JO "AA 8 T R4L. 3ona was going hone one night "' r"~ And t esnow on the -ground was oolb and o white,o The wind moaned ohlU through the pinettes' yq ranks, And the river had overflowed ite b nks; A The Ice-cakes raced down the swollen IlQe, ti And the current as strong, and the waters t wide; And out in the midst of the stream he heard, ? As faint asthe pipe of a frightened bird, d The cry of a child. Io turned in a trice, And saw a babo afloat on the ice. The stream with connecting ice was Packod lint with Gray to think was at once to act. * lie threw off his warm great-coat to leap, a Undaunted, into the Icy deep, 0 And bravely he swan, but the tidlo was t-ong, ' And his brawny arms were tired oro long. Three times the current bore hlt aslore, b And ho felt that he could struggle no inoro. 1 "Why should I rise my life?" hesaid: ol "Why should lI risk my children's bread? It My babes are at holno, and asIeei), antd safe- w hitali I give m' life for this wretched waif?" hut the thought tuite the father's lhcart l>eat Of warm yc And ho said: "Once again I will l:rave the Storm"' 0 And he plunced in tie river once again, 8t And mantiully str1gVleft witl1 might and nlain, e lie reached the ice, 11<1 le aAvI'd the child, of And lie swan to shore through the tempest n wili - And then lie lookei, ini thie pale tilooni1tglit, of On the little face that was cold antid white, in lint alive-and he fell on his kmeos in awe For the face of his voNileest eilti lIo w' o And reverently he biared his head: fa "Thank ffeaven ! 1 did not full," lie said. -N. '. Ledger. h1C Origin of Familiar Plrases. tl "You cannot say 'boo I' to a goose." s When 13en Jonson, the dramatist, was se introduced to a nobleman, tho peer wits so struck with his homely appearance ar that he exclaimed, " What I you are Ben Jonson ? Why you look as if you could not say ' boo !' to a goose." " Boo I' ox claimed the witty dramatist., turning to 8it the poer and making his bow. ha " Ho's a peg too low," " Taking a man down a peg," may be tracoed to the pog- M ging, or marking the drinking cup, c which was introduced by St. Dunstan to A check the intomperato habits of the times, by preventing one man from tak- os mng a larger draught than his comipan- th ions. But the devico proved the means In of increasing the evil it was intended to remedy ; for the must abstemious were in reluired to drink precisely to a pog or pin, whether they could soberly take such a quantity or not. " Bie Hen" is the nickname given to the State of )elaware. The origin of c the term is this : Capt. Caldwell, tin officer of the First Delaware regiment in f the Revolution, was very fond of ganie c cooks, but naintainel that no cock was c truly game unless iL; mother was a "1110 lion." As lie was an exceedingly j popular man, his regimont was called th T1hie Blue Hen," and the term was af- th terward transferred to the State and its ) inhabitants, PC There's many a slip ev 'Tween the cip and lip. The ancient Greeks had the following Co story as to the origin of this proverb: A King of Thrace had plantett a vine - trd, when one of his slaves, whom lie lad much oppressed in that very work, prophesied that he should never taste of the wine produced in it.. The monarch disregarded the prediction, and when at an entertainment ho held a glassful of his own wine, mado from the grapes oi that vineyard, hi sent for the slavo, and asked him what lie thought of his - prophecsy now. To which the other re plied, ' Many things fall out between the cup and the lip," and s- arcely had -( he delivered this singular response be- t fore the news was brought that a mons trous boar was laying waste the favorite . vineyard. The king, in a rage, put Ll down the cup which lie held in his hand, and hurried out with his people to at- k tack the boar, but being to) eager thi boar rushed upon0l him and killed him -i without his haingiu tasted of the wino. Yamkees ini Mexico. 5 The largest and most important real. estate transaction over made in thie city ( of Mexico, probblly, was that closed on !Novenmber 22. 'Thommas R. Lewis, of New York, purchaised for capitalists of that eii y a ti-act of land, over 5,000) lots of 25 by 100 feet each, the prico b)einlg over $500,000. 'Te laId lies to the west Ic (If the city, extend(ing to the castle of Chapulte'pe(, once't the site of Monte zumait's palace, for :300 years the residenice ti andi court of the viceroys of Spain, and lastly the military colliege, or West Point of Mexico. T1hie land is admirably g situnatod, fronting over -1,0010 feet on the Piaseo do Ia Re'forma on the north, and l 5,4:30 feet ont the soultherni side. T1he am slope is suflicient to give tan exellout dirainmage, which is a matter of t1' uit- dh most inmo tance in the (cit'y of 1: iaco0. LI Tie view is pictuiresrby, and of everything that he uses. srhaps an effort will be mado, how. or, to secure his admission to a colon) lepers in New B5runswick, where he uld receive better attention that most anywhere else.-pringficld fass.) Repulican. I uma lintters. The T'grcros are urly, squat Inliann, ;th big I cads, sm(al grave eyes, ati stupid type of 1mou11th. The all cnme OM Nicaraguan territery, for there are c Indians in Costa Rica, saving the ild trini s of Guatuso anl Talamanc , at least, we were assurei. The lat r, I fancy, are known well enough. It not dangerous for a peddller to visit ein, and those tnixious to learn their ppearan e and the:r manner-s will find ub:ished matorial-that is to say, I ifink so, for our travels neve - lou mt ear their country, and, personally, I now nothing. The Guatusos ot ranzos are much more saracge,-tt andtn man living in that day. I can not tell ow it hbe now, croui give seirious ini wrmat,iotn regarditng them. A couple1 of pea~rs, otno long atnd one shor:er, madec ie equtipmet,t of the Tig rero. Their ogs-btg slouching, lit-colIored an i mds-wer-c evidently relatedl to tho :>yote. D angerous rnther- than savagc, oit protno to baruk, they performi h le t fhouse clogs badly. 't- h Don ausitred 1 utnle-ss taught by oitheris. lihtt thecy atrn at otnce, thuts diftiing ft-on the otroughblrecd coyote, which (ica oly >wl and whimpe- in the firs.t.'ra mn of domesticity, and selom .-ine. c-ds in learning a trueic bartk uti t Ic irdl. We asked why a dicl at- wa anitedl foir a slain pumita, atnd hiut halIt dollar- for a jamguar, seeing that thle ttir animal is mtuchm mioro dlangeroniti 1(1 destructive. It appears thait in thle shiuon of hunting tc) whichl these In ns obstinately adhet-e, t liedess terr-i. e beast causes the gre-ater- loss of life. Iigreruis go ini couples, the hieadu tn 'n hvance wuithi his twoc spas the sal nate foillowving wuith his mchelete o oppinzg-kniofe. Thie jaguatr is ens' hy 1ckedl, a -d he does not go fari whiet used. So soon as it is t huooughtly nyeyed to his inditc that thecse introil s wish to see hi m er-sonally-, he tun th a roar that alwtac s gires sulliciett iing to such pract ic-od shtikatris. A oni cnt afterwtard lie conic s t rotig tip. 1a foremost Inadia khnec-Is. hii i a oar in eit her hand, the lontg omne futi t out- his comipai 't:utuus at the Ic. The jaguari dloes tiot ciauie, b ut it hecring himself uip clea'.es thle airi in nmnghty b~outnd, his fore le-gs wAicl tuder-, atid caws biook- I to~ retidc. ery seldom dloes it. hua'gen thu. lie tng spcear fails to) transhtx his uipo etcec chest or thle shuorter- one his rtoat. -lgLrat:ia. Born Grown Up. A Paris correspondent of the Newark ,cr/iser writos :Ini this precious age ildreni are born grown iip. Little girls i dressed like their olde-r-, andc before ny reach their teens are found snaitch-i a fearful joy in stoheti reacdings oci. roe-volumo n) ovels. Boys hatve heri ocro bc-en kept youthful so far na drtess cncend, and onily when cailledi uipoin do duty as pages at a faishiotiabile wed ig anid attend a bride to the altar have ey gone in for uniual dress. But in cris simplicity goes for very little, anid e more artificial lJIo can lie rando the tter. Little boys of six or nitie years 1 aro now attiredi as court valete, and pr-etty manners in the mothers' sa ris. The dress is a coat of dark cash ire or cloth, dark blue or ihocolato lored. It is square cut behind, fitting ry closely into the back, round collar d small faoings, and very high in tIme ek and buttoned with cut steel or sil r buttons. From the waist the coat >ons, slanting off so as to show a long tin waistcoat, with deep flaps and >ckets. Knee breeches and silk stock gs and shoes with silver buckles, on il dress occasions, complete the dress. 11 that is wanted is a powdered wig to Lake little boys look as if they were the hosts of servin~ men of Louise Seize. --A child named Gannon, living in iilkesbarre, Pa., was choked to death swallowing a piece of slate pencil. hechild's life might have been saved, ut its mother would not consent to ave the child's throat ont open with a lew to extracting the peneil, bfore the rrival of the father ,who had been uent >r. The delay was fatal. When the ither arrived all hope had pase... The rodiWed Instincts of a Blind Cat. The family favorite whose misfortunes have affored an opportunity to observe the workings of Instnct under dilll culties is a noble specimen of the genus Feis. "Dido" is his name-given for simple ouphony, without regard to gen. der. During the four years of his life he has never been known to-do anything wrong, unless it' be to fight most des perately against all feline intruders. In some one of his many encounters, Dido met with an injnry in one of his feet that made a surgical operation neces sary, from which he recovered, but shortly afterward went totally blind. A cataract was formed over each eye, by which, as repeated experiments proved, vision was thoroughly obscured. This calamity caie on suddenly, and pjaced the cat in circumstances not provided for by the ordinary gifts of in stinct. What to do with himself was plainly a roblem hard to be solved. Ie would sit and mew most piteously, as if bemoaning his condition; and when he attempted to move about, he met with all the mishaps that the reader will be likely to imagine. Ilo ran against walls, fell down stairs, stumbled over sticks, and when once on the top rail of the fence he would traverse its entire length seeking in vain for a safe junping-off place. On being called, lie would run about bewildered, as if not knowing whence the voice came nor whither he should go to find the one calling. In short, )ido's life seemed hardly worth living, and we were seri ously plotting his death, when the cat himself clearly concluded that he must make his other senses atone for the loss of sight. It was very curious to watch his ex periments. One of the first of these was concernilo the art of going down stairs. Insteaa of pawing the air, as he had been doing on reaching the top stop, he went to one side till he felt the banisters touch his whiskers, and then, guided thus, he would ~ descend safely and at full speed, turning into the hall on gaining the last step. One by one he made each familiar path a study, do termined the exact location of each door, explored anow all his own haunts, and seemed bravely resolved to begin life over again. Tie result was so un expectedly successful that we were de ceived into the notion that sight had been restored. But by placing any ob stacle in the path, and then calling him eagerly to his customary feeding place, it was evident that he was entirely blind, for he would run with full iorco against the box or other obstruction, and then, for time afterward, he would proceed with renewed caution. 1)tdo's "voice is still for war," and his blindness does not make him any less successful in his duels with in truders. lie even goes abroad in quest of adventures, and comes safely home again. Ilis value as a mouser does not seem to be in the least diminished. Ono of my experiments as to his capacity in this direction canme ppo!r costing me dear. I had heard the gnawing of a rat in an old closet whero there lay a quan tity of newspipers. IIere it was decided to leave 1)ido over eight, and while ar ranging the paper."s for the purpose, my hand was suddenly caught by the claws and teeth of what at the moment .eeied 'like a small tiger. Poor )ido! He really looked ashamed of his blunder in mistaking my hand for his anticipated victim. Fortunately the papers servet as a shield, or the injury inflicted might have been more serious. I may add t hat., on opening the closet the next orniing, there wias l)ido mouinting guiardl over a slain rat as big as ever spoiled good provisionis or tried a housekeeper's temper. It is well k nown that the house-cat will find its way back from distant places to which it has~been caried4 blindfoled andl how it performs such feats natural ists have never satisfactorily explained. -The theory accepted by sonic of t hem is tnat the aniimal takes note of thle suc cessive odlors eneounteredl on the way, that these leave as distinct a series of imuages as thlose we should receivo b the acuise of sight, and thait, by taking them in thei inmverse order from that in which they were reccivecd, lie traces his homeward route. But, in the eat nowv dery of accounting for orientationi by3 what lie calls ''brain registration,"' will riot exp)lajin what, has been decribed ; but that the mysterious hmoming facnlty i-i probably independentI of such methods ot gaining knowledge as have been ordinarily observed, and is analogous to the mirratory instinct con trolling the lon flights ofsome species of birds.-H. C. hlorey,, in Scicntific Afmerica n. -A cash boy in one of the largest dry goods stores in Chiic'ago was suspected oif hiavinig stolen a ten dollar bill, but vigor. ously deniea the chargo. 'The money was nowhere to lbe found, but as the boy was the only instrumentality by which it could disappear, he was detained in custody in the offico until lie should confess. Hie was obstinate for a long time, but finally burst into tears andI ac knowled ged that lie had taken tho bill. "What have you done with it ?"' asked the head of the house. "Please, sir, I chawed it," answered the boy. And sure enough the little fellow, fearing detec tion, as soon as ho was suspected iLel chewed the bill and swallowed it Chicago Neuw. -The report of thi Newv York Buire tu of V tal Statistics shows that duriing the year 1882 there were .1i,826 deaths, 27. 321 births and I1).085 marr-ia:es in New York City, as against in 1881, 28.624 death, 26,1 30 biths, and 10,079 mar ri'tgee, andI ini 1880, 28,342 deaths, birthi 2.573. and marriages 9.446. --Goy. Stanford's residence in San Francisco is offered for sale at 61,000, I . Any newspaper reporter who wan-ts atnice home will find this to be an 9elntopportumnity. ROXE, I'ARE AND GARDEN. -Farmers clube are a new institgtiot n the south. One recently organize< tt Dos Are, Ark., has one thousant uembers, and invites merchants to bh for their individual trade. -Graham Cake: One teacupful o four cream, one cup of sugar, two eggi vell beaten, two cups of graham flour, mne teaspoonful of soda. Bake an hour L'his is a wholesome and very goo< ake.-Chicago Journal. --The Country Gentleman has the fol owing suggestion: To keep warn hen riding in the cold. put a commor ,eroseno lantern under the lap robe imd if the robe is well tucked around, he feet and limbs will be as warm a: vhen sitting by a stove. -Rice Pie: For a rice pie boil one, alf of a cup of rice until tender, anc hen add milk enough to make a thir atter, the yolk of four eggs; and foui ablespoonfuls of sugar; bake unti irowned nicely with one crust, am proad over the top a frosting made o ho whites of four eggs, six tablespoon. uls of sugar, and enough lemon t< lavor, and place in the oven for abou1 ivo minutes.-Cincinnati Trnes. -Grape vines can be grafted, althougl ,rafting has not been much practiced it his country. Various methods of graft ng have been recommended, but th< oflowing is, probably, as good as any The old vine should be cut oft belov ho ground early in the spring and be ore the sap has started, and cleft in thi ino manner as an apple or pcar stock r'he cutting is pre pared and inserted ih he manner usual with other grafts l'he stock is bound up and the eartl eplaced. The cutting should have on ,yo loft above the ground.-1mpir Stat^ Agriculturist. -There are a great many times whoi t glue-pot in tho house is a " well pring of pleasure," and is an oconom cal investment, especially when of th< Lind hero described: Buy at a tin-shol mec small tin cup, costing five cents, ant larger one, costing about ten, ii ,hich the smaller can be set; five orsi: ,ents worth of glue will muendi a grea nany broken articles, or will faste hings that have become unglued. Pu ho glue in the small cip with ittle water; put boiling water it he larger one and set the glue-cu) in it; in a few minutes the glue will mel and be ready for use. -N. Y Post. A &-rious Jest. During the past winter three citizen >f the Biohemian town of Neustadt me very night for social purposei in th )ublic room of tha best inn. Tlh friends were the Judge of the listric Court, Franz lKvchilk, Kapelmeiste iauer, and a merchant named Kohn One evening in merry humor they swor R common oath to remain united it death as well as in life, and each mom her of the guild pledged himself that i Efmo of the brotherhood died he wouh follow him into the invisible world with in the space of fourteen (lays at th longest. The landlord, who took th oath as a more joke, wished to make fourth in the league, which was granted As all the men were under middle a and in sound health, they felt secur that the first death was a long way off About six weeks ago, however, the Dia trict Judge, Rychilk, died in his slee from the poisonous fumes of a defectiv stove in his bed-room. Tic three sur vivors were deeply grieved, but none e theni regarded the oath made undo the influence of wine as anything mor serious than an evening's passing jesi Twelve days hater, however, the met chant, Kohn, was seized with inflammn tion of the lungs, from a neglected cold and in two days he was dlead. A horre laid hold upon0( the two survivors, an the kapelmeister, Ranmer, took to hi bed, lay ill for several days, and die the tenth day. At last accounts th lantlorst was still in good health, thoug terribly oppressed by~ the fear of suddo 'loath.-North German Gaizette. The First Mormon Marriage. Tho first " celestial marriage " c mirredl by stealth, on the banks of thi \Iississippi, near Nauvoo, Ill. Josepi 4mith " sealed " to James Noble a seconon saved in Utah. Thia, in substance, s the Mormon religion. Odd Nr.uwsi Among the Coal Miners. A n.ew arrival at Ellangowan Colliqr lourishes under the name of Pat Whyvgo. The Christian name has a Ple sh lohok, but an unmistakably Englis omud. Another working at the sani place. is named Peter Mosquito, and n 't is the fatherr of quite a large famil Htere is no lackh of Motsquiitos there, eve ini winter. "Cabbhage" is a favorite af1fb There is Matthew Morecabbage, for ii tanuce, and Simon l)ihbelcabbmtge, Ston lHalleab)bage, and Peter Yesyoncabbage igo is quite a common name in the ra gion, but WVhygo is seldom met with Among the other edd names might I mentioned Luci Cuseeabbage, Varoni Mehigh, Auberry !Yrm-ush Youmamic Angre' Mycate Powat, EPbelix Cow cous>i, J)ohn Crowbmit, Emmanuel Ni i:!ikoski, Chas, Cheek. Ed. Bythewa also works at the Ellengowan, and does Patrick Brotherboom. Bill Ove: coat hiven at Mount Carmel. When bi signs his name he signs it Overcoat Bii Hec has never disclosed his reason for a doing, and so far as known has not a tempted to have the idea patented. Alkntown ( Pa.) .Register. T1o REMgova wheel grease from woole' material without iniurIng the color e the fabric, use good beazine. THu quickest and beet way to boil miill is to put itmito a tindish and set the into a kettle of boiling water. Thu oohing is avoided, Forget 1erself. Aunt Nancy Ellis started the oti day to make a visit to her marri daughter who lives In PontiAe. As I son 6 wife was busy with her househ( duties, the old lady Insisted on gol alone to the depot. "La, sakes," she said, "I rid or from York State to Ohio, and was i weeks on the road;'taint nothin' to i go deown to the keers and git aboa whore everybody else does. I've a h lot of things to look after and they keep me from bein' lonesome while I waitin'.' So the old lady went down in t street cats, got out at the depot, ask the "p'liceman" to buy her ticket, it all right, and when the ear was rea was the first one to present herself I the door. She went in and piled I things into a seat and then went out a asked some on6 to "p'int out the cc ductor." " Here's my ticket," she said, pulli the bit of pasteboard out of a bro, mitten, "and my things are setup in t scat--there's a canary bird for r grandson anid a bundle of flannel thiu for the baby, and a lamp bracket Hannah, and a rockin'-horso for Sa my, and my 'tother gown forcompar, and my best bunnit and -" " All aboard!" yelled the contit and the old lady felt hurt at his ru( ness - it wasn't the fashion to interru folks that way when she was young, a thought. licr son hat gone home to his supr aanI was asking his wife if mother oil' all right when the door opened a: tho old lady walked in. " Why, mother, what's happened they both inquirei simultaneously. "'hero nint nothin' happened! ervthiig went oll' fust-rate. I sot t thil s in a seat and guy the conduct the card for 'em--ho was kind of ruc but, laws, folks don't have raat go >manners nn1y niore-and I can't s l Ihat there's anything left, and yet su to certain I feel like I'd forgotten su: thiri(-! ' "Wy, you didn't. go yourself, mol er,' said her on; "that's what it is. " I awful sakes, Jeems, you re r'gl I felt in my bones there was sumthin forgot. I never wui one t:) th of myself--an' I meant to go along tie hull time, and forgot imysel f; it cat be my meat'ry's failin as late in life this?" IIer son assured her that it w all the contluctor's fault, and the nc day lie saw her sa'ely off, not giving 11 aeliance to forget herself again.-Lktr TnU Fredericka(on (New Brunswi Can.) Reporter says: "Nobody can I admire the persistent enterprise ma festod by the owners of St. Jacobs l in keeping the name before the pub] It received a big 'send-off' in the Hol the other day by the Hon. Mr. 'Perll who warned his colleagues in the (< ernment of the danger of Bear Killi receiving two bounties for one nose; I judicious use of the Oil causing rai growth." - --During the last fiscal year nena 3 9,000,00i bushels of pot:ttoe+ p:thI <1i 3 at, the vyarious United States poc0t - 'l y were valued at $1,500,000, ail1( -d11ty on them at .l,118,176. All 1 ) about 1.,t}', II'I bushels of these 1 3 toes came from time lernudas, N - B3ruiswick amd Nova Scotia. h ew f those shipped from Et ope were lit r use on amrival here.-Chicago 'rimbr SLadiep & Children's boots & sboes can't -over if Lyon's Pat. Ileel 8.iffeners arc ni " Buch-Pa5ba." Qnuick, com plete cure, all annoying KIdn r iladV ra IS he A Plenty of Seeds,......45 cta. per doz. Papers )d A Cider Mill,...................$ 16 00 to$ 85 00 A Wind Mill,.................. 125 00 to 150 00 A Fruit Dryer,................ 40 00 to 800 00 A Sulky Plow................ 57 50 tM 65 00 A Riding Cultivator,.......... 87 50 Ity A Walking Cultivator,........ 26 00 1 y A Wheel Horse Rake,......... 80 00 to 85 00 A Screw Pulverizer .......... 135 00 to 210 00 h A Field Roller................. 45 00 to 75 00 )tit A One horse Itarrow......... 6 00 to 11 00 tI.- A Two Horse Harrow,......... 1 50 to 22 50 A Mower & ieaper,McCormicks 135 00 to 800 00 3W A Two hlorse Turming Plow,.. 7 50 to 12 00 o[ A One Horse Turning Plow,.. 4 00 to 8 50 r A Ilatan or Ferguson Plow Stock...... ................ 1 65 tie. A Feed Cutter................ 8 50 to 85 00 A Cotton Planter,............ 10 00 to 18 00 run A Corn Planter,.............. 1 65 to 18 00 Ie( A Grain l)rill,............... 81 00 to 125 00 A Good Churn,................41 40 to 20 00 A Spring Too th Sulkey, IIar row and Secder comubined, 71 00 I'A Farm hell,.. .... ....... ....5 00 to 20 00 ts. *Andi we haive thenm for you. All warranted. 09 5 per cent. dliscouant for nmoney with order. 15o. Jones' or IIerlongs' Cotton seed at $2 50 14cr but. --PLANT BEETS. mn We have a large Stock, and will sell cheap to statrt the ball. Iletter for Cattlc than Tuips, andI specially good for Milch Cows. Mr' Blood Turnip lcs,. .. .... .. .... .per pound, 80c om. Long 111ood hieet. .................".".70c Long Ited Mangold Worzel,..." " 50e Bound Globe, " " ... 55c iO'' Golden Globe. "' " ....' " 55c et OARROTN MAKEYELLOWVBUTTER cd Long Orange Carrot,...... .......4 " "90 an Large Yellow Ilelgian, do ..." "00 in. Four Poluunds will plant an acre. Tomatoes are E4xcellent for Cows are Also. do of a pound wvill plan11t a goodi patch...75c Itie % of a pouInd Itattlesinake iVatermeltlon seed 600o In. 'Add 16l et,. per 11b. if to go by mail..d aDd send for Price Li6t of Field MSectIs. meMark W. Johnson & Co. neCC 27 MarIetta Street, .ATLANTA, CA. -0wF 3* C. K i, y4E EJ iurchaing Agent, 93 therty teel N.ew WO k I ELASTIC TRUSS lial h nceneradap.taI Isect 6HsIaLE giton of the bodr, whO e b TEUSc S y sa tra.a16. easdsal 063SJRTOlt TRUSS CO.' Chicego. 1.11. RI Ta unfalling ants ia liabulin cuerin~4 Ept SA1~I RI?4 ~ e1tic Fi, pasmll OURES AND lhtu e, AlcoholIsm OpIum E.atlng , e vou debillty,o:roft:l an al dNervous an as /Clergymnen, Lawyen Lieary m.I e, Lci -E dihsand hanl whse L ad ..dentary employmuen II ea tse,Nervous 1'roe - of the blood, stomnacl a bowels or kindeys,c NEVE R FAIL LC.h requIre a erv -N- r Inc is n ii a> and vigorant that,ev-. iltaineudthe sinkingsystemi. Ft diy.. tale by all I)ru1 , . TlifE ilt. it. A. IJIMiON riniMI)ICAL. ' CO Un 'rprietor, lit.j Jseph, Mi. al se -nstr and Pu of I h,raet am wAher a To os tnece ofts Tary.I c.mmae plitre age n thssin un-e ee la0 oute nutpak r itivend wh,re a ori rti ecs. U a. a relale BTReeDR.iA RTRM agnt8,esin--2 a HIGHEST HONORS 144H Ui5' I e ui 100 STYLE9, $22,$30,*57, $72 MASON 4A?AL .eoSTih,M7o2WahWYo WATCH Has been ruined by Incompetent wor s men, or needs repa4ring, ead it by e* s STEYBIS VTYg FAORY where only skilled workmen and aost Improved machinery is employed. We male NEW any part that hae been dai aedor worn, Prices for repairs will be gven you BEFORE the work is Pot nedeed. All work guaranteed. Put your name and address in the package .1 with the natch. ** end,forour ILIU6 TRATED CATALOOUE AND PAIOE9. T. P. STEVENS WATCH Manufacturers of stem-windinat wa Factory and Of!lce 84 Whitehall 4e - ATLANTA. %6n A a In our ow nbw. ernaso $5u f oddreWlt10O.>"It1fM4>1 ', 5to :7 ter o at horn'. 8arn IswortbS A Utlr1T tANTD for the Pest and Faate.a selling Plcorial beoks and Bibles. Prices e--s luced 33 per tenf. -^yTewaL. tStmn (e. Ar lantapG. REYNOLb' 1YXC.' ' Uhh aK. 7). A. MULLA1E1, Manafer. P.O. Box 1690, - - NEW ORLEANS, LA. tlnurs. ior Reynolds' Celehrteld ie..f'rM COTTO PR.ESSES St.,ii, lindi' sI- l'""o1 r{ 9TTA1 F., IE s,,iA1t 111I.i. 'A('l:l'\ }'N8 1..,.bos. tit."a,n.thi. pand \l..nue 'nt."nt it Du .e-...t W\',rk. I.ncot,.tl e" .n.t lt.o'rn.l t iron r k a \ p\."r isti. liltir FMeta ('. 1 in.., Rts1ilinr., tIlnrkL.n,ithior ein, Alschin. \.ror In Rn ersl. ii. C. Tinpen" slate,ttI )I : 0 i fr &tort*. O.,ir widi c i"" and esimtntes msde by it, Iasnager. ODNSUltTION. dhave a poslitJe remerty for tg eboue dsese: its use thousands of casse of worst kind and .1 aw Itninm hve been eared. ed 0'tO L oat gether with a VA ABI.3 TRLATiIIR on thtis diseas. any sutere le Ex ARSO P. i. adire w T tb T 3of IN ME IbM+ut'erth"esurtt,nenti ing reglar nionthly prnits front lnvestmnv te of $10 tot100itr more dealn in GRAIN. PROVISIONS&ST (S ,h menlber }getrt lie bnet of t'ombed canlof lhe Club. lepo,rta sent weekly. ils. tim paid monthly Club p3 I,naidi shareil,e,rs book their .. oney ta profte in past ihbree nthiis, ntill liaving oritinsi an,nent making ineny inn 1 l.1r it urnet t .n ilcinnitd. Shunart'.IOencir. " laiplan:tor ti iitt aren lee. I:enttableGrresixndents Wnnuitad aec :ryt c, Ad..t it P'. R RNI UALL It Ce. L'nt't 1'.n' . a I. e ' ia. C t tr o ILR 1,1 ~1, 1., r ..l r . ~ . iiE ~T it 514T ICt $ O Those wis'Inx to snake mnsey in $20 COTTON FUTURE ' e20 . qct lull i.formaton 1d1141 etrenlars aniled iree on plIlIentilon to 50 LOUN C. FREY & C0., tltoMfr tPttoM BBR,KRas, 100 Kernr Block, NEW (RLEAN ,. A. DOSE CUP & COOE-SCBW, L 7NE - the invalik's boon and anvrae's delight OONFU 'i" GIVEN FREE tnnF"ai SF.AtTt Ayi Tittl,Y to thiun men"ia 1i only 9 letter .atnp for a 3 month tri..l ,ulw:riotitn. The flosN CUP . ) -n." tr. ii.'. ta:ntely one dlrnehm nail r pr.vent u -it .-.: the errk -wrew v r, s" t- uw ,bu .rrk, 'nd knif'" . Is I uh \1~ltf M nhl) pr" ren- . J' tn - tI. tI r- a1. 1}11.1. "C:t. SPRATUNG COTTON PLANTER AND) GUANO DSi RIPUTOR. The cheapest allte hrt. Opens furrow, dlstribut e guano, dnspt cotton seed, corn, peas, etc., at any distance, in any nnm ber. Covers at same time. Price. $10.Mr. A enttl wanted everywhere. For full particulars W. C. SMITH & CO.. 31 South Broad St.. Atlantsa. Ga. - ONLY 02(1 form ailadeiphIa Mige of thiisstlyle. Equaltloan? 1 in the market. Remeer, a ., ,.r it tn hit e.ramined bef,' ye raJor i.ri. This is te ea.n st.yle tithnr ompmnies retail toE t:i E. All Machinesawp .a f..r titrne years. FondHo fretnd Clrcular and Tsios T Phto of Female,tVGraed 6.2B for Q9 ,tme. Any one aann din g me 39 cents and the addresese of ten acqutaintancesi will receive byreturn mail goodta(not recipesc) that net 5.Z. Tla is an honest offler to introduce stapl geos. If ynwant fp t,une, ant now. J. D. kIxav, P. 0. Box 121. -7 FiAL', NEW YORK. -* - -I CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAIL.4 BtCghSyrtup. Tastes good. '" - Use in t ime. Sold iiy druggists. Strong's Sanative Pills FORl TitE A speedy cure for liver complaint, regulating the bowels, pur ifyig tine hlood, cl eaning f rotm mala rial taint. A perfect mure for sIck headache, con stipation, anal dlysmppsia. Sold by all leadhing drng-. isla. For almanacs with full partietulars, addrems C. E. Hi ri.r. & CO., Blex 650. No~ York. nni na nn.P s.t..j.ta a.t ni t. n.i.:nA 5ai, ppUp I Al' Y a rUit~ 911A full dlescriptina of Intiala. M.onny's 'Nuex TAin,t bv.tem of Dlane cete.e lb. W'. MOI4(b1Y 6r 41.31 WV. Otia. Ctne.nnai, O. A TRW7URE for Wpier FItinta N6 eers. p to poor. Dan. Kasest. AealB.8.LfsM t r}O A W E lt.$ a atay at homns easly made. D,sostyutfit free. AddressTrueebDo. Ansu'a Vs p utl ishers' Union, Atlanta, Ga.... ........... Bix,-'83 HEALTR IS WEALTH! IOnl. IE. C. W rurt' Nrsvx aarn TimAn TaxAiause; a . %.eifln for litern, >itnnitess, Co,nvunl,iens, Nervous a Il'tt:ninnche, Matnal Incepresoonn, l,s of Memory, Prema ,ite ftI Age, cmat,edib ovter-exeirtion, which leads 1o r in,, deeny niii don'th. One box will cure recent e -as. Eachi lbox cointint one mnont's treament,fll One thllr a box or si boxes for 11cc dollars; senit by mai '' ot no it nof price. WVe gunarantee sit boxes to -oni n,.Y tame. With eachri order rencil by us for sit iinosttn, ncr,m:put nn w.h Ave udollar,, we wIll send the .poi ch.wt nutr writtein guaerantee. to return the mn'.fey it rihn. tien tment sie, tnot affect a catre. Gunarsntee issued p :iiv by Ii. .3. LUIEN, 0lsaremtom, N. C. Orders by innt gpromnptty atteinded to. A ombination of .Pro toaxide of Iron, .'erutmia,5 0 Aark and .thosphorus, ita a ~~Latable form. For' TtAU te, Losst of fl .Powcera 48 4. indispens.a ble. RIFlS REV. J. L.TOWNER, Industry, Ill.., say: I consider it i D a moot excellent remedy for the debilitated vital forces. DIC INE C O., 213 It. MAflI Cr., ii. LODI3. \T EVERY GREAT WORLD'S EXHIBITION FOR 0YAS ,$78,$03, $IO8,$l11,$500, AND UP I ORGANRPIANO CO. 9KMIJmzCHIAGOo&iAsg1Ak6