The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, June 21, 1877, Image 3

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LOC AL TEMS Our jail is now empty, and Sheriff Mauldin is happy. Corn and Cotton looks well and is growing rapidly. Garden vegetables are fino and plentiful in this sootion since the rains. Plums are' coming in, and so is cholera mqrbus. Canoe shoes and Navy blue suits F are the style in Pickens just at this time. The communication of "Citizen" r orowded out of this issue, but will ap. pear next week. There has been heavy rains in the r West, which has done considerable o damage to the growing crops. Wo had corn silks on the 17th inst. We are ahead of our farmer friends this time. Mr. G. W. James, of this place, Las r a'fine lot of wheat. Mr. Jeremiah Looper had "cake" from new wheat on the 10th inst. Our Central correspondent "Rover," is a taithfut sentinel on the watch, tower. IfMay his shadow never grow lees." The late rains have caused the farm er's heart to rejoice with a prospect of a bountiful harvest. Kirk Mahldin, of this County, we aro informed, has been appointed Deputy United States Marshal. Prof. Carlisle's fine pointer slut, + "Kate," handed in her chocks one night last week. There was no in quest or post mortem examination, but it is supposed to have been a caso of poisening. Friend Waddy has placed an ele, gant awning over th front door of + his store. It will soon become the rendezvous of the loafers club. Prof. C. is heavy on the "ctators." 2 lie has a large patch and says be in tends to mako them whether ho euc coeds in keeping thorm through the winter or not. *Dowberrics are rripe, and the blaokhocry crop is promnising. People should make plenty of blackberry wine-nothing is better in caecs of diarrhaa.~ _______ Twenty-five cents wvill buy a bottle of Shrinor's Indian Vermifuago, theo most reliable agent in destroying and expelling worms from children and adults. Try it. Every bottle guar,. anteed to give satisfaction. Mr. L. B. Gravlcy has sent to this office some very fine heads of wheat, and we are informed ho has a good deal sown which is equally as good as t the heads sent us. We would like to have a correspon dent at Easloy Station to give us "Basley items." Who of our friends there will take upon themselves the arduous task and become immortal * ised through the columns of the SEN TNEL, DoGS.--Mad dogs seem to be on the increase in this locality, and for the protection and security of human life, we make the following suggestion, which we hop1) will be adopted and c, arried out by every citizon in the County: Let every person who has a favorite dog which he desires to keep, confine him scurely in a house, or chain him in the yard, so that he cannot possibly esoape from the premises. Then let it be under stood by everybody that every dog caught running at large, or outside th,e. premises of its Owner, shall bo shot down without question or hesi tation. iluman life is too precious to. be sacrificed by the bite of a rabid and worthless dog, and we trust this sug gestion will be unanimously adopted by our citizens and carried into effect at once. There is no Lime to lose, for one human life is worth all the dogs in America. Ventral Items. - CENTRAL, June 10,1877,. We had all better go~ the "no fence" law. *Mr. A. has bad a "whito hawk'' on - Mr. D. 0. Thrasher has just finished a~ nice kildi of brick. - Mad dog fever about played out down hero. Rain now llutiful. It ma1~kes I "Latin" slita, Cr-rnn r.nlinrd." .r t.s - r nco plants rojoico in their new situ,% tion. Whoat orop splendid. livery one aye the best for .manyyears. Rather damp time-for harvesting. Cross-tie and car-wood business is till alive. Meders. "See-left" and Old" (as "Tommie" calls them) are, ;etting cross-ties. Lumber is getting so scarce that a mall club, which a fellow out the other day, cost him eight dollars and ome cents. There was a "big metin" at Central he other night. The meeting was Petween a cross-tie and the head of a nan, who leaped off of the hind end 1 a car, while it was in motion. We ro inclined to think he didn't get oligion at that meeting, but that it aused hira to use aome "cuss" ords. The citizens of our town turned out n masso on Monday and Tuesday, to ssist our good friend Mr. Gasaway in rooting a temporary rosidence, since o was so unfortunate as to have his ico now one burned. The lively ianner in which things were moved rounl, did something towards dis ,orsing tho sadness and gloom that osted around a desolate house. ROVER. 'or til Spiri~c immr. 0 JUST RECEIVED AT. M c F AL L'S, A COMPLETE STOCK OF AND Notions, L LL NEW, NICE AND BRIGU'T. --0 L splendid assortment, and prices to suit the times. 0 J~ROOKERY, TIN AND HIABfD-WARIE, tII kinds, sizes and prices, from a LaIf Pint Cup to a 20 gallon W ash 'ot. DRUGS & MEDICINES, Liways Fresh and Genuine, and all ho loading articlos always on hand. ALWAYS IN STOCIf. TOBACCO AND SEGARS To suit every one. 0 JANDY AND CRACKERS, JANNED) GOODS & PICKLES, a.nd in fact a genoral assortment of iico things. Como and soo for your self. Rospectfully, W, T. McFALL. May 10, 1877 85 NTOTIO E. LAll persons having demands against the Estate of Nathaniel Lynch, deceased, are re Lnested to prove the samo before us, and hose indebted to the said Estate, will comeo orward and settle forthwithi. G. M. LYNCII , s J. T. BURDINE, Exo Juno 7, 1877 39 .3 OTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.. Notice 18 hereby given to all persons uterested in the Estate of Elias HiolIings, rorth, deceiased, that I will apply to W. 0. leld, Judge of Probate for Pickens County, or a Final Settlement and dlischargo as 3xecutor of said Estate, on Saturday, ho 25th of August, 1877. Ri. E. IIOLCOMBIE, Exo'r. May 24, 1877 37 10 Notice ! TIlE undersigned gives notice that ho has LWith1drawn from the mercantile business, ut will always be found at his office at asley, to transact any business that comes nder his jurisdiction as a Trial Justice. Al ,ays ready to execute any kind of legal pa ers. T. W. RtUS8ELL. Ji.~ue 11, 1877 2 Sheriff's Sale, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLNA. PI0KENS COUNTY. IN THE PROFATE COURT. W. Silas Kirksey, Plaintiff, against Joseph A. Bates, Mary Bates, Harvey E.Mull, Mar. garet Mull. James R. Kirksey, Elizabeth Clayton, and Robert C. Clayton-Defend ants. Complaint for Partition and Sale of Real Estate. BY order of W. G. Field, Judge of Probate, I will sell at Pickens Court House, on laleday in July next, the following REAL &STATE of James Keith, deceased, to wit: Tract No, 1 TABLE ROCK HOTEL PLACE, contain. ng 8 acres moro or less, known as No. 3, n old survey. Fract No. 2. Known as the Chastain Place, containing 800 wores more or less, known as No. 6, in old iurvey. Sold tor Partition, &c. Tract No. 3. Known as tract No. 11 in old survey, con aining. 78 acres more or less, Tract No. 4. Known as the Reed survey or No. 10 of old 3urvey, containing 160 acres more or less. Tract No. 5, Known as the Neal and Weems tract, con Laining 540 acres more or less, on Carrick's Creek. Tract No. 6. Known as the Nnut Cove tract, containing - acres, joing S. D. Keith, Estate ot Wm. Southerland and others, on waters of Green's Creek. TERMS OF SALE-Costs of proceedings In cash on day of sale. One half of the re mainder on the first day of January next, the other half on the first day of June following, with interest from the day of sile. The pur chaser or purchasers to give bond with good security and a mortgage of the premises bought to the Probate Judge, to secure the purchase money, and pay extra for titles and mortgagas. JOAB MAULDIN, s.p.-o June 7, 1877 39 4 SHERIFF'S SaLES. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF PICKENS. B Y virtue of an execution to me direoted, I will sell to the highest bidder before the Court IIouse door, during the legal hours of sale, on Saleday in July next, All of those TIIRRE LOT$ lying in the Town of Pickens, anown in the plan and survey of said Town as Lots Nos. 2, 25 and 26, containing Two Acres, more or less, with the exception of a corner Lot of fifty feet on Main, by One IIundred feet on Ann street, and on which there is a Dwelling and Store IIouse. Levied on as the y.roperty of S. D. Keith, att the suit of W. 0. Field, as Probate Judge, successor, against J. Riley Ferguson and 8. D. Keith. TE RMS CASH.-Purchasers to pay extra for titles. JOAB MAULDIN, s.P.c. June 7, 1877 89 4 The state of South CarolHua 10CKENS COUNTy. By W. G. Field, Judge of Probat. Whereas, J. J. Lewis, c.c.p.,has made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration, upon the Estate and Effects of Alfred Mc Crary, deceased The kindred and creditors of the said Alfred McCrary, deceased, are therefore cited to be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be holden at Pickens C. HI., on Friday, the 22d day of June instant, at 11 o'clock, a. mn., to shew cause, if any they h40ve, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this, the 2d day of Juno, A. D., 1877. W. 0. FIELD, J.r,r.c. June 7, 1877 89 2 PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY & WEEKLY, COLUMBIA, S. C. HOYT, EMLYN & McDANIEL. JAMES A. HOYT, Editor. The Daily Register contains the latest news of the day, all commercial, political and other matter sent by telegraph, full local reports, editorials upon all current topics and Grange and Agricultural Departments. The Daily has a circulation extending to all parts of the State, is circulated in nearly every State in the Union, and consequently increasing; therefore, as ani advertising me dium it cannot be surpassed. The Tri-Weekly Registers is issned every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urdlay morning, alnd contains all the news of the days in one issue. The Weekly Register is an EIG hT PAGE paper,cont.aining FORTY-EIG hIT CO LU,MNS, embracing the:creamn of news of each week. This paper is within the reach of every family, and we are pleased to state the fact that its large circulation is rapidly extending. The Register is now the Organ of the State Grange, and all matters of interest to the Patrons of Husbandry will be treated in their tppropriatoa department. The Agricuttural and Grango articles will appear in each of our publications-Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly. _________ TERMS OF 8UBBCRtIPTION. DA~ItEv REIsTER-One Year, $7 00; Six Months, $3 50; Three Months, $1 75. Tr-W EEKLY ItEGsTE-One Year, $5 00; Six Months, $2 60, Three Months, $1 25. WVEEKLY h1EoIsTER-9Tle Year, $2 00; Six Months, $1 00; Throo Months, 50. JOB PRINTING, The best and cheapegg.UOGOK and JOB PRlINTiNT, of every desdrIption, promptly and satisfactorily xeutod at the Register Ollice. All kinds of Law Blanks on hand, which we will sell at theo lowest prices. JAMES A. HTOYT, H. N. EMLJYN, W. B. McD)ANIEL, Proprietors and PuUbhers. May 3L, 1877 Corn, Corn. WANTED TO PURKASE 1,000 BUSHELS CORN, for which we will pay the market price it Cash or Goods. JOHN T. GOSSETT & CO. N. 0. Molasses. A heavy supply of the above Molasses in store, which we purehased In New Orleans, and which we will warrant to be a genuine article. JOHN T. GOSSETT & CO. Irish Potatoes Call on us and got any of the Early Vari eties of Northern Potatoes. JOHN T. GOSSETT & CO. --0 PBg We are getting in store, a good supply of the above implements, which we are offering at a very small advance above cast and car riage. JOHN T. GOSSETT & CO. Dry-Goods SPRING STYLE PRINTS; Ginghams, Cotton Plaids; Shirtings, Tickings; Cambrics, Long Cloths, &c; Coates' and Clarks' 0. N. T. Spool Tread; Whittemore's Cotton Cards; Turkey Red Yarn, Palmetto Fans, Braids, Cotton Hose, &c., &c. And a full line of all sorts of Dry Goods and Notions in store and to arrive soon. Call in and see for yourselves. JOHN T. GOSSETT & CO. Easley, S. C., Feb. 12, 1877 NEW FIRM. Oconee Tannery THlE undersigned have associated with them in the conduct of their business of Tanning and MIanufractuiing Boots and Shoes, MR. CHARLES WEITNA UER, ne a partner equally interested with us therein. The name of the firm will hereafter be the "OCONEE TANNERY." Thankful for past patronage, we bespeak a continuance of the same. Our senior, Mr. Filzinger, has a fine reputation as a Tanner, and will be able to supply customers in this line with the best article of SOLE, UPPER AND HIARNIIS8 LEATHBER1. ALSO, We will conatinue to manufacture our first class hand made Andoferyhe on ebsttrs OUR BOOTS and SHOES are for sale by W. T. McFALL, at Pickens Court House, cheap for cash, or which will be exchanged for Hides on reasonable terms. 0. W. FILZINGER, GOTTLOBE WANNER. July 20, 1876 46 t VIOK'S I'LL USTRA TED PRICED CATALOUCE Fifty pages-300 Illustrations, with De script,ion of thousands of the best Flowers and Vegetables in the world, andf the way to grow them-all for a two cent postage stamp. Printed in German and English. Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents, a year. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paper; in elegant cloth covers $1 .003 Address, JAMEs VICKc, Rochester, N. Y, Vick's Floral Guide a beautiful Quarterly journal, finely illustrat ed and containing and eleganit colored Flower Plate with the first number. Price only 25 cents for the year. The first. No. for 1877 just issued in German and English. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, in 50 cents; with elegant cloth covers $1.00. Vick's Calalogue-300 Illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMEs VIcK, Rochester, N. Y. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 paiges, hun dEeds of fine illustrations, and six plates of flowers, beautifully drawn and col ored from nature. Prico 50 cents in paper covers $1.00 in elegant cloth. Printed in German and English. Vick's Floral Ouide, Quarterly, 25 centis. Vick's Catalogue-300 Illustrations, 25 cts. Address .T AXMs VioK, Rochester N. Y. Jan. 26 20 - t A lEONE ANVD FARl OF YOUR OW.N. On the line of a GREAT RAILROAD, with good markets both East and West. Now is the Time to Secure It. Mild Climnate, Fertile Soil, Best country for Stock Riaising in the United States. Books, Maps, Full Information, also "TurE l'IONEER'' sent. free to all pairt3 Of the world. Address 0. F. D)AVlIS, Land( '>mnmissionaer U. P. R. R. "co fork ---0 A FAIR EXCHlANG]? THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATE FERTILIZERS: CAROLINA FERTILIZER. BRADLEY'S PAT. PHOSPHATE, PALMETTO ACID PHOSPHATE WILCOX, GIBBS, & CO'S MANI PULATED GUOANO, ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. For sale on liberal terms. (Freight paid) by IUDGENS & BOLT. Easley, S. 0., Feb. 8, 1877 22 8m auss:LL5 MAITIN & 00s PEALERS IN Dry-100d;, orokrel, 1C. EASLEY STATION, S. C. -0 TIE CELEBRARTED ETIWAN DIS. BONE, always on hand for com positing. IIAIRIS'S COMPOUND, AND other Mixturcs. Also, John Merry an & Co Ammo niated Dissolved Bo --in any quan.. titics to suit pursh ers. Apply for terms and prices- t Ensley, A. & R. A. L. R. W RUSSELT MARTIN & CO. March 15, 1877 20 j Used in nearly every locality in many States. Settled beyond a doubt-No one questions the fact that more cases of whitcs, suppres sel and irregular menses and uterine ob, structions, or evecry kind, are being daily cured, by Dr. J- Bradfield's Female Rlegulator, than by all other remedies combined. 1ts8 success in Gleorgia and othier States 1s beyond precedent in the annals of phisic. Thousands of certificates from women everywhere pour in upon the proprietor. The attention of prom inent medical men is aroused in behalf of this wonderful compound, and the most, success fuul practioniers use it. If women suffer here after it will be their own fault. Female Regulator is prepared and sold by L. II Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., and may be bought at 51,50 per bottle at any respectable Drug lStore in the Union. .EFFEOTL. TRULY WONDlERFUL. CAnTEn.sviLLR, On., April 26, 180.--This ,will certify that two members of my imme diate family, after having suffered for many years from menstrual Irregularity, and having been treated without benefit, by various med ical doctors, were at length completely cured by one bottle of Dr. J. Blradfield's FE MALE REGIULATOR. I therefore deem it my duty to furnish this certificate, with the hope of drawing attention of suffering womeonkind to the merits of a medicine whose power in cur, ing irregular and suppressed menstruation, has been proven under my own personal ob servation. Its effect onl such cases is triuly wonderful, and well may the remedy be called "Woman's Best Friend." Yours respectfully, JAR.w. STRAVoU. Sept. 7, 18786 1 4 i. CE1IMBnATED ' Hoi%e and Cattle 6dis: broken down and ow-spirited os by strengthening and caasang . stomach and Intestinos. ~ah - It is a lure prventive of all diseases PIn GLA ent YELs aal, such U LUNG WATER iIIEAVEs oOIUGRS, DIs TEMPR,FEVERg FOUND ER, LOSS OF APPETIR AND VITAL E.NEROY, &o. Its use improves the wind, increases the ap'petito.. gives asmooth and gloss skia---and tasforms tho miserbe skeh'ton into a&ne-looking and spirited hvarso. .To keprso Cows this prepara tIon Is invaluable. It Is a sure pe ventive against Rinderpest, llow Horn, etc. *It has been proven by actual experiment to increase the cruantUty of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the butter firm and sweet, In fattening cattle It gives them an apetite, loosens their hido, sad snakes them thive uuo faster. -.$ 'In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, llers in the Lungs Liver,&c., this article acts as a spool . By putting from one halfla pe to a perin arlo cated or entirely prevented. If Ivtn in time, a certain reveitivf and oure for the Hog hlera. DAVID E.FOUTZ, Proprietor'e , Bold by Druj IatoandAtorekeepe through out the Vnite States. CanadlaandArnerica. $1,00 flDfl ON $100 Made any day in PUrTS and CALLs. Invest acoording to your means. $10, $50 or $100, in STOCK PI'LEGE, has brought a small fortune to the careful investor. We advlh e when and how to operate safely. Book with full information sent free. Address orders by mail andl telegraph to 15.AXTER & CO., Bankets and1( Brokers, 17 Wall At., N. Y. May 17, 1877 36 Jy NOTICE. I T AKE this method of informing all parties interested, that I will be found in my of fice, at. Piocns Court House; on each WV E D) N E G D) A Y, mad on each' SA I.EDAY, for the purpose of tran.sacting anmy business that comeos tiuder my j1urmisdict ion. As my dluties asi .Schiool Commisioner will come10m to b)e absenti in differenut parts of the County, I appoint thesew special dlays for the benefit of all concerned. Oflico hours, from 9 a. min. to 1' p.m O. WV. SINGLETON, 8cho~ol Comnrmissioner, Foh 8.,187~ 2 PROFESSIONA, NOTIQES. J 8 COTHRAN, W E IfoLoOMB8, It AUINILD AbbFeville t It Liberty, 8 C Pick'ns C H O1rMRAN, HOLCOMBE & CHILD, AT2ORNEYB # COUNSELORA AT LA W PIOKENS 0. H. S.C. Will Practioe In 0,1 the Courts of tAp Sate and Courts of the United States, for the IIft Irict of South darolina. March 29 1877 29 Norton, Keith & 8olligswetk A TTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in the Ctrouit and Probate Uourts for Pickens County, and in the United States Courts of this State from that county. Dne of the Senior partners will be present. to %ssist in the transaction of any important business during vacation. J. J. NORTON, a W. C. KEITI, Walhalla 0. L. IIOLLINGSWOITH1,Pickon4 C. If. March 23, 1876 29 W \Av11ITNER SYMMEN. ATTOnNEY AND COUN81LLOR AT LAWj GREENVILLE, S. C. ractices in the Circuit ourt and Court o Probate for Pickens ounty. May 10 42 6m ISAAC M. BRYAN, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. BRIM E . ,, 2 , C, . Practicca in Courts of Pickons County, and in United Stittes Courtd MEDICAL CARD. D R. OEO. W. EARLE, having locatel at Pickens C. II., with the view of dev,t. ing his entire attention to his Professioi in all its different,.now offers his ser.; vices to the citizens of' Pickens and surround ing country. lie hopes to meet the expecta tion of the people by prompt attention to all oases entrusted to his care; with the experi ence of fifteen years, with four yea's' in'thtt various Hospitals during the late war, *lxero. all diseases that flesh is heir to was seen and treated. Special attention given to oll diseases pe., culiar to women and clilldrcn. lie can be found at his residence (at a times udnIs& professionally absent,) formerly oc-Apied by Mrs. IIughes, at the East end of' Main street. Charges reasonable. March 1, 1877 25 8m NEWV ADVERTISEMENT'S. P IAN OSd"' -r wood (not tised over ORGANS-80;":st"$60. NC Pianos at wholesale. Great bargains. Nearly new, $20; 2 stops, $45; 6 stops, $50; 0 er'op $55; 7 stops, $00; 9 stops, $05- 12 stops, $5 to $75. Rare opp'ortunities. New organs at wholesale, Beware Imitions. Best-offer over made, read. Sent on 6 to 16 days' test trial.' Money refunded and freight paid both ways 1f unsatisfactory. Estab Ilihd 1866. A g'ents Wanted. Disoonnts to Teachers, Ministerp, &o. Address Daniof-F. Beatty Wahigtun New Jersey. t ,I ah (QV an week in your oun town. Terms an~I SUU $5 outfit free. H. IIAL.LETT & Co. ortland, Maine. ' To Rational Invalids-In sickness every portion of the body sy mpathites with thed seat of the disorder. When the stomach fails to perform its functions, the liver, bowels, nerves, veins, arteries, &o., are all more or less affected. These delinquents require ai medicine, combining the proporties of a stomachio, and alteratfro, a purgativo, a ton-. Ic, and sedative to bring them back to thiIr duty; and all these elements. In their pae and most effective forms, are united in Tlar rant's EfFervescent Selzer Aporient, the great.L Saline Remedy for Indigestion, anits con, comitant, consequences Sold by 'all drug gists. 'fO Na Week to Agents. $l(0 tpeLt) I~ Outfit Free. P. 0. VICK-4 RlY, Augusta, Maine. gusta, Maine. (3 C Beers, M D (formerly of Bos'toni) has i, cure for Intemperance, which canr be,giveni without the knowledge of th'. pat ientz. Also one for the OPUUI H A BIT, Permanent cures guaranteed in both. ttemi stamip for evidlence. Ask druggists for it. Address BEsRus & Co., Birmin.ghamn, (Connu. 2niE,TRA FiNE MIXED CAlRDS, witiU name, 1 cents,post paid, L. Jom:s& Co., Nassau, N. Y, $5 to $20 per day at. home. Bairnples wor tit $1 free. St inson & Co , Portland, Maie. TO ADVERTISERS. Send for our Lo,cal List of Newspapers.-. Sent free oii application. OEO P. ROWE~LI, & CO., No. 41 P'ark Row, New York., CRISTAD)ORO's HAIR DYE. Cristadoro's HIair I)yo is the SA FEST aird BEST; it acuts instantaneously, p'roduing the mtost ntaturi sisades of Blac~k or Urowi,;'do*. NOTl STA IN thle SKIN, and is e:asily a;ppled.. I-sa standard prep)araltion, anud ai favorim upon every well aplpointedl Toilet for Lry orp Gientlemnan. Sold by i)ruggists. J. CRlIS'rTDJoR, P'. 0. Rox, 1538. Newv YorI. D)ec2l, 1886 1it; N 1TAMIERING enred by Bates' opnrnee': a For descriptioni, &c.. add~ress Smsox(> & Co., Box 5070, New York.