The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, February 15, 1883, Image 3

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The we$tbet'has oeon very "bad' 'ro the ls two weeks. Wheat looked '-a&he& bkh in the' tit/lr unt it is''"oming o6t" now 4cpo to see a good crop harvoI", ,c+l. :th prayer meetings at the Moth. * 0' ( t.'.'ct h e$ery Thursday night ar . "r.1tmng vety ?tCcresting and : I aI tendtb. A series of talks ' last Thursday night, -by t,,, ,+r: pastor and members,on ' sermon on the Mou,nt, "ontinue for several meet. everybody go out and '+1nb1'est '1'h Lli&hh. ott Keunnonore killed a tat woek. The dog fir-t - in but he climbed on top w. the dog cod not hViere the remained until ..tarted off-then ho fol 6,+;i tt'll ho had a fit, when )atched him with a fence . Cobb will accept our an invi'tation to attend fourth annual comrnee e Medical College of the 'ath Carolina of the class the Academy of Musik, S. C., March Ist, 1883." . a medicai student of the d will gitdtrxt' in this become a full -fledged ENT.-- We re'. ret to AiVtS. llIIrton & Brown have been forced tomake men t fo'r tie Ieefit, of tb''a. Their assets amount 18,000 and their liabilhties $10,000. A large credit d a failure to collec4t, a to mauke the a'siguilnen t they intend to pay every 7 owe, and from tlht' e nien we huve no d.'ubt .hey will do 5o. Mr. d. 1 .his place is the assigtoe, called a' meeting of the ext Fridhy, for the pur ectimg anl agent to replre. EMI'TED BURt(]t,ny-Sone a.templted t.o ,re0;k initlo 4 it Mr. W.,1. Ml'lli (in1e week. '';e thief first stole Ad two its an. +"ouet oth om Ml r. A.Ihmre' shp 1 hb ho t x' e9ted uir) eltYeet lia - ' lt, tiI". , I 'r.". A ll atlt m, t, udeto hol' through a ne III .1- -m, tA(r e waas not eleet&.. hu.u a' vidently3 but, one perisoni -Oh) tl.. trac,ks miitido anid 311r. LeFaill thinksIC lb has thu~ raiscal Wo'. hi,aar some1 comphl.lant9 abouit a ad stand1( of faall sownI oaits. Somei ilk of plowg up ansld re=phanting, i of p)lanitinig the groun d in corn-. VTe would advise our fairme&rs to do either. It frequently turns out, h at a bad looking ebance for ontsa ., this season makes a first rate Op). Let them stand -they will inch wonderfully. If you thmnk our f'all crop is going to hi short, w more lund. This will paiy bet r 'hani to p)low upi your oits s'own Sthe fnll. A called meeting ofSouith Catroli , Presbytery will be held at this aice on WVed iesdaiy, the 21.t, day of is month, for the purposhie of dis lvinug the pastoral relationis oif Rev. P. Nicholson- with the Pickens urchies, and disimiissi ng'him to the ockleiiburg Presby'tory of N. C. thIL a view of li hi ccep)tancei of ai il II'rom Steele creek church. It i.s obatble that, Dr. Riley will takeo e place of Mr. N ichiolson anid lo, *to with his family at, thlis p.lace, Mi-, Meceeiani, w ho hasi beeni ounty, wenit to Green:villo las cek in search, lhe uaid, of his u ii c. thfui~ wito, w ho ha.d eloped with Wiiham inWol iboin. W1 hu ini Greon.. illo lie becamie intoxicated andt alimsi thi 2 .4 ioln-d lit the *.xchn on1e Pi tL.s ot ,500. *a;s arese and1 * inaf .*idt:9 h~s )~l * IestE d 2ol. itl i.t wlI iS . . 3 (i:irlt, though bt * 2 in(y ~ ~ i1 tolllk in his pa,. * :initthe lo tra4ine l'l'it.iJd *oli'rSInbyfit ll ce, has beenl lii 1 s 'if ton and wi ~ J1ll. be .rty t tl~u t4) the~ robbery.I~* i 0. .1 wit',ait d Welbi, albftor *. D .gL ITIt? B .-W6 pav Juttp'b1hbd'ihep6trait pionCq, '6ftGebygiAN n3oet fatd& Statemens Gov. 4ex. H. Stephens and the lat< Senatar BenJ. I1! Hill. rIey art engraved from photographs ah have been pronounced lif-,itko at( perfect. fPo 14 x 19 inob& , dti heavy plate paper. A sample copy )f either picture will be ont by mail post paid, on receipt of 60 t;o'ts, or a'the two 'liIt dash or stamps. A gents wanted in every part of the South to sell t.heso and other popu lar cheap pictures of Ta in6i4I mon and women of the South, Southern Scene ry et'o We also deal largel3 in cheaul JcW Iry, ( hromos, Medi, cines, thttio1Tiery hitekage, N4ovel ties, Etc. Aletu wonen, boys and girls cnn makeo totey last set'ling our goods, Write for c'tloguo tnti trms to agent-A. Aildrt'ss SIit i, & BVkRow. 40 Marlbu:h Street, Atlanith, ta. SEVERIAL, YEAR.-Mr. M. Ctok, Mt. Pleasunt. N. C. says: "1 have been trotuhblod with stotnachic disor dors several years antd hav'6 nvor gotton permitr,uit relio utiil I used Norman's Neautralizing Cordial. It is cottainly the right medicine for such troubles and I highly recol% mcind it." Adv i't!' o MotherH. Are you 'tisturbed at ntght and broken of your'rest. by ia sick child suffering and crying witi pain of culling teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Wiu slow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing. Its value is incalculable. It. will re Iieve the pour little sulferer immediately. Depenid upt"n it. niothers, there is no inis take about it. It cures dysentery nil di nrrhoe. regulates the stom,clh and bowels, cures wind colic, sof.tens the gums, reduce' iflaintation, and gives tone and energy to the whole systen. NMrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrip for Cl,11'lren Teething is pleasant to the tnste, at is the prescriptiou of one o the oldest and best, female physicians and nurses ilt the Uiited Sttes, and is for sale by all tiugtists it roughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. feb 15, ly Woman. Procl,mntion: Freedom for wonan! what is the right of the ballot to womian compar ed with her privilege of enjoy hg healthi and lia ppiness in the chiarmied circle of her social andiI domestic relatioits? Amtong the mtny discoveries tending 'to p.-uot-ta the happiness ahd adciancement of l the humitni n race, nottitug is ,o itiniately eiiee ed itii lite heahh : -t:l h iplilinen" of wio min III ccntre unl sourcee o out' hilhtest cri h ly ctij.oyInenMc--us ti-e ,Iisco'tVek-y" it I r. nw -- dy t1 niii-h nw:"il he:r ti,-cili.,r wvamts, .indl lit. her for tl.'e en.j~ymet"u i~ lifs andt for nuiia:sierig .to the happt, 'ne,s i"M' t ht.. w it whomiv Ae is asioch,ti,l iln I ii Icade.r It IHti~ns ut' iisler, wife anut a other. ITiu, icinedy 1. t$ iluid i, 1i. .1 Itt;. rti:t.'"",t'ni: ?u-.ion W m a liea F'rt,iun-.'' lty it woma itt is eiiu1cip itel 'rin the ills pecutlinr to lier sex. 14'lure its mi.t gic tuow"N :ill irregir.iriiies ':t t'e wonmb .an ii. 't clue s --wbnis,"' sup,pre, ai.n of lie "ntn es.,'' aril 'rt ov'aes us e,ine 0i ti age size, -o, i 'or ->ale l.y al tit.utg Ml eirelaini is ttnde 'at list of Cr~ockery. pi e~s, iand savet' you inhiit.s i'iigii4s an.l breaka ~1ge' hl t a l iiways git t roi t ihe fat off lX,'-- Mkul1tit: ,i Co. Atlantai, lIa. Oni Thirty Days' Trial. T it R: Vt., iA' ic It4:i.r Ci. .\bu-a stisil , NI ich.. w ill send Dri. l)ye's (Xeletbrau ci Electro" Viiltaic lkelt s a nd Electrtic ApIplianices On iaedli' fo .irty' d:ays to mteti (yo.unhg or 'eld) who are utIliu'a ed wit hi nervous idebtlit y, lost vititiy anid k indre'ud trioubtles, guaateincig speedy an complet e rest ort io n ot' heahh anid tinly vigori. Addriess as abo6..-N. 11-.--No risk is inciuirred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. -i8:-=ly Jan 4. Mellitin. & Cr5., Aslana, Gleorgia, mian uitactut'e Show Cases, arc SouthIertn Agenits lot' Set i 'iThomuas Clocks aund tibambe h's Fly Ftanis, and own tue Mlebi-at ed GAat e City Stone W%'ater Filter, ahd Cherry's Steami Fri'iit andl Vegetable Driyer for the world. Priices owarded o applicat iout. Pimiples I I WILL. mail (Frea) lie recipe for' a simn pleit Ve'gctaibie l in t hat, will r'emove ig thle skini soft, clear and tibteatiifail, also itistrautiionts for prodddlirig a Ilixuariiant growthI of hiaiir ona a bald head or smnoothI face. AIdress, ianclostttg :3c. stamp, IBENi* N DElF & Ct)., 12 Bairclaiy ,.1 "ect, N. Y Notice to ])ebtore & Creditors Lb~ persxons indiied to the estate itt AlI itch-:1 P'ilgrim,u deceased4e, ilil come( htoldinig dlthniands against s4id ei'tate w ip pioet theml to thIa undersigned legal ly ittlested J. J. LEW IS. c.u.'. Admi'r. feb 1, 1883 19I 3 I (1a1n Tell YoIS ii iw to Be If you have a bad taste in your mouthI, siallo,wness or yelhow color' of skini, feel di'. ipondienut, statpi atnd i'owsy, alppetite tilt steady, fr'equiently heialucthe ori dizzilles: you ar'e 'hbi'iout"' Nothlis~ will iarotisi youar I.i ver to noCt on atnd sIttrengta n11 your system etitI to SIMM~!ONS' HEPATIC 00MPOUNDJ Or Liver and Kidney Cure. liat v'es 'otist ipl at , lIdiebevs l)i/ . tuess, D Ies 3 ick Iisiadchte, Abol Iisheau lttiousness, tCures Juaattna, Cutres liiver Coimplatitut, Olv.rcomnes NI,'aharial IBloi Pois. onitig, lli'gtbites te 'ilomnioh wipI Regi. batt' thle Liver'. wilt Rtegaiate the Bioels TfllIAVERi Ail IDNIEYS 'an be keplt pierfect ly he althly In nny cli. mna. e by t ak in.t' an iocciis ional iloye of Si NI. \l ONS' I lPA TIC Ct).\ POtUN I, 'lie GIrea \Vegeab ile Liveu & Kidnmey MIedIcine. DOWIE & MOISE, ~~hOlM1IIe Proietors, Pal tatte It, Iicktins by DR. (I. W. l'ARI. Fot' sAle lb Liberty by' lIl'TON & bROWN nae -24 lten A FEW MOil OVER, tOATS ON HAND ''T ikE GREENVILLE, AC. WflIC4 UW iI .l. At Rock Bottomn Pilces, ina orde' to natake rooman for SPRING STOCK. WE AY*0 II.\VE A E'ULL LINE OP aiKiU s urni In oo TIIAT WE Alm SELLING VERY LOW. 4 ALL ANN SEE U'4 S. 13RA1?MAN. 'roprietor. F.. WJarren Ford, eh l . . 1] E R\ T OY . . tinal . whou call i e.. G .i i.1 Ilhe dayv beore or a week ago, han will haive ai lari ge ,iipply ini to Ii4irrow." F'or wet hiav'e I le Goods,I onl hl iI0 and I wi away3'. keelp Ihem. Webt birge ro wi tell -eler'i d i of beaIitifuil ....ine* suil, whicht wvill cost4 yon1 li lU) every' wt te ULid. Youi will be con. vini'ed whenci 3yo1 ee it. ie ol teii gl e look 41 oitr L:iallea' ('loakes, in'ey aire or lie most~ he:tiful C sityles, trem ii SI.00 to $10 All k 1inds of' Fancily N ciions, lo o umer ousi to mentiiiion priices. To ilhese we solicit y'our a t terli in. Wie havte hought themii at ver'y reduoced pricest anid to stif our3 0 cuRsiinh-ri of Ithie sameil Cwe oll'ir a tulost ' xcllenta outl'e I10 pont ud. fer $1 (31. Whic wi'l e iicoi 3yo0 7 pounds for a w' $1.It! inywhiere else; :uiid Suigai 10 poiundst fur $1I. WhIiich costs lIlets p'er poun d anly where else; .\oinsses from, 37.1 to 75cts per* gall. Flour II 1tha hae well-, lt es well, arid eatis del icious, for $ 1.75 per' bar rell1. Caud~1oen, 20 yatr.l Isfor $1. Ihits, 10lct s to $:3. '1Tip Sole liogi n Shoes $ 1.35. Ibmits tfrom $1.25 to $ 1.t0. J : is,te lar~gest stc ini thie boni-y. All kindsi of crockery, stoves, tin and liar. war ie. Taike nioiice of' thlese pritNs and be bene, flued by )3I hem We~ wilih' pleated to shiow gotods4, if w e do nit lll.iem Ra. El. AN E-M N & ('0. nov 2. le8Al T tn Ncw Advertist ments. QYMOUIt 'JUNT & (O. K3i li'i-.lished, tIn 1473$ $j lCxchiange (oi,ii N Y. 1 2; L,a Salle Sireet, ('hiictigo. Special faceilit ies for ilhe porch iso and sanle of Sineks, luids. Gniin. l'roisiongs. liefer to Mlihinies' Naiiionali lI:ink, New Y't-k: Filth Nationil lhutik, 'hilcago. amnd (Genint $ecou'ily 1htilk, I, niisville. Ky. 3.1 31l. St.:.r aii, Ni imber New York Stoeck .d. A. Iltis-r, \lembiler Chlicalgo I?'1ird of SCURE FliT! Aa oid u i aiioas .u he . rn uju I 04 et' Ara II r -i ilnrfl. I have iunad the isenen .f IT5. m'IlliP'2 or V'Al,,fNt SICK(NEsi a nlonug ti uty. I v arrant nay reied to euart) thn wo.rst tauitl itecuse( (thers ha ('i. n r B rois n i A (1 i.i. . oy ar' f'iiiil rel.n.ty. m-i .-axpri..i an. i'oii ioeo. Ii coile ).44 Ah in r. 1, 0. 111, tta ieq Alt.; NewYo',rk. ~\ lI,i;S IwiS News ~papirn. deo. P'. IRo.*eli & 'o., 10 Spruice Si N. V. 2!0, 188:1 184 rT~f (1I(id Oit FiN \ r, Sl'tT'b' FI'C NTl. Notice is heri'tby gitchi that I will ap ply t o .i . 1I. N jUt io 4 Jud cot irolude for P'ickens Cuni 'p. .S'. t. . ori i te 28tIilb Febi - nly neixt, fur lhe pruiileg of btip- iir a fila sitlelident di the ta iii' Cf..1A .\ll N 1),i1. n:hd t.o be ditciargedl is .ltiin istrauiril of thie snmie. Injn on, 198a 18 THE OM W e the rrepa roilto t: licer o. Enaulo EHTILIN RS ut H. J. (ignilliUn's S asble t tio 400 lb A kid tono 300 1b. Alh Elei. t Ktouoo 274 Gceuhaa Kaiait 2150 It VM. RAVE Ut, Pruiilondt. Aunalyses. STONO PHOSPHI CUARLES'I --. ___Aci i _IP [i Li xenrj a Depan1tment t -A grienilture 1 'rivtto Analyi Prof 11 . C. 4. Car--l.1a I)epat'L of AgriculLtu 15 ly th'o Cohn Uh ist, )r. .oinminget 11 norjitt 1epas it ent of Agriettltu.e 11 'rivair A"IlyMip Pro . 11. (;. int1 I1 J. C'rulina e)tpnir't of Agr"icilture 14 3y th'u Co'3 Uh'ii+'-, lyr'. Motmminge.. 1-2 We will ho roeprosonLo by 11. (. IION J. KINGx in tLh Mali of this Gi esiriig Lhu ver-y best Goods at this 1i, FERGUSON c) -, 1883 ASHLEY PHO (11H IlLL I.% OLUBLE ( U \NO. higbly ammonilte"h D1SSLVEL) t1V;N, highe. ' AUIU t'llO rl'\TE}. !jr tc6 AS11l:I.l";\IF,NTI, mad--1" GENUINE A Pt '1}he .'..ines in (it: I EN UI N E FLO \ 'T': of hig't",t i Ite, 01. tno 3.llGR-A\IN ,111:1'llt: - 'CU I'tIlN .\ N) ( MRN C0\1 Itu 1 U I EI l)I Spe3eh'il F.'rn,ith: <nidep 3 p or h.r. ri h .. i i '.hrtun tn.-;n t t l r I e 1 " r... For tl"? it,-. I !ttli :-t e.i lui t nC :t, "i c i . !tP H E;l PA T . 1 Solubie Iacific C TATU OF S0UTH CAROLINA, ~ N (01 01' 01-'UM M ON PhlI..\S and,3 grha,.l chsihire n of ' Tene 3ne. L..,p) eI r,eeased', to wit, .J. IP,-rry 1,opr er I,ooper and31 II'3'ey I.33oper;' 33he ch3iWn of ,.yC Il.iriks,'..3' deceased, in dhick3, I) vol lIeaa3iecks, E3ivira 11ien AtI3cks" and3 .Jacksona len.33rickl; Su33'..I3 liet311ias, dIlce1:s.l.'. who' 33 .O 333 00 ,33 uninher3C are1 un3kno.w3; .\1.3ry .33Inder<Ion, I El i ,Hisi 1 .. Tho3333ll.a 1 .\ 3i 33*set .\ {11333r, || oi the Fibtf of! . .l. A ilLi.ot, dI01M3*.I and33 I,ewis3, h3il, l11efe33.11313. -.:'3...r 'r p Font IEi..1.F, &t*. 'O the lite.'3l3nts above 3333i.e: vbIPeh In~ tiredL ini th oi3a e ofj,p~ 01hei clerk~ of h. e Court at Conanon 133 li leb 133 theC3I.1 3aid oi.i t te sid cornpl1 aint 33n. :he su' i bers3 a333 1333o43e, S. C., witin 3 3 w%enir.' d1.s aber3 33he er'vice hereo10; etelud've of3 Ih da! Iy of sneh1 ere;'1 a1th3 if yo31l :.1 So answer%& P .e 1ed3n3 3i333 is 13bis acion w.l33 i 33pp3!ly33 lo e cour11 or lhe reble den33:.u31m.ed3 ihe comphilut133 %( hRTON, 18 E l .'lII l,bI NU.s.3V1 at CiI Iii33nill X .1 3'131-'3 )nate.d FeIna3 P:ry 731h. 1884. I'0 thte lIe3fe33.hatus,. .. Perr'y ho.r3333. 1.1 a3 en3Ue hoo33per, Fran 3313 oper,'I'' 31',ey I. sp er1; iu. a3 ti,operi'* , 333nd 33ne w,, :,33 ch3Il3en of 3h3Intle 11in Ir'.k, de,.!:e.3;e.3, iion, 3)3 wA 3.:b, the. 33 tu 'g.3g i14 1 c'pIy, 3V:3 11iled33 in 33he 131hie d.3I lie ..erk .3 33he .:33ri 331 1 on333m33 P'ie.31 in3 .3nd Idr' 11he co.l:pty :3131 i"3ll alores3!.id 03n th3e .bb d:iy o3 ,) 1333.13.' I1130. :1n'1 11131 (he 333j*3.* 333 333is ne3: .3333 eltae ut3, ,n3 rku l ove ks,13 1!33' ''1 1h-3:11 133333Io l'ini3n3t1.i3 A 333-.3y4. feb3 l5, 1881 21 3,w .James G. Black, SA S'IN ('T 4 l'l T )TTIO\)l 1t''i:, II Go tip1 8dt'er Wates'. i3(e3laeles., Sha3u3.3s ,3 1Iir:n el 4ts, '3i.. I'33ienda .f4, l'3ns, lIin3gs. &At33ds, Loc3kets3, 3 ha~t,, ' hi3nbles, M .1 ilter P'1Ild1Waf, IfuI3(es, For)k'3, Spoon33.3 &cC.333tationiery, Alin33n.1', Fane33y G1o3ds ' I 3y Ito. l., &ce. Job3 I bot sa V 1oc3ks, '' . 1 .3 i Ir e ('3301133s, $i6; 1313) l'1Pe toeparing o~lf Watces' andl .11dult3y 113or'Ie no0v I ti, I M1V II A LN pe.tdi, 3r33Inted1 IiT 31he estale33 of he-m3 in 31.31 p33I''ialrsi 3ir e l ity 3a3te.'3 ell. ITIE 1IEANig 'il the Vanrious Bran,ls of STONO Whr*s,u, o. Mid4NMl Cotte% .riddling 'Cotto'n lIbs 1liddlng Cottou os Middling Cotton . t. MIANS, Sout'y & Troas. --1883. TE COMPANY 'ON, S. C. 'Ihtic._ Acid._-_-_ .. - v r - 75 2 75 9 54 3i 3. T2 t3 0077 1512 1.t 5U 4 8. 1 35 1 6530 35 07 1991, 921 1 81 '151 310 13 53I26:.781 .192 1173 1 28:30 87 C tUANO 90 3 00 6 08 2 27 8 353 03'0 75 36 92 40 19J 6 25 2 30 8 55 2 61 155 36 28 00 0 90 81 11 36 1) 463 130 1 24 4168 53 1I57 744 1709 14283i 137 3864 G IRA DY, E \PS FREIE1AN and not), wIo will be glad to wait oil all w pri'co. & MILLER. 2n P-HATE CO: '-)N, S. C. 1f I' ,m u .fur t'otOh. (raiI' and Pead; I.LD II 1. K \1Ni I', imo rteiitc, direct from rn!mony, n"I 0.1 arr:anted pure; : of t Ic .\\o \i+er; POUND; 11I Il .\ ". I BLOOD, It ttV ls)NI: .i, L.\ N I I. \ T I-:tI t'I ' \ 'ON 'li'\1L; 6tn Uan0. T AKFi NOTICE I iM.~t'i ear is ai very p')or crop) d II were r%(~ ery libe'ral with urP CuIstoInso',:t wieu nowlO expect n i .\ O N IY. A ll persoon5l O wing IIon N) ' l'l or A CC()UNTS must .\ Y Oli at ONCR, or be waiited pon)1 by ani olhicr. We4 canI not (e cach CI niit of .youl pe rs.onally 13, andl( h-.t this is for himsiielf or heriself. Respeictllhy, I5 O WIN4N & Il R W N, 'ov 1(6, 1882 10 ~ AN&I TY Christmas Gooods. I iN-:SN\N & 11ito.. thib regnitatrsin .. lui GI I Ids.\ N :It (JN it(' e ION \ |-3 > t Chif1ie.. '.ugiIrs. My UgI Iiik C ned G(oI,. lIrr ers shal1 \Ilisnntsclinsir.4. WVe are ablIe oI giv yo3' Iill n<h icdents dIever dffored by3 nyI Hoell hlior e. 4( I' ) of (C e rfldescriptIion, by the OHI \N( -:s by I he IIIrril, nnd in fact, very1thing ini giIIrouri n 15 ilially kep in aI ri, hIs~ (IrsIcerIy andi ('odr eci ionary Ste 4. We. cannolltIl h IndrldlIO . Gjive iti n cill DR ENNiN & liiRd4 FlIh) *' C'.. il Ih nle n pa en to II. Coluabia & GreenvI 4 PASWN BR DnARTMNT. CHANG F( SCHEDULI. PA*4E ' TtDEPARTMENT, COLURIA, 8 V., November, 4th 1882. < On andafter Monday, Nov. 'h'. 1882, passeitgertrains willrun as hereiti lindi. oated upon this Road and its branches: bti'ly, eko'ept Sundays. so. 68. U'i'a sasNxan Lenveoolumbia [A] '11 42 am Alston 12 61 p m Ninety Six 8'89 p m Hodges at 4 28 p m lieltot at b 67 pm Arriveat GreeW1v'il1eat 7 80p m t No. 52. uoiri ks'i'o'a LeaveGreenvi'lleat ' i 1' a m Belt on at 12 53 p m 1lo8$es at 2 17 p In Niniety six '86 25tp Newber'ry a t: 60p 'n Alston at 6 55 p ta Arrive at Columbii ['r] 7'00 p n I SPARTANIIUlt, UINION & COLUMiAX R Al LIOA D. No. 63 ui- 'Xspl'ta . Leav Alston 1 08 p in Shelton 2 10) p m Saui no 2 54 p in Union 3 27 p m Jonesville 4 02 p mo Arrve Spartanburg 6 02 p u NO. 62 t.o\%t 'rXaon. Leave S irtan'g it & L'U'pot '(a) 1 86 pTn Spart,i'g, 8, U & C dept.t (o) 1 46 p i Jotsesvilte 2 47 p Jt Union 8 2'J 'M $h'Ath-0 4 0 p' m Shelton 4 43 p in Strother 6 10 p in Arrive at Alston , 6 60 p a LAtinnKe YtA11L1tOAD. Leave NoWbcrl"y at 4 68 p in Arrive at Lnieis C I' 8 16 p m Leave Laurens 9 00 a n Arl"ivb at Newberry , 12';o p m Leave liodges at 4 86 p in Arrive at A bbeville L 86 p to Leave Ahheville 1 10 p toi Arrive at lodges 2 10 p n Blue tidge R & Adrc rnh Leave leltot at 667 p to Andersoon at 6 38 p in Pendlet on at 23pi Seneca [e] 8 08 p m Arri've at Walhalla 8 35 p m l.eave WihMA a't 10 t in Seneca [n ] 10 3ti a tu Pendletoti pit I it if. Anderson at 12 06 a in .11"riveuit 1lekt0 at 12 16 p m CONNECTIONS. +. With S C Itnilirond froni Charleston. it h ii inington,rcoln bi ra August ltailroutl from Wil'minagtohi and at pikWh~ Nor'ttt thereof. WVit6I c t; & .t Ritalroad from charlotte and all poiits'! North thereof u. witlt A~ltievlllc;nli d SI)Atnhuhhrg Itailroad for poita ini' Werteer N orth Carolina, lit 5 .1111Ii U57d pem v. wt I,$ C iajioad or Ci 38rpsto IN- i a tr A trveart to, atonh~ 12* A6 ipo a .With 8i C iroad fom Charladiett. Wt I ithI A Wlig't n coitlutn b) isn Augush Ititll tdl3vlliafroad fromWimnthada Wi'th loue tasilrleotd o hrotn St ildad.iihe v\le'ad ipa tnihintr'g lIilroa forc iPifen nti Wesst er North Coina, ointsRY sothinndte . with . Houua,eiraio C.Aacresgont Itailc'an f3or ihthi1gh and th iirdorCha loSce adulhe Nr o. With Ashevillean patnur Railroad Neigro Trieneonie Altt n Cr ihAit n harlotte AiDie1ivision icas(h chveAtalotan beyond Stolnar Ti4 sdi ahntn D5 C, M. Sut.oTn eea P teu 0A gent RiTIVIclsiott svle R1 aR On n afL ~t erN vme th,A 182 Pa-) LCh larlotte LintDiisi n wilbaso arve As lana j2 (55 p tm 8rrivetinesvill I 4 p ami Torcon 48 a mn Ledeea 1* 87 a n. rene Iiid' 10 00t p in parthtanburg 11 40 p mn Artve Charltte 8 1 a tm Leave ii Chr~lnT -1elJ ti O Iparabrg 444 (1ebH elilNwh HtSe 50~ ~am I R a bsu a l h fo i ii y i tt lfil i0 ai m raioni, 11 (o te 0uo a menti Acp omminrdti Trin iki'g s,inile a" wrivein Atorint by8eavr is0' a mel J.nn ~Nd 5. S by sueieng i pht. c ofdene .O Nerv.ous L)ilt, Pr edaure ctret, New oi Yetheek fateigh. ma iy le8d fret ll4, iei t lf e "l rata iip% Ndt' 0010. Est Me d A te if e 'erguson & Mill~er's store' feb 1, 1888 . A dif L. On a, Pioke MlV. U.a '. e4n atife, + f. Ct WELLSe O*1k ThdLOR, UL'2Y A&2J COt?N28'L O R2A T LA* PICKEN8 C. LI., 8. 0. 'ront ettib ue o b 'ffile' etr'i" march 10, 1884 ___ I{t.s. Ai fi,e O. W.gAVO Ilreenvilfe .i C.g ANSEL & 1%tW TTORNEY 8ANDCOUNSELORSATLA P1CKEN C. EUn S. 0. ftl'I 'in the (C6iert Hlousp. Wro'mp& tLention given i3 all NeUiness es 1 romted to ttigem. mach , 180 4 1.EU . FORl fl1tt Il'E undersigned .. ep'' Clarke'b Lfe tl'tensn constanti on han to r sale '6 h'. zlt)n's 'odifiht KIng of Palna ,iver and Kidney icA'rlter.'and Bloo lleanser; 50 cents for trial bottle, $1.00 for nil smze. Medicines will be delivered whed lesirel. - J. C. MAUL.DIN, Flower Postoffice, Pickens Co., 8. C. nov 2, 1882 7 AY FEMALE REGULATOI" WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND. It is well known to physicians, and alai too wet tnown to suffering women themsp' !q tltat ,the re subject to numerous diseases peculf&r to thei px such as suppression of the Menses, painful t5d canty Menstruation, Congestion, Ulceratio,, nd Falling of the Womb, attended with an en? ess train of sympathetic and constitutional disoi; loes, which embitters the whole life, and which iave long been considered as almost iucurable. LutS Tt the remedy has been f61tid i - Dr. J. B .a.' .... R.uIa4 It is not a "cure-all," but a remedy for one class >f diseases, all of which pertain to the WouB. Any sufferer from the diseases mentioned ca |sz,t4gng m\, relieve herself without evealing Tior condlido any one, and wlthbut mubjocting her womanly modesty to the shock of in examination by a physician. To bring health and happiness to the homn .f ufifering women is a mission before which royal tavor sinks into insignificance. What earthly be%K' sfaction can compare with one which protects froa "That dire disease whose ruthless wer Wjti rs beauty's tran Iep4 owcr *rllo$f.efxe oe. for Daln 4o Yo~ uci row, amlte for tears, the rose of beaith nr the pallor of dis ease, the light, elastic step for dragging wen will nights of soft repose for te vy bours of tn atlessnoss, bounding "gp:o. languishin g es, the sweet line of grown brau!y for the harp and withered form of emaciation, a lotng life of 1 ntal, physical_ sgetal and domertic enjoy. nan ehy rave? euch ai th a i~s pe atc ar ~eesulta of Dnt. 3. l3aArlgz.)tn'st ' ps ~ et e"h is hence trui~ and app ol risaoly .BRADFrm.n, Atlana, Gal PA TENTS, O) Pater.i no Pay Is our motto. 'i Lhlnvit had 14 years experience In pr. lring PaMtentli, Caveats, Traule-M rar 'opyrights i, etc., in this hnd oither coul> ries. Our Ilandl fooks giving ftull instue jonas ini Pate pis free. Address 1t. 8. & A . :A'iC, tibt tl Att'ys, 604 F 8treel. P E NSION S 10il Boldieras oan any disease, wound o - ii injur*y. Fees, $10. Ilounty. Back Pay: )ischariges fur l)eserters, etc., procured. 14 years experience. U. M. BITES k (C0.. 604 F Si., Washinagt< ti. D). C: nu'T. DTIO Anii L 1r0uE 8TrEAD (CrimiTI l'ICA T'. ad nt! sindsl~ of LAND) ROll Il hoorbnnt ih.. ttock. anti 111Gii1'3' IttltU P'aidt. DX o un a s-lip ory? If so, wri'o io A. A. TI U3IAM, Attorney-at-L.-w, WVaslaIngton, D. TTENNDFiINON & SrM NI -. ar or U. s.nvte Iltreet. cor. (. o p LJ. ,lt nu ice Wahnaton, . U. (t*spt.neae so ess Paet'dloe. i ae e i >nso asi of atstrucilo>s freri iixo,I HORSK AND OATTLt OWDERS No illns e11 re or pre c vats, i f F'ontz's Powdiers arc nuned in timne. Eutz'sP'owdlers wi licore and preven tlIioo CROLUaa tiiisJ"owdiers will prevent GAPKS mN Fow .rt tt'lweswill increase the quantity of nul ndcrenm M'~uty per cent., and iake the bibter lu Fontz's Powders will ettre or prdvcnmt ae vsi DissAss to) wich hlorses and Cattia are subjejct, old everywh>nrw-re.s Arearrca DAVID N. 3'OtYTE. Proprietor, BALTIMORii. Md. of I r ureaIe( e onaer , alt... _l adesteohvngb eyer,et . ued f tat rea dieate, o.nj sni -ur lo,b- iperre.;i nilOuss tena 6 ere.Toallwh deiet, he c.i' ea n anty o fu houserp iondn FR ea,( I i bharge. o iehld. dire in eorprpie n Rintesame,.SSIa which ,eyve wil i Purel. Cure riie a~ Cong t Cldi Co-nuingtl Frei a Boncthat,ds '. Ptate bsien A,on S, ya 19m4l Penn siteet; I IIOS iaM Niai Yaw elo uleesi