PIC SENTINEL --Mr. E. H. ates is reported quite ill. -The back oun talus were white witl -11ow last Su Y. -Born to' r. and Mrs. D. B. Adams ot ie 24th lst a son. -Born to . and Mrs. C. E. Robinson i the 25th in., a son. -Born to r. and Mrs. J. L. Hendricks l.the 22d, I st., a son. -Mr. S. A. Burns is qmte sick at the ime of Mr. F. M. Morris. -There have been several severe casei pneumonia in the county recently. -Mr. H. J. Gignillat is now quite ae )pular at Seneca an he was at Easley. -Mr. John J. Jamison nas greauy im oved his residence by adding a two story tzza to the front. -The cotton fizIds along the railroad I in many other sections of the county , ready for the sc,-d. -Morg. Bryce was elected intendant ol a town of Walhalla last week. Thi s judgmont by default. -The work on the court house is get tint ng well. Mr. Stapel will soon have his 't of the job in working order. -A tolerably severe hail storm passed ir this section last Saturday;night. No nage was done so far as known. -Wi. E. Edens was before Commis ner Thori'ley last week for retailiug ckade an was bound over to court. -Mr. W. J. F. Iaynes was among his kens friends last Tuesday. Some of neighbors, he says, have planted corn. -7t was reported here last Monday that B. Craig Baker had a cow to go mad day last week, from the effects of ich she died. i -The Easley .township Singing Associ. )n meets af.'Rltck Springs church on the Sabbatk in April. The public is cor ly inited to attendl. W. 11. Nix,'President. -The outhern Baptist Convention con. es in tlanta on the Oth of May. and be in jiession till the 13th. The rail. ave reduced the fare one half to the ,gates. -Mr. K. R1. Horton, of Lowndesville, iin Pise who tamper with the pr<.dnee intr. .by dealing in fntures. All who sre Iini3 tn sign it will lea(se call early, t. wi1sh to send the peth'i a on in about It -Wi hile in Abbeville last Saturday, wc re < ined by thme I'res's and Banner. Thei >re - p tihe ditortof that (ter. ..sinf . rnal the better we~ ike him. lit own w to make ant ed(itor eiWjoy htiim. f he certainly undlerstandits the news .pttJsiess. Hope to meet you agair 0.r bther Wilson. -Mrs. M. D. Cantrell diedl at the homte borushane on te '7th inst., oif pneti. resulting fromt grip. Hecr remains mie fterred at the family burying ground tf ate Jacob Lewis. She was a good, ir in~f woman, andi( hesidles her husat5I( 1(d '$ldren site leaves nmany friends tc - $er taking (1ff. .Efrs. Evans Nicholson, a dlaughter 01 -~ en[. Cantrell, (lied Ilast Montdtay. llei isband survives, hut is said to he serious. S tof Ill. Thme retmains were butriedi at the wis burying grounid. As will be noticed .thSsewhere in this issue, her tmother died ih ,ay before. TIruily thme hand of affletion ii orely pressing this household. -In a private letter to a gentleman 01 his place fromt Charleston it was leatne( hat the contract leasing the right of way of the Cumberland Gaip raiilroadl bed to th( Pimckens Railroad Coimpany had been signi 'ed by the proper authorites of the Cminber land Gal) road and forwarded. The dirl wili soon fly. So look out for lthe car while the bell rings or the whistle blows. --A map 6x4 feet that gives you the pic tutres of all the P'residents andl their auto graphs from Washington to I larm ison,wher and on what issue(s each was elected, as the electoral vote and plopular vote of cv ery candkdate for p)residecnt, the poptulatior of the Unitedl 8tates for every live yeart from the first to the last cenmis, wit Ih th< largest and most complete nmap of the tUn ted States ever pubilishied. Pictle 5.00O Comes with tIme SECNTINKt for 90 ets. Ev. ery sehool and family in the county shiounl have one. -We met last week, Mr. Sullivan, stockholder, director and active manage1 mn the Wolf and Tiger Mining Conan~ of Spartanburg. There has been inue published about the rich finds of gold ir the district belonging to the comnp any. Mr Bullivan sa.ys that the gold veints of th< eart,h run with meridians, and he thtinki there is little doubt about there being rich deposits of goki in Plckens county. Caa nal prospectors in this counity share thef same opimion. If we had1( a land and im p rovemient comipany to invest a small smtu an paying sonme expert, we conifldently be lieve it wouldl be the means of addilr.g thousands to the wealth of our couinty Something. like this mu3t be started up. From 66Roundabout.n9 MR. EDIOn: It is very often the case that the best and most ilportant things e are overlooked, because it is so near, and I we are so used to them that we think them : worthless or unworthy our notice or re- a gard. The young lady miany times rejects a her neighbor young man for the reason she t is so well acquainted with hini and he is so 4 common, although well worthy her highest regard, for the kid glove stranger, who is t Ii every respect inferior. So it is all C through life. "Distance lends enchant- 8 men t to the view." Preachers preach bet- v ter sermons, being from a dietmnce. So t it is with lawyers, doctors, &c. Please excuse this lengthy introduction. I am like the Irish orator, "I want to say a few words before I begin." c Well, our prospect in "Roundabout" for < crops is as good as anywhere in the coun- a ty. Our wheat looks tolejably well and t people generally are very well advanced v with their work. a The Griffin road is done, the bridges C .one, and travel through. The road hene tits Mr. John Ferguson's place $500, Mr. Ervin Hendricks, $300. Blr. Hendricks I -oies down It. 11older's to get ' his Grif- I in place just to get to travel c -i the new o -oad. Tile people are already beginning .o wonder how they did so long without it. C Well, we can give you good news. This scribe has plenty of peaches thus far, and has a LeCont pear tree just busting its blooms. If there is one dead One, it cal't be found. Mr Torn Smith, who has been very low, C is convalescing, as is also Mr.James Roper. I Mrs. Tihos. Childs, sr., has gone to Pied- tIl mont to see her son. R. L. Holder lost a fine cow the other day valued at $40. C Messrs. Kennemore & Bramlett want w the sun to shine and the wind to blow so d they c:i go to brick naking. They are all ready but the stiun and wind. Mr. Ward on the Ferguson place, is one C of the best tenants in the county. le v runs a thri--horse farm, has cows and hogs ti and a gfId crib of corn. He likes his landlord And his landlord likes him. Mr. Phillip Seyle has two clever and in. dustrious tenants in the two Mr. Earles, father and son. el Mr. John Smith who cut his foot so bad- c ly last fall, is still in and can't walk, and perhaps will be so for life. - IOUNDABOUT. d b Fron Gattep. E IRev. B. Holder )reached at Camp Creek yesterday and Saturday. His sermons - were very interesting and instructive. The house was crowded on yesterday. The inaority of this place hall with de light the ticket that was nominated at Co. lunbia last Thursday night. Mr. Robt. Knox, who lives on Keowee above Stewart, passed through here this morning on his way to Liberty after guano. Last week, Richard Anth'ony, colored, C shot Jim Baker, also colored, in the arm. Both clahi they were in fault, and have shaken hands over the matter and agreed to drop it. The shooting took place oil Capt. Hunter's place about two miles south f of here. f o eRch trees are in full bloom, and most. of then are healthy, so there will be plen- a ty of fruit yet. t Gates, Alarch 28, '92. N A Card. I desire to tender my most sincere thanks to my friends for their unrenitting kind ness and miost valued assistince rendered me and imine, during the recent fatal ill n- ss of ily wife. I f-el also that iny thanks are .due the doctor for doing every thing for my wife that lay in his power. W. I. MAJOR. Plenty Left. "We wonder who will say that the fruit is not all killed. It would be welcome news to hear somlebodly say so "-Sentinel. o say that we can re :.Thecre is plenty of s not, all killed, and if by s'ome disaster, we to invite the ediitor to of p)ealches, peaIrs, ap s, &c., with u5 dluring ALONZO BROwN. 'r lRound Trip.. Conlvent ion, Atlanta, :thi, '912. For above oc 51( &k Danville rasilroad ...... ...... und( trip t ickets to At l;smit:a Ga.,. and retuir: at rate of one first clnas fare for the round trip). Tickets will i b e ons saie May sk1 to 6th inclusive, good returning uintil May 17th, '92. Mr. Jos5ephl H. Looper, a promnisin g yolung manlI ot 22 atimmiersan 111soil of Mr'. Joe . Looper' has: (lied, andC wats buiried at Cross lloads church on 'Tuesday last. Anothe-r a soil is at death's door, hilt we are pleased to be ale to state that two of Mr.. Looper's children ar'e thlought to lbe imlproving. a Mrsa. Burgess, a married daughter of Mr. Looper and living a mile away fronm his hlome(, and1( also his brother John Looper, 4 are bosth crit ically ill with pneumonia.-- t ECasley Demlocrat 25>th inst. Conftederate Veterans' Hleeulon. Confederate (United) Veterans' Reunion i at New Orleans, La., A pri 8th, '112. For , thle above occaionl the llichmlonld & Dan-11 v'ille railro ad will sell round trip tickets to K New Orleans and returnl at the rate of onle firist-class fare for the rounld trip. Tickets oni sale A pril 6, 7 and 8, good re turning until April 12thI, '92. Signs of thne Timnes. Just at tIhis seaso(n whien monecy matters arc closer' thlan they have ev'er been, it is some1twhait encouraiging to look out for' the indicators. If thlings seem gloomy, see what the because is Perhiaps you hlave eaten too imuch. (Get t hat right, then look around(. Thlere are four new houses and six new~ gardens inl the townl of Pickens. You cannhiot travel two mliles iu any dlirec tion south of Pickens, wvithout passing a farmn that is bedec(ke.d withl somlething unew. The logs are rolled, the brush piled, the ditch banks cleaned off and the muhles atre steadily nmarkinig time across the field. The cornl andI the cottonl seed will soon1 fall in the ground, andC thle farmers will begin to grow. It is j ratifying to think that these profits, whlether much or little, will nlot have to go anywhiete that the farmer has not ageed;.for theml to go, excplt so much as is necessary toi pay his taxes. These profts were: small last year, bult t,bey Will steadily inlcreaise now under the skill and( expe(rkele which hlas been gain.. ed biy a short, cation crop at a low p)riec. D)iversity of p)rodluce will be thte winning t' card. The prospe)rity of this section is like its railroads-it is either up grade or downr grade. Look through the glass of hlope, and behold thte signs of thlrift and p)rosper ity.c Honel4ySnckIe Terrace. Mu. Entronu: Tlerr'acing hillsides takes up much valunable land. Anly goodl, cheap plan that will give hetter results with less labor shouldl t)e we'lcomne to the farmer. If any onie niow has1 a suflicint numbler of earth terra(e's to p)rotect his lnd, let h11im plant a honeysuickle vines on every third terrace and thus make a hedge that will soon prove a absolutely invuhlerable to treshets. Thuils p)rotectedt for' once, the terrace will ever grow higher and beeomel stronger, and the two interveninig can safely lie devoted to crops. E. niss Inl drivin g thlroughl tile country we hlave ob)served that some farmlers still perseist In I the absurd practice of the broadcast seed. lng of fodder corn. Tlhis argues either shift lessness or ignorance or proper melthiods., Fodder corn) should( always be grown in, drills three feet apaurt, anl carefully culti vated. Then one can get a heavy crpo rood fodder-atuch as will contin varnable Attention, Democrats. By order of the State Democratic Exe. utive Committee. All Democratic clubs i Pickens county are hereby ordered to iect at their usual place of uteeting on the econd Saturday in April next the 9th (lay t 8 p, in., for the purpose of rcorganizing lie clubs and electing delegates to County ,onvention which is to meet at P'ickens, 1. 11. on first Monday tha 2d of May next o reorgani.e the party in the county to lect a new County Executive Conunittee nd to elect six delegates to tne State C)m 'ention which ineets in Columbia on the bird Wednesday in Alay next and transact uch other business as may be proper un. ler the constitution. The.representation of each subordinate lub in the county convention shall be one lelegate for every twenty-five members nd one delIgate for each majority fraction iereof. Only such Democratic clubs as eere In existence on the 13 of Aug. 1890 hall be recognized. Presidents of loca: lubs take due notice and act accordingly. td W. T. O'DE.iL, Chairman. Pursuant to the above call, the Pickens )enocratic club will meet at the court ouse at 3 p. i on Saturday, the 9th day f April, 1892. W. B. Allgood, Pres. Pursuant to the call of the County hairmnan, the Hurricane Democratic club 'ill meet at the usual place at 3 p. m. on Kturday the 9th day of April, 1892. F. C. Parsons, Pres. Pursuant to the call of the County hail inan, the Easley Democratic club will Leet at Eusley at 3 p. in. on Saturday, ie 9th day of April, 1892. Laban Mauldin, Pres. Pursuant to the call of the County hIairman, the Liberty Democratic club ill meet at Liberty at 3 p. in. on Satur. iy, the 9th day of April, 1892. 8. D. Stewart, Pres. Pursuant to the call of the County hairinan, the Central Democratic club ill meet at Central at 31 p. m. on Saturday ie 9th day of April, 1892. B. J. Johnson, Pres. All the oilier clubs will meet at their re. )ective precincts at 3 p. m., on Saturday, ie 9th day of April, 1892, pursuant to the ill of the county chairman. Mr. Morton Nichols, of Atlanta, and liss Zoe Gilliland were married Wednes. ity, the 30th inst., at the residerce of the ride's father, Dr. J. 11. Gilliland, Sr., of asley. They left on the vestibuled train )r Atlanta. Business Notices. Conmpti)O Ctred. An old physician, retired from practice aving had placed in his hands by an East tidia missionary the formula of a simple egetable remedy for the speedy and per. ianent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, atarrh, Asthma, ai( all throat and Lung ,ffections, also a positive and radical cure >r Nervous Debility and all NervousCom. laits, after having tested its wonderful Lirative powers in thousaids of cases has At it his utity to make it known to his suf. ,ring fellows. Actuate by this motive and desire to relieve human suffering, I will mnd frec of charge, to all who desire it, )is recipe, in Ger1mn, French or English, 'ith full directions for preparing and us. ig. Sent by mail by addressing with 1amap, naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, 2'0 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. apr3ly 1 WHY IS THE . L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CEN LE EN NE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD R THE MONEVP It hsa senea e with no tacks or wa threa rod h 'no ny othe mianufuurr, it equals ad. awed s4hoes costig from *1.00 to *5.00. O5." n m'rc "ad-, ewed tbeinstca inportod shoes whIch cost from $3.00 to *12.(0, * stylish, confortble and durable. 'h beo oe der ffred at this prce anme grado as cuis Sand Lettercarriersall wea themr fnecaif on ed o n pair wil wear a yar.e oe,etn flJO ine calf; no better shoe ever offered at rho want a shefor comfotrt and serevic tos J.arevery sr'ong an nuab Toe ho ave given them a t rial will wear no other make. So82.'00*nn"d 81.t e,oo ores a:, a the r merit., as the increasing sales show. Lad3.0s nohand-sewed Shoe be n rtled shoes costing from pot 6.0 lisses ar the> st'fine o0a tsh' ad durabie C aution.-seo that W. L. Doglas' name an4 re aro stamped on the bottom of each shoe. trTAKE NO 14UBTITUT. Insist on local advertised dealers sutilan o W. L. DOUGLAS, Broektona lMass.bolIm Fi. B]. MORG AN, CENTRAL, S. 0. n-.> We Divide the Profits!i Perhmaps you thinh~ thant's a flight of ar stic imirgination? It isn't. The artist is ghit as fatr as lhe goes, buit lie doesn't go iite far enough. WVhen you split a thing two it doesni't alway happpen that you nt in the center and we are not dividing ut profits in the nmidldle. On the contrary ur divisonm is over whielmingly in favor of ie puirchiser. Th'lere's a gootd reason for uls unusuisal proceeding. lie time for re ucing ouir enormous stock of Winter loting tias comec amid big inducements ave the way to lug retductionis. Here arc >me prices which will sh;ow y'ou that the lattter of profits is not botl"ering uis at $30 Suits now $2'5. 25 " " 20. 20 " " 15. 15 "' " 12. Overcnats at a very great sacrifice. UTndlerwear must b)e closed out. Call and see the goods and hear the rices. L ROTHSCHILD, Greenville. 8. C. Y0 Yoi Have you evel them? The New ' grown handsome a "'Thankee" to us. you do better than and see us and ma man to go to see y( These remarks science will tell you their best and our thanks. We % pared as well as ev good people. We best effort will be n HAG( PLENTY OF -A' PROMPT S The Greenville F Axe provided and have on hand, a plel .MLa C: Of our Fertilizers, to supply ever day of t C Prompt shipmenta and SATISF) Forwaid,your or THE GREENVILLE F Greenville, S. C. gi-iBUY GARIDE FPI CARPENT MANSION HIOUt Just Received. *We A MAN "*"gh. "*i$45 HIS NEIGHBOR PA.!D ON LY $375.00 FORl THE SAME PIANO. Neither one was worth a niekel over $300o. INSURE YOURSELF against p)ayi ng exhtorbitaint prices by buying di rect. from J, C. GAHRIET1T, (lates,'S. 0., Or J. L. IIAYNIE & DAUGIITERS, Greenville, S. C., Who have but one p)rice and that the lowert known. You can't pay them more than i nstrumients are actually wor th. Theyic are not built that way. Write for lates4t special offers, Zauloy asley,ng C.~a~ Solicits your patronage. Will pay you 3 per cent. interest on deposits for periods of three months, and 5 per cent. for periods of six months, Int erest to commience on first of month succeeding date of deposits. Decposits are payable on demand wit,h out nlotice. WV. M. I[A0OOD, President. Rt. F. LENIIARDT, V. President. W. c. S3MIH, Cashier. TEEZ A.TLAN~TIC COAST LINE RIR PAMSENGERI DEPAIRTMEN'l. Wilmington, N. C., Feb. 7th, 1892. Fast Line between Charleston andto Cn. iumbia and upper Mouth Carolina and Western NorthI Carolina. Go)ing West- Oolnp East. *No. 52. *No. 53. 61 50 a.m . .Lv Charleston A'. .10 30 a.m 8 32..........Lanes..,.... 8 45 p.m 9 4:1 ..Sumter...7 24 10 55 . .. Ar Colunbia Lv... 6 09 5 37 p.m . ...Winnsborro. . .,.. 4 20) (1 30.........Chester...3 28 7 08 .....ock 11ll...2 'i:i p.m 8 00 . . .Chrlot(e; N. C... 1 9 o 1 05 p.m ArNew-1 ryM., Lv I 57 pm 3 06 . . . .Green wood.11 57 a mn .5 43.........Aders~on... ...10) 05 5 35 ...Greenville..) 25 8 00 ........Walhalha. .. . 8 00 4 08 ....Abbeville. . . . .10 50 2 45........partanburg. ...12 05 a m 5 01 IIendersonville,,N'. C 9 16 5 53 . ..Asheville. N. C.. .8 15 *Daily.tI)aily except Sunday. Molidl trains b etween Chtarleston and( Ce lumin)a, H. C., and earry thlro.agh sleepers h)et ween Charles ariCil( iri-mti . 1U. M. EMER~SON, A'R't Gen. Pass. Agent T. M. IGIERRON, Trafile Manager. .. H. KrmN iann'l Muaqer EYO-uI .ir Note or Acc< TO JI-, V. M. HAGOOD & CO., Easle3 i been to see them ? Do you c rear is here and some of you whi ff of our substance have neve How do you expect to keep up this? If you can't pay, have the ke some kind of settlement. I )u. are not meant for all of our cusl if it is meant for you. To tho, proved themselves true friends, 'ill do business at the same old s lr to offer inducements for the I will appreciate your trade for anc iade to serve you properly. Yours truly, )OD, BRUCE 4 W. M. HAGOOD & CO., Easle) MATERIALI ND HIPMENTS. ertilizer Company ready manufactured and being made, Ity of y agent and customer up to tho last je Season. LCTION GUARANTEED. der without delay. ERTILIZER COMPANY, 0. P. MILLS, President. BUIST'S EaxI or SEEDS ER BROS., E DRUG STORE. Greenville, S. (3. Have No Old Seed. II. J. HlaynsRworth. Lewis W.r Parker. L. E. Chxildresst. JAYNS WGIUT11 PA RK El & ATTOlRNEYS AT' LAW, jani28mn PICK ENS, S. ('. ~i.C. JFilS ATT1ORNEY A'!T LAW, No.7 LU aw RIaege, G IIE ElV I LL E, S. C. Practices in all the courts. (n give very best reiecrences. Tlelephone No. 79. jan22m6__________ 3I. F. Atinaxr,, (*.~ L.i ii o-. urr Solicitor 8thI Circit, Picens, S. C. Groenville, S. C. NSEL & HIOLLINGSWORTH[, ATT'1ORN EYS AND) COUN SNLORS AT! LAW, PIUK ENS C. HI., S. C. Practice in all thle (oitts of the Sta:tec, andi atteti on gi vent to all bunsintess enitrnis ted toi them,.a mh14 ~8 LL& WELD)ON, D)ENTiISTrS, 122 Main Street. GIIIEENVILLE, S. C. Glas g.iveni eve'ry LliThursday andl Friday, and tecethI extracted witout pain. M~y Denital Roomns are now loentedr in WiV. C. ('leveland's new huiiling oiver the Mavintgs' Han k and Feltonii's 1 look St ore. J.* W. NO1tWOOD01, I). I. S. WV: Mi. Nonwoon, D). D). S.. Assistant. _____ (tCENVIJl,LE, S. C. Ofilce over West mori'landr Bros. & Dluke's D)rug Store. .jan! '89 (1 R EENV I L LE, S. C. DR.JFRANK SMITH, ASL,EV, S. C. Is no0w prmranenit 13y located af. E:asley, anid ,respiecti fully o'ffers hi is profs.ionial services to tia. publdie generally). 2janitl0 Hans permanently3 local ed in P'ickens andi( o,ffers hiis pro fi ssio inal services to, the ii - zens of thne town andt c enunt.v. Ihis dip1lo.. ma~s tare from the Colilege ',f P hiysicianis andt( SiurIgeonis, of Ikilil tioe, I sn, atd from Jlohin H opk ins, 189t1. Wa';s inet mthltils in Nursing anid Chihl's I Itspital, Jialt.imore. 2-bleet91indi 4 0. FITlZOERA LD, (ORFEN'VrrIL, s. (C. Over West moreland Hro''. Dlrng Stoic. All work done b y thle inistant aneo.ius pro eess. Also make enilargemietts from (1(1 pictures to anty size ini wtter colo'rs, cray on, In.dia inik, oil and1( ; lain photographi. SCHOOL. CihURCH. BANKi AND COURT HlOUSE 8etteesfor*IR R DpotsI I ~and Public JIid'ga. GATES DESK 00. - QEIFVULI&O. jL mnit ver expect to pay ) have fattened and r said "Turkey" or your credit unless manhood to come )on't wait for our :oners. Your con ;c who have done we sincerely offer tand, and are pre )atronage of these Ither year, and our r Co,, PiCkenRs, S. C. a ~m TH RICMOND I DANVI e Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Division. Schelule in effect Jan. 17, 192. Northboid. 'No. 3S."No. 10.1"No. 121. Lv A t ha I 8ta...1. INorcross *.......... 1 939PI1. .1 N i 4a e .... . " aufrd... . .... ua............. BII f fo .. . ........ 103) 1111 ill -111;Ill Chliisill1m11. 2 9j1 10 5i11 1 ii JAI" l ................1 11111 1 ' Mount Airy . . - 2 1 Tt 4~it l4m . . 0 5m * I-1 ***, Z'' 3 142 111]44 IN, lis . iII" I. . . . . . : l4i .1 N:p " , T .1io c a ..... ........ 1 1 -1 p1m (it n........... 11 L t 5 ( C ntal.... ........ 18am! I 1, 1 " Greenvilil2-1e..3 :7p " frer *'s ...... -1 07 i " v I for.pm 41 '::4o ''44: Gree's. .S .41..4 .. . i. 44121 1g n g .l4.:n "44 re,vi lle . 1:4 : 1,1 ;;y i 5lc m tiL 10:m44 "4 44:s l j's . l. . 4. . . . , .. . . ' O In t: (; ; .g; "a Central. -* - - - i - -- 8 .500 73a .J St. l.se . .IA Y ...1 7t' IS. l llIlt, W . A 'I...... ..... ( S4 19prn. A'.-,4: "Il->nt Airy N . . . 1g n a ya "4 ( r ia .. . . . ...8 > p g 9 lE SO !llIon.... ........ M li;p: .'tL l.-,, 'j 1. E ........ I L44 ..... . 4. 1 444. I't -17-nuc, ( n sVi,.t41ll..W4I :4 . lpm I ,.4l,,,, ,f4 o44 li. " 111.b ?for 1... . 04...... jI.. * 47,4 0 4 : " S r :tn.I . 4M . ... 4 ...Ia 10 :sp Ci 0 :4j.44 4 m " uuth......r ... ... 1rl, 0 -.lv irn4I 4l, 15am " Norero.. . ..... . 1*>0 4 J.ennio Aptitn, thiily I)xcept1on ?' nh',* tlav A latImp :0I. n rrv ,l a:12 hp. kIn 1 t r n .la aL lt61) Aitau aenh .nre u 11 A 1'bns - o1144g.Tr i L e, e lceSr , a < o liy -m I n e r (:: 1 4. n ,a l :1 . n ,ar ve. ian4rein lo av .\ fhl-::, In . 1041 Iiye c p ~fl:lca n. r ivetI.n, by :th :> 44n . a il .0 n:., lI ar i : il etonjl.r:10c to.h rno I-nn. 0': 4eri. - n : 0 . 1n.2 :ur. r *i Tocc-n r::10 a.in. between Al:Ont*4:**ONOw Ye.r.,.,. N IsI::e!Is \',h'tw o aA loth wBatrner:a Shop,I.iwenA :n: tAld \\ayhnt" (>nOti rinn pis,vi Allant( a .M4:4j'l fliriniel4an RICHMOND & DANVI~L I, I, U Columbia and Greenville Division. Condensed sehudulle Jan1. :31st, 1891. Trains t run i 75h mcridian time. B etween Cohtnwhia and Greem ille via At ston, Nwe)-rry andLm Irm-em. No 61 No 15 STATIONS. No 16 No 60 a1 n1 at m p ini p mu . 11 10..Lv Colun,bia 'r._. 3 .... . 12 05... ..Alston . 3 00 . 8 0) 1 05.....Newherry..... 1 57 8 CO a InI 9 08 3 00. ....0oldviliv.. .... I 1 51 645 9 0 0 4 "0. ....('intI 2.......4): (20 .10 15 3 5 0.... Laurn1s......I 0 5 30 1i 10 . 11)... Gray Court ....10 42 4 10 I 1 150 4 07... Fooutain Ini. .. 10 25 3 20 pi m 12 1:1 4 50. ...Simpson ille... 10 1-1 1 58 12:7 501....Maui ..1 02 235 12 3 1:5 :5. Ar Greenville Lv.. 9 30 2 50 Between Columibia, Alston and Spartan hI.r. Ihnily. No. 1-1 No. 14 11 1inn. .. .Lv Colmnbia A r..... 50pin 12 05pmll .......... Al on.........2 55pi)1 12 52)p1n......... Ca lisle........ 2021Il 1 0.I)1n.........S n litu .......... 1 52pn1 I 14pin........ Unio. .... 1 151m 2 05pn ........ 'ao t ........12 5p1 pm 2 45pni. . Ar Spaitauburg Lv. -. 12 0.pm11 ltweei ColumIbia and Greenville, via. Blteton. )aily except Sund1lay. No. 1 1. N4. 12. I1 1Main ....... Columbia........ 3 .50pm 12 051i .........Al.Iov....... . :100 ni 12 25pm ....... Pomaria ........ 2 4(I II01 12 -5pm.... 1... Pro-p-rity........ 2 17i' 1 05pin.......Newherry........1 57Ijm 1 10pm .........II ve:a.......... I 52pm 2 Opmn........ Chappels ..... 1 07pni 2 15pin.......Nin ly Six...... 12 10Ipm 1 0pin .... reewo...... 11 57ain 3 2sym ........ I -s.........11 :2a1 :1 4-pm ........ .kw:%ld' ....... .11 10.1n11 4 11111...... I1one Path ......10 51himl .1 20pni............1 ton .... .....10 :i5vi 41 451)m1.. .... W illiam,4o; ....... 1) 16.1na -1 52pm ...... . Pcelr...........10 411am 5 07pin.......Pieflioi l ........ 1 5.~nn1 5 -15pn ....ArGre:..ville Lv.... 15ain W-etween N'vwherrIy 111d Anderson. Dily e-X((-pt ndy No. 17. No. 18. S:0.11 .... Lv Newherry Ar.... 7 50pn 8 .51111......... fl-hena.........7 .!pn I12:h n........CIapp H.l l........ 7 14 -1 tm .......N in( tv ',x ....... 0 10 051:11n.......G(rct1:v'w d a....... 6 '201 ni 10 2Sam........ Il d? I .......... 5 5iiipm 14) ISa n ........ ....h, ... 5 .0pil 11 01an1.......H11 1nen 'Oh....... i) mi. .. .Arll lto L ...... 5 n1i 11 i....Ar Anderson L% ...... 3 37pn lIctween Walhalla, Anderson, lBlton ar.d Creclnville. Ib ily, 4-X(-pt "'unday. No. 1- No. 1:1. 9 00am..Lv Wflhalla A r..... 1 (%II -.............Ar Secca I v...... 7 :;Op S 0 am ......Lv Senlec: A ..... 7 1:. 111 10 0:;i;ii .... Ar Andlerson Ar.... 5.I:jpi 10 3li n ......A r M 11n Lv...... 5 L iin t I10:oa.... v llieiol Ar.. 5 12',TI 11 02am . . .Ar W illi ;:m.eton Lv. .. .1 .l:_pi1 II .11m ......... .e zI -r .......... . :fpI1 11 2 71)11.... .. . P icdim -nt .. .... . 1 20pm11 12 loil .. .A U1Greenvile Lv.... 3 Itween Ilod-cs :niI A bi-ville. Daily (.x1ept Sun,ty No 11 No 15 WElST1I( 11ND) No j) ml a ni a1 i p 1n1 ;i8 1 :87. .I.v Io.r. Lv.. .14)08 12 12 . Ar A hhev-ille Ar. No 12 N't 14 EASTIIOI) No I1) 504 4 -I5.. Lv~ AIbh:ih-. Ltv.. J I 4 .5| 243... A r l44ILdges A r... ('. divi-.ion, 1inarl14 b huial, :;.5- a ni .1..-.0 ) beinal14. .004) a 1r, -l.27 p' in, 1 1..1:8 a mit (vesl-M ih441(1 lunit ed '44:~ west1 l.oi , W4. N. T rains leave (rt