Methodist..4..,v. B. P. IL. Elwl, seond3 Babbatitl ieh 4tonth at 101 o'jook A. x. Rev. OlAn L. Duuait, 8d abbath S11 A. k. Rev. 1.0. Grabamn, 4th Sat*st* at 8 P. K. rebteran-Rew 49agh VeLee. at. the Netbo4Iit church, s 4th Sabbath at 11 6'elook a. m Baptist--eedohwChurob. Rev. W. B. Single ton Pastor. let 8qbbath and Saturday beftore in each nonitht 11 oeclock a. m. Col. O. P.' Field has our thanks for a delloibus water-melon. The work on the stroots has not been completed yet. Sap-,suckors at this season are corn shuckers. Ono *111 do more mischiot In a corn field than a pig. Miss Minnio Righter of Charloston Is spending the summor with Miss Lu. cio Hiagood. Go it! old baoholors, the summor is past, the harvest is nearly ended and you have not tied a bundle. Attention is called to the notico of the Connty Treasurer which ap poars in this issue. If eombody don't got married, tho livory stablo men will havo to bring in another horse. A heavy gale blo'v all last Satir day, attended with considerable rain on Sunday. Dr. O'Neal and Mr. Willie Flint, of Charloston, spent a few days last wook with Col. J. E. Hlagood. They think Pickons is lovely. Mr. Walker, from Enstatoo is a fine walker; he walked up and treated thi offloe to some very nice poadkes last Friday. Somo want "Rog Up" to be ex, tended to the Stato Ijiie, Rome want to the Oolonoy, and others want, it to stand. aR it is. Our yooing friend Jame:-s l. 0. Thompon paid Cent ralh visit, last Frihiy and brought back a load of Tl ho uLandii~ plan11ter' who has aU5~ smiall eroi1 and no corn to sp..'ak of mnus4t bec ru >And(ttor hiavin t he, "blch" jus~t Ai, a eetin held1 at olKoo i hus wefei.:hten ncessionsM to tih.. chwh)o1pofessono aith1riu and Ii ve 4by ter A correepondlent lunf'.rma nia thatiat n protracteod moeoting held an Prat,.r's ( 're..k las~t w"eek 'di ee'n ,m mber. were :uMuod by e'xperioence, fivo by luttor an i ,wo by) i) recant,t. '1 At the Q iatLcr ly Meoting hl.1 a! 1M)ensville last Sahath, iter. Elwe~'lI p renced an) iteot(' inig sermon. Dr. Jotios was1 no.t ab'le to attendl~ on ac nou of sioknoss. Tho bottom corn inl this County . v/!C akea fCtll average crop; the up, M -ted is short, but we never count on for miuc'h. The~ tarmor :' the South who can b efore hm:. growing on his place, cr- (trop tlht will allow him to iI th:'o'bnd of bushels, this year, hto be a happy man. There are such farmers. * Some wicked hand adminisleod p)oison) to Col. J. (3. T~hompson's (log lnst week, from the oflootsa of which it died. Ten ducks and several chickens became the victims of the same mali cioneS deed. Human life might be ta ken by posson givon to poultry and the midnight assassin is not worse than he who gives it. Col. W. K. B3radley, the President, anl apt- 4J W. Kirk, the Chief En, gineor of ftre Atlantic and French Biroad Valley Railroad passed through town lnst Irriday on their way to Asheville, North Carolina. Major .0.. F. Bradley joinoed themi at this .place. The trio are a good team. It they pull together thoir entorpriso will certainly feel their stre'ngth. We hea'rd a gentlenman say the oth or day that Mr. E. F. Loopor's Cotton was so rank and heavily boiled that ho was obliged to prop it up with lorks. Ho'said ho himself saw the Cotton with the props under it, and r/ov~ could prove what he had adby Creditable wtess nta of' this idioating a half crop, as somo predict, t Ltink it looks more liko a oropgnd a hll.. 'A townsman 'Maoso corn seems to be tne rondezvoi t i tho loose mules, cows an d h Uants pormis - iorV from the owners of said animals to bon,-d thu noutle'p r ~D.D- . klxp*Inood Sales. ~wn,8 whisi4 w knr*n In Pick.. Ans Ounty. Apoty to -r Gasaiz.L: (3 UOTUIG HouSI, A. WSENTIIAL, Managor, Greenville, S. C. the wood-pookers are very bad Qn oor in hi, vicinity this year. One of our young lawyers has been trying his skill as a marksman on them and with the use of a pound of powder and four pounds of shot, ho slooooded in bringing down four of them. We ad-, vise him to join somirriflo tenm and go to' the next inter-national glass ball match. OuR STREET.-Tliohandis wore no tified to work the stroots hast Tue% day. Wo trust the work will bo car, riod on to completion. Nothing makes it town appear more dilapidated than rough or carelessly worked strocts rind side walks. Four young mon that loft Central last f'all for Arkansus, aro all coming book this fall. Ono of hom has come and says that tho crops re all parch cd and burnt up, and that one of his comrades is now picking eotton for a farmer out there to got motey to come home on, and that Pices County, S. C., is the best country in the world. Ayer's Aguo Curo should bo in ov ery housohold in regions whore Fover and Aguo provail. It should bo tak on as a preventive b overy rosident, and travoller in malarial districts. Shrinor's Indian Vormifugo savod threo thousand children from disease and death. It, is the wonder of the age. It will not doocivo you. So many children suffor with worms and the symptoms arn so well undr stood, that it, is tinncoessarv -to do, scribothem. When theso sylmptoms are visbil, uso Kaiuquita In dian Worm 'ellett antd savo your child. Price 10 and 25 cents per box. For salo by Dra.1J. W. Qumilliani, Easley. Order the M A8)N & .ILAMLI N BAlIY OI10.\N Iromj 1%lSMITIIit IUste I .lOUsE G tu-: iN vi .ita:, S. C., anid savo frighIt. Priece, $22. STATS or Sou-rna CanoiOJna, C'ohnnbia., Auagust 12th. 1 S81. Wh'loreas, inaforamation has been received1 at this Depari'tment, thant anU atrocious nmrdler way committed in Pickens County on lho 20thI day of July, A, D., 1881, upon the body of Thaoanas L. Urnyton, by somne person unknown. Now therefore, I, Johnson llaigood, GJov ernor of theo State of South Carolina, in order that justice may be (done amid time majesty of the law vindicated, do hereby offer a reward of TWO HIUNDRED~l DOLLARS for tho ap prehension and delivery in any jail of this Stato, of the said person engaged in this out rage, with proof to convict. In test imony whereof, I hereunto set my hmand *nd caused the great seal of the State to beC af (.A J fn Odl, at Columbia. thmis 1 2th (day of A .S August, A. D., 1 88!, and in the one luidre an sixth year of tihe in JlINSON IlAG)OOD, Governor. Bly thme Governor: R. M. Sim. Secretary of Plate. au g 18, 1881 .19 The MIate ot South Car'olina COUNTY OF .P[cKEN*4. IN COURT OF COMMON PLEA8 Mary C llencdriCksi, Pla10iniff, lgainsat Ilest or Richardison, as Execuatri x oftIh last18. wvill and Namnnai K Richmards'on, Ida (I Itic& ardson, Baulah I Richardson, Cirrie RLichardson, Noahi T.1 Iichardlsona; time personal represen. tative of gharles P R Iichaardsoni, deceased1, when appointed; Mat thuias li ichardson)i, Ei bert N Rtichardsonm, 1 'larko R ichardson, Charity IE McDaniel, Eniochi 1 Richardson, Thomas J1 Richardson andl Francis lR Rich~. nrdisona, Defenademnts. --CoM r'.A tNr FOR. REa LirV, &c. To them Deofendants above named: OU are herchy unmm ioned and1I'C reinit ia to answecr the comp jlainat ini this act ion, which is filed in the ollice of mime Clerk of' th Court. of Cornmmon P'leas for Pick ena County, and to serve ai copy of your amas wor toe the said comnplaint on th suoAmbscriber B at their othice at Pickens~ (. H., 8. C., withIiin twenity days after time service hereof, excin, si Ve of suIch se rv ices, andi if you fail to an - swer time coimlai;int, ivit hmi in tat time, ime PlaintifT in the nel1ion wili apply to the conrt for thec relief deimnded ini thle co tmlaint. NORflTO , Kl~Il & I1t0bblNGSWVORTH'[, P'hainitifl's Attorneys. TO I hea Dofendants, Claurk li icharudson, ('ha~r son: T1'ake notice that complainut In thIais a0 tion was filed in the ofiic of thme Clerk of thea Court. of Common Pleas for P'ickens 'c~ ont y. on thec 24th day of August 1 i88; ntd thiat ihe objects of said action areoan accounting alnd settlement of the ostato of Noah T. Rtichiard son, deOcalsed. NO') tON, KEITII & tTOLLNoSWORlir Plaintif's Attorucys. Mept. 1. 1981 r-, ( Da1mro Clothinj !uas S. BRAFM AN. GREENVILLE, g. C. WE DRAW YOTJR ATTENTIOM to tbo fact that wo aro ro coiving daily big *r lots of all ani WViaIor Olothinj AND OUR STOCK WILh Dl i complete by tho 1t of Soptoinbor. Como1 an1d oxamino o1r sqtock, i will uIe-ly pay you. Our stock wil bo largor than evor, Remember' wO arc seiling to yoF CLOPii ING at pIricC othorT orchanti pay for it. Don't miss the iac, look for th< sign, Baltimore Clothing House IN THE Clevelandtl 13loc1k, Manager. Mercliant Tailoring a spcCinlLv. aug 18, 1881 49 WESLEYAN -FMALE INSTITUT3 STAUNTON, VriRGINIa. Opens September 2th, P481. One of th FIRST SCHOOLS FOlt YOUNG LAlT" IN TIE UNITIW) STATES. Surrouiding beautifuil. Clitiate unsurpassod. Pupil from seventeen States. Terms1 a1nT1g Ile best in tlie Union. loard Washuing. English (oirse Latin, Frencl Gern-11 , InstWIrumn'tal Mii k,, &c., for dcho lastic year. froi Sulp teniber to .J no, .*2:' For Catle vwue t0 r v: 1 W A, Al is, 1D. )., P ehe t STAUNTON, VIR? IN IA. july 7, 1'.9 e, %emttn Fever, Duu ge aPricl orca11 Ulitt er, a all~r ftrnic, had ulsaraned catsedy ond th kand eluorins, andt cornesso the vere anI temiti es, rnlyb Apremo tioscaf sorr sy~npoms F, ih terl. nae inhalu paSroxyrSmI succeep~tiei b trighfteverail pofse persiat in.e this aftI s ~t' lg f tat uinie, parse-i the buai lo I most cdes of the "Fvra Bitl as"and. "N Ton~iiies," in e market.'iiii l rpaaions ofmade R~ roms lil thesomi a~ n may break' thecll'~8, o1 notI ce by pisoni fhew syristem prducing quiism dIzzms, trtmging fint that ias, arch vei an oter isordrs moiiros formi tdabo tha the iseasf they weere and Tho rnpay raias thesen froxtieo po nl fa rom the cstlm, ado alway cures~u JOSinthe sstcaes. prodcoin lslfno uinzines, rinral orn things theadcnhe injnre) theu most disente theyt and its crowing 1.xce.lne Arao's Acertaity toeruhisthatlict les the nsystem aso .free fromi dhi seni, asbeor1 theWil atuaes tor Liver Cants Atnomtn's Aa,) qiiry appa raus or ive otig that cndonl whur ich pro.delcthe comtlant, andt tWciei arratt it when~ tken' accoring PorPAED BY DR. J. C., AYE &im' CO., Pracitm. il and AayticaOIIli lihe it, to tiLowelliMass. BOLD) BY ALL DRLUOGIOTS LEVERY~VnERE. P'ickmns I IiCgh S4chool) EC~lSESSION begins Suh August Jbnu'oarCresonalhe. T1uition per inonthI o 20 diiys. IInl Prinari y (ClIS, I. 00 in P'repoaraory CI-m'', 2.(I0 For piartinci lars, a' hlress Iihe Princ ipl,1 Pickenis C. 11., 8. C. Lily 41, 181 44 g -lINDIAN* I guarantee IR1 NERl'S INIAN VERMIIFUGEJ to dlestroyndu~ expel Wornm, I frnom tihe humnan body, niecord~ing to thme direo. ttoins. It is a~ sa'u and re. rliablo remedy. FOR SALE BY ALL. DRUGGISTS "a~ AND STORE KEEI'ERS, ~~a vid E, Foutz, P'rop, *A LTIORLE, MDl. i. Not ic. i'; her'eby given thoat I will npple >f tIhe cuale , of . xv \W 1i 'N I P N lltI( '((8 \l inlor, C'n the 1Uth dL(ay of 8eteimber, 1881 ul i ak to be~ dlischar e-l I herefrom.) NI A\ AS:. TRI?'I' S:ie (a llL n..__ d: . --0 BP2CIA aU QpFft --0 CuB Phicel AdB Tkol Mdi Oi, -0 A lIttle Cash Down, and Balance when Cotton Coniaes Is. During the months of June, July, August and September, we will sell 1lANO$ and ORGANS, either new or sicondianid, to L responsible parties, at LOWEST CASHI PI' CE-S, payable 10 Cash 0n1 an Organ, $25 Casi on a Piano. 3 And tho balance in THREE MONTII3 WITHOUT INTEREST. -0 Installment Buyers. To accommodate those who can 1notipay all Casfi in the Fall, we will, during thl1e months of J une, July, August and Sept ember, soll'at our One Year Plan Price. As per Price List, and receive as follows: $10 Cash on an Organ, $25 Cash on a Platno, With one-third of the balance on Three months, one-third in six months, nnd the remainder in one year. H. These Ol'rers are Good Only until October 1st, 18S1. L. E. NOIIYCE, Or' MeSMITII MUSIC hOUSE, - Greenville, S, C. junc 31, 1881 4 . 0 QnN!! I AM TIllS W ElEK 1llLNIS ING AMY Stock. Myv traide ha s bueeini unusuay birge tis Spin~ ig, nnid 1 amii enicour oged to oifler my fiends'l stiln lower prices. After all, L()W4 PRI 1 ES Is thne Ieiy to Sunccess. Whlen you hear that IIORTON will ''Bust'" heennise lhe sells too low, remember that my loss in that respect is miy patrons gain, anid that~ I can work for luss profit than most To give you an idea, I will show this week another lot of Shmoes at 63 C'ents per Pair, Lot Lawns Figured at 6 1,2 Ceunts, Worth 10 Ceunts. MY LA RGE SPRING STOCK OF CLOTJ[, -NG is ent irely exhausted, arnd I have now on the road a Well Assorted New Lot If you think these specimen prices are "Unait s"'---whiy jutst try thle 'balit s' and noth ing Luk sa Fool.-l Uck' a EWroE jun e( 2, i881 38 Barnum's Hippodrome Seei ini P'ieken ha' s just airriv'ed. Anm iivi~ I various Aric les; ini Ihis lhow utmil whtichi can be pu rchiased aut thie LOWIVEST' C.\ SItl Un.. CES, are all kinids of Staplo and Fancy Dry Goode, HIATIS, C APIS, 11l0 ES, FANCY AIRTICLES, TOuI 8O.\Pi' lIf.\ E DWA EIX 1J lULl V, all kindsli of I roecries nieedled for faily ire. lIn fa1ct everyithinig kept in a First lrInn( General Aler chaiinin ise Eta~l i ihmenC anir h e Qound I (erc at bottomri prices. Fl ESII CORN MIEAIL will always he fonnd on hand for sailo. T111 ~ i )IMV en i he. foundi ( across thle st reef oppjos!:te thle C orli IonseQ, at Iho OF' Griffin & Newrerry. AGENTS ALSO FOR DIXIB GUANO. ian 6., 1851 U, -. 71,, PASSENGER DAPART NT Change .of chedule., On and after June 5th, 1881, Pawsger Train 8ervice on the Atlanta and Charlote Air Line division of this Road will beea follows: EASTWARD. UNITED STATBS MAIL no. 48-[A] Leave Atlanta 4 00 arm Arrive at. Lula (it) 6 64 a rn Arrive at. Toccoa (F) 8;14 amn Arrive at Seneoa (0) 9 20 a m Arrive at Greenville (u) 10 58 a m Arrive at 8partnlburg (x) 12 14 p m Arrive ai Gastonia (I.) 2 3 p ; .rrive at Charlot to (A) 085 p a r Y :xREnUS-No. 47-[nj Leave Atlanta 8 15 p Arrive at. Lida 50p & - Arrive af. Toccoa 'r 5 p 'a arrive at. 8eneca 8 40 p rw Arrive at (rCeeivillo 10 20 p m Arrive at part:.Ianbur;g 11 40 p m Arrive at (ast onia 2 1: a to Arrive at Chtarlotte ; 15 a m U H FASr MAIL-NO Leave Atlanta C 30 p M Arrive at. Lula 9) 00 p 1)M Arrive at Toccoa 10 1G p m ArriVe at. veneca l1 25 p Arrive at. Greenvillo 1 00 a ir Arrive at. Spartanburg 2 11 a m Arrive at Gastonia 4 31 a m Arrive at Charlott e 6 8 a ma W' STWAI 11) IT S :. IL-No Leave CharloItCte (m) 12 30 p n Leave astonia: (1,) 1 97 p m Lovac Spart anburi11g ( tn) 851p Leave G reenville 07 p in Leave Seteea ((:) 51 1 In Leavo Toccoai (r) 8 011 M Leave Ldla ( S) I (; p in Arrivo at, At1:rta 12 30 a n Leaive (1lmr1lot to 1'2 483 a Ma Leave Uti1 13 p M Leave !4par)i'tihrg 4 Oil a III Leave Greenville '5 18 a m Leave Slcii 7 02 a ni Leave 'J'oeea 8 16 a In Leave Lulzi 9 31 a in Arrive at Athnta 12 20 p in 11 S FAST DMAII,-NO 50 [C] Leave Chuarlot i. 12 33 a in Leave (astonian I1 07 a m Leave S"partanbiirg 3 V, a mn Letve Ureenville 4 21 a M I.aVe 8eneca F7 at m Toceoei 8 15 a mi Leae Lula 8 09 a mn Arrive atL Atlanta 12 20 a ma Lev Charlit to 12 iiigIra o3eoga men tLeave a tonA & VI'07 ar m1 Lave Spa anhurg t 'iiao 12 ga Cm. t rriv, A lPana XV 3A5 a mud [ uA~] wvithI arriving traina of Georgia Cen-t { Ij Jwith IAort.hieast.crun Railroad of (Ia. to anid tromi Atlbens, (Ga [V] n~ith .Elber'ton Air Line to'andI from Ilbert on, (Ga G it it 'ol ubia and~ Greenville to and fromt Dohualaia and Chanrlest on - [I] withi '.(huni), anud Greenville to and rin OI1olthia and (Charlesteci [ N w it h Spartanburg and1 Asheville, and prt:aburg, Union anid Columibia t o and 1 romt1 lemilersoni and Asheville, and Alston alitil ('oltlitia [ L] wvit hi (hest er and Lenior Narrow Guage to anni fromt Dallas and Chester [M] with U C & A-C e._. & D and A 'r & ,o for t pont West , N ort and 1( EaIst Puhilnan Sleping Car Service on Traine Nos. 47 and 48. Daily. without change, be tweeni Ath1anta and New York. A. POPIE, Ocni'! Passenger A gent P>IGPAY ui a"^med n~ inher of acet ive, entergetic buLsiness eanvass .to ( enugiare in a pleasant. and pirofitabule bnuiess. Glood mn will find this a rare chance To lMake lioney.. Such wiill please answer tis advertisement by letter, enclosing stampj for reptly, stating whatd business they have beeun engaIged in.. None but those who mean business need ap ply. Address FINLlEY, A RVEY & CO., A tlanta, Ga. F OT7T z "s HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS 7.. -~ V ill oture or preont 1nI-sotn. No liaTR:i wil d10a of Coul.i ,U orz or LUNG Fa~ V i0, Ift ti ty':i llI'o drR nrto tl.aert ina time. F iutz't l')owers~;willenrenOtl preveni I Ion CROLRn u/'11,1 l'"w~Iers wIll prevent (lAri'n IN yow L. Powdtt. L'(O will inerenwr the qtuanity of milig 'eI twenty per cent., and uniaku the butteor flrw l~'. ownera will curn or p'revent alost EvagY HOtT. to; inwhien fio'.e edm Cttle airo subiket. FOrTz.', l'owmens v WLL OtvlC SA'V1OyAOrsom( old overy w here. DAVID 35. FiOUTiz, Proprietor, For* :uale by D~r. .J. W., QU 111L1A N, Easley I 4AR MO1~N XVI1EEL'r, 4GreaItest Wh~eel of' thme Age, For Sal.o by ('reeuuvifle. ,i. O, A I -S(0, It IEA I El I N ST EA M 1N ('I N.198. A WV .10112, COT'1TON (UN 1'illCSSW, SEtWING M1A. ( IN ES, &c. .uig 12, 1880 47- 14 ATTfYRNBFt PICKENS 4 Prornpt attention givendeae to them Aaroh 10, 18 J. S. Co'unAN, jf. w, A m Abbeville 8,0. 1 roevlle, Of '0 OOTHRANATEL &E ATTORNEYS AND COWNIBELORS A$ 41r PIOENS C0 2 . 0. Offlco in the Court Houso. rmpb attention given to all basinep en trusted to thmon dec 9, 1880 12 R. A. CHILD, ATTOiREY 4- COUNSELOR AT LAW P IC K E N 0. 11. S. ., y Will Practice in all the Courts of tie Stato and Courts of the United States, for the Die trict of South Carolina. In cases reqtiuiring it able Attorneys will bv associated with nre. jan 6 1881 #J AVIDILANDRLEE * B0N5 Pligla pE2 Columbia & Greenville R J PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, COLUIIA, S C., Aug. 8d, 1881. Oni and after Thursday, Ang. 4th. Jim, paO* enger traims wilt run as herewith indi. cated upon thiB Road and its branohe.g D)aily, excepti8undays. No. 42. uPi P~ssnaa Lealve columbtlia [A] 1T 00 .i a Leave Alstdn 12 08 m Leave Newherry at 1 06 )am Le~ave Ilodlges at 8 48 ) : Leave Bielt on at 4 S p Arrive at Greenville at 6 10 y a No. '13. D)OWN PASENUER Leave Greenville at 10 88 n Le'ave 1Be1ton at 11 67,a a Leave llgesi at I 12# m aneave Newherry at 8 47 p Leave Alst on at 4 46 ina, Arrive at Columbia [F) 6 60 p SPARTAN BURG, UJINION AND COLUMl IA RLA ILiIOAD. NO. 42 UP PAM8ENUBn. Leavo Aist on 1223 p ni Leave strothecr 12 69 y mn Leave Lyles' Ford ' 1 14 p hA Leave Shelton 1 24 p ml Leave Fish Dam 1 45 y mn Lenvye SaintueI 2 O. m i Leave Union 2 84 p mn Leave .Jonesvillo 8 04p 3a. Le'e Spartan burg, 8 ,& Cdeo()4 p Arre partanburg R eo a 5.$ a No. 48 DOWN FlAsBENGEUR. Leave Elpartanuburg Rt & D depot (a) 12 48 y Lea'e Spartani'g, 8, U & 0 depot (a) 1 06 p mt Leave Pacolet 1 89 p Leave Jonesvll9 1 69pm Leave Union 28 Leave Santruc 6 Q p n'. Leave Fish D)am . gt gpy Leavo Shclton 8 p Leave Lyles' Ford 8 pm Leav'e 8trothuer 4tJy m Arrive at Alston 4 87 y LAURlflNs RAILROAflN Leave Newherry at $ 65 y Arrive' at Laurens C II g 4 Leave laniirents 8 80 au M A crive at Newherry 11 g9 y AnnIsyVLLH DRANONr. Leave llodgcges at. 8 47 y A rrive at A bhe~ville 48 heave AI bheville 12 16 e A rrive at. I ludges 1 06 p a l;H ac lHdyc .R1 and Anderson BTranchL Leave Bielt on at600nr leave A\nderson at 68 Le'aveC Pondlet ont 'it 61 Leave Seneca ['] 72 Arrtive at. WValhallti *7 ,~'E Leave Walhanlla nit, 08. i Leave' Seneca [n] 4 l Leave P'endlleto~n at108 Leave A nd~ersion at 1 On an aftr abve (lte tro4g ear 'wt ii..runbetwen olumia nd Jen 64son;ii without change. CONNECTIONS. A.. Wit h S C Biiroad fromt Charleston. Willh Wjt~ihigton, coltrr.bia andAuua I:;ilroIad from Wilmington. and ailt poinlts3 Nort h thereof. With1 o u & A lUnilroad from chaylot,.and. all points~ NorthI t hereof ii. with A\sheville and Spartanburg Itallrannt for points in Western North Carolina, c. wit I Atlanta and charlotte Divisiqn SR tiad and lDanville 1Ilg~ for all point~s south aind west, n. with Athlanta and olharlotte DIsjan Rich.. J n'onda and Danvillo nalW om Al. ,laint a and beyond E;. with b Aiuta and charlotte Di' inton gje". mondit andl lanvis Railra oad IP P)'itts sou1th and west r. whIt b C liilroad%r'Chtarleston WI h Wilmington, Columabir and Aup. liailroad for W ilmington aind tb er Wi th c'harlottf , columbia aind n Railroad for Charlotte and the ri. With Asheville andi Spartanburt oE from iendersonvillo u. With Atlanta and1( charlotbe 1Ii mondf~ arnd Dant~lo Railroad1 4 10t to and beyond Atandard Timto used1 in Wash*. which is fifteedl minutes foat A l'on.iGeneralTickt~asM