The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, July 20, 1882, Image 2

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tion, 1.0per annug for aa e;#, strictly in advance . te(e tnertid at on" doflle per a s4ch ei, lees for the first insertion n p e jbr each subsequent insertion. bq*bount made to merchants and others ti dung for six months or by the year. W Noticts and TUr tes of Respect tih as advertisement, 91 Candidates five dolUars, (n ad- a Important Meeting. p a. Coubty Exeoutive Committee of the P .ieoratl party of Pickens County will p ,,et in the office of the SHNTINEL, at this t( on Saturday next, the 22d Instant, T' 6'elock A. M. A full attendance is i nestlg desired, as it. -is dhe purpose to a Arthe time ofkolding' the primary election s8 Mange a 1eiles of meetings through b *' 4he couny. D. F. 'BRADLEY, 0 Connty Chairman. b V. po "gs of County Democratic r Convention. IpKcExs 0.11., July 16th, 1882. h!,W6County Demo ratio Conventionmet 0 Iu". the Court House, afi was called, to order b the Countj Chaliman, Col. R. E. Uowen The roll was called and the follo*ing clubs responded by their elIgaLIons, via: Easley, Liberty, Central, urrioare, Pickens C. If. Daouiville, Cos lains, Pumpkintown, i and Eastatoes. A mittee consisting of one nicuber Og ~~clul, was ap pointed to niontuit sotne suitable person for Pre *It the convention. It reported in " Hon D. F, Bradley, who was i i dMreuuly elected. Mr. Bradley was ilso n Y 4le#ed County Chairman. A committee was then appointed, to Intorm him of his election and escort him to the chair. On y tAkllig the chair Majgri Bradley thanked the convention for this expression of its e canftdence, and said that the standard of c the Demsocrney in this county, which had a been so bravely and suopessfully upheld by a his predecessor, Col RI. E. Blowen, should e never trail in the dust, If it. was in his pow er, by seal and energy to prevent It. Rt. A.. Child was elected first vice-Presi dent and W. B3, Allgood second. J. E. Beggs wa~s chosen Secretary and Treasurer. .e convention was then declared ready for bushiess. Ori.mnotion of Rt. Ak Ch ild, the following resolutions were adlyitcd: Resolveil, That the pelegates present bo n~d'they arc bereby authkrized, to cast the I entire vote their respective eslubs would be I entitled to were their whbole de!egsation pres ent V Resolved, That In crient of a dljision of the deletates present, they cast. the vote S of the .absent deleg es in proportion to t he division of those p enlt. The following n'&med gentlcmen were elected members of ,'the County Executive I * Committee, Messgs. J. Rt. (Gossett, M. A. b -Bog~s, 8, W.. Claytona, J. E. Boroughs, i. 0. Grady, WV. WV. F. Dright, - A. LI. Talley, H. J.Lwi'atdG.Mcdms Delegates elected tothe StateCovn n aeCol. Rt. E. Blowen, RI A. Child, TI. WV. Folger, A. ii. Talley. J. E. Boggs, and T. A." MoMahati; alternantes, W. T. Bowen, T. C. II Robl3nE. H1. Bates, T1. W,. Tolleson, P Serry and V. 8. Jones. - R'e delegates to the Congressional Cou obinsoni, B. J. Johnson; a'ternates. WV. B: I ~?": jlgood, John R. Gossett, and C. TI. Mar-.) ~ 'in. By a resolution of the convention the W alternmtes cre made principals if the repre- at sentation is doubled. -3 mk."imary plan of nominating candi- B the Executive Corn to fix the time tor ~.~ . y. sed the following re-m Whereason; thie press of the State has prom.. 0 inently brought forward the name of our HI esteemed fellow citizen Ilon. D. F. Bradley, p for Secretary of State; and whereas we haveM tJd him in positions of bonor and trust in both peace and war, .and have ever -ound lI bni true, patriotic and capable; and be- hi 4 Jving that should the demands of this mn e call him to the high and honorable mn t n of Secretary of State, that lie would 7 4h#gver has done, discharge his dhuties >aseo.tly; faithftully and intelligently, ibecre- P Ker belit tt~ok.e4.- That the delegation from thisa yI thpState Convent ion, lbe an~d they ' Jteby instruoted to present the niame k lie. D F.Bradley to the . Coniven St~'8oretary of State and they pre Scast their ballot, as a unit for h~ *al position first, and on eivery aulloi so long as there Is a Salbc'e resoition was introdu ders V~ Presidenit 'I. A. Cii p 1heb Chih- and Mr. Bradley P e aWsoutin was ent huiasti T % oIdiented by every memiber h QL~n $sttig to his feet. g uvh g lo the Ohair, Major b A i. profonnd gratitude e ills~ additional enatk J oni~enoe. He also .1 ~*~~isdent and well. $ e*Nnation 4f je.trorTh l, - .gnti:mth Mu snuad(osjrter': e'?o4tiv,ilisof Englatd at pres, (.)er-ely Ia to obtain a staple .goyn~ t Egypt Arabi Pasha isfhe leder Abe Natlenal party In gipt and seeks, ti .eandsl othe rule for irIs people. ypt fbr the pgpt4Ue and war upon the eigner, ls the prewentory of Arabi and trnoero, the Eniglish being their pet erslots. 'The Sulan, who has but a nom al ,sewereIgty over.Egypt, was requested the'.lhowers to bting Arabi Into subjec )m-, but he encouraged the National leader bile he professed a desire to comply wit h e wishes of England and France. Der *ob Pasha, 'whom the Sultan sent to Alex idria, was unable to cope with Arabi, and e Khedive remidned, as before his arrival niplotely at the mercy of the National iity. The- Ambassadors of the European owers met In conference at Constantino te, with the intention of requiring Turkey reeLove order 'in Egypt. In the inean hile Arabi Pasha threatened to blow up ie Suez Canal if a gun should be fired ag Inat him, and went to work vigorously to rengthen the forts commanding the har, or.. Failing to comply with the demands r Admiral Seyonour that the work should e stopped, Arabi wts notified that the new rs mnist. be eurrendered to the English arMes. This demand was n-t complied rnth afd the bombardment began." The loss on the English side was compar. ,t~vely -t rifling. The High School. The subscribers to t he If igh School build ng met in t he Court. House last Friday, at o'clock 1). M. for the purpose of Terfect, ng an organization and the Iransaction of 11ci ol her business as night tend to the lvancement ot the enterprise. V. T. Jowen, Eq., was called to the Chai*r and 1. IV. Taylor, Esq., was appointed Secre ary. All the stockholders being present, n organiza ion was it once ent ered into, nl tlie following officers elected, viz: Pre. ident, 'ol. C. L. llollingsworth; Directors, 1. T. Bowen, W. B. Allgood, P. MO.D. lexIander, and Capt. J. L. Thiornly; So retary and Treasurer, G, W. Taylor. '~lihe amnpany then adlopted rules for its gov rnmnent, nproimned a committee to negoti. to for a proper building site amnd adjourn Li to meet again Tuesday last. Wanht of space prents' the pubili mt i o Lthe rules~ for t he government f theO p.t'~ mar e3?( ctIion, aidopted by ho Coun mty Conventi ion Iasit Sat ury 'Vo will p)ublish them however next veek, aind every .Denmocratic sub. Cri ber ini Lte County) shiould (ito t he uporQ I, 0or (ut outt andu p eserve t he ules tor' futiure referieto. Oliver D)itson & Co., senmds na8, as1. pecimens11 of their last week1s' pu1bli at.ionsa, five attractivo song~A, of Iihichi one, with a protty title page, ci ealced "'Somebody's cornmg"(40.) y Anrdrewsh; anl'otherP, ".Drearvsing" 15e) by Wellings. nnd tho others, We oid Boys" (30e) a Camp Firo ng by comrado~l JIohn L. Parker. WVhen ILilies are in Bloom"' (40e) I Waltbz Sonig ly J. W. Turnor; td "Good Night! Tho Day is 'it.." ($5o) by -. I. Coweni. WVith.t thiese come ulso, "T.he Unrp Midiiigt" (60e) with pictu lre ti ,by AnberCIt; " lmindjo in D" .(25e) Pourtson; -'F'rol ic of the Fro az"z' (35e) by Wautson, fut violino id Piano, a nd t he Ha rry Dobson, '., WValtz, Polkat and Mf1azurkat for limj," (80o) byV Dubson, WVo have haid the pleasure of t'cting Prf' J. C. C. Now 'ton, of ayesville, Ketuttcky, wVhis no11w a visit to his bro the 8, Messrs. J. .and M. W.. No vtoni ot tiis place. r'of. INeCwton ftilled the pultpit of thme etIhod ist ch urch at this~ phc on st Sunday morning anmd evetming, idU prosebeset t wo ndiirable sor onmi with w hiich list hearers were iuch pleased. Mlany dogs hatve boon k il.ed in utmipkinmtownt towntship. 'They have il(ed tticy spit amboe)l)Or itn hiM o.ves' id start him by .the house--tiem u~ is ebot at and mnissedi. -The Blind Preacher. Rev. T. L Houuak, of Cuthhbert; Ga., will each at thme following churches In the iedmont and Twelve Mile Assoelations. he children ame oregnes'el to attend anti n will sing for them In thme Indian' lan unge, and will exhibi his Bible of raised itters at Easley Thiursday night, July 20. At. George's Creek Friday at 11 A.M., uly 21; Mount. Car-mel Sunday, I i A.\It, nly 28; Oroys Roa 'Stnday night, 'July A8 Peters Creek Monday; 11 A. si., .July L4; FriendshIp Monday nlghr, July 24; )olenog . Tuesday, 11 A. M., Jnly 25; hiiltTuesdap night; July 26; Mhountalu %# lee 11 A.M7, July 26; hIotly S dieayig July 20; Miahada 11d 1 , J-uly 2'7; Pleasant RI6t July 27; Martin U le~ Creek Set. Il SQfltt~i4undy~ -fU~ is .d ", Wl e ere tn..;the tfIm f) ,iresinglme, t"t i he va a bushy time it is the time,* he "thrashers" come. .De 'here is no telling, how muchb".1 )o can do untl he i tried, fdi s anxoas to let these deaerreatit*es. i And do up some one .140. $ver a man has charity In his soul It 64 when he has got the "thirush ers." lie is so anxious, to hAve them get throWgh4 arnd e in-ll of the time thinking bqtL Is mihegh. hors wheat, how it, might be dam.., aged if there ahould comhe a wet spell. Outr wheat is abUhat two thilrds of i "crap.." Fall ,Own oats are good, but winter and spring sown Oatis are sorry. Cur corn crops arIe good, butt our cotton out% look is not so promising. Genorial Green has a mortgage over some of the crops hi our section aid has been threatning '.o (lose out, several crops. Look h re, that, kind of businOMS is getting too cnition-that mort gaging business. We heard of one man that went, to take a lien on one of his niighbors crops, aid that roete lent, himself over to Georgia I reckon that ron'er's irop is left to the mercy of General Green. Well those cididates come out very siowly, not wit1hst.Ariding the predie' iois or my old native County Andoimon, that there would be a good stand and that in ample time for i good crop. Since I have almost. etiirely -de clined being a candidnte for Gov rnr,01', the prospect for i abindatit, water m n op nlover was better, and I believe that that' will be very cheap yet. TIhat new posHtoffice that [ report. ed in my last, is a failuire so far'. Our s'chool is sitill run iting at this date, anid I guess it is the only one now .running in the conty, but Pro.f J ohn Oi. Davi'is Is goinvig to give his~ school ai short vaIcation soon1. Our' Countty CoIniissioners, it seems filed to imike thos~e fellows work oni 0or pay eiitheri ! Now, I wonder it Lbey will pay tbose men that did wo k out that new iond Stop! IloId! D)o you reckon our' new County CommiissR~iers wvii know~ how to traock thie law ani) betteet? I do wish thant our (courhtv stores wo'uld adetsso I would k now wvhetheri the~y arec keeping anythinig uii hanid non-. This kay of haivings to go to G reenville, Jh~ley'1 ori Pick ins for' a Iittle od;. 01' pepper, is toi nuch. Came gentlement--' a wordI o the we, &c." Youi uniderstandh. Do seind youra ceinndidates arountd his5 way, ie. your mioniied onecs We v'ill haive tiruit unid mfel'ons ini great bitnrdance. Bee lhunLtrs are getting very corn nlon, anvd smei1 of them like t.hie ces, do not, stop) wheni Sun ida :omes.* Beestree-cuttip(g will be in rdras soon zas wve are donie ''lay'. og by." Come Up when we get< hrourgh work and we will have a ice time with BoNEs. [We'll come, Ed ] Found at Last. An ngreable dressing for thie .hair, that ill stop it s falling, his bueon long sought >r its puiiy, fullIy su pilies this Wtat. [St Louis lIe~iepblicin. J L Northern Republican in the South. In ai letter I rom Chur ,lestoa n, S. C., I) the De'itroit Free Press, publhishedl i 011r yesterdas issue, t he coirres omilenit repor0its a coli es tion~ii wit hi :an Leogislat ure wvhom lhe recentu ly nlet, in dihat city. We prhoduIce 'a fewpagrp: "'Nowv, thibei, whavt do you thinik. >t thoe peple~t? Youi haive seen ,hmn with IheirI coots off and1 can I) idge lhem aiis t hey are. "'I tell y,'>,i. I'm) ashimed of' my''. tell!I' was~ his i nstat t.epOlly. ' When I hink al how we have lied atii lhenm atnd their' inistituttionsi Ia ishamed tO look ihem in the f'ace' "-lave they treated you well?' " 'Spienid (.' 'Anid they knew you w~ere f'romn ho Nor'th?' "'An~d that you wvere a str'ong Re, ablienn'' "-And what do you think of the, hirkey?' "'D -n hitm iir d- n himPl was iis hearty 'ecchlaation. 'ie w'ould'int tanutd tlhe hiull from himl hat, th Soi b~ -does. He ,Ia~ ahy 'hiftlss, ihievisah' anid a gneral nui'. 'anu'o, I've tlkedii withu' a 'scor'e of' enb and they uare ase gnorant ats our blursey They.i Vote .my ticket, but, tiycan't tell me why. Tiiey have. t~ reason, no ftrgamovz, fl0, U4AO n A 42 1,g Itana 4n SegonAn be -ad the amEW Ay1 ilrend, so that Oadd ha the'rein, by a UteridjA byg ,atan sut pervi1 ist rIaierv 4or" of reglet-ratonl and 4ae Deso aeetofore appoin Led; 's wu p pe.isIeare shall bu the sasistant sujpgryiuonra of registration, and any net or a-ts heretofore done by them uider thai edd seeaion, as such superfisors, shall be, and the mime are hei-eby, declared valid and effecttui, as it'the said persons 'had been named and a"pointed as aes siltatt supervisors of registration; and that the ekricad error in saild section requiring them to sit with the supervimors of election be corree ted by substituting the word "regis tratioin" for the word "clection." See. 2. Tltt any -peson Iunterfer ing with or ubsitructeig atay supero% visor of registration or hil ass-istant in the ditschargo of his duty shall be deemed guilty ot ai misdemetnor0 , and upon conviction thereof shall be fited not less tLuan one huundreddol-. lars nor more than. one thousand dollult m, and be imprismoned not less thanl six monithe ni mole than two years. Sce. 3. That Section 121 he, and Lho same ik uereby, amended by ad. 41ilig theleto as follows: "All cointy borlds of caivuasrsw, w hether for State or Feleural election, shall havi the power, and it i.4' r.ado their di ty, 1s judittial t-flicers, to dccide all caIses tndel protest Or conitest 'that mgpy riis, sibjOeL to appeal to the Board of tatio Canvmiasers, who shall also Sit and aIct'i all ech *mat, Loe its judiicial officeres. See. 4. That. S'ect.on 133 be amen, ded in line 2 by striking out, the word "Len't and inserting in ileu the, cot the woud "6iltec n" so ta (ficOe'tioni as8 amentded aliall rend. "Li. board shaill have power to aid journ ii romu daiy- to daiy for a termls not exein titeen dauys, Sec. 5. 'I hat sect ion 98i he' amenLfl ded by addl~ing thier'eto tht follo'wing-: nis eistablis.hed~ by lanvi, it shall be thle duty oif thle superCv isor~ o1 re'gistr LIOI to transfehr ti'rom li. the ooks of regist 'nii l the~ 11 nutiCe of Stieh giul itied v'oters regListered at, oilber pres 6e1licts aS shoQuldt, uiiner thuis A et, re gale andQI v~~ ote at thle .inewprint .si( estnol Ii~she, nnd who mayti regn 61( est. 1hage as may lbe nece2's,.ry n the~ eertinte~ts 4.1 re'gistra tion issuetd to) ,sti cl voiters, andI'1 I s chi v'ote'rs shallI I i hereaf teri rot C 4)1-ly at sne, pirociines to) w h iebthey have been Lihus Lrans--8 ferred. S. c. 6. ft t hall not heq. hi w fuI for lhe manai* to (et..nJuy..U:ni~. I pon wh'icht I thIiere shal I uppeari the 111me ol any13 othde 0or t he name of13E -ilhie Gthe'r than the '-'lje for which hie box inl wichu such ballot is found S pro(videtd. Soc. 7. That the aiction of the jover~lnir in) a ppointing a~ su perv'isor f reitrat.ii tcn for t he t.ono 'ty ol hekee be (conti imied, and the'snid 'Iperisor b$iLe paid- t he slam 143com Re i~llal it s u .the' stige:r ig0'Vg(if cogi, 168 01thert C hari ii ic Ltodii. Sec. 8. This~ Act shall go into ofI eet trotn and14 limediately aifter the late of its approval. A pproved July 5. A. D'. 1882. Formation of New Counties. The) Joint Resolution propin)~rg a ifonstituttional amntdment to se ion 3, Artikce Ii, of the Constitu ion of -t he State relating to) the orm1 ig of new coun ties, proivides ht. at the next~,ioneal election the ollowing ame~(ndentL ti the Con.. litut ion shalhl he submit ted to the pualihied elect ors of t he State. to wit: Stirike ('ut, ini Sctionl . A rticle 11, >t the C~onsatitution theI words1 "but 0to nw '"'11nty Shnl I be h~ereditei 1)rmedC( of less eixtent thanii six hun fred iand t.wen tyve square mi les, 10r shall a113 e'xisti.1te coun!ies be t'duced( to a1 Iless xtrnt than, six id!'d andl twenity five square niles," anid i nser L in3 lieu I hereoof the 1llowin -: "PIrovided, Tlhat no new outntyV shniI be formeiId which hais a o(lpuht iona of l~'eaa than one one-hun-~ I red ain-' t wen thsfonrth part. of the whole number of' inihabitanits of' the thute, and n areai less than four undredI13( Hqne' miles, nor shaull any xi'nng coiunties be r'eeed to ae lesse ~rea than lour hund 341red square miles" Time for Holding Electionas. The~ Joint Resolution proposing a .onst ituItionl) L umetnmenLt'relatinig o the timeri of' holding electione pro, ridea thaut the followilng amqndin fett .o Scotiona 11, A rticle II,oft he-Con, r itutlon be anbmitted to thec qualhi, led electors of the Statte at the nuct. geeral-election, to'wit: That Section 11, ot A'liele It, of he Constitution of tis. Stata, as umended, he, and is her'eby, str'icken 'nt, and the following Inserted In leu thereot: "The~ goueerL i eloi 'r' Benatora andi Reprseutgtives 'ha~il be heldi In ~~IR --I r t a -Wp pre but hised to announie Do N . TWAT' A IH M,1as a b9andidate for te%, entIon to4Congress. . A'or the Senate. Sir The many friends of COL. R. E. BOWEN announce bim1 as a candidate for the Senatvait. the ensniing election, subject to the Democraiconomination at the primary election. This announcement is made with. out the. knowledge of Col. BowEN, but 1his frlends having an abiding faith in his dis. interested patriotism, make it, believing tha he cannot and will not refuse .to be come the People's Caudidate. VOTERS. $W That DR. W. T FIELD is a man of ability, all admit. His integrity and purity of character, unassailed. That he has claims upo' .ihe Democracy of Pickens County equal, if not. superior to those of iny.otlher plan. no one can deny. He is no time server, no policy man, no demagogue, and while he is no office seeker, his friends have obtained his assent to allow tlhe use of his natne as a candidate for the Senate at the approaching primary eleciion. lie will make no canvass, because his record is well ktiown. But his friends will prCs his olaim with vigor. For the Legislature. *g,. The friends of J. E. BOCGS an. niounce him as a candidate for the House of Repre-sentatives, subject to the ensuing primary elect ion. Iff. The many friends of GEORGE F. ROUINSON respectfully announce him as a condidate for the flouse of itepresentatives at the ensuing election, nom-' inatlon at primary election. 3&- Fs,.v.ow CITtZE~s : Tiake notice that I J. LOOPlER nm a candidate for Repre sentative of the propile of P'ickenas Couny a&t ensnaing election, subtjctL to with of the P~:oPL. t General Election. For Probate Judge. gg Tho friendl4 of J1. B NEWBE;:Y resp. ci fully anui n co him na a candidtiie for Pi'ohate .hndge of Pickenas (County at the ensning etectijon. enbjnet. to nuomination.hy the eincraic pmrty at prinuary elect ion. gt~y The friends of J. ii. NEWTON re sptect Iully inutnce hItm as a enundidate tar Prohnt e . iudge of Pickenis County at the next evin lg eleet ion, .enhject to noitnn lion by the IDemoncratic party atprmy For County Commissioner. EML The friends of F. C. PA ItMONS -spect fulily annuce him mis a ctad idate forJ.onnIytimtni.sioner of Piekenis Counuty tat tie enlaielg elect ion, sutject to the pri mary13 elect ion. lig The frien~ds of 0. P. FIF.LD respect fully alnnoun~ce haim as a cand.idamte ror Countty Commuiissionecr of P'ickens Counjty 'it the "nsuing elec t tn, sublj.'ct to a n~otm ination by tihe Democratic party at primary electimon. 11. The n~any fir inds of L[AlBAN M AU LDiN respect fully an.,nounce him as a canlidlate for re electiou to the ('tice of County Commissioner or Pickens County at the noxt enisning election, subject to nomination by the Democratic party at. primary election. The record of Mir. MAUr. nflN forces us to make this annouincement. VOTEns. gg The friends of -ELtAS DAY re spectfully annocunce hin as a candidate for re-elecalon to the office of Counity CoXmmas sinner of Pickens County at the ensning election, subject to nomination by the Demr ocratic party at primary election. e 3&- lhe frienida o A. B. TA LLEY re spectfully announce him as a candidai e for re-elect ion to the oifice of County ('ymmis, sloner of Pickenis County at tihe next, en suing elect iotl, subject to nominat iona by the Democratic party at primary election. For School Commissioner. S&' The friends of 0. L. DURANT' respect fully annori'. um as a Cati ''late for School Commissionmer of Pick ens Cotta, v at the next ensueing election, subject to nomination by the Democratic party at. primary election. For Count y Treasurer. 126 The friends of J. T. Hlir1( respect. fully announce him as a candidate for re comimendat Ion to the office of County Treas nrer of Pickens county, by the Democratic party, at the ensuing primary e'estion, 3g,. Thei friends of R1iW. B. IIOLDERt respectfully announce hli as a candidate for recommendation to the office of Treas nrer of -Pickens County, by the i"ooeratilo p rfy at primary oelon. .W The friends of JOHIN I1. lOWE~N wieneetfully hnnotnnee him as a candidate for reentnmendation to the office of Treas. urer of )'Ioketaa Ooonty, by the Democratio party at primary eIeetion. For Auditor. a rj~ss ~ - W*re ngflt to ib .fqltowin* Ce e be ted Maolhne Fairqahar' t-is ftf ta o glues, Saw Ml an a $*b 3 ullet I's jmproaect Msgnotaf Ootttn Gii with Self Feeder and Cohdensir. blassey's Universally ,opelar Excelsior Dotton Gins and Griswold Cot4on ,GIn with Belf Feeders and Condensefs. Grist Mills, Walking 'and. lUding Culti vators, Reapers, Mowers, naut A!2ti4 tural Implements generally. -t. will pay every Farmer who'.makes Qn his plntation 15 Bales of Cotton toPbuy nue of Farquhar's Vertical Stenta Engipes and a Cotton Oiu, This makes an outfit with but little ost, and yet every part of the machinery is made of firmt class material, which matkea the Engine just as endurable as a more ex pensive tnachine, and Is sore simple and much eaaier to manage FOR L1IIT WORK, Suoh as Ginning and Threshing, THE Vertical JEnagine Is Preferable. We have sold these Engines for the past two years, and In every partioular they have given entire satisfaction. We will give every Man to whom we have sold as refercuce. We can furnish either of the above Gins, and will Unarantee the outfit to perform its duly. The amount saved by Ginning yout Cotton at hoine will Pay a good Interest, on this investment. Sen for price lists. J. H. Morgan & Bro., GREENVILLI, %. C, June 22, 1882 40 2m ICE LEMIONADE! AND EVERYTHING NICE AND CilEAP~ AT DR ENNA N&.BR O'S, EA0RILEY, S. C, c'OME YE CAND)DAT7E$ AND) SET UP TRRE SODA WAT'EI-jf yon would be electecd, yout amsst. keetp cool, and have a qusiet earnspaigna in order to win. DRIEAN &BRO, Ilave asho an excellenit STE)CK (4' Q'RO. .WElt IE8, P r ovb~ions, Conifections. &c. A Ali >f' which they propose to sell Chieap for LD~sh to tiIhose who~ usay give them a call. jiuni 22, 1882 4tji Dr. Westmoreland's TFetter Olintmenit. )I4. WESTMOtELAND'S TETTERI OINT MNT'I will cure alt Skiu Diseasses, Hud~h as I'etter WVorm. Ring Worm, Scald [lead, Barber's Itch, &o. MAUACTUuItED ANDP FOR SALE BY WESTMORELAND 'BROS.; W',holesatle Druggists, Mansion House Block, Greeniville, N. OI. For sale by DRI. J. WV. QUILLAIN, Esaley Station. ju'ne 1. 1882 37 6 WESLEYAN Female Iastitute, Staunton-, Virglinia, PEN. September 20th,- 1882. One of I. he First Schools fo.r Young Ladies in he United States. Surroundings heaiuti,. rui. Climate unsurpassed. Pupils from eighteen States. TERMS AMONG TilE iiETsi IN T H E UN ION. Board, Washing. E~nglish Course. Latin, French, Gertman, Iustrumental Music, &o., for Scholastic y'ear, from September to ,June, $288. For Datalogues write to President. Staunton, Va. july 6, 1982 42 2m Sheriff's Sales. STA TE OF SOUTt[ CA ROLITNA. CouNTY or PI0KENe. Viary P. Folger against Mary A. Ostes. B Y virtue of a Deoreo i-a Dower, made In the above stated case, and exeontion ssued .therepnder by 0. L.. Dumrant, Esq , Judge of Probate for said County, 1 wilt tell before the Court. House door~op Sale.. laty in August unqi,. durinig t he usnal hourts f sale to the highest. bidder for *ash, All that Piece, Parool .or Treotr of Land, lying and being In this @Qusny, and State aforesaId, wifhis of near tie.Tota Qf Eats. ley, on both tides ohh tg .iCsfed, lead, ing inte Kasley, bebg ba geipita f the M4ary A. tAes J*t44 Overla~g the raet vi d dsqd .4) Mary easd and s deceased, i mO, no or ~ Lot ~~wiumwna~ di' flair ~ OUR fron New Vok, whr the GI)ODA now Oh a and the pricealtriAright1 Just 00 sutits Complete -' .119 Sutte Comp)ete t'.r 130 SIfs Conplete o 85 suts Complete fo Suits in abndance. Sut t everybody at .all riovs, fron t prices mentioned up to $8600 please tle most fast..11o4s; fit; we have the latest Stylesi 64 Dozen of -the FamenV Sqirts, both Launderod ao4 n'i at popular prices. They are the in the market. It will t.(ke but,*4 1 to convint:e. The -fit is perfect. Collars and CuwM by 10001 The very latest styles, HosIery inlkerchiefs, Cravais, Ties, ' &C., to suit all classes. Don't buy a' Hat without frst insye our tock. It -I1l pay you. We oa pY* an old man. 3 have the Nobby Ha-toikj 4 lie young me . Wopa.t'mis the bo Our Goods -e boight for - cash. 31ne always hats the inside tra.k, so- we a - positionD to offer BARGAlNS! .BARGAINS !! I-\RGAINS! t Come along and get them .it I. F. FAIIElt'8 OLL SAJ Malilin IBlock aip 2'0, 1E8J 81 - tatc of I80ouutk age COUNTY OF PfCKENIk. -. IN COVIRT OF COM MON PrA' Dru Ann Lee. Plaintit, AgaftWnt Nhs~ * ds. .John~ E~b's. William, J. O batahi A. .1liiammnond, Laumr.t. LOn e at 1'ausah F. Ihitlrhiam. i-anQia \l. D ' Bitutus l)urhsiam, Elm ina ibakawN1d~~' Jamt'-4. Alamlisa Edh-s and L, 13. *n.p6 , Deicudjnuts -"ourm.Azxr ? W RLI Matt @ TU the Defeh~denuti above nmed, 7 0OU aire lhereby ia-mmene.i rind veqnir.d to anIiWer (t co.mplaint in the afmovo st ated avt ioh, wichl is Ii led in the o91oe o the Clerk or the Court ,1 4 l'non Pieas for l'icks. counmty, anu'.t o sekv- a copyt y ourP aniswer Io U he sidu coipi lai m.1 i subsenvibers, atI I hir~ Oti~Ou, at~ PickonijR 0 1i , 8 C., within we.niy' days &ftera lie mevice~ here.of, exclusive of siuen ji.~ mnd if you fail to anms.wer' tu -cornmpJ.kt wit bin that timeo. thie iPianiff in 1l ion' wilt aplily to thme ('ourt for the -glic2 dienmnded nam thle comijplajint. - [L~ S J. J LEWLd, o c p. Nut(TON, KMll'il & HIOIL LNG f~? Pilnintiff'd Attorn~a TO the Defendanti, Elmina Deurbam 'i naotice thait lhe con:Da~linmt in tis netIv'. . 1led in mte ofiion or rue Cle'rk .of t10 he of Commaion Plieas for Plckens eemnt~ the, 29thi day of' April,-18b2, anidk &lit . iabiecis Of SalidI tciou are to patrtitiqi.* sell the reali estate of' Farnuy Dur'hatj ceased, anid setle ihe estaute by payui d1ets; anad distributioni thereof accordl# to law. NORTON, KEITH & HOLLINGSWOR :~ jun ~.188 Plaintiff's A torne~ E. W. Marshal l &:: Wholesale and Rtail dealos ., Perry Bafliain Next to )'erguson &Mie GRE~ENVILLE, . . g Samples Sent When D~sv may4, 1882 838 NOTICE' OF-FlNAlL BETLE NNotice Is hereby giyen; that. to0 bL urant, Probate J July, 1882, for leave to miake ' settlement with my wards, *J~I' Hoggs, Thomas Hi. Bogp, and , horton, anid ask to be lsch~. from a G ustd inn,. E. K. 20U,04 i, June 16, 1882 gg ~ Errows etr A GEFNTLEMAN who stI froi Nortons DeJ it Decay, and al thie efo ceretion, will for the sak' maunity, send free to allHt~ cipe and direc~etio get remedy by whloh he was ou wishing to protit by thiea,~~I rionee, Jn o so rioncde ne doW sob GO~ii~' streel, New York. I fb28,1882 ToConsu .tlkadvertiser b6 - * ASIPAIt Al Ukmh Am.'....