The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, March 08, 1883, Image 2

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8ETINE D. P .3RADLEY.Editor PICKENS 0. H.,8. C.: TU$MA't, A 1 8, 1883 For subscription, $1.50 per atnnufs f months, 75 cents; strictly in advance Adve tiaements Inserted at one delle euvera of one iuch or less for the fiet inset wr.. ffty cents for each subseittrnt inaeri Liberal discount umnde to *errhbante and of advertising for ei. months or by the yedr. Obituary Noticea end rributes of lci ehargedfor as adocrtisements Announcing Candidatee fide dollar. in tdnCr. Govenor btepheis, or Georgia, was th ght to be.dyiog at midnight Smtardnty ni --.ct. iis physicians thought he could -' live three hours. Since writing the above we have see copy of the Atlanta Conetitution in wh the death of the great Georgian is announ lie died at about 3 o'clock on Sint morning. Mr. Stephens was Vice Pre dent of the Confederate States, and onc the ablest, purest and nsost. patriotic c raens of the Union. lie was seventy-< years old. and had been an invalid nea all his life. The term of the present Congress (471 expired last Saturday. The tariff bill v finally passed by a party vote. The d, in iron and some other articles control by rich monopolies was increased, for take of protrction, and directly against :nterest of the toiling millions. The tc reduction aggregates about $74,000,000 No practicable relief can ever be expec so long as the Riepublican party reuainua power. The Senate rejected the appointmenti one Mobley, colored, as Postmaster Union C. H., and E H. Dens, colored, 1'nstnaster at Florence, in this State, r o.ufirmed M. K. Robertson as Postmas at, O:eenville. David Davis, the pund.rous lnslependa resigned the oflice of President of -'enate pro tom, and Senator Eluonds Vermont, was elected in his pl!sce. Railroad Subscriptions. Williamston township in Anrterson cot ty voted last Tuesday week, by a very olde-l majority, in favor of making a s script ion of six thousand dollars to Carolina, Cumberland Gap and Chic Railrond. Belton township in the same cou voted on Friday following and cat rie ainlhr subscript ion by a majority of c This secures twelve thousand dollars to road, which means success to the eut prise. The First Comet of the Year. A little before seven o'clock on Frit evening last, whuito Prof. Lewis Swift, rector of the Warnxer Observatory, llc fer, N. Y , was scannxing thme western a hue discovered a brilliant comeot locaIted the conustellat ion of Pegnatus, near thlea Jieta. rThe tnew comnet is mnoving eastw atnt is very bright. This is the first co0 discovered durinug the present year andial thue first discovery made by meuanus of new telescope of the Warner Ob'ervate which is the largest private telescop the world. The~ owners of thue Columsbia and Gre ville ltailroad have endeavored to handi the Anudersoun/n'tetligencoer by electing edtitor to the position of a 1Director ot road. Ileinig a unemnber of the Legisluat in addition to lisa connection with thue pra they purobably deem him desirable mate to have on their side. It is a plain el but we will see bow it works.--Ande, [if the~ purpcee of flue owners of the ( numbiaa and G reenuville Itailroadl is to hat cap the Intelligencer by electing its edt to the position of D)irector of the roadI, v bet a jews-huarp that they have tmade a n~ take.) Mre. Johun C. Ghuerry, a promuinentr highly respected cit izen of Pendletoni,d of sueningetis week before last. Hiei sixty years old and hasd never beetu m *rled Mr. HI. E. hlollingsuworth, of Taylor Greenville cotunty, has invented a framet go around the necks of cows and prev them from sucking themselves. Thxer invenution hias beetn experimeunted with 'one of huis neighubors cows wuth success. John LeConte, for a number of yea prominent law; er of Columbia and assis Attorney General under Attorney Gen Conner, diled of constumption at Pus C'olorado on the 26th tilt. Ex-Governor lin good, President of Car>lna, Cumberland Gap and Chi Railroad, expresses himusehi as being - d fident of hIs ability to renew the wcr construction at an early day. B. A. Terry, white, of Chesterfield col administered rat poIson to his wife in v key and klledk he.'. He fNed, but the pe am the neighiborh.oo the murder s determi,ed to capture him and make al orkt of his cate before Judge Lynch. Henry Ward I3eher,afkn preo jg the gospel Afty years, has eo 4 $s e0 conclusion tbat, he s WI umn the God Who mnad4'him. 13 nefols than Beosieenha,e ome ~ uo *oncelson ?. a phor L Vntedl Itates Oourt. The Oreenville correspondent of the New end Courier speaking of the work of the ex. tra term of the United States Court at Green ville, which closes this week, sayei Dur:ng the term, Which has lasted tout weeks, fifty-spren acqtittals and forty con. victions. 8lixteen persons pleaded guilty, and thirty-one ties were discontinued, taking in all one hundred and four cases disposed of, all of them being viol,ations of r, the revenue laws, such as distillery, renov lag and concealing and working in illicit dlstilleries, and retailing liquor wit. oui having paid thr special tax, The work of the speolal term has nearly cleared the 'f | heretofore heavy docket, All of the civil business was tiontinued to the August term. Monday and Tuesday will be consunted in per the sentettoing of prisoners. and the Court -lion will be adjourned sine die protab'y Tues ion. day afterttoon. None of the convictions . are for offences ot'a very grave character, and it is not likely that any of the parties will be sent beyond the limira of the State pect for Inprisonment. .lost of the defnedants being front Greenvtille. Pickens and the ad ad- joining Counties, they will doubtlesa all be consignd to up-country jails for terms va rying from one toeleven tmonths ou- Rev. A. P. Nicholson will move ght from this p'ace to day (Thutsday) "ot to his chtIrgo in North C:u-olina, and we are informed that Rev Dr. Riloy ica will movo in next week. Dr. Riley ed it will ho soon by all advertisumont lay in this istyo, a1118 Consented to a.ssist si in tho natuageinent of' the school at b this place. This p'osages mtch 'or mie the odutational intorost of ou' to' ti mhe ry and County. Iio )f)rt'sses i flne education, (being a grad unto of the South Carolitna College,) a pitiloo h) phical nind, antd has had a long an d ras nuccossful expot-ionce in teaching. led As an educator lie has noR stpriot' the . und we most heart ily con) gratulte the our citizens upon securing his servi tal ees at this place. It is a long stride - it the right (ite-tion. ted i in From the Salu,la Argus. Jas' P. Cary, Esq. t of We are sorry indeed to learn that Mr. at Cary, the Folite editor of Ite Argus has de as cided to leave (ireenwood. Ilis presence md among us has been so pleasant., and his ter manners so gentle, that he hs become tin, iversally popular. As an Editor, he is intellectual. far -seeing and courteons; able nt, to conduct journalisin upon high and fair the grounds, butt when necess try, can driee the ,of Irenchant pen in hold detfenc.. of his own notions and position. others to the contra ry- his removal will be it loss to Oroen wood, but a gain to Pickens, where he goes in. to practice the law as well as to assist in le- editing the SENTiNs.' Iis nmany friends ib. iu Greenwood regret his leaving. but wish the him great success in his now field of labor go and thought. Ftattsns EDITOR Su NTiX,1-: Knowing your col nty umns to be a medium throughi which liberty d and justice are defendecd, we ask to occupy ne. sonic of your valuable "." .. ....... the er- irag ordered arid inanaiged by thle Ti us e-tees. The firstm intat ion thle people of' lie vicintiiy of Eighteen M'li le hadl of tn "elec tion ," was given by a itot ice posed itt the lay school house by the Trusilees, whlichi not ice Di - statedi it substaunce, thait on thle (PIh Feb,. es" ruasry 1 883, an elect ion would be hueld it ky. this place for (lie purpose of choosiug a in teacher to teach at this place. The person tar receivinig the tnumbher of votes ardl should be the t eachuer. On thile n ppo inted inot dlay (lie qtuliftied vot ers turited oiiu t iid de uso claret their choice, whIichd fell uipon a younig (lie itatn, whose namie we are not at li berty no ry, use, bitt whoi se chairaciter is un imapeach ed - Ii save only tl' a few of the "cho-en few," because lhe differs withI them omn one of thle tenets of thie popuilar Itheology of thle day. -The Trustees, instead of givinig (lie schotol Sit to the onte of the people's chocic, bieitai 'ed, liat juggled, w hi spered and ordered the people Lire out of thie house, anid fimilly gave ihe school .C5 to the defeated party. But for a show of tee justice, they uissignted (lie one elected to a olt school t hat had a teacher oif their own 'choice, who only asked thant t heir pnrtion 3o01- of the school lundl lbe biehil unitil suminmet', idi-. that their teacher miigl. he exained and ( or get a ceitificiate. e'll The "cksz.en few'' of lie last imeitioned tie- nieig'oorhooduu bei ng fullI otf zeah for thie Mad,ster's cause (?) as a mnattecr of course objected to the teiacheir givent thieti, ont (lie ind grounrd of irel ig ious prej ud ice. P leaded by ied onte whom wc will teram the "lishop,'' (hey as immnediately took meiasuires to prevenit a ar- person, who believes whiat the iBible teiiches in regard to (lie justice, nieircy and kind ness of thle Fat her of nanitk ind front teach. s's, ing the school at thait place. Whalit does to this show? We thlink it shows heyotnd a ent douibi that America catn no loinger boast of ew her civil aid tel igious hi bert ies. Wh len On riot only a mart is deoprived of his rights, hmt a entmmuntity is debharredl froim nadvancinrg saits educat ionial int erestsa by the rel igiouis atprejudice of "mien in high phiuces," two of rant whom have ocnupied higher places on (lie bl list of oficers in this Cotunty. When a com b, mnunity is led by so etilighitened a person age as (lie "Blishop,"' well ray (lie Conmmu. tenist and Nihilist cry out against (lie Priest, hood. a o Oh ! shadee of (lie patriots of (lie Revo-. k of. lution returnt aind protect (le liberties for k fwhich you suffered, bled and died? Yon could allow a persoin to "Worshiip God ao, cordling te the dictates ofhi osine tnty But sucht is not the ease itow cnine. 'his- iiuiY ople ~~ - - + e n n Y eem Er.XuanT, 1st)., Feb. 24.--Anna Hasrt a tort hantdsomie and accomiplishied young lady was badly crippled a year ago by a fal and has uince been compelled to use crutch-. es. Pity siians purononnaeed her incurabul ich Of late both herself and her frienids ha,ve been earnest in p,rayer thea she might be me relieved of her affliction. Tthis miorln aet whdle she was engaged in her devot.lom she felt a peculinassensation ini her hmanis *tg and upon rising tound that their use hail to hieen fully restored. Shae can now walk as before the accident.. The miraculous crure was' *t.he t}Ieme of. conversation hero to. day, thue fsmly being wyell known. ORKRNIVLLI, 8. C., Feb 21, 1888. t Editor Preken, .en,nel: r Please state to those buying Slono Guano that ample arrangements will be made to take cotton in the Fall at Easley Station. They can deliver their cotton there a well as at Oreenville, Respectfully, FERtGUSON & MiLLER, Thi>e Piectentq Instituite I iIIE Exercises of the Picken, Institute will be cntinued as a i'rivale School tihrough the remainder of tile schoinstic year. with the nasistance of REV J. it. RILEY. U.U. nnd two Experienced Teach era. iustrumuental and Vocal \Insic will he taught by sin a-;complished Tencher. 1'u piis received at any time by the quarter at the tollowing rate per quarter of 60 tiays: Latin amid (ireek, $9 00 Higher lathematics, 6 00 Intermedinte Deparment, 4 00 Preparatory Depart ment 3 121 A fee of One Dollar per quarter will be assesvssed to meet locidentalr. W. M. McCASi, 1N, Principal. R. A. t.t.n, Chr Board Trustees.* march 8, 1883 2.1 3m Registration Notice. NOTICE is .herey given that the Books of Registrntion for Pickens County, are now open in my office at Pickent C. It. S. C. for the Registration of nil persons who have breconle entitled to register since last general election, on first Monday in each month to and until the first Menday in July, itclnsive, preceding the next gun eral election. upon which last naned day the san,e shnll be closed and not re-opened for Registration until after the said general election. W. A. CLYDE, Supervisor Rtegistration for 'ickens County mnarch 8. 1888 24 tt State of Sout.tI Car-olia - COUNTY OF PICKENH. 1Y .J. If. NWTON, Jt(nut or Peonr. Wherona, It. S. McWiortvr Ia' made suit to tine. It) grant him Letters of Administrn, Iton of the l:state and effects of Juda Mc Whorter. dieceased. These are therefore to cite and admon i al il and singular the kindred and credi tons of the said Juda McWhorter, de. ceased, that they he and appenr, before me, in the Court of 'robtte, to he held at Pick ens C. If., on the 2241 (lay of iarcn 1883, titer publication heecot, at 11 o'clock in the fnre"noon. to shety cause. if any they have, why the said Aidntinistration shoutld not he granted. Givetn utnder my lfand, this the bth tay of \larch 189-1. . Ii. NiEWTON. .n r...c. m;archlt , 1883 ; 1 . N OITIC1, 0' FIN.AL$T''.~lE ' I heriy give native hant I will apply t . .1. i. N evitt. .ltnlge ot- I'iitt nte tnr 1'c eni t c e . i ' inty. nn l itrin y s 3] ttutlait for lenve to make a tintl sn'tlement witi ty vntitd, don-. r mattnt+ n and la-y .1. oper, tnu I a k it be dtch:rgetd theroliroi as l tninutl.u 1. T. ANTihONY, Gnarilian. mitrch 1. 1 S83 23 tICre, ilSt. Om, IHag SoluMe,2 Stono4. II )'mtz wVla I ntan earlty start, S3tono wdti give it to you,. i yont want a baig nutnik with iota yu of liii ha tt'e stoneq. If ou wnnt atn eatry malnttuty uset S'no. if you want a Big ('rop OIbI STONO wtill entake it. It cols a :s tmch to cumltivate an ttcre andtt maike 1-2 balo cotton asM it does to use the~ OLD' STONO anti tmako a whiole balo to theo acre. USE OllEAr P iOOibS A NI LOSE AL. Use STONYO and make All ! FERGUSON & MIhTlEft manrch 1, 1883 23 5 ~XTi1A fie Stat ioneny, in great variety. I'Ch'ieap Writjig Material, also firsot class Fantey Wiood tand LenthIner,boud btox Patpe, termes, Silk pimushn Photo and Aiuiographn Albmsn, andm a g reat variety otf goonds, use. fin a is welt ats orInam2etnl . Aliso, a larege Stoick of F"r4irttlss Silver late Ware, Wut. Iftogers' liraind Ktnives an,l Forke. Sponns, :tc. A great variety of Jewelry, Warchies, C'locks, S pectatcies, C obi Silver, Steel aind Celluloid . Tine largest assoi iment of Cart ridges and Pistoala. I will not he uindersoldl. Itcpatri ng~i of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry dione P'~t prmtly' Main St., 2d1 Door North of WVainng on. GAREENVILaLE, - - S.,. march 1, 1581 20If Not ice to Teach,ern. SCih00l, COMM 183 lONER'S OFFICE, P'leKusV. hI., Feb. 24th. 1883. P'icke.ns Coutity, will meect on the 9nth noii 1(0thi days of \liarchn 1883, for thne pinr pose of E-xtnauiing rT-ehers. All iICTecher whtose Cerlinfictes expire beforen'i tIne hftirstiirby mmid S'tt urday in .1 inly next, will ben, neqir ed to ii(cOnt biforeo the 1itnrid atind ua binin (Certi licnates. and aliso all other persons wino dlaire 10oIteach in this County. All applicants who desire to obtain the Secondi or TIhird Grade6 (ertincoate will be examined on Friday. 9th. and those desiring thne First Grotde will be examninetd on the 10th of Mlana. 0. L. DUIRANT, - $ehool Commisioner Plokeoo Coun,ty, mAucet 1, 188&I 23 . From George-s Creek Mn. EnITOR: The farmers are pre, paring their lands for planting thei crops. Nearly ill thu fall sown ont were frozen out. Farmore are ptir ohasing imnprovod agricultural iin plemonta, this is one stop toward prospority. Vo havo ono of the nost poaco ablt+ sections in th", County no Wik key, no distillerios-'l'ho people art delighted with tbo t,ock-law an would not return to the old systen for any coosideration. Wheat is lookrn;g very well. Antioch church is being painted, and 13. S. Pre.oman, on0 of our County Commissionorts is havinj his dowel ling painted. We lack only one thing to nalce ustt happy and pros porous pt"ople which catn not be ob tained until tberoi i a change in the publ c school systom. GREENIIOILN Wise Words from Washington-Our Undevloped Wealth. W A4Iu1NctoN, I'h. 22. 1883, lie . Harry Lammond, .hech Island S U.: 1)rAIt SiR-Iermit me to suggest to you that in maitking up your liand I(ook). the timher on the sie of the mou,ttntatinIs in Oconeo, PicIc ens, Greenville and Spartatnburg i worthy of being mado a conspicuous IeauInr in thu it111.nara mInatet"iri re sources of our Statu. 'Therv are vast guantitieS of this Limber many varieties of' it are of vtry nu perior quality. '1'ho malnutfaeLurera of (ireernville Coach Factory, which have hiad a Stat an-l Southern rep utaLion for nearly a haIlt cetunry aro made -rom I his Linbor, and thoui t epntation is largely owing to itn dur..hility. Thore aro Vast quiatti ties of spruce, humlockc. blaeckguin hickory and white oalk-a groat de of p,phr"r tiand walnut and som beech. My law library hero is il beautiful cases madu in Grecnville of Greenvillu poplar, and sa wed oi my own lanid. I have in ny oflicr hero a desk and record ease made o Greenville walnut. Tihe opening of LhiH timber to tho markut will be worth moe than ill the cotton gro. wn or manufaItur'e'd iii tieser count tier, for half. a century, provided it i manuf:ttnred at homoi into fnrti ture, vehlicle", a._ricultural imliste ment,s, ( v tt ha dlus) hanis t.-rs, rail ings, &t", Tho Spatairnhur' san Asheville lIailroatd lias ".itepll ,I in - rmlre iJtan Li' ico of this I imnber by Wilmingt.on, N. (I., to thin Nmt Li and to Eur-"pe, e-perially, h'aIk I. curt aind pine for ship btuilding. Gen. liagood's Knox' illo :tirova<I wil Ltraverso a splendl1 Seution of I his tim i er iu ,...., I w .,. - ... . igan, WXiscoisin6 and6 No.rthi rri arnd North We'ternr stat's 'Ilamsi onniig lor' prtLectio tr Lunhler ais ai matitter el arb'olute niees,.ihy rued their Setor(rs andl lipresenrttive refuising to vote 161r the~ tr ill' bill ol tiheir oiwn p:u6Ity unles1 prot~IeecLioni i giv'en their int'rest, wvo inny wvell blegini to corlsider thle ino 1 of weaslthl whliebi is at ou o .vn 0I Ilor., anid w-bide is und(0%eIeoped'c. Iait ing' ais are1 in, vostmjenets ini thie liaiiufic'tiure of the couer11i cottion fabile's, tihey do rot c'omril;e with I he mniinrfato*~ro of tis tiniebe". Th'e machlriinery is les, gilei. IL requir es less skill-d iabor' to operate ri, :ard Liho rauw mahtei.I is iat handrt anid the coist, of utilizini it, compara1i'ti vely smalil. WVhat we need is, t,o let the exrs enio of these Gr'estis iand the varre I)y, anrd quarilit y ofI their Limber he1 k nowni in thie rmarkets of the counetry anrd the rmoney') wiii riot long lo Wai Linrg to penetrate t them wn'ithi N a row guage~( Iitiiroads, rand to dot thiemr wvit b mille, turrrirg rithies anod facto ies. Th'iio implor'tan lt wvork uplon wieb o aregged can greatly aidin bmIolgolg about11 this iretuit anrd I anm sure that6 you willib halrp. I'y Lt) 11se all oif y-ouir po(wer to coin ibuhteto 1 their end.( 1 aiim, sir', ve.ry ies pect fuly, Youirs truly, War. E. EAr,A That Collection. JDear Br'other'; We'ber: A comflpanyr of Jurois at tenrd inlg the United St ates Corit ni- r'envill'.S. C.,.last week, in : converstion4 ai(iit t,hii r iotiginrrga at lie lhv ~er'sio IIot eli, on Lthe subec of m)issiolns, conculuded that it was important1 ito i.en af(l prire gospel to Lthe petople liveinig on Crowv Creek, w i!hic is an isoilitLed portLion of Lthis mountaiun courntry'), wvhero very littLie aitentLion is giv'en to reiguion, arnd mneih Lto illicit dlistiller'y. WV. A. l.esley was present., an rd hiis sen ti monert is, that whiero two or three are ganthe red t ogethei r a coll ctiob n shold be L.akoni inl the midst, }ie occor'dinugly pa1ssed( roun id the hat, andl hats since0 trn red over to me the resulht of t,hiir liberal ity', to be a'ppli. ed a1 shove indiceated. Itf0 os' who id esire to srippiress ovi I an d pro, miote good wvould do likowiso), we could( supply Lthat anid other needy sect ions wIiih a pure' gospel. Lot e'ther'jjuroira follow t ho l example giv.. en hy t hivs ,9 P. II JhIwell, in Chrustia,n Ad(vocate Easley. ES. FeI~ib. 22d. IF Wt H AT.-If y on airO treilol withi grr ping pin s in thle Fr omach, 11g6 N ormani's Neutralizing Co)rdial. If t roiubled with nrauseai, sour stomach, fl utulenicy or hear thurn, liso Nor manii).' Neuitiraliing Cordial. It is pleaisant to the taste,.neeeptable to the attomaia nd rno bad effect. tol, low. W. MA5ALL & CO. Greenville, S. C. Come One, Come All AND TAKE ONE LOOK at OURt Mammouth Stock of NEW GOODS, Just Received, and being teceivcdl by every steamner direct from New York and the f actories. 0 OUll 1)RES GOODS are unnt nally at traclive this Ipri ng. We centwoce by t"howing you a line of llal Worsted Dress (ood, at 10 cents. A handsome line of Dress Ginghams at 10 eents. An elegant line of Pekin Stripes, 12,. worth 16 cents. beautiful line of Lace )ress Goods, 15 cents, worth 20 cents. A lovely lue of Brocades, 161, worth 2, cents Nttu's Vei!ing in New Shades, 33}. worth i nents. 11LA('lI GOODS i% one of our Grea' spucia'tis. 11e have thten trou i- ' to $1.50, consixti g of Culatmeres. lirocades l.aee Goods, Na'nt': Veali,g, 'rnpu Cloths, and A lr,c-s. He a-tor unl se. onr Double Width (nsh. t.crt. for 25 cents. worth 4it) cents. 'Tht Iargest atnd1 prettiest lot of Calicoes ever bret,ht to Greenville are to be seer at out ti l a n. , i:.. _ .p t (a all. Ut 'ge al Utinelte Etoc t E Dic GOOa l ca ndjl~ NO10l(NS, auittale foar thau~ eattattng sentuts. \' ast either Ch.arlestoa ort Ai, Cot tonsades frotm 12) to 33 cents. Sprong Jetans tromc 10 to 33 cents. We htay e over l100 diffetetnt styles of Gents ('aloredl Ilose tat 10, 15, 20 sand 25 Cett. Ladihes Colored atad W 'hite II ne fromt 10 to 25i cents. Chilldren and MIiaes Iloae in endless g1nanties from 10 to 50 cetnts. We defy comtpetitionr itt our Stock of Ilanadkerchaiefs, bothI itt regatid to assort. maen. and prices it will pacy you to see thtis one line of Goods, as you can't help pro. nounacing it complete and cherap. Gloves, Gloves, Gloves. Ohibiren's White anaeI Colored Gloves Ladies' White tand Blaek Gloyte Ladies' Colored and Bilack Silk (Uleves Ladies' White, Colored and Black Lace Mitts Gentlemen's Wite and Colored Gloves Be suare you see this dlepartmleat in ottr Mamamouath Establisha.aent. White Bed Spreads Frotm 75 cents t o $3.50. Whaite, Brown, tnd Tu' rkey ited Table ('loths, thes most omplete Stock ever exhIbited in any RetaIl RItre. i)oylies and Napkins to maticha. Towels, Towels, 'rom: 6 to 75 cents. The best 25 cents Towel you hanve ever een. D)on't forget one "8314 Corset" whent youa want a 60 cent Corset-af you. want a real :oodl Corset buty otEr "True Comtfort." We are tiellinag all DJometst ic Goods at thIe. lowest possible prices. Ask toa 'C' oua' .C'" lileach,a atad' yott will '-C'' the be it 10 :etas billencha yo t ' did IC. E. W. Marshall & Co. 'Wholesale and Retail, NEXT To FElIGUSON4 & MILL'S, below the old Court lHouse, G~REEN?VILLE, . . s, ., tarat I 1 13 IT WILL PAY YOU' To VISIT ~YZ~LE,BARR &1CO T. W. DAVIS' OLD STAN, Greenville, S. C., If Y'ou Want Anything in the Dry Coods Line. -0 88 YDS. QUILT LINING FOl $1.00 82 S ardo IRemnant l'rints for $1.00 10 Yard, Worsted DIress Goods for $1.00 8 \ards 1liack t'asht cres for $1 00 17 Yards Shirting for $1 00 12 Yards D:illing f..r $1 () 20 Yards Bleaching for $1.00 20 Yards Good Calico for $1.00 8 Ynrds Oil Table ('tnth for $1.00 20 Yards Lawn for $1.l00 10 Yards Ticking for $1.00 lome Ilado Jeans at 40e. per yard lied Ticking. kin to raw hide---nover was known tc leak a feather, at 25c. Good Lee ther Ticking at 20c. We sell lc. Bleached Goods at 10c. per yard, not a particle of starch in it, and a full yard widle-it is so cheap at 10c. per yard that we could not afford to sell it cheaper by the Bolt. Ladies Dress Goods, we keap 'n great variety and at prices you cannot fail to ap, preciate. We make a specialty of lack Caahmeres and Alpacas. All we ask custtomers is to examine the (loods f,- them selves and then form their own opinion. Our 33c. Alpaca is as pretty as any $1.00 Bl;ack Silk in the market. We will give $20 Reward to any one who can find any cottou in our 40c. Double Width Black Cashmere. Do not buy your Black Cashmere until you have seen ours. We will save you some n,Hone' on the price of them. (live us a call when you come to And we will sell you I)1Y (;OUI)S at tht very lou est tigtto. 1 e pity -ieh for every tdollars worth of (oods, t we g.t 'hi-t in. ritle figures on all ( ,G rs ptrch:t.i sell stric ly for catsh, -o w, AV1t it " I. to ptt on a l.t g.-r protit ;t J.I :e trhat we would +o"e ty :t tredi. at t. - bulrin,ess t o,'rt)" Mi. J. SMITH, Ag't, T'HE LELDER CF LOW FRICES. EA.I1EY, N. O, \ Xl I.L keep conet.trly otn bial the tol IlA'TS. C.\ ,110. $11IIt TlINfi, l>)tllt..1Nt3 ailt , .\iaIoutatte . S lg:ar, ('0otfee, lUcte, (tiit . a'oaids will lbe bantghit :and .sold it the low. -st pos!iible tigure for ctash. Thec balanice of myt Sto':k r (;i-ner:ti \lerchanise will le aehl L' cost, tonme tow and secure ba is .an.l I will s:y to liase whotse accoats andu nte. are past tue antd up id, tat I musts haive miy money. 7otne to see me and we will Stttle andi save rouble and expensec of costs, besides want to sell you some GOO DS. Thtanking yott for ptat favors, and so ielting a contitiuance, I hope you will not 'orget to give mte a call at the Biriggs' ~tore flotise, Alain Streeg, Easley, 8, C. nov 30, l8211 l I'Imat atre Trumly Wonaderfuli (J. P. RUNION, INIEEY, -m N. C., EVER ON TIIEU ALER(T WITil CASIt n hand to secutre largainls whtenever the ijpaortutuliy pre'ents itse.lf. Now look ot or liarginis. IThe timte has comte whten 'Ott cant get all yout witait. Se t he rfitlow ng antd go to t . P. 11 UNION'S Etmporiumt iti get liairgin s: ,000) yardls Fitncy Prinits, 5 to 8 centts. ,000) yards .Mol id anmd .'l ourninitg andi Cur-t tiin Calicoes. ,000t yards of Worsted, 10 to 85 cent.. ,t00 yeards Panlts Goods, from I 5e. to 51I p r yar(l aishmneres and Alpaceas of all griades. Iloots 81nd ShIoes. )f all styles and grades--Gl ood Brogan for ,Tap S;aa, $l 25. Good tine ot Crock. ry. Iin tof lIIr d ware, WVood a nd il- I ow Ware. Unroterien4, Syceiaity. Sup:nri, 7 to 12 Ib!. to ihe $1; Coffee, 7 lu1 a. to tthe S $100. ,Just receiving Newv Crop New Orleans sytaup, from 42 to 62 cents per gallon. hialf Paitent Flour atL Si per barrel, Ex. ra Famtiily, $tS.60. Mlackerel, all Grades, Canidy, Confec ions, &c., tall at C. P. RLUNION'8. nov 9, 1882 - h Al)VERLTI8ERS t8send for our Select Li, Local Newspapers. Geo. P. 2 25. 1883 18 a r ;y F Lokto Your interest Every one sli9nkl consult his interest an4 invest his muney In such property as willt p.ty the best interest on the investment. ' e place before the rt,blio one of the largest STOCKS of DItY 0008 and SHOES in the up-coursy, with ptice hrdly to be equalle,i. We make a sptcialty in Thsck 8illis atd Alack Cashneres. We soll an all Qruol lack Cahtrstelt at 38 cce per ya+,, Sold elsewhere at 40 'Ind 46 Cen'.. Not one thread of cotton td he found in this Cahtltere. We think it cannot be matched in quality or price Our 40 cents Black Cashn .ere is of real nice qualtfy. Our 50 cents Black Cashrere Is a perfect Gem The best 65 and 76 cents Bh ok Cashmere to be found anywhere. Black Siks at 00, 76, 85, 100, 125, 160, and so on tip to 250 per yard. The largest line of Black Silks in the up per purt of the State. Ten yardsi Bleaching (worth 121 cents per yard) for 100 82 yards Remnant Calico for 100. 18 y.rds (ood Shirt ing for 100. 8 peice i'reton 32 inches wide for 26 cents worth 86 cs. 16 yards white Corded P. K. for 100. 10 ynrds white Check Muslin for 100. We handle the celebrated Warner Bros. rorsets (Iiealth Coralliue and Flexible Ilips.) .. IH. Morgan & Bros 60 cents Corset Manntnctured for us by Warner Bros' is lecidedly the best 50 cents Corset we haye sver seen. We shall wage war on high prices. Our prices will inletest our competitors and benefit the purchasers. We will be pleased to show our Goods. 1, H. Morgan & Bro. ( ItU'EVILL.E, S. C. leb 1, 1883 1) ly CALL ON W. T. McFALL FOR FN1E TEAs, COFI; igahrn. :y til o , Iott, Vk:t, L,ard, hltce, m, Xhoe0 a N d Rubt V.,,., Powdler, Lead andi PisocsPows atnd C~arpeuater% ass d Shoe Miak er's 'IMl, 'Ii'ocent, Cig.. ra nee tii iga ret teo, (iet s', I 82 6 LOOK OUT ! The Big Show Still --IN Im44Ii v,X s. c. 3 Tllthey come. and yet they go. Thoe JQr MA~ ltIhE llUJltEAUS wilt not stay. Ut kinds of Wialnit andi Panel lieds, come nid thenm are gone. Spindle, Tfrimndle, and Single Beds, all rices. Bied Sptringsu, Wire, Shiuck andl Cottou lat tressles, Chitira anil 'tockers, all grades. large variety of Extensuon, Kitchen, enpoiy arnd Cantee Tabtles, Parlor and thamber Suits. Lounges. ('radtles. Crib,. Yhntnots, hint Itacks, Umobretla Stand. 'h,rom,. Mottioes, Frames, &c , Kitchen uid Side Itoart Sifres. Always on hand a general !ino of Under aikers Suipplies, coinsisting of Caskets, turial Cases antd Blurial liobes, for both~ "x- all "tyles. Coffins Tritmmed in ay ty le o'f hlantdies andt P'lames, at all hours. Al Gioods at bott< m figures Call and ce for y'iurae'v's. Not charge male for ooking. Accept 'hanks for past favors. A. jY. RUtNf ON, 'htOPl'hUETOR FUI(NI UruRE II0U8K.. e. 15, 1881 21 3. M4. C1NSHAW, M4. D. ttioiipt, at tent ion to all callc day and right. jo 25, . 88t3 2m. Mtate E f Souti . C :tnrty of P liv .J. II. NiEwTON, i . 1'4. Whereas, J1. J. Lewis, ( na nit tot tile, to grant him Ilai strat ion of the Esate an,ae tio, deccensed---me These are therefore to imn sh all and singular the k . red kora of the said Jam.v doi ens de eased. that they be and appear before me, a the Court of Probate, to be held at Pick na C. 1!., on the )2th, day of March 1888, fter publication hereof, atl11 o'cloek in Ite forenoon, to-shew eanse. if any they ave, why the said adminIstration shouild divenande my and and eat1 this, the, qt h day of January A . D., 3881. febi , 1883 ti