The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, June 22, 1882, Image 2

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s-P, ibebslpdIon, 1.0 p#r antsum, for sei at'he, 't gents; srictly in advance. mients Inseried al one dollar per J"Orj of oue inch or less for the fret inertion uad ffljg cen" for each fubsequent iise'ion. Liberal dscount mnade to mercMnts ond owhers advertising.for six wotihs or by the year. ObstUary Notion itd Tribttes of Acep ect thargedfor as advertiseme4.t.. Announcig Cy~didate f-ive dollare, in ad 'The place of meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic and French IBroad Valley Railroad and the Edgefield, Trenton and Aiken Railroad has been changed froin Ninety Six to Greenwood on account of the inability of Ninety Sir to furnish accommo dations tor the meeting. The College. Our editorial in last *eeks issue on the subject of a college at this place seems to have met with unanimous favor in this vi cinity One gentleman has informed us that uton certain reasonable conditions he will take one thousand dollars worth of stock in the building. Another agrees to furnish two hundred tlousand bricks at $6 per thousand, equal to one thousand dollars, nad take the amount. in stock. We heard another gantleman say lie would take five hundred dollars worth of stock, and still atnother that he would take its much stock as any other man. These gentlemen are Mli possessed of ample means and are thor ougiy in earnest. No definite plan for raising the money has yet been agreed upon; neither has the amount. the building shoulicost been fixed, but these and other subjects necessarily connected with the college are being thor oughly and intelligently discussed. Some favor a building to cost ten thousand dol. lairs, while others think a building costing less money, so arranged that it can be ad died to, when necessary, will be sufficient for the present. It is a source of LmuchI gratification to us to know that all the ef forts of the SENTINEI, to build up the mate rial, moral, social and educational interests of Pickens County has met with a hiearty support fronm the intelligent and progres nive portion of our people and the favor with which the proposition to establish a college or an Institution of higher learning at this place has been received by the citi yens of our to-wn andi vicinity, is evidence * ~ that their interest, in this, the greatest of * all subjects-educat io-b-as not fagged in the least, but to the cont rnry has very much increased. With the coantinmued support ot the good people of the County, we shall contintue to battle in the cause of progress in every direction, and hope to see Pickens County, within the next decade, take her duace in thle front r-ank of counties in the~ state. We have ai abutndanice of matiterial to work on. Our climate and soil is un surpassed by any other county in the State, and we have an abundiance of talent now lying dormant which only nteeds the to~uch & of education to develop the genius and forec of a CalhoUn Biut wvhen we look around us to firA native educated men of this Oounty we faIto find hut, the fewest number. WVhy is this? 1s it. because our people have not been possessed of the means with which tt educate their childrenm? No, this is not tin * cause. We know many middle aged ant young men of fine sense and sound judg nitent, patriot Ic and noble souiled, whio hav< niot the advantages of a good commtto: echool education, simply because their pan * ~ rents were not themselves educated up ui lie itnportanco < f educating their children * We have heard honest, well meaning farm ewa may that the only education a farmei * i~neded was just enough to enable him t< 7 'read and write and cipher enough to keei from being cheatal." What a fallacy. N( class ot people need education more. It i! true that some men sacceed in the worb V ~ without" an education; ot hers acqumir an education by their own exertions, ani frequent hy some of our most use ful met rise froni this class, But they are excep tions to the general rule. lo w miuch enisi er it worlid have been for them to becomi useful to their country, or to attain to tfaml and greatness with the~ advantages of thorough education to start with. fThe firs thing to be done is t~o educate the parenta of the County up to the importance~ of edut eating their chtildren. Once this is accom plished the balance is easy enough. Thtert snust be a beginning, and there is no bet ver or appropriate place to start tihan al the County seat. We believe men' of mea ~ throughout the County can be sufliciently y interested in this grand enterprise to make it a success, and that within the dburse of few years Pickens will boast of as fine am Institution of learning as any Coutnty ii Soiih CarolIna. But in the mean time w would ruggest to the citizens of this place ~d viea~y, the importance of enlargin hefacilities for the accommodation of th ha're and increasing school we now have Wqhay* a oorps of compet ent teachers wih Ire deiny their work thoroughly and to th R4~fe~tion of all. It is this sehtol with il 4Agnes that we all desire to see grow int i oolie. Glive them the building an - #.fI4w&y support and we guerantee tlat ~ 9ASigigj for a irat class institution diatthi plce illsotn be realizet sg towokan rst erect a cornto: pg~4b that will accommodate ti - 6ef ho are now anxious to pa ht 'eu as the necessity for geen ii*ation~s and mnore teaohsers arh to imet it. This plan hi tourt mind,, but-.If any or at nioco feasible one we woul 4 . Kirksey, i t. P01u9, . 00 toJ.'. Boggs, We D. Altgeo A. .2 Kelley. htrnates. G. W. 8Ile9, 1 o Mtauldin,V C. Griffin, J. 0. Thompson, 0. t P. Field, C. L. Hollingotrthe W D F Taylor. Mr. H. C. Grady w eleot$d a mem ber of the County Eaeimtive Committee. Mr. Doggs offered the following resolution: "Resolved, That It is the sense of this r Club that the mode of ncminating candi- V dates by primary election sh'ould be adher- 1 .ed to." Mr, Child opp-osed the resolution on The grotnd that It amounted to instrue. tions tv the delegates, and while he indivi dually favored primary elections, he was t opposed to instructing the delegates. After further debate by Messrs. J. E. Boggs, A. E. Kelley, W. B. Allgood, J. H. Newt on I and G. W. Singleton, the resolution was' withdrawn and eac: delegate and alternate requested to state to the Club how they stood on the question. All favored the pri mary plan of nominating candidates, which C seemed to be the unanimous sentiment of the Club. Mr. Child olfered the following ] which debate, was unanimously adop- U ted. "Resolved; That this club hold a public meeting at this place on Saturday the 1st day of July next at 11 o'clock A. M.. and that all candidates in the County be reques ted to be present and addiress the-meet-ing." It is the purpose to have quite a large meeting. if possible, on this occasi3n atind fornially'open the campaign in the County on that-sday. Atlantic and French Broad Valley Railroad. We were gratified to meet Capt. Kirk, Chief Enmgitteer of the Atlantic and French Broad Valley Railroad, in town last week. The Captain was on his way to the moun tains where lie goes for the purpose of a few days recreation. lie informs us that. it is the intention of the contractors to complete the Atlantic and French Broad Road from Aiken to this plice,as rapidly as possible, and that contracts for furnishing cross ties along the line will soon be let out.. The syndicate to construct the entire road has been formed in New York, and they are to be represented at the meeting of stock holders at Greenwood on the 29th inst. The outlook for the roadl is encoura ging and within the next twelve months we hop~e to see the cars running to this platce. Another Black Brute Lynched! A iae~k fiend namtedl Johnv Johnson, aged 17 years, ",utraged a little white girl by the name of Alice McDowell 13 years old, at Rlock 11ill, in i ork County, on the 11thI inst. The little girl, withI others, went out in the edge of town to pick plums, and1 when by herself, was assaulted andl outra ged. 'lThe negro wats arrested and identifi el1 by the girl and placed in the guaardl hcuse, lie ma'do a full conf ession, of the critme to the Mayor of the town otn the eve in tg of h is confineent in the guard house though theit guiilt. wvas fast ened to hinm be y'oind thle shadol(w of .i doubt before lie con, fessed to the Mayor. Abiout 10 o'clock on lie miorning fol lowing, atbot one hundred nmsked men paroceeded to I le guard hotise, overpowered the guard, carried thle negro out anad hiuntg him i to a tree in M aini Street aboumt forty leet roma Ilobert son's IIlotel. When d is.over'ed, his tont~ue was out of his mouth ad his feet were ontly a few inches fr~omi thle grountd. Ii is neck was not brok en, deathI ensuing from st ranigulat ion. Ii is breast displayed a placard upon which was wirittien the fol lowing emphiat mc proclamnat ion 'Our women shall he protected."' The little girl wvas badly hutrt and sutffered miuch pain. The men of Rock Ilill only did their duty. Civil Service Reform. - The IRepublican party jtst before an elec ion always becomes very penitent and proises thle deari people, if allowed to re - lain power for one more term, to rectify patst atbusen and (do better in lie futurhe. .Sonic of the rank and file have been cry, ing lustily for civil service reform, but. what does the leaders care for t hat so long as they can catrry out. heir schemaey by ta king a portion of the salary paid each ofti cer of the governmernt. It is really the government inditrectly paying the camnpaign expenses of the lepublicrn party, llere is -oite of the documents received bay a post, nmatster of this county hianded us by hiim for' publication or such contment as we might thintk necessary. It is needless to say they barked up the wrong tree: IIEA DQUIAnITKis OF THE ltEPUtB.icAN CoN IOR Ess ioNAI. ('o~M mlTTE , 1882. 520 Thlair. teeth St.., N. W., Washington, D. C. W A ra INGToN, 1'. C , May 15, 1882. -Sin. T1his Committee is organized for the protec:' tion of the initerests of the Ilepulican pair ty ini each of the Congressional Districts of the Uniion. In order that it mny prepare, prinit anda circtultte stuitble d~ocumrents ii tustrating the issues which distinguish the lIepublican party from atny othier and may mteet all proper expenses incident to the camnpaigti the Committee feels authorized to apply to all citizens whose principles or tntecrests are involved in thle strniggle. Un der thle circuimstances in whsicl the country SIfinds itself placed, i se Comiittee believes that yor' will esteema it hot h a privilege and a pleasti e to niake to its fund a c-ont ribua SI I tion, a hnch, it is hoped, maty not be less B than $ The Comumittee is authlorized to .statte thiat such voluntary cont ribut ion Cronm persons employed in the service of the Uni ted States will not be objected to in any e official quarter. 4 T1hie labors of the Conrniittee will effect o the result of the Presidential elec. in d 1884 as well as the Congressonial struggle; and it may therefore reasonably hope to thave the sympathy aind assistance of all who >f look, with dr-ead, upon the possibility of ., the restoration of the Democratio party to the control of the governn~ent Please imake prompt and favorable res e ponse to this letter by bap'4 chteck or t draft, or postal money order, Myatble to t hd Sorder of Jay A. lnbuhll, act ig iesrr P'. 0. Lock Box 589, Washington, D U. By eorder of the Committee. 'S D. Bi. initnauson, Seeretary. 4S M":md dogs am pasealg-laround and pattering that futul diseamd. t now of several dogse t6 bAe beeui ittOn that are ruuiig at large. J 1 hilk the good people sh1o(ild make C rule to kill every' dog tMat fs bit l en, whether the owter huas endtogh opect for the safety of the public.A reltaro to want his dog that has t ien bitten killed or not, If the Legislature is u0lted in cx. ra session, I think they Qught to )189 a law, forcing the owner to hither kill or to keep accuroly con Ined every dog that his been bitten y a rabid dog or pay a severe Pon% ilty. I believe that i the only way o get rid of the disease, . James King has hatt a sever spell if fever, but, hats got ablo. to go to 3rovard whore his paienits reside. to will stay there until he recruits Wash Biowen and T. C. Akins ,vent to Hendersonvillo, North Casr" )linat, T. C. A. brought a ludy hmck ,ith 1im from there, and it is just L.llen now, not Miss Ellen. W R. Price has resumed opera .ions at his distillery. 110 con nenced in May. G. W. Taylgr and James X. Kirk. vey coiItomplato building it good 'oad from, or near, W. R. Price's to ie top of the Buld Xnoh, thence to .ho Table Rock. If they go ahead md build the road and puit up a .ood hotel, it will be another Caw lar's Ilend. With the advantaiges A the Atlantic an(] French Broad Valley Railrond, which on the pres an1t survey, will run in oneC mile of tle foot of the mountain, will help Lo make it one of the most impor tant summer resorts in tli- South c when it is built. Pens! have you got any peas you t aanI spareC me3 to r'eplanit ny cotton patchir Ilaus been the cry for two or throo weeks. Go rejgisteri, all ye foldksos, wheth-i or y'ou be Democrat., Itad ical, Imu'~ pe ndtent, Gr een backer', or wh letheri is one,~ just the samoii a t he Gov'ern or's. Ihmflembher t lhe time is on the last of I his month(i all you E.s tattoc mouintaini boys, kis howay) I have it, in Loxim ON. To the Blrethren of the Twelve Milec yriver Baptist Association. 'The Uniion Aluetinig to oppOint thie time and pice for' thle mreet ing' of thec Assocuiationi ini 1883, was~ uip pinited al Etast ForJk, ini the Th'lirdi U111ion Dist rict I hail th!e pleasure'L of visiting thie Trn-lvania. Coun ty Con vgni aion, w here the most of' the chiurchies oft said county met, and in their body they recomm nended aill the clhu reles of said couin t~y to fo rmii t hemiselves inito a C2ounlty Associa, tion, to be known as th~(le Traunsyl vaunia County Association. T1hiey are to meut oni Wednesdaiy before the-first Su nday in ('ctober, before onr time-ours being on1 Tlhursdaiy before the 2d. 1 thiink we huad bet ter' meet and appoint (lie placo in the 4thl U nion D)istrictd, and for ai meeting of this p)urpose, be at Iloily Spr'ings Chaurch, and invite the churchies of the 4th Union District to send up delegaites on Faiiday be fore the fit' th Sunday in Jully next, ando hopei that each church tha~:t. would desiro the body to meet with thsem wiill mannko it k nown i through your a legat(ion. We inivi to the brethren from all the clauirches of the Association to meet wvith us, and we especwially' invito the in listeringI bret biyen to come prepared to stay a few days-we would like to have a rev iva'l. Yours fratoeinally, dJAS. '1. BURDINE. JTudge Cothran for Governor. We publish the followinig enidorso-. montI of J udgo Cot hran, for Gov.. ornor of SouthI Carolina. Mr'. Welc born, wo presume, did not intond the letter for publiention, but as tho comnmendalitionst are' so einent... L ly deserving, we tako the liherty of transfering the lotter' to our columns: liART N's CREEK, OCnNr.E Co., S. ( , J un e 9 th, 1882. To lon. Di. F. Bradley : Uz~R SIR--Being on a visit at this la~e andl seeing your request in the SENTrINF~r, to thbe Democratic voters of Pic kens, as their choice for' ouri next Governor I, as one, give you my)3 choice, wVhich is J udge Jais. 8. Cothrain, of Aa beville. Myl3 knowledz'o of J uded Cot~hbranu only extensiu boek to 1876. 1 then only herd his expressions on theo stand, andl~ from t hat to his poiio naf So. hici tor, thlen to h is J udugshi p. W ith mnany acts of personal kindness, one Qt w hichi was the care he took of old Mrs. Ladd, by secuiring for' her onorntahinc oarnte.r'.i..:n.. Iam.. . a' btrg R own the by dad .h. a a r ed the wooded tert of em inary Ridge, and following Use rtt camne to tho rough patekeon ot' linbr where Wilcox' origade wa hought to havo uiade Its start, The nterest 91 the 8oil thernur deepened, 1ver Porney's niivie featuoes o ring 4hIe btiikof rieognition ase of nQdtW t rtenst. Their ton1gue% 1re tihioted and turned off 1ini, lceiteusrow tremtembered for the first i1me ailce the battle. "Righly henth," said the Alabama jongrosliman, (Pornsley).inl the Gulf, state tongue that. scoinod about us odd to Ponnsylvaiia .eart av4 the Jownast elunciatiot of the MAine :ooniete present; "right heah ty his white oak Go. Lee stood, and t begun, sirs, scaniniig the other Ollers With a' long glass. Caijtain iValteor Winn says, 'General, it s no ise for yoi to st~ay heah.' 'Oh,' says ion. Lee, '1 don't thinok they'll shoot i) innotcent, man.' Just then a bul, et comesi co blip, and I remember, -yes, 1 rectotemfibler-hit the tree ust above hi8 head." This is oo >f a hundred incidentsjuit, as inter lting, few of which iavo found .heir way into pr)int, told a, tile >trty stood it various points upon ho field. While some were humor, ms. am mn y w010 cre' tragic. It ser nous were not fctund in stoeA, trees, e11CO, fieldos and the little pools of pring witer furnished the missing imiks whereby suggestions came. 30.. D. Wyatt, Aikon was not -par icalarly oxcitea until he stumbled ipon a black gum treo, the top hall if which wasu missing. "Now," ho Wxtlaimed, standing baek, his eyes iring with the light of sudden an" ivid recolleciton, "I am as Aertain im I live that I saw a man killed 'ight there. lk) wits anl officot in suimmerio's briga(lo, My 8p11p)ot, and vas, laughiiig and talking with my nen. lie sat down by the side of hat tree, the pietu io of health and callantry. As he sat there a round hot fron a Federal battery eut the ink of the tree off, and, though lie shot never touched him, he WaS lead in a second. The voncuissionl line killed him.' By anonis of' tho reo Col. A icon k fw the position t his troops and could po'nt, out the pot whiero Gen. Sa'mmres fell, woonling inito the death sleep~ while. opefu ally Lying a banidago about. his vcund. ON To THE FE.DERIAL LINE. The Conif.'dorato posi itin on t hait art of L ec's left' w as estabhIishedi ini his w ay, a k nlll suige'sti in g Lih is anil I deli that. ALt every' one' 'f these mriints a smarll stake, (liv ntmht'ed i iind registted, wits dIriveI, uinder 'o . ila'chulIdier's stin Li'v. Intde ed he. ot-ly wvespons nyii'f 1t0hefid weore the stake-dr iver's s1edge. ham ner andt t he canes' of t he ge'neorals. A\iken, , irei seine x hatb h ii ois.. the latter, over the0 griounid of his hiarge, first llhron.!h a wheazt tie'hl, I heon but seeni Meiom ro(ws of corn wl'1iro n110ro stairi's of daing, of ~%Htriumphl ori ofls wer t18lOhl li said Gaen. Brooke, not at all out oi breath fiomi thle long. t rarie ''that. ai hullut hit, me in the ankI& anid then ho exp lamlied how his brigadeJo eamo11 to get ito) sneh a tight place, while Aikin liste1e with both caris for' he illha faced Briooko t hier and1( may havo Hellt t he bullet thit, to--k the itoC of l'ish. C2~tonrs-man11 Shalenberger, you thful in looiks, but L'rave in mannerbi, al'o paidl closit at tention, for he wais witit Cook when that gallanit man was 81.11in just. on the hill a tow hiiundred yards away.1 '- We nire piIred for' the [louse to day, Ai ken,'" he said, "and I begini to. tink we were paired on the 2d of Juoly, '63. This s'illy the party enjoyed, uun md in I that Shaillen bor, ger got a bit of lead im h1i log oni tihe hill in question-a sort of com, pan ion bullet to a mnuch wors~e (Dno that camoe lator in the Wilderness. Anderson Intelligancer: On Sun,% day eveninitg ai miad doig mairde its aip pearanlhce in Bolton, aind aifter biting a litAtle child In the yard of Mr'. Jo'l TP. Rice, pro wled aibout town nearly all nigh', having ai lively time with the dogs of the plac~e, anid ,about dali gh t de(partedh for t~bo couintry'). Four or five miles from Bolton it hit aniother childl, nnd( hate Miondaty aifternoon returned to Bolton, when it was killed. We understand that twenty-five dogs were killed at Bolton On Mon, d1ay. This was rigiht. lI all the worthless dogs in the county were treated in a similar manner it. would be a good thing. In Anderson County, Mr. D. S. Maxwell made 120 hushels of oats Iin one acre of groundl, Capt. JOhpl McGrath 184 bushels of wheat on a halt acre atnd J. MI. E'lgin 86J& bush, ehs of wheat on one0 acre. A Good Foundation. Int American houisehiolds the prevuadlng comvplaints are weakness of ' tihe stomach snd its Q~coeuences; indigestion Nervons laly a good foundation for health by using P'arker's Ginge4Tonic as it tones up the stomsaich 'and nierves, fnnd keeps the kidneys mctive to carry off thie foul mattert.-N- 0 l'icayuue. Keowee Courier: During the ntuli, fication exeitomnent in this State biov. Wilson visited t he up country iin the occasion ot thbo military re views. A politica~l meeting war hold on Table flock. Pumpkintown irtillhery companiy hauled iheir' can ~(~it 1(2 BII~ t~~6 ft ~ fl.uL. .inA 4w..~A t 'TAY ildreon, ting on TL ttlo Itiver i this eounv, wore bitten by a tmad dog on ait Saturdty. LIOL there be a genevist dog killing, as they have had -its A ndorson County, and lensen the great danger of lthaL tei rible dis. atse of hydrophobia. The now crop of ont8 is being put on the market in Abbeville at 85 eents per bushel. , The faet that the Grand Jury by ila presentrinits is ad(ing now cib% prits ro-the Star Route ring, 1iou nLot make thae presett conaph'aters any thu less guilty The trial is its dtnming lat-ge proportions. Beware ofImitations. The delicate odor of Floreston Cologne Is entirely novel. Look for signatures of liscox & Co- N, Y., on each bottle. 4 ICE LEMONADE! ko Cold soia Waelr, AND EVERYTHING NICE AND ClEAP AT 'DRENNAN& BRO'S, EASLEY, N. C, 0 COME YE CANDIDATES AND SET UP T11E SODA WATER-if you would be elected, you must keep cool, and havt a quiet campaign in order to Win. 1-0 DRENNAN & BRO. Have also an excellent OTOCK OF GRO CERIES, Provision , Confections, &t. All of which they propose to sell Cheap fi r CAsh to those who maiy give them a call. june 22, 1882 40 If ST EAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, - COTTON GIS SEPARA TORS, GRvIST YIILLS, FA R RIMPLE'?1ENTH c We are Age'nts foi- the following C7elebra ted Machlinerv: Farq hair's IIloriz..tal V'ert ical St eamn En. gihei, Satw NIills and~. Separato 'rs. G' 'llot t's Iiprove.l - iagnotia Cot ton Gin with Self I'eede.r aml ('onden'er. Aas. Uiiveradtly Popualar Excelsior CmiOttn t; ins anrd G riwold Cor ton Gin with1 Se:f [feed -rs ad ('ondetnsers. Grist ~. .its, n alkintg antd Riding (1ulti.. vata rs, R..tpers, Alowersi antd A gricui urali Iiplements gener:ally. It wiltl)pay every Farmer who makes on his planttion)i 15 Wales of Cot ton to buy Ioe of IFarq' har's Ver. ical Stea Ei I ngtaaes and a Cottotn Gi. TJh is ma1 kes an nutfit wvitha but little cost, and yet every peart of the macaahinery is maidet ot first cl~ss materiatl, which makea4 the Engine just ats enda'ratble as ai more ex pensive mactine, anid is more'simpa1le and much easier to manmiage, Such as Ginning and Threshing, Vertical Engine is Preferable. We have soldl these Engines for the past t wo years, aind in every particular they have given entire sat isfact ion. We will give every Ma~n to whom we have sold as reference. We-can furnish either of the above Gine, and will Guaranutee the outfit to perform Its duty. The amount saved by Ginning your Cotton at home will Pay a good Interebt on this investment. Sen i for price lists. i. H. Morgan & Bro., GR EENVILLE, S. C. june 22, 1882 40 2m A Bridge to Let. COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, PIUKINS C. II., 8. C., Jane 20. l882. I W ILL miee t the Cotmmissioners of Oconee County at the Covered Bridge across Kecwee river, near Old Picketns, on I'riday, the 14th day of July next, at 11 o'clock A. MI., for then purpose of Lettinag the Repair ing of said Blridge. Plan and specifica tions will be made known on daty of Letting out, the Biridge, LAIBAN MAULDIN, C ommissioner Pick ens County. june 22, 1882 40 8 Notice to Creditors. Marthaa,Smaith, et al. aganst Amanda L. P URSUANT to a Ilecretal Order', madte in te above statedl case, and signed by the lHon II. C. P'ressle~y, on the 6th day of Iune, 1882, notice is hea'eby givetn, re quairing all and sittgular the creditors of Govin 0. 8muith, deceased, to prove their demL~andls against the sid estate, belulreame, on or before the 1st. dauy of August next, or be barred of all beent, under ge proceed ings herein. J. J. IsE W I8, I~feree, June 15, 1882 89 Ow Notice to Creditons. Amanda C. flamtlt4d, against A. M~oD. flramillon, Iussail Wioclife et at. -) URISUA N't to a )gtetaI Order, masde In I. he. aboe. st at , ase, and 'signed by die Hon. 13. C. Prvely, Presiding Judge. nni the 7th day af JtUif. 1882, nostia Is BOWAN, m date to the Dernoi aiMenos6t, o at Ihe pr1i eryl election. Ti annIutenu Is -made #Ilk. ut the knowledge of Col. Bowax, best bis friends bavinguA abiding fdith in his di. interested patriotiomn, mnake it, believing that he cannot and *tt but refuse to be Coine the People's tadidawt - VOTERS. SW That bL W. T WIELD is a tnan of ability, all adMit. His integrity and purity of, unassailed. That he has claitus upot, the Democracy of Piekeha County eqital, if not superior to those of any other nab, ho one oan deny, He 1 ino tiie server, no policy inan, no dengogue, and while he is no offioe seeket, his friends have obtained is assent to allow the uve of his nate as a candidate for the Senate at the approaching pritnay election. .He will make no canvass, because his reoord -6well known. But his friends will prebos his claim with vigor. For the Legislature. So FrLLOW CITIEENS: Take notice that' I J. LOOPERt am a candidate for Repre sentative of the people of Pickens Coun.y at ensuing electioh, sibjeot to WILL of the PROPLK at General Election. For Probate Judge. & The frientd. of J. 13. NEWBERY respectfully announce Lhim as a candidate for Probate Judge of Pickens County at the ensuing election, subject to nonination by the Demo::ratic porly at prifiary election. W The ftinds of J. H. NEWTON re spectfully annotuince him as a candidate for P'robate Judge of Pickens County at the next ensuing- election, subject. to nomina tion by the Denucratic party at primary election. For County Commissioner. *a. The friends of 0. P. FIELD respectfully #ttlounce him as a candidate for County Commissioner of Pickens(County at the ensuing election, subject. to a nom inat ion by thec Demiocratic party at primary election. 36. The ninny friends of LAiBAN M AU LDIN resapectfully announce him as a ewthdidate for re-election to the office of Comunty Conii.ioner of Piekens County at. theo next ensuing elect ion, suil-jet to nlouinatioun by thle Demoiicraitic -party at p~rima~ry election,. The record1 of .\r. M1.5U. iuzi forces us to ma~ke this anunouAcemnent. Vo-rms 3'7~ The friemis or E[lI.\S DAY re-. specu fully atnnounce himi. as a candidate for re' elecsion to the office of Coutnty Comm:au siotner of Pickens County at. the ei~aing elect iotn, subj' et ib nominat ion by the Ltem '.cratic party at priaury election. & '.hae frier.'Is ot A. 1i. TA LLEY re spectfually annou~tnce himi as a candida-e for re-elect iona tn tie oilice nf (Xounty C ammi~S, stoner 'of Pickens (souanty at' the next en siting elect iotn,subject tonminat iotn by the Denmocratic piar ty at primtuary elect ion. For School Commissioner. gr The friends of 0. L. D)URANT re~-jpect fully annttounice him0 aas a ctanduidsate for School Conisniasioner of Piuicns Conliwy at thu itutx ensuitng election, subject to nomination by the Democratic party at pritazry election. For County Treasurer. EE The friends of JOllN H. BIOWEN respectfully antnounce him as a candhidatte for recotmmendation to the offiee of Treas urer of Picketh6 County, by the Demoucratic party at primary election. For Auditor. 3g" The friends cf JO8EP11 B. CLYDE respectfully annonnee him as a candidate for' recommnendlation again tot the office of Auditor of Plckens County, hy the Demo cratic party of the County at the ensuing primary election. Dr. Westmoreland's Tetter Oilntment. DR. WEST MORLELA ND'S TETTER OINT MENT will cure all Skin- Diseases, such as Tetter Worm, Ring Worm, Scald Head, Barber's Itch, &c. MANUrACTURED AND) rOX SALEBDY WESTMORELAND BROS., Wholesale Druggists, Mansion House Block, Greessville, M. O. For sfttsb.ay J)R. J. W. QJUILLAIN, Esaley Station. june 1. 1882 37 Om BTOCEEOLDER'S EMBETI1M. Under and by virtue of the provisions of the Second Section of an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the congolidatltin of the Atlantio and French Broad Valley Railroad Company and the Edgefield, Trenton and Aiken Riailroad Compan and other Corn. panies herein named, &c. Approved Jan. nary 81st, 1882. All persons, Corporations, Towshlips, and MunIcipalities holding shares of the@ capital stock of either the Atlaatie and French hiroad Valley Railroad Company or the Edgteid, Tretnton and Aiken Railroad Compahy, are hereby' notified to meet, ehh er Ina person or by duly authorised repre sentatives at Green Wood, South Carolina, on the 29th dasy of June, A. D 1882, at 12 o'closk M. for the pturposes of etr'ing the onmsoiiqalicin of said two Railroad Cong~a nis nder the said Act, approved January 81.1t 19090 CLQTHiN !U -0-o --NG OUR Mt. GWINN HAS RETTJRN D from New Yqrk, where he in person *iente4 the GOODS now on sale. They u16 prgti uid the PiV1S' ar' right. - Just Think of It 100 Suits Complete for $8.00 119 Suite Complete far 4.50 180 Suits Complete for 6.00 85 Suits Complete for 8.00 Suits in abundance. Suits to pIeaas~. everybody at all priees, from the lgwen prices mentioned up to $84.00. We 0410. please the most fistlious; we guarantee i fit; we have the latest styles. 64 Dozen of the Famous KirkpatrQeI Shirts, both Laundered and Unlaundesroi. at. popular prices. They are the beat. Siet,' in the market. It will take but one ( to convince. The fit is perfeot. Collars and Cuffs by the 1000 The very latest styles, Hosi0, oves) Handkerchiers, Cravats, Tkt, .ffwtrellA 1 &c., to suit all elasses. Don't. buy a Hat without first inspecting our stock. It will pity you. We can please an old man. We have the Nobby -iats fot the young men. We cant mn iss the buye. Our Goods are bought for ctsh. Mono* always his the inside trik, so we are in position to offer BARGAINS! C'ome along anda get them at Mg2KA HA:V & (GWIN!~s P: F. FARtMEI'S OLD' STAND), GR~EENVILLE - .- .*C atp20, 183 a Stabte or Montla Carollu* Cutirry or PICKENS. IN COl'RT OF t O\IMON PL~EA8 Dru Anns Lee. PIihtiff1, against Na ~y Edesu. Johni Edes, Wishiaaa J. la~hgasi1 llufus Dsuam, Ehatiui lturhamt, Niaanau Jaunes.i~ Malid.a Edeas znnel.L. II ..tohnsont Dl.efendants -C8Ms'L.sis-r run ItEkE, t TO the Defenidents above n:umed 0 OU 'are hereby sUaiioed nad rertuiredl .1to answt~' t~he txomuplaini in theI alI.OVe statiedl nat ion. w hich is tileda ina the ot1110u of lie Ulerk of. thle Coulrt of Caon iionl Ples fote l'Ieketi~s otnte, adin seravea co epy oft suibbcribers, sat their t'tlice, eat Packenss C. II , 8 (i., withlin t wenay el-ays atfter tiw, serice heot-cof, exulhttisie of such services, sand itf y ou tall to auts wer t lie cam(>l a it. withlsi thbat. t imec thle Paaiatcitf ini this ae-a tiont will apjaly to Ih lo 'urt for lhe relief d.eanaded in the comaplaintw. [L S ) J. J LEW IS, C c p. NORTON, K(Elfii & HIOL LINGSWORT H, Plaintiff's Attornecys, TO the tDefendltnt, Elminn tUnrhamn: Take notice thz, the comiplainit in this action was filed In thes ojiice of tine Clerk of the Court, of Cominon Pleas fur Pickens county, on the 20th daty of April. 1862, sand thatb the objects of said actton are to partitwun or' sell the real ceint~e of Faeny D~urhamr, de ocased, attd settle the estate by paymaent of debtgj and distribution thereof according to law. NORTON, KEITH & HIOLLINSWORTH, Platintiff's A torneys. june 15, 1882 809e E. W. Marshall & Co. Wholesale aid Retail Dealis In. Perry Building, Next to Yerguisoni & Miller's, GREENVILLE, - - S.C Samples Sent When Desire' may 4, 1882 88 . ly NOT71C1 OF FINA L 8ETTLEMENT. Notlus Is bsreby asiVen, that~ I wiltap ply to 0, f.. LDU'Iint, P'r. 'te Jtutge ('dy Picekens County, on Saturda, 22d1 day o( July, 1882, for leave to nn. he a - settlement with my wards, ioh4n P/ 1* Boggs, Thtuas ii. Bioggs, andi Josie De horton, and ask to be discharged ther.ev from an G uard ian. EA. K. DJOGuI8, Guardlien4 June15, 1882 89) 5 Errors of Yeiuth,~ A GENTLEM AN who sun'ered foe yeaft from Nertous Dehillfy, Prematur# Decay, and all thle e0'ests of youth~ful indlIs oration, will for the sake of sufferlpg hut inanity, send tree to all who need it. the re cipe and direationsi for maklng the simple remedy by which he Wuas cuted. Suffererd wishing to profit by the adtertiser's exz~e. rience can do so b'y addressing In perftet, onnafdence, JOHN ii. OGDEN, 42 Cedar street, New York. feb 28, 1882 28 To Con inptees, pH IE advertiser hiavinig been perma r .cured of thatI dread dliseaee, Co'~ia tion,, by a simple temiedy, is anxio o maske known to his felhow sufferere er