The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, November 25, 1880, Image 3

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LOC.A.L ITEMS. O arch irwar*y ethodit....Rev. S. P. H. Uiwet. Neoond Sabbath in -eacbh konth at 10% o'elook A. N. Rev. Olin L. Durant, 84 Sabbath %t IA. K. Rtev. J' W. Daniel, 4th Babbatb at 8 1. V. Presbyterian-Rev. Hugh Meoees, at the Methodist Church, on 4h Babbath at 11 e'olook a. a Baptlt-Seoona Church, Rev. W.-. Single ton Pastor, 1st 8abbath sad Saturday before In each month at 11 oolook a. W. Liberty Chnroh-Liberty Station-Rev W B Singleti, Past or--Bervioes every 2d Sabbath and saturday before. Greenville has thirty six lawyers. We are soon to have two new stores in Pickens. Enterprise. Merchants, now is the time to ad vertise your Christmas goods. The 'weather has been extremely cold for several days. It is botter to give than to receive. This relates especially to advice and medicine.. One of our young Inon is extremely Bouthern in his sentiments. Senator Bradley departed for Co lumbia on Sunday last to attend tbe mossion of the General Assembly. Up to, and Including the 20th inst., the cotton receipts in Greenville this season amount to 19,198 bales. Col. Cothran received 18,980 votes for Solicitor in this Circuit,. The merchants or town authorities should erect hors. racks in different portions of town for the acicommoda. tion of the public. Since the completion of the Atlantic bnd French Broad ValleyRailroad has become a settled fact, various im. provenrents are being made in and around Pickens. Mr. Cox, of Grccnville, has bought Mr. J. Riley Ferguson's property in our town and will shortly become a citizen of Pickens. MIss CARRIE LoopER. daughter of Mr. Jeremiah Looper, died last Satur, day morning at 15 minutes after 12 o'clock, Miss Carrie was just bloom,. ing into womanhood, and by her uni form sweetness of temper and modesty of deportment won the admiration of all who knew her. The family have the war'mest symnpa'thies of the com munity in their bercavemient. M rs. J. J. Le wis died last M ond(ay miorninig at 5 o'olock, after a pro0 trncted anrd mlost severe illnseps. She~ h'ore. her aufferiungs with C'haiistinn re, sighnt ion, tandt has donbt lesexchanged I un cr'oa for the crown,, the sorr'ws ~and sufferinrgs ci tiart h for lhe joy andl r.liss of Heaven. ier, remlainas were buriedl at Stone Chura~ch, nears Peid le ton, ona Tue1'day. r',he bereaved fam,~ ily harve one heartfelt symnpathies. (Chu. A ikeni's majority over Stol branrd for Cong'ren~, necording~ to tffi edl to go to Congren so had, luot the peoihp'fred t o have a~ gentileman represent them ini tha~t bodIy, Every3 faimily will find it highly nee, fini to consitatly read the American .Agriculturist. It abounds, in plain, v %aluable for in-door as well as ont door work and comfort, 800 to 1,000 originzal engravings ain every volume are both pleasing and inastrnlctive. In this resp~ect it is prcenminent and stands alone, and it should have a place in every houseihold. Its illustrated department for youth and children and contains much information as well as amusemen t. Its humbug exposures are invaluable to all classes. The cost as ver'y low, only *1 50 from now to the end of 1881, or four copiesa for $5. Single number 15 cen ts. One speci, men, 6 een ts. A ddresst, Oraniee Judd Company 245 Braoadway, N. Y. The largest and nheapest lot of SBoots and Shoes, at Hagood, Alex ander & Co's. A large lot of Ladies Cloaks and GentsClothing, at Hagood, Aleiander & Co's. Use Kauquita Indian Worm PeI lots. Safe, sure andl quick in their action.' Pleasantest and most eriee,% teal wormn epecific in existencte. Pr'ee, 10 and 25 cents per box. Excelsior Chemical Company, solo proprietors, Walhalla, S. C. For salo by .Dr. J. WV. Quillian, Easley Station. Hagood, Alexander & Co. will pay you In cash or goods the highest price for seed and bale cotton, "and don't you forgot it." Hlagood. Alexander & Co. have just received from New York, a foil line .of Fall and Winter Goods. Cnll and .examine their large and scfeet stock before buying. They can please you in prices ar~d quality. Just received a large lot of Cloth. ing, at IL. C. SaILrEY'S, Cen tral, S. C. BETTRa TIMEs.-Th e Democrat, New Orleans, La., says: "Suffering among such as have been troubled with dis ease of kidneys and liver, has been perceptibly better since the introduc tien among us of' Warner's Safe Kid ney and Liver Ucure." nov 18--8m The Voltaie Belt Company, Mamr, shall, Michigan will send tbeir coo brated Electro-Voltaio Belts to the dfflicted upon 80 days trial. Speedy' euros guaranteed. They moan what they say. Write to them without 16 stop Oraus Sub Bass and Coupler Ounly p65-Beet in the V. S. Opn your eye wide before you send North for instruments. Spread eagle advertisements do not always tell the exact truth. BETTER Instruments at same or less prices can be had nearer home. See these offers: ORGANS 16 Stops, 4 Setts Reeds, Sub Basm and Coup., ler, Beautiful Case, Only $65; 9 Stops, 4 sets ieeds, only $f9; 7',stopa, 8 sets Reeds. $56. Stool and Book included. PIANOS 7 Oct., large size, Rich Rosewood Case, only $179; 71 Oct. largest size, only $200; 7j Oct. Square Grand, extra large, Magnificent Case, only $850. Stool and Cover included. All from old and reliable makers, and fully gu aranteed; 16 days test trial. We pay freight if bot satisfactory. Positively the best bar gains in the U. S. No mistake about this. We mean business and competition with the world. Send for Fall Prices 1880. It will pay you. Address, LUDDEN & BATES' Southera Music House, Savannah, Ga. nov 18, 1880 9 4 Special Notices. ATLANTA, GA., June 18, 1879. Jfesare. Butchinon 4- Bro.: My wife has been a great sufferer from childhood from netvoius sick hegdgahes. * She has been treat ed by leading physicians, and has also tried the popular temedies on the market, but has found no relief until induced to try your "Neuralgine," It has proved an unfailing remedy in her case, and I heartily recom mend it to anyWho may be similarly afflicted Respe't fully, T. R. EGLESTON. For sale by Dr. J. W. QUILLIAN. Easley. THOUSANDS USE IT, WHY HE1ITATE? JoY TO THE WOULD! WOMA14 is FREE! Among the many idiscoVer!as looking to the happiness and amelioration of the human race, none is entitled to higher consideration than Dr. J. Brndfield's Female Regular, "Woman's Best Friend." By it woman is emancipated from numberless ills peculiar to her sex. Before its mngic power all irregu larities of the womb vanish. It cures 'whitcs,' suppression of the 'menses,' and removes uterine obstructions. It cures constipation and strcngthens the system, braces the nerves And purifies the blood. It never fails, as thousands of women will thstify. Prepared by Dr. J.1Bradfield, Atlantn, Ga., price $1.50 per *bottle. Sold by Dr. J. W. Quillian. Easley. TuHoMAsvLLR, G a , Juno 28, 1977. I have been selling Bradtiald's Female Re. gulator for years, andl it. still con;tinues pop. ular--nn evidence or its being all claimied for it. 1 can reenli instances ini which it ntlordled relief after all the usuail remedies had failed. S. J. CASE LS,_Druggist. Meets the recquirements of the rat iousl medi - cal philosophy which at present pt'evails. It is a perfectly pure vegetable remedy. em bracing the three importaint properties of a preventive, a tonic, and an alterative. It fortinies the body against disease, invigorates and re~vitalizes the torped stomach and liver, and effects a most salutary change in the en Lire system, when in a morbid condit ion. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen-, New Advertisements. GUIDE TO SUCCESS, WITH FOR FORMS """US"NS a"d Is BY FARl the best Business and Social Guide and Hand Book ever published. Much the latest. It. tells llow to Do Everything in the best way. How to be your own lawyer How to do business correctly and successfutlly How to act in society mnd in every part of life, and contains a gold mine of varied in formation indispensabe to all elnsses fo7' constant reference. 40 ENTS WVANTEDI for all or spare time- To know whly this book of REAL value and attramct ion seils better than any other, apply f'or terms~ to DUOOrASS Baos., Philadelphia, Pa,, and Cincinnati, 0. EE ASTIC TRUSS Has alad diet em alothem,. tRUSSei bsaI . od re ewre mvtau IaII. m arae EGGLTON TBUUS QO., Chicago, Ill. A A AND EXP'ENSES to agents. Out fit Free. A d, $777AAugusta, Maine. oct 21, 1880 6 4 H lILL'S Bocial and Business Manual. Laws of Etiquette. Bibles and other anhle books. Best. agents wantedl. W. 1H. SHEP.. ARD, 96 Pulton street, New York. nov 25, 1880) 10 4 NOTIOE TO HOLDERS OF COUPONS, OFFIOE COUNTY COMM1SSi eRN, PicKEss C. H., 8 C., Nov. !', lMO. A LL~ persons holding COUPONA~ of the Ilonds iamned by Pickenis County in aid of'the constt-uct ion of the Air Line tailrond, due for any year up to January 1st, 1879, are requeated to present tho sarne to the Co-inty Commissioners of Pickens County, at their office, at Pickens Court House, South Carolina, on the 80th day of November inst. JOHIN T. GJOUSETT, Chairman. nov 11, 1880 Remember Ehis. RELIABLE GOOD6 ONLY READ THE LIST AND CALL ON W. T. McFALL Axes, Augers, Alum, Blrooms, Buckets, Bridles, Coffee, Candy, Crackers, Dippers, Domestics, Darners, Edgings, Essences, Eggs, Fish, Flour, Forks, Ginger, Glass, Gimlets, Hats, Hames, Hoes, . Ink, Irons, Indigo, Jugs, Jars, Jeans, Keroseve, Knives, Knobs, Lamps, Lanterns, Lard, Molasses, Mucilage, Mackerel, Nails, Notions, Needles, Oil, Onions, Oysters, Pencils, Pipes, Paper, Quart Cups, Quilts, Rasps, Razors, Rags,j Sugar, Soaps, Shovels Tea, Tr unks, Tin, Umbrellas, Underwear,, V arnish, Vormifuge, Wooden Ware, Wax, Excellent Goods, Yarns. Zinc, Mirrors and many other use% ful articles, always on hand. Call. If you dont see what .you want, ask for it. These goods will be.' sold on most reasonablo terms, for Cash or Barter, or on time to prompt paying custom, crs. .Respectfully, W. T. McFALL. oct 28, 1880 6 Clerk's Sale. STATE OF SOUTil CAltOLINA COUNTY <.F P[CKENs. IN COURT OF COMMON PLEAs Naincy A Hioke. Plaintiff, against Rt E IHol comnbe, WV T IHolcombe, E, T' ilocombhe and Charles II Judsl.on, Defenda1n's.-J:1ax3 -r OF FoRsLoSUnE ANu) BALda BY viteo a Judgment. of Foreclosu~re and alemae in the above stated casec, on the 24th -'ny of MIar~oh, 1880, by llin. Thomas Thtomson. Preslidhcg Judge. I will sell 10 the hiighest bideler. at P'ickenis CouJrtI line, on Salesday in Decmber next, during the legal hiours of sale, the following valuable Real Estate, to witt All tha~t Piece, Pa:rcel, or Tract of Land, situate in Pickens Coun cty, on Georg ae Creek, waters of Salucde River, adjoining lands of John 11. UOWen, Jlnan L,. Arnold, James Mc Adams and others, containing F'ive llundred Acres. mtore or less. T1E H.\l8--One-iitid of t he purchase mnone~y to be paid in caah on day of sale: ihe remain. der on a credit of onie antd two years, withI in.. t ereat paid nnually, and a bond and mortgage of the premises. Purchasers to paiy extra for papere ahd for recordinag the samei. J. J. LEWIS, e.u P. nov 4, 1880 7 4 Clerk's Sale. ST AT.E Oi F SOUYI'I CA ROL INA CoUNTY OF I'iCkEN8. IN COURT OF COMMONPLEAS F L Garvin, Executor, Plaintiff, against Lucy 11 Uirock et al. Defendante.--CourPAINT FOR 1hEI.!EF. -BY virtue of a Decretal Order, made in the Babove stated Case by lion. A. P. Aldrich, Presiding Judge, ont thd 24th day of Juno 1879, 1 will sell to the highest bidder, ,at Pickens Court. louse, during the legrd hours of saile, on $alesday in Iincember nest, the followidg Property, to wit; All that Tract of Land in PickenA. Crnt~y, knows as Tract No. 38 of the Maverick Land, containing Three Hundred and Forty Acres, (340) more or less, on the East side of lKe0. wee River. Plat can bo seen in my office. TERMS CASifl-Purchaser to pay for ti ties. At the same time and place, I will sell all the Notes andi Accounts bielonging to the Es Late of the said F'. N. Garvin, deceasedi. nov 4, 188C) 7 4 The State of South Cairolina Br0 .COUNTY OF PICKsNs. BYO .DuRnaT, JUDOB CF PnoIJATS. Whereas, 0. C. Folger huas made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administrration of the Estate and Effects of Dr. A. M. Folger, deceased. These are therefore to ofte and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said A. M. Folger deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Piokens C. Ir., on the 27th day of November 1880, after publica tion hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoo n, to shew cause. If any they have, why the said1 ad-minlstration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this, the 11th day of Novemaber, A. D., 1880 OLIN L. DURANT, J.P.P.O. nov11,1880 8 8 X 9'11 PRESENTS, free. Send A. 11 A I~address for particulars. F. TIR1FET, 27 School at reet, Boston, Mass. HOVEY & TOWNES. WE HAVE A LARGE AND COMPLETE DTOCK OF MTAPFJE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! Would call atletaion to our Line of 8HAWL8, CL)A M8, and DOLMANS, JEANS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, BLANKET8, CARPETS, TRUNVa. &c., &c. Next Door National Bank. nov 11, 1880 2m ISAACY WEIL. low York Clothm'K Hoale, CLEVELAND BLOCK. Dealer In Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Etc. GREENVILLE -,- -C .. ------- MR. J. RILEY FERGUSON, of Pickens, is now with this house, and would be glad to see and accommodate all of his Pickens friends, nov. 4, 1880, 7 tt. Revival in New Goofs. BLaCK 81LK8 85c. to Su 25. BROCADE and MAMASSE SIL~KS and SATINS 90c. to S1.73. BLACK and FANCY SATINS 75c. to $1.25. Itourniing Departmuent. IHenrieitin, Cloth, Bnrnthen Cloth, (repe, Clothus, Cashmuiere de lde, Crepes, Cash meres, &c. lIn these gzoodls we nmake a specialty, and solicit a comparison. Our Stock of Dress Goods nn Novties Is by far the largest and most varied and contains more real G44it8 than any other stock e' er shaown by us, Includinig the new anid beautul St. M~arie Plaids And the new anel popula.r coulor'. "Ge*n D'Armie" and "Dregs of Wine," w;th, an ele gant. line of TRIM MINOS to match. Emrroiredered Flhonel, one yard widla. A goodl quality l'ull regular hI088 ati. 20Jc. considered cheap tat. 80c. Meaatefless Flannel, somtethuing new anid Table Linens, D~oyles and Napkins in new designs. Cloaks aund Dolmans. To thiisdepart.ment we call special at tent ion Fancy Baskets, T able Matts, &c. We shall be very ha~ppy L~O have ouir friends call. J. 1. iMORGOAN & BRO., GREENVILLE, S. C. oct 21, 1880 43 1 FALL OPENING. S.BIRAFMAN OF TILE CALLS~ ATTENTION TO THE public that we have the largos Stock of EVER. BROUGIlIT TO TIS MAR, ket, and we will sell .hemn at 25 per cent Iess thann any merchant South or North of Greenvillo. WVo do all our own man ufactulring and save you the jobbors profit. Please give us a call when you visit our city and bo con, vinced. We also call attention LhaL MR. W ARREN FORD is in our emiploy mont, and would be p'oased f' his friends to call on him. 8 BRAFMAN, Cleveland Block, Creevile sm, 8. Cj. L. ROTIHSCILILD, Manager. aug 12, 1880 .47 SPRING MILLINERY. ----0 Mrs. J. B. LASSALLE UESPECTFULLY INVITES THE Ladies of Central and the vicinity to call and examino her 3TO0K OF 5PoIMG XIWDTRY, Dress Goods aN Nons. FINE LEGHOUNS, CHIPS, 3TRAWS of evary grade and price, 'RIMMED H ATS from 75 ots to $5. Fino Ruches, Now Style ltibbons. Summer Gloves and Black Laeo 3Iitts Embroideries and Laces of evory Width and Price. rGadies Underwear and Ifair Goods, - - o - - DONE IN LATEST STYLE 1BY A FASHIONABLE )RESsMAKER. up 22, 1880 1 6 m Patents for Inventloins E. W. ANDERSON. J. C. SU.Irr ANJDRSON & SIIT13, Attorneys at Law No. 700 S'venth-St. Opposito the United States Putert OfmlE, Washington, .). C. No fee for proliniary examination. .No foo unless patent1 i. aliowed. Foes lose than thoso of anny other irsponsible agetioy. Practice in tho U. S. Patent o1100, U. S. Supicmo Court, and Ditrick Uourts. Correspondonco solicited and no chargo nide for tdvice Books of inloi mntion sent free ut ch arge. Reference furnished upon request. oct14, 4 8m M RAT CAUS or HUMAN Misly Is the L[oss of A L1'C'T{ t1h oni the Nature, Treatmeont, aind RLadicail cure of' Seminal WVeaknes,, or Sp~ernmatorrhiocai, inidneed by Slf' Abuse, involuntary EmIissiohns, 1wmpotLeue 1Dehility, and I mpedimenits~ to Maw erally; Consumunpion, Epi'epsy, Mlental and Phy sical lucapacity~ - ROBERTI J. CU[ltRWELL, M.D. of' th "G *(~reen Book,"' &c. Th'le world-reniowedl auhor~, ini tble ble Lee'Inrte, clearly proves fromis peien~ce unhat t he uaw lul consqueoO~8 A buse mary be effectuidly remo,~, tJ~% medicino, and with out doagero aas*~ operat ions, bougiesa, instrumen'a ilse cordials: pointing out a mode, of' cur'egt certnin and etffectual, by which every sufferot no mat, er what his conidit ion may be, niay cure himself cheaply. privately and radi m% This Lecture will prove a boona to I houtsandst and thouotsantd . Sent Iunder scai, ini a plain envelope, to~ any address, pot.. paid(, on1 rip jt Ifsi cents or Iwo postage statups. Addrests tihe Pulis~hers, 'fTHE ('ULVERUWE LL MEDICAL Cj.. 41 Arni St., New Yourk; Postotfice Box, 4->b. au 1, 1880 t)3 It is the hest Illood Puriflnr, andt stm~itei thus a benefi i alt aieent'n cto,.~di Inel*iznnattingthi urIti pt i fthr1,.abi~r.t.M 1n natural and ner'esmary resn t is th LI. .'utrnf:r.i' Utoui nl other Nicta Erutions ni i weIat.gP, inluitIng Cancers. 1'ers andi tiher .St-, euredl Iy flt Naf'e Ililfe-a'. It i is ju e .d as an appettver iil rcgulasr toicit''i It isa mi~eiIicll h ieh '.uhl bein, vey,-n paymeillt of mianiy dhctor~s,' hLiti Bottlos of t wo sizes; i~ie.. -r. .1ix *FE .S"Warne.M. E* Sa feena e.. cUR a dies are sold . br 3~>by Drugghsts rrR'TT~nsiii Medicirae everywhere. - . PILLoHHWARNR& CO, P'roprietLor3, - Roehester, N. Y. -l4'ende for Pamphlet --and Testimo: lais. LAWMOcN WIIEEl 1 [Greatest Wheel or thn IFor Sale by TIIOS. W. D) 4Zreenilie.~ ALSO, l1)EALEIl. IN STEAM UNx GINES, SAW iMILL3, COTTON GIN PRiESSE8, SEWAINGi .MA., CINE~S, &o. nue 1880R .r . F110FI*4d1Q$1JJ, N OTICICS. 4.reeiI~vl!J 6. C. 1'Plokux C 1..C 3ILY1!Hg & DAEZTT A YTOJYXNf k 4- CO UZSEL0ORB A T LA NO', pIcKENIS C. 13.9 8. 0 (Offim in School ('ommiumioner's Offlcej Will prauitioe iii the blato and FeJers cour!#. tu ep t 2'. flR79, 2t JAMflS3 L. U11jrlI JOHN S. VERINERI An'Ierso*,e t.Wlbu, .C OikR & TERkpXE1? A 2'TOMIMt UYUI o'I UN e' 8R&1 L A W Will give r ~~nrjLezthion rd lift l left to their vare whtit Mtj. ly, F', DUiAI)LEY Feb 6, 19~79 21 18 ('oT11t' ~ )jflA ('I COTHRAN & CHILI), muld Coll vk ot ' UUtt s; i h i'i trict ol Ce:~ irui ida. Atlanta ArLine Itaillay .4 1v;11 1-1111,4 Leave ij' . It V 'i k(*a x U~ IA 11 fit r ft g & 'Ji i ti I I a ill k ,.,i, L 14. 1 ilk