The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, May 22, 1890, Image 3

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PIONS,. SflNTNL -- "-Ot it,otofiopping is the wotd, tb * 'Qit1datee ioose ifh t oWoodes - sMofAshmore, who has been oiok :uch improved. M - Dr1 iile,y's little daughter, Fannie, ini lb 4fte ill with searletina, tei ,crops along the Wolf Creek tal uito prointsing. . * W. i.Ashmore and four chil- A drwk'yeoquite ill last week, an 4ry Atialhasthe finest field of thu oo e have seen this season. ,r; s.. J. .Wa$elin; of Liberty, is liu eih rgpI-a. relapse of eiifluonsa. - m ..*Oreville and Piedmont were 'vell to repsented. t Cross loads last Sabbath. fo -'Mrs. Dr.."Enhor and daughter, tiss 'Ora-ce, were at the Thoruley House last ne -.wek. of heTl friends of Henry J. Lewis will Oi ibe lad to know that he is-able to be out da a aAm, at " . Robert T. Stewart, of Praters, o 'bibned a so.ool at l'ondleton factory th .8. Vonilay. 29 'Compectition is very sharp and oloan t in e.vrything uowadayH,except in attend ing to one's own business. Pea Rid'ge lands are still advancing i! rige, and tbn more they ad'anee the 'S n,b o cotton raises want themn. S '---Let ovy..Democrnt put his fi'ger * amhis aegistratidn eirt.ificate so that ho " 'will be'sure to kiiow where it is. w "-Mrs. J. C. Thompson was taken suddenly ill last Friday with nervous tal pi'ostrationi. Sne is some better at pres- thi ,t.- ini .., "Wanted-About 100 pounds of Non- "if pariel type for cash. Must be in good -*ondition.. Address this office with sam pi -letter.. Ai --Tev. J. F. Anderson was quite sidk no 'l>iit woek - He misse<t his usual appoint- lav heut at the Methodist Church last Sub- he bat!.evening.- in -1rs. T. H. Boggs, of Avoidalo, ~Ala.; came in on No. 51, last Saturday pl~ :.ight, - She is visiting her father, Mr. ha - W. K H.- Arial. t h - Veiy' few farmers came to town Sat- th urdayto attend the meeting of the sub Alliance. 'iho day was too flue. 'o be -lost fron} t field. The may friends of Mrs. Bruce H will be glad to learn that her health is so much improved that she is now able to pr -ride out every day. ie nte -Hon. John H. Paxton and wife, of ov _ Transylvania County, N. C., passed thro', wli Pickeus Tuesilay on a visit to their mi ;& ughter near Slabtown, loi -Mr. Charlie Prince, a bachelor of th nbput sitty winters, was recently mar- ca rieil to Miss -- Moody, a maid of four- th .ten sunuuers, and daughter of Mr. F. N. Moody. inf -Twelve Mile River was pretty well eeined out last Wednesday and Thurs <day. Soei of town boys brought home te e nuoro cold than fish. -Ye Democratic clubs get organized. de See that every young man in your juris- ut 4iction who is now or will be eligible to te vote in November, is registered. by -Sam Jones, colored, has made "Old of Rabbit Townt" one of the most p)roduc- be tive farms in the county. lie has the gigpeost t' rraIcs,in the uip-country. tit -"R~lowdy do?" eaya Mr. Candidate. "How's crops?" (Farmer looks up. . ''Titer's a hoe in the fence corner; fetchi r a row along if you wish to gab politics. ~ --The strangest thing about the recent we hail storm, nto one has been found that th sawv the regnlition "goose egg" hail i stones. The~ largest rept1orted were the th~ size of a partridge egg. c --Mr. R. Kirksoy has been employed ht as .teachler in a school necar Sandty 13 -- Springs in Anderson county. If lie is hii as successful thiere as lie hias been in this " county, his patrons will be surie to be 1) well leasedC. A -The County Democratic Excutive Ni CYommittee will meet in the conre house WV on next Monday, the 26th inst. Ev- do cry member is urged1 to. be p)resentt as his *business of importance will come before ed the committeeo. . fo -Wake uip, Democrats, andi register -Your votes will be needed this fall. Mahyton, Rus.sell & Co. are to be buried, and( everyone shiould be it the funeral. There are only two days more on wvhich you can register. m11 -Thtere wvas a large congregation at re Carmel last Sunday, it being communi ion daiy. Servicesa were conduhtcted by rit Dr. Riley and Rev. Mamyes~, of ,Prince- by ton Seminary. Mir. Mayes preached an tog interesting sermon.S: -*1'here bas been a greater disp)lay of Y neighborly feeling among our paeople this sealsontia has11 beenl)Oi noticed sic OH the war. WVhero anyone has got behind "* from some misfortumne, the ineighblois "I have come in and planted his crop for It him. w -Mr. WV. T. O'D)ell conhl1( not got his bottom land oin Golden Creek dry ed enough to prioduce]O cornt, anti bie has put ui a wire fenc,o aroutnd it tando tuirnied it into( of patsturo for~ colt.s. It will inow be less sed (iXpeniso andi pay him a better diyi(end of than over before. -A Toxai pony belonging to T. K. thm Foster, of UYnio,n counity, last week had li -a goodl excuse for btuckinig and kicking, pr~ but this falvorito exercice (lid no good in this instance. It ran iinto a hornet's neost and was so sevorly'stuing by the in sects it. 5oon died. h --The value of good terracing was the fully demonstrated by the recent heavy ye rains in the lower p)art of the county. ta Those farms that were not properly ter- ing racedl were damaged to a great extent, wI Awhtile time adtjoininig farms withl good ter ev races wore not damaged in the least. dle -No one ever enjoys thme hospitality tol of Senator Field an(<lis amiable wife to without wishitng to go again. HIis invit- sht ing home at thte foot of Glassy Mottn- sa tamn,is an ideal summer pilaco). We hadt l the p)leasur~e of its comol b)reezes and tO many attractions for a few hours last * *'Te General Assembly otf tIhe P're- fl byterian Church, met in Aslheville on the - Rth. Ahanquet was tendoeredl them at thig utofthe ualodrof things, en but it wvas all right if the brethren all i behaved themselves, a nd( we sitppose Ii hiey did. A crowd of visitors was also lii an attendance. tit -Mr. B. Johnrson of Audlerson coun11- atn ty, was in Piokeits last Saturdaty. Siineo ant ' s ele'ctioin as superinteindt, of the sti asley oil mill, ho has decided to move be to Easlity. Wo~ a triuly gidt to wol- ro, come suchtl mEnt as Mr. Johnson to Pick- to ens) county, lie is aI sagaoious, pat1iua- of *. taking business man, be'sidet beimg ai (i nost expert mnachitnist. No better soleo- esi tioni could have been madlo for oupierin- Iftt --Mao Bru? In visiting hbi brothe Anderson. --J. B. Clyde is announced for gudi this week, and d. T'. Hill for treasure -The frequent raini of lato will gii e rust a cbauoe to make the wheat an t crop an entire failure. -Mrs. John Helton and daughte ins Lola, of North Carolina, aro visi g Mrs. Lizzie Capehart, who is a si, of Mrs. H. -Improved farm implements are con X luto general.use in .Pickeus coun t trip through the-country will couvin yone that her farms are becomin Droughly equipped for their work. -Those who think that the dpmm e project is dying out, ate entire] etaken. It is now thought the Slal s-n pooplo will have the charter applie , no as to extend to their communit -_Dr. J. R. Riley will preach here o xt Sunday at 11 a. m. The Sacramei the Lord's Supper will be observe that occasion. Preaching on Satui y evening previous; service to begi 8:30. -Old soldicrs can go to Richmond t a unvo:iling of the Lee statue on ti tl} inst., for $7.80 for the round tri m Greenville. 'T'his is a cheap rat< d all of our veterans whio can stani tarift ought to go. -L. O. Daman was taken befo luire Gillespie at Pumpkinton, lu turday for a preliminary hearing. Ii ufessed to the charge of robbing ti1 res at Loopers and Dacusville, an ,s sent back to jail here. -Mr. Robin Lewis has laid on oc )le a cockle-burr stalk that has alreadc burr fully developed. This is earl the season for them, and if the )ut( n is any good, we will have the shor summer known for years. -Mrs. Thos. Reed, neo Miss Nann iderson, whose arrival from Srexas we ted last week, reports her father-it v, Mr. Mat Reed, as quite sick at h me near Dublin, Texas. He has bee feeble health for some time. -The view from Col. Holling.worth ice on the Boggs Mountain after ti ii. storm last week was grand. Pro it place one could see its whole cun rough the county. It looked as if tI ver part of the county was covere th a sheet of ice. -Messrs. W. L. Dalrymple andi V Bryant-, citizens of Anderson count: nt to the mountains last Monday I cure a supply of "mountain dew themselves and several of the ighbors. As they returned they wei crhauled by officers King and Roarl ih took them into custody. The ie and wagon with about fifteen go is of whisky, wii o 'urned over 1 e collector to be sold nd'r the confi Lion act. It was a coscj trip f< [?m. -There was the usual annual gathe at Cross roads last Sabbath. TI uroh, though large and well seate< uld not acconmnodate more than on ird of the crowd. Rev. V. L. A rson, the pastor, preached an intere ; sermon on the finished work of 11 maption. After the sermon, the suer ant of the Lord' supper was admini red. Iii this the pastor was assist, Rev. 0. V. Singleton. The condu the immense crowd in the church at the grounds was marked with t1 it be.havior. A larger per cent. e healithy blabies, just out for the fir *3o it] ehoirt dresses, was never seen, -On Wednesday, the 14th inst., a a us hail storm passed over the low, go of this county, doing great danmai the ciop)s. Wheat. uottoni and col 'ie totally d1estroy"d. The path a storm wa.s about two and a ha les wide. The farmiers had to repla1 Sgreater por1tioni of their corn ar ton (erops. The young erop~s wel dly damaged aind in sonme places tota destroyed. Sonme of the farme: v.e replanted their enitire crop. 'T"o tee outhouses were unroofed on I tattiont of Mr. Mat. Roggs. GAre mnilge wals done1 to the~ crops of Messr Mat. Boggs, Lafayette Garey', cl-eJloggs, T1. N. Hunter, J. San ison and( 5. C. McWhorter. I' ubt) many others not repiorted ini thl t snifer-ed a-s munch. The stormi extent from Central to Piedmont, andi *ce didi not abate throughout the e e distance. 4 more extended accout given in another column. F?ronia Liberty. Mt-s. D)r. HoI(ltzelawV has returned vei ich imtproved in health. IP'of. Steilinig and family arc visitir it tins ntear WVilliamston,. l'hcre wits preachting inl the Presbyt ni chu rch oii Saturday and last tig] Mr. Mayes, a student from Prine i, N. J., Seminary. lie is a native< imter county and1( a very proisin unzg man. [hier-ty steps to the front with at (eul y, to many at least. Thtere was kilk Ihin her blorders (one daiy last week, ito snake thait was over six feet long was butilt after thle style oft the cel *ip tribe. Has anyb-odly else over Hei ot like it? if so, let us hear from you l'hie cainell tril- o(f this viciniit y fore aI combi)iin ad went oni a r.amipag. til ahey succ(teeded initfI( errorizing son yes snehl a fusilae (If lead that mniu ~r(p artie ini a grointg condtitioni, ant t fat-mere arec speedinig the plo0w at r'. The small grain cr01) does in< Obituary Notice. Siiss Auie Craig, colored, died at ti me of her moi(thier ntear Six Mile,c 18th day of May, 1890, aged fiftel irs, three nionthis, three days. Sho w~ do the subject oIf saving andi( sanctif grae the day befoire her deathi, ichi she gave the mosIt unimistakab detice. Jiist a shtort time before in itht she called for all the family au d1 them of her joy, a~nd for themn i grieuvo on account of her death ; th Swas goitig to live with JTestis. SI d: "'I want you all to meet ite ther Lim anio(usH toI go and be with the St -Farewell world. I ami going to I thi Jiesus on Stunday morinig."' H nints were buried at Mile (reek la Itidiy. Th'le funerial was plreachied I v. iM. WV. Crew. HEln PAsvron. A Nevere Hail Stora., CrnI, cottitm antd ve'getablleS ini the1 ity oft Jlattsville, th is cotunty, we tIly damaged oni the 141th inst, by avy hail3 sItm, a(coiimanied bly itd winid. T1he hail fell ini liarge qp's ies ttl cover-ed the ground.i~ Go( 1 cottoti werel beatonl into the gromtt di brokein oIff as if battered down I eks. The11 loaves of the treces we atii off itt profuisioni. F"roim the ~tioni of the wind(. the stormt is thtoug harvo beeni owing to a lar-go qinani.i ice at Sloatn Bros'. Sioda fountain conityllo Court House, where the cot and1( finiest drinks in tile world a mtishied the hot atid thirsty.--G.cree ln J)i~ News,%= Lsi Pt J n k SPRINGGO0( THE SECONDL JLJut Opvened - AT HAGOOD, BRUCE & aI,:diecs' 'i'rinmed and Untriinmed IIats-Latest Shapes. Infants' aid ('hiildren's Embridered (oods. New Cali nics! Ncw (;inglamuns! New Worsted! New Lav 'The Old Original 1I Figured (:racie ('Cadle. They are Chea 3 A fev dczen pairs of o1(1 sI ck shoes for a little of most a get- the pick ef(ore they are gone. -ort Ne Vaiit. r yof Cofe, said to be the very strongest gr r Gecuine icPort irie \t1lasses and Syrup, as clear as crystal. r r ''ho aheVe are a few or our Special Bargaius. Come and i the others. HAGOOD, BRUCI 3 1 Ir T F. W. POE &CO., 3r I y 11 lo rt ir sell Pl 1I lla 1 ir Calo efivn lgn bdro ut.Ialr:niktce untr. Ihv k UNCKS AND VALTINEL ~; ilESTAEAR H4FllM.TAlll FA.JTORY PRNIN 0FIE y(. l(JfCOS 'I is-CaswokaS eily Or'sb ai rVpl atne o Al3'rM tra sN watdo ieIae.ts)ls r CWha ln on cfo yenonableL~L t- li ii'is I cano he :hipl in elsewh ie an ivite youledi l to i salel :n lin l t (ok I t ee hI bee O'. n enreful lyti n seeted Ei Bee II le.'' on no Iibet iyeur nc:o . '. M . a c :unse er a rt i cis sccyarui m bot furitueand ice is ( mrkl at ric es uhiecal.c accr a 'ill IC ~ Good poplc " luclc take Cy i (:s' < 1 11j>c ic Iiiii t > 1 iic2t -' iS IN Till: (;Na i Jy .13 tovs,BR rdwa-e nd'Iinware. coYs ay We a r A Cints ~ork S 1:alar Furiturv atr,ad.laske Aom let Sor on at:ra. l>n Nir :ami to com ;ii I et ac. a4t lep . , pl i - anythingm themrhisctine yo wlant(mal n llmaei i t ou nerett d o LELEWIS & AlORRIS, oikes He.,a.C , The Wake or the Storm In I Ickea County. t. The storm of wind, rain and hail tI r. crossed the lower part of this couni onS Wednesday afternoon of last weel d the 14th inst., was the moot severe stor*i d of the kind ever witnessed by the oldo inhabitant. L, About 3 o'clock p. m., an angry-lol t ing cloud was seen coming from th northwest which everyone in its trac watched with a foling of fear. Tl stormed crossed Keoweo river betwee the B. & 1). bridge and Lawrence's for e and struck the farms of Central towi g ship. At this point its )ath is abot one and a half miles wide. Then : showed that the fears of the peoplo wer r not unfounded. Rain foil in b~ucketful y accompanied by hail, the like of whio ' had never before been known i d this region, and the wind blo r- a perfect hurricane. Thbe ha n stones were the largest over seon and fel t in great qluantities. Although the win dwas a perfect tornado it conl not b heard for the noise of the falling hail n Though the trees were falling and emal buildings were being un-roofed an blown down, boards, plank and fene o rails wore flying through the air, no on 0 was Conscious of anything going on bu p) the hail-stormi. Window-glass were brc ' ken, shingles knocked of', and in soni (I imat4nces weather-boarding split. Th'1 bark was peeled off the trees and limb. 'e and leaves covered the ground. Thor ;t is no fruit left in its wake. In most in c stance the fruit trees are as destitute o e verdure as in )eeccmber. In the cotton d fields where a few hours before had bee; a fine prospect for a bountiful crop, afte the storm there was no sign of oithe ir plant or row, the young plants had bee; Y beaten into the ground, and all sign o Y the row effaced. Splendid fields o i wheat wero cut dowr. and beaten up unti t~ it looked as if it had been run througl a feed chopper and scattered over th e ground, and corn was split into ribbons 5 A strange peculiarity of this storm wa s. that at the same time, directly south an is parallel with it, was a hurricanoe travelin1 n across the country, leveling fences an trees without numiber. Its width wa , about a half-mile. The damage done b " the hail and wind will bo haid to esti e mate. A report from a few of the fara '1 wil only give a smadl idea of it. L. Ros e Eaton lest almost his entire crop, damr l aged about $700. The north p. rt o Commissioner Martin's farm was wipe bare of crops and vegetation. Mr. Jae r. F. Lay's whole largb farm was swep r, clean from stein to stern. HIe is daln o aged over $1,000. On the D)r. Clayto " place east of Central the damage is estima r ted at $500. F. V. Clayton's entire far e was swept clean. J. Neely lloggy ha , 20 acres in cotton and 8 acres of whem in swept as cleanl as a floor. A. Mat 1;ogg 1. 60 acres of cotton, all worked over, ei :o tire loss, beside.s 15 or 20 acres of whea timiage, $1,000; his fine( pleachi and app >r orchard was almost ruined. J. L. Oar and W. 11. Chapman, adjoining farm were swept clean. Their foss wi r- amount to several 13m1ndlred dollars. Ear ie P. TJaylor and Tom F. TIaylor had eat a large crop which was looking wel ? After the storm their fields were barre: Rc sil Callahanm and M. 'I'. (ilue Tor t Sn.ith were in the track and lost the crols. Smith's place was almost waslu - away, and the soil is much damaged. d the Carmel neighborhood it seemls as the wind and hail united to ruin tl c community. Timber and fences we l)rOst"rated. A great number of the 1a1 'stately oaks around the church we ulown downi. Trees that luid stood tIl storms of a centurf were upr oted. M Albert Arial, who hIas a1 fine farm ne e- the clhuirch says5 he cancot estimate bi 3r loss, Hie had filLy aIcres of cotton all: e fine shape, worked over. NOW he b: -ni non11. Th'ie tenlants on the Taylor pla, >f are cleaned out, and all will have to b i gin anew. On the Col. IHmanilton pla< 10 the fine grove at theo'old homestead wvi d1 blown1 down anid the pla1ce terribly was] 'e ed1. Capt. Nig WXilliamis anud S. Cheri i. McWhorter clomel next in line, and th< rs feel as if thley wereO broken up Such 'o line prospect for a good crop a few (da; e ago. Now the.y have none. Th'le Cooh t brothers w1ere in the tracik oif thle storr . and1( besides their crop, they had1( a fit f. orchard trimmtd4 of fruit :md leave n Some of the trees are ruined1. T1l o Messrs. Shieriff, Jiames Brown, Tolbe is and1( Ham1) Bryant, IThomas and Rob(e I- intoni, onl the Dr)i. Cureton place, Ti Ls man11 Fennell and1( W. M. H agood's to ~ants are all heaivy losers, having the *t entire erops to replant, and1( it is dillieu to flint thei rowv where the guiano w1 p)laced. Ties is 03nly a partial list of tl losers. Ther'e is at large numbIlier of ot v.~ ers whose na131m are not menuit ionied, Lih h Iave beeni equal suff'erers w1ithI tio menloItioued. ['le people in thle st riek< (listrtict haive gonIo 1to worlk with ai il retrieve their loss as far' as poss5it)l it 1From eithler side, tih-ir ineighbors lha comoe to their assisitanie and1( most of tl ,ffarms haIve beeni rephmuted. gIf there shonld be an early frost tb fall there will be little ('ottoni ra1ised( I thos~e who3 haive siYer~ed fromi the hai miai the loss to the farmers wvill r'em1 $50,00110, 0or mjore. Th'le wonder is thi no0 stock were killed by the1( storr a though some1 were thunalged by beit u caught out. 'uTaken 11 al i al, this5 1s tl worl'0st cailamiity that hats befallen il Scounty for many33) ai day3. 0Notice. I' All officers of tihe huiw~ and1( 1ministe are wa.rnedl not to un31ite liny dlanghit< .1 Mattie, ini m1arriage wlith any 0one. L. ii. l)wrON. d1 Pickens C. HI,. S. C., May 21. 2w. H Iavinug recentl 1pumt in ne machine11 3 ( 11nd( oitherwise nule exte('3sive, imipros mnuts. I wi sh to say to tho se who atre need'( (of any SShingles, Lumber, &4 ~that I ami1 now1 gettinIg lnt th3e fiinest lot nShingLJles to b1'el ad i this sect ion, ai t e @hiY Anly tlr/('d order tilled on1 sill it no(tic'e. ZA.P. I( E L L ICy, ie feb27m1'5 (a:t(.( I'. I)., S. (. r The Original Wine. 0C. P. Simmons, St. Louil, Prope M,. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, Eat'< 184,) in the U. S. Court nai'tATs J 9./cHin, l'rop'r A. Q. Simons Liv er leguato, E t'dby Zcilin z8/'. M.r juA r~S. . . for 47 year1 cured IUn)icesTrio, nitirus sx-in 'I IvsrirIA,Suek Ilv.aAcu,lo 10% * ArrTM, SOUIn STrIMAcHI, ETc '0 .~ 1Rev. TF. h. Iteamns, l'astor M. H To s Church, Adamns, TVenni., wvrites:" a M think I should have been decad bu for your Genu,ine M. A. Sim mons Liver Medic ine. I hav ar "einsstuff" for your Med3 C ouj;' cine, but it dor.'t ans3wer th y an purpose." L- ' I received apcaeo orLv btMedicine, and hvusdhalf ofi It workshIke a charrn. I want n1 .Y better Liver Iteg ulator ant ce, at * tainly no more of Zeiii lisxtur I OT )D< CO'S. i~ mns!1 I per than lIas't year. nything. Come anul Fi own. Try a dollar's I: Let us tell you about & co. ( tr tI I'Y it i c I 1890. tl I it McFALL'S ALMVANACK JUST COMING IN! ~ A not)her hot of F1LOUNCEN1'~ andm F1L LS, WhV/ite andl J1b/yured L<en (and Alutlins.. .n.l1 i he 1fin1' to mauke 'n up,. A New Lo,t of inigo and Fan 'y (inyh</nna.. No is thne timea t (,rain Cradb's, Sco)i? an/d lian died J/loes, arnid kinds of diyingi matellrial. .N<o is the timae to dig - 'J'riunk', dat/hels, Jiiamp)J, lian atndl othe r 'new y/ood/i comning we week. ( bi/ andil sie. A'ow isl the timo1 to use Lo/s o/ W,V. T.~ McFA LL. . I n ux3~at POP)JUiiA J!MUS IC! "Mytml ha o uid.,.........Chamller\ "Poor....Li..t....Ne....,"...............Joilo'y "Th'iere's4 a Ligh t lI ohlimi the Cloml, ......................... . ManIdyii "Lanid oIf the Manli mi the MNooni,"'. . (en "' "Im Faniiiy, V'ery,''.........Roberts "DI ove and lt Mei~sage,".....Jordan ,) "'Sing Me to 'iiumber,...........D ana "'Rmg D)ern HJenCly Iteh1s,"' ....~ ..................,..Samn Lucams "DrsaIig (CampiJ) Meetlinig,".. Itoet ~ ij~ S' "Rlidl oin Jat ( ohhon Mutile,"' Rosentel e Aniy oif thet L above son1gs, reguirl sheiet It muo Iz/e, snon (lreceipt of 10) cenits eaich . Mon lle,y mu ist NeCOmpan5i~y e'ach or1 b (der. rqW Seind for ctalixoguie. mlylrn1i l i b i in my oier~t, aIt Pic(kenls . I, on th tht Moinday inl M~areb, April,Mv June( anly, for tihe purpsose oft l(u' terinig anly V ter. All who desire to kt(e- j interl wll di > so o elI daivs nam&ied, tl the books wvill close aftier ti- Gst M~ondas-l in hh,Thn Stpt ~ Lx o l(~i:ti d lll EPSIOALESSIONA o. IB)WEN, Attorney at Law, P'ICKENS C. If., A (j'. 'Moncy to Loan On easy terms. on cli sccured paper. 0lee In Court ilouse. july26'88y1 Et.r. & Ourt, J. I. lloaesg Greenville, S. C. Pickens S. C. ELLS, Ollt & BOGUS, Attorneys at Law, P'ICKENS C. II., M.'(5 F. ANSEL, C. L. I{oLJ.INoswoRTUr, licitor 8th Circuit. Pickens, S. C. 4Greenville, S. C. NMEL & IIOLLINUSWORTIr, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, PICKENS C. IL, S. C. Practice iu all the cou'ts of the State, 1 a1 tentIion given to all Iusiness entrust. I to thcem- mnrh1-88tf jILL & WELI)ON, Dentists, 2 Main Street, GUiENVIL4E, S. ,. ?Y" (las given every 'T'hurstays an "ilays, and tc(cth eXtractcct without. pain. )1 FiPRANK SMITh, Is now permanently located at EasTey, C. , andl(1 esCct fnl ly offers his profes ual srrices to the p>ublic generally. jan2t f ) It. J. P. CAItLISLE, Dentist, (;II:-NVILL,E, S. C. Ofllee, over WVestmnorelI(l Bros. & luke's ug s:ure- jmu y UvI 1tEENVILLE4I 1)1N'AL CO. . M. NOItWOOI, I). 1). 5., Manag'r. G ItEENVIILE, S. C. 5 for a set of trtIi; 25 (ents for ex acting I 4:1th; 25 to 50 (cnts for (Ilean i~nlg uth(i 25 to 75 cents ',r silver tillings: $1 tr gld tiling: \o (nnt. aitet ht tS r ctrk onflit mlt er how mtuch you pay. Sens-. Vc teeth tillt4<l Vit hout pain. 121 Main 'treet. mrh2''88 )1t. J. 11. CA1tPEN'TEIt, Dentist, Will he fohrncl at Lienrt v on and after ! tith inst. Iie gnarant'ees ;all his woric bn Iirst-eLn;:- fehl:3y1 1T THE "CORNER" 'ain and Sardine Sts., You vill find, wlho? IX ! (<tl Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Mo L(*so8 .sold Che:ap by MX ! (igar, TbI'aco, 1 smoking andl blewimig, at prices to suit you, by N II ! Tir'e, ltolL an(d r'id 0irOn, Plows an(d 'low Stock and Traces, low down for or Mjpot Gansh, l>y Hloca, MJaf tcks, Shovels, Spades, rs"' and everyvthing needed( by you at l)ry (Goods 1- :1114 Not ions, Tin and4l lass91 War'e nd Cro'ecrv, at Needh4 141, :3 ('ents a pa:ir; pins, 2 'nit a 1p:1per. TaEks5, I ce-nt al p:g>er'; rit ug 1'i1.r, l eents pe ([utire; enI (lopes5, - 1 1t- 14(r p:wkI ; sp~ool cot. >n 2 cetin-r lPspo oh slates :3 een1i0 atch: garde 141 eeds11, 2 e ims per In 'r; aitly I flIt, $3 25 ~(I lier lrre l (441d claw luoiiinn-r i fo 1.5 ent. WV. 1I. NiIX, bl31I ]ssley, S. C. T A T ip OF St II ITI I CA ROLINA. Co (luit vI of414 Piii s.-o:14141I . V. lt n5 \as 'a-huiit:a of th-e((1 Piuitill', f(enry Lar0gley (la ton (t al1., Deften d:uI its8. By virtueO of-a1 I 14r4' m1alde in 11h( ate~ the 51tlday of 3Iay, 1890, I will 4ringl (1). lea hous for( sale, tt he cour houi 1 se, the follo~wing r'eal staite: ui~ in the count 1an 4i (St ae afre aid4, lyingi 'n ighht 414 hmile (Creek, nown 'l s a1 par ofl thle Tliuinus Wil :41ns 1phe-', ('ontainl i 44ne( hiundred hul) arr1es- and1( know n4.1 in 11he abovo as4' as trct N'( o~'. I; ulso tractst Nos. 2 1r41 8, I ract No. 2 adjoIining hlsd of 11rs. Broc(k m144liames 1. Hendrl(ic(ks, 4itaininig thiirty (:34) acres5, mor41e (or 1:ary. 31aliken{ii, N4 (1y Ioggs ald thi( .tat o44'f .uinoaht4u1 Ne'ighborsi', (con Unlinlg sixty~ (i-t ) aLcresi-, more or 1 less4. Termn s, ('11sh 4)1 day (If sale(, pur-i' base 1 to41 pa)ly for )d(eeds. H1. A. IJ(fCIl'Y, Sher('iff Pickeus (County. i!luay 5, 1 81)0. - Mrs. Na.wy4 A . Smithi 14as this ('10i1n 2012, 14f the (b.4u'- wrl-4tttes f th:is State, fo a' hL11mesi4-tead( for' er'self and44 <culdren1 inl the4 re(a:l and ('rsm4ud1 e:state 44f 1h(r (de4ea4ed hus.~ and44. J. 21. Sli:wArJI, C. C.P. TownI' Tax N ie. The44 1IIL8k are1 n44ow openil for tho I llectj (i 1of 4 th tax lev4iedl (on pr1op. rI y withLin the corpora'ite limits of hetn o.1(f P ickenlA, for the pur'poso f risI8ing 811 e 1 for4' o01 ti isca4l year. i. J. -l Sn:w4r