Ilet itite one Or Wie 41r -he C0C144%g- aesom., uisi a gbes$,.,l libftthewi 1 days, enwill tqe visitTexas -before re. ue' to his duties in the college. Hrmer Moser basjettt this office a go y e way of corn. There are I ea *Ors lineloijed In one shuck. There oie'pentre ea~r around which eleven oth 0tL ..uster. The ears re all siall, but m1.oiri and distiuoily developed. He age' To u nd seor, hok n the sam daW14. wi o" thnee to six ears -incaed in to. I have hung this Ilo# na t up nu out sabetm where our farming firiends eln ca11and see It if they desire to do so. Whetn the Profesor found that ee f obaceco in the pocket of his iti ie wits satiefied tha th e Jew hatd not, made thle exchange with hiim. A negro passed a spurious gold d olhl 't'o n da ceterk n hon e of t he sO res at litdh place last wok. ' A genuie doiur put in ithu places uaveti a casu in the UiLtd Sttes Cuirto Thie editor and family return thaniks to Mris., J. C. Thompsion fur 110ome1 Very fine Peaches. They were tle Autmade' June variety, litgo, well ripened and lucious. Mutr.-Mtalinda l Rekinor,'wifte of Ab ealom ROPer, died onl the 13th inat. t uhe was 47 yeir of ag, wars t un bur of 01t Baptist choh at Mounf uai GrOve about tahiys. eyrShe 'hed ill ull triumph of' a Chitian faiLti nd wms buried on the 15t h in the family graveyard near her resi 40 X10nce. RatVaNU1 lA1n.-A Ruvenue faor under co autmad ut C. J. Stoi brandr -m'ade a raid in. thils Co'unty last, week anid captured on tile nighti ut Lihe 12th jinaL..... lb smaall ,,till asear B3'row's .uounarin, anrd dc , atMroy'ed .,ever al satandsu of beer anmd na.ns'h. Tlwo''rs were seen to) runa D'.rom rt ful, thoaugh no a.rrest - were mnaa~e. Orn the ightI ol the 16,h they de~itr'oyed tLbu, "SiUnties' of L'~wo ot~her stills aind a~ quranmtity r: enIrrid (ift. No par~tieb wereO Soun)' at, either' plrace anda conseq'rently nio arrests were~ maude. Mr.' P. A. Porter' lost, a horse inI a rather sinignhuar way last, week. .1~' tied ai rope arrountd ~he haead t ad uane fore toot ot' the hor'.e Lo keep lim i f'romr jjarimg, anid turned lair, in thme paiLUr oL grazo. T1 he hrse t'uOc(Oeded int gettinig out of' the' pais Irure uind went into the corn, ina the bottomt. In attemptling to jaumlp n ditch, he 1r3ll in withm is head up stream, aned durmmring up time water *with-hlis body was drowned. VThe0 loss is serious onr Mr. Perter' just at this time of' the year. On Sunday the 11th instant, a *rabid dug of Mr. James Grenshaw's, lan Anaderson counrty, bit Mr. Gren,' + shaw and Mr'. Earl Swords. At 9 o'clock the night following, Drs. Clayton and Folger performied an operation on Mr. Ford, by remov ing the wounded -parts by incis, itt Iltad afterwards by carutorizing thre wound with nitrate (of silver. R1ev. John Mubees, br'other of L tev. Hugha McMees who supplied ~ he Presbyterian church art this plaice Sfor several yeaars, died at Green wood recently, aged 70 years. He lad preached at, Greenawood for a num, ber of years anid wars muach beloved by all who know him for his Claris than character and godly, uprighat life. AN I MPOsSIBLITY.-Deserving air' tioles are always appreciated. The texceptionarl cleanliness of Parker's liair B~adsama miaakes it poplart. Gray hmir. are impossible with its occa. *i'4tsl USe. 4 Yh Examiltatlott of 'i'eachers for the Pub lio Schoolg wll be held ont Friday and Sa. Iturday tIe 7th and 8th of July next. Ap. $dicsnts for lst Grnrde wi coine on Friday, %nd those forethe 2d aud 8d on Saturday. a k'ose now haolding certificates can have ~him tetrewed withut an exaniinaslan, fly teer of thy Board of Exianaduera,. (, T. JONug, Bhoo Coroisulorr. A telegram from D1anville, Ya says: "ltep)orts from Patrick county ~re to the effect that, 0,000 peonis ae tarting. Tne drought last year ~. greartly artalled t~he Oro ps. A load f~t corn was, rece0ived at the Court X4puse a few ditya ago. IHundi'ede ttstarving women and cnhlldr'en ~owded prottnd the t'ehiclimplot. Ig taQ t' gliena a qanyrt, or a pe(ck of lo bownen Inuu a0ft1. leavi t)4-008y 's, a" stated by MttapesA4 KMe tued tA the hWuse of Al ot-r a oelored tenant of Mr. A's with hs; fei and harnd olSalned, #d stated io vena that the win after him from Georgia Juyl$o~yteken-and arrested him about iJa. ritt, Greepville county, and that he had made his escape from them. As soon as Mr. A. heard that he had returned t- his place, he arreshd and lodged him in jail to await developments. lie told Mr. Anthony that he had purchased the !othi at Foster's store, in this county, and had himself looked the chains around his wrists and legs. He passed Mr. James Ropera's tn the night that lie returned to Bowen's add procured 'a light to enable him t# find his wily. Mr. Roper discovered that he was Chained, to whom he told about the same tale he told Al Bowen. Mr. Anthony subsequently went to Foster's, where he ascertained the tact that tie negro had pirchnsed the looks fron Mr. Foter, and when at the store, had trace chains in his possession, which it is supposed lie had taken from Eonie farmer Mr. A. traced him frim Foster's Wtb*e by Mr. J. B. Ifester's house, and about one hundred yardis this side of Hester's houye he found where lie had left tha road a few yards and hadl appareitly put on his shack les. Mr. A. is convinced that he shackled himrself, but why, Is a mystery to him and everybody else. Mr. Anthony says he line scars around the ankles which has the ap, pearaice of having been made by bhackles, and lie thinks tittt lie may pro-ably be an escaped convict. If he is not A criminal he must be a lunatic, though lie has not y~e exhibited any sign of lunacy. A few mnre days will probably develogp the true status or lia casat . Best ever made, Emory's Ltttle datlia'tic Pills, pleasant. to take, sugar-coated; no griping; only 15 cents a box, of Druggist 9 or by mail. Suandard Cure Co., 114 Nassau street, New York. - The Hlufricane Democratic C'ub will meet at tis3 9 Mile Schoo' flouse on thlt 24th iustint, at 4 o'clock P. M., Nr the purpose of reorganizing and transactirg other busi ness of importance. Let every votet in the township be present. d. E. BOROUGHTS, Pros. A eARD. To the Dentneratit Voters q[ Pitkens County: My namae having beer. announced for the fice of County Commisiotnt of Pickens (Ucunty. I huave. After tnatutre consideration., dlecided to decline to become a candidIatet at this~ elect ion, I amt heart and soul with thle Demnocracy, an-l sh'ail.l give to the nomin!ees of the party whoever tihey muay be, a zeal ours suj J'ort. With gratIeful feelings for those who presented mny name so the puth' lic and for those who have vohe'ntaily~ of fered :heir nopport, I am very respj ctfuxlly, W. B1. ALIO0000. floW IT WVAS .DoNIk-"'Nowv do yotiuilmanaget," said ii laidy to heer frien;d, "to appear:ii so hi ;ypy andt wa huave Pa~rk er'st~ Gliger TIoai c ensi 1y keep raiyoull' ;ial haiihdv in igod hseat.hl. \\l'hen I amt well Ii ai wya&t forI1 gomi unsmure~d " 4 Awrur. TRAant:cr -A tian named Ret 'er. residing ini Moore onnriv. N. U., wenit to titlil the& other nmorning with a hroad of co' n, a nking~ his tWo) y'ung sos on thle watgbet with hima. Thei boys drti~led ttider several bags og mnh'n. One of themf f'ell asleep and was. stilothered by onme Uf Lt bags tallingi ont his ince. Wh ile t he lat her *as get ting the body from under the liags, the dthier boy; *ho had jumped to thes grouuid andl was at~ddilig liearthe LWUagod,~ was kitihted on the head by oneo ofthe mules and killed. The father returned homie with the bodies in te wagon .-Robeaonian. Samnuel J. Thomas, conductor of a mate rial train, and Walker Tobias, colored train hand, were killed in an accident on the teau renis Railroad, tieait t'-itoti, on the 13th ilhStt Dusier Adderson, colored, had a leg crushed and an arm broken. Franklin JA Msoses, ek Governor of South Cartlitaet,-pleaded guilty, on the 6t.h instant of jietit larceny in the New York city court of G3eneral sessions, s&nd was sentenced by Judge Gildersleeve to the penitentiary for the term of six months. Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bilioug attacks positively cured with Emor1's~tsan dard Cure Pills-an infallible t erttedyi never fails io tre the mdst ObJsttinate, lung-stand ing cases where Quinine atnd all othier te.. miedies had failed. They are prepared ex pressly fo'rhtitluhlos sections, in double boxes, two kinds of Pills, containing a strong cathartic and a chill breaker, sugar coated; contain no Quinine Or Me-cuary; causing do0 gtiping or pturging; they are mild and efficient., certaini in their action and harmless in all ease'sj they effectually cleanse the systenm, stud give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequaled. For Liver (Jomuphint their equal is 'iot known; one box will have a woniderful eFect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physicians, and sohlib Druggiste everywhere, or sent by inttl and 50 cent boxes. Emor y's Lit tle Cat . o~I Pills, best ever made, only 15 dent .Y Standard diuffe Uo., 114 Nassau street, New York. june 15, 6pn GATH CrIY8ToNH FILTKn, Cnunty's FauIT Dunima,, LAMBinT~I'Ss 3ttovsp FLY PAN. MiIIRIDE & tJI.) want a live active man In every dilty uand toWrt in the United States to handle abote~arsices. Ekchusive right to maniufroture Filterer and Drietfs. Write to MoDride & Co, for hermsa. Dos yott Watnt to makei toney and benefit your neiglhbors write to Mltltan & Co., Atlanta, OG., a sd secure right to anutfac. ture Oate City Stone Filter, Cherry's Fruit Dt'Ier. Big tuoney in it, A thith wills vit and get uip can matke mohley by securing control in his to~u or city, of 'iiate City 8tonti Piltet', Chier'Iy's Fruitjlrler, Lambhethi's Ilut'ovdd fly ran. Write toi Md~ut'lde & CJo. for dir ht', Sermis, &e. Address Mvllaws & Co.1 Allita. Personal I To Men Only~ I ThNa ABas n rt. ... . ttx.. VE ARE UCIUSIVE AGENTR Fol THIS COMPANY, FOlt PRATT REVOLV ING 41EAD GINS, FEEDERS AND CON PENBERS, without dougt the best OLD now m'fde; and the only U116 that will nol choke. Ask Thomas Parkins, Elia. Day or any other person using them. Over 7 in use in Anderson and Abbeville Countes, CLARK'S BEED COT'IV CL'ffNOR something new and indispensible to al Gin owners. Takes out 'dirt, nails, rocks and everything else. Increases filthy cot ton from j to 8 ocuts per pound, and savel largely in gin-filing, &a. Price, $.0 payable in the Fall. COOK'S EVAPORATOI8 AND VICTOR CANE MILLA, These are known to be the best Goods o: their kind, and we can offer them low ani give you until 1st November to pay. Cll at our atore and set thevSeed Cottor Cleaner Respecfully, HORTON & BROWN, Liberty, S. C. june 1, 1882 87 #4,O00,000 ASETS. FIRE INSURANCE AGENOY. IF YOU W1SH INSURANCE AGAINS' FIlE ON YOUR DWELLING, FURtNI TURE, MERCHANDISE, &c., anyty to G. W. BOWEN, At Hudgens & IHudgens, Easley, S. C. Agent for tihe Continental Fire lusuraue Company of New York. june 8. 1882 88 Om Sheriff's Sales. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY 0or PicKKN. B Y Wihie of an execution to me dIrdeted I have levied upon and will sell id tib hnighaest biall, Buf~re* Couit~ Hotai~ duuor in Picokeans County. onl Ma tIn 3d1 daiy of July 1882, during the legatIlihath of s:ale, All h:t. Piece, Parcel o'r Taict of Latn. in I'icki ns County. oni Lititle (Cruw Creek wattes t J'uo*~e RIit-n iljiitt'ig lads 0 Wisonl stet'i, Ab ~. .Mzaldin and1 ot h era. cotinl ing -1 08 A.\, inure orles being the.. samenn t ract of Laml .nd nvey ed I J. Il ira-n lackstton by .\1ary Blbicksm on os lie 20th day of Sept emlber, 187i, andI re cordedl In Cleia4 ttie.', for the Uiunut aforesid, i-i Mesnek Ct'nveyabnice. Book --(t', pange 571. Levied on as thne proper:ty of J Hiraimi Ilackst on, at the suiL ul Wato; Termns cash. Jt)AB M ' ULDIN, s r.c. june 8, 1R82 38 4 New Advertisements. Then King of the Blody is the brain t he .smacin its miain sujppora; tit hearve. itsa messengers; the bowels, ihe kidneys am the pores its safeguards. hIndigestionn cre ates at violent revol among these aittachl-i o f the regal organ, and to b~iig Ihehia bacd to their duty, t hero is not hi ng like thme re gulat ing, purity ing, invigorat ing, coolingi operation of TAnRnT's SwrTzi:n APERIMNT It0 renovates thne system and restores t< health both thne body *tud thne mind. 80lUi BY ALL D)RUGGISTS. Dt. UkRON GS PFL LS? The Old, Well-Tried, Wtforfni, Health Recneinig Remedie.. Strong's Pectoral Pilltuisure hearty ap petite, good digestioun, reguzlarity of the. bowels. A sure remtedy for Colds an.J Rhneumatismn. A precious boon to delicate tfemales, soothiung and bracinig the nervoun system, and giviung vigor undi health it every fibre of the body. Strong's Saintive P'ills for thne Liver. A speedy cure fbi- Liver t'omnplanit, IRegulait ang the Bowels, Purifyilng the Blood Cleans. ing fromi Malairitl Trainit. A perfect Uur. for sick hneadlachie, constipatioun and dys pepsia. Sold by leading druggists. For circna ars and almnannacs, wiith flil par ticulars, address Box 650, New York Citby. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Baltinaere. 1? 1, Unsurpassed CIlitLtl aidvantages ar. derived fromn thne City llospital, Maernis and Miaryhand Woman's A ospital, whie; are .under the endlusive dhttge of ti Schsool. Apply for a Catalogue to ThlOMAS O1'IE, Ni. I), Dean. 89 N. Carey Street, Braltimore, Md. EVERY .ONE1E' SIC wall get vandaald ilnforation FIl EE b sendung icr circular to E. TJULRJEE, Bos tot' ,Mass. R i EVAPOAfR.ilsrtdC aUAaalogue free. A MER. 'M'F'OU CO. Waynesboro, Pa. N EWSP'APER Advertising Bureau, 1' ~pruce street, New York. june 22, 1882 40 4 State of Soath awtollssa County of Pickens Byt 0. ii. Dtnt~i, Jbtmax of PItoffATK. Whereas5 WV.; E. Nimmons. hats nmad< suit to me, to granit hIin Let ters of Admiun Istriation or the Estate and effects of Mart Andersor, deceased These nt's thet'efore to dite arnd admon ish atll and sIttgular the kindred and cred iti of the said Mary Anderson, tiedeas ed, that' they be and appear before ine, it the Cour't of Probate, to be held at P'uken r. hfiLL0i4 CELEBRATED A GEN, Mannfactured Mii Peerless Engine, Manufe I have the following articles at the Facto Clod1 Crusher and Pulverizer, This is theo bi Bradley's Reaper. Mower and iay Rake, i The d6eerated Victor One HlorseQ Gramn Dr Automati'd Plantation Gates. Ex-flovernor U refer to Rion. W. 11. Perry for tiny inforntitio I havejust received the Agency f r Nhe Harrow, It has great. advantage ovewthed Ti Call and examine. Iron Fences for Floral 1 Auctioneer an j e 1, 1882 ' ' WHOLES TURNIP Cod rhead G'lcrrs Tis e d Whoite lvr d The GlereenedVire frg, OreeaDi Auoand Ptain Gte Ext~or o Cal Ca x Win. inncestfordr ATTI Anderon'A iltis.ce. a, KlEES COTNTL ON IAD ERLAI .AIOS JAS n ashnyither MeCltnointe Coun . A PAkns If ON T SR.ROUEae inehne fr 000iDr an saifetia gaand Pit~oe aOvects. 88 N*M. C. Winchester Pickensoa' H ih S.hool -ul ock quate iOf Rtis SlEchIaNDitig , ,l idas oa FreeSh, ich hwill as cined as ay Prvte S~col., ne the insuction )l er indsth foloiaepr COq0u(taeno fin edcaygs for eachpupi, pand in advaneti guaranteedhr. fr aeo aeacp .befrrmonis wihte hr to O aboerifdate eate. e ut ape1', 1882 -)N qiighr'Mtemtts fthserho Quairi 6 0 iiental texpetowngses, nerollar por quar -f itly ndce for eah pupil, adi ad~uof bythllenhire pronswot ig h Is ta hargens it usi.~ ilt Witiamet ae oteP~opl PrimBy Dt-e ofahmena, per Qrn....t.. $81 In teriflediate Department per'~ (ci', 4 00 Higher Mutthiemittjos per Quartet', 6 00 r~ Cluisslds, 9 01) Incident at? oxpenses, one dollar per Epuar (Er, strictly In advance, for otiEl, pupil of - tl~e Entli~ sOho~il. EAt,~a dliar gee fbi' Music. All payments made to the l1I'lli~ipal. Il.Y dt~der of t k~ lInn,.d ~ ~ 5LE S. C4 'A EaLF FEEDING" clUTT1 li 41 Sing, New York. tured at Waynesbsoro, Pa ry prices: The Celebrated A--mne Harrow ust implement utt' hiltroddided ori h giantit aindufactutred it Syradetse, Neifork. ill, Victor Ti-ppio fliniged liarrow, Carter' 'l' 1. F. Iperry has two Onl his plaalation.I i As 1o its workinig. saiw of Barley's Adjustable and ReversibI4 omais Harrow. IONAS STEEN. (I <;.mmissl., Merhn... -37 tf ALE LIST MERCHANTS T 9END US YOUR BUSI NESS CARD FOT TRADE LIST. PLOW STn, e OkS Muedattocksyicks.oP us npCoss CurotidSaws, i of oly dthe GodResit I CENS Lot.H.S.. NEWA STEENE Th Wonnol Moeshan< E RCH/IEI ANNETS Til curd tehRADE LomIS SO So ve, nludn shi Spods a Ords!a ,llock, iPsCickinas. Cirdware Cutna Saweens,cie a ser that ther (uus odl'is wit jean o s el God.1 oean6e The gWs nSoeld oceo &c.l(' yor urhsos o d o M. J, SMITH & OO. frens n' te uli ate, the C.v s oc ha. 27, I.r 1881 d 8rui ut in ~' s',,i~ia, .nutd ciii giouriauul ec bargaitis in out tiet~ 111141 fresiti U!)Udsl. Do sure to call. Vout, resr)edIftulhY, oct.27, 1881 8 3m ~ ~ -~ - 1" *WKP V 122IW~ A TTORNBr j 0 (7V0 Uff26A .4T LA Wt ilekens W- m. Ms (Office in School Com naiasionarb Offlce) Will practice in the State add Federal Courts. jan 6, 1882 16 Go. 0. WLLS, 'ro. W TAnoa, JAMus L. OuR, P1okens b: H. 8. ( Greenville. S. C. WELLS, ORR & TAYLOR, ATTORNEYS itCo UNSELORSA TLA IV L1OK ENS 0. 11., S. o. Promt Atteht-ion glVhen to business entrui ted t6 , them. nArch iW, 1884 25 M. F. ANsEt, J E Booau'. Greenville, 8 C. Pickens 8 C ANSEL & BOG CS; ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW PICkfNS C. H., 8. C. OMco in the Court Ilouso. Prompt attentioi given t: all d bii.iiess enb trusted to them. dec 9, 1880 12 The Grand Central --OF Dr J. V. QU1LL1 AN --A T -- EASLEY, . . e c., *tglILL iA VE! I HAVE RECEIVED AND "AVE IN store the Largest and Best Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCIlANDI8E in this place. TO THE LADIES. I would! say that I have just 1-eeivedI 20(6 different. Stylies of lt\~TS abd BONNETS, from 25 cents to $7.~ apiece A nice line of Trlinming Silks and Sait is. 200 Pecies Fine Dress Goods* "0,000U Yards Crtlicoes, Muslins tud Pi ques. My stock of Ladies and Glentlemen' s Shoes is coniplete, at prices that never fail to sell them. A lai-ge lot of Glents Piranw Gbools. Ileady Mlade GJlohinig anul I urnishinug Gbools. 10,000) Yards CasmnerQe, Ji.ans andl Cot . eniades, boughut dlirect fromt mani t'actutrers. Shrir tigs, SheIcI in gs, Y i-n, lbard ware, Glaissware, T'able and Pocket. Cu:lery ini endiess variety. Drugs, Aledicines, Paints, Oil aind Dye Sttt'. A large lot of Ilravy and1( Fancy Groceries Wh len you conie 16 IEasley he sure an d caill ol see mie, andl be conin~ tced t hat I stilli 1lea;d lii low' prices. Ilerjpectil'ally, J. W Y LIEs QUIL LtAN, may 4, 1885 J UST publishe1, a new edition of' D)i. P 't. i C iv :u/Ls t >1elhne iti sssay on thei Wbeaknes:s, liavobouinary S Xen it:rl L!SCs, lim potenicy, iAlental suIl Physiienilt ineaieity. linpedlients t MAarige, etc.; also. Coni sumiptiort, Il jilepsy' id' Firs, i!!luieet by s'elt induilgehmce or Ae'xiual exI ravaganice, ke, T1hec celebraited int hir, in lbis olmirabule Essay, carly tbit o~ ntaes, fron mu ib ir i yea1rs' suIICessfu1 lt rt ice, that mth I i riniing consLieuees ot selt' ahns xe nn b e ra dilnly cured; poi tin g out al ino'de 'f ciuret at one siml~ple, ceri tain, andi ettein I, by nian ns ofi whlich evety suifferer, no in:uter wha~mt. his conidiition unty be. mnay cture hiiinsell' cheap lypivat ely, anod radlicallyv. um,This le'etmre shl~uI be in the hanids oft every' you th a ~l eve.ry inan i in lie I 1t. Sent tiiuler seal, in a plain eniivelope, I. any addhre'es. pssi li, iin rlee it of ix cenuis or t we postag Ie ,tamys. .-\) !A re rTe Otulhert-ell Medlicral C'o. 41 Anni Si., .\ew Yorik. N. V., l~inf'ili ce li0., 4 ,0. jan 5O, 1882 iG1 RKER'S ~; ,<~HAIR . n i. i ti . . rvn-'' e' j~'***i .'..t35cent. 100INCER.A TMC V AnrfO in goa ie faliei tha Mr ve- at't cr -EWa' tem&CLe~w x. im~~ SIf n r illf---ing f it , u n e nei: il PAR$$NEftIL CeuxUMDA; a On and aflo +, gassenlger r4ios *11 i cated upon this Daily, end' so. 62. u?' PA Letivcoolumbia [A] Alstbtif Newberr4, Ninety Si hlodges at Belito at Arrive at Gieenville at NO. 88. DowN, P GsBNG Leave Greetfillea, O Belton at, Hodges at Nitery Six - Ne wberry at Art oh a. , 00 Arve at "obtmbih ] L02 SPARTANI RAJ1, UINION & COLtJ RAILROAD; No. 52 UP P-Ass5danR. Leave Alson 12 54 p (t Strother 28 Sheton62 #4 Sanid 229 Y ?iodA t.' 67 Cnnlo 8 20 p rA Arrve Spartanburg 4 16 to No. 55 DoWN PASS1NUFa Leave Spartan'g R & ) depot (u) I r EPartan'g, 5, U & C depot (0) 1 84d Jonlesville tg Uniuon 64 Shelton5 Stroher - 4 Ip h Arrive at Alston 4 58 p na LAURINS RAILROAIh Leave Newberry uti 4 08 Ui Arrive at-'Lnurens C It ( 49 p ui Leave Laurens 10 08 I gd Arrive at Newberry 12 50 p ni ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Leave Hodges at I 0 p nt Arrive at Atbbeville 28 p tit Leave Al heville 12 10 p Ui Arrive at lhodges 1 00 p Blue lidge R A So Anderson 3rano Leave Ilelt on at 64 p nI Anderson at 6 20 p t Pendletn at U p in Sent~oa [V] 7 80 P i Arrive ait WValhalla 7'59 p ii Leave Wialhallai at b 3t a ni reec [] 10 00 a P'endletonr at 10 83 a uj Andersoun ati 11 ita ii Airive at. lUelton at 11 50 a i TillOUGi (dAR SENRVICE. Solrd artuns betweena Columbia lind Wal hli. Traough cars bt leetl Charleston arid ale and Chiarlecton and Gr'ee0t vi le, obvii ting change d. cars bei weed either of thie alove points CO.NNECTIONf0. &. With S C Railroad fi bina bharlestoi1. W ith Wiliihgon, b~olunr bi'j und Auagust ik Rtailiroad from Wilmnington and al points North thereof. With C e & A Railroad from charlotte and~ all points North thereof o. with A sheville,'and Spaimnabutrg htallroadi for p'oini's in Westein Nothti Car'.ina; C. with Atlanhtai and3 charilotte Dis ision Rich hit und all( piijoihiI ts uth ahid Webi. 1). 'With Atlanta :and~ cha11lot te Divis'iona Richa n oati andh Danyi ille nail1w ay fronia A~ E:. withI Atlanutta iad charlot to Di ision Rt icha mioaud anud D~anvi lle lialiroad for adl pointi s s out h at .d west../ r.withI S C lIn ilrund roi. Chayestenl Wit h Wilmnington. C'olumi ini andl A ngnentL H nili-bad for Wiluaington nad ?Id WithI thlarhotte, columnbia ahd Aibgurei ltiairoai'I for Char~lbt te anud the North a. Wjii h hhevile anud Spartanbt.rg Rtailroid fromtHC h .etaltnv iilba ii. With Atlanita atrol chaltte Division Richs neon1d an td D)~anville Railroad frout charlrotte and1( be*yond St iarulard Thimue used ini Washington, DCd whIicha is titieenii mites fast er thi.n Colutn.~ bia T1. M'. 11. T ALCOT T, G eneral Managet : J Wt Viny, Su perlintendeni A. Port:.0General Pussenger Agi. Rtichmiuonild Daunille it II Change of Schedule. PMBENGER 1;EP~IM1 ENT. On and nfter April 80th; 1889; l'ass.8enger' Trin i Service )i I the Atflanute anid (Charlt te Air Line( dhivisi(n of thet RI ich mond1( anid Danvil R- Ii. wvill be as followi IAANTIWARlD. ~IAlif ANII EXPaLSS NO. fiecite Alltiia1 pn .irrive Gailnesviloe) i Lula !Babunr Oap JIunction 1 l Toccoa ( 0pn Greer.vills~ h Spartanbdurg I o~ (latonaa~a Arrive Charlotte 6 MAI tr, no 8; feave Atlanta400ai Arrive Glainesville ~ 9aI Rlabun Gap Jiinbtioh74a l Toccoa 417iii Sefito ot2 ph Gree08vplIo -?palrlanbIirg124 n Gatonia ~5~pn Arrive. Charlotte4 )r WVESTiVARi I MA~Ii AND EXP~kse RUIb Leave Chanrlott16 C mm Arrive GastOnit 0 . i $paart alhirtr8 f, Grenville f $ Senteca 74 i Toccoal ilot't9 8a1 ltabtai (hap ouhellor Lurh laTh (haineatillo 1 ~ap -\rrive Atlanta a ~ ?2 15 n Arrto les chin5 47 pti &~ptwtunbaar~ 40 p m' (h'cenilh~ i 294 pi4 .1'