tIGHT. s, Curses and Divided Negro lght..The Anti's herald.) ber 26, 1887. y voted on the ion to-day and de weotion follows one of -ng pglitical campaigns xsed in Georgia. An extreme .cterness; running often into person 4tities, marked it. Its excitement reach ed a climax last night when th-usauds of voters marched and bivouacked in the streets to be ready for an early advance upon the polls. The PLidmont exposition did not close until the 22d of October, and both sides agreed that during the progress of the exposition nothing whatever should be done by either side, as it would mar the unity of the citizens in their enthusiastic support of the exposition. Both sides plunged into the fight with wonderful activity as soon as the exposi tion was over. In two days after the exposition closed the fight was on in all its fury, and excited more interest and activity than had ever been shown in a campaign before in this city. For over a month the citizens have been engaged in the contest. Meetings have been hold almost overy night, and local speakers and vieiting orators have stumped the county from end to end of the city and every cross road in the county. Early in the campaign - L the prohibitionists leased the largest warehouse in the city andl fitted it up with seating capacity for 8,)t0)00 people. Almost nightly that building has been filled, and such scenes of wild emusi asm are rarely witnessed. Among the prominent prolribition speakers who plunged foarlessly into the fight early in the campaign was United States Senator A. H. Colquitt and Mr. H. W. Grady. These were assisted by almost every minister in the city, who preached prohibition from their pulpits Sunday after Sunday to deeply interest ed congregations. L'rominent among the l)reachers who led the prohilbition fight in Atlanta were Rev. 1 rs. .J. I. lawthorne, I. C. Morrison and .J. W. Lee0. Thuso three niuitters entered into) the fight with wonderful zeal, spoke night after night, and in abnost every in the couty. The mnost pr"ominent leaders of the anti's were St:nator ,1 osepht E. Brown, Captain B. P. lowell and Captain John B. (ltodwin. Both sides bad full camp.ugn fiud rl an ianaged their respective causes for all they were worth. Tle negro vote was the 1hone of con tent.ion, atnd watS the hitbiuie of p,ower. Each side mad1(e the muost tre11uous en deavors to secre it in 'Very way possi ble. The negroes Wtre O nsidteral a divi(led oI the a;islbject , thouu;lh a nutjori ty of them votti with the anti -prolhibi ii nsts. One of the feeature 1 te c o itest le: neei the ectiv l"urt, taLen by lniniy wi men 1o' the city. vt:il of tie tlliilC( orgatlized 'II('littiii ft rou amn otnl their fem1ale litiI S. Itt htoolk (n ,etIiv( part im1 the capl':tigti 'liy organized ti wom1en1 of l Ii - ;-l r l cti'hurche intto sue;ties, and inet wit \thl and tlaitl with then diy ofiei. '.l.'he result of tlir wor Wis sltiii to-lay lv tIe ilplpear imle' of lirie iuIll)el , of womenl a tt tle pols Witli lue Itilidi,. 'Tlily served hot col'ee andtl :L!i iidichies :it I VIy e lling Fuilt,n 'ounty, iun whieb At:anta is J ~loentAed, vet el tw o yeaorsi 2e (on thei saine 1 question, and went, for prohibition by a majeoity of 2:.- oti, of lIhoiut S,0t0t viotes. Thle registrai.eton this timie te. 'ids that. of last y ear by 2,ts00 vut AS d t his exei u-s fiav\e tin' 41Iottil igulrl. IIr eittlit:r side to e.-tinaite onl dluring ine ('iipaignI. Th11 prlinc(ipI lghIt. tade on prohibi lion doun h e etampaign was tIncd it did conh1 be li' y 'ltiirchatseud m1 a moabeihr of1 plaices throug1thout th Ic it y which~ paid taxes to0 fthe4' ited I itesi gviiermet fo. the sale oi whiskey. 'lThousandsl of gaillens halve non tent inl eachi month fro011 citie aroun04 td Atlainta~ fro hichlil it was almost as easy to ge-t a jug asi it wats at bars ini thle city. Th~e aiut is claimn that. pr-ohibitioun injoue the city, whuich wals yielding 00t,t)00t a year int whiskey li censes. without decreasing ini the slight est the amount of whiskey sold in the The prothibitioniat s, on the other hand, claimed that Atlanta has never- hand pro hibitioni; that while it was so voted years ago, the licenses then existing did net expire, somie oh thiemi, until aniost a year ago, and that sIince that timle the domeis tic wine clause ill the locad option bill allowed many places in the ci[u by whichi the law~ couldt be easily evaded. This was, however, remedied by the last Legislature, which put a license of u910,000)( on till wine roomns, which license will go into effect aifter d1 amnariy 1. TIhe prohibitionists claiied tlit with wine roonms out of tihe city there would be no pilaces for the easy evasion oIf thle .law if ollicers wotuld propjerly enifoirce it. TIhe result to-day indicates pulic opinion on the subject. T1hie ci y haes gone wet by probaldy 1 ,ti00 majority. Great ent husiasna prevails in the etreets. Meni, women and cliiren arec ninglinug in the mmmot]Ih processhtion tat is miarchitig about fthe town. Thouesmids of negroes, wearing grotesques garbls ofi red material, are y-llIng like coyotes. Bandls are plahyinig, fi recrtiekers are eIx ploding and red banners tire waving. The ministers and others ptromninenit in the prohibitolry niovemnent tare chaigrine at the uniexpiected result. 13r1dal Cost umels, 'Tr441imming., E in Iig Countumes,41 Chr,ist w)11as 44ys. (Ftoim a New Yorkt I Iero) As moir-o s the Iladinag malteial in handsome outfits of every kinid, so is it the lirst chloice ini bridal coistumeics. Scarce over alone, but comibined with other fabries, snch as faihe F.ranisiue, gros grain or heavy rep or sat in, which come in for their shauure (if attention tand aire the raithIer chiosen for omel quite stylish occasionsa. F'or sei dres,s cere mXonies, 5ilk wairp whiite wot(ol is prctty and1( riv.uls cashmiere, bothI of wi hI cau b)0 oIl5et by richler goods1, v:nhe attrac tive and comlptaratively inexpensivo Y dresses are of whiito .India or Chitna silk. Styles in making tend tow,ards i mpdiei ty, ad(orlnmenJt being brolugh t a but mol(re by timlming thanii compilicae aiweep oh ddp('ry, but fhese ideas aire nlot rigor ous atnd occasionally for a sl(nder bildo14 the modiste employs the bonlhnt,J j elt enUiewho(th train is l ull, long11 and1 ags imply but now and then rich falls of lace are placed in ornament lmhin nese, however, is the rule and garniture imassed on the *sides and front where by adof crystal passemaenterio, earled net, strands of perl, ~old orslve' ed .i thgeun, valenolennes, diuchess or poit lace, veritable pictures fine per z al.Oange, blossoms ?elmin stand.. 4rd btan.y attractive white flwe a be selected n pre~flee Lower Whnay &S lovei, dreasaed or udeaJwth brocaded stripes made in a bouffant, coquettish wa.y, but the various fancy gaules and flue nets of the day, come in acceptably, while hand baskets of flow ers add picturesqueness. Where the bride is married in traveling dress, a tailor-made costume of cloth is most fashionable and a few bridal dresses for informal weddings have been made of wite cloth combinoi with moire. TRLMMINOS. Steel, copper, bronze, silver or gilt trimmings have a high position and as principal exponents are seon braids or passementeres, the former set or cor sages like vests. Tho fancy for black trimmings on colored material is mark ed, and marked also is the popularity of trimmings lighter than the goods they adorn. (laloons, braids or pessomenk ries are prominent ih this style and( beads are effootive sinco they throw irridescent lights, or those of paler shade on darker fabric. Hero, like wise are opportunities for metal heads, and they glitter as points of ef'ect or compose the whole garniture. Bends in general hold their own; they are loved but hardly with last winter's devotion, but nevertheless thero is un abandon of uilection shown ex tremnely stylislh jabots, caps, etc., made wholly of beads, which form the entire trimming for a corsago. EVENINO 1)ESSFS prove that brocades ;.are indispensable. But the brocades of this winter are totally difl'erent from those that have gone bofore them. Uuth iii c.lor and patteru there is great novelty, the form or showing the new terra cotta and mahogany reds, old rose, old pink, cevres, loyard, lizard green, etc., the latter running to fern and other pointed leaves, crysanthenms and long stemmed rosei of strange hue, while vines and woodIland oflerings akin, replace former orthO(lox hlower.s Elegant brocades show flowers on moire surfaco but al most everywhere, thie last idea prCeets itsel(F. Velvet flowers on silk are also very popular and ehene re-appears as a remlombrance of the past. The tendency c. lutm ellects is very marked, frequent ly long .talks unite in continuity, siue et-sive )ountuets which (1o not blossom out rouldly but are in pointed slhn and1( every where this inelination to slen derness is noticeallt'. htripes, on the contrtry, are soluetimes Cois)icuoutsly bread tuinl con tin ts extre)-ly marktd, so Ihnt tIe gaudy is renched and san 11 vomn are appanitutly ignored since no suall wom)an could wear the:n. In truth they touch the vulgar, 1but leading mer clants show thnu and thus intlorsed, they Itmust not lhe gain said. Stripes in geiera 1, e ,w ever, are of all wedtIis. .h f extr aori a ry binaeity, repat. the 1:m trn, of tle timie. Strilui(l sashes ihinlI0.lable ; it Ii ire co ntiniue so, but hindso aest are the I1owered and "hoicest amnonlg t lie latter art' exquisite creat itins wht're tlende+r velvet, flowers and pointed lcav s a C woveu Olt dttlicate silk :mr f}ce. Six dIllars a v.iu seem1s not too inmiehi. Stripl, p1titid, dotted a( delieata t iV Ibr(t':uled gaze and luce fore n larj'O 1m(1 les ex;'t ei)sive eIemnt, he-ing uel as dotliries over satin or silk. Ntcks are hiigh, Iheart shapt d, s01oh frt,n,t whil ti : h et t: ln ignored(, 51 lt)e ihathury pr&'tenae takingL it + ph:e: it c:ui 'rach the. (ebow or he longL. I ronize :li1(pper' ilt hiosiery to un1it(lh art vey i hi:maiu:tble and1 so are tau. the idea beiug that 1 >t.lh shoe 1and it" king, mu.ist e >rres. ( .lo. es are lng andu (close lItti ing ini white-, tdressedl or inmlrtsed, in liht tan chith y, but likewi-c in lart or very p ale pink. A l'aiei at a N ,g,ro 1 Meting. 01: n, N. IX., Novembher t. -hen a niegio imn rusa tot St okes's Opera Il-o ,e a!, iihihal last night, wvhere- a large criowd of tcolor ed muen andIW womn lae gathere-td toI hear Mrs. S. A. IIHugh es, the on ly ordaiinleildooed femnale lIra-chi er inl thei South, prleaich, anid shunitedl "Fire! liii! 1Firt !" the scene was ini deiscr-ibl de. Womien amal childrueu seat dOi( aidiial m iade a maud rush for thle dooars. Thlt itron ger fouighit w ith thLe weakher anid piushetd thenm down, anid the groaniis oif wtimen as they we-ru t in(lg it)mpled were heatrending. '"My Goda! may (lod! I iun dying! Let ume up!"' cried onie poor unforttitunato. No) one heceded hetr. IDowni they came, som(l riding on the shoulers of the other i, blockading the sidewalk. Fortunately the hall was sooen cleau ed, but for lifteen minutes the frenizie-d, fighting, scream ong naiss of humanity remained on the steps anid it wias implossile to move th,.n.Thlree niugro menu stood for a mment ini the tront wind1ows of the sectondu storiy and theni sprang out, andit it ri king the stonol piavemencit t hey r lbo'uded into tIhe gutter-. Strange to say they wer-e not seriously hurt. A bey leap etd from a wvind(ow at thle rear- of the building, le is hurt internally. A womni had all of her- clothein to~rn oil and went running dlowni th1( street with out anyv. Aniothier wo mani was I turnedl tul on her- head amid so tightly wedged that idhe was thlus carried from thle top to the hbt om of thle step ,s. Wh len thle step s had been cared Loutiisia I.lmzv is, d1(nnie1 Stepheus and lait hier gi i were pirked uip andI carmried inh> a drug store. The brieathi lhad 1been l item-ally t aunpldi ouit iof thleir bodies. ILoisit Cihavis ied h.-day at noon01. The conditioun of thle other two is critical. Th ere wits no0 calue for thlie ailarm and paiiio. ThIei lire had nio connection with the ball andl ini itself tdid no( damlnage. Thle steps leainig to a fmout enltranmco of tihe hail Iforned a closet ini a storec. F-rom 5(omo1 cailu lire wias commhuiueted-u to this. e loset, and wheni discoivered was burning briskly. The mamnager of thie Operia fliuse wits made a ware of thle fire, andi weuldl ini a few moiii(mnts hav~e liad it e-xtiigumishlted without the knowl edge of tIe ciongmregationi if the nu-gr-o man had net rushedi into thet hall mantd givenm thit fatlal alar-m.--HvSjecial to News amid Courier. Is I le title of n large- iflmrnal Ireatie, biy Dr . . ' ieru, Ibilinh>. N. Yt., senit toi aniy wlhress fir t-in uents inl sIunpis. It tenebes siiess-ful silf-traliim it, 1',anos aimt (iogians. All of the best rmakus, $:5 cash and1 blanl:lce Novembeliur I, 1i itp ot emash prices onl I a Pianoi. 810 It: ib andi Iham'o No vte-lb-- I , at alpot eaeh pr-ices on ami Organ. I elulive'redI, freuighit free, at ytour neiaret depI-Jot. F ifteen days test truial int freight both ways if ntot satisfactory. Write for circul ar-s. N. W. TR UMP, (Johunubia, S. (I. A grocer being solicited to contrliute to thie building of a ulhtireil, promptly sub. Renbiled hisa name)) to the papi er In the followv inig tmnnetr. "Johnm Jones~ (the only plaice in towmi where you can get eleven poundls of sugar- for a dlolha:) twenity-flye cents. "Lay (if youmr ov'eecat, or you won't feel it whien youm goi out,'' saidt the badiulordl oif a W estern inn to a gumest wvho was sittIngr b'y the tire. "T'ihe Iast, tIme 1 was here lof.t oil iyIvercoat. I thln't feel it when ANAUIIY'S WTUIL)Y FOE. General Maater Workinan Puwderly's Lecture on lils Order--Secret Birth and Rapid Orowth. "The past, present and future of the Knights of Labor" was the subject of a lecture delivered by General Master Workman Powderly to the omployes of the Pennsylvania and Reading railroad in Philadelphia on Friday night. He had a big and appreciative audience. Prefacing his address by an eloquent denunciation of monopoly and a pasing reference to the war for the abolition of slavery among the colored race only to transfer its shavkles to millions of white mon in the liberty loving country, Mr. Powderly applied himself to the subject proper of his lecture, and said: TtE IcTURE. "On 'T'hanksgiving eve, in tho year 1869, there was born in Philadelphia an o.-ganization destined to hold forth the hand of fellowship to every man, which brushed aside all distinctions of creed, and in view of which it was made possi ble for the meanest sweeper that lifts the ollal oil our streets to look up with hope to a better and less degrading future. "'1'hus was given to tho world the Knights of Labor, which worked rC a secret organization until September, 1881, when in the city of Detroit it laid its secrecy aside and the Knight cane forth in his manhood and proclaimed to the toilers of the earth that he belonged to a body which took no account of creed or color, but had pledged itself to work earnestly and per(istently for the collective and individual interests of its members. ''To-(lay that organiz.ition is the strongest in membership, the strongest. in intelligence and the strongest in man hood of any organization ever created beneath the blue sky of heaven. We welcoru to our ranks every man, not, as ha; been raid, for the dollars or dimes his accession may bring, but to teach him the things in our social syst'en that need a remedy and create a pli')lj( opinion upon ti objects we have set ourselves to attain." T,oIio-sAvIa( 31a('ii\m:nv. Mr. 'owderly next referred to the in troduction of labor-saving mniehinery, and iii this connection said: ''1)o L rail against labor-saving ruachinery?'' No. But I say that at present it is not prop erly applied, and that wo workingmnen who uhoultl, do not derive the benefits from its introduction to which labor, as distingtuished from capuital, is entitled. Vhat. then, should wo (t in this con n(ection? I raise my,r' voice and say, agitate alnig tho line of labor; agitate until all those who avail of those luai elit . ltw are cen})('lled to real izt that they were nat intended soltlv for them - that they were designed for mankind, and ilint mankind should reap the hene fits+ film them."' lla;lsil,'t)N ANt IM'.Tlt:A'T'ION. Mf r. I'eawdlerly next aplp lied lhimlself to the Iegi:ative work aecomp)li' hed Ity thit jinis cani h:- houtght in New York fair firt y cenuts apieee it Is haard to excuse Joh:uet a M :st for his criminal necgligenice in conitiningt to live. hir--WhI a: wily3ou hxave, dear, candy or' ice cretam? She-No, E~dward; get some pop- orn. please. lie-I)o you like thatn :1o? MAe--- es: I like every thing that Tl h- 'lintet of New~~ Je(rsey is salubrious, is it it-t -: hi' askeid. "S'alaibriouisl" re ti-ti di iui- nitiuiastie (itizenl of th'.t State, "Why V ranger, we hiave mlosqulitoes ini n - , i papier spea'tks of "health re rts -tI r horma S"--ocalitia-s " where mnem alt-f th irst eqintae famiilies are sent for chane i-f ta." Wouhmla it be proper to call An ar ti(le ini an e'xange headed "'What H ie TIyp ew rit(r Is )dong."' dloesn't state the f:w! t he-t it is expaising thae poor spelling of anyLu aoperators, us well us t heir ignorance of l Iu,Ituat ion and( t lie use of eapital letters. I aiii free to confess that I want the a: ih.'' saidl one man to anot her. '"W~ell, 1 tie t':ly aonae hope for you. "W aMhat Is| t h:u?c"Ge Jay Goltd to make his will| W i ii tirdt hausbmad) -If y'ou feel so unw ell, ,Jathi, I think we lad bectteri send h:m Oomwhatha:stily)-.No, my detar,I woAl i ia-ribar to -sendc faor soame one0 else. 'Trus-t Compax~eny Agent-Th'linking that yita naghat wanuit to sieure your personxal im perty, 1 0, to Wilberforce University. Mr. E. M. Moreland yesterday bought in Charleston $150,000 in Confederate bills at twenty-five cents per thousand. Mrs. Mary J. Robertson, for over thirty years president of the Calhoun Monument Association in Charleston, died yesterday. During the present intense cold in the Northwest steam-heating of railroad trains has been practiced with entire success. W. I. Fuller, State Auditor of Arkan sas, died ycsterday. lie was twice electd Governor. An explosion of choke damp occurred yesterday in a colliery in Poremba, Silesin, killing thirteen miners and wounding many others. A London dispatch says that Sullivan and Mitchell were matched last night to fight to the finish, with bare knuckles, for ?5u0 a side. Ex-Governor St. John of Kansas says that the Prohibition party is the only one that is increasing in numbers. lie will not be a candidate for the Presidency on any terms. John H1. Parker, foreman of the planing mill at Darby's mills, in Palatka, Fla., was caught in the shafting yesterday afternoon and was killed before the engine could be stopped. Dr. Telschow, court dentist, has ben summoned to San lemo to oper'te .n the Crown Prince's teeth. This would seem to indicate that the Prince's condition has improved. The building of the Strobridge Litho graphing Company in Cincinnati was de stroyed by fire yesterday morning. Loss estimated at a half million; insured for $150,000. Michael O'Brien, a tramp, who brutally outragcd Miss McGregor in Alamnosa, Col., .rccently, was taken from jail Wednesday night by citizens and hanged. The recov cry of the girl is doubtful. 1)an Swygert purchased yesterday from I)wycr Brothers the great colt Trement for $'25,000, this being the largest sumin ever paid in this country for a home-bred thor oughbred for stud purposes. A thirteen-year-old colored boy attempted yesterdiay to board a freight train at A I - lant andi steal a ride to Chmattanmooga. Ilec fell, and his left foot was so badly'crushed as to necessitate amputation. A newvs vender at Killarnecy huas beenm sea tencedl to a month's imprisonnment for sell ing copies of bnite'd Ireland containing r ports of meetings of supplressed branches of the National League. The Czar has commutedi to degradat ion to the ranks the sentences of eighteen you ng otlicers who were convicted of en gaging ini a revolutionary conspjiracy anid sentenced to exile in Siberia. Henry O)verstaltz, president (if thme iniso] venit Fifth National Bank of St. Lis anid ex Mayor of that city, (lied yesterdhay Oh heart disease. I Ie di(i not know that 12 lbank had suispended~(. The survey ing p)arty, which uder direc tion of the Nicaragua Canal Construct io n Comnpany will make the Ii nal surveys, soiled oni the steamer H onido fronm Nw York yesterday. The survey will not b': comptileted until April or May. Thue commaonders of the dlilTerent army corps in France have receivedl sealed in structIons which they nire to open in th event of an outbreak following the electioni of a new President. President Cleveland has made $20,0( 0 by time increase in value of "Rled T1op,"' thme country place he bought near WVashiingtoni. Secretary Whlitney is reportedi to have donef better, lby realizing $90t,000) profit by the sale of lad he bought in thle vicinity. A shock of eaorthqmuake was felt at (Chor icy, County of Lanmcaster, England, at 7 o'clock yesterday iimring. A ramin i noise accompanied the shock. Buiildingis shook and people ran out of their humes. No serious dlamage was (lone. Theli corporationi of Du)blin unanimously elected Mr. Sex ton Lordl Mayor ye'st erday', to succeedi Mr. S3ullivan. Ini a ipech lie saidi thaut every (lay dev'eloped new attncks upon01 tIme lives and liber-ties of the Irish MarIa Steel, a negro woman, dijed in Sa vananah yesterday, after having rea'c-ed tihe remarkable age of 11~> years. Shem was bioi'n in Rockinghmam conmy, North Caro~ tina, im 1772. She leaves two chiildren, who arc now very old men. Intense ceitement pievailedi in Fr ance yesterdauy. Some (of Pmesidlent Grevy's hit. tercst foes of two wveeks ago now besm' chi him to withhrold his conitemplatedi resigna tion. 'Te Presidlent decided to ma.ke no communication to tihe Chiambler of Decpu ties. D)oc WIlson, an employe of the SouthI Carolina Raoilroadl, met with paiinful in ju rIes yesterdaiy at the freIght yard in llam b)urg. Wh'ile tocoupling cars hiis right handI was (eaughit bet ween the bonpmjers and badly', mashed, his thu mb being crushed to a jelly. A GreenvIlle special to the .Nms an/ Couarie'r says an inquest was held yesterday over the bodly of Andy Tlolley, the negro whoise suddlten (leat h, while locked in hiLs house to escape arr-est, was nioted yecster-day. A po,st-nmortemi examinatIon showed that ( lie (ied from congestion of time lungs. ] IBrown, Wood & Kingman, udry goods 30mmiission merchants of New Yolrk, B's- C on, P hiladelphia and Chicago, have gonei I nto iiquidatlon to wind up their business, a Phelr t ransactio)ns amnounitedi to $1 2,000,1000 a >r $14,000,000O a year. They arc solvent. - md will have a large surplus. The German Su preme Court has quashed( he sentences of sever'al young Alkitin vho w'Ce convicted of puublichy singing lie " Marseillati,," on the ground that thlit aw ot 1822, unde'r which thme sentence(s d vere imposedl, (lots not apply to Ahnee.' .aorralne. D A Newv York sheriff's jury has assessed '1 I;2,194,500 (damages aigainst, Guzmaii ilanco, Presldent of Venezuela, in a suit >y George WIlson of that city, in consce luence of the revocation of a leaie o,f ,000,000 acres of hand in Venieziiela ud(gmlent entered. lanco did( not, dlefenad lie suit. Lotta, the well-knowvn actresa, has boa-n ucd in Boston, for $50,000, by Abram i tamuels, a commercial traveler, hecaupe ,ouata ie te bridl of a lm.e hoe The oa Qralxo r oall oppse ys A,odUate\b resdeny and a hiinf brb ri atd orruptl?n fb th@administr.tol ' ao t STIuis and T6Dnqin. Paul de Rodts ade, leader of the PattrI9tio League, threat. ns to march to the Palace of Elysee at the lead of 50,000 enou if Ferry is elected Pro ldot. A school in the village of Werchcblstrltz. :iot, Russia, was destroyed by fire a tow tights ago. A large number of girls were leeping on the upper floors when the tire iroke out. Twenty-four of them escaped my jumping from the windows, but sixteen i >thers, who were afraid to jump. were Iuined to death. A number of boys who vere sleeping on the ground floor escaped. 1 Baron Ilirsch's offer of ?2,100,000 for he benetit of Jews in Europe was made to ho Czar, his object being the founding of >rimary schools in Russia. 'The Czar has .cceptcd the offer. The mneoy has been leposited in thu Bank of England, and ,arons Rothsl:hild and Henry do Worms inve been appointed trusteca. While a dozen workmen were engaged n laying water pipes under the East Ten tessec l{ailroad, in Chattanooga, esterday fternoon, a pasing freight train jarredi lie bank and it fell, burying Alexander tViikeraon, superintendent, and Berry By on, a colored workman. When unearthed, hree hours afterwards, both men were lead. Cooper Union, New York, was filled to )vcrtlowing on Monday night with sympa ii zers with lie Chticago Aiirchists. There were rel ribbons and feathers on women, red neckties and hat-ands on the ntcti; there was a red and black flag back of the t age, and portraits of the hanged Anareh ists were drapel in black and dlisplayeI. The police were present in force, but the ntceting was not interrupted. A Ec,r ri Coerier special says a tire hr:1ke ,u! in Aiken about 1 o'clock 'eStcrday morning,, destroybig nine buildings, to ;ether wit Ih valuable stocks of nerchan rlime. Loss $40,000; insurance $27,450. The lire is suptposed to have heen incen :liary. It is a curious coincidence that just. t ytar ago yl'stcrday a fire broke out on the same street (l'urens) and burned seven stores, 'T'here \was a calIi:lm yesterday morning on the Camden Iranch of the Pennsylvania th lro.l, near llighstown, N. J. A pas seniger tratin bound to New York ran into ;t cail train, wreeking both trains. Joseph iI. Smith, engineer of the passenger train, Was ciishetl in his cah and is thought to h. fatally injuted. Charles Hunt, har gage master, was dtngerously injured. A nuin, her of p:sscngers were badly hurt, but none killed. ibis;uie,s in San Diego and1 other Califor nia ports is :dleted by the attitude of the L Coa: t S aiue's Ut-nion towards shill ow n 'rs. The old tight t' r high wages and the righti to dictat Iules ibant the crews. &e., has beae renewed witlh vigor. The Uinion has resu Ied t, for"c in SFutbent California pirt s, :inl on .inday night, at San I)iego, Iirew dyninaute bntmbs against a boycottedi ba k, tea ii ng a ho 'le in her bows. The thlh crs of the Iiion tlechre opnly that lhey un' lei .saiiI the luntuI facturc aid ue at dynaunite, ant will us; the know ledge in the tight against the ship owners. A TONGUE IN KNOTS. i contract ij malaria in the swamps of Louisiana while working for the tele rapl)lh cotupity, aln( used every kind of netlieiue 1 ould hear of without relief. I. at last afnCeteded in breakinig the, fever, but it Cost mel over 01tt0.00), and then my ye temi was pro>tratedl and saturated with onlarial poisou and I became ahuost 1Llp.lC's. I lially camc liere, my month 4o 11illed with sores thatd I couhtl 'scarcely at, and my tongne raw and fi led witih ittle knots. Various remedies were re orted1 to without eflYet. I bought two iottles of 13. B. 13. and it has cuired antl itrenigthenied mec. All sores of nry nionth area healed and my tongue entire y clear of knots and soreness, and I. feel iak a nav man,. Jack:-on, Tennm., April 20, 15ss1. A. F. EITurON. , TFF JOINTS. I1 have a littl e by twelve years old w'hose k,nees have beeni dr,4wn idmiost louleo and1 hiis jii are perfectly stiff, mnd he hias beens in this condition three veu mmiahe to walk. DI)uring that timo he mie,ieal board of London county ex imjined him iand pronounced the disease ;croftula anti prescribe d, but no benefit aver derived. I then usedl a much Nid vertised preparation without benefit. I'hree weeks aigo lie b)ecamlo perfectly ticipless and m:Ttred dreadfulhy. A friend wvho had used B3. '3. B3. adt v'isald its ulse. iIe has used oneC bottle md1( all paiu has ceasedl and he cvan nowi w alk. This has been a muost wondeurful tction, a.. his comnplain~t haid baled wverything. I1 shal (onltinuet to use it onI un. Mis. I1MM A (humvirrns. WEBB CITY, ARK., IBLOOD. H aving t:-tedt 13. 1. 13. and found it to >e all that is claimied for it, [ c1onniend t to any and every one suffering from >hOood poimn I t has (done mn morje (ood for les;s moniey and in a shorter jpacei of tine thain any bloiod purifier I ver- used. I (owe the. comfort of miy ife to its use, for I have been troubiedi tha severe form of blood poison for 5. >r Id yt-ri-. andu found ni- relief cil'ua to hat giveni by the use of 13. 1. . Wibb~ City, Ark., May 3. 188(3. An who tdeare.Ol run i'oronnai ou about tm L-rofuus'i. swetliligs. I lteers. i-orest itnu. rati li noi,k of wi nder's, 1119 wtt vi he iost, Atlanta, Ua. FOIL ikArm's na I'EETII ING C IlIL 111mN. An instant r(elief -for colic of infatt. Juros D)ysentery, D iarrhcoa, Cholera ufantum orit any tdiseasec oh theo stomltt3 nd boweis. Makesx the( critical period I Teethling safe and u'nry. Ix a safe and] leasanit toi. For sale by al druggists, aud for wvhiolesale by hlow4aw, Widrr - ESKS, OFFICE FURNITURE AN'D FIXTURES. Ask or lutae mpe, ERR Y sno.* caMJE (I., Nasiavnll, Ten, ~~ FA1..EELS FOI mib idge inn f or you 0' iicerinmg, mechwanics, nt (0 (rrs I",rmeir. andi .Mehanis cA onm a OOt1t D 1 O4 O" 1 tli WOrSt erQK .S 'Fever . re o o kus:In hr, Q*ae . c 1od are oouqn bytheso It,an 1nvortg ci, eatin l, or rn ollu lgn ucoe. ts poteny in our T r, , - [Joilts Carbuttclosl81 Eyes p alous Sores and Swelli olnt Disease \Vlaito d e ' aottre, or Tialck 'Neok, and Eua flande. Bond ton cents In stamps t r a arge treatise with colored plates, on kin )lIseases or the same amount for a treatise )4 8crofulous Affectioas. ''THlE iLOOD IS TUE LIFE."9 'horough cleanse It by using Dr. plereo Qoldeon Medical isoovory and $0o ligestiori, a fair sklil, buoy ut ir(. ts, and vital strength, will becstabllsled. CONSUMPTION, nhich ts Scrofula of the Lungs is ar csted and cured by this remedy, if aen be roro the hist stages of the disease are reached. b'roni its marvelous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first ofioring this now elebrated remedy to the public, Dr. ')nxe thouglht. seriously of calling it his Coua. saamtio (oure, but abandoned thgt nae as too limited for a medicine which, from Its wonderful cotnhinatlon of tonic, or itrengtlheni ng, alterative, or blnod-cleansing, nntl-bilious. pectoratil, u d unatritivo proper ties,- is uncctltaled, not only in a renedy for con sumnptlnr, but for alt thltrouie Dis. oases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel (dutll, drowsy, debilItated, havo sallow color of skit, or yellowish-brown spots ot face or Ioly, frctteuet headache or dizui ttes., bad tasto i ttotih, internal heat or chills, altertnating with hot hlushes, low spirite atil gloottty for(bodings, irt. gular appetite, and cOnated tonguo, 3ou r.r sutfering from Endigestioa, Dvsep'aia, and Torpid Liver, or "i liouKaxes.n In many cases only part of these symptoms are expe. rienced. As a reme'y for all such cases, Dr. F'ercc's Goliden Medical Dis. covery is un::urpassed. For Weak Lunge Spitting of Dlood, Shortloss of Drentl, llron" cliitis, Astlama, Severe Coughs, and kindred afeettions, it is an elcient rened . SOrLu 1Y DuuiuGis'rs, at $1.00, or S1X K)TTiLES for $5.00. Senud ten cents in staanpa for Dr. Pierce's hk on ('onsttnaption. Address, \World's iispottsary Illedical Asso. clation, 03 Main Street, Bur'ALO, N. Y. $500 REWARD is offered by the propriotors of J)r. sage's Catarrh Remedy ( '' 'for a case of catarrh which they cannot" cure. If you -- have a discharge from the aos", offensive or othetrwiso, parthil loss of stat h, tate, or hearing, weak eyes, dull pain i Lr prsitre in 'inad, you have Cntarrh. Thou tctn(s of cases terinnt in consumption. Dr. Sage's CA-rAnu JttEi;DY curestheworst cases of Catarrla, "Cold iu the Ileaid,9 and Catarrhul fleaduche. 50 cents, PRIVATE BOAtINU. ON TIJE FIRST OF OOTOBER, tte tinderigued op)e)ned t FIIST 'CLASS IOARDING HOUSE in Uharle~tun, for the acoommoda'ion of bot"h 'Tanuueitt anad Permanent Boarders. 'l'hc ltilding, located on the northeast corrner of Wentwoit and Glebe streets, is ctmvcn)tiit.ly near the b)usiness portion of hig stret, yet free from the noise of the thocm )iighfar''. It is wi4hin easy roach from the Academy of Music and i,oa Churolhes of all thto difleront de UOmuations. 't'he loate has been thoroughly re paired, an(d t\tted up in good style with new inru-itutre an-d tixtures. T ertms reasoniale. For inether in formnation address or Miss S. S. El DWARDS, Lt! Charleston, 8. 0. GIders Liver PIlLLS, ' Te jnsitly celebrated SOUTHERN V1EElBLE Pl1LL having been used sa a householti remedy for the past half 3ent ury, in all the Southern and Western ~tateo, for thete of A ) Dyspepsiia, il itousne~s, tlhdarit and all diseases of theo [IVYE1, have, by thleir WONDERF2UL C UR-ES, r;ainedl the supremacy over all other 111LLS on the market. After one trial you will join the cry for "GILDER'S P1LLS" with the ton million people of the United States who are now using If your merchant has not got them, send 20 centi in stamps to Q. 13ARRETT & CO. AUGUSTA, G4. CH1AR~LOTTE EM MTITU E SI SSION BEGINS SEPT. 7, 1887. j ().lNSTh'UTIE for YOJUNG LADIE 1. 1in the. Southa has ad(vt'ntagecs supe lnIt losei ofer-ed lieue in ever dlepart. 'nta''legiate, A rt and Music. Only 4pert.itnted atndI~Oi accomlihedl teachers. ii hetbuilding is lighted withi gas, warmfed wtth t'he bol vioughat-hon unrnacesa, has iot r' d -hl wa~vter blathas, and first-class lPpto itents tas a lBoardhing School in '' vryu retpect.-noi schoo lat the South ha.s .1)tin for' twoe or mere from the anme lity or 44 tneip:hh orhioo. i'tp1 I cha i'ed only tnuanle. 4Lttice, tafter the firlsLmonth i-at 'a tiu, w ith full >artlculars, ad Charlotte, N. '0. yOTH. IS A LINIMENT PERFECTLY NARML E 5 5.A/D SHOULD BE USED A FEW MONThSJDEFORE CONFINEMEN: f3END FOR BOOK TO MvOTH'E RS Bori-e muf REaIIaTg. (wr . ht, * ripoti rraaduated, circitt anal po n r r e ia ata oth Tnam-t an't lY.at m hfC; i.