DEVOED T l'LITI O - DEVOTED TO I'OLITICS, IQRLITY, EDUCATION AND TO TUE UENER&L INTEREST OF TIlE COUNTRY By D. F. BRADLEY & 00. PICKhNS, S. C, ' U A U [ U V .RDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1883, VI An old ladyv n HEWS' GLA EANDilZ8. Ostrich farma are to be established in Southwestern Texas. The demand for Georgia pine is great ly on the increase in the North. There are 3,400,000 acres of United 1tates lands for male in Mississippi. Four thousand merino bucks have been received by a San Antonio, Texas, firm. Lake City, Fla., is supplied with ebar meat, which is sold at fifteen cents per pound. The Governor of Alabama is mansion lees, and his salary is only sufficient for a bare subeiste>yce. The Vieksburg Herald estimates that there are forty pistols ato evei y subsoil plow in the State of Mississippi. Augusta, Ga., loses the $50,000 dona flon left by Gazaway B. Lamar, through a decision of the Urited States Supreme Court. The noted Indian mound at Tusca loosa is to be excavated. It is expected that some interestirfg relics will be un earth:. A Northern company has purchased the iron ore bed near Rome, Ga, paying $10,000 for it. Another blast furr.ace is to be erected' A party of gentlemen from Kentucky are prospecting in Florida, with a view to start a factory to manufacture fibre from "bear grass." A party of Michigan capitalists have t made large purchases of timber larid in Marion county, Miss., for the purpose of going into the lumber business. The Knoxville Chronicle thinks that the people of Tennessee could afford to give away their iron ore to people who would build furnaces in their neighbor hood. At Mobile, Ala., Mr. and Mrs. L. Galle, Mrs. Bamhauer and her daughter Fanny were poisoned by eating hogs head cheese tht' had stood in a tin ves sel for some days, Virginia ranks seventeenth in the list of fish-producing States, the oyster, men haden and shad fisheries being the three branches in which her citizens are most extensixely Interested. "A reward of $500 and no questions asked," offered by Jlhdge Strong, fails to elicit a response in the case of the rccords which 'were spi&ited away from the County Clerk' office in Atlanta. Three barges and 90,000 feet of wal nut lumber, valued at $3,600 were lost last week in the Powell river, on the way to Chattanooga ; 139,000 feet consigned to New York reached the city in safety. The AtlantalConstitution tells of a Georgia boy just a little over eight years old, who last year cultivated with a common goat three-quarters of an acre of land and made 233 pounds of lint cot ton. People in A thens, Ga., are loading their wood piles. A negro s'ole some the other dsy from one of the loaded piles and now her cooking stove is flying * through space; andl rhe's lying up for repairs. The freezing of fish, flowers and other articles in blocks of ice which are used in thd windows of restaurants, making very attractive signs, is I'racticedl by the New Orleans ice manufacturing estab * lishments. A H[ernando county, Florida, farmer made last soasen fr-om seven acres of land planted in sugar cane, fifty-one barrels of syrup, five barrels of molasses, ten barrels of sugar, and sold 30,00J0 stalks of seed cane. Mr. Knight, the superintendent of the Maginnis cotton factory at New Or leans, makes the prediction that in twenty years all the mills of the United States producing plain brown cotton goods will be located in the South. Mrs. Lucinda Ross, of Monroe county, Ga., is sevent-y4fur years of age, has one hundred and forty five living de rcendents'and dead, and, lie ing an accoucheure, hmas officiated at the birth of one hunidred andl fifty-eight of the aforesaid posterity. Macon Telegraph: D)ogs commandl a much huigher~ pirice in Georgia than sheep. Legislators have a superstitious fear of thehevil results which they im agine wo;ufs come to them if they should try to equalize the value of these ani mals by putting a tax on the f >rmner. Although a year has elapsed since the appropriation of the $20i',000 for ile re building of the Pensacola custom-housEc and post-office was ma de by Congress, nothing has yet been done toward its re establishment. The difficulty seems to be in "bkuriri% a suitable site for the building. Mr. Haneon, President of the Cotton Manufacturers' Association, Insist that thme S,muth must not continue to be de pendlent on imported labor, and that it must estRablish poly technic schools, where the young men of mechanical inclina tions andl talent may be taught and be come exp6 f. There 10a law in Georgia rcquiring emigrant agents to pay a license fee of $500 in every count,y in which they so licit emigraints. It is said that thete are a numi$r of 'these agents who are vio lating th~is law. It is --aid that Mormon mnissiommfeir tight bu barred tinder a strict construct ion of the act. -The Texas Meat Company has com menced the erection of an extensive es ablishmient at Victoria for the slaugh ter (,f cattle and sheep, which it Intends to ship direct to New Orleans, St. Louis and Chicago In refrigerator carF. The RefrigeratefOhr Company is largely in tere4ted in the e't'erpris., and will of cou o use over.5 exertion to make it a sil1Cc 555, made all the necessary preparatiois for her burial except the coffin. Sho has a black silk dress, all the necessary under- t clothing, a cap, gloves, etc.; even has a cake of perfumed Foap, wash rag andt. towel for washing her body, and a can die nearly two feet long, which she has had ever since the war, and which is to afford light for the watchers when she t( lies in state. C There are about 10,000 acres of land in Walker county, Ala , owned by va- d rious individuals. They are coal land bordering on the Georgia Pacific road, and it is understcod that a conipany is to be organized in this city with the r object of purchasing and developing a these lands. Since the Georgia Pacific througn Walker county has been a "fix ed fact," a large quantity of mineral IC lands have been sold in Walker county. A movement has recently been started by a number of prominent citizens of " Albany, Ga., having for its object the t1 early re opening of the Flint river to Al bany to navigation for ordinary river . craft, as Was the case some years ago, g and before the completion of its railroad 6i system. The success of the scheme only requires the removal of a few prominent obstructions in the channel, between Al- n' bany and Bainbridge, which will give T safe navigation to the Gulf. o' Many of the South Carolina farmers express a determination to prepare dur- W ing the present season for the general "' introduction of immigrants in the fall, r so as to prevent the embarrassment re sulting'fr, m the uncertain element wh ich they have had to depend upon hereto- w fore for labor. They propose to build w comfortable houses and make other ar ranrements for the comfort of the tmmi grant, which will go to insure his per- su manent settlement in their midst. th -William Griflin has been fined $11 :u ht New Orleans for perpetrating a "pill- t box" lottery. le would enter a house and ask the ladies if they wi:hed to plav lottery. Then he would take a number cc of pill-boxes out of hii pocket, put five- P dollar bills in Pome and paper in others w shake up the hat and let his victims b draw at the rate of ifty cents a chance. tl They generally won on the first round but after that luck would turn, and thev would come out losers. As his vic tin:is were, as a rule, respectable, they did not v complatn, but suffered in silence. le finally struck the wrong parties, how- ec ever; hence his arrest. c. to Polk Place, the residence of Mrs. Jas. K. Polk, contains among other valuahle mementoes, picture of the world-re- S nowned conqueror of Mexicc-H"lernan- S dho Cortez--and is a life-size three u party recently. Tint number of religious works pub. shed in England last year was 789, ainst 420 novels. THE police of Berlin will no longer ermit public perforiancs of tamers of ins and other wild animals. COMPLAINT is made in London that hen an actor throws a lighted cigar on o stage he may cause a fire. Miss MARY BErLLE BARTLEY, who has st become a bride in Staunton, Vir nia, is thirteen years and teu months d. Fr.onnDA orange groves are said to be >0 so much in demand as they were. io orange grove business has been ,ordono. IT is claimed that the United States is >rth $50,000,000,000, or $6,000,000,000 ore than England and $13,000,000,000 ore than France. I IT Is stated that the death of Mr. citchett, the eminent English oenlist, is hastened by remorse for a grave mis ko made by him in ani operation. Gov. IIAMrrLTON, of Illinois, is another ccessful man who lelieves with l)israeli at ambitious women often mako their Isbauds successful. To a young and vely schoolmate li0 owes, lhe says, all 3 has in the world. IN order to pay the expenses of the >ronation of Kalakaua, it is proposed to edge the King's personal credit. Mean bile, peacocks and turkey gobblers are sing robbed of theii feathers to make ao royal paraphernalia. TIIE King of Portugal was so pleased ith the American telephone that one as bought for the palace, and his Min tors, at least on one occasion, were diled up at night to gratify his Maj ty's desire to talk with them at a dis neco. WALTER WINN, one of the Nevada oneers, who died at Genoa, in that late, a few days ago, was Secretary of tato under Governor S:n. Houston, of exas. IIe left valuable renlinisconces pioneer life in the Southwest and on ao Pacific Coast. JOHN G. W'IIITrIER recently receivec om a Chicago lady 200 engraved visit ig cards with a request to write his lustrious name on each of them, as the riter was to give a reception to her iends and desired to present them with l>me meomento of the event. CONoniESS is asked to vote $20,000 for ie Rochianmbeau pa:pers referring to the rench troops in the Amnericani war of idlepenldenlce- Thie papers inchle 152 tters from WaShIi ngtonal to Rtochnambeau. 9,000 is asked for ex-Seniator Carpen r's collection of Supreme Conurt (acci5. ms and briefs. CotrisissroNEn of Ruil roads Arma. rong recomnids that the Giovernmenut ring suit for $1,500,000, (due from the rnien Pacific RXailroad. This is the 25 er cent, of net earnlings, less a fair prlico >r trr.nsporting troops andi suppllies, richi tho Union PacPific is required by iw to niay the Government. D)a. MAuRoN SIMS, who has a speci p)ut at ion fo r t reatmu enit of nmervoues dis ses, d eclared in Ph'liladelphiia thme other y~ thait I orace Gireeley suffered from L:'''pinal meinmgetis in his last ill ~se, and " 'shaoi.d no0 more have been nt to the inisano a 'ayhuin foir treatmient aun should a del1rious t.yphoffl fever itient." WVarrs the Paruis correspmondenit of fe(L.ondoni): ''Miss Lilian Nordicn, ac American prima donnaum, mTade her ,1pearancoe as Ophelia in 'H amlet' at thme rand( Opera the other night. F'renchi -itie's comphlains (If her strong Amlericanu 'cent, and sl ighitly guttuinral voice; on IC othier hand, they admiiit. th at hier armsn 1(1 hanids are aboave repirahet, and thaimt er eyes, teethI, and smnL arIo no t un1 Iterestinrg!" iss lEuMA WVIxo)I, otherwise Mile. 'evada, this year- receives $1 ,000 par lOnthl foIr f' Ting ini (oera inl P'aris. ext year her cont raict en ls for 81 .200) er month. By the expiration of her resent conltract shIe will thu is have earn'ed P..00 at tile Opera Com11iqu e. Then rio wilP come home to America to mlake amon more. A Mn. JoNEs, who madoe a forinne a's a army tailor and then devoted thirtyv cars in collecting objects (If art, died acently, leaving to the South K'ensing In Museum' the entire collection valuiiod t S1,000,000l, and by ex erts to he the most costly ever p)resent dI to a national museum, Seome of tho London newspapers sneer at the gift be causo of the means by which the giver made his fortune. 0scAR F. BUown, formerly a banker I and broker in Wall street, Now York was, a few Sundays ago, ordained as il rmnister of the Reformed( Episcopal Church. Two years ago he opened i a tnission in one of the worst localities in New York, which he called Zion Chapol. It now has ninety communicants and 850 scholars in the Sundiy-school. He expects to build a church, as the chapel is net largo enough for his congreSa t ion. '1'iis Prince of Wales, at the urgent re(luest of the Princess of Wales, is be stirrng himself to put down th cruel sport of "pigeon shooting." The ladies have formed a ring, and intend "boy cotting" Ilurlinglhain until the Gun Club discards the "pretty dove" and adopts the "terra cotta pigeon," a new invention which is being brought out under the patronage of the Prince of Wales, and can be seen at work at the Ranclagh Club grounds. Tun, proposed change in the manner of issuing patents should interest inven tors, inasmuch as the cost would be only g1. whereas it is now from $50 to $100. This fee would be for sinply regista-ring the claims of inventors, leaving the muat ter of the value of their works to be afterward tried, and that of infringement to be tested in the courts, as is practi cally and really now the case. The ma chinery of the Patent Of1ice would be greatly simplifled in the now plan. TrE Now York Herald wants propr'e tors of ladies' shoe stores to bounce tlo young men clerks and replace them with needy women, arguing that it is a great embarrassment to customers to havo these young men try on their shoes. It is to ne assnlmed that practical business men who run shoo stores know what they are asbout, and when they find they are losing trade by kenping young men to try on shos they will exchange tlhem for other and less objectionable clerks. Tia statement that Joseph Cilley of New I laipshiro, is the oldest living Ex Senator of the United States is contra dicted. The oldest is Ex-Gov. Alexander Morton, of Louisiana, who was in. the Senate i'rom 1837 to 1813. len. )aniel It. Atkinson entered the Senate in 1813, and still lives in Missouri; lHenry A. Foster succeeded Silas W\right in 1814, and Simon Cameron became a Senator in 1815. Mr. Cilley's tern began in 1817. AMoNO the many amazing things t, id by Professor Langley about the sun is that if a bed of coal the size of the State of Pennsvlvania, and ten feet thiek,were suddenly shoved into the sun, it would he used upl) in keeping up the present energy of the still for just one-hu1tndredth part of a second. Another of his illts trations of the sunl's energy is his esti mato that the rainfall onl Manhattan Island for three months, loaded as ice, would fill a train extending from Jersey City to San Francisco. Tim bones of Johln Howard Payne, whiclh havo lain in his far away grave at T'unis for more tilhn thirty years, were takeni upi the 5th1 of Janutary and sent to this country for reburial. John Worth ington, our Consul at Malta, who wvas the only American present at tile opein ing of thle grave, writes an aecount oif it to the Chief Clerk of the State D)epart mnent. A little company of twent.y per sons1, among them two wh.iO attendled Payne's funeral, gathlered arounid the grave at n(on, andi( the collin. wiich was badly decayed, was soon laid1 bare and lifted (lit. Little was left within it, save the b)lackenled skeleton, a few but tonis and some gold lace thlat hand orna mented the Colonel's uniform in which P'ayne was buried. Theso remlains, placed inl a lead casket inclosed in a hard w'.ood bo~x, rested over inighit in the little Protestant chlurchl, where a simle servico was haebd, and Payne's oince fa mns song, which has lived biecause it appeialedl to universal sentiment, was -mng. ________ i- morrt ifyin g as5 t hey iare arnin~e.g. For~ Ata iilitary (linnier ini Ireland, tie the( manil w'hoi has lost onie (yo in th'e loius sr1vi(e (of his 1belove' (( ellult rv niever see (list ress withI the oth er."'. Ri It the person' whiose duty it. was to iead ' tile toast aciden'h'itally omitted the word 'distress,'' wihieli coniiletely elhanlg'd thle seintuniieni, andl entiserother, R1obert Maackay, who is a mecin >er of i largo engi'e'ring firi in his iative town, ancd is regarded as one of ho greatest p ractical imeclitnies living. 1ut Mr. Mackay is a very itseltislh aid nodest man, otherwise lie might have 'een as rich to-day a.s his brother. (lhough ho hats exp,erimented and invented all his life, lie has never s oight, to real) tho just rewards of his talonts. lie is content with discovering new methods of applying foree and to let other people real) the beneflt. And the United States are inot a little indebted to his inventive genius, lie it wias, in con jiinction with at Mr. (aty, who first con ntructed a locomotive for ascending 1teep grades; and it was from lal:ns furnished by him and explanations given to Ainteri can mneChanies who visited him ill Scot. land, that the locomiotives were built which first crossed the iIcky Monntiii s. But he is ono of those men, as I havo said, who set no store by such achieve meuts 1s these; lie speaks of this new hivention ats it it was a very siiall iiat ter. Between him and his 1brotlher, though remarkably like chr( other il' leisonal 1tppearaice, there is no com iiutity of feeling, or even of friendship, far less kinship. Th" only talet that his Ibrother possessed, to Ihenar him spa ak of uim, Was stingines:; and the power to close his hand on ever, peiiy which crossed it. Of intellectiil points he Iad none worth mnltinising, and when i yong was iIcapablo of cultivating, the few lie had beet eldowel with. 1ibit it is sey eral years siice millionaire Mtcliv broke t11f correspoIldence with his faill er atnd mother and fmttily. Of the mniy tiilies lie has visited England during tIto past ten years, lie lits never Visited his famtily or his native town. Two Aeirs alg'), nievertheless, he seit. his seeret iy d( wi' from Lonion to Airdrie to inqni-e lifter his mother iand relatives. 'I'his gettle ina plimt ;!l it tie Rival Hotel in great state, and ater lie hail il 'used every body aliiut the hotel for the miieanness of the tcenoi(ationi they e01uld offer, h(' sent for his emlployer's hrothIer, the lerson tI have sp oken of abliove. H is suirprise many b1 readily iniigined wtenl he was informed by Mr. Mackay that if his brother could not condese'end to come to Airdrie inl person to sus his friends, h would receive no inforniation from hini furthermoie, Mr. isecreftarv was sp eci:iliy mistructed to inform Ii's master tlitt since no had forgotten his fimily so long, the latter had now no het ter hues sage to convey to him thlni this, to-wit, that, for all they cared, lie coill go to a climate where the Ietemperaitulr wa always alovo ninety in the shade, or words to that ee'ct. But I think Mr. Mackay judges his rieli b1rother irslhv. Though at manl of plain speech, and esi tirely imuoceit of all usag( of gram i ar i il comnnInielting his thoughts orally, he seemns to possess plenty of gdttl, hard, practical set ise, anid, cosidi(Icring how rich lie is, he is certainly not Iprtud; hmt what lie lacks in this littcr r'sls> t his wife makes upll. No Queen tht ever lived could 1e p roinder or more ipl'cri ou1s th:n sht.- -L/OHloni CornI .cpi m/, at of Ih1j)l/o ('odroom bally venti lated, or tho paronta have forgotten that 8unshlino and fre1h air are as necossary to the healthy life of a child as whole some food itself is. The want of cleanlinesa, or frequent uSe of tho bath, is many times the c muse of indifferent appetite in clihilren. \ith out cleanliness of clothes and eleanline.t of porson you can not have healthy chil dron. Without this thI youu, 1)1lo seems poisoned, the child has noither buoyancy nor heart, appetite is do. praved or absent, ain he grows up as pale and poor as a sickly p1:ant. I njudicious clothing is another can se of dyspepsia. It is bad enough to en 0a0 the body which has attained its' full developmient in a tight dress, but it is ruinous for a child to be clothed in tightly-fitting garments. Every organ of a chihi's body requires room to grow and expand ; if it be in any way cw to fall Il h I presient a'hii. A t last N Il I * ml, hITIIMililip:l t-ien at till-thtdtbiv. R,Il know rig tie ' luet oif his H rme. an' e io tile great -Ombal(rrassmenIit o' the p r utheII ihiis fpatien trws. rest 1(Iho in' 'jiOe 0; atllt the care takeni. A\t fo d- es ing sj(t tail' , tis i eri:'. or getinilg (everytin 1el1', tex(lmed in N elaton dre'sied the franeturte, an I the its ma3tter wvrt a gratefl letter to !ho great surgecin, thank:ng hime fo his .imines andi IC ,llesting to know. q fee. .\ clat-n reliedi that. wheni h Pat iiier e:amie to Pa:in}he ecoild eiai ,: hi;m. This3 he soon1 dhi, and wa' o dlurinlg his prre eriammhled with n rots. whIen elat onecxi'laim--d (I), wVI hih thte cabi n et- .1 akers hlave- tin ishted !" Thiiis was, indeed a dec eait 0 revenlge t ut whliih hadut the last word? Meisson'111r, wVho, going at onec to work, mthe end of a fe-w day's pron'! . I wo of hi us (It. d'/ire Onl the :ae',s. '--iarTy,,yu h0 "et away nioo bread that: $ want it some day.'" 6.4 Wa, should I stand any 160s W, w 4 Mwng itthen if IAsfe N e --The widows of India al. baer prevoted by the tyrannens Englii MA oromatng otmselves along with tihk duad lords, have taken to second iai.ri ages. They are dotarmined to sacrifie themselves somehow.--Pruiri Farmer. -Two Philadelphia lawyers got Mte a street fight the other day. EacL wee if he had a pistol he'd kill the other. t once a dozen were offered to eaeh by spectato) a. When they found how anxious the popuiaoe was to get rid.ef them, they swore friendship and vowed to live forover, to spite the town.-I&a ade1phia Press. -Some scientist in London has been translating the songs of our childhood itl!o the ltngiago of the learned. The lit tle pip'ng rhyme i:eginning " Twin. Ide, tw:nklo, little star," ha-s been changed into this rhetorical blast from the t omboine: SiInt ilhito, s("intitIlIta. globule vivific: Fain wo,ula I fnthom thy nature specotlo. I.utt Iy po(Ied in other copaclou., ston)gly nsetnbling a gem earbontoeous -"Mla," howled a boy running Into the house and approaching his mother, ' n, iittle brother hit nmo with a stick.'' "Well, I'll whip your litt!o brother," said the mother, abstractedly tucking" together a pairof stoekinps she had been datm:ing. "No, don't whip him. Don't let him have any supper. I whipped him, beforo he hit ns.''---Arkansaw 'raa -, tr. -- -A couple of darkeys. wore seated on the steps of a store on Baldwin street., Elmira, where was display d a large quantity of watormelons, when one saitl: "Satbo, what would he the konse