Pemoeratie Reforma anid Eepibioan1 xtravagane. DAring the winter of 1878-78 1 strosuons effugt was tatde .y the Rv publicans to reduce expanditures, so that their patty might lanve practical reforn* to point to *-i n t e StateI canvass of 1870 began. In compar, ing, therefore, the Republican ap-. propriatiois for the fisal year 1875, and 1876 with-the Democratic ap propriatimns lor' the fical year 180 and 1677, the nwgu4 gA%hi RopiblicansI in selet'ing the year in wilich their appropriations were put at what they regarded as the lowest possible figure. It will bo seen, however, by an examination of the esljoined table that, exclusive of in terest, the appropriarions for the current year, under Deonicratic rule, tire $327,867 les than in the last year kpf the Chaun nbrlain administrat ion. 1875=70 1876-77 8Alaries, $114,90 $123,650 Salaries, defciecoits 60,000 Contingent jund 9,100 17,550 Penitentiary 40,000 25,000 Lunatic Asylum 65,000 60,000 Orphan Asylum 10,000 1,500 Deaf & Dumb Asylum 6,000 Catawba Indians 800 800 P. 0. University 43,400 1,50() Normal Sc,ool 15,000 Agricultural College 10,000 ,500 Public Printing 50 000 10,000 Public Schools 260,000 100,0OO General Assembly 110,000 106,600 General Apsembly de. ficiencius 10 000 Bundries 34,705 6,188 Totals $842,955 ;515,688 No account has been taken of the interest onl the pmblic debt, as in both, years a im suflicieit wnis appropri sited. In salitieics the reduction is marked. Thle saviig there is over $50,000. There is an increase inl the contingent iunds, consequent upon the unsettlel condition of the gov ornment earlier in 1he year. and the iecesity of p)roviding for the ex pen sees of lit igation in the Attoirney Glen eral's office. Tjhe public inistituitions have enoughi for their actual wants, and no mnore *The Deaf and Dumb Asylum is pro. v'ided for'; and 8o 1s the interest on the State bunds purcbasedl with funds belonging to the Agricultural Col loge. For' the University and Zlhe Normal School only enough money was appropriated to keep the build' . ings in order. Thseo eleomosynary', rathier than educational, instit utions wvill be thoroughly reorganized nsext witer. The public schools get $100, 000, and the poll tax, which is ex pected to realize 100,000 more. The $200,000 will be suffloIent, it is be' liev'ed, to keep the scbh61 in opera. t ionl until October, ins couutlties where the schlsl hsave incuir'red no indebt edness. For public printnng the ap-. j)'propiation is redtted to $10,000. Not long ago the amount paid out, in one year', for pr'inting was over $300, 000. The expenses of the General Assembly are reduced from $140,000 to $106,500, and the reduction would have been greater but for the len-' aelty of the high priced Senators.. Figures are deeply interesting to taxpayers when they show how the public money has been saved; and j by such figures the people jusdge of the fidelity of. their servants.. The D)emocracy have made a cheering beginning, and they will gather en.. c.uaragemnent to retrench still further' while conferring with, their consti tuents this Bsummerl.-News anid Courier. A young lady anid gentleman die ptiting upon a subject, the lady ton- a derly remarked: "Sir we cans never' agree in anything." "You are p wrong madam," said he. "If' you and I were lo go into a room into a which there wore two beds, a woman I in one and a man in tihe other, wigj whom would you sleep?" "With the woman, of couree," replied se em, phatically. "And so wouIld I," promnply responded the gent. If'every man would wnly takoe the advice he gives to othetr 1p00140, he would be haappy. flo not affronted at a ject. If one throw ever so much Lalt at.the, thou whIt receive no harmn, unless thon as't 1 raw and alcerous. "Bambo, where's your master?" "Geie out." "fas be left off drink-. ink yetW" "Oh, yes, he Jeft off thr'ee times this mornil -g." pito preselt tle Cas0 of South Carolina to fn all dionce tif Nortiern men. 1le did so with cklar-Acterisc caqdor atid gpod 801ns0, and hit addro6e vill-add to tho confidence which all right ninded peol)le feel in his jndgmnt, integri. ty and patriotisn. Culture is so cheap and I lentiful in New England that when a profes. @or dies of hydrophobia the miajprity of the Bootoi papers side with the dog. TUTT'S PIiLLS ANotedDivines they are worth their weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: Da. TUTT:--Dear Sir: For ten years I have been a martyr to D pepsia, Constipation, and Files. Last a your pil were recommended to me; I used em(but wth little faith. I am now a well man, have good appetite, digeston perfect, regularstools, ne g , and I have gained forty pounds solid flesh. Vheytare worth their WeIgt in cold. REV. R. L. SIMSONLouisville, Ky. Dr. Tut has been en. TUTT'S PILLS gaDrd In the practice of TUM S I LL medicine thirty years, and CURB ICK EAD- foralonrtimewasdemmn ACHB- strator of anatomy in the Medical College of Geor. TUTT'S PILLS h thegra CURB DYSPRPSIA. tee that the are prepared on scientific pnciples and airc free from- all TUTT'S PILLS quackery. lHe ha sancceded In DURM CONSTIPATION combining in them the "heretofore antagonistic ru TS PL S qualities ofa sie hex. TUTTIS PILLS 'ereor~a ss,r ons, fr e CURI VILM". os. -4!h. her first apparent ef. IuT fEI fctis to Increase theap IUIIO rILLO petite by causinf the TUT TIS PILLS "ia' m e*f66 torprly ass mlatc. GURU WVER AND 'hsthe systesm is nour, ...m. ished, and by their toniq action on the digestive or, gans, regular and healt evacuations are produced URB BILIOUS COLIC The rapidity with which -" PLS rsons tak, on flesh$ whilf: under the influencl FUT T'S PILLS b"ig rf or these pills, of Itself in, Yvan XIMNT 0OX- dicats their adaptability PLAINT, to nourish the body, and ...... hence their encacyncur. PL Ing nervous debilty, mel ancholy dyspepsia, wast ing of de muscles, slug. 11. .M.... = MN- chronio constipation , anr mparting health and strcingth to the system. Sold verywhereOfice 3.;Murray Street, New York. 'TRIUMPH .0F SCIENCEs Gray Hair can be change- to a loss back bya sinl caio of and Is warratedDys harmless as wae. Price $3.00. Offce 35 Murray St., N.Y. WHAT. ISUEEN'S DELIGHT ? Read the Anurew. i I s a plant that grows in the South, and is ape. :ially adapted to the cure of diseases of that climate. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY,* Entering at once into the blood, explIng all scrof alouas, syphilitic, and rheumatIc' a etions. Alone t it a searching alterative, but wvhen combined with larsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forms Dr'. Tutt's Samspailia, av4 Queen'S Delight, rhe most pwerful bleod prifier known to medIcal cience for te cure of old lcers, diseased joints, foul lischarges from the ears and nostrils, abscesses skin liseases, dropsy, kidney complaint evil eif'ec. of ecret practices, disordered liver and spleen. Its use tngthens the nervous systm, inprt a fair com 0 HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. As an abtidoto to syhlittie poison It is strongly reo ca Hun~ ofcof the worst type :table Iscontinued use wil do no barm. 'rebest timne to tabit Is dating the summer and %Uand lusedo eilheada eer an PUBLISH EDRei1~ Y'RI-WEEKLY & WEEKLY, 4. --AT CJOLUMBRIA,8.(C., KOYT, EMLYN & MoDANIEL. JAMES A. lIOV T, Editor. The Daily Register contains the latest news t t1:e (day, all comm aercial, political andi oilher nia.ter sent b)y telegraiph, full local reports, ditorials upon all current topics and( 2range. and Agricultural .Dcpartmecnts. The Daily haus a circulation ext ending t o ,11 parts ot the State, is circulated in nearly very State in the Union, and consequently ncreasing; therefore, as an advertising me iumn it. cannot. be surpassedl. Th le Tri-Weekly Registers is issued every 'uesday, Thuwrsday and Sat urday morning, uad contains all the newa of the days ini one Isie. The Weekly Register Is an EI HT PAGE aper,containing F'ORTY-E1(G HIT Cl hfUMNS, mubracinag theccream of news of each week. his paper is within the reach of every fiamily, nd we are pleased tp state t he fact that its arge circulation is rapidly ext endling. Thle Register is now the Organ (of the State range, and all miatters of interest to the 'atrons of Husbandry will be treated in t heir Il)opriate (depart ment. The Agricultural nid GIrango articles will appear in each of uir publicat ions-I)aily, Tri-Weekly and Vckly. _______ TERtMs OF sUBsIflrON. DAIT,EY lF.0lAT.--One Year, $7 00, Sig lonths, $3 50; Three Months, $1 75. TRnI-W rKr,v R En:Tsnn-One Year, $5 00; ix Months, $2 60; Three Monthas, $1 2. WVEIK.y RHorsTran-One Year, $2 00); si lontlhs, $1d 00, Three Months, 50. JOUB PRINTING, The best and chaeapest 11OOK and JOn ILINTINT, of every 'iescrij.tion, promptly ,ndi satisfactorily executed at the Register )fioe. All kinds of Law Blanks on hand, which te will sell at the lowest, prices. JAMES8 A. HOYT, HI. N. EMLYN, WV. 11. McDANIEL, I'r&ptorna ndw 1'u,isb..l. The to of South aIrolina. IN COMMO.N PLEAS. Baylii W Mansell, Fleteer Matsell, Camillm Hendricks and husband James B IIeudrick4 and. others- Plaintiffs. against James Raswell, Robert E Bowen, Wim A Clyde. llenry C Briggs, Thomas W Russell, Orlando C Folger and others-Defendants. COMPLAIT rVon REIEF, &,C. Y virtue of a.decte$talordeAk mAde by the ,BIlon. T. 11. Cooke, Judge of the Eighth iJudicial Circuit, on the 13th day of July, A. D 1876, each and every of the bktat law of Tiusa Emma Johnson, formerly Tin. 8a Ear ma Mansell, if any there be othem than the Plaintiffs above named in this so. lion, nre hereby sumnioned and required to appear before the Cletk of this Court, iden tify themselves and establish their claims to the funds to be distributed, herein on or be fore the 21st day of July A. D. 1877, or forever be debarred of all benefit under the decree for distribution to be rendered in this action. Given under mty hand. ark! A6i sial at Pickens, this the 15th day of July A. D. 1876. S. D- KRITH, Clerk of Court. of Common Pleas for Pickens County, . C. July 20. 1876 46 ly ZYK AL ZY ! We are now prepee furnUsh permanent af,-~ tiorns fot ai IftenutVkbeof pe"riualc az4 awiW who are Out of W or P I artica ara sent free on application. Address, with stamp, SOUTIERN CO-OPjR&TIV Co., Nashville, Tenn. ZYKALZYO! THE SUN. 1877_ NEW YORK. 1877 The different ditions of THE SUN during the next. year will be the same as during tle year that has passed. The daily edition will on week days be a sheet of four pages, and on Sundays a sheet of eight pages, or 5G broad column!us; while the wcekl' edition will be a sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions and character that are already familiar to our friends. The Sun will continue to be file strenuous advocate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom and integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, ,ind frand in the adminstration, of public a, fairs. It will contend for the government of le )eople by the people and for the people, as opposed to government by frauds in the ballot box and in the counting of votes, en l'orced by military violence, it will endeavor to supply its Weaders-a body now not far tiromi a millhon of souls--with -the most care-. ful, complllete, aund trust worty accounts of cur. rent event s, aand will employ for this purpose a fnmerouts anid carecfully selected stair of ro porteris aind corresponidenits. its reports froma Washingtoni, especially, will he full, accurate, and( fe'arless; and it will doubtliess continue to deserve andl enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Tretasury or by usurping what thle law does not. give thlema, while it will enideav'or to mierit the confid ence of thle publie by ility, and( other chronic diseases of the chest, iend, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood. L'ook with full particulars free by Volta Belt LBo , Cincinnat i, 0. ME TROPOLITAN W 0 R K S, CANAL ST., FROM SIXTH TO SE:VENTH, RICHIMOAVD, : T: VRGINJA. ENGINES. Portable and Stationary, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Boilers, Castings of Brass and Ironi, Forgings, &c. A1WRJITECT'UR Af[E IRON WORK, Ina all its branches, done by experienced bands JMP'RO VED P'ORTABL31 ENGINES for diriving Cotton Gins, Threshing Machines, Separators, Grist Mills, &c. A number of secondl-band Engines and Boilers of various pattiers, in first rate order, on handl. Repair work solicited an't promptiy (lone. WM. E. TANNER & CO. Oct 14, 7 ly ? !CIEM CON?Y_DIECTORY, Senator-R E Bowen. RThpresentativ'e.--D F Brad ley and E II Bates Clerk of Cour-Johan J Lewis. Judge of P -obate-W G 'Field. She4rif--Joab MaulMsa. Coroner-Berry B, Earlo School C'ommiaasoner-G WV Singleton. Treaurer-W R Bgrry. Audi*or-John () Davis. County. Comm,issionr-B J Johnson Chai, rman-John T Lewis, Thos P Looper. Clerk jounty Commissioners, C L Hlollingsworth. Trial Justicca--ELaaley, T W Russel-Sa. iLrubri, J Rt Holcomt>e--Cenal, Jamesq A Liddell-Picken.' C ii., G] W Taylor-Dacus,. vil/c. B F Morgan.-J i/e Cree/: T WV To1miozn I Oh aId after $606y, WMWaber 19, the Passenget- Trains oa the South Carolina Rai&roadrki ttb se ftllofe ' *- IEO CQJ,UM~A (Pufd#'Y-.4 excevw.) : Lave Charleston 9 15 s a Arrive at Colusbia FOR AtIOTiSTA. (Sundays' excepted.) Leave Charleston 9 15 a 0 Arrive at Augusta -- FOR CHlARLENSTC. t (Sundayajscepted.L,# Leave Columbia 9 j Arrive at Charleston 4 4'p m L ae A gusts am Arrive at Charleston ' Ii COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPAESS. Leave Charleston 9 16 p rn Arrive at Colinta 7. 20 am Leave Columbia 7 0' p gi Arrive at Charleston 6 40s In AUGUSTA NIGHT P Leave Charleston 00 Arrive at Augusta 8. 0 Leave Augusta t a M AW Arrive at Charleston 7 40 m SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. (Sundays e;cep4ud.) Leave Summerville at 7 30 a n Arrive at Charleston 8 4 i m Leave Gharleston 8 15 p M Arrive at Summerville 4 80 p'in CAMDEN TRAIN Connects at Kingville daily [oxegp' no (lays] with Up and Down Day and Pas4ner Frains. Day and Night Trains connect at with Georgia Railroad, Macon an'd 'AtigusIa Railroad and Central fiethte via Atlanta is the quickest and mo route, and as comfortable and cheap 'y 1 .ollher route, to Montgomery, Selma, Mebi New Orleans, and all other points Southyrest, aud to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chtcajo, St. Louis. and all other points West and Soat. west.. Day Train connects at Columbia with the Through Train on charlottee Road (wich leaves at 9 p. M.) for all points North, Night Train connects with Loeaf Tt4 [which leaves Columbia at 8 a. r4.] foTggints on charlof te Road. Laurens Railroad Train connedto aULNow. berry on Tuesdays, Thursdays aod 8atur days. Up columbia Night Train couneots olosely with the Greenvilloand columbia Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS, Superintendebt. S. B. Pioxp;ss, General Ticket Ageat-, Greenville & Columbia R L CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, Passenger Irains run daily.Sundays eieep. ed, connecting with night trains on eSoth Carolina Railroad up anid down. On and aft. er Mondlay, December 13, the following bill * be the Scdule:,. Ir Leave Columbia at ai Leave Alston at 91 , Leave Newberry at 1.6ai Leave Cokesbury at2.7 Leave Belton at -3~ p, A rrive at Greenville at .6pi now N. Leave Greenville at . Le'ave lielton at .4a Leave Cokesbury 1.0an ueave Ncwberry at240ae Leave AI.ston at42 i Arriv at Clumbi at .66 p , ~~'Cnnec at lato wit Tran.1o ahe. oliiaiRairoa upanddow; aso ill Tti 0 Cokeburyat 215 pen.,Oon 4.2i 0 p, m,p Traive frt Columba. t 5.55pan Mondis,Conneays altnd wihPrain. enh Cokelubia t. 11.1t a ins on the South Chr i on raiadu andrown ;enoille. Tea r TanaeAbeville at 1 o'clack.,.con.,eco Train from Columbia. Acomed th ri ANDERSON JBIANCHI AND TLUE RID GE DIVISION, [eave WValhalla at 6.04 a in Leave Perry ville at 6.45 a ha Leave Pendleton at 7,35 a ir, Leave Anderson at 8.35 a m Airive at Belton at 92.1 Leave Belten at 8.60~j a Leave Anderson at '4 .p.4 Leave P'endle'ton at 6.6 Leave Perryvlle 0 Arrive at Wthalla .15.pu Accommodation Train, between Delt Anderson on Tuesdays, Thursdays and SBtr.. days, Leave Beolton at 0.50 a m., or 06se al of Downi Train from Greenville. Leave Anderson at 2.00 p mn., connecting 'witih 'Up THOMAS DODA)iEe1l, General Superint.ndent, JanEz. NORTON, Jr'., General Ticket Agent Schedule. Atlanta & Richmond Air Line Ra,ilway PAssENGER TRAiN EA5rw4RD-...DAZI,Y. Leave at Atlanta at .4 Leave Toccoa City at 8 5 Leave Westminster at '0 65.ji Leave Seneca city at 10 20 p a Leave central at 10 O5 p in Leeve Easley at 11'45 i:n Leave Greenville at 12 24 a m Leave Spartanbtai-g at 2 16 a Arrive at, harlotte at '6 00 as FRENGHT TRAIN EAsTWARD--Da,LW Leaves Atlanta at 7 20 a mn Leaves Toccoa at 3 45 pi m Leaves 'Westminister at '6 16 p a Loaves Seneca city at 6 05 p -z Leaves Central at 5 55 a'it Leaves Easley at 7 05,ama Leaves Greenville at 8 50 LeavA 8partanburg at 11 32 a mn Arrive at Charlotte at 6 10.p i PASENOER TRAIN WESTWARD-DAISy., Leave Charlot te at 9 10 p ng AJoave Spartanburg at 12 67 a sta Leave Greenville at 2 80 a-t Leave Easley at 8 14 a Leave Central at 8 db a ra Lc avo Seneoa City at 4 8fJ %a Leave Westminster at :p 06,a la Leave Toccoa City mat 6 00 a an Arrive at Atlanta at 11 00Oain FRtEIGIIT TRAIN WEsTWARD-MDAEM . Leaves Charlotte at 710m Leaves Sparienbmtrg at Ion Leaves Gyestoville at42p Leaves EasleyA at~i Leaves Central ao 0. Leaves Senea Olty at Esaves Westuaniiter at 60a Leaves Toccoa at8 Oai Arrive at Atlanta atb pi 0. J. 7O1RA,R -eea Madager.