_ 1 jcoww D&YOTZD TO rOLIrIO, XOEALMTi, EDUCATION AND TO 'EBE (4ENIB&L INTEREST OF THIE COUTElY By D. F. BRADLEY & 00 PICKENS, S. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1882. VOL XI NO. 5 Florida has made an immense crop of corn. There are between 1,500 and 1,800 blind persons in Tennessee. Richm6nd, Va., is shipping large quantities of grain to Italy., The Southern Presbyterian Church has 6,000 elders and 4,000 deacons. The prohibition law' prevails in forty . two counties in the State of Georgia. A Southern scientist has discovered that alcohol can be produced from acorns. George W. Swepson, with a property worth $2,000,000, is the richest man in North Carolina. Richmond, Va., has a debt of $4,741,, 707 65, on which she pays an annual in terest of $808,134 43. The celebrated Dummett orange grove has, accordjig to the Florida Dispatch, been sold for $100,000. The public library at Knoxville, Tenn. has 1,500 new books, is out of debt, and has $2,000 in the treasury. A young Virginian has invented a mar chine which turns out 150 cigarettes per minute. It is on exhibition at LyncT. burg. In 1833-34 the railroad from Charles ton, S. C., to Augusta, Ga., 130 miles, was the longest railroad then in the world. The gum of the palmetto, which is found in abundance in Ilorida, makes as good if not better mucilage than gum arabic. It is calculated that the splendid grain crops of the South will save that section $100,000,000 hitherto diverted Northward. A mortal enemy of the cotton worm has turned up in Mississippi. It is e red dish looking spider, and attacks"'and kills large numbers of the worm@. As early as 1733 the sale and con sumption of whisky was prohibited in Georgia, then a colony under British rule. The act, however, was repealed in 1742. The Rugby colony in Tennessee. in stead of being on the wane, is said to be growing nicely. A large number of peo ple from Michigan will cast their luck -with the colonists this fall. The State Democratic ticket of Texas contains the name of but one native Texan. Of the other nominees three are natives of Kentucky, one of Georgia, one of South Carolina and one of Ten nessee. The New Orleans Times-Democrat from carefully gathered information, learn that the present condition of the rice crop in Louisiana is good and the prospects for a large and good crop most favorable. The locomotive "General," which was the one that pulled the train thatdwas stolen by the Mitchell raiders in 1861, is still in use as a freight enigine 'on the Western" and Atlantic road, and is in good condition. The process of articulating Guiteau's skeleton is nearly completed at the Ar my and Medical museum. It is doubt ful if the bones will make a first-class skeleton. Many were found to be po rous, requiring great care to mount. -Near Fort Valley, Ga., lives a man who has named his children after ani mals, having a belief that they will in consequence live to an old age. There are four children and they are named respectfully, Rabbit, Coon, Fox and 'Possum. Nashville, in its craze for marital and natal insurance companies has capped rthe climax by organizing "The Natal Twin Association," which will pay $2, 000 to each member producing a certifi cate of the paternity of a pair of twin babies. In Alaibama the Senate will stand thirty-one Democrats and two opposi tion ; the House seventy-nine Democrats andl twenty-one opposition. The latter -consists of eight Republicans, four Greenbackers and nine Independent Democrats. :As compared with the cotton manu factures of New England, the Southern mills show a wonderful difference, in heir favor, of earnings, but the thing is neing overdone, and too many mills will prove to the South as bad, if not worse, .4 than no mills at all. In the Gulf near Apalachicola, Fla., A saw fish of immense size was capturedl. It was fourteen feet, six inches long, forty-two inches across the body, the saw forty-one inches long and seven| across the center between the points of| the teeth, weighing 500 pounds.| Near Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, an| elm tree, said to be the largest in the 4 United States, if not in the world, is growing. It is 105 feet in diameter and| 329 feet in circumference from tip to tip| of its branches. The size of the trunk and height of the tree are not given.| J. H. 1.ester, who lives near McDon-| ough, Ga., is 113 years old, having been born in Rockingham, N. 0., December 7, 1769. H~e distinctly remembers the Revolutionary war, and when eleven years old was detailed with other boys to defend the women from the Tories. He served under Gen. Floyd during the war of 1812. A horrible condition of affairs has been developed in the "Saviour's Home," an institution in Little Rock, Ark., TOPICS OF THE DAY. EDISON is still Obtaining patents at the rate of twenty-one a week. GAnm"nDI, the Liberator, is to have a monument in Baltimore. TaE Treasury last week received $2 conscience money from Germany. OF THE 1,518 cases of smallpox in Chicago last year 1,116 proved fatal. REPOnTS from Matamoras state that many persons sick of yellow fever die of fright. PoSTMASTERs in Texas have been ardered to fumigate the mails before forwarding. TaE Texas cattle fevor has appearea it Auburn, New York, and street ped ling of beef has been stopped for six weeks. LORD CHIEF JUSTICE COIERIDoE is to visit the United States this autumn. Ele is the peer of Gladstone in elo. juence. SUSAN B. ANTHONY finds much en :ouragement for the woman suffrage novement, aid urges the Suffragists to persevere. THE Lady Burdett-Coutts-Bartlett has rranged for the dispatch to Egypt of a small staff of nurses, with all nursing ippliances, the moment their services ire needed. Tim Egyptian debt is ?98,398,020, A which 472,000,000 is hold in England. rhis and the commerce of Egypt and ,he road to India are wbat England is ighting for. THE United States is not likely to be tsked to send a delagate to the confer mnee of the Suez Canal question, and ho United States doesn't care so very nuch about it, either. HAVING taken a solemn pledge not to trink at a public bar, a young man of L'oronto has his favorite tipple brought ut by the bartender, and drinks it ;tanding on the sidewalk. CETYWAYO has learned to eat with a mife and fork, and his favorite dish to begin breakfast with is a mess of por idge and a bottle of whisky. The Zniu ,King is becoming rapidly civilized. THE Philosophers of Concord, who were duped by a Western sharper, have several things to learn yet; among oth. ars, that of not placing too much confi decec in a glib-tongued, prepossessing stranger. THE~ Boston Transcript thinks it was niot surprising that Rev. Mr. Miin had loubts of the existence of hell after liy oig a year or two in Chicago. He looked 'pon such belief as the rankest kin~d, autology. OSCAn WILDE has announced his jal ention to visit Japan. Every heart will >ounid with joy at this news. America .s anxious to get rid of all the cranks she ~an, and will bid Oscar an eternal adie, with a smile on her lip. LONDON Truth astOnishe.3 the English vith the statement that "in some of 4 imaller Western cities of America there tre more telephones than there are at resent in England." The ordinary Cnglishman, however, would not liko ie Ldmit that. FIFTEEN thousand men and five thog, rand horses have been sent to Egypt from England, and about ten thousand nen from India. Wolseley will proba bly be able to muster for the march ozm Cairo, about fifteen thousand infantry and five thousand cavalry. SoMOne writes to the KennebenA Maine, Journal that " cider drinking haa become a great evil among the rural population of the State, as many labor ing men will not work unless it is fur nished them by the farmer, and many rarmers and farmers' sons are too mueb aldicted to its use." THE Langtrys found the friendship og ~he Prince of Wales expensive, and be ween giving entertainments at which he as present and the Irish land troubleg, heir income of $15,000 a year melted Lway. So Mr. Langtry was forced ti oe contented with about a tenth of his >rigiInal income, to supplement whicb iis wife took to the stage. IN Admiral Frederick do Lutko, Rus uia loses one of her oldest sailors and ucientists. Born in 1797, he made the r'oyage around the world with Captain Jilownin in 1817-19, and soon after be pun that service of remarkable Arctic uxplorations which got him the ear and lhe applause of the scientific world. HERBERT SPENCER is paying thia louintry a visit, the chief object of the vsit being that of the recovery of hi. health. No doubt part of his purpose 'n coming was to learn something ii hich . old be useful to him in the division of the great work on Sociology on which u is now engaged-The Industrial De velopment of Society-having finished and published volumes on the Ceremo nial and Political Development. * z Tixu celebration at Ogden's Grove, Ciiicago, for the purpose of raising funds to erect a monument to the mem cry of John Brown was one of the worst maagred and completest failures of the century. Letters of regret were read from many distinguished men, and nobody was there but a few of the neighbors, aggregating 800 person& The widow of John Brown, who livea in California, was there, and delivered a short address. TH men of commerce, art and 1. dustry who have given character ant tone to the Industrial Exposition of Cin cinnati deserve well, not only of theip fellow-citizens, but of all who take as interest in the manufacturing industries of the nation. There have been evi dences of commendable improvement in every succeeding exhibition, and the public have good grounds to anticipate for the tenth a perfection of order, dis play and excellence not previously at tained. The classifications are a model of fullness and elaboration. Its scenic departments embrace everything in ma chinery, manufactures and products, and these are classified under eighty 1ivo heads. Gold, silver and bronze medals and cash premiums are offered in the different classes. The Exposition opens September 6, and closes October 7. The industrial parade on the day of the opening will be the biggest thing ever seen in Cincinnati, and a spectacle wonderfully interesting, instructive and picturesque. The cars of seventeen wards, already organized and at work, will extend seventeen squares. As for the Exposition itself, there is more space now engaged than was occupied by the last Exposition when it opened, and the interest aroused is extraordina ry and universal. All railroads center ing in Cincinnati will sell tickets at re duced prices. About Roses. All roses flower more profusely if vig orously pruned. It is best to cut the obl wood with an unsparing hand, for he handsomest blossoms will spring from fresh growth and young shoots from the roots will bear the largest cluster of buds. Hybrid perpetuals re quire to be pruned as soon as their first liowers have faded so as to produce a grood display of buds and blossoms in September. They have no claims to the title. "perpetual" as they never bloom but twice in the year and rarely that, un11less they are highly fertilized and zlosely cut back when they have ceased to bloom in early suiumr. They are tlhe most desirable of summer roses be k-anse they have so luxuriant a growth and )ossess the charms of brilliant col orinrs and fragrance. Great advance ias been made during the past few %-ears in their varieties, which are now nu imbered by hundreds in the English 0and French floral catalogues, and our owni florists ofler them in large numbers and at ver~y low prcs Ten centsi will often buy a flourishing young lant which, in two or three years if p~rop~erly treated, will become a large bush. '1Gen. Jacemliont"' is a perpetual whose flowers are known to all lovers of roses and are in much demand for winter bouquets. Among other (desir a Ace varieties are "Arma Slexieft,'" "Heauty of Waltham,"' "Boule do Nieze," "Coupe d'H1-ibe," "Edwvard Ml\ren," ''Jules Margottin," "'La 1 rance,'" "Malbel MNorrison,'' ''Mmne. Lacharme," "Mmne. Charles Wood,'' 'Mar e lBaumann,'' "'Baronne do Roths child,"' and "'teynold's Hole.'' The last mentioned wvas named for the famnous English rosarian who cultiva~tes some of the finest roses in England and takes the prizes at all the rose exhibi t~onis in his vicinity, and it is a rose of remarkable beauty. None of this class of roses reqluire protection diingi~ the winter, hut they wvill (10 better another year if they are covered about the roots with mnanur'e which can be (lug into the O round early in the spring. Lt~rge Iuhsof r*o5s should( be tied up to stakes made either of small pine-trees or of wvoodl painted green. Vatering with liquid 3manure will increase the le"anty of roses at this season. That ma~de from the horse stsble or the hen roost will be more fertilizing than any tither. D)o not put it on too strong, !se it will do nmre harm than goodl. It [a a goodl plan to till a half-barrel one quarter full with manure and add a pound of copperas to it to keep the worms awav; fill it up with water and put it on the planlts twvice a week, tak ing carec not to touch the le'ves. Make the water the color of weak coffee if horse manure is usedl, the color of weak ten if lhen manure is p~refer'red. -8pring licid ( Muss. ) Re publi can. A Hint About Weeds. In harvesting Indian corn and wheat, we cut themi long biefore the grain-the seed, is ripe. When the grain in either is fully formed, the stalks are cut; experience has shown that the ripening process goes on; the stalk contains sufficient nutriment to perfect the grains, and it does this after the plant ia cut away from the root. Indeed, the gr ain thus treated often comes to greater perfection than if the plant were left until the seed is fully ripe. What takes place with these crop plants, also occurs with weeds. Many weeds, if cut up while in flower, still have nutriment enough in their stems and leaves to perfect and ripen a crop of seeds. It therefore happens that the mere cutting up) of many weeds, and leavmng them to dry upcn the ground, does little toward their Jxtermination. The common purslane-or "pussley," for example, has remarkable vitality; its very succulent stems will remain alive for weeks, and even continue to grow after they have been deprived of the root. It is orne thing to cut up weeds with the hoe; it is equally important, and it should always be done in gardens, to gather up the weeds by the use of rakes, and carry them to a brush heap, where they will ultimately be burned. American Agricedturist. -"I know where the dark roes iwheni miorning comesA,"~ said little C [ara. " It -Aes downh t ho colati; it's dark there all dantV'' Traveling by Hand-Car. For several days past railroad men en the Bul'alo division have been both ering their heads over a strange charao ter whom they have seen rinning a C4 hand-car all by hitaiself, and behaving s( 1h a aingular mannur. Monday night c train No. 12 *as stopped to aVoid rin fling over him. Other trains have come close upon him within the past few u days before he got his "special" off the t track. Yesterday Officer Mahar found a him near Dalton with his car. He was brought to Hornellsville, and now oc cupies a cell in the lockup, where ho t was interviewed by a 7Thnes reporter. He is a young man apparently not over twenty-five years of apo, of medium size, with black hair and'eyes and dark complexion. le said that his name was Martin Kaatei, and that his home e was in Omaha, from which place he had I come on a first-class passen er-car. Somewhere between Hunt's and Dalton he purchased his hand-ear of a young d man, whose mother ratified the bargain. On being asked what his plan was, he replied that he thought that a nice way to spend the summer would be to travel around by himself on a hand-car. He had intended to move gradually along " to New York, gathering curious stones and weeds by the way, and having a 1 quiet, restful time all by himself. lie 11 said he had no idea of this trouble when he started, and now he was will- 0 ing to trade his hand-car for some prop- t erty in this town if he could. On being 1 asked if he did not know that it was dan- Z gerous to travel as he had been doing, , Ie replied that there was no danger at all. "WI y," said he, "I never let a train get within half a mile of me unless I hap pen to meet one on a curve. Then I lust lift my car off in two seconds. If Ii had some chairs In here 1 would show P you how 1 (10 it. I am safe if a train gets within half a block of mie before I see it, and it is easy to get out of the t way if a train is two blocks off." The a young man asked the reporter how soon a the examination would take place, say ing: " I want to get out of this place C as soon as possible."-Hornellsjille (N. t Y.) Times. y y t A Few Simple Reclpes. b The Small Boy-Take equal parts u noise, dirt and four horse-power steam engine; mix with bread and butter to the taste (the boy's taste), and set the mixture to cool in the middle of a ten acre lot. If you find you have put in too much noise (wihich you undoubtedly i have), turn over and knead with the hand or split shingle. The Saleslady-This is a very easy a dish. All that'is required is a little giggle, brass to season, and a garnish ing of frizzles, bangs and cheap jewel- t ry. Mix in an empty skull and serve. The Politician--Tact, one part; two eyes for the main chance; one tongue, I well oiled, and as much cheek as possi ble. If you have a little brain handy, it may be added sparingly; but it does not matter much, and most housekcep ers consider any use of brain in this connection as extravagant. Bake in a slow oven, so that it need not be done r brown. If it be more than half-baked it is ruined. The Poet --To make a poet, take lib- e orally of shimmering sunshine, strain through a rhyming dictionary, and add e equal, parts of lovesick adjectives, archaic adverbs and such other words u as you may never have heard of. Set in a warm place, where the whole may be -come intimately mingled, and garnish ir with long hair, seedy clothing and an n empty stomach.y Th le Author--Take such facts as you ti have in the house and mix with twenty a gallons of gush and twaddle for each d t act, and boil down one-half. Then add c of .classical allusions, threadbare storiesi tI and ubiquitous anecdotes ten parts each, ti and serve in a greasy coat and bald (g head. Some prefer to send to the table d in curl papers, triced with hair-pins; but 6 in this case the sauce must not be for gotten, and a little politico-poetic tran scendentalism is also a great improve ment, A Kiss-This is conmposed of eqjual p~arts of honey, sugar, ice cream, soda t1 . with four kinds of siruip, love in a cot- h t age andl supernal bliss, it can be mlade s: in the dark just as well as in the light. r Bake in an elliptical dish, andl serve p wvarm. t Chlarity-This is usually served cold.I When warm it is v'ery ap~t to spoil, and must therefore be used at home. Take I one part heart andl one hundred parts ~ talk, and stir together until the heart is ~ dlissolved, andl add~ sumlicent policy andI wvorldly wisdom to give it a flavor. Charity made by this recipe will keep a long time in any climate.--Boston Tran script. What the Ancients Believed. Arrihn, who flourished about the mid die of the second century of the Chris tian era, was of a skeptical frame of1 mind and had a wholesome distrust of the evidence of eye-witnesses. He rid iculedl the old stories about ants that dug up gold, and grillins that guarded the precious metals, and declared that none were to be found in those parts of India that were visited by Alexander and his oflicers. H~e describes, howev er, a learned, or rather a musical ele phant which "beat upon a cymbal while several others danced to his music. Two cymbals were huug between 'his forelegs, and one tied to his proboscis or trunk. He then striking the cymbal which was tied to his trunk aainst the others between his forelegs alternately, the rest of the elephants moved round him as in a dance, and lifted up or bowed their bodies as fitly and justly as the measure and reason of the sound seemed to require, or as he who played upon the instrumient direoted.'' He also speaks, though from hearsay, of an elephant dying of gief because It had killed Its keeper in a moment of frenzy. Nearchus, it seems, had pro tested that he on'ce saw the skin of a tiger, and that the natives averred that the animal, when alive, was as big as a full-grown horse, and further, th at it | would leap upon an elephant, and ' strangle~ It. Thereupon Arrian remarks that those he saw wer-e like speckled ~ wolves, only a little larger, so that he never saw a tigr at all, but only a leop- t ard--Al te earRun1 Good Things Cost. Yen, indeed, they do. (Generally that hieh we admire and which seems to ;j perhaps, to be done So easily has )st all that it Is worth. And the rea mD why It does not seem so to us is be tuse we do not see when and where id how the work is put in. We are riding along and looking out pon a beautiful landscape. We admire ie skillful arrangemetnt of trees, and irubbery, and flowers, or the smooth rid gently sloping groundi. This is, kdeed, lovely, we say. How fortunate ie owner was to find such a place. But )me one replies, could you have seen il this years and years ago, when it 'as in a natural state, you might never ave dreamed of this. It has taken much thought and hard work and great xpense to bring these grounds to their resent condition. Tell a man how a ing has been done and he says: T at's easy to do." Very possible, ow that you have been shown how to o it, but could you have done it in the rst place? That it the real test. You sten to a man wh ose mind is richly ored with facts and t houghts and fruit. d in combinations of these varied ;ores, and as he expi'&sses the thought 'hich needed expre-s'on, perhaps you ty: how easy that wap lone. I could ave said it. Could you? Why didyou ot then, before he did? Why not go ne step farther and give expression to ie next thought which, so soon as ex ressed, the orator and all the peo )l hall say that was the right word right r spoken. That is the very word we ,ere waiting to hear. When the light ing flashes you can see very clearly. .nd, if yoi act quickly, you may take Li your bearings by its instantaneous ght. And such a flash of thought may rove to you an apple of gold. But we want more than fitful gleams. teady lights are best. And he is the -ue speaker whose light shines on clear ad true while it is at the same time ble to throw a great flood of radiance a the dark spot when the right moment :mes. Never say such things do not cost. I ll you, if such a light blazes before ou and does not cost him who gives it, ien it is an iqnis fatuis and will lure im and you, too, on to destruction. Great men are hard-working men. renius means a great capacity for work. Genius will work." The men emi ent in all the noble walks of life have een, are now, great workers. They re trained to endure, and when occa ion requires, can, and do, labor tre aendously. You see a train fly down the track. t goes easily, does it not? Swift and trong, without friction and without ign of labor, it shoots along. You imply see the results. But what leads o and insures these results? So you look upon the outside appear nces of great lives and see no signs of keat, and noise, and worry, and weari Less, and you state your proposition hat they lead easy, charmed' lives. ['ry it and see. Try to grapple with he labors of some groat legislator, aerchant, writer, or divine, for even ne day. He who puts off the harness riakes the wisest statements. A truly reat man bears a great load oa;sily. 'o do this gives the right to bear the ame. Are you dazzled by the lives of Gen rals, senators, millionaires, or groat ion of letters? Consider the cross 'ell ore looking at the crown. It is a rand thing to win the crown. Try for .Try with all the manhood there is i you. You are worth little If you do ot make the trial. But remember that ou only roach the high seats and wear ie crown after long, arduous, unre iitting labors. Let no word of mine isourag yoBttry no short cuts. oun th cot ad tendo valiant bat e.Determine to win all these good ings, but win them legitimately. reat and good work merits and will la uc time receive a great reward. rolden Rule. Treatment of Sunstroke. Sunstroke is caused by excessive heat, nd especially if the weather is muggy." It is more apt to occur on 2e second, third, or fourth day of a eated term than on the first. Loss o1f Loop, worry, excitement, close sleeping ~oms, debility, abuse of stimulants, redispose to it. It is more apt to at aek those working in the sun, and es ecially between the hours of eleven 'clock in the morning and four o'clock a the afternoon. On hot days wear hin clothing. Have as cool sleeping ooms as p)ossible. Avoid loss of sleep *nd all unnecessary fatigue. If work gin doors, and where there is arti loial heat-laundries, etc., see that the oom is well ventilated. If working in the sun, wear a light at (not black, as it absorbs heat), traw, etc., and put inside of it on the ead, a wet eloth or a large green leaf; requently lift the hat from the head and ece that the cloth is wvet. Do not check >erspiration but drink what water you iced to keep it up, as perspiration pro. rents the body from being overheated. Elave, whenever possible, an additional ihade, as a thin umbrella, when walk ng, a canvas or board cover when work ng in the sun. When much fatigued 1o not go to work, but be excused from work, especially after eleven o'clock in ~he morning on very hot days, if the work is in t he sun. If a feeling of fatigue, lizziness, headache or exhaustion oc >urs, cease work immediately, lie dlown *n a shady and cool place; apply cold 31othis to and pour cold water over the lead and neck. If any one is overcome my the heat, send immediately for the iearest good physician. While waiting ~or the physician give the person cool irinks of water or cold black tea, 01r 'old coffee, if able to swallowv. If the ikin is hot and dry, sponge with or our cold water over~ the body and inmbs, and apply to the head pounded cc wrapped in a towel or other cloth. [f there is no ice at hand, keep a cold sloth on the head, and pour cold water mn it as well as on the body. If the person is m~ o, very faint and >ulse feeble, let hin '. bile ammonia for few sconds, or give him a teaspoon. uil of aromatic spirits of ammion'a in wo tablespoomfuls of water withi a little - ar.-Ne Yor.; /ioarrI of Ileq/tI. SOAP is readily soluble in sloohol, and hie fact is utilized in the makin6 ci inuid and transparent soma.s The Wrong Verdict. *A fresh anecdote of John T. Ray mond, never before printed, is related by one who was a member of his dra matic company and who is now in this city. It was li 1877 that Raymond, as the immortal Sellers, was doing the Western oountry. At Evansville, Ind., the house was filled, and the audience, the critics say, was en rapport with the actors. The play went along swinminof ly until the denouement was reache . This it is well known, occursin the jury scene which closes the drama. At every village a new jury is obtained from the populace. Leading persons of the place are sometimes honored with a position in the box, and it was so at Evansville. The collection was one of the finest ever on the stage-doctors, lawyers and such like. The foreman was a six-foot Ken tuckian and a Judge, too. He had for years adorned the bench, and was nev er known to quail in public. It was from his mouth that "not guilty" was to be received, and he had been dlly cautioned as to his lines. As soon as the verdict is rendered Sellers throws up his hat, hugs the accused and per forms inany wonderful side plays, after which the curtain descends. t-.Evans ville Raymond (lid his prettiest, gyra ting before the Judges like a madman and "fixing the jury" in his inimitable manner. When the case had closed and the jury were expected to returtn the cut-and-dried verdict of " not guilty," the foreman-this six-foot Ken tuckian and a Judge to boot-was at tacked with stage-fright and startled ever body by shouting: " Guilty!", What?"' inquired the disconcerted Sellers. ''Guilty," said the forgetful foreman, thinking lie was doing himself and the 9vansvile p arty proud. In vain Raymond giggled; the ver dict was plainly "guilty." Thcrc'ore the play couldn t go on as it was laid down; there was no chance for that throwing or hugging. The audience was not slow to catch the mistake, and a wave of hearty laughter began to sweep over the parquette. At last Ilav mond seeing things to bo in a desperiate state, began to "rix' the jury again, and buttonholing the big foreman, whis pered the proper verdict in his ear. Whereupon the big six-footer mildly stammered out: "Not guilty." The hat went up, the lucky accused was congratulated, and the curtain rung down amid the laughter and applaus of the audience. TrIat big Kentuckian, however, was never again foreman of any of Raymond's jurices.-New Baven (Vonn. ) Union. Young Love's Dream. They are young married people and have just gone to housekeeping, and the neighbors who assemble at. their front. windows to witness the harrow'ng sight of their parting for the day declare that the followving is a verbatim accounit of their conversation: "Good-bye, Charlie; nowv be careful the street cars dIon' t run off the track with you and-kiss me, Charlie-- there was something I wante'd to tell you let mec see. W~as it hair-pins? No, J got them-w-h-a-t could it have been?" "I'm due at the office, pet," says Charlie, bracing up and looking very handsome and manly; "was it some thiing to eat?" ''Why, of course it was; there isn't a bit of mashed potato in the house, nor a mouthful of bread and butter. We want half a yard of beefsteak--see; and~ have it cut bias so it will be tend(er and a loaf of sweet-bread, Cjinarlie, and a strawberry short-cake, dear, and anid anything else you think of, (dear." ''But, my little wife,"' says (Charlie, looking very wvise, "' thesc things must all be made before we can eat them." "Must they? oh, dear, and I never learned to do fancoy wvork! I never crocheted a biscuit it to eat, and I couldn't paint a tomato to save my life. Oh, Cha aric, go to thle ready -made st ores, do. there's a darling!"' lie did; and they had a picture'squ~e meal of lobster and strawhlerries with baker's rusk and lemonade, but Chiarlie has writ ten to his mothei' to c'ome ait on1ce andi make them a long visit, they are 5so delightfully situated they can make it pleasant for her now, he says. Detroit Post~ and Tribunem. Only One Life. Too many farmers appear to be only skirmishing around during the present life without any of the real enjoyments which this world offers to everyone who will gather them. In the first place, if he does not marry a good wife (and there are a p)lenty of them running around loose) the fatal mistake is made which can never be remedied. If a man in tends to b~e a farmer, and through that channel of industry enjoy all of the comnforts and pleasures of life, he should surround himself and family with as many of the conveniences of life as his means and industry can command. He should keep In mind that on his farm and with his family is the best place for contentment and happiness. And the best way to be happy is to make his family happy and his home pleasant. Every hour needlessly spent away from thme home of domestic happiness is just so much lost in the great sum of life's comforts. One life-one home-one wife-one aim-and one end to all of life's struggles and hopes. Without happiness all work Is a burthen, and life a failure.--hwa State R~eqister. Perils of Sausage. Young girls should not be allowed to meddle with sausage, which has lately been the cause of trouble both at the East and the West. A Boston girl put an iextra " a" into her sausage, and was so harshly reproved that she tried to commit suicide, In ahicago a girl spelt it " soseige," and was severelhy repri manded by her teacher. The misspell er took the reprimand so much to heart that after recess she failed to appear. An immediate search was instituted, and it was discovered that the sensitive young creature was at a matinee. We I Areidebed or these fearfnl warnings toj the hicao7Wbuma. which never tells 1n pound. of plug, ^obsooo -Ther* are fifty-tWo bre Brooklyn which produc 4,0(00 ef lager annually, and ? 4a of S1,000,000.-N. Y. -The corn crop of Texas estimated at 140,000,000 bushel value of the agricultural product oth State is *94,071,998.-Chicago Tin. -Ninety-three thousand aiets have been planted under the new arboricul. ture act in Kansas. Preference is given to the cotton tree on account of its rapid growth. -Two ninety-foot lathes, said to be the largest in the world, have been made for their own use by the South Boston Iron-works. Each lathe con tains 600,000 pounds of iron, and is in. a tended for boring out cannon.-Boon Post. -The crop of Indian corn is one of the most important and valuable in the United States. The crop of 1880 was estimated at 1,717,000,000 bushels; the wheat crop of the same year was esti mated at 498,000,000 bushels. It must be considered the staple crop of the Western and Southwestern States. In 1880, Illinois produced 240.000.000 bushels, as against 60,000,000 bushels of wheat. The acreage of corn in Kan Bas the same year was 2,995,070 acres, and the product 108,704,927 bushels, against an acreage of 1,520,659 acres of winter wheat, with a product of 17,560, 259 bushels. -It is estimated that nearly 2,000, 000,000 pounds of paper are produced annually; one-half of which is used for printing, a sixth for writing and the remainder is coarse paper for packing and other purposes. The United States alone produces yearly 200,000 tons of paper, averaging seventeen pounds per hoad for its population. The English man comes next with about twelve pounds per head; the educated German takes eight pounds; the Frenchman seven pounds, whilst the Italian, Span iard and Russian take respectively three pounds, one-half pound and one pound annually.-N. Y. sun. -The English are the best customers for American canned salmon. Most of the Sacramento River salmon go to the Atlantic cities, but Liverpool draws the bulk of its supply from Oregon, either direct from the Columbia River or through San Francisco. The Fraser River salmon all go to England direct from Victoria. Last season the Fraser River sent 146,000 cases to Europe. It is expected that as many more will be canned there this season for the same market. The Columbia River sent 380, 700 cases direct to Europe for the year ended March 31. Thus far this season three cargoes have been cleared direct from the Columbia River for England, with 98,480 cases.--Chsicaqo Times. As Sensible as Most Duels. Sheep's-head, although hardly a flat tering epithet or term of endearment, is not regarded between man and man in this country as an insult of so deep a dye that the stain inflicted upon the honor of a gentleman to whom this compound noun may happen to be ad dressed can only be wvashed out in blood. That such, however, is the view taken of its German eqJuivalent. "Schafskopf," in the Fatherland is conclusively demon strated by the following lamentable oc currence: A few days ago, in the an. cient Oity of Oldenburg, one Herr Jan sen, an elderly barrister, called upon an acquaintance, the upper story of whose dwvelling was occuiiied by an infantry Lieutenant named Fischer, the proprie tor of a handsome pointer, up on wiv ch he had sportively bestowed the name of Scharfskopf. 'the dog was lying stretched on the door-step as Jansen came up to the door, and tat very me mnent the Lieutenant, thrusting his head out of his secondl-floor window, shouted at the top) of his voice: "Sheep's-head, come up, wvill you?" Jansen took the summons to himself, and, insteadl of entering~ the house, witei~d by the door until F'ischer made his appearance, when, exliig bSeep's-head yourself," he lent the Lieutenant a hearty hox on the car. Fischer, wvho was in mufti, retorted with a walking stick, and the r-esult of this misunder standing was a hostile meeting. Jansen Iiredl first, inflicting a slight lesh wound upon his adversary, whereupon Fischer, in no way ruflkd by his hurt, stretched the too-hasty advocate dead upon the ground wvith a bullet through his heart. -Londn Telegraph. Just an Average Sample, The occupant of an office on Grand River avenue sat at his desk, when a mild-faced stranger entered, and passed the time of (lay, and asked: "Would you let me sit at your desk a moment andl~ use your pen?" "C(ertainly."' "Can I use a sheet of your paperP" continued the man, as he Beated him self. "Oh yes." "Tlhanks. You may hang up my hat if you will. I can never sit for any len gth of time with my hat on." H-lis hat was given a place on the rack, and for ten minutes he was busy writing. As he finished he asked for an envelope, and when he had sealed it he saidI: "Pardon the liberty,but can you wpare me a stamp P" ie was given one, and after he had licked it on he weighed the letter in his hand and remarked: "I'm afraid that's too heavy for three cents. Perhaps you'd better put on another." A second stamp was handed him, and he then observed : "I'll leave the letter for you to mail as you go down." "Very well." "And as it is an important missive, allow me to suggest that if you should goto thev post-ofhice on purpose to mail t, Iwul take it as a great favor. Thanks for your kindness. P~lease reach my hat, and as 1 suffer a great deal from the sun, I will borrow your um brella until I pass this way again. Hiow to Stop Bleeding. If a man is wounded so that blood flows, that flow is either regular, or by jets or spurts. If it flows regularly, a vein has been WoundedC~, andi a st'ng should be bound tightly around below the wounded part, that is, beyond it from the heart. If the blood comes out by leaps or jets, an artery has been sev ered, and the perb'u may bleed to death in afew minutes: tA ni'awnnt~uId,.h ~