The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, July 18, 1878, Image 6

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Death from Hydrophobia. Mr. Asa Pool, a citizen of Spartau, burg county, died from hydrophobia, on the 27th ult. The following ac count of his death is given by a corres pondent to the Columbia Register: "Pool did not seem to be vicious, but rather frightened, and solicitous of help from those around him, and talked rational up to late in the after. noon. 1Ie said he was in no pain, but when the spasms came on he seemed to experience a smothering sensation. Hie wont about the yard with a dipper of water in his hand, and would say, "I want this water, but I can't drink it." Late in the afternoon he seemed to grow worse, and wont wild, and ran as fast as he could for about a hundred yards, and was forcibly brought back and confined in a smoke house, when he became so furious that he had to be tied with sheets. He foamed at the mouth and was raving mad up to the time of his death. "Mr. Pool was a single man about 45 years old. All who visited him were profundly impressed with the terrible malady of which he died, and relate the scenes and incidents with a sense of horror, and indeed by say ing, "I can't describe it." sloveral othors have been bitten, and this case of Pool's will doubtless give a great deal of uneasiness to other parties." GRAIN CUOPIN TIIE WEsT.-The St. Louis Republican says nearly all the reports received from the interior of Missouri and Illinois of tho grain crop now heing harvested concur in repre. sonting it as unusually fine. The reaping in the lower part of these States began in the midst of the rain that prevailed from the 1st to the 10th of the month, and thero is a . plaint about the sprouting of grain cut at that time, but the rainy spell has been over for a wvenk. and the veatlier is fan rable for harvest work. Nearly all the whoat in Missouri is cut anid shocked, mnuch of it is stack ed, and some has been threshed out and is on our market. Ii pr~oves to be good quality, very full, plump) and fair, and free from intermixture. Thej~~ crop last year wa~s large, but that of the presont year will be still largei and botte'r. It will be so large as to make livingr unusually cheap, even af ter wve shall have shipped to En rope as much of the surplus as can afford to pay tuo cost of carriago. In an election on the "fence ques ion" in Richmond Couinty, Georgin, en the 1st instant, the votes in favor of "fence" was about 8 to 1. This beats 8. to 7, all hollow. The Union Times~ i not one of thoso who hold that the members of the Lecgislature are over~paid. For a sixty days' session they get $300. It costs a member a month's wvork to be elected, and his expenses to Columbia are at least $l.75c. a day. Now be has neglected his own busmness for three months, which is wvorth $1.35. Grand total $315 which is $15 less than he receives. Governor Ihampton's address at Blackville, to a portion of his old CJon federate command, will attract atten tion far beyond the himits of his own State. The pledges made two years ago in regard to the colored men must, he says, be fait hfully carried out in the future. They are equal before the law and must be treated as equals The carpet baggers will find no com fort in a policy of that kind.-N. Y. Iherald. Subscribe for the Sentinel, and pay for it in advance. THE SUN. 1878 NEW YORK. 1878 As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, THlE SUN would remind its friends and well wishers everywhere, that it is again a candidate for their consideration and support. Upon its record for the past ten years it relija for a continuance of the hearty sympathy and generous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to it from every quarter of the Union. The DAILY SUN is a four page-sheet of 28 columns, price by mall, post paid, 66 cents a month, or $6.60 per year. The SUNDAY edition of Tus SUN is an eight.-page sheet of 66 columns. While giv. ing the news of the day, it also contains a large amount of literary and miscellaneous matter specially prepared for it. Taiu SUN DAY SUN has met with great, success. Post paid $1.20 a year. TIlE WEEKLY SUN. Who does not know THE~ IVNEKLY SUN? it circulates throughout the United States, the Canadas, and beyond. Ninety thousand families greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide. counsellor, and friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary departmnents make it essentially a jo'rnal for th't family and the fireside... Terms: ONE DOLJLAD? a year, post paid. This price, quality oonsidered,~ makes iL the cheapesL newspaper pubishd4. For. lbs of tenI, with $f0 eash, we jrfl send a eegre copy. free. d , pus . - ~ ~ POSITIVELY URED. A LL sufferers trom this disease that are anxious to be cured should try Dr. Kiss NERU's Celebrated Consumption Powders. These Powders are the only. preparation known that will cure Consumption and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs-indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to coD vince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a free Trial Box. We don't want your money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative powers. If your life is worth saving, don't delay in giving these Powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box, $3.00, sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address, ASH & ROBBINS, 860 Fulton-street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jan 10, 1878 18 ly 7T2 E7ZETMy, OR Falling Sickness Perman. ently Cured, N 0 humbug-by one month's usake of Dr GouIw.Z,'s Celebrated Infalible Fil Powders. To c avince sufferers that thes< powers will do all we claim for them, we wil send them by mail, post paid, a free trial box As Dr. Goulard is the only physician tlia has ever made this disease a special study and as to our knowledge thousands have beet permanently cured by the use of these Pow, ders, we will guarantee a permanent cure ir every case, or refund you all money expen ded. All sufferers should give these Powderi an early trial, and be convinced of their cu rative powers. Price, for large box, 8.00, or 4 boxes foi $10.00, sent. by mail to any part of Unitec States or Canada on receipt of price, or b) express, c. o. j). Address, ASHi & ROUBBINS, 360 Fulton-street, Brooklyn, N. Jani 10, 1877 18 ly 'Th9 CckmhI& R flfiu10r PUBLISH ED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY & WEEKLY - AT COL UMB IA, S. C.) HOYT, EMLYN & McDANIEI JAIES A. 1IOT, Editor. The Daily Register contains the latest new: of thle day, all commerciail, political and~ ot he matter sent by telegniph, fulhl locaLl reports editorials upon all current topics and Grainge andl A griculturwa DeTpartnwn.'zts The Daily has a circulat ion cxtending t all parts ot the State, is cir'culted in ntearl' <every State in t he U nion, and consequlent.1 increasing; therefore, as an advertising mle diunm it cannot be surpasse<1. The Tfri- Weekly Regist ers is 'issued ever' Tuesday, Thu irs lay and Matn~rday miorninug and contains all the news of the days in one issule. The Weekly Itegister is an E10 lIT P'AG I paper,conta nin ig Ft) d ITV-ElG fIT C(24)L \ M emtbracing thle cream of news of each week ThIiis paper is withlin th le reachI ofcv ery famnily and we are pleased to state thie fact. that it: large circulat ion is rapidly ex t ending. The Register is now the Organ oft' lhe Stalt< Grange, and all mat ters of interest to th< Pat ronis of IIu'sbaindry will be tic:, ed in thei1 appropriate decpar-tmient. Th'lo Ag:ricultura and Grange articles will appear in cachi o our1 publicationms-Daily, Tr' i-Weekly an<l Weekly. _________ TERMS OF~ SUBSCRIl'TION. DAILEY (IEifT-One Year. Z07 00; Si: Months, $3 50.; Thre-e Months, $1 75. Tail-WEECLv RruisTrn--One Year, 5 00 Six Months, $2 50; Three Months, $1 25 WVEEKLY REulsTin---One Year, $2 00; Si2 Months, $'1 00; Three Months, 50. JOB PRIINTINO, The best and chueapest BOOK and JO] PRtINTINT, of every description, promptla and satisfactorily executed at the Registe: Office, All kinds of Law Blanks on hand, whici we will sell at the lowest prices. JAMES A. HOYT, H1. N. EMLYN, WV. B. McDANIEL, Proprietors and Publishers. May 31, 1877 JyEIlUNDRED A MONTH T( Ii Active Men selling our Lette Copying Book. No press or wateraused. Sample copy worth $;l.00 free. Send stamn for cirenlar. EXCELSIOR M'F'0 CO., 9 Maidson, and 182 Dearbon-street, Chicago. MAKE HOME HAPPY. A Plentiful Supply of Good Beading and Beautiful Pictures WILL DO IT. THE CINOINNATI SWEEKLY STAR," ~jAfine eight-page paper, with~ 48 full col Wumns, cst only 91.00 pr year 0 rg ,and bs publilhed fo Sthe money. It is in ependeni in politics, gives all the nowa, and, besides much I Sother good reading every number has three or four excellont original or s lectedi stories. Every subscriber also Ne receives a copy of the beautiful engrav- i u n."Thae Poor thae Poor Muan's S Friend" size 24x34 inches and a copy of THE BTAR ILLUS5TRATED) ALMA. NAC am I. 23rtara must be sent to pay expense of packing and nmailing pre m Um. 'Onr ianee-maesats to UAen, always the mnm lberal in the M fie~d, are notw greater than ever, we itwant every club agent in the country to communicate with us before commencing F aclub, we wi send a ame to gpyou the pcure and a canvyasser s outfit for m b Seiend aSpemen ne(ksi paer ree. M 0 an roranyothner.n 0The Atar, th'ough in no sense a party papeor, has always been a vigorous advo. picafe of the rights of all the iEt ates, and h was among the first to urge the justice of locaL government in the South. M Peron to whom we have already sent 5 P*th picture, "Thae Poor t3he P0or M Vnan' P'eud," by saying so can hae in its stead another excellent en raving, ofr tarne sae which we have M SPaper without picture, One Doiuar. W 9890 Walnuwt St., CE'nosnat , 0. e -MAKE HOMEptSANT. D.R. J. Gillland AIGreturned and pemn" lo 0~. 4 --FOR THE IGKE~ ~ETEL 'Only $1.50 a Year. 0 E v ery m an i n t he C o ~nt y of Pickens SH OULD BE A SUBSCRIBER ! Every man who has ever lived here and huas moved away, ISH OULD BE A SUBSCRIBER ! IT FURNISHES ALL T E 8MJTYPJEa -AND (ONDENSED REPORTS -OF I T CJR CU LA TL8 Largely in the adjoining Counlies and to -some, extent in Western Nor th Caeolin a I AND IS, THEREFORE, SUBSCRIBE For the Pickens Sentinel ! ADVERTISE Ini the Pickens Sentinel ! D). F. .BRADLE~Y & (CO. Proprietor's. SHUN DRUG POISONS. SiEl)IcINE RENDERED UsELbss. Volta's Electro Belts and Bands are indorsed by the most eminent physicians in the world for the cure of rheumaitism, neuralgia, liver eomplaint, dyspepsia, kiliney dlisease, aches, pains, riervous disorders, nis female complaints, nervous and general de bility, and other chron ic diseases of the chest, head, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood. Cook with full particulars free by Volta Belt Do., Cincinnati, 0. PICEENS COUNii DIaECOYI, Benator-R E Bowen. Representativea-D F Brad ley and E IH Bates Clerk of Court-John J Lewis. Judge of P obate-W (G Field. Bhaerift-Joab Mauli. Ooroner-Berry B Earle Bchoot Commisioner-O W Slugleoton. Treasurer-W R Berry. Auditor-John 0 Daviu. County Commisioner.--.B 3 Johnson hiai rman-John T Lewis, Tho opf d lee Cotenty Oommis.pioners, IO @ gswot, ./i. .' 1 ~Jue;I On-and a S Passenger iraneo O *. Railroad will run as low . (Sundays e Leave Charleston Arrive at Columbia OR AUGUSTA (Sundays eioepted.) Leave Charleston * Arrive at Augusta _6 0", - FOR CHARLESTON. (Sundays exoepted.) Leave Columbia 9 Arrive at Charleston Leave Augusta Arrive at Charleston 4 COLUMBIA NIGHT EXP 8 Leave Charleston 9 Arrive at Columbia 7". Leave Columbia -70f Arrive at Charleston 4 AUGUSTA NIGHT EX ES&. Leave Charleston 809 n Arrive at Augusta 7 45 Leave Augusta 880 . Arrive at Charleston 740, SUM MERVILLE TR IN. (Sundays excepts3 ) Leave Summerville at 7 80. . Arrive at Charleston 8 4i a% Leave Oharleston 816 Arrive at Summerville 4 80-p CAMDEN TRATI Connects at Kingville dail except 86,n days] with Up and Down Da ud Passeng'e Frains. Day and Night Trains.con t at Augusta with Georgia Railroad, Mac and Augusta, Railroad and Central Railro . This 1ronte via Atlanta is the qniokest d most diteo route, and as comfortable cheap, as other route, to Montgomer Selma, Mobile, New Orleans, and all other- ints Southwestj and to Louisville, Cinoin ti, Chicago, 86.. Louis, and all other points eat and north.. west. Day Train connects at C imbia with the Through Train on charldee Road' (whiek leaves at 9 p. m.) for all plts North. ..% S. S. G3OLOMONS, Aiperintendent. S. B. PicKEts, Generallieket Agent. Greenville & Cimbia i CHANGE OF SCI ULE, Passenger trains run dail: andays except ed, connecting with night rains on South y Carolina Railroad up and d . On and aft. er Monday, July 16. 1877, e fellowingo will. be heSchedule; I UP I Leave Columbia at 11.10 a M Leave Aston at Leave Newberry at .api Leave Hodges at .6pi Leave Belton at 7.Mpi Arrive at Greenville at8.6pi Leave Greenville at 20n Leave Belton at9.0ai Leave Hodges at J 1.7ai Lueave New berry at / 1.2pn Leave Alston at8.0pi Arrveat olmbi a 6.00 p mn ~i~onect a A~htn Ii7rain on th Sparanbrg ad Uzion roa; a m AratColumbia aNgt Tri.00heSot Car olina Railroad up and do ; also with Trairga going North and South he Charlotte, Co lumbia and Auguista and Wilmington, Con ABBE'VILLE tANCII. -Train leave Abbeville'9-15 a in., connecf ing with D)own Train ff4 Greenville. Lea' o Cokesbuiry a t 2.15 p ny. nnlecting. with p Train from Colu~mbia.- ommodat ion Train, Mondays, Wednesdays d Fridays. Leage Cokesbury at 11.16 a p r on the arrival cf the Down Train from 6 niville. Leav'es Ate beville at 1 o'clock p.~ connecting with Cy~ Train from Columbia. ANDER8ON BIRANCJ ND TLUE RIDGE DIVI N Leave Walhmalla at 6.0ai Leave Seneca at 82 Leave Perryville at880ai Leave Pendleton at720au Leave Anderson at 81ai N,0 Am rh at elto at5.50 a m LArve atBelton at 7.0 a Leave Anderson at 7.60 p in Leave Pendleton at 8.46 p in Leave Perryville 9.20 p-m Leave Seneca at 9.80 p in' Arrive at Walhall 10.00 p a Accommodation ins between Belton and Anderson on Tues , Thursdays and Batur.. d ys, Leave Belt t 9.60 a mn., or on arri. a! of Down Trai omn Greenville. Leave Aniderson at 2.0 ., connecting with Vp MAS DODAMEAD~,, eral Superintendent. JADE'n NORTON , General Ticket Agent edule. Atlanta & Ri ond Air Line Railway L TRAIN. Leave at Atlant 5~ n Leave Toccoa Cjat942pi Leave Westmin at 1 2P~4 Leave Seneca e~a 111 Leave central 14p Leave Liberty127?i Leave Easley 12a Leave Greenvi t 0aa Leave Spartan g at 28ai Ar'rive at charoe at 81~t~ Leaves Charl at87p Leaves Spart rg at 14a Leaves Green e at 2a Leaves Easle 8m Leaves Libert 80ai Leaves Centr t 84c Leaves Seniec t y at 4m Loaves West ster at418ai Leaves To t 0.p Arrrives at ta at* 9-6a Leaves tla at 00 a Leave Tac t . 10 428 p Leave ~Ve Istr at11 11 ? in4 Leaves Sen city a Leavesas12t 268a m Leaes pa urgat 61 00aa Leave Ch eat2110 .wa at L6 12:aat Cit41 at L~e~6 To2 C4tyaatn Anim a ~taa8.24~ a In ddi toth~e tain,4 18 sc Leravesii Toc U . 10 -2 Leave , es ise t113