The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, August 25, 1881, Image 3

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Churoh Direotary, Jethodist.-tev. S. P. it. B1well. second Sabbath In each month at 101 o'0lo0k A. V. 14v. Olin L. Durant, 8d Sabbath at 11 A. x. 1ev. J. 0. Graham, 4th Sabbath at 8 P. x. Presbyterlan-Rev. Hugh MoLees, at the Methodiat Church, on 4th Sabbath at 11 b'olook a. m Baptist--Secona Church, Rev. W. U. Single on Pastor, 1st Sabbath and Saturday before In each month at 11 o'clock a. M. The trial of Lewis . Redmond is to come off tbis week. The colored folks have had a f'traos ted" meeting in town. The work on the now Presbyterian bhurch is progressing finely. Those who have sowod plentifully bf barley and turnips will rejoice next spring, The old comet is still visible, though very dim, and appears to be about one hour high in the North West at dark. Peaches are becoming plentiful in bur market. They bring 80 cents per bushel. The comet it is stated, will be visi ble in the evening, this week, in the vicinity of the "Big Dipper." Look for it. There is some talk of a largo b rick hotel in our town. Lot us have it. it will be full during the summer sea ton, at least. "Swapping" horses with a stranger sometimes causes a fellow a good deal Of anxiety, especially when he thinks the horse he swapped for has boon stoeon. The lien law is not depended on in this County to keep the mulos and 'horses alive. Whenever it comes to that we shall take Horaco Greelcy's advice and go West. Mr. L. M. BIerry, of this County, sold a now balo of cotton in Grecn.. ville on the 17th instant, It weighed 528 pountdi, and sobi for II -conts poer Mari'iid, Augnst 14thi 1881, at the res11(ienco of the hrido fathor, by Rev S. A. Ganry, Mir. Va n CThris~tophor and' MI is5 Reb31occa Shei~pprd- all of Piek For 4)1 shoI. thu fi rst h1lo of'~ now cot Lt nL lasley on the 1ith inst. C. 1'. Uninwas the purchase'r, at 11 3 Ct'it' peri p01nol. Tis~ is up with Quito ain in1tor'f'.t ing~ i prtct Ii nt chur ich w'eek be'fore la-t. TIhere wvoro five addlitions to I he metir.hership of the church, and the cimurch wn,~ greatly revived Rev. 8, A. Gatry is 4 thie paistor. DIanICATION -The now Prosbyte. rian c hurch, loented abont twvo miles Ea~st of' Entley Ista Lon, on the public road leading by Cbx's bridge, to Greenvillo, will be dedicated on the first Sabbath in next month. Rev. Mr Nall, of Greenville will conduct the dedicatory services. The attention of our readers is cal lod to advortisement of Norwood High School and College. it is offi, cored by gentlcen of the highest culture and finest .loputation as in. atr'uctors of the young. It is located in one of the healthiest portions of Virginia, easily accessible, and in dai.. ly communication by mail and tele gr'aph with the whole country. Special attention is called to Bor dontown Female Collogo, the adver tisoment of whlich aplpears in'our col. umns this week. It is an institution of estatblished reput ation and every away worthy of patronage. Young ladios there are well cared for and thor'oughly instructed. We had another fine rain last Sun day. We heard a weather prIophot eay last week that it would rain on Sunday, and when asked for his reas on for saying so, said, that when it rained on the first Sunday of a month it was sure to rain the next two Sun.. days. He was right this time, but whether the r'ulo holds good all the time or not, we ave not able to say. Caors.--The crop pr'ospect in this County is not so gloomy now asR it was during the month of JTuly. In somn sections of the County, an aver ago crop wvill be mado. In others, vh roocsfour'ths and still in others' a bou t onoc,alf, but upon the whole a three fourths crop will be made. This, talk ing~ into consideration the fact that a latrge surluhts is made in this County overy year, is not so bad, and ini.~ eatos that enough will be m(ot a tinDI the rdemna n oLou.OO Nzw Barbons.-Tbere is now under oontraxot4he building of a new bridge across Saluda River at or near the Blythe old place, and there is a petij tion circulating asking the commis sioners to receive a private bridge near Foster's as a public bridge, and another bridge to be built near Mrs. Ponder's ir to be let out next Saturday. Those with those now esttblisbod, will thake nine public bridges over Saluda river in this County. In the opinion of' some of our citizons, these are entire too many to require the public to keep up, when four, they say, would an swer all the domands of the public. A Goon SELECTION --Miss Addie R. Hollingsworth, daughter of Capt. C. L. Hollingsworth of this place, has boon elected, by the B.,ard of Trus toes, one of the teachers in the Co lumbia Female College. Miss Addie is a first honor graduate of' the Wes. leyan Femalo College, and is in every way worthy and well qalified to fill the important posiLion to which sh0 has been called. The College is cor tainly fortunate in securing her sor, vices. E The chicken thief is abroad. One night lat weck Mr. Robert Ambler heard a "disturbance" amongs t the fowls and arising from bed, looked through tho windo'? an'd saw some one movo. He pullod down on the thiet and fired at him with his pistol three times, but, we regret to say, without effect. The thief had secured one chicken which he quickly dropped and took to his heels. We hope you may draw a bottor bead next time, Bob. We regret to learn that Trezovant 1 Folger, son cf Mr. Alonizo M. Folger, of Easl'y Station, met with the mis~ I fortune of having his arm broken last Week. The accident was caused by the turnintr over of a gig in w hich he I was erL~rry ing the mnai from Easley Stationi to Table Aloun t.lini. We hope lhe mniy soon r'ecover'. Coxvie'rF.D.-W. J. Kelley was' founid gull y,~ ii.n the Uniited States Courit for' the shogotingi~ of Gary. The jur lin g oveor t he ca se o ver thirti'y houris, thiree', wye are iinforme d , being for; a(cquittail antd nine1 for conIvict1iim. 'llcThe. ne finially gave away an d a ver'd'et of guilty was :endei'c I wit la ree Il mel1dat~in to thle mnergy of' the Co urt. of teni 'enits Iinvested.. ill a s'unp1)le box of te KAnt1iniIin Juilan Worm Pe!!C!s, try~ aI box and save the h)mor1 suffering on10 1rOth ti ignlonaiis deat1h~. [Por' Ord'ter' iho 31.Asos & IIAM UMN IBARY Onu.s NI romi MCSMes'-u M usi c Iousi.:, Ga~ i .:.vut:, S. C2., and save freight. Price, $22. Ay's Agnei Cure has saIved thou, santdS of' Iive ~ iln the ma1IIlIaIl districts of this anid other countries. It is war. ranI1ted a cer'tain un d spoed(y remedy, free from lI harmful ingredien ts. Shr'iner's Indian Ver'miruge destr'oy, edi and expel led worms thirIty years ago. W e guarateo it to do tho same L~o duay, to the atisfactionl of cycry one0 wbrl, uses it. GIis.- Pr't ies intend(1inug to buy Gills this H-'ll, wou1ld do we'tll 1.0 see E. lit. Hlowrio, Liberity, S. (3.. u ho is agentl for liiiil Praitt Gin. Tbc tbest (Giln mlade, and~ thec only one hatv in g a v vohlvin g head whIiich prevenO~lts chonkIcinfg. TIermsI1 easy adpie reaIsonaible'. PROO(1LAMilATION. S-rAn: OV Smr;ru CA no.I.WA, C'ouimbia, Antgnst 12th I. 1 881. Wh Iereas, inf IoriiilIon 11 hbeeni retcei ved at thi De1)par'tment , that an 1 at irocions. in irderi was con, ni11 ed in Pickenis Conty on he 20th day of JTuly, A. 1)., 1 891, utpon tihe body of' Thomas L. IBrayeon, by ome per'son unkniownI. Now thIerefor'e, 1, .J ahnrsoni lIngood, i]o, ernor' of (lhe linte of' South (Carohna, ini order tht just1ice nay b3' o n e andI I i the majesty or t1holw vioi ed w, do1)I hereb1y off -r' a1 r'ewiard of'TWOV() IUNIull-'. 01)),.*M Ifor Ilhe "p prehiensi on aindl deli very in a ny jail of this St ate, of' I he said per'son engagedl ini thiis ont r'age, w ith p oof' lo convict. In I e'timnony Wvhere'of, I here'nnlo set my13 hand1( iand caused (lhe greato sealI of (lie State to be~ af. fxed, at IXohnnhlia. I his 12thI day or jL.8. Aulgust, A. 1)., 1881s:, andic ini uhe (one S--hundred and six h year of' the Iii dependence of theo United States of Amer'ica. .JOHINSON IIAGOOD), (Governor'. By the Governor: hR. M. Sos 8tcretary of State. aug 18,.1881 3n S. BRAFMAN. GREENVILLE, S. C. 0 VE DRAW YOUR ATTENTION to the fact that wo are re ceiving daily big lots of ND OUR STOCK WILL BE completo by the 1st of September. Come and examine our sLock, it vill surely pay you. Our stock will >o larger than ever, Remember wo aro selling to yoW )LOTIIING at prices other merchants )ay for it. Don't iniss the placo, look for thu ign, laltanore Clothing IHouse, IN TiE Cle'veland Bl3ckh, L. ROTHSCIIILDI, Manager. Merchant Tailoring a specialty. aug 8I, 1881 49 WESLEYAN FEMALE I1STITUTE STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Opens September 20th, 181. One of the IRST SCHOOLS FOR YOUNG LADIES N THE UNITRD STATES. Sirroumdings cautiful. Climate unigUpassed. Pupils rom seventeen States. i Terms among the best in the Union. Board, Vashing. English Course, Latin, French, 1erman, Inst rumient Ial Musio, &c., for .cho. ist.ic year. from Septeinber to June. $238. 'or Catalogues write to Itiv. VM. A. lIAR U1S, D. D., President, STAUNTON, VI GINIA. july '7, 1881 i A y er' s Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL ViTALITY AND COLOR. IT is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and1 freshness of yout hi, fadled or gray, light, and redI hair, to a rich brown, or (1eep blackc, as may be desired. By its usc thin hair Is thicenedI, andI baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair ilmmediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brashiy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Vrooni cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents tihe formna~ion of dandlruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases p)eculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hairpre impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The Vroon is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor (dye, andl wili not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, andl as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists . Lowell, Mass. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS EYERYWHEREI. "'1ECOND1 SESSION begins 8thi A ugust, 1881. Board reasonable. Tuit ion per mon th of 0 day13s. Ini Primannry Cla ss, $1 .00 In P'reparaltory3 ClasM, 2.O() For p~articla4rs, adros I ino P ~r.isp, july U, 1881 44 2 TEXA, LRR~iANSAS & LOUJIM.JN6 A healthful, geialt climet e: anl " exeeingly ' andl PIradceIC, a1 sure atnd certain eml'pe, uuco can be had14. ill nmi~il, oni alication, free of Js, p1g. repaid, hooks wuih mapsJ0, giv:ig aui utentie ind rel1ible infolrmat:.(14, inl lteini, *)*f te I ute of( TeQxas, .\fIkansash , or \'esieru iati 'si na5. Web4( dIe''ire to leT wit thosue wi-lhing i hetter lhuir 'ondit ionl and! ire mei&'it& iii a& Fri; n (MWe - \ L. .\l. (4 . \ Mu ii, *r[ex~ LAoI 4 liMI 1 , PIANOS & ORGANS. SPECIAL SU1MA OFFER, CasH 1rical AnD Thre! MLntbl Crebit -- A Little Cash Down,onud Balance When Cotton Conies Ini. During the mouths of June, July, August and September, we will sell PIANOS and ORGANS, either new or second-hand, to responsible parties, at LOWEST CASH PRICES, payable $10 Cash on an Organ, $25 Cash on1 a Piano. And the balance in THREE MONTHS )WITHOUT INTEREST. O Installment Buyers. To accommodate those who can not. pay all Cash in the Fall, we will, during the monhs of June, July, August and September, sell at onr One Year Plan Price. As per I'rice LiE, and receive as follows: k,,10 Cash on an Organ, 'A2t5 Cash on a Piano, With one-ftird of the balance on Three months, one-third in six months, and the remainder in one year. These Ofl'ers are Good Only uintil October 1st, 1881. L. E. NORRYCIE~, Or McSMITII MUSIC I1OUSE, cireenville, N, C. juno 20, 1881 12 COMING!! --- I A:i TilS WEEK flEPLENlS1NG MY Stock, M~y trande has been unsually lu-ge this Spin~g, and I am en'otir' nged to oiler my friends still lower prices. After all, LOWPRICES Whben you lhear' that thUliTON will 'linst' heeanise hes ellhs to' low, remember~ei that. my lMss ini iat reOsp'ct is niy patrDons giin, and~~ int I can wor~'uk for less pr'ofit t hani most To give yen ani Elen, I will show this week Rflo' l'; lot of' Jot lawns Figurned at G 1-2 Cents4, Worth 10 C'ends. MY' LA HGE' SPIllNG STIOCK OF CLOT'II, ING is entIirecly exbaniistevd, and 1 have now on th0 road a Well Assorted New Lot If you thiink I hese specimen prices are "Paius''- --why ju st trly the -bhaits' and nothing else. IiHemieme, Iich is a. Foo~0ml-Pluck a 11c30 Li bor'ty, S. C.. jun e '2,1881 38 0 Barnum's Hippodrome TIll F MOSTl WONDE)H FULJ $ 11OW EVER iee ini Pickens hasi just arriived. Among the variiiouis Articles in 11his Show and which can be purchansed mit. the LOWEST CASil PR1. CEX'-, are al'l kinds of' Staplo and Fancy Dry Goods, CAPS, LE.\ Tiit, TO~~IET SOAPS, I\h~lJ)W.\ 1E, C'UT'IEH y, ahid nll kinds of' GreiO'(si(. neededii for f'il y use. In fact. vey ihin kept inI aL Fir't Class~ (Uermah M('r, chaiindlise' Vmablishcment canl lbe ftnn l here' atf biott p ri ceilrs. F llH EMit CO) IN M HA I, will al ways be founmd onl handi form saloi. T'll IS SillOW ca - lhe foundo aLcriSs the stre OF Griffin & Newberry. A( l'TS ALS( FORl Dlxi H 1UANO. jn u lt3 in Ridamiond de MuwAll B. I PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. ChAnge of Schedule. OW and after June 6th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line division of this ROad will be w follows: EASTWARD. UNITED) STATEB MAIL No. 43-[AI Leave Atlanta 4 00 am Arrive at. Lula (Y) 6 64 a im Arrive at Toccoa (F) 8 14 am Arrive at Seneca (a) U 20 a m Arrive at Greenville (n) 10 68 a in Arrive at Spartanburg (K) 12 14 p in Arrive at. Gastonia (1.) 2 30 p m Arrive at Charlotte (Mi) 8 35 p ta N Y F.xPrEss-No. 47-[ij Leave Atlanta 8 15 p rn Arrive at Lula 5 69 p n Arrive at. Toc~oa 7 15 p m arrive at Feneca 8 -10 p r Arrive at Greenville 10 20 p m Arrive at Spartanburg 11 40 p mn Arrive at Gastonia 2 13 a in Arrive at Charlotte a 15 a in U 8 FAST MlAIL-No 49-rj Leave Atlanta 6 30 p M Arrive at. Lula D 06 p in Arrive at Toccoa 10 10 p mn Arrive at Seneca 11 25 p M Arrive at Greenville 1 00 a M Arrive at Spartanburg 2 11 a m Arrive at Gastonia 4 I1 a mn Arrive at Charlotte 6 85 a ma WlESTWARD U 8 MAIL-NO -12-[A] Leave Charlotte (-i) 12 30 p y Leave Gastonia (L) 1 27 p m LevaeSpartanburg (K) 3 50 p a Leave Greenville (n) 5 07 p a Leave Senleca (.) C 51 p in Leave Toccoa (r) 8 01 p m Lenve Lula (s) 9 16 p mi Arrive at Atlanta 12 05 a m N Y Leave Charlolut 12 41 a m Leave Gastonia 1 43 a rn Leave Spartanburg 4 06 a In Leave Greenville 5 18 a m Leave Seneca 7 (2 a i Leave Toccoa 8 15 a n Leave Lula 9 31 a in Arrive at Atlnufa 12 20 p m IT H FAST MAIT.- -NO 50 [C] Leave Charlotte 12 33 a in Leave Gastonia 11 07 a m Leave Xparlanhurg 8 12 a w Leave Greenville 4 24 a in Leave Seneca 5 47 a mn Leave Toccoa 6 58 a in Leave Lula 8 9 a i Arrive at, Atlant a 10 86 a in CO NN ECT IONS. [ A] wit h arriving trains of Georgia Con tral and A & WV P liailroads [13] 'with at'r iv'ng trains of Georgia Cen.. truai, A & W P and W & A Railroads [2] wi th arriving traints of Georgia Rt R [IF]with Northieasternt Railroad of Ga. to an rmAthens, Ga (F) with Elberton Air Line to and from [ (] wit hA olumbia and Greenville to and frot t Goutlonpia und'Charlest on [II] withI Columina~, andi Greenville to and fromt Columb,1ia and Charleste~n [K]s wit h Spartanburg oand A sheville., and Sjmrtanbuirg, IUnoi and Columnbia t, and If rom I I enders~on an a A shev ille, and Alsto01 and rolumb~aia [1.] wi: h ( 'est er n ini Lenior Narrow Gtnag4 to andi frot Ualla;s ail (hester [-\] withi c t & A- o c-R~1 & D) and A -r 6 o Ior ptoint WeL.St, NoribI and EIeaut. l'uhloan We''Ting (Car Service on TrainIs 'os. -T :and -18. 1'oily, wvitou. change, be tween A: tuanta nnd Ne w York. A. PUl'C, Genvi'Il Passenger A gent nube of at ive, ener'Ig' -tie huineIss canvass (1s toi entgagLe itn1~liii a pe ntid prIofitale businezss. Goon.d m en will find thIis a rarec To 1the lMoiney. Such wvill pienseR ansIwer' th1is aidvertisement by letter, enelosing stamp for reply, stating what buisiniess theay have beeni entgaged in. None but t hose who meant business need aip ply. Adldress Fl NEY, llAR E Y & CO., Atlanta, Ga. HORSEKAND CATTLE POWDERS Wiu eure or provent flinene. No Honan will dieo of (OL0, JiyH or LUNGo Fa vim, if Yontz's P'owders are uweritntlmne. Fontz'a Powders willcurcantd prevent haClO.anA Foutz's Powdters will p.revent ( Arnu~ I N lw l. F'ontz's 1owdeirs will increac the qunity of inilt and crea twenty per cut., and inaku the butter flri Foutz's P'owdere will euro or provent alinuost xynny DIAEAR to whieh Horses and Cattie aro subj1'ect Fo r' P 0.gi8 WILL (ilYM kAT[BPAOIOTo. DAVID 15. IOUTZ, Proprietor,* BALTI MIUlm, Mid.. F'or sale b~y Dr. J. W. QUILLIAN, lEasley LARMO~N -WIlE L, (Areatest Whetel of tine Age, For' Salo by TllOm. W. 1)AVyIS, (Mrcenulille. N. O,~ A LSO, hI'AIt.I IN STE'AM E'N G I N I'It E.SSES, SEW INO M A. (1 NES, &e. NIONAL NOTICES. Gaio. 0. WrULLS, ) 0o. W. TAiro. JAMS L. Oa, MazzPiclkens 0. 11. .0 Greenville, S. oj C WELLS 6RR & TAYLO, A TTORNEYS b C0 7Nh OR AT LA W PICKEN&S 0 1., 8. 0. Prompt attention givei to Miiuess entrusted to them. march 10, 1864' 26 J. S. COTHRAN, M. F. AN.SEL, 5 J R Boaos, Abbeville 8. C. Ureenville, 8 C PickensS0 COTHRAN, AN8rL & BOGGS ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELOltS AT LAWt PIO0ENS a. H., 8. 0. Oflico in the Court Ilouso. Prompt attontion given to all business enw. trusted to then. dco 9, 1880' 12 R. A. CHILD, ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR AT LA W PIICKENS C. II. S. C., Will Practice in alf trie C'6urts 6f the StatE and Courts of the United States, for the Die j trict of South Carolina. In cases requiring it able A-ttorneys will bg associabod with ue. jan 6 1881 16 AVI.LADREH &80NSO (0fiiP Columbia & Greenville R R PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, - CoLUaInIA, S C., Aug. ad; 1881. On and after Thursday, Aug. 4th. 184. pasenger trains will run as herewith indiA catcd upon this Rtoad and its branches: Daily, except Sundays. Ko. 42. UPi PAesENGRR Leave colum~bia [A] 11 00 a a Lea ve Aliton 12 08 p Ut Leave Newberr~y at' 1 06 p ni Leavec Hodges at 8 48 p at Len ve 11elton at 4 57 p nfl 1Arrive at Greenville at 0 19 P ,g No. 43. DowN~ PAssENOBR Leave Greenville at 10 88 a si Leave lielton at til 57 a o Leave Ilodges at 1 12 p -t Lieave Newvberry at 8 47 p ws Leave Alston at .4 46 p gm Arrive at Columbia [p} 6 50 p at SPART'ANBUURG, UINION AND COLUMBIA RiAILRtOAD. NO. .1 UP P'AssENG HR. Leaive Alstons 12 23 p nr Leave St rother IZ 50 p nr TAeave Lyles' Ford 1 14 p ng Leave Sheltlon 1 241 p nt Leave Fish Danm 1 45 p nr Leaveo SanliM 2 06 p nf Leave Union 2 34 p ut Leave J)oneasllo 8 04 p DV Leave Pacolet 8 22 p nr Le'e Spartanbunrg, S3 U, & C (lepot (n) 4 08 p n Arrve Spartanrhurg R & D) depot (K) 4 12 p nt .Co. 43 iJowN P'ARsaNUIn. Lenvo Rpartanburg 1 )dpt i)1 8pi Lea'e SparLtanl'g, 8,U&Cdeo(a105pi Leave Pncolet. 18 Leave .Jonsesvile 5 p Leave Union286pn Leave Sauntuco 2 Leave Fishs Damn821pi Leavn Shelton 84 Leave Lyles' Ford849pi Leave Strother408pi ArtivDedepot (o)12 48 p m Leave&NCwdepot (t) 6 5 p a Arrie atLation~ 11 46 p m Leav Lsius~ess 80 a a Ai~ijve t Nwbery 2 80 p a Leav h~ulgesat8 40 p m Arrie a Ar~yevllo4 37 p a Arrive at Ahonge 1 07 p ar Leave Niewberr at 8605 p a LArve atd Laren at 6 45 p U Leave Laensto 8i, 16 p a A rrive at NwberrylI 11 4 p a Leave WIldges at 8 47 p a LArve Sat feil 9 4 7a a Leave AIbbevlleisst 12 10 p a Arve Aid50lat 1gs1 12 p a LArrve aBelt on t 1 0 Leandafero atoedt hog aswl Lee enlet n Coubaadaltesnil Arithout Whalla LAv W lha CBlauifohretn Ll Wienecag n] onbaadAg~ 1eavePnleoa frm Wlnntr n l Leave A $no atlref Will ~ c& ARaiload romch0rotp a sill poits Nort8thereo a. wth ~lsvil~ ad 8artnbu g 1 B alo for ~ins inWesern ort 20 p a a Oid ad lassill Rai11 12o A a A loriv a a d e eton l1 4 On andh alftr above1 dhatrlott i csio Ril bru ht eesClbi and Henersnville alod o l withou changesi ad vet A. W ith S C liailroad from Charleson. With W\ihningtor. colnumbia and Augusta, lRailroad ftrm iltnington and a llw~ Willh ch&Iarlroad rolmb carteI sAu lalo oints o rt teof heNoi n. with Asheville and 8partanburg Rlailroad foroint m W(estern Nlort aoia i. wit tlan~uta andu charlot te Divisioni Rich uuisnd and Daunville Railay from Aew V. lat a and beyond it s soguth uindwes