-0 (01oitnd -pro wib Anis is n6 d..Will doubt n.ovek eountains .dd -and *tas sipk be, e unantails hlimself hoW thlat hie his Iost to deathi on a 0inti cgra sweet 4hanks i to Mr. Jais j r h very d s siAsk ory I be W.4 Conducted the, 'tesent of tilhe NiNs 1 e t absetice, a ex-n.asosidon of the t f a''1'byterian Vihurab hans been Wi d b'y Mtr. Wernicko. v T 4 a6im lat hae beenf mndo '46orsngoi ceiling f thoe p mt'noains to b rdono to of nusuntatin tourist from e Wreived hton ouilas 1:LFi14 ht verya$other party 'C ni4g~ the conutetd h bl~wiJ)ng fr1 thea aEndI~ organr Ane lady~tc, 't i noe exrifeo~i, of thae, I aihthe byeM.ir nieker of J3lA..r Ingentrpriing f oh' 4y ogzi~ tom bo Gd-envite ttlemi n, (old1 baheor andiKe 11 :omuiatins 'i l~t nbe~ th e touvn aE. E 6 ,v# 40a, nr rsumeg. s tteex 'I ~ ~ th se wi it ,h~e t' 4 idii'in~ rly inrefased at ine btneddy at m8 pe ptadihgie a nu tro' s.. r a th l*M~&l*o~I~e h Stoi2kinstf, ou imthetice nu~) j a quto mak mee of such I ~p~qpns "t'otting around list'yet never, t ~ thuim 8aid this~ recent 3\ have felt very small i bathe young lady bad ~~ Tones of Pumpitintown, v, to~uwn las.eSaturdag. lie oitt strong pillars of Dem.. r that section, and says his a s olld for white au-. t dbonest governument a ne in .1876 When the n Kt :heDernockeay is ( I~ d~-%tbe apIproaching cam de pki ntown will respond I ~ntreuseed ninjority. t e ~1MoNEY on trnshly a i~~- )te y'u ca~n buy ia hastin e 4e ahfully fraratnt and 6 >$oieston Cologne. !4~P4~r. Lawronee ~~~ebpoldest ande G ~ieenivillo I 1Vu' ir Richnard a 'LQ~by, %ied sud'.. 4between" his resi.. K I I n6' dmles from a i tliemorning of t 4 e L had accomipan. ~rashort- way on the 4' ,.I ttyI~e city,- und she had %a' bm Iort timle wheni a ~ ,. etbI,or-l o (f her ta ~ ~WI7 odn#lc a verdict ~ ' 2V'wta&Ion of God, he g &#told,. SIthose 1 b 'far4 t. * '41 ofte 4ga 00 4 40essor on ,t ohoigo of Oi Ai Av:TOR'S Oppno.* -The ,AiPssors o insley, Liberty, O,)aid and jricano 'ownships*1il nmeet inthesl esaffle xi: Fridey, uly 21st, and the Afgessoi- of Plokens 0. H., Dacusville, Pumpkintown, mad Eastatoe TowUshipa on londay, July 4th, to assess the real property f (heir espeotive Townships. J. B. CLYDE, Auditov% .Pest ever made, Eniory's Ltttle Cathartic 'ills, pleasant to take, .sugar-coated; no i ing;.only 16 cents a ,box, of Druggjits r by mail. St an d dre Co., 114 Nassau treet,. New York. Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bilious tacks positively oured with Emory's tan ard.Ciire Pills-an infallible remedy: never ails to cure the most obstinate. long-stand ug cases where Quinine and all other re iedies had failed. Thdy are prepared ex ressly for malarlous sectons. In double oxes, two kinds of Pills, ogntaining a trong cathartio and a chill breaker. sugar oated; contain- no Quinine or Mercury, Ausing no griping of- purging; they are i'd and efficient, oertain in- aheir action ud larailess in all cases; they effectually leanse the system, - and give new life and 6ue to the body. As a. household remedy hey ares unequied. For Liver Ooniplaint heir eqi al is not known; one box will have 'Wbtderfl eFoeai Oh the Worst case. They *b 4hiedond Presoribed by Physicians. and old U.yD eggist~s everywhere, or sent b3 1uai,W Ad M60cent boxes. Emoay's lit lo *l,1hai Vilte, bc3t. ever made, only 15 ents d Cure Co:, 114 Nassau treet, Ne V4k. june 1b, 6m OATS UIC Svb*iN. FILTER, CHERRY's Fn-rUT , kt ' I MPnoVan1 FaY VAN. cBlJD CO, i wt a live active man in very alty uhdiown 'in the United States o haindlh above artices. Exclusive right 0 nhanuafaict tre Filterer and Driers. Write a McBride & Co. for terms. Do you want to make mone~y and benefit our neighbors, write to Mou3iinu & Co., Ilanta, Ga., and secnre right to mannfao. ure (Gate City Stone Filter, Cherry's Prit. )rier. Big money in it. A mqn with vim atnd ge t p can make toey by secuarinag control in his t-wn or ity, of tilate City dionge Filte~r,- Cherry's 'i uit D~rier, Lamabeth'"s imlproved Fly Fan. frito t~o McBride & Go. for cirular, te'rms, ~c. Address NIcBHun & Co., Atinta. Parional I To Me~n Only I The Voltalo Belt Jo , Alorshall, Michi. rill send Dr l)ye's Celebrated Electro. ro'ta&o Belta at ElIectric appliances on rial t'or thirty days to me~n (yot ug or old) thoc are nilliieted with 'NervoiM Debilhty, ,nal Vitidity and NIiaho.'d, and kindrled ronables. guaaranteeing speedy and comnpetei estorat ion oft heailthI and mn.ly Vigor. Ad rowa as abtove'. N. B --No risk is iniurred s thirty dias''tri'l in allowed. ~rand'Midsium ner Closing Outl Sale-,QOO Pianos a'fd' Or.' gais at Rock Bottom Cash Rates, on. Easy Terms. Buy now, andl pay when cotton con es in, smiall cashl paymlant avid barlanace Novem.. er lst. 1,0i)0 standard Intumns fromi lie best. makers only. All'FItyles and pices o stencil Instruments. Matker's nomues on 11i. Special Midsummer' Offer. PIAN4OS, $26 cash and bal'ance Novem er 1st, 1882. ORG A N, $10 cash and balance Novem. or 'ist, 1882. - Lowest cash rates and no interest. Can't uy cheaper next fall with cash in hand, ~losiug out to reduce stock and keep work, ng force employed through summer.' Special Midsummer offers to Installment nlyers. send. for catalogues, Price Lists ud erreulars giving fu)t information. Ad. raees LUDDEN & B4TES' Southern Music lonse 8avannah, Ga. The Great WVhole ale Piano and Organ Depot of the South. july 18, 1882 48 4 Under and by Virtue'of the provisions of he 8edond Section of an, Act, entitled "no Lat to aut horsze the consolidation of the tantic and Frenoh Broad Valley Railroad ~ompany, .and the Edgefield, *.Trenton end Liken Rallroadl Company, anid other' Comn anties herei-n named, &o., approved Jan. ary 81st, 1882. All persoit, corporaxtins, townships, nad muniylpalties *toldin~g shares of-the apital stock of either the Atlantic gnd 'rench Broad Valley Railroad Companiy or lhe Edgefield, Trenton and Alketn Railroad ~ompany, are hereby notified to meet, Ither in person or by duly authorized re~ aresentaitives at Belton, South Carolina, on he 16th day of August, A. D. 1882, at 'clock P. M. for the purposes of effecatin he consolidatlion of said two Railroad Comn auies ,under the said Act, approved Jan. ary 81st, 1882. J. N. COCH RAN, 'sident of the A tlantic and-Frendhi Broad ralley Railroad Company. LEWIS8 /JONE~S President of t e Edgefield, Trentoh and Liken tailroadl Compatny. july 13, 188~2 gg6 Itate of SouthCaw*0~ Countly ofCPikens B3t 0. L. DtnaA-r, Jueaw ,O~ Whereas, 8. 0. Arnpid, ha* ai~*tt o ne, to ~rant -hltmi'Letter-e -o mdrini r on oft (ae tate and efretfof c Lo'~ deceasedi. - '. rethre'efore. to eitreand Aldmon~ o~ingrutar the 1nrdred and ored. *aI4~ B Y^a noldl, dees t~ 'be APA poat bere mg 4 I 6kena or an.y othev per"4 Us4nha ,In Use in An derson. &a4 A"b.evil ou 4iiii 'CLARK'S SEED COTTON C'M 6omething new and indispensth to. '.w 41. Gi6h owners. Takes out dirt,-nails, roolted and everything else. 'Inoreases 14y: Alth oQ ton from ito 8 0,tnts per poundl, aSO. s largely in gin-filing, &0. Price'80 pfayable In the jFAll C00K'8 EVAPORATOR8 AND VICTOR CANE MILTA Th ese are k now n to -be Ithe beat Go .odsofr their kind, and we* can offer t'hem low tad, give You until 1st Novemuber to pay, Call at our store and see the Seed Cotton. Respeofully, R11ORTON &BROWN,' Liberty, S. O. June 1, 18 82 97 PROCL AMATION. 9TATE OFP BoUTH CAROLINA, * E vDPPAnTMRNT, Columbia, S. C., June 19th, 1882. Whereas information has been received at thi8 Department that an atrocious muf der wi comnitted in Pickens Ocunty, on or about -fihe 18t h daiy of )Iny, A. D., 1882,' ipon tle body of John Nowels, by RI C ARD FORE AN and l ate (lhe salid Richt ard Foreman ha1is flud f'rom 'justice: Now, therefore, 1, Johnson I1agood, Governor of the State of outh C-irolins, in o rder that justice may be done and theinng estly of the hk vindimaed, do herby offer a rewoard of Fifty Dolbr for the appre hiension and convictipni of the said Richard nTeseimonynwereof be he bet osetf th'ir mynd and wan oer.e theeal o hthd ie yo umtt oe ld Clmber o..y Callhe ur streef t he Unit Sed ottsof Americ. OTNON& BRA O WNGvttr By te Gvor ir:r ty. S.is SCre june 1, I82 87. FIRB IONSRANJICAOINY. FIRE~tENOUR D ELA1.G,.RN CUREMERbiiAN8. C, June apply 1882 AtrWR Uug e i'& iens Ucuy, o.nC Arabut frthe t'8neth f~a A.r 1)nuranet uCompau by ofNw Jork.wls y1101 jou 8D 1 FOEMN a 38 tGm.th ad Nw Advertfme,1Jhnso tHg.d ThveK ng of te odyt Ciriebain: odth jstce mas boe dopp rnd the nerve etsy oissnerf the bowndasel, do her ffeysan ah res t igards. t oh:' o teietioncr aesaviont omVCQAlt hng id atichers In tetirduty, therefIs noting hereunho se-. guLaS tin 1 puiyng minioring. coling operat-- othi oftm a T.nos 8 A.-z n 183n2.,T aI1 ienovles the sysitie and ai er to thealh1 bo adethe ody tnd Uhed ind. o Jr. S ONIG'sI) PILLS!or Te O, Wel: l-T.d Wondmmmerul jHeal th 8 4ee 1n Reeis pUett, good digetion., reguariy tofh howls A Gur reed foWolsEnd fealesC~v l sooti a ntalcigte neaxrvouc Cuvery fibre of the bodym. Stong's iantiv PilGomheLvr Npedycr fo LvertComplinet leult inThe Boweg Pufy the B lood theans. I ing si(romm Ml ai Tait. pprftec nere itrsic heseades ie k constiatineand s phe poe. Sl by leadings drugits co or ci areg aidal maacs , widt ~ ith~ fnl barc giularin, address yox i0,-kliumNewm ork in. IUrnourase linical anmdvantges are derived om tme Cody alosptim, Mateni. ar. ne SThexcls chagI ofLs T T l, A Well-Trie , oderfn, bowel. Armey 8reety Batiore Mod. n sse0 Win gvuabl iform an Fili Enb sedyngr for ircula t . TO. J , Bos~m utro MalTin.Apefctc ~rsic hAdOAhe Ros-iltirated dya p SPua. PE0( dvb r ieo ing ugists m ulase reeto (iNew York Ct dohed 2,mm t8h2 40t 4ismmt Mrmt ommi Nl ry N8 27mnam topil0 wem 1teds are imuet Time esi. cWmrte of tahl o sendng r crculr t ETChington, BosJ A* I Ir. J-'4 WALLIN, ".N EB A fectuVAEd Pee les Egine, Manuf&( ba hae the followink, art ioe .s.at the Fact. Cled Cr'usher and Pulverizer, Thils is the I lion. "Bradley'is Reape r. Mfower and Tiay Rake,. T'ht Cele~brated Viot'or One Iforse Gran D A1061ihatio PLantation Gates., Ex-GovernorL refer to fon.. ff. Perry for any Informtai< 1 have just rerceived the A gency for t he H~atrw. it hasl great advant-.go -over the T ;a nd examino, - Iron Fences for. Flora . .'44" AUctonee r ax un 1, 18$2 W H OLESE 1rhad Gras ised lioDn.R #8SE D W he trCiver Aefre A TI an - aint irai uno ., 1882 M.E~ CLWicheter flIIE1d CONTNLR O IN WvieA; CFFErd SALCI0K ERY CWREC I0ES JEAN, n AlPid fU TTR R & UC.ae Tie excang ve forr003,an satsfcto * fron Pat $$ore. M.. C. WINCH ESTER Notidceo. Ci-editoS. fulartackth oet GEAL againstAnda L. PU SUAN I to a Decret al Ord, madei{ .l kindth o e saDS, whcasel ad ciged bsy other M rssle on the thay. quirinaldsiglrherdtos of ON Y RO)l'tae in x.hSmith; fdeceasd, rove thirin demands a the sai atbeoe e he re of all dbei coundrtepceed..' opn 1, 82 89 ,u Notice to (Dreditor. MAtuaaet Hamlon againt A.ad ML. Smith sa iif et al. P URSUANT to a Deceal Order, madeinI Lithe aoe state c.:se, and ige b bth on 1. C. Pressey oPresih dge, or thl7hdasf ue, 1882, notice ygivsr knan heei.n. rnen ne -,. BELF FEEDING COTTON ling Singi New York,. 'tured at Wayniesboro, PA. ory. prices: The Celebrated Acme Harrow. >ost imup~ement ever Introduced on a planta manufaIctured att Syracuise, New York. rill, Victowr Tripple .Hinged Hlarrow, Onrler's B. F. Perry has t wo on his plaatation. I >n as to its working. sale of Barley's Adj'ustable and Revel-sible homast Hlarrow. I or Cemetery ints8. 1OMAS STEEN. LA CoMINision Merchiant. 87 t ALLE LIS MERCHANTS! SEND US YOUR BUSI 'NESS CARD FOR TRADE LIST. HOS USove, Spadesk Muedattocks, icksroP. rinu~Ctrodsst ycute Nwsk sLVots~ ofip~ o1~thearowOrseat Wi.F.T McFastoonhpAL'.In an 5, to 8 16 orig Thle Wo Brl