The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, December 23, 1886, Image 2

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r J. E fl 00i , Editor'. J. E. BOGOS & Co., Propriotors. 'IOKENS C H.. S. C., TUURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1886. PoT Subscrlpt on, $1 .IO prer anmnn strictly in advance; for six tuho th, 715. Advertiscnments insertedl at ,c' dollat perquare of one inch orleIR for tho first {nsertion and tifty cents for eaclh sub>se(lu ent in ertion. 1'b!.eral rliM'out nlde to +n+roh tnta sn'lt o;er4 ndvertising for six months or by t he year. Ubitnary Noties exeee'linn five ii+c, Tributes of Heapect, Comnmientions of -a raoual., wvhe n adlmisnulble will bo nharged f' r as a.lvertisem ets. THIS PAPER oKtointeat* ( Hornn(Ol rnwBt' \ ,rw adl.Tt.S, I Last week the House, in a most uncompromising way, killed out the Canal bill. They do a real business thing once in awhile. This leaves that enterprise in a bad plight for 1887. A Correspondent of the News and Courier writing from Laurens shows that the tax imposed on the people by the tariff is far more than the State taxes. In fact if it was no more than the State tax, we would think we were living cheap. The amendment of the law, so as to give until the 15th of December in which to pay taxes without the peinial ty has had a salutory eflet. The. tax payers cane nearer making a clean swe:p of the treasur.r's duli oat this season than they ever have before. The bill which has passd the House, providing that the State shall pay the expenPe of sending eonvicts to the penitentiary, will be a consid able saving to the counties, as such but the people will have to fuot the bill at last in some way. If this and the bill to reduce the charge for dieting priseners bothi hecome a law a considerable inroad will have been made upon the perquisites of the sheriff's olDee. A Mournful Wall. The following is from the Ahhe ville correspondent of the News an3 Courier. "The purchbase by Susoung & Co., of the Atlantic, Greenville and Western Railroad and thieir' contract to make it a standardl guage will he0 the end of the Carolina. Cumberland G4ap & Chicago Road, as it will go over the mountains to Knoxville, which is about the samne general route of the Carolina, Cumber'land( gap & Chic ago) Road. While we have nothing to say against the newv road and aro glad to see such enterprises pushed to ~om-l j'AV n weIA ~t cr.on;t i t feel sad to think that we cannot now be even hopeful under the guidance of that inspiring enthusiast, M r. Schiofil." Sn. will sing many a mournful Song to that enterprising ComtpaIny 1beforne it can supplant the L'miuhlandltc Gap. The Spartanhurg and Asheville has not chilled the Cumnberlanid Gap enterprise, and the Greenville and WVestern Railroad wvould not aspire to the dignity of being thought a twviu sister to thaut precipitous log chute. But there is room enough for the Western Athlantic and the uneit berland Gap too, and we would be glad to see both succeed. MlMtakenm Economy. At the risk of being calIled selfish we venture the assertion that the Legislature did not do a wvise thing, when in its mt.d rush for economy, it repealed the law requiring County Commissiorners to publish their an nual report. The people who pay in the money should have the opportu nity to know whore, how munch and1 for 'what their money is paid out, without spending a wcek to examine the record. Putting these things in such easy reach of public sc.rutiny, whether they are sc'rutinised1 or not, was bound to have a wholesome effect. It cost less and did far more good in proportion than the voluminous re ports to the General Assembly. It would have been just as proper to have repealed the law requmring con-. tracts for public works to be adver tised, and thus eucourage official fa vyorteism. It is idle to say the re ports were not road. They may not2 have been read by the average legis lator, but the men who make money and save money read themn.2 It .a businces man saw that anly extravagant price had been id4 f.or a certain piece of work, he did be on hand next time and bid ai ob off for less. There was little e buseiness foresight shown in the dlis '~ iof the subject, and far less in t z'pslof the law. It more thamn '1 thi eost -of printing in e-y p a e.pended by the con iji How do the laws _ t he .oupty' and aunost evoything, and evesibody, v.brnto from one extreme to another, and what confusion and disaster at tend the process? A few years ago the frienus of prohibition and tem perance found the small towns of the wountry demoralized, almost ruined, by the legalized sale of whiskey. The unnumbered evils that followed in the wake of such a practice, were so expensive, so unmanageable, and so revolting, that the businoss and mor al senso of the country, drove the whisl:oy traflc with most of its evils into the cities, the great public centres of law and order, religion and refine ment, inimorrality and crime. Mod eration said let the matter rest here. Let the mixture ferment, and gradu. ally work out its own destiny in its own way But the extremely whole some country sentiment had acquired so much momentun, it was almost. irresistible. It Was caried headlong into the larger tA)wns and cities, and in its enthusiasm to capture to these strongholds, it is about loose its grip on the small towns and country. How writers are writing, and speakers aie speaking on both sides! Who ever read, or heard such huitter words? Such criminat ion and rerririminatiOn! The e+xtremlists now have the floor. Vhichleve'r side the espouse, they will hurt their cause ( and hurt the counHtPry. A question i involVing So many variedl, far-reaching b aid conflicting inlterests should be ( handled with the greatest discretion, i colnuess, and above all things, with mnoderation on both sides. The true, the right, the proper and happy mean for every conniunity is somewhere, but the extremist obscure it by rash ness and clmslnor. The most distin guished friends of both sides have most awkwardly and unwisely at temptel ridicule and all conceivable threats. Wise, discreet men of mod oration and concession, alone can work out this great problem. Men who can differ without getting mad. Men who can pleasantly suggest that their opponents may bo mistaken, instead of charging them that they are will fully and maliciously wrong. Which ever side you are on, if you are mod erate and conscientious, go ahead, if you are not, hush. Ti trite expres;ions, "widows and orphans," anl "tmen's lil.erties," have sorved their full term, and cannot be successfully emspl- yed any more. Counaty Expenises. The Abbeville Press Iud Bainner has disgusted some of the county ollieers by~ its pl))ication of conty court expenses for six years of Rladi . cal and Decmocratic rude. Shieriff Dui Pro deniies that the county expenIses under- Democrat ic rulde areo larger thana undter Radical rule and propo ses to (demo1 nstraite it byV the repormtsi as soon as5 the4y cn b)e obtained. The Press anud /hanner hopes0 that the ShmeritYr'will voiutilat e thme whiole muatter amid proposes to render all tihe help he e:uu, and fuirther- strtes that as his tabu)ilate'd staiteent has been ques tii ned, lie pl)ishes a statI lemnt pro paredu by) ani experit fora the samne year4 ini which it appear-s that unduer the itensli miunedi the eg>pensmes for the six years of D)em(ocrat ic rule were $1 5, 470 more thtan the Radical rule for lhe s:u no piod~x. anly inItentionl to blajme the county ofticers, but onily thme law on d to show the deed of reform legislation b)y enlling' att ttnt ion to special facts. This, too, has been ouri puirpose, as ouir county- ofic. rs are good citizens and coUmpetenIt offleerS. They are en titled to whath the law gives them, as the law is tihe expression of the p)oo. p)1e through their replresenltatives in the Legislature. We imentioned the aggregate figures of only five items of county expenses, and then spoke of p)rintin1g and other itemos bueg largo, the amount of which -,n '. one could see from the rep)ort of the Couniity Commissioners; all of which could and should1( be reducod as far as possib)le. In the matter of p)rinting we cannot see the necessity, after thme report of the ConmmissinlersI of accounmts aud iI, id an1( dallowed, oif pubilish1ing the re ports of the (Coneity Treasurer and Behooxl Commissioner of accounts mnid. This would cut off considera )le and provo~M beneficial to the taxpay, ars. We are Lin favor of cutting off di useless expenses and redlucinig fees md1( costs and salari e to a sum as how es can sueuro good and completenit of 1oors. We( tinkm the people4 shiould mnow where their money goes and in what wvay some of it could be saved, I 11d( ap)prov-e of full d.iscussions of state and county expenses by the >resP.--eomee Courier. A Nurrise for Churistmnas. Thme publishers of that bright and inter- ] sting MagazIne,' known as Tnu HIoMI 3 OURnAL, will actually send it for three ionths onm trial free, as a Holiday Gift, everyone senidinmg themi at once their ad ress aulf throc2~-ecnt stamps for posotagie, cc. As thme regula,r price of this p.'puiar r ublication is *1.00, every reader shohuld , rasp this m:oden opportunity, and( aiddrss 'Y u nediately. ij Tu&a tesa JtoImWIJ wn e, N,E a $a.o.ed l flad A pieoe -of my mind,T And better than that,, you will say A little hard cash subooription to pay. I know you'ld be glad, and gladder you'ld be,t If you we hid out, and only could see Auoh an eager group, tbhat hadly can p wait, Ti. so like a friend Irom the old home State. Then out of oompasion, I think you would send l Some etra eopies-not to lend, But tat all 6lie children, father and 1 mother Might read without waiting one for 1 anotltW. I bhiak likewie 'twould your pl.asure enhaoe To got all arraaes, and a little in ad vanoo, But you ace how itis the thing's 'bout played, And we live a good piece from the baik whoreiks made. I'm told of all honors eonferred on the editor, He least lihes that of maling hinr cPaditor; 'Twovld be mu imposition, but for the hard times I can't think of anything to make thie rhyme, Now I'll be quit and hush my song, If you think you can stand it and it won't be wroug, Just do up the SEWrnJL ana send it elong; Bemember the poet off9e, V. S. 0., And address very plain)y, J. C. P. A Sad Story. Our townsman, tr. John M. Mc 'onnell, recently received the follow ig letter (which explains itself) fron he manager of the Miami Lumber ,o., of Springfield, Ohio, bearing late of December 6, 1886: "DEAn Sni: A few days since a man h<mtt '24 years old, of medium size, lark hair and eyes, well dressed, ame to us for work. Our foreman ut him to loading saw logs on a car iage in the river. Unfortunately we ieglected to get his name, for ltard y had ho worked an hour before he ost his foothold and fell in thu riv, r. [i body was rccovered and buried next day, nothing being fouid on himt to identify him exoeptyour name and address. A mong his elTects were, overcoat nearly new, worth $18, suit clothes, also new, about $20; silver watch $15; rev:lver, Smith and We4s son double action 38 cal., worth $14; valice, $7; hnt, shirt, &c., and $7.30 mo money. The funeral eXpensc: wee i $2t, which we paid, leaving us out $8.70. Now; if you are at relative or friend of this unfortunate young uan and Will sendcl me P. O. order f'r the $8.70, I Will :tvnd you by expresus all his effects as above. If you wi"h we will have remains taken 'p and sent you at your expense, but do not thi.k it ntecessary. Trusting you n: y know sontetlhing of this nian, and that I will hear from you aoon, I am very truly, A. BAIucuv" whoI( the unifoirtunate nman was, and perrnnits us to publish this let ter ini order that his idertity mighrt be~ dis covered if potible. It is singular that thre yorug man shuhdlrhave lhul no wr'ittu en I Clent abi~roit h:im 1save the inme and address of Mr. ME-C,on nell. Hlis lonely cnd is peculiatrly sad(, in thre mnidst of health and strentgth, am:id strarners, anid run krrown to famnily and friends.-..n ders~on JIourn<d. Au End t.. B.ane *9rapin. Edwarrd She'pard, of ilarrisbunrg, Ill., Raya: "lla ving reeivedl so mnru be'n, tirt from E icetneo Bitters, I f'ee ift my du ty to let suifering humranrity know it. Have had a runrnig nore on my leg for eighrt years; my doctor tolk ime I wold hamve to) have the hone scrapedl or leg am.. punted. I used instead, three bot.the of Elec.tric Bitters anrd several boxes of Biucklen's Arnrica Salv~e, and my leg is now sorund andr( well."' Electric Bitters sold at 50c. a bottle, anid ibruckcn's Arnicn Salve at '2 cer.ts a b)ox by D)r. (*. WV. Earle. V'olunnre lV. of Alden%* (Oyclo.. pedIia of Uiv Ier4al i4terna tutre. Tis certainly is a work of extraor dinlary popular interest, and it would be very strange if at its low price it should not receive an imainense Ccti lation. Though it is to extend priobi ably to 15 volumes, and1( will inehleo reopresen tative seilect.ionrs (v ith bio g~raph1ical sketchre) from nearly 2;00 )f tho most famous authors of thre world, o,f all arges anid all naitions, vet it is easily withnin the reachl of anys o'ne able to invest so nimall a sumr a's i1) oontLs a week. The pr'i(e of the book, is C0 centu rach, for c'lothI binding, and(, 75 (eentS '1nch, for hralf-n.or'occo bindiurg anid Eurt her pert niculrs and discript iom: Uiso the pulishrer's large desciript ive mntalogue of standal:rdl10 boks; may~ be rand free, on appilicaution to .1 Oni .3 LD.N P~uler, 393 Pearl St., N. Y. Good Results in Every Case. D. A. Bradford, wlrhlwalepaper dealers, lmhattanoogar, Teinn., wvritos that he was' tiriously afilieted withI ai seer co(ld that ettled onr his lungs: had tried manry remn o try D)r Kings's Now D)imnovery for lonsumptioni, did so and was entirel veur d by use of a few bottles. Since which imoie he has11 used it ini his fmily for 11 Coughsa and Colds with beost reults. 'his is the experiment of thlounsands wh'io ivos havew been saved by this Woinderfrul )iscovery. Trial bott[es froo aut Dr. (1. V. Earle's D)rug Store. Tire Golden Days, l'(dishedu by Jame's, ilvorson, Phriladelphua, Pai., for 9.0 or annum, us one~ of te motlst c m-in-| ig anid best papers for chihenr arnd nlring people, we have ever seen. It, sautifulliy illnstrated a,d ';'on ...t -01---s 77fx ;' FATHER RYAN, T1E tAR-Aj"& D POET PRIEST 0) THE SOUTH. The atended and enricecd edition. Ring tg Iyrics of the War. Battle songs which red the 3outh and oompelled the admira Iou of the Foe. Comp eto in one volume.488 pages,beau fully illustrated. The oogruvings Inelude steel portrait of the author; lirs old hurch andad#oiting Residence in 1Mobile; 'EiLU's Flag;' and sh-. "iouquored Bin or." The Book will be sent to any address on re eipt of price, t2.OO BALTI; LG,E PUBLISHING CO., 174 W. Ba timore 8L, Baltimore, Md. N. B --One-half the pr)fits accruing rot the sale of this volume of poems from late to 1st of March will be devoted to the 'u11(1 for the erection of a Monument to ather Ryan, to be placed over his grave n Mobile. help on the work and swell he fund by purchaHing a copy of the book. khi!1 Wru,ted mcn and women in evcry own, village and parish to not as aget.t or the sale of this book. Liheral pay will )e givwn for services rendcred. Soid for tecriptive circulars. 'T A TE OF SOUTH CAROLINA iCOUN'1'Y OF 1,t"'K:N .-lty J. H, VEWTlON. Esq ,'ig..-Whereaa, . M. Madden has made suit to me, to raut him Letters of Ailniuistt'ation, of I F-t-Ite an( effccts of J, M Peek, loremsed 'Thee are therefore to cite and tdmonish ill tand1 singular the kindred and creditors >f ite said .1, M. P'e(lk, dece'asted, Ihat .hcy he aul- appear, hefore mte, in the 'ourt of Pr'bate, to he held at Pickens . 11., On the tth day of I)ceentber 1881, fter ptlication hercof, at 11 o'c'l k in tt." f retnoon, to shew caise, if any they rnve, why the said alni ttstration sLoul( ot he a;n:ueted. (iven under ny han(l :d seal, this 1st lay of I)eecember, A'to t)oiini 186S}. Lu.] J. 11, NEV'TON, J..r.r.c. ec'.i, lt;St it 2t rourtoon and Ono-half Cts. for C otton A FOIITUNE to those who haYe the n,rve to C I AMP TIlE OPPOL. 1'UNITY. 14 cents for c'thn. A litiitd'(1 suip1v of. A LLEN LONO $TAPLE COTTON 3E1) for sale it $2.50 per bushel. We sold this otton at 1d J ceitt4 per pound lst tet 5on1, and the staple is finer this Ce than last \e arc preparel to le?ivr s(e(d 110W. iNt order taken or lest; than one bushel. ( ELY & 1RO., GREENuJ.i S. C. nov 11, 182G 7 - N T OTIF, OF I' NA L ME"<TILEsmlNT. .I h,e by nivc notice th't I will aplyhiI ii .1. i. Ne.\tiln. .indge' of Pr.; for Pi' ke:a ('otun,ty, S. C., ot the 3th dv of I),c,mbe(r i , r le.i;e to m.a. : titat <ctil mnut')f the i'ttatP ( f h'. I. .' e.laha, li('.rwl, atiI nl to be1 di ih r'e t( A'hle.iistrato r. W.. McMA. I:i Aam r. nov. , 13t4 9 2m Sheriffs a Bae - 0 7A. A. . hI e i re:' t i .-. tIa '4 te n t t t'j hi ar, bi h r .: i ; 's( r iis JurI Ithe lo :un! F hroM ai e it i,.!.:1 S ii . la- n -I 1 ' he fah -wig e-e % I ii l tt t:eel i ' he d li 'I aintili git it th,i Ithe ('amatii ty a .1 -- ti af rI t 't Tuaa elvo xi- ler. tein., wih it:r' t. -f dtislitn r , .i pit efi!.i !r al pui loa yd f 'ii : r k st vi. asth il haPac s. :ih e -n1' n arda sAie. a.nlt Shef(!1 rifs,r Srle.nsh h.seribd inade<r . J.ut (li ur-sn O es oveinr fr P!il.n 'oiv Ti'r,.idn--li'etrp (u) eadmish,raindr o tmt ont adt wo year Xi~nd it i'er1t. 'enredi( byan motl ge mist1 peiss Puchse topa foor1111I al papreand ftor ~'V bythe IIt. A.tit R iCHY ('i.ko.H mte o ' nx.tut CaIn~j ~drlna Ephra'lim1 ibvr >aln Ain Js i,atoro , the EstaIte of S, (ltiI. t ft Ahxne hr dt Scond phllnof agat uttligi Eieth ofron Chaw, J.J. Lvmewis..p A<nini rtorolfed Wilim Crensuh deceaitd, lrahcy C..)c!, letlina. ut) Y a i utie t e it a (d 4)r ll fil i / f i ftys re a rer ln o10mdei.uheabv TEPG hv the Hon. (ourt of Conno, i!asell o yote fo hihtbidet a 'ikesCor durine the h. .al hour fjjals n a St i " h olwigdsrb d HF-L F.TATE to it: be most rehne4 ad most popular of all tiLe humorous 1ourals. is8 r A to , o0 san :coiuuM f the choioest Original and Selected matter every week. 'RICE $2.00 A YEAR, POST-PAID TO ANY ADDEESS. f SPECIAL OFFER. By spoebd arrantgement with the pub- t ishtr of this paper, 'he Ark noon Ii't'elt:r a iill be ublad with ''r PlCKrb SENrINSL ' 'r +R.00, thus affnrding an opportunity to e'iure bot1i pape f<orlittle more thtu lhe >rieo oe. il a ratre offer. Tait;e lvantttge of it at once. Sample copies c >f T/' Ark n onu Trut'c/er will be niled ImI tippiatlon.), 1r wo aiso furnish the two large and plendid Colored Egtavinegs "'hE ARKANBAW TRAVELER" "TrTt TURN OF THE TUNI," Vh!oh t, gtt.her with the original story as I oll by Co'. ''Sanldy" Faulk'.ier, will Le ntatiet to any adoruson reouipt of 10 ets.; t m'tlge sta ntpa taken. Tiese pictures art of given as prcihns, b bt are mailed, 1 lost-paid, only on receipt of price. Ad b-ess READ & BENiIIAM, Publishcv, Little Roek, Ark. \ INFORMATION MANY PERSONS at this aeaaon eauffer fronm -t.o{ther JZeacl, 3 11'eurulpla, . Jhectmratis, 1*laLns in~ the Limbs, I:ack ad - l5lrles, ]3ad Iloodi, I Inllpeaton,Lyapepala, Malaria,Conatlpatioui&KidneyTroutbles. +}-VOLINA CORDIAL CURES RHEUMATISM, Bad Blonl and Kidney Troubles. by clauirng the blo a of :ti Ita i,u,.uritiea, etrengtuenuing all parla of the body. -+-VOLINA CCODIAL CURES SICK-HEADACHE NitralgIe. Palns in the 1.inib., llck atul Silde, b tounag the herves and strengtheuing the mouscles. -+-VCUNA CC DIAL CURES DYSPEPSIA, Tnditetonn nn<d Ci:t'lation, by ndlng the ntutnt iatin of the Fo.t ti,rwu t, the p,rn".'r action of the stomnault; it create& a heatlthy appetite. *-VOLINA CC'IAL CURES FERVOUSNESS, Depre. ion of spi:it7 nind Weakness, by enlvstr tug anl toning the sy.tem . +r-VOLINA CCJIAL CURES OVERWORKED and Thetl,nt i. o itin, 1'uor eti Stckly Children., It is dtlightful nnt nutritious as a nm.- ml Tonic. Tolinn Alnanna- nnd Itary for 1 ta7- A L:..'on.'. Con.Vlr e' an-I ta"ful Boot I. ' in,' iow to (t m E Fltt..l% Is at It t, ". iu a I,learin, natural way. I+iletl on reccipt of a 2c. pottage atatt.p. Addr-se VOLIA DrC&CH EPI1CAL CO. UALTIt;rE, MD., U. 8. A. Bucklen' A:'nica S,1vo The It-st :tlvt' it tlhi world for ('ts Brtis" s, 'tre. l'ler.. ':tl ;hlemtn, l" eve r ' trt',''ct',Tett i tt piwt 1 I( l "" (in ' liilb,luins, ("rlms. and all4kil+ Erupt I. us tnl pitive ly ctrt 'i l's, or no l:t'a ta f l q 'etl. It is gtar:at'ed t eive stisftction, l ittn'y r.ft i-'. 1. P'it" ,5 eel ts in.r box For salc by 11r. (. V. Erle. LOST t":1! of the l'altit's W:t a 'i soil C:ravt'e I t iit'c nch. etr'han w (;:m. Wc it l No. 1. 11t< i'Lil: 'e d(I r:e'd w'k. n' we ln solo .i rae atl:itiotn. O'lr pri c . 21n l'rmt br 4d *f.. p W a onin :id v orxe aI.mme t,ak iirave ,t s A;I wr de .v1re nt ()we e be f..u .1 n c ar1, c''of .4 4rh! kYa i fr: yi to. serve al who mI ' :h call ut o n h.lrci mt.~r (: ie.. unt a t lItf.t,t IL . 6HN EO & rCO , . Ma . ~L Oc. 14 . V. nw-INyr SUM Of Alre M 'O. $5000 to $000.00.a furih thetir aw nhod of twi .v~ d: uS hTo tim toith fbn. ir. . S .re ionit ra. -0potly t ..JOHNSN &. 11 JMain~ &t. Riron,V. $500 o .00 I t ori$5000.00.rt, nitsepa4ymeno 8ts ma bett~ mAl kinex te n ove a period of i tenh vT r if de .!i tip. Ti i VI l .U tA. . t .#~' ( Pii: n s, Hftol.ilt e 23,s 1and 13.ii et m Al H j I D NtiCi iH A PPY!!CDLtI I ma os fo&r Hauta (hus Alllkind Cass Fan'Ii eitoby Vove and Woockd CiantrTin Whjel barows e. Ca1 iet, us. n M aucers tc.I ci The State of Sodth Carolina, CovNrY ov iaa8u. IN COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Elisha Kelley vs. 0. W. Kelley et al PURSUANT to the terms of a deoretal order made in the above stated case on the 9th day of June 1886, by Honf J. B. Korshaw, presiding Judge, I will sell to the highest bidder at Piekens C. I-I., during the legal hours of sale on saleday in Jannaey next., the following described REAL ESTATE, to wit: All that tract of land in PickensCoun ty on branch wators of Town Crook, about one mile East of Pickens C. II., adjoining lands of C.L. Hollingigworth, J. H1. Newton, W. S. Kirksey and oth ers containing eighty three and one-half (831) acres more or 1is, known as the James K.lley plaee. ALSO That other tract of land in Pickenn County, adjoining the above described tract, J. E. Hagood, J. H. Newton and others, containing sixty-three and one half (631) acres more or less. The auove tract comprising the Heal Estate of Eli sha Kelley deooaed, and sold for parti tion. TERMS:-One-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash-the balanco on a credit of twelve months with inter eat from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaia'r ani mortg,age of the promises. Purehaser to pLy extra for all papers and for recording the same. J. J. LEWIS, c.c.p. dec 9 1886 11 3 Clerks Sale. -- --0 The State of outh Carolina I'ICRENs COUNTY TN COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. (loorge McAdama, Administrator o al va. '1'. J. Hunt. et al. J )U > UsN'1' to the terms of a decretal ord hr made in the a0ove stated cwr on1 th1' : uth of S: pt. .ber 1886 by lion. J. 11. thlti presitiing Judge, I will 1ell to the liitne-ot hitdtler at i'R.k. i + C. l., l.r.dg th" legal hours of sale on hlda in .aniutiy next the following dtie.d tE_\ r, ETATE, to wit: AdU that iiece parcel or trr'e' of land in ie' ('11oty , on Goldlenl ('reok, thi "Mill Place, con.aining fcrir:e: (14) acre- more or LN jontingl ,ml; io Jluohn \V. 'Thoma, Eva lin' Hunt, iou-is. mlnt andt othe:s. On thi1 t et ;lmrc i.'1 :a goud (rnist Mill, Cot tOl (h., &C. TT.1MS: Onl hal he p tlreb+- i.eney to ho pail ill eib, ne-''v'e on one y-ar's credit c,:ih iiierit YrCim <h4', seaumcd by boud of ,anr,l'w-er and mortt;age of the premeti1P". Uucllur nallowel to pay all rsa. 1'.1reha r to pay fo r all p:>ern and~ ftr:tr-,eligsme. dae 9, 3 11 t f I N C'(I' T OF COMMON PLE~A S. Ii m ii A. lU'ze:le vs. Wat ttn C!ol .A MNT to the terms~ of a tie --t(e ere ont the- 28th day of Su-p pr..idingt' Judtge, T wvill so-li to the higes t a b.r:. P'itcens (A. H., dutr ing' th- be'al hours of xttle oni saledlay it ,b:uar net.'ttxt, thie following desi cr i'eH l4A l~ ESTATE F, to wvit: All of tbat trtii oif land in the Ht.te and ( onty aftoresu-aid on Crow ('reek wa:ters tf the Ke4.4owee River, adijoining~ lands of WVilliam Alexander, two)hilt(( hund tan int acrc-t motre or l-ss- oiriinally granted to Robert lRankint. 'TE1 i24:- One-third the puirchlase mioney-t to lbe pauid inl ecsh, the blanL:Uce on1 twelve't months tohime, with inter-est fromo dayt of: sal,8 -cured bc bon o ii f puri chiasterhiit andt mort gage of the preiseis(. Pur ichas-er to ptay for all ptapers and for rectordinig the~ same. J. J1. LEWIS, e.c.r. dec 9, 1886 11 3 JUSTJ R ECJEIVED) NEWXYSTOCK --(Of'--. Nu r -1'ofl.c,3 ete,5, etc., OVEKRCOTS Now is t.he timo fr you to get tour suite for Xmas. 2AMand(W &O IMIyeP 'Several weeks ago I placed my o lers (prineipally) in the Nwrherr lVarkets for a large and wellas 3toek of Goods. Sines that atu Woolen Gooda ha,e advanced 0 r. 35 per ceit. I now propose Id gi my Oustomers the benefit of ti idvance. S Yarde Good Jeas fe S1.oo. Other grades proportionately 1 Wease&'. Folasc . all a A Id; 75 "eat. illen's Brogam, all as1l'. l1.00. Nice Suits of Clothe., ranging in price from $6 00 to $15 0 9 Will guarantee a nice Suit as Ohea a you can buy in Geeenville, or 1 fund the money. 20 Yards 4tandard Fri ai $1.00. All Grades of TOBACCO in Stoo Try the "Dark Horse," best) cent Tobacco in the County. 'The are strictly Cash prices. My stock consisting of DRY GOOT a STAPLE and FINE CLOTHING, . Grad ;. BOOTS and SHOES, everyqualit HATS and CAPS, all varieties. HAIlD WARE and GROCERIE Everyhing usually kept in a Ge eral Sto:-e, is now reIv, and is ti bu gent in this Section. BA iGAll are awaitng all. W. D. Glenn, UMRTY, 8 C. Edutcationali. Tl10 ()\F TuI~ E / wvill he res thle l et day (of ..a . I344ardI in: private fama lesi from *8 to *r peCr mon), wooll d l ighmts inchid ed. lbe o,f Tuition &c. samel& as4 heretofer For furither pazrticuIlars apply to W. M. MUcGsusa, Pickonis C. 11.; 8. 0. eofWIioiaJ Ntiufce 4~ Pickens C. H. Greenville, 8. C. CIIILD & WILLIAMS, s.ttorneys and Counselors at La1 Wijll p)raction in all the Courts of Gre ville~ County, Stato and Federal. may 29, 1881 35 ATTORiNEY AT LAW, PI MENM C. Ii., M. C. 3rcie in the ('ourts of the Stato and -. he~ Un~ited States (Curt. Off1ee in Court House. sept. 13, 1883 5 !. F. ANI5rL, J, g, NWMSgg Greenville, S. 0. Pieken., s. 0. ANSEL & NEWTON, L ttIlerneyM at Law PICKENS C. H., S. C. juno 14, 1883 88 V. CI iLD) & BOGiGS, ttorneys and Oounselors at Law PICKENS C. Hf., S. C. Vill practice ii' all the State and Fderai (;our-ts. march 29. 1883 T WILL PAY YOU ryoui propose going West or forthwest, to write to ine. represent the Short Line. FRED D. RUSH, D. P. A., nov. 4, 6m- Atlanta, Ga. J. WT. NORWOOD. W. M. NOUWOeg. D)ua. NORW',OOD) & NORIWOOD. Gr'eenvulIe, S-. C. Oxaro: ON Mia &'ruuNr. iyttbth1ms 4a 6