" r. FOR FARMERS ONLY. SOME TIMELY SUGGESTIONS FROM RECOGNIZED AU IHORIT Y. 110w Fariu WVork Many bo Ihuni+ I'r1 (((ably at thi Season -Vol iin Infurnr)tion on Sundry Points. Southern Culttvat,or. With thtis muonthl the cultivattionl of the main crops of the farn conluu'en ces in earnest. On niany farmus corn has already reaeved its first working and should now bo in 1a thrifty, growv iug condition. The old rule of plow ing over the crop every three weeks should not be observed, further tlai to be certain that the interval is 11eV or so long. Three weeks, as a rule,is too long an interval. If only threo Cllnpleto plOwlings are0 to ho given, it woro better to defer the lirst plOW - ing until the plants have live )1 sx leaves (if the ground has not beeun before neglected, or has not been rut together by heavy rains), and then give the remaining two plowings at intervals of two weoks. But we have found a still )etter plon to give only a partial plowing at each going over, say two furrows with a sweep, or other wide, surface cultivator, and go over the crop every week or ten days in this way. Wo have before remarkedthat when two furrows with an ordinary sweop or" sma11tller plow, are run side by sido,thto second furrow doeshbutlittlo ovorhalf work. For geun e^ral pu1rPoses of cultivating corn ad cot.toll we havo foumd the Planet, Jr., Cultivator a m11ost. sat isfactory1 iU. plemeut, leavinlg lit tle to b1 d(sired. The winled We'('p or hil' ';crapi' is good, bitt In ('Xp:;uiin. 'iveor ix I too)1hed( cultivattor I5:1 mu )h btt01r. WVe insil;t thatt at 10our Ui ive loot, or (VCln Six fot 1W',whdhr In (orn or oither' ('rop, soll':11 i I.'el'' 1hav li or.' than one0 round: or w+o ftt-rrOws at, alny e 011 sinie. eitr go over thw crop wvith IVO 11urn>w\s o Iliim ro every ttin daysVl il:uu! to o-e ft: 'iurot fows ('Veryi tlree w\k' . iie U (10( 1 t c i i of co,:1 Ir ttcali llll': 121 1.1' l'1111\1':h(u 011 ("011'. (U 51t11 othter 1Iro), Who l-h hats bev 1n :e ivoat I in (011:11r tail t^5r, 1a1:1m )t sulda the tes't Of int('llii.ent ("XI)1ter 1en . On Very heavy, roughr ;;oils, wh1ere shal low, surface''-ulturtt iiitatit,able and unllsati:fatotr'y, 1'1>r'1or 1-" d e plowi1ng andt ine'ti . 1 r( '11 ut il ' nu11y be tho le':; tr 1f t Vb!. It is h(!t ter to cut anti mangl' the roots soluew\"hat, t.ll;tti to let the Vr'eds and grass h ;ke th e cr(p. As a gen 'ral rule a st.rfatce cull ivttor, or oil er shallow 1iiiniitg iipl(elelt linly be llifcly iSed whnv'l('\+.r it will take the soil an1d thoroughlly dtsiinegraiitte it to the depth of one inch. The idea hat t.he( 1sential objeet of' cultivatioi of a growing crop is to break th soil so that the roots an penietral0 it 11 fallacious. Such 1)reaking is onlo of the rinciai obets of thlie :l11p 'a tory plowm g blefOo planiting 0or at the latest, t' firsMt plowing. Subhse * quen]t cultiv'at ion ser~vos 10 brea)lk theL surfacte crust or prevent its forma tioni, thleeby periniitt.ing a free perco lat ion of air into 4 the root,lalyer' of soil, id pretvenItinig 11)o ra4ipid?CI eva'oration of mnoistur'e from below. The~ det struction of grass and wveeds is a' seconldary and( incidenital eff'ect o f surifaice culture, neessairy, of course b)ut of subordinate impIortance to the thorough acetion of thle soil. Of courso ovtery farmer will p)lnt 1)eas inl his corn fields if for 110 other pur'pose thiani to impr'ove the land. ThIe value( of the peas hiarvestedi either ini the form of haiy, or ripe' seed, or' pasMturled by hogs, is nIealy always gre(ater1 thanithe entire e'xp('n ses of p)lantinlg and cultivating the IIeas. In1deed t.he valuie of thle phitf, * inig seed and the labor of diroppinlg and( 'over1inig, coinpi-4 abou01 a,ill the texpen)se upi to I lIm time~ (of har11vestinig. According tto (our own~ t'xpeiec',the best way to pilanlt leas in cl torn, in May, is to open a furrow withI a shiov el iln thle centre of thle corn iiniddle, dro'pl tight or1 ten 1(ens ('very step , anld (cover' with a1 culItiva1tor1, se't to Straddthle the furr'mow with two for wardI'1 to 'thi, 1iriittinlg the1 oItheir t,eoth to stir1 1( ti ajicen'it sur'frece. With tis pllan in view it is pre'(fera hills, to have the latter' wider one 11i1n11 plo)winig oIf the t'orn peasn iiay lie StowniIi' brodctist, fo th'e1~( purlpose, fli st, of provid i atrg rhy n se'condlyi, t) iniprove thet land. Bu ne'xt mont4 hi will1 6 be Lima enlou1gh to1 iakin hay of41 the ('(Ia-v4ine rather un14 s(einllinn-4s beforie it is lup, it is 4(1111d ( prat''iIe ij bri,elen-I. 111urotw fIll fit'his, uing;i~ a lutrrowl'.\ th jil f1' h staninlg b)ackwalrd. This brea4:ks ~he crust ad dt stroy Go 144wtet(ds lanl'. Tht lutrrow'0; shoul Ih" run Of all t he cofttonu chloppe'rs so( ('alled -that. We haveY seen1, those Iha 1 are 11 oera05d b pu lin.g~ thml 1111114 te rwh o ie best rVS.Ids.1 In) the ab114 S''cieLo anyt lipl(n1ow.i kn a 511lonuon sweil, ors hee1)l 41111alit,mayI w~'it'f the1 ordinary han hoe. When 11( Sl ~'t4lj r~')this) 44meho is pactied w advent urr11oW -h()Uld ( riI 111t. a time at mieji plowiig) in row; utnlr Iour feet Wi 14. ''iatt is tO y, }.et as \wi1e a!! ut i'. t111iTovW il a nl tiidIl(' ii th1te inwe.. hi i thlree oI toIur it.hms or1 I1104w , tlus ove'rlp:t1piIn, is [r, tit' (ily labor lost. )uring this month theI b:tttle 1tgaiIHt grass an(1 WCeds is plractictl ly WOIl 01 lost, especially in the cot ton 1ield. It is indispeIsable that the early grass, that wlcl comes up with the 1)1111tH, be effectually de stroye(l before it hls roacho(1 a stage of vigorous growth. This early Crop) of grass generally gives IUOI'o trouble than '40ueCOd1ing germ1in1ationi,becauso the cotton is smllall and it is imnprac t.ieablo to cultivate it as etl'octively. 'The1 young cotton, on thin, light soils especially, is apt to bo infestod by lice, and the stand is sOImsti s itl most destroyed. Science, which has furished Imlany valuable intsecticidos lIas so far oflered no practical renie dy for the cotton plant louse. Good, or Well fertilized land, is the best guaranteo of XeUptiOn1, the 1)lant 011 such land being 1)ushod forward with more vigor. Good cultivation-kep ig the surface in good. mellow con (lition-is the only practical remedy, and it often fails when the weather is unfavorably cool. nATE CROPS. On low lying lands-too cold and wet to plant in March and April 5o1'n may 110w 1)0 )lantod, and will 1)0 umiore likely to escap the dreaded budworml thanl if planted earlier. Sev eral yOI1' sinCce a practical tarmter gave the iollowiig as his treat ueIt of 00111 on lands slbjec t tlw' lpre datioIs of the 1b1ud\worn1, or bill Ibog, s we htve heard it callel: UA "oln a ! i; ell Ip scra ei IC :va'y the0 ;sl tronli Itolun,l th1t' stllm of each plan1t. Ouir ii for int1111 sI:tt that Iho used ft p pi' p11i1ose of r.lln:v;ig the surface soil an ordinaro slt.'l or i gJrdenl t;tke. Sucesiv ((5. 1l*n 11 in1Ls of Oratge ('rops su!th as drlilld t cornIl. nlll('t::, t iC., sli>ul' it' b IUIde ('viy Iwo or thr( VI'".' un 11)11ii d sunli1n''r. W\ nlOYt'r a O:n :n V 1ar i too iiii(I1 j g( (in Io'.O, if o )Of,l (tlality. l. \P1iV Cr,e) tE i for greii f0Old, (nn he con Yort't,t1 bui i:Y. 1 C(ISilllgt2. 1W T II' Pi'''.\'OEa. ::is : hr ini(nith to planut out the iami1 ('lop f (lrtaw fromu the lbed. iril pu:111;1ng! raiely do as well, and :'V ui 5) easily (1lt ivlted as tho put otii in MaIty or -June. One of the Ilost essential points to b) regarded ili secrinig Ia good setting of vigor Ous' plat N. is to have good, well 100r ;'d, ald sonewhat lardeled slips, aintd to pltlt ther onlyon fresh plow ed dI('(S. The 1iract.ico of having tll(' beds already made in anticipation of a rain, and then planting the lips in i 11 rtdlenl soil, is not to be comlailen.d od. We would grEatly prefer not to wait for it rain, )ut to make the beds afres:hl by bodding or rebedding, set than.to planlt just atfte~r a heavy rain, or withiout re-loEwinig the land. Thle ieds should not be less thani 3 feet froni crowni to crown, rathier fhIt, than shari) and high, and the plants se1. not clos~er thani 18 iches in aniy caUse. Wo prefer two feet, as fewer Vines' and less tirne for p)lantinig are re~u ired, and betttor potatoos Will r'esult wvhere the greater distance is given. Ini all the region north o.I the tropi eal sugar-cano belt, ani acre or two i sorguni for syrup, should be planted on every fani. WXhile not as palata ble ats the syrup iinade from the true (can1e, yet, if mnade with proper care oni one of the manuy evaporators now availablle, it conmes iln "niighty handy" ini nndi(-suinnner to help1 out the rations of bac4.on. It is probabje that sor gunn grpj eosts less thani h.alf its manuch to produce it ias ('an1 syrup, snico veryrich1 lind, nior very high ianiu ring is necessary to produice a fair yield. As a forage crop the Min nisota Amber is coniy iany good fiarmiers ias o l'. '- ( P'ickly Ash, l'4 ke liot and1( l'ilSiumii) was ie]. The0se he vrio uL 0s ti1 l i inanufacturers wr t efu earfli leftters, and4. we4 d1isconitinued(4. 411104, but P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Po4ke lh)Et tind i''otaiumili) is tripit wohi a ho' t11st oif fr'iends41 iniC ures olf ~3 )1ishis, I U14h iEntismi,.erolit HI nE BUtTLER TO TILILMAN. A REPLY TO SOME CHARCES AS TO 1 FERTILIZERS. An A ppil to the nt,corl anl thi . I.a 'apt. TIllt m an lE.'ucwt4.4 to l'rUn or j Iteact. Coi,UMuiA, S. C., May 1>, 18JU).' Capt. J.11. Tillnan:--In 4le new - paper relorts of your sheech at AiMb derson on M1Iay 10th, you are reiiorted as charging, substantially, that the department of agriculture hits lr. 1 Iuitted the farmers of South Carolina, to be defraudod in the purclase of commercial fertilizers by failure to punish manufacturers whose goods fall below their guarantees. You are further reporttd to have said that you could prove all that you charged, and quoted from the annual report of the departnm'it for the your 1886 us authority upon wich to sustain your statement. The legal ponalty in regard to de iicient fertilizers is seizure, conlem nation and sale, and because tli's penalty hats not been inflicted you deny that any other penalty hasbeeni imposed. This provision of the law cannot be enforced, for the sufliciuit reason that when the analyses are made the fertilizers have been put in the ground and are. out of reach of an action of the kind prescrilel. This defect in the law has been reported to the Legislature, and could have been amended if that body had thought it necessary or desirable. That this has not been (lone, forces mIe to thme conclusion that the rep)re mtsentative. of the people honestly be lieve that the existing laws were sulli cintIi, or that the action of the de l)a'tinuInt itsel f l1atlI ilade anendment s utillecessarv. ihile, thnrefore, we have not ci7ced andU soldl dleticient f'ertilizr. WOel have dt.etc'ted I and explosed all d" ticiencies, as tie Very rep()ort frotiu which you (''ted shows. Finidintg Ihat t Ile law dil not reach the case as:c 114 conitemip hitecd, the lopart. mieiit rsted to' the puhlication of tilm' mumitifact tu'rn' gtut:airitces aloig side of tlw otlicial ;.nlyses, pr"inting imi italiea those brawluuIs ftlling b elow tlie guauit ee. 'Ti'l k directed atten t.i_n ime'dtetltcly to tll deficie'nt brauds. It siouilt be imeiidcrstoodl, however, that the deputmuent hus never untidertakenm to 'Xe'cisci the judicial authority to declare which, if any, of suci braids were fraudultnt. 'Tiis peiat.y, vohtarily imposed by the departmnent, was, after detection, put 111)011 every brand, no matter how slight the dieficicncy. In one case this detic'iency amtoulted to only otne hiunlredti of on0 pter cent. of potasi, the chiaptest iagredient used in coiu mnerciatl fert,ilizors. The deliartmeont could not say that this was a fraud Iny Imtore tian it could oflici:tlly po nomuico other IIranids ' frnodulent where the difference was greater. Just what constitutes frau,d is aL ques tion to) ) h oeterminedl bay the courts alone. There may be a1 differenmce of opiniion as to whether mlerely explosinig the , deliciency was suflicient p)unishmllent, but thme Legislatulro ha1s so re(galrded it, because it has for teni years' failed to provide other pimlfisilunent, eveni after thme dlotfects in1 thme lw lm-t' been'i oflicially reiported. But the best evi donce of the effect of this melthod of ptmnishmnent is found in the subbse (fuent reports of the departmen&'lt. This plan (of italicising deficient brands) was first adopted in 1884. Anl examiniiation of our reports since that timei will show that there has been a steady improvemene]t in thme valume of fertilizers. It was not ex peeted Iita it would in one season1 r'esult in binfginlg every bIranId up to the guaranmteo, becauise n0w branids ale being introduced every year, anid the nium ufacturers of sticli1 brands, not hainlg real1izied the (eil'et of t his penalt.y, imighit take'risks t hat those who hmad bteen on1ce exp)oed woulId afterwar inds avoid if plossible. WVith the exceptionm of thme aillmonatedo for tiliz/ersH in a1 ingle seaonLO, thie im pro'(vement inl the gr'ade of fertilizwers hasi beenl mUarkedl. TIake', for inisthianct, thie very report thait you so garbl,ed im maiking youri charges. It is them(re shown that theo averages 0f the iman ufacturers' guarantees for ammlonil atedl ftilizers~ for tat seasoli1 were. Available phios. acidl. 8.222per cenit. Ammnonuia. 2.18 per ceniit. Potash. 1.49 per cent. Conmmerc'ial value, $20.79. Tile aveirages of thme analayses by 0111 (eenust wvere: Available pho101. aid. 9.30( per eent. Potash51. 2. I7a peri cent. Coniunjeriaeil value, 6 14..47. Now this shmows thia.t, taking the general sales fthroulighoutll1 te Staite. theso' goodIs: for th at r'ea:amII txc X(d the uum111fac'turer(s'gularanlitee in: A v'ailal e phmos. aLcid. 1.08 ptr cent. Pt ash . -I t.a8 ptr I' en) t. Why didl y'ou not txlallin this also0? to dlenoLunlce the dlepar'tmentt of agri culIture, reg~idl(ess of facls, alnti s;Ill ply tmadfe use( (of suich garled ex tats ats suited'( theo purpose you1 had1( iin view? 1. (ml forced to that coniclu 51i1n. Th is8 is Cl confirmed by thei fIll tIler reply you)l are saitd to have miade whien you were as5ked wa'lift11 hat;b comie (If thes mloniey oft tilt dt'ep.atmenit and1( reid that you "did naot kinow."' luchi) to codemn11, con11tineHd, as8 you well 1{ know, anl item'llizedt st:diatemen't of e'very e~xf end(IituIre unil b y ih dto(0 parItmienit form thaSt yearll. Ylou, thiere whieb, it hadl~% flin xpUnded and ~ yourl1 iswer'1 was worIse tiani at siim 1)le evaLsioni of I he quo'stion. Y1ou haveyo a5.sined that iall fertili zeris fo ulndo do ielint. aret friauulen t, are( swinidled . 'l'he agric'u lura'l vaLIlue oIf ilmLny brandios otfluhis chlIIfarnt,orl is dot al'ectold b t hei lslit. u dicien IesIt 'aul~se consumers0'1' ha1ve' a righlt to 0kno0w theo (exact r'esuIlt.s obtainied . It is of lit of such1 f'r'.ilizters exceed'0 s the guaaten.'o I hit, thuere heo;lg a1 differ cuiltul value 0, we) regardo and11 tri'att anvI braltl fal-in nalo tluc gIlo.ia +'o of aiy element of plant food as 'delicient." You, ignorantly or m,t iciously, take extiaets fron a table omipikd in tiis way to shou .hat ill deficie nt ftrt.ilizets a(+ f ihit. ThJ.' iiu ertfect.ion; in tho hfertilizr.r auw have 1ee ,ihi u t ( a nd pointed Sti t a0(1'l O fo ts il:had t .' (url ( 't,t tlwrt ,ut until that is done lie depa twent )l agriculture caii only ext'tte' such aiWs aLH exist. At the risk of again beiug clarged vYi.h colhlISion with tho nxinufactu .'es, I will iiy that, in lily opinionl, L)ased upon oicitl exp rience for the ast ten years, the Iianufactiirer who ieliberately and in tentionlally att em)t Lo defraud the farituer is the exce(p Lion: and further, I believu that in very caso where this has bon aet Lonpted it has failed of suecei*, be au so of the departrient's supervi iion. If you know anything to the contrary you should state it. I therefore challenge you to point to one instance where the far. luora have been defrauded by the manufuturers of fertilizers whoro such fraud was not punished witli all the power that the department had at its conintand, and demaind that you make good your charge or re tract it. A. P. Bu-r1., (omuisioner of Agriculture. A PEN P!CTURE OF BEN TILLMAN. A Livt,ly- I)th.icrlption of !tih (:t'tletnan WVho wat 5t s -t'yKete(I for v(e'rtar by ithE, fan o utt ri' (onve tion of tiUt"it ('r. olIini. In his report of the fattrers' heOt ing at Alitlerson, S. (;.. M. A. i. \il liamts or (he (ieiv'illt' News d!raw\"s the following pic-tulre( (11 ('1)l B. II. TIillmant!: " lie t I t Itm I w1'.V I T'l ilhuanli Was o Uilt iihUlic'-to a ; tlav ini the fall of S74 whitn In th lt,--11 andt1 Lau 'tin: delt-gat ioits i.t t flt w Houst' of It.;rJ(. Itt(l iV'S \\t-it' 5to d 1 litt the o,' 1: 'h l IliP lPt b iy e( r.il t-)'1 \. " in:t a i( 1 ; it t lw mos (-ri". "' '1 (i ier :i (' ut iont! tie !nown ?I:'- l' rt t n r w' \d( oit 1m i i 11 1 11 '- - ft C''' :W I t ' If+ \ whilhl a nh; of in11 'rattdli' I ' OII(4 ' l. 'I t 1 I 12 i)t'1'ittt'itt )l] ): c' tl:lt oi-il .,i t : u la :.l o' t11hirf pa l t t im!al)h :, the i o o rt ):i of th-o hIaiP Itol e ;t' . t h\; ! a., nm.t :;ll groupl) of li chl;t( 't:On ri'( -1+' ninilg the Fedet(it 1. l t,i l 'ut ;tl li t' an(l'dings of tWe Sl( 1ftom ti'-alinig upon h'e st el- 'alh u\:y betw''ni th o( s 11tg i il'ets. I: t hligi'-. o-t 4.t ft a 1 i tl '; t ;m Oin 0 i ut h ' )ill,i j;t ' t -ti pl'dii th i I: ;ti:(a -l b od Ii tat- h l 1.! ithe 1)coplo of 11he i w , Itrtie- tlluo r;!muiti Ill' ('t>;;litrv l;iat t i L tg 't ir t( I; . T ilbu ;c w\; : jti ; itt,itt t.h - i'.t; ., the ' i i- l i us -.a.i' t !t..t est Comtptmy in returis re(lucing the final cost o Coiaplny. 6. This '(GREAT CORPORATION 1)licy hol(lers in Cashl Surplus, i: of '73,oo,ooo, which is nearly CJombinied iteturins attained by3 t IR EPOSjr CtlOUR SU 1PLUS M ONEY IN Ti ] COMMEICIA L BANK, -OF (1OLJMIUA. S. C. One dollr and upwards reeivec [ntere:1 at a the rate of 4 per cent. ix tun, laid quarterly, on the fir. lays of F'ehr1uarv. Many, August an NoVber. Married women an niors (t:m keep acounlt in their ow lamll('. Ii Hihr rates of interest it owved byV ,('c'iatl arr1;tmgemlent. (. ,1. Iia:mii:i., Pr('sident. JNO. S. Li:.w.eiii, , .J AMs l:lI:L Vice Pie(d(t. Cashie T'albott & Sons, IICIIMON'D,"VAL Manufa c t i r e WiI fIrnishi lowcst estiuatte5 on al r mHicel.for 11y1 g. CH id sTH s, L.ESSENs PAIN sta~ To uIfE ||ff'"MOTHRS OHE - 4LEfR6 a CHILD) BRADFIELD REULATRCO ANT A DEThEciii W?EE Wanted in every County. Shr.I mn to actL under IDstruictioa in our Seret Service. E xiprence. not necessry. Particulars frr Urannana lDtctive lu reau Co. 4 AMdo,CLinnnaUi FINE SH W CAS: TERRY M'F'G CO. N"ASHVILLE. V H IN(vERCORMS., tcr,'DNSU MPTIVFE Thn w AP.NT'tIlN(i rutd wHIOT.IBOMF I M :tRA N :: Im1]N K m2 timt world. );'!' u andtl il i-patrkungiit. T Y IT. A'i1c your ru ggiot. or orocor for it. C. E. HiR ES, PH ILADELPH IA. JSEY FLATS TaNtARRETT DR~UQ00', TTl JRr.9F,7ATO, FAnor , AlLDER'S LIVER PILLS. Remove the bile from the system, oure ilie.ns troubles, and prevent malarIal diseusa or sale by all daiggtat and merchant a at .) Aute a box, or minoled en recoipt of price bt TH E BA RRETT DRUG Co.. Aurnuan, (A. REM EMBER ING INSUR ACE - ('OMP?AY on, since it holds tho foi mest pltce ons of the world, and offers superior f business, togetlei with unequalled ulco Company ini this Country. Jonipany in the World. tution in the World-its assots amoun 11d Twenty-six Millions of Dollars. h to i. sure. which to insure, its large dividend f insurance below that of any other has earned for and paid out to its i twenty-one years, the enormous sum eleven million dollars more than the be next TWO leading companies. DWAR) L. GE1tNAND, GENERAL AGENT, Columbia, C. S. The Tozer Engine Work Jeewur to !)ial Knginen Work,.) JOHN A. WILLIS PROPRIE? T 117 WrsT GERVAIs STREET NEAR tt. a -1ANUFAOTURLRS OF TH To r Steam " Engi AND ALl. 5l7.1I OF 130TH l.;'a('\1' ANI RETUtA TU)SlI.AR B''ii,I{t .':UNI)RY wOIK IN [RON ANt IA'AI RiNG Itl)PS'T)JY lIi'elT'. h July 1-amo S.r 1( IL.ANrscr nh ..s a F1 tirate' on - . GAlog, Harvesting anid o1bter Mat c'.i uery write to the undersigned, whe will guaranee the goods they umiy otffer in all rospects, and make matt.er, Sinteresting both to consutuers and comptitors. We will also furni every4hing needed in the ling of supplies: Belt. lng, 6ils, Pipitry, F'itings, Yalves, In. spirators Lu3ectors, Pumps, &oc, &c. W. R-. GIBBS J7a, & CO. On2umbia. 8 PITTS' CARMINATIVE - OR~ CORRECTING NAUSEA, DYS Lentery, Diarrhea and Cholera 1, fanitum. A pleasant medicine of incalcel:. ble mecrit in the home circ for child m' adult, It is popular, pleasant and efliciem Truly a mother's friendi. It soothes a heala the mucous membranes, and cher ' the mdcous discharge from head, stom:: mnd bowePi. The mucotse discharge fou the head and lungs are as p)rompltly lievedl by it as the mucous dhischarge fir thI- bowels. It is made to relieve ii' amucous system and eure nausea, aml does it. It makes the critical period teething children safe and easy. Iti vlgorates and builds up the system whu It is relieving and curing the wasted tissu: 1t is recommLendied and used largely physicians. For sale by Waunnmake. a Murray Co.., Columbia, S3. C., and whoi I*by hiowardl & Willett, Augiusta, Gia 4 C a .A NT'EFiiTO UR.a CasXrtieation in a shaor *. Pre man alt Malarial troubles. Prio 67 .w.at. F'or dato by druggtsts and mer :bentA. Manutisotursd by THJE BARRETT DRUG 00, 1e4 15a A~uousr . GA --- '- ti e &Hn NOIns ciItfln'y - .11' w a -ar .'aI re i n,.-. r.u. shib . r SHAR DLSAMm s aa.al.n an- I batu tIo I air. rnnh a lo 'ar .: it igrowth. NJnver F:ji a, iiestare Gray Hair f, iit . a Color.? Hotiw Lost How~ Regainedi, a lIood.. - sk. It . e W a-. u lindink , )a--.h -,~2 *'.00 by~ *ldi j**i I e. I llus. O trIe ro.- yan. icThe fr o i :a N a . .. a. n i ain o aal m . .t a ., M t e 0 1 0 o Iru 't u. a rru. N.I4 ri - on, Ma .I. woa nr * . . t. fo su!.itha oah eo