The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, January 19, 1888, Image 5

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Dorcas Caledon, THE H:IR:BS OF CALEDON hEIGHTS. .AT A.VTO OGF.APHY. UT FLORENCE E. DIAMOND. CHAPTER IV. Mre. Clayton turned to a servant who was 4n the room, and said quietly: "You may take this child to the school-room for to day, Ann. Tell Miss Dallas she will atr tond to her as to others. I obediently followed the girl to the school room, which was a landsomely-furnished apartment on the second floor. The servant opened the 'r and gave mo a shove Insido. "Mistr s said she was to study hero to-day," cried, and 3hut tho door, leaving mo ding in the inidlo of the floor. I my head and looked around. in one end of the room, a grave, in-faced girl of perhaps two-and-twcnty was sitting listening to a recitation froln one of the three children utnler her charge. When she saw me she bac: mc bo seated, but she neither smiled nor gave me any word of welrone. Iler thoughts seemed far away, I thought, for her voice, though even and wcll-Modulated, never raised or fell be low the same quiet ulonotone. W'heI she had finished the leassn upon which she was engaged when I entered, she camec forward and questioned Inc somewhat in regard to my stcdics. This done, she avo mnc a book and requested me to rad a curtain passago. 1 ' "'O rou li:nsm1oI '"i', 1.1:\%!' I dlid so. W'hen I had Itnishrd rhenuule no0 comfluent., hut h:ulo ui no; t'iye our at tcn 1ion to malt henLat i s. We did so. Stihe was idparently at g11d teacrt-i, for sh took 'Illch pains to r the prlem m! a1 Inl thel . rules that. governld theti; tlut Ii Voic1. Iever lot It.o iautnl:atical ring. It waS ay though au woodein trnage were utterling those th)ingsf, an11 ecnsetlurtlyV the: instructI1115 sl g:ive wcrr dy :auul *l interresting, auId I di1 nrt 0nrlld that tihe rhilt un gave a oigh of e . whrn ute ti "a WaS over. blut Ithey' haid ('Vidently ht 1n talught itnplicit,obs' c11'lnuO to their tel lu i's ruts, for thry were silent 1ndll reslsetful, patirg tit litten 11)1t toI their btst 15 ii tII' their first staro (If weo::n to mn1 whln I VaS brlought, in. tthl' Iit%w gave us interiiion. du1ring twhic h :;hr lt us al1n1' I e t11r'1. h'1'1a children at 'i brew IT alt ta llreStraint nd approached m110 w''it h1 loud 110t ills. '"Wha1:t 't your mnimn! ' askedl the olest boy, looking int Iy face iviti hi wicked bl:ak cv.s. 1 t1I!-1 htu. "A rt you going to live l-re+' he inquied next. I dtid nIot aInswer. iis tunr, vas jeering and ulIh;i:ndl, 111111 1 felt r .dy to rv. "Viy d1't yelu ans\wer Ine!'' he asked, roughly'. "IM ~ you Iltsupsr,"' he (onitinued, "'we're- going to havo yo~u her1- without knolwing whot and11 whlat you are'" nonililiall will tell 1us,'' isaid is 5 sister, 900 inIg I did niot speak. Xlho was stalllinig by her brothellr, 1her1 golenlll hmr1 I' blue1 eyes0(~( inl i-trangelh conltralst to hisi dark skin iund jeh. bhaI ha(111ir. That sh1 wvas prou1d0, 4cornfuil 0extect 1n0 kindness145 or1 friendinesos from "'I sulplQs sh1e is nom11 liti2 h' ggalr that toss oIf her' Iellowit cu:rI. ''"Id mlanunall bring youere''' OheO per1sisted, nngr~ ily. "V1os," I aniswvered, '"but I wvishi rihi, never had. I wanlt Ill go home,"' 1and, unallbte longer to) ('ontro0 my feelings, 1 gave waly to my13 griet 11nd. sobbed01 iily. Aft1er several nlttemptss to (que(st ion me ftrLlher thle boy nnad girl left mec to my self [ad rant1 dlown'-stairs. Th'Ie younlgest boy r malin[ed, lHe wvas at iwee little iellow, with. his littlo dianllled hand1- on 111y thioalder. h10e'ontinuled, wvisely. loul '" ho illIjuliret, seatinIg thisIlf inssido what rlnad yourA ininn lu' le. idlt you 1oie! 11114 exphdne 114t(lollstl'elI' hins- livedltthol' whenl Shle hado three chtiilren of heri own'i, I "'Now~ t(ell 1me abot,.3) youself,"C I sido, whena I hiad linished. "'Ar those115 your1 brother anId sister who were' her'e ia mlomlent ago ?" "'Not 111y reaI bIrother and1 site," hie said, Tlhey'r it insl1, you1 kno ;1 1onle 'i just n1s 111 as the (othelr, Irinla and lrving Ih[rrett that'ti their name)ls." - "lIa hk-rt,ic Clhlaytlm, IleI 'lswveredt, so inilinfg. (cross and mean011- :hey-3 lways1l are. t i like you1.. I thlinkl 3you'r nI' I e, nis erl thanI lIut she's cross to me1. Aire you e.ver and1( woe soon becan111 goo'd friendls. lie of feredl to show'11 11ne hisl.s, and11 1 wvigly "wHY DON'T TOt) AN8wMIR s!P. followed him out into thol garden, and we spent a pleasatnt hour together. Whlenl the bell rang for lessons I ran In feeling much more choerful an-I content than beforeo. Our lessons for' the remainder of the fore noon wore ve'ry short. At twelvo we dressedr with the governess; but, with the exception ~ of, who chattered to me In is artless way, no one snoko to me or recognized my presece mn' .oleast.a The afternoon passed in much the same t manner as the forenoon, oniy that Bertie c] w9s summ0flngd from theo :oqm pr a M . St time, and when ho rtirned ho looked very sober and angry, I though'; ho took hi; place as usual, but not onco did he ghnce in my direction; and when interni:;sion caino ho did not cono near inc again, but ran away to play with his brother and sister on the torruco, seeming quito tohave forgotten me. I could hear them laughing, t unning and shouting among the trees mnt fHower:, but I did not dare to bravo their ridicule by going out and oftering to play with tlhem; so 1 remained indoors. But the long summer day caine to an end at last, and I was thankful when the sun set behind the long i idge of hilt, antl I was freo to sit by the window ant thinkt. A seened nystery. \V herever I look d I co-;!d seo no eXpla ituiti of tho st:rne i1 blein of my being brought lie:c and rnao. an in mate of this farnily, whilo my preeneo scorned so dist unsteful to every one. Maggie caine up to my rox:n for some thing, and I (leterrinint:d to qunetion2 her. '')o you know, Maggie," I said, "wh;,- I was broiught here What (lid Mu';. ('lavton want of mc when she had a little I;irl c'i lr own!" iMIaggie looliel at imc euriously. "I'11n aure I don't know, lis:," aht' ,ailid. "Are you no r('l:tion of hern 1' "Nono at ull,'' I answe:ed. "'Thin it's sinncof Mi:; Armun d's d' ing, may b," shte ..Jtl. "I shi e A r:. ('l:avto t's sister'" I intt:ir(<d. ''Law, no, Mi ," laughe.l Mai;i": r lati,n tt all. 1)"tn't yo'tu t.e e . rs. (tI 'n is a lai y l;ra:Id l.i1 han:uu!s,m; (nougli I ,r a queel, whl,ilo Ali;' A. :-n. l'eu l il:e i fih wonan i lint hl,ev 'rc t. f, -:k Is fi- tili that," she centinut dl. "though I don't .'C why ]lro. ('iayte: i:,:tke'> fritis ut ith .;tuh ani ugtly old1 pie.e a s i-in Arrninaul is."' '"Are they very rich:" I t:l:ed, "the ('i.', tons I nuean '' '"Yes, nia'mtt, I 2 +iplxro the:: :e." sho answered; or r:ah''r \l r. ('i;,on i:utl tho twins i n the pro'et y till lytltngs t+ 11.' iii. You see Mr. ('lyton, l-,r' inu:in, d. n't l:ivo much to say; thoy oay ho nluri'nl li s. ('Ii ton for her in' ae'.; tut. it's preei:s littIo good it'll ever to ciin, I'in thin :ing." ''Mr. I ur("ret t, was very ritli t hen -ho owned this propi'rty l' I asked. ''No, no, 114s, yout (oont miul('rstmncl.'' said Maggie, good naturre<ily seating he:- : f on the bed near me. ''It 1is like tl'i:: 1Ahi s. (layton has ha l tl-ro hushui:lis, y.,Itig at+ she iul:s. 1ier lir:'t hlisbandl's i::: we liarrcit. I don't think ho was vi''v rich;; I never hearl thnt he was; lie (lied when t h . twiins were smni!l. T1'ht'n his widow mi u"'i-,I Mr. ('ald(d+n, vh.1) was the rirhet. nian iii uil the country round ; ie was a widlowt'r, ant nearly uan'iii' dt r act eci, t imy said, becausu hed lo:;t his only eitihl, ia lovy i lit le daug:. tr'; lie d::in't live long, ttoughi tort o' iilourni('d ltiiitaeit' to (Ilath, tiy said; u il /2 ' I ,-\ uNO, NO, Mi.s, Tot' i os'T CND:TANi." when lie died he left all his property to his wife and her twin boy and girl. The Cale dons are one of the richest. and oldest farni lies in the State, and th(+y set great storo hv their manor ; theiy hated it. that this prop>erty should go out of the family, but they could not help it, seeing Mr. Coledon left nlO heirs. IIis widowv then married Mr. Clay ton, and the lit,t.le followv you see r4'%nd is their son. lie ia the cutest, little fellow ;hi pa just woruhuips huiun, hunt ?Ars. Claytot don't~ seern to aet no greait store oni himi; it her twins she dotes on, although twc ('rosser, ineaniuor young eas never'i l ived.'' "Whly,,"' I said, shockhed at her wanit of resp>ect for her uiiess' childrieni thu' laughed e.arele'ssly. "It/s 50, anyi. hroe.-; but1 1 heire's t het bell; good-niight, iss a," rind die ho>unded out of thio roorn in an in strnt I suat long, thant night., enjo.ving the soft breath of the flowers tInut eaine in througl, the open window, and pouzzi'ling moy brain over the ut range (vt.S thait loot trats lireti in the hast. t wo dlayis. lIut I wasO (1uite n miuchi in the dairk nau ever asu to the reasonl of iy li'inig instauul,ld at C'aledon iileight s. as then plae was enled; andl 1 'ept toi hod at Iast feeling wvoefully niserable and homec. The Liove andl Resplect of' Chuildreni. If mothers could onl y realize what a critical period their chi jldren are piassinat through froni the third to thle si xtii year, they wvoubd exercise mocre than ordinary cire during tha:t time. Not only physically but mientally anid muor ally are they undergoing a chiange; a change for better or worse, according to the care and attention they receive from their mlothiers and( fathers. A father is no more exemipt from certain dutties towards hiis off'spring thani thd mother. I Io should al ways bear in miind that hiis assistance in the control of the children is of moure value to his tired wife thuan the p)resentation to her of ai costly gift. It is at this tim t101hat chilidren begin to notice papa's and muammina's bearing towards one another; let this always 1)e one of perfect court esy and respect. Nothmng so quickly destroys respect for parents as constant lekerinig in the presence of their clili drein. 'The first t hing a child 'lhould be taughit is respect for his parenita and elders; affection comes nlatually wvith most children and Is the muost valuable aid in galiing control of their actions; next to that is respct', without it v'ery littlo cani be accomp)lishied for the child's welfare. Parents should bear tinis in muind that children lose respect very soon iuoin hearing them d isagree; usinmg bitter, cuLt mng words to each other. Thi is is inflicting the first actual panin these baby hearts have been called upon to bear. In the presence of thiis the chiild experiences conflicting emotions, wvhich ends in pity for one parent and( comn tenmpt for thle otheir. 0 paront, pauseM, consider before you lose this hiold on the little being who has heretofore con sidered you perfect. Let there be unanimiity of puritpose in act, word und deed before these little creatures, who mre so susceptible to every new imupres sionl, if you would preserve their love and( respect. -Ars. Ellis L. AIummna, in (Jood llousekeeping. henumind an apology," angrily saidon >olitieimn to another. "'Ilow?"' imljuiredl lie ofther'. "'You said I was a liar, sir.'" '0, (lid I P" "Yes, sir, you did, anud I vant ana a~ology." "'tVoll, v'ou can invo it. Ill take it back. I don't :now whether you are a lhar or not." ' 'hanks. Come, biare somthing." Wvasiington CJritic. While a man was gjoing' to bed in St. ,ouis lately, a small hanil, wearing on noe finger a ring. suddenOIily appe:iredl, mised the chimney from the lighted imp to a height of six inches or more, moved it toward the astonished observer short dist.ance andl then dropped it to te Dloor. TIhe man has the broken uimnecy in proof of the t.ruth of the 'TH1E HOARID OF AOItICUIILTIR. Altotrney (:enrral Iearle's Opinion on lhe Organ. izntion t'nder lth! Ilcernut Act or uhe l"gtille ture. LXKcc'T'ivE Cili1Knu, Jan. 30th, '81. ion. Jop. If. Karle, Att'rney (lenerat: Sit: Grave douts being entertained by somue of the )epartnents of the State Gov ernment as to the legality of the election of the new Biard of Agriculture at the recent s(SSiOn of the (ieecral Assembly, 1 beg lettve to submit for your consideration the fol!owing (iluestion: I )o the persons who have been elected by th:e G(eeral Assembly under and by virtue fIt an Act entitled ''An Act to create a De p:ta me: l of Agriculture,'' etc., a)provel I)-cemnher 22, 181, now constitute the Ikard of Agriculture? Very respectfully, J. P. RLt(itAltUSUN, Governor. 'TIt: AlToIlNi-:Y-(IENIIAL's tI-tLY. ('ot.t'M ilA, S. C'., ,Jantuary 10, 1889. Ilion. J0hni I'eter lechardson, (,orcrnor, CMoernmbia, S. ('. 1) Si a: I have the honor to ack now ClIge the receipt (f your coulnletion of this dlate. Y'ou submtit for my Con Sider.'tion :itl oitin ion the following (luestioi: 'I )o the peisoas Who have been elected by the Gen cral Assenibly under and by virtuc of 'An A lt to amutl an Act entitl(d an Act to 'reate a I)epal'tment of A griculture' l'., 1P) ovei 22nd 1)eeembr, 1t8 ', now c ti ,ittate the a1111 of Agricul(utie?'' In re i ly, I ltive to say, that o;t the samte day thait said Act waS patsscd, the General As sihll ly cle(tc(1 ten mletbers of sail I (.tard as lh ected by :;l Act. 'T'he persons so eklu('icil c nst titte the Ilard of Agriculture, unrtle; it shoul(1 alatri that at the time of the ch ctittn the G(enend Assem ly" was n,t ah uth-:'.'d to )hi the saie. 'Ih only (tubt ai so tothe validity tf the elUction that c 'il-l be u5ggecste(I is, tlint n) dlay is ss ecially inaimd in the Ib dy of tle Act as thie dlay upon wh ich it slhall take cllket, artil 1111(e, ii it be tiub jcct to the 1pr)visions lif the Act of 187t (General htatute's, SeC(:tion a i, its opera:tionl wouldh be sutsp)rnddt utntil thie; eNpiration of tweity d:ivs after its pae s:ige. In rcilly t l such sug;ges!itin, I wouli h l tlli the ttllo win g pr't ti>o silioiis, viz: 1 LUndelr the C'unstitution of this 'State, every Act of the Geneial Assemiby takes el lle i ii i a(lt'e!y up11on1 its psassagc. \2. No lgish.iturc is aluitlorl'/.t( r ("nm i)twten'dtto ptrtovitde itny rutle or rcgul:ltion tar the li1uime (Ir govelInunen!t of sltse. I n tt (1.: refet (ncc only to the ('onsti Ilt ion , tbenl ihe Alt in ies'titin toOk ('il'eta' t1n tl 22D1 1)c(cnll;er. i88i, the date of its appr)val by the GovcIor. If it did nt th("n ti;ke < Iltct, it n ust hec in c onlsctliunce of the reguttltion presc'ribed( by the A1et of itV). l,ut ii one legi>latture hu 7to 1tower tt) ;i50m any re:.trictionS upOn1 anty ('the,r I, islat trc, then the A(t of I)cccnler ' 22, 188, wouit in LO way be naffected, in refer t"n11' t-> tie t.irne w hen it shall Itae (il l' ", by tel: rvistiLimis of th;; Act of 1871, un lecsit h e p)resUlme,i I tht the formecr bodly iitended to conftrm to the rule or rcgula tiun itrescribecd b',' the lattecr. This i e nii)tit)n (o1111 only ar isc fromt the frat thut the Act of 1:;! wa s up)on the statutte thoks, andt if .ub e(1rpnt L'ishitores dil nttt inbtt(d to) be hr,tnr.l thereby' it wouhntl havec beeni It'Ptaled. - It, ttn the other h ltti, it. is alt-.o to be )resutmel hil thec I,t"gi -litutre inten 1 t11 h A et to tke trcet Itlndatg tU the vi'isions of the Conusti tutit o, utls th 1e Ac ontai nswordsshow ilg at contlrary intention. Tis hit le' plt sutnlion, it st cma to me", iSstroluger thau the Iortce'. 1ow'ever, if it he otherwise, still an ' p1re"sumuition Itt the I,(gislatture p1r)it'il nis tof tli Alt ,Jr I.11, or that the days afrter its' palssage, is4 rebuitted by3 the ract that 071 till verIy day of Its patssaige, to wil , 1)n D)eceinber' 22, I1887, thle Getner'al Assetnly held1( 111 election as1 prlescribed by) Ilhe Act inl(75 quet'll, and elected the mem717 hers1 If tiell' ard1( as ther-ein prov'idedl thereby3 clear11ly ill'lien7t ing that1, 7as to t his of 1879. its approll byCI th' le Governorl'il), and11 that the' per('71s eleUted lby the Genera1l1 Assembly13 asiut aforesaid 'onistitte th litIan711 of Agri lIisia It fully submlitted., Attorney General:1 S. C. (ollowinig para7graphd 11n 'Satutt171hilat: "G.(A Cha" 177on ( ii . 11.,0 that ,til' bIl'llnswort 111 ,tt~ Icity,iwh wtsht 1st idit llench .Iarrelome prItinr brotl7L. 1111befort him, 11as i 'll ant1' i lived th fist.'h gunron was in til 7stSot when theI bonibrdent117 nI'l toolI the111 (l1tat. Ahe first111 >t w's alin (1 a.1( lit descib 7ltuintiI to beingl hn A er plilturIe IiItine spcmno h (tI1log 1' t l 1t11i, andlI saylIs tat i hiza :ItheliIll Confedt rate0caus thll Ix Governor 111 711771beitd he prt ivile1geo 1"''7iin th sho:liti aillotiit ol 7heri i iho rkthat ;C~ waear krun lie ,htu1l117. Theitoy tint Ir 1:17r. 7( linyswoth .tedybe 1.nted. AsOsi:ded itOwas hI 'fI when'13 it was atenil ig to1 reaIch 1(''ort Sitr111 3. The wosnde ~such pers' 111) rEx Ivenr lhlln cry ('15 th ('almim:.1 )'hit gelooda. a'h'ie tso was ,(Jial7e11{ui. Aoin,l f Virginay who1 hearn toinristn t 111het hy 1umo' t7f Ia and 17110isted aif a r Ary oi Illortlurkingeni .teSStl1 Atempt toveswim'cro l47dthllud'on but d io ue the nameili of Chatlrls 'heei,m; INKHAL 1USW$ NOTIEt. Iteis of Enterest Gathered from Various Quarter,. Late developments bring an early settle ment of the Reading Railroad difficulties entirely within the range of probability. At Cork, Ireland, yesterday, Dr. Philip Cross, formerly surgeon in the 53d regi ment, was hanged for the murder of his wife by poisoning. "I've lost my grip," sadly sighed( a pen niless commercial traveller when the hotel proprietor seized his- valise for non p y meat of board. The convention for securing cheap rail road excursion rates to the South for per sons Iospcecting with a view to settle is in session in Chattanooga. The New York jury, in the case of Miss Campbell against Coffee Merchant Ar buckle, for breaeh of promise of marriage, returned a verdict for plaintiff in the stun of $45,000. A Shanghai dispatch says that a fanati cal outbreak has occur red in the province of Ttkit u. Twenty Christian (hu rehes have been burned and the converts massa crcd. Eiglit armed mcn stopped the Mexican Centrnl imetiger ttain on Tuesday even ing. 00 titiles souti of El Paso, Texas, and rolb>'d the express car. Nobody was hurt. An low:a prize-tighter had a rib hiroen ii a bIut recently, and finuted. Adam lost a rib, and we are not told that he fainted. Perhaps he did't know what trouble the 1o:14 porten !ed. Sickel, Iiellen & Co. of Balt!more, no tious and white go'ds, live made an as signment for the the benelit of ttheirt cred ittors to William .1. 1)ixon. The bond of the trustees is $200,000. At Chattanooga yestednay, titing a iturrel betweenI Lew Owens ani J. I). Iiartes, the formier was siot three tieICs by ilnrnes, wIto was cut by Owens. The wounids of Owens are mortal. A local passengcr train on tie Northern 'ucitie I tilroal was derailed by stow drilIs near ( rey Clilf, Motttana, on 'I'Tcs day eveni lug. The engincer andu Iirentn were killed; to oit' else was injured. An epi:cmtiic of trysipelas hats bnoke ouit :umong; the Indli:mns ait P'pl:'Hir VIver, 'iitana. Alot twtnty have died. Tht Pause is close cottinee:nt and bad venti tiilt. A dispatch from (iinesvilie, Ga , sw that a soiliti vein of hl aek letal orr, mo re thai 20t feet. wide, has beei disicovt t d nttar tier,, and that it is the largest de. posit foud id east of the Io(ky Moiti tains. An e.xpress train ranning from l,)ston for Porth and was ' reked on the Ilaver till bridge. over the \ierrimac River, yes terdtly afte'rnonn. S.'-etvn petson,s werc killed and lift y-two wotunded-foucteen of thetm very :crioutly. One of the li:cling strikcrs, at Norris tu.v, on Mondtay tiglt, attat ketl an en ;itee'r up:n his l'attmotive and knocked himt down witha a coupling pin, andl it took tit ree icn to drive the riiter fron iL- en gine anl atrest hit. I Ic is now locked up awaiting trial. Governor l,"ttarraee of Ohio, in his b,ien ita:l m tss:age to tlie Lt-gislature, says ihat the enfoircement of the prtohibitory law has bteen so cllicient in reducintig crime that he rec~titiunntls the (otisolidaltin of judi cial distridts sot as to reduce the titnlh'er of .Judgets from forty-four to fortv. Sentnitr Ildnt(tuds, from tile Judicitva ('ti tinitittee, has tade an :alv er.e retor t ti the notmination of L. Q - C. L:uat to bte Assointe Justice of the Sitprettte ('Court, and Senator Pugh, on behialf of the mh ir ity oif thle samte totnnit tee, submnittetd a fa1 viotale reptort. IThe reports were plaWedI on thle alttndar. A dispatch froms San Fratncisco says thats an accident occiurred onl the Sthtlern Pat ethle I tail rtoadt, nlear Sttmn ier, it Kern coiin sultetd in thle hmrin g of several paiSetieter attd ser-iousl ijury othlerwi-e to imiy others. A rear ear ftull ttf sleeping emti gratsi brotkt lttse and Ia diol wn~~t a sIteep gradte, antd tver- ani eighty fottt t-mhlank inienit, ail il ta tieli t w as a Uiss (If Ilaines. t ate- ti ranige .3eeling. ,he annutal metn f the State Girainge will bte btekti in this (ity' otn Wetdniesday, i"ebr-trny 1st, at II ot:ltotk A. M. Secre tary it 'illowaty hass issuied Sit addrless to thle plattonis inl which lie says: -It is ttt he hi(ptnl that thle mieet ig will be largely attenided 1bv inembllersotf Ithe O rdetrii trought Ottt thle St ate, aIs ipotanitt 1busiiness will bl tblefoire t he G range ftor carnest work. ilhe electt in t'f ai Wtorthy Master to fill the un texpired t-irm oft 1brot her .Jamesi N. Lips comb i, resignted , prov-isin made ftor the~ rev-iva'l tf tile Ortder t hroutghoutt thle State,c anid the alttentionl of P'atrons is telqired in t fut ihenmatee of thle imis atnd t obleets (If the Inter-State Grainge .Eiincpmcit to b'e bel in te city of Spar tanbutrg thle first "Thie Enzoamtipmntt last Augu st was5 a tdt eitded success, bringing together- tIle tilleris of Ithe soil, ttnd artisans as wveil, at a Season of the year whlen the crops tare laid by, liSttuin (of stubjects tf vital importantce iloI te fairminog atnd kitndtred interests of tIle SttIe. We thler-efote, earniesttly hteg Sithateh (I range in the St at e, not ablstoltleiy leadl, .see thai aL represenutativye is sent to the meet in o)~tf tIhe Slate C ranige pirepared its 1)1ndjuttors ini Ithe prtogrecssion of what ourt St ate needls aind re,itires of ever-y sn1 (of hier soil." Feoderat Ait t) t'Xluennonttl. Mri i. I 'hliatn, of T1enn lessee, has iniIiitrodcti in the I Ititse a jo)int resttltiont proposing lie fldlow ing ametndmenit to thle Contst itu - lion, tmonfelv: Atrticle XiVI, Ste'to 1.I Congress slitli have po~wer to gratnt taid tt the plic t schlt1 )Stemt s of Ite several S-taites of thle Un Ilin. ~eerd $10t,00t0,00l0 ani ittly, t I bIe ditr iutled pro Irats amonlltg thle Shtts oni the basis otf illiteracy. -ett 'in 3. A pplroiprialtion 1)5so matde shall nt Act tof the I,egislalture (of tath State wi bl shallI spiecify I tatIl i) te(ctete hall ie expended(i fotr pubilic putrpolses at SeIt itn -t. ( 'lilgress5 shalt Inott suji t'nise lie (xpleniitture (If lt appropiationis htere lie samtle, andl it it shall alliear front sil elot thaot the aitd so :'tanitedl, oIr any pa ri tf it, has not bleen expetr.<ht d foir pubilit -------~-ma - A bill huis btttn introdutCItd int t irLginia Ille raLilroadt (-omnpatny friom estalishiing its tilin (llie-s in WashintonIi. 'lThe hill'pro (ered bty 1t- Statit- otf Virginia1:, aintd I~ dig s(-p at sOtie ptoinit wilthin the~ Shalt-. its irint-l 111lle, totl th le tllitesi of its tretts r-er, audtlitortt, ge-neral supeiarhintnen, gen -rtal freigh t atgent otr freight niauiget-, gen tral palssentger angenit andi o f stuch oIlier ~enieral I illtIs or aigents as stuchi ctomlpanty hall hatve ort emploity ini carrying ont its mtsiiness. ''Thit is noItldesignedt to prevet itt-l a comtipany from chainginig the ItoIta 1(on oIf its ollives fromi ldme to timoe t, som titblihmg brtant-h (ilies in tany dtepartmt t2 *f its Iutitlness OtIsitde of t he Stale andit lip. olintinrg ;ubil-gent s. Anty comp ~any failing r>tntply wit.h the retgutirettenits of thle Att hall b e hiale tI a lin- of nolt less thtan 3,00t) ntr not t o exve-1ed *o000 5't. Although he Covets it from btrth, And covets it through life's brief spau, Man never, never gets the earth, It is the earth that gets the tina. Lit Out-A runaway matc4. A winter resort-The open fireplace. A Yard Stick-One of your clothes poks. Tho oyster-opener's duty is on the raw material. A Chicago editor discourteously refers to a woian ats 'ugly enough to stop a clck.'' New Year's Note--Patent leather puunps are appropriate presents for milkmen. Mildi, soothing, and healing is I)r. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy. Th'li vinegar trust is the tc_t. It is .-ah to be a very sweet thing for those n ho are on the inside. 'There is no beautifier of cIon lexion or form of bhivior like the wit to stcattcr joy and not pain aroult us. "Iictures(ie" is a gicat "soety" w1rl Sthing except gr idle iues. The(lisgusted (icrunl was nt11t far wI m when lie said, apro >s of I Ii' teiciltomi, ''ou begins mit hello, tntd en<ls mit oelll " TIhe peuple ini thie aUIdlI1n(e Who talk een tiniuilly durini t Ilie pro ;ess et at p}laY should learn the deal' aid dlumbl alpiu!the It is to giet credit for the wormu t' turn when stcpped ipon. A harrcl ho'p will do the same thi}n'. Shec-lanu' (Ib iii lihen, Purmi! r Il:ti! i)id you coine on de kyats, or by priv:at e>)nwO'yan(erY lie --- I>rivate e.mweyancet't, chile--i Walkei. In rotUd niiblhr, it takes i billion i dl lars in mloncy, coini an<d p;ter,l t) m:ii t he' anormal, every. day c'urren(y diemn ad f: the Amnerican ilcople. ltnslkin sa ys, "la:m shOuhLi 1i.mlal a r'iverl." SOmt mi enI du in t"l: t.,1)t . ii least. 'T'ie ligcge'st ]'nrt of th m : tlllit ''I's, indeed,' stil .i'. ltt'v1'Inu: ''he twc'n weiig,s :nl f: luncrails :tndl irc rlakinig we are all kept on a pcrfc-t (ilc:' in soiet V.'' I)ar is two kinds o' mna wiat ti-s . tia. O)Ie t+dkl" ter' 'muz.t1 \'Ou, 1 ld 'l d, l ' e ltalks to 'mtuze hissc'f. It woint 'he li-i id Iu r \ ,.u ter 'tide whiich ione iloes the iis' taLinil. Went an' i n al ri Isonsibl yliit it makes toi) imu(th Low ci I itt-; ph-ly :ml says. '"I :n ho ifli' lhan tiuon,' it is time- lt examlt'ine hi ioiks amd itntit hiiii l t-i ash b'or he kipa. "'eow ihi ar; vi. -lari?" --I Mrs. hmlnk of her hIti mnnid. '\i I i , ineu 1'm1 just '2t. bit whent 1 it mu utincy in the batik I Ii ii the in I \\a: a a -ot (a older, s;,'s I'd get mlort' interes! ouWhn icei hc :m o )sIi n 'v When ice is thick :tn<l det p's the' cn-. A.iml w inter duiys arc drtea <' Man \vits but litt lhe lcl v Zerci. '1'he htl)ntiitit paplla of a aewl bi,irn NO. 5 ;ir 'v:as ask(l Ie ot hetr lay whmi te hail c:il1P-.i the thibl. ''(fht-tn w s the grimll: reply1';:tand "l-mgrat(nat:o wl e reser vil. ''he tCn -p)hy lsci;ili., iit-nti-s, ail otli -who 1,)t 1hlei liv(s whihc 'ansenditi - lihi a u'init tin in 1 reign I:md'. irt pimh,bly amnil wii vhin li i i t i lh: inla!! htty who enit"hs a dyrlr:lnte (;:I.+ hirst-c-is I in!. A1t a hrist(i l U i t e mini er , aiving a ('er'tili(:tte, he ha;i)1t: tt l} ti <Lt 1W F ' 11t ' .1 i '' i". ilirtith' ' e hi dt t hl i i na i nt nim : t "itiuie , it I. the (lev t ih." vifle, id. t,\\ eetly iMal ai u i. t t w iii the wn!I-, ''It (;o' We Trui ' wiiw if th hi ijii h:cil hetn ani eagtle, tit tsi .mi rathe' had form in ai hec. Thel phmii of living n ithin one' orin :tnti stemilily laying aisiide' mme'ting,- hi t' ever' little, for a raiiny day, look to bie very-) stitnple and eniey, hut ini fact it is fte h:ml. I thmiig thact flh' average c-itizenu hts filer in lii- (lthut' topc eti; ah.l ini ft- woirbl. for' a tri Im, or ai nai n, bi! Iut for' all 'the woit.I t Whit simpont1t r: t ::n ii wn.i lie thain That bietwieten llamer sinin c fi hlotetr tio a villaei u' ~cdintcu cT l 1V :ti l'lhe<l ini hciinrigugec i:oikeni by'-iilti .1 10,1 h of p>eople. tng omlie oi fthie s'iiht of ii-r tip1i > h< f rt fiends.f' "Bit whit pleactsi<t tie iinet of antythting," '-le cionttnuedii, ''was thei Stin interestedif ni siuch forei-n :,i'ghts. A n' i<lidl yout sc' thei Watch oin the lihtinie, tofii ITie Asemly now in Sioniii at Ai ii, is til interestig hi'ly. It his bit'h \\'.li It hols the I'ort wilte oiii it its,--i man 'i' go''ting ef it s e mn Ii t i 'ul -o il Grtein In<iil \\'it gi v or 0 . One meibera \is('lc-odyI> I w :.iiher -o .ikai. f iu. Gialgti r is in hs -l. ct -i eri gotiiu'ei it utti. ime ,ity-ii- f li . -h a i shouhl 1 ar ii .J th i 3.r iU isss-tntofl' Areb tc 1I j.ti i. fk-ilv e 'fi ye tena al' Nlicr-iri ii I iit- .t 1 iiit,is Com !.ihin f niter to hit t aki'gi11 any rIst tionfic ficti fd 'cha irL oI t co.mpe ii t i t was-i imi si oufl in iii Tia rieplyi i, ast hitli s I ts lf, ttui liwitukt t theplnionsii fy hu1 ilctk t t'heto I ih sen otht itty- dii taotftIs ct-it l it i t( tha cu tf o i. It ('of Iiiis til o iti : I' tit m stn ieitd cli' i viaus11ner o f t he lui-if -e iinr-j ' u stiit ply( i irhe,ajcuflo t have t-ti to . i i'm i- iah.r Ho- lRi'S(m i Acesitiiif the (heckrao AClinbly the duiQty w: Jutlring firom observation u l)ressed opinions of the lending men of the South, we think it perf safe to preiict a greater activity in get - husiness for the coming year than we i had for the yea that is just closed. Tho' is not. a single enterprise that has been in augurated (tring the present year that Is showing any signs of weakening; on the ermintiry, they are giving signs of still greater ffo)rts on the part of owners to iusll them to (alrly completion and get remdy for active busineMNs. The tightness I ofi the unoney market thant has plrevailed1 IItough hle li )ith for the tst few mont Its hui had the eicit t f causiug many to look I forwatrd to the futurre and to be more gutrtdet in their Ii..ancial o)erations. It is a fact that many large ntanufacturing con rct's have foundl it difiicult to call a halt at I ii ch osing of tlie year sufllcient to get. their Ibo)oks andl sotks iii shape to see how things sttand in Corse<lleltce ot such large volumes of onlers tha It iavc Ieen toming in, thus IS it. 'ere rutnnin :l ttile ''aL Into the other. 1i iii Ilds of half tiiaisled jb)1s and the I:tiig of t''.'v cantits are not very con Iin il t it i ftr "I ie b ,tkecp r'i to uiindl . 'I irt' is oit" l a i '.ucih gir'cate' ain ulnt 0f Iuiliin' dotne' tilt y(:.r than in the pi ast. I)\vetling hotuse; in particular wi'll forntia \ t ry largec itcnm, wvarehttttrs:nti stores wiill a lsuit uilt in gI Iti'u rs to say noth I t t e 'lie l' i (sin for the mnnunfacturing plins t!I:t v, ii! ha' (i ('t l. Anouti r item i,t)nlu i\ ii ' .hite. activity will hie the C.nrtruc1tii ;l a :1 inn e Ui f na ewI i\ lint s of r.t:l't)nl, \\ hilt; it 1:. (riue that ant almuost unliinit.:d uathtt:r f raiiroad chartera have l, n . it d. it(1 i! i ' i a tl t te hat quite aI ltuti (th:'b ti I11! lwtI wil tsu wtile shar7lie u iring l;c t il' 3 -1 : tt hOe :ti c tmleted in the t"r '.- '. 1L. I. 't, ti' ChaltIu wnltpo . ja,in1 dti,l;;' 'laih y a Lothlario. E:xud It ilmut J. \uckey, of whom tth CIl(rolil:i:tl:s havc vecry lively recol ih tittt . I: n ut i ' in atnew rale. it{ \'.(; i",-.a : :t la w\ t t o in smNi( re't., I )a k i ii t tn' witit lui somte \tttn J 'iieLl I i ti i t. \' 0 ll'iili te,' :11d p(1 -u tl> : tlt b"i 'aat h' I1 ini the city'. T'he I a a n.i a lhir ii a flin hous', andi sttl I t i i : 1 t ";;uns" of the feie . Th.t gtr 01s Ontert:aindets. tutu \ t tI s(ti:;htt , et d in l (il ';i t i iiti lirrt-t ia w a at it lw h:'l . thr lenly I lt ert i.dn i i f : I'allJ. A wrv:.nll !irl, who tluit bte (:i'' it lih lh I i,It. 'tit \V: and w i t) h> td ti by'- i i :! ain t h t'titl a' i were It I at i t :ui: 'ih-. i l iit-Itr t oeud ht Leli. ve dIa ,-r wh.t11ithhleh l hirs nten. ii,i' I "t t t: ' i p t th' ' l n htlive v ll lhe to;.ry. atlu d . :led a tily n t tiieged n's , ic t t t'li.t tt a stutole her' br o en i to . seon ft'l Hit thsi:ici'. 'f l(' Ih , s11 ii. 'ii up, 5 (s.t1 be r l ;t'f \'iaw , Y . how\. 1 iani"' vo ('. tave a -lt I w Is \'t ' i ted in m ol, naill tt 1 .1it 1 ~~ni It'its hi tti1ltti iltaln(' ':. ll (': t; ii' t i :!1 a. set!ti !'t,oit ls \\t t \ ith 1 It1 i t.. a a:r!gt n iOilI li ;iii !t 'i t .lt :ti :I' ttti it r: b i' e r I n I ' . l i t i .':t , i i iM :ie, itt ; . l t t!'. ti t t \ imi ttab"'s ', ith ie wohlitn ot' tht: a t i lit ilt t. ::'.it ' the' \t t lis~ ita fiitI ' i h t'n l ,n (1t:r tN s. Thitwo ; nt ini'h ftor" nintt' ih , biult snd 1i itto wit t \ t . - i ts ii;li 's tan t l -tit,t , i t he 11dt tini n ii t tl . th' uit f oriivfort", v hi \\ i! w!i i ! th s t h t.i' li t tcnefet d t. lt!a. I twk\y e ahnS to ha\e hs present r 'I slin e in t') l iit. A TONGUE IN KNOTS. 1 cnratdm it ti the tIle sas..-, of ondic'i'lns 'o- h'ar its wt' ithout ('sn reilief. but, t cos me oer 810.00 and te m . sstm iwas prtradfandt- atura (fhiftdit Cualarial pis's adIben ams heMittess.t ii finlly came here, myli mouslith isi filleds' ith sories Iithait coul~l 'saly if Jrt iligt atout eas. Isasf h ltw ltrenghalet mttie. A tiehyll rtstf m motthlfn are hett led ad iny IJongue~0 eir Jacson, A.lTenni, Aprli2, isa DESKS, O .FIC FRNIURE Nt ITUES an he ha the i h inss ths''mondit.ihe rom a e ton Dl o) tho wo crofula. ' Fever ,o Scaly +kin, in short, 11i. diseasee ctu y ,lood aro conciuore(1d by tiis power .l pur.. 'v'ng, and invigorating tueicint. Zireat Iatlng Ulcors rapl(11yy heal under its be.. lign inluenco. E.ylooitily has it iuanifestoe is poteney in curing Tot er, iose Rash, lfoils, ?arbunclio, Sore Eyes, Scrof. .lous Sores and Swelling H lp olnt I)Iseuse, whlito Swellings 'oltro, or Thick Neck, and Enlarget .lands. Send ten cents in stanps for tt argo treatise with colored plates, on Skin Jls(ases, or th) 5a1110 amtou.,. for a trcatit3o n SerotilouM Affoctions. "'T'HE IILOOD IS TII1 LIFE.) L'horongb1 ' eeatUso it by using Dr. Pierc&n 01(1011 M dical Discovory, .zd goodg ligostion, a fair skin, buoyant spir. lts, and1 vital strength, will bees,abli5het4. CONSUMPTION, vhieh is Scrofula of the Luiga, is ar *4steil attul enrd2 t h'i1('Iis reIlnedy, if takeni hi-. tIll1ore tih' st stiuges of the disease are re"atll'li. I ruin its marveylois power over Ihis t("rribly :4I8l (l 'ise5, IVlen 1St ofirfring this nolw <."lcbn(t(d ren1tn4dy to the 1tibli Ic, Ir1 . llt :; lu:cht l-io'( iiy of lling it illsi , 4tt p1 ti' C1re,' but nilunoned tha[. on:tnu a3 too lhmitoi for a hiltt iCine wlih, froti ts W nult1("l'll (otllin lti un of Ionie, or rnatheninag, attn:tivie, tr IloI1-evl ttsiill, !mnt1 81i 1i11 , 11,:e 1tin:, i<111 u tri1v( propl -e tiC., is tL( ( :altgl, n1111 ly a ,',14rin dv fo l CnlsUmt )io:1, l t for aI(f i1o221 1rO l i Cases of the' Livcr, B! od, and Lungs. If yOut feel dnl, (1-o v53, <1 ( ililita1t(ll, lat sallowy ('((O of till, or' y(i loinil botWn spt ( on face or b(ily, frt(Il:1 Ihidah( or (li... ;et.5:, a 14:1 :t1'" itn 1tuo t1Ih, inter n(11 hueit or" c iih, alteruat it n wil h 111 t lushes, low pIirit:) 1a11( glo>niy f((;"bohnlings, irr"egUlatr 1appe("tie, an'4 11r(tt(n (1 in1:}tl(, yuUa ar" R1ull'("rin(. fronl I.,digcstlo a, t?rspelasin, and1( 'Torpid 1, 1 l , or "' ill lol net.1 1 :1tny Cases 01:1y part lof thest' Fylni>(t i (re expll.. ri' l'e 1. AIs a. ' tln ,l.v 1 1)1 f ai r 4( 11 (.1 5,i Drt. Pe'tre% (:olden Mledical mIs. Cu'oler ili nUt)ira l . IA F'or WYe:ll, 1.1'1lgW, Spittlntl of Jid, hoilnCSo of iftetllA, lf.ont chit i:, A%lIttna, S(evere ('OilaS, anlt1 k(in<+t(d( alfetI.(Its, it. is 0;n ("ili(il'nt reint, l v I . ( !.(, 1y Inmrlu1:.? :iL $1.00, Or S&X E41W'" J.MS for $.011. (( o ( tn (ient"i in sF:a4lj' for 1h'. P'i(1rCe's ,Worlalr J'i,cle 1 1:"; [li<l ial ARR .. clatiotn, 1( Jalain N rc lt, 1l '.r.un, .'. 1'. $500 REWARD i' ' i l rd ly 111 p 'ro ri(etr -. (,f ilr ',I "'( a:t:l-rh Ih-ttu .1l ' ~ ~~ 1(r at (:n:( (I' C:((llrrh w,hi(eI I h(y c1Ull:n t ni'. II' y(i+ 1)'. i ' "' haVe" t l i>(hl u lli (18r1 t the nas, olt( nsive (or o(llit r iS(( , ;i rinl 15ss ' ?un"II, taSt(", or"h llr;nt; weak11 (y(er, <11111 i1in r pt"resu(n in h081,1 youhlve C:atrrll. TIhoit. 5:14441 < of (a:we3 t(ri t Iint corlucntion. 11r.:^:lg."'s;CAT'r.l(nni ll::M :my (1nes 14 he1 wo,rst ccse ofi C'a1:nr1"t,'"COld In the 3idead," and He adaLche. GU cent1$. PIlVAL BOARI)IN(. ON T'J11E FIiN't OF OC'OLEIl, tilo undersigned 0o1e a Fl'llST (LASS BOAIU)ING 11 OUSE in Charleston, for the accommnodatioi of both Transient anti I.'ernianent Lotrders. h11 Building, locited on the northeast orner of Wentwortii and liheo streets, 8 Convemenitly near the 1biusiness portion F King street, yet free from the noise 1 !:e thoroughfares. It is tithii easy re(acli from the AC:tdemy of us1i 111 fromn Churches of all the differeait do lominuatious. ' The1( housne has1 been thoroughly ro paired, and Iitted up in good stvle wvith iew furniture anti fixtulres. Teorms reasou0able. F"or fulrtheLr information addlrea . Mus. E2. iE. 1 AS.EULL, or Miss S. 8. ED)WAR D)S, if Chles'ton, H. C. GUIdr's Liver I ~L LS. T1he jus.'t ly~ (celeblrated SO U Tl I l' 11N mu :i~i~L'AUl 11 LL ha1ving been1 used LH 11 household remedy for th is u entury, in all tihe Southierni andi Westerni tLtesI, for the cure of D.yspepsia, Bit >usn:iess, Ma laria anld all diseases of thle 1iVElt, hlave, by their WONDERFUL CUTRES, ~aied thle sulpremacy over all other .i LLS on the market. After one trial oui will jo)in the cry for "(UIIILl'S 'ILLS"' with the tenl miillion petoplo of lhe Linited States who are now nsing If your merchatnt has not got them, end 25 cents in stamnps to G. B3ARRETT & CO., Thle curreniit sion5if V this Inlstitulto loses Janury 21Ist, .1888, when'I the0 prmlg Session begins, which ends Juno th, 1888. Tfho present session is one0 of the most rosporous in the history of tile 1iusti uite. Tihero is room for only a few mioro italrdling puiUljs. Th111 health of 1110 chool1, theC aconnotitons of its hoard ig depar'tmnit, 1and1 thle clicioncy of its orpsL of teachlers are untsurpassIUed any.. 'lhere m1 tile Southl. Thle first of *JanuarILy i a. very conlvenient tinme for entering. 'upi41l ro charged only from date of ntrance. -1Rev. WM. 1R. ATKINSON, Charlotte, N. C.1'rinicipal. IS A LINIMENT PERFECTLY IJARMLt S!.AHD SHIOULD E USED A FEAW N7ONTSBL"FORE CONFINUME N1 S3END,:FR nOor TO MOTHE RS tRIJIE ITE6iuL3TOR Co. E. LAT TA.G_A