The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, January 26, 1888, Image 3

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L o C A L 1 Tt M S, Cotton 9g to 92. Mr. W. R. F. Taylor who han been quite sick is out ugaiul. The prblic f:chlool teiii confnenc:1e in tho P'ieth:oli t;tuto tt4 Monc1'ty. Tie State (rango will conveno in Qo humbia on tho first day of February. The Clerk of the Court koops nil the blaikn you need for lions an'd nortgage. (,oit buhine :s; hai p9hllo nea'fly ov ery Ihh:g rl:;o oet of our colutmns thin 'wech. M\r. Lewis llny thlo blai)k1 hor tioldiCrs and their widows and orpIhtais to appIly .r Shtte potiiioitn. 'I he stcro of W. 1). Glenn at Liberty' a; well Ii led v;thi the best of oi whic1 are tling cieap, for eslh or bar'te.. M1[r. Jame3 Huutor of l'eudleton ac oompainod by his granid non Mr. Harry '8tribling wore in 1ickeii list lirsday. Thero will be preaching in the Pres by torin Church at Central on the flfthrSab bath at 11 A. M. and at Liberty in the ovening of the same day. rhe ro will be a civil service exmina1 tion iip ('olumla onl Il o 11thl of Februa ry. Tlhoso who wish to work for the Govel nmetnt will t.t;i not.'co. Capt. J. F. Iod':' ' of Ni'd y-Sit, was in ttown last Sntl riat. lie repre:cents the Ntew lurk L e Insurance Coripany, the hest on tho (ont'eat. Ye (r,td Jurors, pre:iv e thisr paper. It c:ontaie,i mnlihi for your conHde)ratiol in tI' _ery alb'' ebla'ge of IIis Ioner Judge iortou to your body. 5herift Sim Bienzealo of Oconeo Ccun ty dlied on last Saturday of Typhoid IlUeumiaii;. lia 1einlnsIwore iut!rred laat loiidey at Ie Stone Church. 3:;asrs James 1'. Siigloton and A. L. Porter Wer+! ordai,ed llaealns of Motln tain Grove Curli last Saturday by the 'resb 'ytery counsisting of Rev. G. W. ingletitn M. L. Joasand T. F. Nelson. A twelve year old daughter of Mr. Antle'.ny B. Lewis died last week and her roe:;is Were bnrried t.t Mountalin (rove. S1' h:,d i eI,en sick for rome ''.me. iio'. V ierv ol'o b is i;ingingseh :l at ile (.ree'k last. c-atulrday evem,itlg \.ithi . t'rnand eoner twh%lith wa,t greatly A lot of Uid and (rarzi'g Seed O.;ts f:r ltd' 1by ( I. W. TA:.L. and T'" w'.ll ,1ilonitne in tit i)eojt l're! Pr!et:o , 1,: t w'et'k. P'ub llised at IDe irOi:. at 4I.00 pa m n 11Subscribe 'Th thief who wie .' r. l:il,., and,. C(u-roh is- rei)'J :'4ed to rohirni the4 some40 9 he ''P for whl.r4.u hi-I is i:!endled, of e 4-2, wiimdi : brAee rso IV4' '.l'bi( .5.en'iP';g4. of thI i's gbie. A\ p. 4 r i*n..1 ,45 4). ~IdV ii- tw1 ( ) ivedl Tl -.reenville 1 )ail y iNews. is to Ibe .,2. 44- 1 . ' 4.'. .': is' ;0' ail,- e ns will tin-suri'. v-uh v.hii'h to rium their The1 bud;ldin4g (of a b,rIidge aneross' the 'et' mnill pond oni Wolf t-ek 'was knocked down to4 W. M. hi .ksey, D). C. Du) ::u1, 14tal I . A. ki iari athel sum of fr,4.50, 11.,.' beg ;-t 1lhat prie the low man4',l) ' the tie*. of iSid school)0 School44 ( hona)i nersii'i oif A i(O4sad C e::tial ma1 l pn-rt To4wnips)) are14p w.4ill be pri'sent to addross the mcetinig. Puici inivited to attemiid Messrs. Alexander & F"olger have not b)een4 soling guainot for two or thir4e yeairs. Mr. A oexandler says lhe has bheen talking ny;tint the use of it, by farmers, but1. hi D' t alkiog (1h1iii no il, [and now hie is ready au.l wi'ling to rell thom all they wanit Mes(.*rs. Wb i ill I .m5 & lt il Hy wor'th of pr4is(Ioer ini jil (11 chrgedi with lyncehinig in :ub lionIl '4 4h 11 ounse1150 already mon ti 's.l. hie.1mn1 a co)lored huvyer from G'orh4(1.un upj to4 look after their int .;t, hat it seems41 hie was not wanited. mo 4 et Gre'inville 1by. 1ioyt. & K'.eyt is thle very' paper forl the farmer's.Th '1 1'( i4 21. .: her 4'noi). Sublscip m'4 aind ' Cottin 'Linutl to the( 84an:e ad ii oss1 (4ne4 vear41 for Mv225. ThIe .'Snra Fre Pre4 f44( a4iys: WVe are plsedh t4 h-r fhit Priof. N. W.. M;4 .a4 o14' it l'i 4l.4'lls(1 it ., Itias 11)44l4 se'it(eled a45 5-n4 of1 thel teachers't' for thei Normal01 t(n4s'h it' 4at, iN sess44in ini dutly ne4xt. Th'is ii a~ 44unplimen'?t w'ell d40serv'e, 44(m4 \vbiieh w..ill be app4'rciated.4 by~44 hi4l4hmay A\ gooth f4i'nier s4tfs 1'ow is thel timl)4 j4 41t 4m ('4o44. ,,us 4 lay:4) off1 a44 44nih h1444 44: you 1can( fe'. I:n ell'' , an441d enl .vatl ini firtl ehss hty'l4e. it is4 a4 J4ositivinva4le (of lia, nur4i5h( ele(and m:nu44tre to) und4ta14ke to4 4)14v4 tole 4oneh1 4.urfae. it isth tra of-l 441 momy444i to '1top1 14wo, thre' 44.4 1441'our a'res shor 441 44wha'l4t y<'(44 thin4k you4 444( '4nj wel''!. Advortise and etorrtuidntotnl;s wuii pleao seo tl:rt their n::nu cript 4 rrueath ue by Satur(lay'. m1a1 t i:i n their alpleitrance in1 the next i<-me. If once you a dollar, Like ice it mn'1 iiw:iy A qwtrler in I.i't ('sCoughi Myrup, Will keep fo r iit: a ty. Mrs. (. W. 'Taylor. of (iteenvillt', vt ited some of h'r 'ickensi frie:ld t l.t. week while Mr. Taylor waM in atteiolaieo tipo't tihet couirt. A w-"r-i W.b- no ftor her blazoH ttponl evt;4 Iit':; in the ;_ Iage. Ri(ad whait w4e lmtl-.1i'h (u t' t,id pa;g tbo.t .h 1 '. s tud(y, an:d ttloi':( t'b . r'.f,i : m- tl" . 1 irtte, fron the i oi (.l. W\',. ( C .l,-ith' Orthl y of thi mt:,' '.i t.-r ..i! p it' ' '.i It hats br.ei (ii re( -;: i .1 p. ." d('1:) ZI1 i"1r: :aintl m-' ( '', ' o f ' in m -ar;i atll the is ht'.,tv.ur the' r".' itt h n h If you are gaziig alo'it, v:i g, ytwu ing or nodldiug .your hearh, he is Kuro to seeo it. Vo rogrot tory tunh to lose l'.v. T. MceL. Seabroo k from n tm. ".. ('. 1'r(byt>'i ry. Ie hav '4iote.1 lie' p.itr.oti' of Si=.ti('e anIti l{ihlltnd to tak' eli.t;og of a chuirch on .lIiitt' T:;imd( in thnt Ch'lton t(i Fiesh vtory. Mrs. WV. S. Ilimter aml hi' ri harmrin and be'aut!f4(u l"inghlt.-r Mi:;; (':rr1ie, of Seneen, iire visiting : ' i',n . T1he fiatternlit' a l" Iist in abl :1i uiti fa rlem journ i.t in the rt'tir, :onit of MaIj. E. J. llirray fio>m the tdit''hi of the A i wtit"o;n I ott;it Wtien yo:t h, r! ( m'I: r'L' '44, hn' siii that yotur tiet (' m14 s vi. th' .! t'.:otic CoaRt Un1. It is alw.ty:: in ;'o i tiun, and1( never 'tiiba It m1at j;:t' ,::. . ''the S noni lit' Pre-"' .4 ii in tatti(:n: are out for i lit' ( ol i'i We. . it of r. tud Mrs. I. A. 1 tne, (iin the 2"l h iust. 'T'ht'ir :'any ffi i('t t in !'i,-m: extend m)OSt bet.irty (,m'"r t! n i i"'i I..t: 'Ii trust :lint muIteh happlino:..' i:: , lin :;t"1r' for them. CioW (lti'.ni I t':s:2 p-u) ti , 1: r::t al Itutledge, nu(io a 1.r i . I eh 'r w ( 1' section on th 5thi it .O. lIe :rr('s i (. WV. Alt'.:endeir t'Il It t-riei i:n ti W A':1 h ttllat. thii t :i bmit tt- ih ' :-,, Sd tit ' br tlt: i : .' ie' ,.l. !Ir. W'iiltr-- ltt' ;. i'i Web' t't Ie l In tlita it,'.(; :'. 1', h l e 1+.. t :- i1 h'.' .I l n Heht(.nl ut Phoe O'-e. I.. ('. P.'r t't itt " 1 - 'ry ibi. .- iti tht l itt W ahita'tt i l ati : G , eeitipt- . .L . ti. (.. t.' ( ,i.t ' . . P: ite : d ( b . r4o n 'lom/I\ !s. Stitypr Bros.~ Par 'e a rg L * *., , . 4 4 ~ 4 i , Naa. V. . purilt 1,.14 .tent'adwhle *-e. Mr ecotuOh'a tInt h r ykns J(annot, ' hetsold i cm I n whoI th mutitude Iif h . lm ta < I' I tt tieo , i E i( o r. ri 44 apt I I' 1 .s 1 , I . . Mary ,rIt I 1. ('. tI' o, ( ( . 44 lie- li ins a lt t I t~ (lR EE N VIA LE l' IC S C1,.Rti.T. TI E81: P1IU1: ,t1ii: 1' ( wV1lur_.!:s .I. L''l~. lou Rt :(-i l)tYFI < I:: l y 1.11':;ti' Yl ti;., L. :.i Ini 111tkin:.4 in:;'.r i <;il i,tt1)is 'e e,n OnIy1 :>tro:ili:te v\ iu':. ithlny chain OUit, atn(i WO ('n1 OHl h)IOp) to g;ive aI p,eil ('ra.l idea of the vaIU(' I)rr a.iliug the day the quoations al o madlo. G ti i(;.,H:i 1'4 itt l,_t -.... .. K G r.inul.t (' .. .. .. .. . t wn. . .... .... ..... ... (1 L)t i :- .:t :.n : .. - . ... ... . . }( ' iI In ;t :i (ft+(ie >Iio tl in hh(l-h-... ...) 1'i (O V ........ l ". . .. 3 I 1. .. ....I2 (L ulli IIltl 4' 4 i. . . . S' .. . joie it'*1...........30 i w I. t1 . I)(1 . . . .. 1 ii ovado in. bbl.. .. 33 I '. i .... . . .. . ... . .. .. .. " 20 1t'"?t i li . 1 l.. i. ..... O S):t- w ( :t! is n. .. r... . . . i;5Ii Ir'4 N e i r b+ ( -.' . r......... 1 N : ( rh-;' } , (.Ium n .... 1 '2S ILt ti.D; 1i no : .. 1 i i . i -. . . . . . . . .. . 1': .' ic 1- (t .- .. . .... . 7 I ll.t t e h : - hi -k' + . . ( re , . f . t. r.. . ... ... (t r r :l . . k .... >( I(-a 1('.- 1 L. ')-> . . . . .. . . . I .:hI I;L ( ' t T 1.1 H1Ii1 1 1'r 1f... 0( ..m .'r .i . .I. .,or : . 1 o n . ier . . . . 7(n l i i, ' . . .1.i . . . . . . . . ; .3. i ii'' 1 ('' < ' . \ . . i .. . .... :n ) S . .' . .. . .. . .. .. I *' l!:t1'4 4'U N t 41 \t . . . . . 1 it Ib i.. r!......... ......... . .' t) a (.1iu tat . I t:. .. .t .. .i... . . j 7' il . .. .t . . 4 4 ('h:i 1) i ;.it.. . . .. 3 (3 -1 P - .. .. .. .. .. . *50 Lone J: tI .~.... ... .1 5 '- " 1 . i4. le I lew .. . .. . . . 1144 ( -.i'~ In 44... .. ..... . Gn M4) .w 4.i 4e N . 1 . . \ ... . . . .. 1: . .'.4..l / : , . . . . 7 I Qu. I l o6 .. . 1n -4 I'" .- . . T 1... .. 12 1 ()b- '.-.: (1' 1.. ...1 1 4rr -4 1 ' n lt n iif t n. me1t, and1( 4.itting4 in) General AL s -b!v 4i by th ..iart of the aan 4 , 4 I - t 1 \I 4, I ', Ib44 44 4,4'' -b puhi. at 4n- . . 4,4 u a Clerk's Sales. (our.ty of 1icens, C In Court of Common Pleaz1s. W hi1tne r Sy wHs, vs. ")re'lniur?. 1). C. Moore,i, o: al. virtie of a d'cre:' cf forlv,lo'enro - a.,ltnl inulftl in thlt o v U I t.te4d en n the 2'.th ,f Nov >inbr I887, by 110:). 11. ' . I'nu:.c;y, resiing Jt: E , (1 wvil ;" It to> th hiddelr ltt P'i(k II n:- C'. )1., durii t he i, ; t llh lm: of 4.1o on S.dlt:' in 1''trui ii rv in:xt, tie' foilow ingl dto rib dc li-', I; tAT'i1, tI> wvil: 1 . .LL tht 1lot or ptro'l of ltd in tho .\ old vill:tge of Piikensvile, frontting on Main Stroet of c;aidi villhgo and boided by land; of Chnrlottb Bauker, Alfrod Netl and othern, and kbowu aN Ie Ha good ho o and lot, ootainsiug two (2) a Ct' tnort I>o r' I, be'ing the lot, of h nd e->nveyed "t to 1). ('. lltoro, by JE. 1i. Ha - t;Ootd, a,ltnini r;tttor wA h wili anin exii &c. A1 '.i, ll that p,iece, plrcl or 1Ta't of - h:utl nearu l'iikIenlvi(e .i. i ngilt landt M i\ li ta, r r. Il:rrit t Maubo !li A M irt 'J ;aIl nd l 0th--ro, (cantainling-I ' Ieety-e 'It (78) 0I ' mrt e or lo ;, be ing t !ne tr tet o f l n .d . inveyed 1.) 1). C. Morrt by tle Etiwatn Phloilhtr(rl:tt; om any 'Ti -'S ('.\; I--i'rPercrl:t' to paY for titl"t 'tt:l for reoording th.t 14,1111. j,m 1'. P.. J. J1. LrM m ..(. I". ' VPc.o "r ! A ,) et;ldctet1 ctId ~r (. 0,1 may S ..i t d! 11uul a.clt,on'.tumpnttlo r ti. r 1at il I 4t . C '7i: 'Y.3 .-<"a,r,tr. 1 :o "; , i I li; e a - 0- - 73gi ()i. (1 BH'1/h( thef 1l:nw Year1' J .I r I !. ' RTf * TT -J L . .L. Jt...J J.UV Only $15 A. Yer *rA l .:ll n - . Tt I ! I Ff(nL) Kn1 - > flI3 "JT - - .Z-A ..?..SSt.. ticmnond & Tl:?n:"_w>ev !E 8 r. .,. R.I. ::i_ _ " i- 4 '. ;'k ly.;i " olumbia and Grernvillo :ivic: *ttobrr hC@th, INSHV. (I'rninz+ run n1 75th Meri.lir,: ; im r've Al - '{ 1). j1 ,;' N "{ ('N' !!1 IO '1'th'* "' ..m . 1 1 . {{ 1'!cl'1zy1 ': r.......... .. 1 .) L " Greenville ..12 0) in vcorth1wnnd No. 1 ehivi :u ti;1n l.. ft\:' . 1 . i 1 - { iav 1'T.".... .... " : , '(' ('' 1 1' i! ...I as I){l, 11 1 1 ' .. b \ t IR)bllj i a.a f . . '1 11 '.1 \1 I' . 1 1. .' , '1:' 4 . . 'v .l t ' . . . . . . . . S. \ 1' \ i' - : I ; l ': l . \ 1 . ur i 11 11C1j1 1'1 --t. - - t - f' ( ulh,ML . - 4. - "i In su 5p~flppl t a r 1 .. 3.., ( ... i i 'S * - 11 I ) ( i \, -t . . : 1 , ! 1 i . 1 ' t 1 , ''' I .. I I'.t15 Ii 1 Ii. ' l1 I . , , '1 1 I . I S 1''' I' C' V . F I 1 ;t j ; ' . 1 i .i t : l'. - tP .. J~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~\ -, -,...1 ... i,.+ t.n::-oyi :ni Cow3>r at Law% AA :' I. .A , - r f r W m n o-uP o 1i' ni';t I.O esMt or Noth u~ rit bm I e11wenct the nr' Ii;. Fi D1) D. 13sU. n y A. * CI 1'7-.m .Atlani, Ga 1 h i ic 1 . ' : ,jy; biI lv ! 'o A . 1 1$ ;i \ ( ' -''I S I - I . vr1'l+ I1 J I ('iY H 1t the' ;"l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I '2) ?..;7-(n Atslo, ia - i - it t " 1, T Il, t -1 1 - " ."; 1 - ., ''e 1. tI 1'i ' " ~ :1 Ii t i , t+ r r r(a .. co* . A I it er - . and ' '. T tt j peri - - - t o -. 'i ." v ery 1 - A 'o.-er titii (i - * ,ud* li ar. - 1 1:1teMritE - -)try atur