The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, October 04, 1883, Image 2

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TW SENTINEL. D F BRADLEY.Editor PWCKENS O..H., 4. 0.: UESDAT, OOTO3R. 4, 1083. "he bbeville .'eia and Banncr replies ia editorial artice on the subject of ed .tion, appearing in this journal a few ks ago, and calls for facts and figures. t editor is absent, but will doubtless re tud upon his return. In the mean time uld the Press and Banner coome- impa t we refer him to the Columbia Regiater f gure,. -. ---__ 'he Keowee Courier, one of our most tcome visitors, eomes to our sfnetum a weoi clothed in a new and tidy dress. e ?ouricr is now In its thirty fourth ar, having been- established at Old Pick s in 1840, by Wm. Trimrnier, Esq., and itod by Cols. J. W. Norris and E. M. ;ilh. It is a good paper, and while it has At none of its youthful vigor, it has at ined a matured judgment, that nge and porlence can alone give- May it prosper 1-d ever remain a living exponent of the otto that greets the eyes of its many aders on the first, page of this staunch urual. We are r.quested by Dr. Earle to state at the charges made against him before o Trial Justice did not embrece the of use of selling spirituous liquors. It was no. however, that a bill was handed out y ihe Solicitor charging this offense, but to witnesses only tosifod to the fiact of ling Ginger Tonic, which the Doctor aims is a medicine. lie has sold no hiskey, and as the charge was pullished a wishes this statement to be made public, tat no false impressions may be created by to publication of last week. We cite tily make this statement and would ntita tat we believe no one hat;s charged the a uctor with selling whis;ey.Y. Gen. Sherman will turn over the corn. and of the army to Gen. Sheridan, and ractically retire to private lie on the tt November next. Gen: P'ope will proba. ty succeed Gen. Sheridan in con mand of o military division of Missouri. The Georgia Legislature has passed a 11 requiring all hotels and restaurants .aat use oleomargarine to post up ini a col licuons place a card with 'this house oso oleomargarino," printed on it. + n Old Acquaintance Heard From. Ilitgh P. Kane, who was otto of the U. 8. - oputy Marshals hero, and who achieved ttoriety by killing Antos Ladd anid stnbse tontly disappeared after giving testimony the 11ited States Court against political eo prostrate ronOir cutrset tanne wnto tm * diately blew his heaais out, ad then oeceded me drive the coach to its destina .t, sc.r.pping thet wotundeid driver to ist it. The stnge coim patty reowarded Kane's evices with a present, of $200. >iters Declaring the Directions of Public Roadb. The attention of Sutperitntecadents of liigh ys is called to thte fellowinig sections (f General Statutes: ghwaiys shall cause all the roads in thleir poctive districts to be posted and nunm ed and, at cacth fork of said ioads, a poma to be placed dlelarinig the ditrection of it roads. And if aity person or persons dl cut down, burn, or deface anty mile :t or stone, or poiniter, erected aH atforo, I, ho, shte. or tey, tapomi cotnvict ion thlere shall forfeit atnd pay the~ sttt of of teni tars, to be recovered by indiet menat ot >rmtaiiotn in anty court of cotttpetent juris. 'St.c. 1060. Any Sutperintettdant of I igh ;s negtoctintg to catuse said roads to be ted and numttbered, and1( to htave 1.olntetrs tdas aforesaid sh:.2l be liable to pay sumn of teni dot .ars for eacht and every ht neglect,' bie rocovered by indictmaet he Court of General Sessions of the nty whterein the sameo occutrs, to he cot ed atnd paid to thte Tllreasutrer of tuoh nty: Pro'idd, '1'That no Supetritetndent I be liable to said penalty who puts1 up, Ipoiters at sucht timtes as hte wor-ks his I divisiotn." United States Court. REEyVLLE, September 2O.-Int the Una States District Court to-day an ordetr patsced requeirintg tat tall persotns int com- - *siotn ts deputty itarshtals prion to thle 25th utly last, and not now ini regular com,i sioti of such, whIo have itt chtarge war, * t of ntrrests isuedu pioir to July 1st, h Iwithi retur itithet sameo to the office of *marshal of the dlist ric. lin mtovinag thbe o'sage of thtis ourder DSistricti Attoneuy Meol '* mtdutlgedl itt some general iemiarke cont wanatory of thet abtues thut htave been intt pactice in the mat teri of the gr-eat tnmber -, w~arrantts tiat htave been issued, the ma I rivital eases t hat h..veobeenbrotughtt tip, the alt ogethter loose mner in t wicel business in thIt hantds of comilsuotters Ideputy maurshtals has beits carried on te of these transactionts, whetre pat-ties *-e airested andu upon examtinationi there 'eared not a particle of testimotny, hec -.raotoerised as otrages and thte gr-ossest naiions of the r-ights of cit izens. It hnud n~ brought to his o'fhicialI notice tha:t 60< eecent- of tf cases broutghtt before a cer. *commiss;onter durIng the seaotnd qutars of til year had been discharged. Thte minstsioners are responsile, he said, for trivial arreM'i It is their plain diuty to w the ftacts before the warirantts tire is - 'The object oft te order, heo said, was ' ullify warranita issuted prior to Jnly 1st.. ~any of,these oases oovere,d by te or Were htearti by a commtissioneor after tihtis -t - he would refuse to present their ac uta for tehe cost of the same After the ihne closintg woirk of the ternm and thie l-; wing of juries for the ensuing February ied'August terms, the Court adijouru~ed MloEiomni belIeve that the World wilt*coe to~ aa.ed at the close of the thirteenth te o Iatn enm cetnttry', which will be on o' a.. bOatt 6b'er 8t It. i Onratsturiung featutre et e1n~eJ that-eatoable notice of the ippieM Is glveni, as traditlor, -nq~~ a obshl CIse itt the West dutring sA NIs wm4b- It is sushi tha~t a 8 bees, lstnet fromn Mecca kvarato prepare for the D# The Becond 8. 0. Rifles Wd publish below a l.etter from General lohe Bratton to Col. R. S. Elowen, Is re. Itrnoe to the reunion Of the 2d 8outh Carolina Regiment, of which Col, Bowen was commander at the loee of the war. Gen. Bratton was oomnaader of the ltig aide, of which this Regitnent was ia part; and we publish the letter, hoping that it may have the effect of directing the atten. tion of the survivors of this gallant com' nand to the great importance of a thorough reorganisation for the perpetuation of the histot y and war incidents connected with the 2d Regiment, that future generations may read and applptd Its gallant deeds: FARMIxoTON, Sept. 6th, 1883. Col. R. E. hotwen, Greenville, S. C. DRAa CoL. Your invitation to attend the meeting of the survivors Qf your old regi. ment, was not received until the 23d, the clay after the meeting. It cane "forward ed" from Winnsboro, which caused some delay. White Oak is my postofice. It reached tne, however, and I desire to ao knowledge It and to thank you for rement bering wue on the occasion. Your regiment was an object of interert. to me fron the time that it firrt cane uinder my charge at Chatinnooga. Col. Tommy Thomson com inmanding, to tihe end under yourself. No ono outside of your regiment kisows better the diflicumlties with wIich it had to contend dur"itg that period Ianna myself, or was more glut itied by its success. It is btil he truth to say that. it made steady pro greas, continuing to improve as it advanced through lat cmost eventful period of tee war, and reached its highest efliciency, as a nmilitary organization, at the close, when, mny dear Colonel, it was your fortune to be its trusted leadler. I arn glad that its survivors are organ izing ancd holding reunions, whIch are not only refreshing. and, inspiring pleasure to the members attending, btt necessary to pert'ectirng sonic plan for the preservation if its record, and this nmuch is due to your lead, to yourselves, and to those who come fter you. My best wishes for your welfare and ualmpiuess, which ever go out to you and o the numbers of your old regirnent. Yours truly, JouN~ 11u.tTTON. !It. View Academy, Central Township Al thIe close of school. September 21st, he followitig received prizes: lial loggs mid Bobbie Cochran far best. recitations hIring the term, andi Louie Cochran for >unctuality and good behavior. TIACUtea. There was a very small crowd in ttontdaneo on sale dtay. It was one ot the (IUllUt inco latst Juntt- Sov oral valuablo tracts of land were disposed of. For a while tl o bidding was lively. One tract of land ovum on the Saluda side sold for five th ouit. and and five hundred dollars, one halt casih. Wo understand that Lowis R. Redmond will soon 1n movol from tie prison in the North to some wilder climate. A. C. Iticlhimond, a lepublican poitimn of Charleston county, committed suicido with poison on ooting takont dowln to see hecr father, anid wats probably fntally injured. WV. P. ILa.i,a promainont and very sulccessliul businmeaa man of Char lost.on, died at Penidlotion on leriday Standard School Books. T1ho following are the Standa:rd School Books adopt.ed by t,boe1l0: rd of El uca*tion for thce pu bit schiools in this State: I en'dora - Roynolda's, A ppleton's floidors and Roadinig Ulhats, Swin - ton's, McGuffey's. Ilistories-~Datvidison's South Car olina, Swimton's Primary andl Con, desed Uited State s amrnd Out li;oz of t ho world, Derry's Unmitted States, by L'ppiccott & Cc). Geomgaaphin-Maury's Se'riosu, A p Arithmoetici-Itobinson's Series, cWuord's Primariny, InitermedC(iato etnablo's Practical. Gramme inrs-Sill's PractiecailiLss ons ini Rnglish, WVhitnety's Pr*ton- c ais for' Itilihst. Classes, Roved & iollog g's Seories. Di)ctiotnaries--W~ebstor's, Worcos emr's. Wr'itincg liook-Spenerian, Roy iold's. ipellers -SwVitonu's Prtimor, Wod Pennr. Word lBook anid Word Ans , alycits. Drca wY ing--Kruiso's Buarth ,ho M usic-Song Boill, Soig WVavo, A igriculittro-Lupton's Elemnenta y' Prlincipios. Suplotmetary.-Montioth's Pop-ji hwa Suieonoe lcador, Shce phard'si II is, orical floader, Sohatmot's GeOogtraab cal Ronder. Book asgonts saty that tho solec', totns a too many, but the board oinsider such a number tneoouesary to irovent monopoly Only two books, 4 ~lnckomnbos's Gratmmnr and Cotr. tel l's Ge ography, aro diroppod from ho prosoent list,, but a numbetr of noew mes0 ar'e addted, Any3 on thce list may { >o seleoted by teachers itn their dis trotion. OP'ENINO Cc.URT WITh PRAayE. \fter tho jurty had boetn drawn ints L'rial J usico Bleiane's Cotsrt last Fri lay, and thce latwyors atnd wstnoes vetro sail ready to p)rooood wit s thme ano, the Triat Justieo asked all par. i05 ti' 8..and utp, ansd when t,hey did o, hce offered up a for-'ont pray or, skmtg amnong othcer tinugs, that t,bo itnessesi to be sworn ins tho 0..80 roauId 'remotmber their oaths to speak the truth, the whole truth td nothcing but Lice truth." It was novel prooooding.-NebryO. arver, 18tA.Nebry0. Thso boat, is the cheapest. Buty brinor's Indian Vormfiig, as it is maranteed to destroy and expel orms-the (ihild's $rPatont anemy. ctioe. Oaxaumi,u.. 8. C., Sept. 17th, 1883. Pavicat SKt:irti.: Please give notici IbrougI your paper that Mr. LUTI1EK K. AM1T!H can be found at Ensley for the nex 10 days, to receive COTTON in payment of Stone Ouuno. All paltios owing the Uompany will please salt anid settle durinp that tiiur. Respectfully. FENUUSON & MI,LER. sept 27, 1883 1 3 State of Southa Carolna> County of Pickens ]By J. II. NaWTON, Juoos or PROBATa. Whereas, Thomas It. Price and Mar' garet ioper has mnade suit to me, to gran hern Letters of Administration, of thi Estate and effects of Charles Roper, do )eased These are therefore to cite and admon sh all and singular the kindred and ored itors of the said Charles Innper, do seased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to be hold at Piek ans 0. I.. on the 19th day of October 1888 tfter publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in he forenoon, toshow cause. if any they ate, why the said administration should 'ot be granted. Given under my hand and neal this, the at dny of October A. U., 183 J. II. NEWTON, .r.r.o. octt 4, 1883 2 2 CAL ON W. T. McFALL, OR FINE TEAS, COFFlEE s, Sugars. 8yrnps, Flour, Ba c0n, ILard, Rico, Grits and Fish. loots, Shoes and Rltubbea, ilirtings, Yarnts, Jeans, Bloachings, Calicoes, LacOs ant Hlosiery, 11arnesst, Solo and Uppe [.teor, Powder, Shot, Lead an Unpt, Iron, Nails, PIt ?ws att Plow St.oeks. Carpeanter's nanil Shoe Mak er's Tools. Tobaccos, Cigars antd Cigaret te all at reasonablo prices, and ti Shoddy GIoods. Drennan & Bro. 10l OUR OLD CU8ST('MERA andl thi Lpubllic getnerally. As we cani not se. you ir. p'ersonu, we will tell you iihrough t hi NRNTINRL that we have just ksid in f,4)1 habatimore, Ne iw York. itoen, and Ph ila dolphia-a fuall litie of Choice Uiroceries a' lRoek iot torn Prices. We huy our Flouir direst front the Mills andl sell at Pricos that defy COMPisTl Tli.N--our trade is growing fant- -our eun. omers will follow us when they wan' BAIIOAINS. Our Conifectionary Depnrirment is corn let-GOoodls all fresh anid genuine. WVe aave advanitage ini freight andu ctu sell you heaper thlin you can buy elsew here. Mr. 0. T. Willis butyes cotton in our tore auid will be to see you. With thaniks for past favors, we are yours ruly. DiIENN AN & Bit0. 1P. 8.--Parties who owe us tor (Gtuno, an settle with us hero or M. J ilMITil, asley. oct 4, 1888. EA~D ANNO?DCEKENT! E 3ALTIMORE CL BIG ASSORTMEN Plae FineSt, tine Latiest, i ELEGANT A JUG IND)UCEMEiD )ur Receipts of New Fall a SIMPLY Wo claim outr Stock includesO over eondors it al ways intan thy Popu lair Thaerefoe, Come No, And make youmr $OIections from Ve can saivo y'ou money. %%o can OU perfoot stLisfaction in every par S. . W.* BOW IRN, Salesman. sept 20, 1883 iNsIBLEY Foq etr e, m. .ae n r.. ,tt What You. Can Buy 'or ei..o. -0 To our fA6mds we now propose to tell you of some of the many things in our immense stock that you can have for One Dollar, to wit: 16- yards Jeans for %l 00 4 yards Heavy Jeans for 1 00 3 yarAs still bpter Jeans,for 1 00 And we have the best houosmde Jeans for 45 cetus per yArd G yat de Rod Flannel for 1 00 4 yerde Red Flannel for 1 00 4 yard. While Flannel for 1 00 8 yards W bite Flannel for 1 00 12 yards Cotton Flannel for 1 00 10 yards Cotton Flannel for i 00 8 yards Cotton Flynnel for 1 00 b yards Cotton Flannel for 1 00 12 yards 4 4 Sea Iland for 1 00 10 yards 4-4 Sea Island for 1 00 12 yards 4.4 Illeaching for 1 00 10 yards 4-4 Bleaching for , 1 00 20 yards 3.4 Bleaching for 1 00 And all it will cost you for 20 yards Calico is 1 00 16 yards Calico for 1 00 13 yards Calico,'l doen buttons and I spool cotton for 1 00 10 yard'i I Wool Dress Goods for 1 00 8 yards 5 11 ool Dress Goods for 1 00 6 yards Brocnded Dress Goods for 1 00 Ii) yards Cotton Checks for 1 00 And all it cost Is $1 for 82 yards of Remnants of Calico for 20 yards Heavy Quilt Trinmings for 1 00 20 yards Shirting for 1 00 16 yards Shirting for 1 00 13 yards Shirting for 100 12 yards Heavy Drilling for 1 00 10 yards Good Bed Ticking for 1 00 : yards Better Bed Ticking for 1 00 4 yards Best Bed Ticking for 1 00 20 Ladies while and rel llandk'fs 1 00 The Best. Unlaumdered Shirt for 1 00 10 'air (ent.- } Hoes for 1 00 10 Pair Ladies Hoes for 1 01 20 Ladies Collars for 1 00 6 lenta Linnen Collars for 1 00 I Pair Ladies Undervests for 1 00 3 yards Oil Cloth for 1 Ott 10 yards IHickory Shirting for 1 00 8 yards Hisikory Shirting for 1 00 20 Spools Cotton, 500 yaed, each for 1 00 20 Souls Cotton, 200 yards each for 1 00 4 Pair Kid Gloves for 1 00 4 Pair Lisle Thread for 1 00 Black Vejvet, Black Silk and Colored r Velvet for 'Irimminttgs Dr. Warner's Corset for 1 00 Stradley & Barr Matchless Corset for 1 00 48 yards Irish Trimming.-4 for 1 00 211 yards Crash for Towels for 1 00 l 10 yards Crash for Towcls for 1 01 20 Hand Towels for 1 00 8 Turkish Towels for 1 10 4 Linen Towels for 1 0 10 yards Cotton Diaper for 1 00 1 8 yards Unfitni.hed Cunabric for 1 00 7 yards Uniished Cambric for 1 01 6 yards Unhruishest Cambtric for 1 00 And now vith these prices as leaders in our stock, we expect to be very bsy. If rpa'"ce wotld allow us we conlti speak of hmtrte d- if other things. but wt:l suillics, it to s.y we have everyt hint att. is kept in a Dry na'ods louse, ai t it you lon't - w.n, v.1 %ant Ilon't fail to aI,lk for if, (lIIEENVILLE, . . - . I. YO ILOW. OW Two Yokes fine Steers. Onue I licerse Wflgon. (One Large Wagon. Three (Onws-60 pounds Wool. One Mule. I have a lange line of H AT8, CLOT H INOI, &c., &c., which I am closing out at coN,. Selling strictly for cash I can not be un.. dersold. Parties who owe mae take notice thnt 1 expect every dollar of my money this Fail', and mutst have it. E. R1. IIORtTON. Liberty. DA. C. aug 31, 1883 48 miD AND WAlITIN ro YOU .OTH ING HOUSE, T'! BIG lBAIWAINS. lie Most A rtistic Ntyies of CLOTHING TS, liGi DISPL AY. rd Winter Goods have been IMMENSE. y Deosirabhlo FnbtUrtc and Stylo which und insurwa a roady Salo. v. Right Away Qasick, onr Now stock wilo yet oomj-doto. ivo you tme antd troubleo, an dgive' Licular. (Come and aoo us. RIRA FMAN. Proprietor. 52 t ~SEEDS ,fcil(,~oijwe anA ti lt of F08R 8 E1E1. HOVEY & TOWNES, ' GREENVILLE, S. * pho uou of -07 gre I 16,( WE HAVE OPENED OUR ing mol Wei Fall and Winter 3tock and offer the following Goods (nut got at very - dv $hal Low Prices, v 100 Piocus Jans, from 10 to 76 tsl I' por yard. sidc tnot I Cases 4-4 Bloached 10 conts por yard. 22 27,( 150 Pairs Blankots, 90 cents to $14 autd pri por pair, 12 50 Piocos Flannel, 20 conts to $1.00 12 10 por yard. 3,3 113 410 Piocos Carpots, 25 conts to $1.25 \vi po.m por yard. mat 32 18 Dress Goods (th In all colors, from 10 cotts per yard at and up,ward. buit last OUR ST OCin i OF q D r Black Goods Can naot bo surpasse.d in this ma ket. D 2 ga, Ottoumans (otIas, fro c Ladie1C Oloth., g Albatros Clotia, [I1a aad Satens,, an< All in Black, and at vor'y Low dI .Pries,. ost ALSO, se( 13'1k Cashmeres From 12i conts~ to $1.25 por yard. E A Large Linac of at, all price. Sil Silh AILSO, ji(d< IlOSIERY p)art WVH11TE (dOODS. a til SII1N (S, tak< 48lIIWRTINGS, Y also TICliI NGs,0 CA S.l MI3E1[$$1. for W'ATElIt-PIlOOFS, ie OIL CLOTIIS, thin L A 1)113s J I3R8E,Y JACK ET8, Go LDOLMAAN8, C you CLOAKS, toe ULsT1ERS, chu, AND WALINlG JACKETrS,J HONEY & TOWNES, INext Ioor to National Bank, 'WE .REE1NVILLE - .* .* . s. It is an ill wind that blows no I.", his is conceded by all to be the rtest crop over raised in this ntry. Ld a matter of course the scarcity noney will naturally be groat. 'his pressure, however, will be atly relieved by Cheap Goods.. t'oently at a big auction sale )00 packages of Goods, amount. to over two viillions doliars woro I to the highest bidder. They at choap. Ve wore in Now Yoi k at tho al o and bought u pile of Bar- t inas. ur stock is immenso. Goods F it be sold. Our customers will la Bargiiis. by .1. MORGAN & BRO. asks to icc of nobody as to how they ,q I sell their Goods. 'o know "on- which side our th ad is buttered," and we know "u low prices will hold tho trade. sul coplo want something olso be- wI 18 vain pretonsions for their y, icy- wt We Ofrer yards good style Calico for *1.00 )O0 yards exquisite Goods at 5, 6, t 7 conts Lot those match these glh :os, quality and style who can. yards good Bleachitag, one yard wide for $1. TI yards So Island Shirting for S- Imt yards Sea Island Shirting for S1. )0 yuds All Wool lIed Flannel at 15 cents. a u pieces bettor grade Flannels, ito, Rod and colors at every sible price, up to the finest Goods do. St yards Rein aunt Calieo for $1. .ro yards good heavy Shirting, 81. ne .ig.stenz )nr celebrated iis,iippi .Jeans o host in the world) is to l.s sold it 19 raents. 'Ihais is Lth o st trop th' we have ever owned. It take.. ane 1trial to take for it an over ing friend. ,787 yards all shados hall wool P GOd at 10 ceLts. ,300J yards(1 Colored Cash mores, ry possibleio shad of color and an elleout gality of Goods for 124c. renutifuml D)ress Goode at 15, 16, 19, anid 20 cen ts. E hle hanrdso,me(.t, 25 and 28 cents a Goods in South Carolina. - w magnificent lineo of the finestw de CJashamoirei made. Nmonch Ottoman C..lothas in single i double w idt,bs, the necwest thing in acr*oss the waters. La.fies A thm 1I yards wide. Preoch Amnuros, B3rgili no Cloths;A ~lisha mixtures. &c., in the noew dos, Marroud'oro Browna, Ma :ay, Resida G reeni and Blue, vanath Browni, Tur coi$o 1Blue, WVar m Shaados of' Red.* IV 'his stockc of D)ress Goods would cm edit to any houso in the larg- il cities. 'rom our! inabIlility to (10 this 3kc of DJross Goobas justice here shial ~l reintquiish it alnd tak Ie Ito thie sublject of J. Hi. MORt LN & 1BRO'S Silks. Black Silks we( are well Fixed. tlhe Ve have a lilac~k Silk at 50 ornts 0"P lhe best 75 ots (ro Grain Black tenl in Greenvillo. A1b lit when it comBos to a Black I)o a~t $1.00 thbon we aro well fixed ed. o clai m to sho w t he best, $1.25 k Silk over dreampt of iln this of the world. This is too good ing to miss. You liad better a look at it, before you buy, for >i see it after hiavin)g p)urehasedl whlere youi will be sorry,. ur Black Silks at $l.4i0, $1.50, 0 and $1.76 are wonderfuJ Miings lie mooney. L er grades in proportion. hadzmin Colored Silks, somo. g ontirely new and beautiful daS too.C amoe and Soc us. It will pay e. We havoe too mnany Ilargains numerate ini this space. A liouse 2,bi ;k full of Goods at H. Morgan & Bro's 2,'w OLESALE AND RETAIL MER- 2, CHANTS, ,2,54 [IIREENVILIE, N. V : TO TitE ICKENS COUNTY! The Summor'nnd ! i, it aro nost over, and w t,urn r attention to pr: the IIand Wintor mo 1 4 ta vo son our fondet, looay the sovoro drong I the Piedmont ite; but we must ni I s is not the only Iforod, and try auni Vos with the Ic iile ouroutlook ma. thoro are others %I 11H thuh wo have. Tho latest reports an advaneo in t utffs, Ah a corn aund flou mr td to say uch is It vith Dry Go io mills were :ll 0 and go lots of theso G boon -cod on the rmarkot I auvy etion sales in Nom A grout many of i sold from 15 to 25 poi v the undard Prices. A ve a 4idunt buyer in It has ured for us somo Rare Mat WVo will therciore mako vtery' advanteI : btly Ar ans, K4ersey and Flat mnl us this sonMon. 15 cents avy twilled Jeans,.aull men01 and boys 20 cent1.5 boys 25 cnts stra heaIvy TIricot, for boys 25 ce n', 001 Jeansii, itt flore and ool Doteskins, for amea & t~ ac WVool Joans1, (bargain) anid boys 33j I colors, .Jeans, (bargain) and boys 33j I colors, D)ooskins, for n boys 33)i o(l Kersoys (oxcellont go mon andli boys 3:3A o1 Joaina and Korseys~ I. nnd boys 40 conts >meo-mado(1 Jsi418, I(erso) D)oeskins for 45 andI 50. ILtO Flanels from 15 to (6 dt F'lanniels fromt 15 to 6( Dress~ Good's. Yo/ intend to give great< buying of this stock, an n Onl or about the 20t,h of boer an excollont line of. n't buy unttil you sco our : Speial 1 Idnenits C fered to Coun itry Morchan :Atlan',a a nd Chaurlesto, I rices Mot. Whaolesale and14 Reta ~reenville, S. Just Openldd. )0 yards assorted styles i* rnts, good colora, only 50. )0 yarda assorted styles rints, good colors, only 6le. 0O yards aussorted sty'les . rtints, best colors, only 7e. J0 yards I2) cents bleach, '.y 0 cnts.