The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, August 18, 1881, Image 3

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LOCA.L ITEMSB. Churoh Direotory. Methodlist.-Rev. 8. P. H. Elwell. second Sabbath In each tnonth at 10j Q'clook A. U. Rev. Olin L. Durant, 8d Sabbath SIal A. M. Rev. J. 0. Graham, 4th Sabbath at 8 P. x. Presbyterlan--ev. Hugh McLees, at the Mdethodist Church, on 4th Sabbath at 11 o'oloek a. m - Baptist-Secona Church, Rev.W. B. Single ton Pastor. 1st, S.bhath and Saturday before In each month at 11 o'clook a. m. Week before last good rains fell in nearly overy portion of this county. Every farmer should .ow him a good patch of barley during this Month. A good rain fell at this place, and north and west of it for sovoral miles, 6n last Sunday. Rev. S. P. H. El well will preaoh at this place on Thurday the 25th inst. at 8 o'clock P. M. The True Southern and Watchman, of Sumpter, have consolidated. It is now it large Well odited and nicely printed paper and deserves success. If Wortn change the complexion they have a tendency to destroy the vital energies that sustain and pro note health and life; therefore, at the first indication of worms, administer ehriner's Indian Vermifuge. Ayer's Ague Cure is a purely vege table bitter and a powerful tonic) free from quinine or any mineral substance, And always cures the severest cases. Julius Brockman, colored, was run over and killed by a train on the Air Line Railroad, near Greenville, on last Thursday night. He had lain down and gone to sloop on the track. Mr. Thomas Parkins has recently pit up a steam cotton gin on his plan tation near Liberty station. Improvements at this place and Easley ham caused a boom in shinglei tl the price has run up from 82.0J to $2.'39 and $2.75 per tho~usand. Do not negle~ct (the turnip patch. SOW plenit'ifaly for th-.ey will be of great service next wiItLer, for stock, as other' food will likely be very abort. Buy your Turnip Seed from ti. W. E~arl, the best in the nmrket. A UnE'm's (Oris, VICKNs (C. II.. S. C , Aujng. 3, 1881. Th'ie C'unty Bo'airr of Equaliza'ion w'itl mewet in this oftice on Monday, * 22 1 instant, to hear nnd deide ap, jtierais frotm paurties witose lads j. bee raised by te Board!. J. H. CrA'ns, fCounaty Auditor. Mr. Silas lH nikle recenutly brought sevra wagon loads of very fine wa ter~ meloni to this place, from his plant atioun on Cane Creek in the muountaigs of this (ount-y. lie very kindly rememubered us with a "fort~y p~ounder,'' for whieb we return thantks. WV. J. Kelloy, who it will be re moembered shot, revenue officer W. F. Gry, 'Jas tried at Greenville last week for illicit distilling and retailing epirituouIs liquors. Ito was defended by T. II. Cooke of Greenville and R. A. Child of this placo. The Greens vileo News says Mr. Child made .a very fine ar.;umotnt in the defense but he~ was found guilty in betih cases. The case against him for the shooting of Gary co mies off this week. To OuRi N EIGRBORs AND CITIZENs. --Many times the question has been asked why the people all go to the Baltimore Clothing house? We will expli-n 4t to you, so it may be very easily understood. First; they arc Popular men. Second; they do not - misrepresent anything. Third; they sell yOU clothing at the price other 'renehants have to pay for it. Fourth, you save 25 por cent. on the dollar, so you may know thattit is to yowrt in terest to call to see thsm. A dollar saved is a dollar gained. R~EWARD.--...We publish in this issue the proclamation of Gov. JSagood, of, (erng a reward of $200 for the cap * ture, with proof to convict, of the mnurderer of Thos. L. Brayton. It' stated that in addition to this and thte 3800 offered by the U S. Governtment E. M. Brayton has offered, personal,, ly, a re ward of *500, which enakes the aggregate *1,000. 4 ONLY TEN CENTs.-The small sum of ten cents invested in a sample box of the Kauquita Indian Worm Pellefe, may savo your chiild's life. Why not try a box and save the poor suffering one from an ignominious death. For * sale by Dr. J. W- Quillian, Easley Order the MASON & IIAMLIN BABY ORGAN from McSMITI[ MUsio ROUSE GaECENVILLE, S. C., andsvefeg. Price, t The Pickens County Atsfeal an< Sabbath SchooliConvention will meew at M Carmel church on Friday be foro the fourth Sunday in Angust. Convention opened by the Presi dent at ten o'clock A. M. At eleven o'clock, Rev, S. P. I. El. well will aiddress the Convention ir the interest of the Sunday School. After tho organization the remain, der of the day will be dovoted to mu. sic. On Saturday at clovon,'o,clock Rov, Hugh McLees will addross tho Con. vontion of the responsibility in roar ing the young. The romaindoroftht day will be devoted to miuaic. On Sunday at cloven o'clock Rov D. Weston Hiott will address the Con. vention on the subjoct of Music. Thn remainder of the diay will be devoted to music. Signed by committee, W. HARDY RAY, J. N. WRnIGHT, JAMEs BUROUOHB. GINS.-Partios intending to bu3 Gins this Fall, would do well to so E. R. HORTON, Liberty, S. C.. who i agent for Daniel Pratt Gin. Thi best Gin made, and the only one hav ing a revolving head which pr'oventl chouking. Terms easy and price reasonable. PROCLAYM.ATION. STATE OF SOUTH CAInoINA, ExEcUTIVE I)PARnT.Nw7, Columbia, August 12th. 1S81. Wherens, information has been received a this Department, that an atrocious nurd. w. tonnitted in Pickens County on he 20h day of JXly, A. a)., 1881, upon (le body o Thomas L. IlWay Ion, by some person unknow r Now therefore, 1, Johnsona Ilagood, GJOV ernor of t hie St ate of Sout ha Carolina, in orde tha~t juaastice meay be dlone anad tlhi-iesty< the la~w vinins;t ed, do hereby oil'r a rewar of T WO 111 UN DltEO DOL.-\RS for the aj prehaension andte delivery in any jaai'. of t I. Staxte, of the saiid personi engaiged ini tis out rage. withI pa ooi to convict. In testimony whe..reaf, I hecreunton sot my h- ii and caiused the great seal ot'theo &.ate to ac aI ( fa xed, i Columbia. this 12th d-iy c 4 -.\algusa, A. D., 1881, a i in thme on ( ubndred and sixth ye ar of thle [a dlepenadence or t he United States of Amaeric .JOIINSON IIAGhOOD, Governor. B~y the GosVernior aug ;$, 18 49 _ Take a 4Greenvi lle Paper. 1UBStC .IlBE F~hI 'I'll l EN~rhar.s AN kJ Ioux T~tuseta, is tat i in Greenville, tC. the mt lteter I(prisin ana~ad thiiiniig Cil of thle S~tte. Size, 2; lby 41) inces. .1 columna ft ri ead4in~g nta t t e weekly. Es.peci. at t en ion pven t o miali ei n t rana. pirinig in ii utp-coutty. whaere so istany are ino-v look inj Estalihshe I 57 years. The y resent. Edit counnected with the. office sinace 15,1. $2 pa annum; $1 for sir liolliha.. ;800i new sub scribers have beeni enarolledu since laist Jai uary. Try it a while. AuhIuress .JQIIN (. BILhEY, Editor. Grceenville, S. C. aug 4, 1881 47 N OTICE OF~ FiNAL4 8ETTLEME~NT. Notice is hereby given, thlat We will ni ply to 0. L. Durana*, Probate Judge for Pici ens County, on thie 1 3th day of $eptemah next, for leave to Ixm3Lke a inal settletmett thme estate of J. .\ ULTI> N PONIDER, deCcase' and ask to be dischargedi hecrefrom. ~WM. f. P'ONDERI, .E LVI H A PON DEll, Trust ces. aug 11. I881 ' 48 5 T EXAS, A haeahlhful, genal climtaote: fan exeeriling protduct ive suil, where, wir~i cotna inu try and rutdeice, a.SF sure an1 ertan comap tence cani be bad. WViR flmit, onl application, tree of cost, posIt a prepaid, books with amaps, giving sauthenti Iad reliabhle informaation, in, detail, of t I StUe-of Texas, Arkatnsas, or Western Louis tanr.. We desire to confter withI those~ wishait to better their condition andl as o mieditLaig change t.O a new country. Ad Iress fl G. D)UV AI, decretary, Austin, Text J. N. VICTOR0, Manager, 24:1 llroiadwawe, New York. Foreigna Offce:-W~M. Mh. Id NG, Presiden Lendenal1t Jiouse, Leadenhall St., Lonadoni, E.. C., Enaglani au~g 4J, 1881 47 4 Ne w Advertise: nents. ST No one who is thouroughly regular in il bowels is half as liable to d .sease as lie tha is irregular. Hie may he at ,ackeud by conlt glious .diseases, ad so n ay thea ir'regu~ir h)nt he is not a naearly as8 t ubject to outsi inifluences, The use of Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient secure's regularity, and con segnent Immuni f ror sickness. .8O1Lf BY ALJL DR UGGISTS. iuIlv 21. 188 .i 4 GO TO / W. T. McFALL'S 3 4 3 S .~EW t r ii .9 Stoic. d C I ai~saj~ 412 a ir ja, ~ compound of the ~1rtue~ of sar~nparlI Ht ii lingia, iiIahI(lrake, yellow (Ii ick, wit Ii - the iO(hi(le of j)OtIISli ~iid ii*oii, all powerful h)100(l-Iilakilig, hlood-ch-ansi tig, and life-sits taitiltig ch-:wnts. It is I In' lmurest, safest, ond most 4'fFe(t nal a Iterative inedicino kno~iti oi. av;ii1;i1mle~ I ) I 1i4 1)111)1 i(. '1'Iie 5C1 I ~tic(-s of iiieelieiiii- a iimi claeiiujsti-~ liavci IIOVUF - prothia-emi so ~-aliisih!e 11. rciiicdv, UOF 0110 SO j iotc-nt to curl- :11 I diseases resulting from 1131 pure 1)101)41. It viires Scrofula mid ~ all serofulous (hiseases, iCrysipelas, Rose , liii pies - and ~ or St. Anthony's Eli-c P I~'ace-gruu 1)5, Pustut los, Blotches, Boils, Tuiuoi-s, 'I'cttci-, ilunuors, Salt lilneism, Scald-head, lilug-worni 1. Ulcers, Sores, lihenunatism, Mercnrhd Disease, Neuralgia, Feninle Weak nesses and irregularities, .Jaundlce, Affectiotis of the JA~'cr, Dyspe psiti, Emaciation, and General Deb llit3'. By Its seai-cluing and cleansing qunlitics - it plirgt-s out. t lie foul corruptions which containjilatt) I he hulood uund cause derange mont end decay. It stimulates and etili veims t he Vital fiiimct bus, proiiiote~4 energy iiiiil St rcngt Ii, 1'(StOrcS and I)rm-scrves licalt Ii, 1111(1 infu~cs new life and vigor throughout tlio I. whole s~temn. No suiff&'rcr froiu any (115 eflsc which arises from i in i nhrity of t ho 1)14)0(1 iILP(l (lesJiair who wil give AYEU's bA1Ol.~i-A1(izdA a fair trial. * It is folly to experiment with the ihhlmOr oiis low-priced hihi XttIrC5, of clieiip iiiiltOi'iihlS, 1111(1 Wit IiT)lit Iliell iciiial Virt IICS. ofTt're~l a~ 1 )l0O(l-phIiiIicls, ~vlii le (liSease hm-eoiiucs more lirinly seated. A viiCs SAIISArARuId.A is ft * mnc I icine of ~uicli (oncetit ~~ted etirat i~.o luOwer, that it is hy far the best, cheapest, nuiti lilost rel i;ihh~c blood-pitritber known. C Plvslcjaiis hiiow its comii position, amid pro "~ scribe it. It. has hec~i widely used for 101%)' i- years, ansi hiuis we? tutu utiiqiialiiied con tie g deuce of uumillions wiioimi it has honefited. " Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Pu-act ical omul Analytic-al Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD DY ALL DIWCJO LISTS EVEIIYWUERE. I 17~iCkefl,-4 I ugh ~Cil()01. - 8EQONI) 81 '~-dON begins 8ti~ Aogumst, 110)1(1 rcIiQoimal)le. Tuition pcr month of 20 davum. Iii l'rinmury Cli 55. $1 O() Iii htitemiut licite ClrusQ, l.rd) I v I' i('piui.~I I um-y (lcis!;, 21)() Foe part iuiluu-s~ au1 m-es~ t he 1'ri imci pal, .l.~~llCS4 1'. C Piekemus C. II.. S. C. .iumly 41 1881 11 Notice to Debtors & Credii~. lilA ~C~50J15 lirivitig (hcirmcinhs Ilg'tin5ct time et. A est ate of IV II. CA N I'lL l'~l~ I,, (lCeeaisegl, ivil I present them ot once properly proved to I lie ~ iImi(heruaigilcd, OV h~ foi'ever herred of all claim 21 go iii si I lie Sai'i ('State; and :ill persons in - debt cii to ,'uiid estote will please come forward and ~eitle mIte same. * A(liiiinjsl ret om-~. july II, 1~: ~'(I -11 4 PIANOS & ORGANS. 0 SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER, Cai hiced AD 5e! Mont Oredit, A little Cash Down, and Balance when Cotton Cones 119. 0 During the months of June, July, August find September, we will sell PIANOS and D)RGANS, either new or second-hand, to responsible parties, at LOWEST CASH PRICES, payable $10 Cash on an Organ, $25 Cash on a Piano. And the balance in THREE MONTHS WITHOUT INTEREST. 0 Installment Buyers. To accommodate those who can not pay all Cash in the Fall, we will, during the months of Jrune, July, August and September, sell at onr One Year Plan Price. As per Price List, and receive as follows: $10 Cash on ain Organ, $25 Cash on a Piano, With one-third of the balance on Three months, one-third in six months, and the remainuer in one year. These Offers are Good Only until October 1st, ISSI. L. E. NORRYCE, Or MeSMITH MUSIC HOUSE, Greenville, S. C. june 30, 1881 42 COMING!! I AM TiS WEEK REPLENISING MY Stock. My trade has been uniusually large this Spring, and 1 am encour aged to offer my friends siin lower prices. After all, LOW PRICES Is the Key to Sunccess. Whlen you hear that H1 ORlT)N will "'Bust'' becautse lhe 8011s t oo low, remembher t hat my loss~ in thait respect is my patrons gain, and htat I canl work for less profic than most mlerchanuts. To give yott an idea, I will show this week antothier lot of Shoes at 65 Cenuts per Pair, Lot L~awnus Fiured at 6 1,2 Cents, Worth 14) Cents. MY LARGE SPlUING STOCK OF CLOTH, ING is entirely exhausted, ..nd I have now on the road a Well Assorted New Lot If you think these specimen prices are "'Baits"-why just try the 'baits' and~ nothiung else. Remezmber, Luck is a Fool-Pauck a I~eu' E. 1R. I[ORT'ON. Liiberty, S. C. june 2, 1881 3 Barnum's Hippodrome TrHE M~OST WOND)ERFU L SHO1W EVER seen in Pick ens haus just. arrivedl. Amuong ihe various Articles in this Shuow and which can be purchased at tihe LOWEST CASh1 PRI CEare all kinds of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 11A TS, SHOES, FANCY ARTILES, IAHR TOILET SO.APS, [HAl Rl)WA RE, CUT LER V, anid alhl k inds ot Ghroceries n erteded( for fa mily use. Inu fact everything kept ini a First Clas~s Oeneral Mer chaindiise Est ablishm uent, ca bmme loun d he re at bo:t omn pricesH. FE ESHI CORN MEA L will always be fonndl on handi~ for sale. TI'l1I MIIOW ca1 lhe fondi across l'hen sitreet oppos)i te the (Jou rt Ilouse5, at lie OF Griffin & Newberry. AoENTS ALSO F'OR ".D)XIE OUANO. jinn .& l88I 1C) PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. Go. 0. WLLS, Gno. W. TAYLOR, JAuss L. Onn, Plokens C. H. S. C Greenville, 8. C. WELLS, ORR & TAYLOR, A TTORNEYS it COUNSELORS A T LA W PIOKENS 0. II., S. C. Prompt attention -given to business entrusted to them. march 10, 1884 25 J. S. COTHRAN, 11NM. F. ANSEL, J E. Booon, Abbeville S. C. j Greenville, S C Pickens 8 C COTHRAN, ANSEL & BOGGS. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, PICKENS C. 1., S. C. Offico in the Court House. Prompt attention given to all business en. trusted to them. doo 9, 1880 12 R. A. CHILD, ATTORNEY - COLTNSELOR AT LAW P I C K E N S C. II. S. C., Will Practice in all the Courts of the State and Cuurts of the United States, for the Dis trict of South Carolina. In cases requiring it able Attorneys will be associated with mc. jan 6 1881 16 WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE STAUNTON, VIlIGINIA. Opens September 20th, 1.481. Ore of the FIlItST SCHOOLS FOI YOUNG LADIES IN THflE UNITRID ST AT ES. Surrouidings beautiful. Climle unsurpassed. Pupils from seventeen States. Terms among the best in the Union. Board, Washing. EInglish Course, Latin, French, German, Inst rumental Music, &c., for dcho lastic year. from September to June, $238. For Catalogues write to Ri-v. WM. A, IIAR RIS, D. D., President, SVAUNTON, VIRIN I. jily 7, 1881 DAVID LANIDRETE & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. number of not ive, energetic business canvass era to engage in a pleaisant and profitable buisiness. Good meni will find this a rare chian ce To Make Moneyr. Stuch will please answer this advertisenment by letter, enclosinzg st amp for reply. stating what busi ness they have been engaged in. None but those who mean business neced ap ply. Address FINLEY, IIAIIVE Y & CO., Atlanta, Gla. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS UT I ~FOUTZ 'Will oiure or preofnt Dsease,. No I~onsE will (tic of Cotice, Bois or LUNG Fa YR n, If Foutz's P I erav'~l are Iised( In t tne. Foiitz.'s P'ow de(rA w. itl eurc anr1 pre veni t I too CimtunA Foutz's Powders~ will prevenlt (GAt-s xa luow z. Fontz's P'owdetrs wvll Increase the quanity3 of miukl an cr 'am tw eunty per Cent., and muake thme b'utter flrmu Fontz.'s Powdern will enire or nrevent alrnot iEvxny DRs to whfeh 1tier('s andi 1iilil' Itre s'ilo. FOuz,' J'WJRim wiLL OmVE SA'iF1ACTION. DAVID E. F'OUTZ, rronruotor, DALTIMURE. Ed. For sale by Dr. J. W. QUILLIAN, Easley LARl MOQN ~WITEEL, (areatest Whnee of' the Age. .For Suilo by TIIOS. W.I DAVI, 4mareenvilleI. S. C. A LSO, ICA mit I N ST IfAM EN GIN EM, SAW MI.LlJS, COTTON GIN Pim~SSE~S, SEWING MA. CINES, &c. aug 12, 1880O 47 U PASSENGER DBPARTMENT. Change of Schedule. OA aid aftor lne 6th, 1881, Passenger Train 8erfiee on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line division of this Read will be se follows, , ASTWARD. (r?4ITtV 6fAtms MAIL ro. 48-[A] Leave Atlanta 4 00 am Arrive at Lula (a) 6 54 a m Arrive at Toccoa (Y) 20 an Arrive at Seneca (o) Arrive at Greenvi le (n) 10 58 a Arrive at Spartanburg 12 14 p Arrive at Gastonia (L) 2 86 i' Arrive at Charlotte (m) 8 86 1 r N T EXPREsS-No. 47-CnJ Leave Atlanta 8 15 P na Arrive at Lula 6 69 n Arrive at Toccoa 7 15 m arrive at Seneca Arrive at Greenville 8 Arrive at Spartanburg 10 20 v Arrive at Gastonia 2 18 a i Arrive at Charlot to 8 16 a a U 8 IFAST MAIL-No 40-[o] Leave Atlnifta 69 80 a Arrive at Lulia 9 O p m Arrive at. Toccoa 10 16 p m Arrive at Seneca 11 26 p m Arrive at Greenville I 00 n Arrive at Spartanbnarg 2 11 a. mn Arrive at Gastonia 41 Ft wxin Arrive at Charlotte 6 85 p rn WESTWARD 1 a 1AIL-NO 42-[A] Leave Charlotte (7ij 12 59 p ra Leave Castoniat (L) 1 27_ p m LevaoSpartanbir, (K) 8 60 p a Leave Greenville (i)t6 20 p m Leave Seneca (o) 0 1 P r Leave Toccoa () 8 01 a ms Leave Lulan (r) 6 16 p Arrive at Atlanta 12 05 a N Y F.yPfl~ss-No 48-[u] Leave Charlotte 12 43 p tn Leave Gastonie 1 40 ; r3 Leave Spartanburg 4 00 Leave Greenville 6 18 Leave Seneca 7 02 ~ Leave Toccoa 8 156' . Leave Lula 9 81 a ma Arrive at Atlanta 12 20 m U 8 FAST MAIL-NO -0 [ Leave Charlotte 12 88 p m Leave Gastonia 11 07 p in Leave Spartanburg 8 12. pa Leave Greenville 4 24 t Leave Seneca( 6 47 1 in Leave Toccoa 6 68 1 rn Leave Lula 8 09 m Arrive at, Atlanta 10 5 a LeAe Charrivi trans 12 48rga m Leavie auin Gastoniof Georgi u. Lev Spwiarrburg triso 06orga Leave Cluba n Greenville to 18 n Leavei Toccopa and15arlsto Leave Luta 9oui ndGenil to aum Leavm Charlotte 12d 88rlstc Leav witpa prtanburg an 8sevle 12 -: fLomve Gelesn Ahville4 a24 Au m Laved Lulia 80 [ A with rivin teran nor Narorgi tu toa and A&oW Dala Ranldeste [1M) with arr ivn Ain cof& andgi cA orao, A &r WesP anoW& A Ralas PC]lith Slriving CtriServic Gorga andS 47o Atns,8 Gaywthtcane - t[F] wtht EletnALn oand New :r [JihColumbia ndGr envill o and frmCubia and CheDLEn [K) awit aftrtanurgand Asheville, 18d~ paahuig g, tranilln a Columbiat and! frdonmhieRoad and Asvle bandAest: Lavd Columbia. A 10 Le NwtCerr and Len06 Naro Gun Load froDas and Chester Lov for on aet, 4orh671d as Arrivea. Sreepng evi e on Trains N.4 NOd 48. IOWn PASSithot h ng, Ee. CLumbiae Greenville R1 8f Ra Leav an ater ThrdyAg 67h 18 Leave codumbiat 1[1A]i Leave Newberry at847; . Leave Aodges at[p]46 Leave Nelvtonr at 86 Arrive at LGrenvil Cat 4 Leave Garenvil 8a0t i LArve Hetnatery180p: Leave Hodges at84 Leave Nelt berr at 60 Leave Alson at 68F.]ru Leav Pedleon t 16 00p ai LeaveWallalhita8 48 p. m Leav Seeca n]0 54 a l~eve endeto at10 57 a Leav Andrsonat 1 12 p Arrive at Ceon bat] 61 48 l A.Wih CRladN fromLRArlstn LevRairoad frm ilinto a a' porve t Nrthr 11h8repf. Arite a & A ailrodle ~ ~~arot L all Ahhointl orhthro Arrite artanur, nindngeosm Adron thBranhur andeilei. forv tlnaadalpitssuh&w frave And ans andbyn Leav Pwndle onpaithgUin&clmi frve omec [c]ohngad ot o pr Arvatahrgal Aheil aIwd Raieenlerod foat myttnad h ~ RailoadforChalte .aid tge NrR A. PorGeR~oa1T16ktp on superlatendent. A. Porr General Tinkat A anna