounty; terms ealsy. av neres oit Wolf creek, ool farining or pa ture land; 20 acres in cultivation; I mile fromt l'ickens on Easley rond ; on this place is good water power with grist mill, cotton gin mAnd press, and double set wool cards with braker and! all flxtures; all run by Leffel water wheel: dwelling house with well of good water and all necessary out bnildings; also house for miller; a desirable and profitable place. Terms easy. 15 acres on 'lown Creek one mile west oL Pivk ens; splendid power; saw mill, cotton gin, fee-t er andVonidenser, power presm, grIHN mill, nill' ers's house, machinery in opverition: good r- i of custom; one-half cash, balne easy ann .ail payntlts. 234 acres on graded road to pumpkintown. 4 miles north of Pickens. Ote hudred acres In cultivation; 25 acres best Twelve Mile river bit tom. Good cottoti and grain land. One good dwelling and one good tenant house. Terms easy. Liberal discount for all spot cash. 10,000 acres mountain land; good for rang, vineyards, irchardN, etc. Finely thnbered. 170 acres on waters of Saluda river, I mile from I'leasantt Grove church atnd school house; 2 acres cleared land, 11 acren branch bottom; on public road, well watered; price C00 cash. 215 acres of land in llurricano township neat Dalton; 45 acres in cultivation balance in origi nal forest abounding in the bust pine timir; well watared; price, 060, one-half cash balance at 8 wer cent. 40t acres 3 miles of Liberty on the road from Greenville to Old licketns; 125 acres in cultiva tion balance in line phie and oak timber; -. ilI divide into three or four tracts; three settle ments on the place; a rare bargain. A house and lot on Maint at the head of Car vin street; good two story house with all necos sary out buildina. 30W acres in D)acueville township ten mileR from Greenville on public road; 125 acres in cul tivation, 40 acres good bottom and 125 in paTs ture; mile and a hatf Irom church and schtil hotuse; three good tenant htouses, well watered ; would sell in Otne tract or divide into tracts part caish, balance on tong time at 8 par centi. A desirable htalf acre lot, ona Garvint street tand i'endletotn avetnue; $100: also desirable lot frotnt lag on llowett street; $100; bes,t bargains in toni n. 6616 acres in Easttatoe township, good tettati, hoatae; i5 acres int cultivation, btalance ine tim ber and grass: $1,500 on long tltue. 220 acres in Cetntral township, 16 acres in cut tivatiotn, 40 acres fine piasture, balattie in best of1 itmber: 3 miles of railroad station, e tmlle of chturch and school; will be sold cheap oni en,y terms. A gouod bargaint-100 acres in D)aeusville town - shIp, It) acres itn ctltivatiot, sptlendidi timber; mile of chuttrcht andi school; desirable neighbtor hood : prIce 9(0; t-asy terms. l109 acres 4 tmiles west of P'ickensR on Wathal'a road ; lev-el land; will make splendic farm; timt ber is flune; must be sold. 2540 acres otn Little Eastatoe, 40 acres in eutab . vation, it acres bottom, Il acres int good pat ri-. good log house, 510 acres fine sage grass, ntu fenceed, stable for foutr horses; iti piaco isi well watered andi a bargain at, 6500. A desiruble lot on main street, Pickens, con - taining % acre, good stables andl well of g:ood water on premises; one of the most valuable lots int town: price 1225.--' A fartm of 238 acres 4 milos west of Pick ens: 30 acres cleared, balance in good timber; w oHi watered by ('reek and springs; near Con< i:r. chuirch and school house; desirable neightour hood; price ?i,300. teen M ile i'reek; int a high state of cultivat:e good butilditngs; ilnte water and a good orchasr