The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, January 19, 1888, Image 4

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' , 1,~ ;,1 w. .- ea SOlive Thornley ln been quito 'sick for nevoral daye, Miss Naomi L. Clay'oi. who haz >een quite ill in reported better. Rev. H. R. Iiley nui his bride left Piokonn for Cokeebury 'aet tFriday. Mr. Charlos E. Hagood, of Greenville, wa.s in Pilcns laht Sabbath. rMr. G. W. Taylor, and wife, of Gfeeu vflle, vinitec1 in Pickens thi9 week. Mr. r;. P. Parrett, of Partanhurg vin ited Hon. W. T. Field last weok. Mr. nnl! Mr. Frank Jennin?a linve gone to Cbnrle.ton to flpond some tine. The iorelnnto e;n rell out tne renain der of tl'ir rltl'er gondt hia wenc. MnJ. P. ('4ee roveel fror' 'eiv hack tO bsi plat.;n nniar rnalev. 8l,erif' C;lrr'nt1, v-n :;n to."n Tr ,(n, v in clhni" or Mr. ,~n h of Cres'nville who cam to n1lv fo'" hiil. Mr. W. M. lTn.nori of F.i1v hnb 1"oe psi,l an rn'en! hu ef(t well <.'ren, cn'nlilon'n in heinr oe'ed a ,lirector of the People'a TTnk at (reonvi11o. Mrr. Cleveh',n( o flr(enovi11. ri t-c. 7ilie (11r'llnt of o'enr myg viite1 Mre. W'. M. TTnnonot lnat. venr. Mr. T. 1nek'1 FoLoe i's mne1h ;n' 'r inrr, an(d will roon hn nt. hw':negea nh TTia 'tnnntant nne lop s hwh-"en great ly n'U40d by hia nnny cultomro. M--"..,T. 1. UTnrnhlo' M;11 is in (ronn( fix. 1nn1 th,n /rnie mnripnidby Mr. N. C. RIetwr, a good and fnitlhf,tl miller. Me T7 ;io T1onlnv rotiur-iwu1 lnt ca1,t,..,V f-'n'w ' i"it 'n r"olt'fiV e(n 1 frier<U' i' A Si' n and Reneer. 1 ]1Mi n ('livo Thor1l0r, who brd hoer ensoAvilrY a r,l-1Innt viRit to r.L tivo" rnd friends, in Charlceton and Anderson returned to Piokeu asnt week. The road han(?M put t now ihg aeroi Woolf Creek naar .Tonh Mnldins hart week. The eonty furninled the lun. ber. 'w 1n"- ,o i.,md coninorerl teni'I;? a Rchll at Wolf C rook l'of Mfondaly. M11r9. (. T, TT% 1%sC.h-"..r,h nr,' l'' !1?nvht"r M1is:9 l, left. Pi':' M laltt Mo'' 'V. fo'- n t "in to Fl1ril. Thly wvill he u1"r''t 11,t,i Al orfby Q,,li(,t(S" ('r'r- ~ n n (.".,}ti,. . f ,r th"' .!ra't<l jil'' r the sl t t turl of t'me i4 he'ir-iie's a'fraid to5 ne''." 'd,The Shieriff row ha-14 i' y.h oft col'en: ri's of (1"envll 7tT1 U'1 r': yt, si t wre vi sit:i rl:ative: in Pi.-n:. of te lgace, ion& :..-i . .-,. i cari r tis ;<.nhi ow.1j hi tougheleny. e the Ii's .u si J'. n ed 1.sllts l n:.'ern.I, an.t tha11 h1 ' lC:fI I1i t es~ r5ny,u, -- UiSy amfI s 1. in charge < U the tonad wi ThL an : li5.iit l (re in;ll lh v, ..i cuig I-s ui tiii)id IVt an, Mu ~r. George E L~ ~'. I'rie ofi Aor on I t oe of h:t.C\hents in)1 the Unidted tr a* li.ffcath>Iu forW'i 10 yea s t .-ingl been .3nde thyetrea Mtof Lome ofte~ bes. physcis, wt((5]i ithou t 01 1 en:gtany rd t.islie ad fweiv lio cent,'~ bte fosur edl me.Sl N1i.C. Tlil. i sW:n N1 e .,~ 3411:i FaI t CStree1. lo l~timore,( Md.I N 5 oTho tirsti couny tsarti. themI~ out ii bad Ju~d;.y a:~l thrieg for)V Prf. '.~iI Post111)i Matoras es lssofr aV fI a favor~' on usr( aiIn sb.oibe i g t e d ee f alin-al to o fouvr -ard ts he ''E5 Nr: s of the place they~iii. i are dir7. 1 ih ,e u) Shsrif Pg . Di. G 'Xi-eth ofs IVnL en till ,'( (tluth, iihargedith th kiislling tif eis ,wasi accompnied byv hisv .1 ni''''rlFs Judg e,'). Rl ('ook. Th '1 as' e w'ss Th151 rrinoeI oisier i \1s-:s: "Ms. i uf 1te 9thli tnexat. in theigs 7th C'ear o i' ickon prssi District, (nd wais'irely1) emberi id with all'the womani:lyst'I virin s nd gra ee( e. l m uie 1(1)sli's al it hre was.1 preached hv H10I v s- . it -we --wtiu'iv NTsi no isayor V. lfsieii. '.I (liwe heour poratle (In I hii nextI me'sagt he fit 15 il many o ntra1Ii'e mo:s poin1 'ut (Siiz)u Oueditie to be kep.t, i overyik fon5'sly.( ina~~il', ~ Lu iii'. 1 Ifagoml of's. Ihrlst,n( e ed patent medicine function did on un laut week, but we could ,ako a trado with hii to publish elharaning rcadinf n)otico' for one year, loause he Itid but oie pricc-liv own, and that was about thirty three per cent below o;ir>:. There is no UllO of the pro : worLinrg for tliene men for le ;s than 'no do for other^. We oig' t to rnake them<:t.tnd up to what the work is re:.on il,o worth. Of course it is right for t1efl to get it :" cieap as they crin, but ules they come to our figures (tho ''ead or, ;ho S 'Y he r, will 11ve to tlo with out p )nt rCdiciie. Tm'ii SA.ur' MLI(1Ar. AsE.orIATfON: 'rho Falu(L ?11mic'lt, ntl Mutural Iin p1roemet. A .4o0iation, )ueets wvith P'c t".r t' ()hnreb, D)t,t:;ville' T)wnLShip, on t: r(ty oui Sunday, J:;n. 28th and 29th I' a' tt 11 A. M. No Progtmm villh 'e1) i for thi- meeting. If a ni1;hlt moetit.Ig is h';4: -lit. will h<urran;e'd for ou the grouml. (.. V. SINL ETON. ( hairia of E. ('o:i. [Faliley 1ltcngcr lie copy.[ Money to lend on real est)to securi ty. J.. ]L ou"sa. Window glass at Sloan Bros. Hforsos and Mulct for ftlo or Ex O l I . ( L C L .n C , (' 'ntral, G . C . 'aints and Oils at bttoin prices at Slon iiros. Striatly pure lead is capest. Sloan lros. Lees Nos. 90 and 91, in Easlov, olppo rite V. M. ITagood & Co., for tale'. J. E. BO(es. Furo Drugs at Slhan lm:o* -t f le is 9tf a 'P - 0 -- 1) U ISUANT to an or'ler of 1'he P rola)to ('Court dice,th8 o t IOt) cel1 th, is il t'r' .rty tf .'e late ,.. W . Ciny t" n, T .ill : 11 al, pul ;it Stint-c "(t" the late r (i(' e o faid1 ('lyt"nt, i' nr C: t, al, 0.1 thle 3d <hIty of F'cl,rin;iv, e( t, ti . folii!- i oriUed1 1-rlp,rty, to wit: 9ilienr1 l i .es nn'l ec>lts 1 yoke ;t'.'r-, 3 r ilcli cows, 4 heii ( r; lot lios; 1 atni (ng'ine, ani fi' Itirs, ("o)tton ,Yi'l, f edi afl(d con <1iis( r at!ijached. 'r'('! : :'i corn m)l. I lot ('otton) s;c" . Fanii' t. 01. 1)1:', k !'.n iFh t.)t*s. H1. us. hilhI an: iche Fritjurri. m .1e tn'ie r t i 1 51 t'" ; xi G -(1. . t e nh. F. V'. (':.1 _T'' , j "' 1 l it rj a 1 1 . i 1"it I tr w ao m.o iThe-..ti tto it. l:nes e ter,-e l boy i lit .-E I . itel,. i 1 I' ii x i 1 i t r.tti L' i PARTMEN I . l 'o muu. Iti . lI . i\:nw, I l 1 'it-i.t fli t :Il .)l it ii il: t's t xlii;:-;.] h ll1eifll -t I r p bIl < bi '-iinf Ir1 1i11 >f th C,il t l ' il -r tl .u :-> I :.,:I ,I i in Ise -i 'l E5t To a. : in 1 iut ii' i F/ \i .Tv. S Iat n i t o f'.-rs n i ti ()t Ille iti e < t i n i l ', tIll il:1, i i. not n (siti i-l GeIll As niy nil tha i 1 auhoty ofu te e:une That iii Ii tt! l e l eui Iprovid I li i i h:. noi t Ieen lupon ihe iaxit i11 Covember Iist, 18.), ami- whieb are i not Int. f>fiel ls.s ala R YA LV 1% .a .. I POWFDER Absolutely Pure. 'Ihis powder nevcr vArits. A marvel of puritv, strength and wvholes omenear( . Murt e001n1nn1ai tha:n the ordiinury kindls, atnd ('unnot he sultl int cupt titio(n wit h the ntultittue of low t:.t, short wihriht altin or phosphite 1ovderts. Sld ounly in cans, l;.t:ucN Pownrt:r. (' , 't1l W, tll sI(treet, N. YV. jan - - 1:i 21--7. I Notice of 'iaaL S t1eiuen State o1 South Caro!saa. County of Pi,ken. OTI''E . h(rtre1y :;ven tha-t I will A a l)yi to t. f. : ve, b:i , .iid: e of Pr.t.t: , for I i-1-k ns ('i t. v . C., ol he lt1 lay of Fhbhrtttrv 1''o, fI r le:ve t mn k; a tihml 't tl(mnOt of the rsttte of Mar; ret. lIolling-vor'th det a' t, an,d a;k to he dischuged as Adii i'.rat or. I). C. 'tOMPKINS, Admninistr,at,r. ian. 7 t8 I 8 ( t Of P'LUu TOISACCo, as4k votr dealer for -O ----- -e 0 1 Jegin t1 e New Year ari/h?, by ta:'n your U'J i 11 . JiT) - -o - (N) O l h~ol he Yax E~very manwo has I e Ar1~V li(h iT' 1'U1NI;il I :- A L12 .1 1K. 1O0008 & (1! RICITLy A 3USINESS NOTICE! (o) Po all eu)nt i inwty concern: W. D). Glenn takes this mnothod(<"f otify inu the tra<ding public of this ection of country that he haa en an,d no\w, 1111(1 is3 receiving, probably nle of t.he largef;st siockst of va:'rie d iereltanlise e'ver oler'e<l i1 this see ion, A Good Brogan sL:oe for 90 een s. A goot Womnltl 14hoe for 85 e''nts. 5 y1rd1s of go( ll Je'Ins for $1.0). Try 11ny Julit''r .lour, $ t.25 'cer hr. Try my ")aily 3rearl," $1.50. Try my "O>id )ast-," $5.5V. Theoe are all Sta1ndard Bnrunds. 'vr' sack gualranilt(ed to ;.'1ve satis action, or 1money'V refil((. Oth< r ocx l in-oxr tion ally low. I am inl the Cott,bnl Murket, Und rill give yO1 my best. pice, Ho bring ,lUIg yur11 cot to.i 111(1 s('l it i t) IR. d1(1 buy whtever oll nny wat frtni Iy s' tor'e. Iliit here I wat t) tav anh ur ent word to eV("(y boly who owes n a (10111r on aly :oc 11 ?mit WlI ev( r, nd thallt i, the tino 11:nw (or.1( )r you to pay l1), I a lioblig('d ,) co.l 'ct every cent iihlie mn' this fall. I utVe endulge<( mulny for years, niml LOwV from these es eciall y, t he 111011 nust com1e, adil if not pati,1 )rull)t y Of their o' necord. I will crrttl y hat Vilrte th 'r' is in th1e lat 1ts, heowover fearful I 11;1. ibe of ho 1aw. ]immH[ H .. W..D. Glenn, (lerk's Sales. (Conuv y of i'<'icco', til 1 'm'4 1 'N M - 4h4, ' ymn I w *:-!t 4 b >v 1:44 1 ofi ('Iu4.i 'i'e .4' 'e>.oo -4'4'1 n i I L' u ia oC I ' ' w 4* *o r l , h e '., ! '4f1. - - Iv e to4 I) *. E n :. by . I . ! 400. a 1i,v 'orw t '.me : A 1(. 11), :: that pili 4e, p I - or in-1 h)t 4 P M( )iI4t:1g 'V:l t adj '; 4 :d ,i'1 vti m . 1.,ar (" i \, 4''-. ' o: t J4niye to D'. . . Aor by 4h Eti' jan I ii,.I J.4 J. il . s cee " 44 4 4 'I ) 'a W o d' r ( l in ih' 4441 :i?r1 : ( , f 4 i . . . 4 r a 4 wa i 4r.- ja i - i ' r - 'V h4 4 4 .4 I* 'lt,:) ' wi l \ ' |* : ' 14 1 4 -4 i4 1. :t w'44<' I I i .' : st.nae, fr e 'apita otr r.i.So '4 ) th; Mr. (J.4I'. |m 4 . d.e E '17. f Dr. J. P. (AItLISLE, (reeiiville, - - - - S. C. Over VestoLoreland Bros. & 1)tk'ii Driug Mtor. july 11, '87, 1. W. M. NJRWOOI), DENT INT, (h'eCnvi1!e, - - S. C. j(luo 2, t 4f ('ltthe w->' l'I -lii r th! III' .it h1:t f re-'tItr"t I (:! i'ini""l the w wt i LI i i .n \t ive Illtt ( 111 1I' I,'r t. in. I IIe 'v I i t!1: : . Li tit!riiii tis mth. a .w; ei tifi work tIe h:S Len he in-fral :vinoe 'i Iltl I i' '. ihou t -p:. ,t ti i' th t' rl o rS i l r.t 11th i l ii " I: l I'l b rr ; i.i t, n In tIt iii' ,' tir : t 'i'- -'e ,y tintg r t itl; itl, Sp)t'tial tlbilil y r';qui; t.1. (':ipi' "1 n t tt-',1 ('d; youl :ir,- : Y t".i r,- (". (' t I.i' t lut ild rtuirni t.I U :'tl WIe t o i m"ei wit It ', Stil) i,iP i'l o.r. t a:ir. 1t:; k il: -r ta)U(e' to \'tu, thli wtill M.Irt ytou inll ar tit's, 1t hi itl itl bri I . Vali i 441're n1.m). ('y ttight i;tyt , til:n tht' thiini. r'I(' intin'h w"Uild. (;riw<tl t iit fr.'e. AdiIlrt.'s T :ie1 & ('t'., :au!,u :t, \Lain('. its curedl at hom,e w ith ouit pain. IItx)k of 'Ar ticuliare e'n t F l E)I-3. trwar .rr : II. M.WOOL L E.. MI.1). Atluanta, (la. omfco (l& Whtit-chaii St. ichiseIanYdr l+:lany me" 1 6 Columbia and Grecnvillo Divi$ion CONI )ENE1) sd nEI)ULE OckbeitX>r $13filS, 1'47. (Tr'Itins r'nn 4)11 i')(il .\I ri i; ti ini .) i t:tt( 1 Iiii;ti ................ I ;i 1 I n '' Pnrin-........ ....... ..... 7L pm " .,.ri ... . ... 7 -N in " ( Liib........I.I 2p '' N t .... ... .. ...... . .. 7 ".. mIll ., ~ ~ ~ \ ii'.I " 'a 1: t . . . . . 9 .3 I.m :il"l' ..3...... I . 5 I. ttiI'.n ...... I.l , i( :in Si \ .......1 E: Ui \ \i i-- . 3 t- . .\ri. .. .4.1................... ) l:nl tar I.. ... ...: in I. '; \'' . 1 ! "1I . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . I.! 1 u i \'I.i:) .- ....... pII ' 4 e 6 I : n .1 I iLti . .... II .. .:. ' i. 4 i - ') I Sii ii .4 1' 1 II i1L N tlt,\ I IIi t I,L i \i 4 , FRICES CURENT. TItESE IRIICI'S AltlE IOU WhIOLiEAI CoUIL:C?n a WEIxxKIY nIyI iI.:rU),N & (!l .,L In nakinlg Innrkt (1)tottti( :14 'wO rP only appltroxunintto values ManyI) rlhol got 0 ocurafter1 t.h(I quota;tiou14t'ir, h( Ottt., tntd WI) w cII only ho)('' t) give a go1 etal id1ea" of the valu(1 prevriling th dt the quotattin to ntdo. .u --('u t isI af ......... .... ... i shtr(l .. ........ . 1 t tier l u........ G:/I(I(ed(1........ (i v 'i, leil t(.....ttl '.. . ..( .la r: t 'ii . . a Iti. I I' ld e ti .C........ .... , (I w........ .... .... ...(t ()' ilI1:!t'1'I Nhi. I i c.. ;-' ir. .... . . lin ry . . . ....... . 1 4IA:U : iui(;Iht 11 , Si'ut' :oli t in , S . .... . I lib:i ini hhlis N w ii (" I I:rl s, Ptr i;I . N eI I t i :i sI . . . . . . . I)i n, ii ( hi ' . . i i .. . . . . . . . . . " 4 1 l(l (II I r . V '41 I l'( t . ic. . . .. :, li v:t'a . tI'a.. .. . 1 Li(( :Il: i . )t' .i,-r 1.. . ( Il r lo i i . 1:t' , ri . : i s 1 .. .... .. . . . . . KiW. T : lN . ( -t l ih i s . I IrA.1 r : 1 r ..trt. ttt,. . ii 1' l f l ); n .il)t ....... ; 1t i t l ( r i t ( t;r n, lat tl . V. . . l' x " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ( .il . il 'ihr t. ......... . OtCtitletarli a ti tp er . r. . u.. . \ n lt . :tl ....... . .. , S r - ire nod 1.1wNo ... ... . To Qn u ni: en1tirt th " . .. . . 1 r 211li':. K t y t ......... 1 ltth 14' N ' it' AN .tit~~. Itil l il ret Faw........... eah ue y t ttr tut i tt ti tttttttl M t ha i t i ngtot. .... TonAce o . t%tti Ititut F ail ree... : JAtne i.htJ:k......... 4 Itt ltvellIIWD.rh:lm 11 lb.i l'ii u- n w ... .... .... I %lf,bl.LISIo)... .... 7 20 Als l iLYo ......... I3ov:i- 811 n( 1;. ~('ii-ri;ti wil -t exe riencr in t h M A t he e n mntlFrineu A i tics h u .er fteSini NEWnYrKcncniu OBER VEnoic Rlelinnoudt & IDlivI1Je 111$ E, tt PIEDMON 1' AIR it 1 ,ROUTE . . CONDENSEU dCHfDUL. , 8 Aiugw4 1-i, 18 7, Mt Tmin run la 751 h Meridiai i me. On I >ur fasttr tllt 90th i Mlri(li;n time 1)I Atr.Y. No 51 I No 53 9 I.e:ve Atl:nta. . (i 0() pra' 7 '10 anS (1 rriv ( i:n:.y;i.'.... 1) 12 >m 110 30 nnt II llt..............9 (7 pa It 03 am S'I ( .......... I10 31) pm; 12 05 in II lil'.......... 11 :7 pm1 1 n:3 pn 1- ly..........1. '. an' 2 11 pm Grep ville ....1 1 (U am 2 34 pill j1 liart:tItn:r; . . . .' 2 1:3 :urnl 3 4)1 I,1) .11 .l ... 3 01) aml 4 31l pm ( .I't-mli .... 4 17 am 5 42 pin (i hrlttc.........| 5 05 am 625 ptA ;Sliabury .... ....I 4 aml 8 01 pl ; i: h........ 2 10 pm, t1 30 at -> o'd- i ,l. .... . . 1 :30) pn 1120 am ( 1-''-! :h 'o. . . . . . . S m 11n 1) 10 put i)n vill, .tO . ..1 10 nuin I 1 21) pmr fla n,t . I ... 45 pi> I 15 an eiib .. . . 1 : l>m- 2 00 am (' u.1 t t 'uil .. . f 4O pin 4 10 am 1 \ hi, .in . ... li 2:3 m1 t 10 an 1: I n r ...r . . ..11 25 p l 03 air ;hi'h.h h1 ..... :) 3 amu'1235 pin ,rrivt Nw Y -+rk...... G 20 aut 3 20 ptn . . No 50 t No 52 I w Yorik . . -. - aml 4 30 pni 1'hil, h 1ilhia.... 7 -. 57 pnt 1 ima r....... .1 I: 1>.-4 lon h, 'i,Itm, ..... I11 21 atn,11 ((O pmr yi . .t esville . 3 '35 in : ( 00 :n 1 y ("1hlu. ...... 5 rO pin 5 'S nI 1 iliminl........ 3 10 pm 2 :1) am I) : vill...... ... t ;.0 pnt 8 05it (: rr 'isb r ........ 10 - # pm ) 0 .4 am .bor; .. ,l".........: :.:n $ ( 10 pnm bt I ." b ........ .. " :h) pin ' fI 00 -t II' Sprinl .. .. .. 7 00 pm ..... Ariu i.i .... 9 .19 prn1 7 40 amn !>iry ..... Zj ni 1' 23 aa 4 ( 'tll,t te. .. . .... 2 234s111 1 Cl) p ,,.e ( (h:: t. ' . .. .... . ?, .? i onn 1 . ' 1-n1 (l"iT nl '.........I 4 ::t :tnt 2 5l pu1n Epa -t:u u . ... . . ., aml ; : p (tr< .'1 n11l1 .......| i "):3.1m 11 -1 -18 ''1m y ...........I 7 (O i n 5a 1- .1 .. . n. n...... .... 8 1) m (i 1 : in -' ( ........... 9 211:1 7 l8 (a 1 !.. .... .....1) :4 :inm 8 ! pin 4( 4 (;:(i(,("' vil1e ......I I (-I :iri 8 ii I mt r - .\ 't : . . .. ... 1 ' am. 10 an F._ rE f(} ('A j c lRVICu 4 I t, I 1":ii l 144 4 I c11(4 I' llu+n i~ 1 '.1 -.r'l1 I .. i trai t'n:n ' ' l I i l~I4 e '-dr p 'rs 1(t w -a N'; : w Y rk :i i A\' !:i!i :. (>n l, I ' . \',; -h i n :a l ' \ 1" r1' ll:l '. ( b (.4. T u I I I la ' .1n . :'b- I.' ', 1: /.! Il I ii' .l " t I : ' ,- 1 ':!1' .:"11 d :In': 1 ilundo app y toa1yagnt4 te T.. 0 I , 1.\4 . .Il A4I 1 .(4 T4 AI Yl.OR, U -n' .'. um r; 4 . (44j(-G4414 P A44 4 I1 4 T' II t - .1 b: I' 114. ('' . (':: ' 14' 4 ' 4'4- f. I rmw. I. I .a - -nt i w -i A . - w 4 . i' j l-;i:' :t 0' 0 th I t u i " 4e . 'l' i i n ''4-44-.,4 4i 4't 'h: :e4s of a tI vii '4--I' IA -....' N 4 .h.I . u .I I , and 1 b l' l: 11n1- .-...... . 4144 ; I I.4 h4 t I .. i. 14 44'444 444 l4 .( 4 444 4fl 4 IS T t(1 ( a44 ne 144' - -s J(ry 3 ~ - or . ovL. tS0 cr144ip- ~ ''~ L(4 4 uTftKY it \11 Ii 1' 4 '