tt ' enton meets Ay of August next, 5tatltig a State tick O'V9f. tho State Execu e ittnber of delegates $ 1 be twice the number Genlral Assembly and lokne will be entitled to - e delegates as heretofore. this week the redistrictiig Spublish In our next issue, the Whe Election low and I ie Iwo #,Oons proposing Constitutional 16.1o be voted on by the people eTeotion- V'he provisions of an _In all physicians to regisler by - une was extended to the lt ~ u othg of the patrons and others in ' 1esfi the school at this place wa.s held in the Outt LHouse dn last Saturday evening vthe prpose of raising money to build .,O ool -400e. Hon. W. T. Bowen was 4ltitb ti Obar, and Capt. Thornley was *p $tM8eocretary. After a good deal of dbte it * decided to form 9 Joint Slock pany for the purpose of raising the neunt.1f money necessary to erect the ilding. A share in the CompanIy was ed at twenty dollars. Seven per cent $herest is to be paid annually-on the stock, hterest to be raised by a contingent fee on .eh soholat'attending the school. Twelve 19 hundred dollars were subscribed at the( meeting and the Company think they will A. nally be able to raise fifteen nundred or Iwo thousand dollars. They meet again next.Friday for, the purpose or considering ~' rules for their future government ( ~ ''R.;~ AChild, Esq., of this platce has colybeen olected by theL Board ut hirectore, attornecy of the Atlan,% 1 tio and 'wrenh Br'oad Valley Ri, 1 *od 'rbe position of attorne~y oft ias road.-Is a very? responsiblp oneo, an.gid the election .of 'Mr. Child over oluorlawyyers is qu~ite a complimecnt to him. Mr'. Child is aI youtng iawyer' ofdecided le'gal atbility, and the Comipany ha.i9 tshown gooid judgmnent in hes selection to ri pr .men t teir iegatl Interesta. *'~i The Extra Session. o ed o thie6th ins., aller having been in sesiogln .days, occupying only seven or*Qking days. The Acts passe8d durinug the sessisand which have been app:oved by e ernor are: Act to redistrict the State. n Act to amend the Election law. ti Act to amend theO Election precinects S AJoaInI Resolution proposing to amend the Copstitut ion rela&ting to the timie of lealdinag election. An Aot to correct typographical errors in thECnde of Civil Procedure an~d in the Genteral St8tates. A t resolution pt-oposing an amend ltui to the Constitution relating to thie 9A*tonE Of new countiles. f wA. to regulate the liconsing of phy -,4*elausw end surgeons. MEa SoUTuias CUrTIVATRo. he July number' of this popultar hi4well estutblished Agricul turalI ~'~urnal has been receivod. I a. should ~kanm4tt~a of pideI with our South Sfuarnirs to sustriin the (Utaltiva, feedase it is tho r represnta,3ltt Manbiisfed alone in their inater, h!.y fab th neatest mos 4 and best filed *tgricultural tqon in the South. The pubs 4;I~4*~ialnly spending hargo #ny in -nmaking it the 011'h6i1s of a liko kind, I-the Ane por used, nraigs that aido:rn 4 from the men of Sa contribtoi-s, 1t eof $1.50 pe~I e~t#tt is boir in . J atie4nda'toWe 400 888 ay 861 800 dse~reek be S Iflay) 70 1,080 illorvi( y) . 886 800 1)207 761 Hut-us 760 1,280 CUrn 427 450 Dorchecter 971 1.687 Georgo .718 1,815 GihanI 08 908 Heyward 1,167 581 ,K'zer 0-4-1 849 ShWiidan 776 836 Verdh r 1,53 2,001 ORANGEBUIIRGo-Branchli villo 667 1,848 Caiw-Caw 864 2,017 COW Castlo 361 788 E'h1i8 541 494 Elizateth 768 1,848 Goodland 1,182 1,409 lUebron 510 450 Liberty . 621 94 Middle 548 1,115 New Hopo 272 995 S.1 n Igo 1,76o 4,286 UInion 381 1.037 Willow 978 77v Zion 576 996 LEXINGTON 11,096. 7,468 Total for district 58,790 66,119 SECOND DrSTRICT. Wito. Co'd Ulnmpton 6 286 12,465 ColLton-Broxton 1,207 1,110 Warrell 966 911 Ba rn woll 13,853 20,004 Aile 12,936 15,176 dgetield 16,018 29,826 Total for dimti ict 51,266 85,482 THIRD DIITRIOT. Whito. col'd \hbeville 13,172 27.637 berry 8.236 18,261 ron 18.747 14.865 'ke ns 10,673 8,716 )conieo .11,955 4,301 TotalI for district 62,783 68,780 Fo U RTIl DL8TR ICT. Ireenv'ille 22,983 14,513 pin- tanburiog, ex'pte Wii ntil Plainsan shiips 22,282 11,910 an u e ns11,75G 17,680 JIi on, ex~cpt G~on1 deysville & Dray~ ville Townships 7,459 11,182 [uirnolld 6,885 20,880 LicLhlnd(-Ujpper Tonhi 969 1,765 C~olumbiaL Town sh p5,135 7 94!8 Ce~are Towns~hip 2.164 1,710 Total for district 79,(33 87,597 FIFTII DItsTRI CT. hV ito. Coi'41 York 14,0138 16.680 lhester 7.635 16,518 Danicaster 7,935 8,968 Umion (part)-Gou,, dea svIll 1,849 1,403 Draytonvillo 1,208 979 JspartanbiIuig (part), -Whiro Plains 1.509 ,828 Limestono 2,581 1,299 2hosterfield- 9,498 6,847 Korshawv 7,892 13,646 Tfotal for dIistrict 54,140 67,168 B3JxTII DISTRICT. White Col'd ]larerdon 6,282 12,08 Wilha msburg (pairt) Kingstreo 200 84 Sumtn er Township 1,026 1,731 Le's1,217 402 JohnsIonI's 972 1,425 Lako 792 480 Darlington 12,929 21.556 M arlboro . ' 8,026 12'572 in15,881 18,226 11erry .10,632 4,942 Tota!l for.district 57.957 73,426 SEVENTH DIhaTRICT. L EORG EToWN 8,466 16,147 W IIJLIA MSIUuo, ex'pt Kingstree, Sumirter, Lee's Lake, Joh uwon's 8,551 12,280 Sumiter' . - 9,979 27,058 Itichhind. Lower Township . 917 7',964 )ranrgeburg. Amelia 629w 8,035 Ly3onis 419 2,009 Pine Grove 893 1,601 Good by's 488 1,057 -Poplar 446 1,066 Providencve 887 878 Vance 206 1,080 Chjarleston & Berkoly not in firat Distr'iep 6,875 42,388 COL LE~ToN --Bla ke - 49 2,472 *L1owndes 7$ 1,477 Frae' *160 1,548 Adam's Run 5 87 8.872 Covllins 89(1 1,041 (o'er - 79 1,158 2,44w 27,784 0%$8 66 809 "o . I o hdeV this nedteastee 6mocrats -can easily earry is she sevena DML: lcts. Ci*rouar. Oriez or G ENERAL 1H ANA 4 RicNupooD, Tofu~j~iinoto' ti ihrerest) of fit patron* aend tho de.1;pment of the mattorial It esouroe, and inidus .Aries of the regions of country s'er ved by its ystnem of railrou'Ai, thb Richmond and Danville i'. rand Con.pkuy wll agaip irou 'eLli labo and cxpeso of makihg ag illustra tive exhibit this fallo The Now E~ingiaind mantifieturers nod mechanic's Institute Will' hold its se.cond Expotition in' Oiton, Masa., On the 6th of Septem ber. It has cordially invited the Richmond and Danvillo Raih-oad Co. to duiaplay its exhibits in its magniflcent build, ing. The invitation has been tO. cepted. Such an, opportunity for i practican4id wide reaCl .iing adver tisement of the subjcts which com. pose the inntorial wenith of our mcc tion of the SoIth- aI nd ot the mani fold ndvantages and iclucements it ofuers for the invemanont of North, e11, 111(1 especially New England CIIpital and For Now Eilgand immIii grat ion, h'118 never be fore boen pro sontod to our people. It sihould not bo neglocted. All pursons throughout, the great Pieidmot, Ml I onuinin and other re gions eiIbraced III the [RiCh mond and Daiville mystem of railroads it) any way interetpted in material dc velopment and enterpiiem-okwiri of' mineral lnds anrid mines, Timber ulds, 1inuact uring atablishments and water powers ine iiivited to at, Vail theiselveS of the UuIenfit of this exhibit. C. C, McPinil, Chief of Bi.. IOau of Minios and Mailificues, han.i (bAlrPgo of all mat ters of dot all co nected with the exhibit to be rnade ini Bostona on ihe 6th of Septem bi.. A 'lipe rson di~ iesirIinig inof.orm'a ion andm to mnake contibtihons t1 of mai teia'sI aind specimen'is are requmested to cor respon~iid withi i him. Hiurricane Items. R1 EDI'I'u: SinIce the visitation iif many lovely shouwers of rain an 111 theu conin~g ')t summetnr in tis~ see tin of our' 'County. 1 atunmpt, cne m0ore to let your' i'end ers heanr I rom hiero. 1hie la un~ rs areC verv mu chI revis ed ini the proti'ects of(' theil crops. Cottoni is doing finely now , it bidsi to ma)no 801me cottoni yet. IHer. D). 11. hennem~iore) reiporte Id a s cootin bloom) thei '2:31 it. (Corn i e alIso doing wvell. and~ bifdS fair to mamk< ai very good (crop. The small grain. goo, bt weatis eryinfr'o, in' q c'onseiqueneico of rnst. "' GeneralI c, Green'' hias almiost trin nplied ove,h some~l of our' farmer11s, buti the scale is beg'inniing to turn' no0w, andI 80 aftei a part they cant (cry out victor~yS Cap1t. 11. E. Steele' has1 had his dw~elling pa inted, whlich adds v ery mu tch to Lho 0appearanU lce of the e Captain's recsideunce. d M r. WV. N. Pas 0 o hs aulso namtfled ~ his re'sidecel', so your reaIders8 can , see thiat Llbero. is Fome progress over hiere in llurr'iic'ane tow nshi p, as well C ats in other sectins (of our Coun ty. Priof. Mecfhoriter will resume.hiis school at ain carly day, C We are advocates of y'our Co'llege.' and thtnk such a thing has long 'boon needed ini (our t'ounity. So hop ing the daiy 18isO no t ristuant when Pickens miay havie the honor of hav ing one of the best Colleges in Lhe~ $La to, I am )'our Ii liily,) OBSERVER. a A Fatal Afiray at Camden CA MDICN, 8. (1., a' uly 4.- Majo ig j ' W. R. Blla~uir, the G reenb0 ack eani, dato for G1overnior i.n 1880, was shot and instatly killed ja(~ C.. ji to, day about 11 ()'cloc)k, ina a persona! TPhoe'1l Iircumtances conn :ected with a the3 aiffair aire as5 followvs: Forine time1 pIO~ ast there had nJot exIsted very good foching betwei Blair and iile, anid meeting each oither on - the street to-day, Capt. Haile wasIt ac~osted1 by Major Blair, who asked him (Ilaile) if it was true thlat he had buonu making oa... tuin e tatemein ts concerninog him. (Blair') Capt,. Ii alle pr'omp ly rep;lied thbat he had. W hereupon M jrBli czald him a "damned lia.~ Haile then asrked Blatir to retract hils language; #1hich Ehair ret used to do. liaile then left Bhaiir and wai.. ked a few *4teps land entered the 'ounuty treasutror's office loloweda hi. flair. Upon enterihg hoecloseid thie d~ut' urnna in a minute.- or t w*retura emd wit a rifle nd pistol. Bfair aIs titsn Sevandig Wlthin ijew tout of iMe door.and waagain r.eesivted i:La~lt hAY rOLE'AJIII~I,~ ~ ~14~ f~ nowoonO4 ~ 44." 1"~ ~ ~ A~ -6-0. MJ, t lt 00a~uI*4 Nr ti143.-iat~ep til iii Al~sA lionesooib~ *u Worembo jL6. W oider leave q goit X101-Alao eo licilmr Cienit to pl at tiny ticlmf wirell I( tho jiris()iiea' top(.AT..-,iVj11 four. t t~yill tiotiut Tist pro.Aitic. .WI~k,4JUad6-AI.OII 010 fact, thilt 016 8Goifor "bud ben' informed by wirit o01 tilt 11401endl jtj)Jlicaiio1) for- bil and e n iwei' huid butti recivod fr~om iliji. 11Tbe (;uull11uMe Wj118 wrell 'lieidd dUting dicl hearinig of Lbe ea&io, %ifd. hue ioyupon the q orde- b "'g nmade Copt. iaile gie tho tocquired bonid 1111d Was~ retisewd liomn U11-LodCy., ]!he Faoulty of thes White Tiaohers ImUstute. The State 8'ipoa'inltndont of Eid u U.&LI011 h'ts imclu it eircular aranouuo Ling thaL a .SLwe InstittiLo. tot whito touitelie18 will be hold in -Columbia, boganititig Tuesdaly, August 1, atia otidiiqag Friday, AiuguziL Z5, with tho tolluwtalig fauny: Huon. NI. A. Neo, til, l'iincipad .2Niu'ylanid ;LaLo Nor (11111 8,011001, Ps~inciplt~ i und Afothod Vie-Piine tpal Mir'yland Sta~eti NF iiitil Schmool, Arithoipii;' -Prof. 111. S. Joy'i(,UJIliQver.%jiy 01 Souch i Jnoh; i t 1 En igicih Liinguage; Prof'o-Alux'. 11uder G(.1ia1ham, SuIp'tG raded 8ohool, Torjy rof. E. WV. IC1aeinain ~eXI tgtta) ligh SCI(~ol, Slapj Dva w% fig amid P6 ilt 11IIi )ui; P1.01o. AV ii. .o ink, same eztean ~ do one ~ii. or iou towi4 at L*~~*> Ana~repablq ~i v14 .mapk~. - flWIaanung4 h~ as to Iii* Dem oerais omnin (lo at the diey eetion. Tbis ann~otnentent is maderit b, ont. the knoWtedge of Ct. Bo. .sN but his *ds baying an Abidinag faith In his die nfter'esfted patriotism, inake it; believing h:hk e~no and wilt not. refuse to be estneo the People's Candidate. -s VOTERS. That DR. W. T FIELD Ja a man of ability, all admit. His integrity und patty of charaotor, unnssailed. That he has Olaims upon thi Democracy of Piokens County equal, if not superior tq those of any other man. no one can deny. lie Is no time server, no poHey nan, no demagogue, and while he iF no office seeker, his friends have obtained his assent to allow the te of his name as a candiditte for the Senate at the appronolfig primary election. lie will make no canvass, because his record is well known. But his friends4 will prebg his claim with vigor. For the Legislature. X& FELLOW CITIZENH: Take notice that. I J. LOOPER nm a candidate for Repre sentative of the people of Pickens Coun.y at estiing election, subject to WILL of the PIRoPLE at General E'lection. For Probate Judge. Air The friendsi of J..B. NEWBERlY respectfully announce him as a candidale for Probate Judge of Pickens Cotiiy at the enmuing elect ion, subject to iominttion by the Demoiat ic party at pri mary election. ?i' The friends of J. H. NEWTON re spectfully announce him as a cahididate for Probate Judge of fickens County at the next ensuing election, subject to nomina. tion by the Democratic party at primary election For County Co-nmissioner t The friends of' 0. P. -FIE~LD resp'ctfully alnnoiunce lhini ns a canididaite for~ Goity Comisiiisionzer (ot P ickeis (outnvy u t the "ansuieig elettt ion,. subhj ct to, anm ination by the Democratiic puiy at primairy elect ion, 1. The nfly liids ~of l2AlBA N tAL UIDIN respecitiiliy nnvnon:zce him asi a niae for ' c elect ion to the u'Ilce or jotty.3 Coutis- le~ioner~ of' Pickensi Coutiy inaiiittoij by the D)ernacrati .party alt r~liary elect ion. The rcord)' 0t Mr. MA\Lt t. 1orce us~ U1o malke t his iIiyanno-incnt. Vor ILns. c"The friendsk of' ELAS DAYre peet' fully annouince himi ~ as a adi-ate fnor e-Olect ion to the utlice of. CoulyComi iner of Pick en 3 CtA&nty ai the ensuin Ct ion, sutjg Lto .nuii oria i on by thle Dem-i erat ic party :at priimar'y ecet ionb. E~y- i ho frietals ot A. . T A ILE Y re pectfulily itannouni ce hi m as a calda o for 'e eleoaion to the. oflice'of .Xt Couty C >mmiis, ionier of Pickenas CJouary at t lie next ensi iiing election. sobbe't to nomiiiation bay lhe )emocraet ic par'ty at prinnary election., For S'chool Commiissioner. Th' 'le fri nds of' 0. L. .DURANT1 espect Cully annotence himt as a canididaite or School Comiissioner of Phickens County Li the next ensuing election, subject to ioinat ion by -the Demnocratic par't~y at >rimary election. ' For County Treaturer. E! The friends of R EV. B. IhOLDER -espectfully annfounce him as candidate or recomnnndation to the office of Treas irer of Pickens County, by the Demiocratic > rty at primary elect ion. gr The friends of JOHN 11. BOWEN .espectfully announce him ats a candidate ori recomimendation to the office of Tretas i'er of Pickens County, by the Democratic >rnry at primary election. For Auditor. SThe'riends cf JOSEPHI B. CLY DE 'epectfully announce him as a candidate ~or. recomnmendIation again to -the office otf ~uditor of Pickens. County. hythe Demo wratic ,party JEi'f he County at the ensuing primary pieot ion. ~ Sheriff's Sales. STA TE .OF SOUTi H A ROLIN A. Mary P. Folger against Mary A. Oailes. J3Y virtueo of a Dooree he Dower. madJe Ia thes abov4.stated onse, iad execution sead thereunder by 0. L,. Dur ant, Esq., Judge okF'robate for said Coanty, k~wi sell before dhe Court Jhlouse dot on Sales day in Ari'guet next, diering the usual hous of sale to sheaighiest bidder for dcash, kiAl hattPIedre>Ptreoe *or. iract of L'und,. Iyltg;t 4bein k the County and 8tate tfoe ' id, wi46:n'or Iscar the T'own tpf Ea, qai but sides of tb. Driggs toad, lead'/ atidset behi?[tiri 'pottiona of ike Mtu A a'4s 1faresad, doverlhg the traof LancLfprmeri desud b~y Mary #Ykktoni eq f,4let dtese-d, -and Shith "dc X t &v ()M cesed, *4~ .en aulu f4 .Jvx A aa, uiott or S*IEh~E W ted liflnei '. - 9,uaiett'e Ipro M1anilog tto ii with Self eeder a A Oi d ~ r. wllassey's UnIyl*1edl pu e or Cbtton Gins ani Gtiswold Cotta 4i with Self Feeders and dontdensfrs.. Grist Mille, Walking and .iding Oulti vators, Ieapers, Mo6wers, and Algu.tital Implements generally. It will pay every Farmer who nalies his plantation 16 Bales of Cotton to btiy one of Farquhar's Verigcal Steam Engines and a Cotton Cli. This makes an outfit with but little east, and yet. every part of,, be niachinery Is made -of first class material, which makei the Engine juist ts enlurable as a more ex pensive machine, and is hiore simple and much easier to mianage 'FOl LIGHT WORK, Such as Ginning and Threshuing, THE Vertical Enghie is Preferable. We have sold these Engines for the pait two years, and in every particiular they have given entire satisfaction. We will give every Man to whom we have sold as reforence. We can furnish either of the aboive Gine, mid will Guarantee the outfit to perform its dity. The amount saved by Ginning youi Cotton at home will Pay a good Intetesi on this iuvestmeit.. Sen I for price lists. J. H. M-organ &Bro., G LENVILL','s. O. june '22, 1882 40 2m ICE LEMONADE! Zoo G010 oda ir AND EVERYTIIING NICE AND CiIEAP' AT'L 'OJIE YE C:ANI)bA TES AND S7E' (11' TIlE SOPA WVA TE'R-if' you would qjuiet. camipagn in or;[-r to win. FEi i'lES, Pr;~wisions4, (Cnfect ions. &c. A 1 of whnichi theay propose to ~el i hlea ip for Cushta to ti~:se who v ii y giv*e'th~eun a call. .iune '.i, 18832 .) t f Dr. Westmoreland's Dit. 'W ElsTM~tmLAN D'$ TETTER (INT M ENT will eure ash Skint Diseases*, ~sh as Tetter Worm, liing .Wormn, scald Head, Barber's lich, &c. MANUJFAc'TURPF.D AND) PoR 5ALE 5Y WEST&MORELAND BROS., Wholesale Druggiste, Mansion House Block, GreelavIlle, S. O. For sal: by DR. J. W. QUIL LAIN, Esaley St at ion. jue 1. .I8#2 , 37 6mn .Bridge to Build. COUN'Y COMMlS'lONERt'S OFFICE. P'ICKN C. II , t3. C., dune 26. 1882. B.Y order of thne Board of 6ounty Com-. Bmissioners, I will be at (lhe Ford of Big Eastatoe Creek, above King'.s Store, on Tuesday, Ju!y 18th, at 11 o'clock A. MI., for the purpose of' Lett(ing to the Lowest Riespoinsible Bidder; the Contract. to lhuild a Ihridge across said creek. Plan and spe ci~cation miade known on day of Letting. A. B. TAJLEY, County Commissioner. june 29, 1882 41 ' 3 WESLEY4$N Female Institute, Staunton, Virginia, O PENS Septeynber 20th, 1882. One ol uthe First Schools fr Yoixag Ladlies id thne United States. .Surroundlings tieautI fiul. Cilimate unanl'passed. -.PIuplls ,torn eighteen $ta'es. TERMS.- AMONG ilEI B1Eil' IN THlE UNION. Board, Washing. En~gilah Gouirse, Latin. French, German, Instruumiental Mu tsie, &o., for Schnolande~ year, from Septemnber to June,'$288. 1? i Presdent, 8tauniton, Va. July 6, 1882 42 -. 2m ATTETlON T1 OPWS: no wam0nmnsoanu 7~7 from &e NO ,YIAbele h 11h0 00ODA no* r anud the pm'ies ae, -$ 300 stults Co.mpe4 180 guls compl4te 85$40s Qamlete to Buits in 0butidance. ut everybody a.Il're ,prices mentioned. tip 'l 6 Please the Vusi kaV1i.10 1 61; wve have the Ia teit s y a .64 Dozen of h t Shirt8, both Laundered at popular pripes.. Theyarh in the market. It wiil jAke b to convince. Theo fit."' arr -Collar - and: Ogg'. The very lattest styles, TtoS-1eVy' Handkerchiefai, Cravats, Ties,'Uul &c., to sutit all classa. Don't bujy a Ilnt. without first. 1 4F et nur'stock. It will pity yqu. W-lo can.:, an old mn. We haviie he NobbyA the young men. .We canit mnitps .the b Otr Goods nre bought, for csh. always asthe ineside tra, so -we position to offer everyAoNy atIl'ioetcu BA RG A Ia NS' I at ppuarprpo. - e. '.rt' a A h' A -tom al~ong Thel gt ietn: . AMelArsA aii Cu4I X Th. er.' FAts R~ mSly ,1 tSTe'y A D.'t Myaulint o c1 irtsr~ ou1>ck It will. -n y2.1eot -ant ol Ofn W aohe Nbb ii4 te. on'en Eec, miie Ourh (isa.e bhinghLnd, cluh.r alwh l?.y~nFine tiesui. Lak BO W pOliniusl tuo ; ofinfer-an * ijii lnguswer t cotpint fIthL *ubscri-,a thei- -e . iP anif~ yOfio' an4we tI.he~~4~ [in Ci ay lo te COMMO-Pi demnde in~ thce coPinf' lantlhI?~ NOsrTON, KA. ' &~ntpnA Rl@NG T fltu 1I~h~u.. laui iJstter~b e 'FO the ~efuendant, avelnn *man notic tha the'onnrptn th 4 f-iled i the ic ofa tlhd ittrl of lo(1u C o I iensJ, ' fo gistrnPi$.k I'i|ect~s o ai tu ron arL 1 ety sell tCe raeal~ estatel of o Enrio ased,.andu ttleou~, the estte debts;and i triin~ thre [o L. -. ~lop NORLTON KEIT 'H & Hll0NQSWflTj jOute 15, 1882nt 89i,~P'i~n oE tha. th oMarsi t Ihlla ~t~JJ(y the rrthdy o Buri,.82 1 omlets Se Wn r debts au isthrbonhieu'tfk@ to . - Duan,'r NOLLasN KoutyI1 on llOiL (SW~ Juney, 1882 fo8la hosleand H etalD aer1i . Perry unei ir1 1coa toYro stree WYL E,* 8nob 28,Wh1~