THE SENTINEL. D. F. BRADLEY, Editor & Proprietor PICKENS 0. 11., S. C: -0 Thursday, Sept. 2S, 1876. National Democratic Ticket. FOR P'l ESIDENT IHON. SAMUEL J. TIL)EN, OF NEW YORK. FOR VI('E-PRUESI1)ENT: AION. T. A. 1 ENLRIC1i, OF JNDIANA. OUR TICKET. FOR GOVEI1NO: GEN. WADE I1AMPTON. FOR LI EUT. GOV EI(Nolt : WILLIAM ). SIAPSON. FOIR SEI-:I -:.\11"ltY 1.) ST.\Ti-:* i. Ml. SEIM11S. FoR A.iMWT.NT AN) INSrFCTOIZ CE.N1:ItAL E. V. NOISE. oRl A'ITT(MNI:Y (WNEIlA.L J A MAE S CO N N E 1. S. 1L. L E AI IAIR . FOIR i'P lNTOI :NIl:N T I:n1'.\T 'loN II. S. T1101N)SON. FOIL COMP1THoLI.1:l GUNI:IIAL: JOHU NSON 11AGOO). FOR CONG1I ESS 3) eONGRtI:SSloNA L ii18Tit11CT : * D. WYATT AIKEN. * FOR SOLICIToR STH' .1Il('IIL cir,Ci: iT: J. S. CO IlllRAN. COUNTY TIClmET. For Legislature-1). F. Bradley and IE. 11. Bates. For CIerk of Court-Jhn J1. Lewis. For PrIobafte J iidge-W. 0. Field. For ShieriIl'-Joab1 Mlaulin. For School Conmmissioner--.-. For Coroner-B. H. Earle. For County Comml1issionrIcs-J ohni T. LeCwis, BI. J. JohnsonI, T1. P. Looper. Cool Impudence. That wherea~s in some of iho upperI counties of' the State' certain evii dis, posed personIs hiavo indulIced mianyV citizons to d isregarId an v inIt e the revenuc laws of the Uni tedN Sttes, by repr'esontLin)g them i to be oppr'essive, and in violation of' tho ights of the citizen, and it is apparen t f romi the aiction of the niationial Deminocrat.ic .House Of' Repr'esenitatives that the revenue tax will be cont inu led, we thierefor'e earnestly reccomend th i(ILat is escallency, the Presiidenit of the United States, do gr'ant a genera:l am nesty and pardon for :1 Y iola ttins pri'Vous to this time'i. Ad thl[le Sea, tors are hereby inistructed, and1( the reprel'sentaItiv'es in (Con gress are re-. quested to urge this action wvi thou t dehly. Tho11 abovo is the 9th section of' the Raidical platform, and for cool impu denco, it boats anythiing wo have over' soen. We do not know to whom ro-, fonco is made by "'crtai n evil (is posed per'sons," unless it bo to Mr'. Jiogo and)( Radicals of hits ilk, who, ini the last c.anv~ass, wi thb bra zen audaieity, informed the peop)le of these "upper countios" that if lie (I loge) was elec ted to Congrocs, every branch in thie mountains should r*uni wit[i h wiskey, if' they so desired it; that lhe w~old have tho law repealed, anrd they should be allowoed to still as they were ac customod to beforo the war. D)id Mr. .Logo over make an effort to have [lie law repealed, or oven m''od ified ? Not a bit cf it; and if' thi Raidical par'ty ro. main in power 4prty yeurs the law wvill not be repealed, but will be more vigorously efor'ced by Raidical oti, cis. How was it possiblo for the Domocratic house to repeal thela yvhQn they had a Radical Senate and~( N~atical Preosident, standling as a bar-. rier between them and all the reform measures undertaken by [hem. WVoro not ethe revenuto law's enacted b)y ai .Rndical Congross? And are' they u66v enforged 'by Radical ofUcials? 'We would~ Ask theO men of the mnoun, t4ins to whom this plankl of the p)lat form is particularly addressed, if' they 1Jyve nob seen thir people hioLInied do.wn' like wolves by Radical Revenuo libiae, and in mapy instani:cs shot Inan Jikg '4lous without the lona t hadow or warrIant of lav, and if they hove ever' known oi)o o them to be tried and punished for it? Have You not soon old gray headed men, the best citizens in the County, arrested and iniclr-ceratod in jail upon the oath ofsomo wortiless RIadicil seamp who makes it i business to funish the (NAuIrt with such evidence as may be neces SIAry to insure conviction? IIave you not seen pool mon, Who, perhaps, were trying to raise a littlo money to pay a burdensome tax imposed by a Itadical Legislature, arrested by thcse same Padical officlals, and pushed ofi to jail without even the opportunity of bidding his wife and children adue when he (lw tht they would stiffC for br-cad beforc his termil of' imprisonl vielt expired? Yes, you hivo Seen all tils an)d mI1ot e too; you havo more iin telligence thai the Utadicals gave y6 crouit for, and will iiot be ctjolc(l itnt(. 'upportin'g thein by any such filla ciotl1i pianks in thei, Ia lt foim. We will ventiluro to assert that ther( Will not b0 a single ird,on) gteitc( on accou11nIt of the inlcoI)ortlLion of th abovo phlank in the Radical 1platfo1rm aln(d it there is, and the Radical pat'3 sliculd he succe:ful in the election, a soon as it is over, the m1onniains wil be full of Hadical Marshals, hbounlldin), dovin ou11r people liko hulngiy wolve" ill a sIcep foldl. ThIro will be n m1o10e arr1Thss made before the election not even if a 111111 should be caugl.t il thle very act of stilling by one of thest revou f flicials, but jjust wait unti the electionl is over, aid in tile eveni of'success, you will see lost time mad tilp in a hurry. io not be fooled by aN su ic sophistrv, but hurl then from11 power, anld phico menl inl theil places who will repeal thle law, o1 modify it so that every maI:nll cai still if he desires to, without the fear- oJ being thrown in prison :u:d brokei up. '.4is, tile DemoatLic party will do if' they succeed; but the ladical party will ievel' do it, for there is toc much m11onley in it for them. Judge (C(oko ha:s proised u5(1 s tc spea k in th!i s Countity b)eforte the c:nn-l paign (loses, due1 tnotice of wh1ich w il be givecn through thleso columns. TI Judge has pulled of' his coat and gone in to the figh t like a tr'ue son of Caro linla, and( is conl fident of success. Jury Commnissioners. Governor' Chamberlain has alppointe< J ermuia h Looper, AIlnzo M. Iolger an'd Johut nHI. Glossett, as J ury Comil m1iiner's oft this Couty. Jludge Cooke, ini his speech at Ab bev'ille, wh'len heo end(or'sed II:upton said hiis fiddle had( got rutly, but h w~ol [unle it up. When1 you get i inl tune, *Judtge, give uts ''como out o; tIho wilderness." c,onunilenced on Thursday*1~ evening of last w~eek, coiitinuedl until1 hist Tu'es day morning. G ood or'der' prevailed during tile enItire meetinlg, anld quit a large conlgre gatlin was pr'esent 01 Snuday. Muchel interest in tIle caus< of r'eli gion was munii tested. WVe have not lear'ned tIle Inmber' wh'o joinet theC church'C. Dri. DIarby, the Pruesidlin' l''Jder, preached 0one of' hiis best, ser mfons Oil Suniday. inI the State are leaving thie r'otter craft of i ad icalism as fast as they car and( are work inig zealously for th<( lDemocratic patty. Come Onl, 0om plIatfor'm is bt'oad andl( str'ong enul for every honIest mant ill tIle State t( stati up llon; besides, the char'actelrs 0: 0ur ('alld idates ar'e a gutatranItee of their hon11esty. CJhamborhIiin, P.atter'son and)( com.. pany,> have beeni to WVashington foi mloro0 troops). Attoi'ney Goen'eral Taft gave them(If thO sllp and ran1 off to Ohio, It is said they received no encouriage monI)t. Yellow f'ever has made its appear an1co in Charleston andt many of' th<( inhabita.nts are fleeing f'romn the ci ty Th'Ie disenso hlas nlot become very mai bignent yet. We hope the city may escape the s~eer scour'go thlat bei sister, Savannah, is now goirl thr'ough. it has also made its ap paranc altimore. McCall, Esq., Solicitor of' tIe FourtLI Circuit, has1 severed his connectioi wvith tho Radical parlty. T1roops are wan ted in Sou1th Caro Iiinal to pre'venlt thle negroes0 from stamnledli ng to W adn lnapton. Bloody Riot on the Port Royal Railroad The following account is taken from the Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel: There was intense excitement in Augusta Sunday.night, when the news of the trouble reached the city. This was not allayed yes terday morning. Several young men went down to Ellenton on the inorniug train of tihe Port Royal Railroad and a number of others rode on horseback to Silverton. About 10 o'clock the Port Royal train returned and re ported that tle negroes had torn up the track near Jackson Station, fifteen miles from Au. giusta, and ditched the way freight train which left. here yesterday morning. It ap pears that two rails were displaced and a portion of the cross-ties burned. The train, fortunately, was running rather slowly, and no one was hurt. The locomotive and four cars were thrown off and turned completely over. The telegraph was cut near Ellenton by the negroes. but was repaired during tile day by ian operator from Atigosta. During the riorining it was reported that trce white in, Captain W. .J. Wood and Messrs. Elmore AvhIley and Janes hush, had been killed, and that Ellenton hiad been brinol to tle ground by the negroes. This added to tie excitement, al crowds of men congiregated on the streets discussing the situation. t1 being understood that an extra train would leave for Ellenton at. 12 o'clock, about fifty men armlel principally with muzzle load ing rifles, assembled near lie Port, Royal Railroad office, where tIe train was waiting. In tlie meantine, Captain Fleming, Siperin tendent of tho Port. 'Royal Railroad, tele Fraphed to Gtov. Ch-inberlain, of South Caro lina, asking him to order the squad of' Fede ral tro ps it Ifamiburg to proceed to the scenc of the break in the Port. Royal Railroad, il1 order to protect tle laborers while repvaing lie trac.k Soie til-if) aftewards, Licut. Barn, liardt, in coiiinand of Ihe squad, -received a telegi-an from G;ov. Chauberlain. It was tullersi ool on tlie streets that the Governot hiad ordered the Liuitenaint, to do as Captain Fleinig asked. lT. t Larnhardt iniedi at .ly a e legri phed to his imuimlediat e saiperiot oflicer, Gleneral Ruger, for instructions. lie soonl afterwar-ds received a reply and as lic did not go it wits generally understood that lie had been ordered to remain at IIamburg, In t he aft ernioon, two telegrains were re ceived from Ellentott, staing tliat no white men ha been killed, a1 that Ellentlon had not bel hur"il. Dr. A. V. B:iley's mill anid p'ata:t ion huildings, two miles from El lenton, hal, however, beei destroyed by lire. Alie s amlte despathet2s stated that, bet ween 2010 8 a I) : it negr-oe, arin el to thle t eethla, hia.d ressemabl e I ini 1-:llinton, anid thait trtouble was apV.ehena telI l;ast nit. Thle pas.s-iaget-r traini senit fr-om Auagusta at 8 o'clocan relturned ait S lnat eveniing with the ttrt~aanseae p:aseligers ft-om the it) lrain. We larnedia thant a totr:e of1 hiantds, umitler the spe cial ditrection of Capataint Fleinaing, wias at work, and thaat thle tra-ck wouald bie repatired in abou t. a wo htour. T b 'le ntegroes reimovedl bolts froma 'wo i-aiIs cvet- a smnaill tre-ain, and when lh, locontit ive of the freight trait t-rinehe I thie spo( thie r-ail: spt-eatd, thriowing the cniiniae anid seven c:ii-s Ifrom the track. Th le 1 cciootive w:a s lurniaed coiinplet ely oter 'The c-ars were niot dltaiged to anly garaeat ex. tent. A few inutaies :after the train way d1itch-led a croiw d tof n egroes Oin cit her side ol die road fired int o thle tr-aint. Capt. Jut-kinm emainedt. by his t rain. Wh leu thle triastfer took place last. ever. ing therve wer no- n1 iegr-ocs at tEllhenton otr. Jackson. ''Taeitr fare-es had a a-et ired to a s waimap bet weeni the Pott Ioyatl antd Southt Cariohliina iroads, and a for-ce of whlit es, under Col, A. P. Butlet-, had gone ini pursuit. Wh len thle twvo miessenager-s froma (lie const a ble's poaSse Suabday were tarr-tounided by thle negr-oes the lat ter leveled theair gtuns at themn atnda wer-e oat the point, of litring, when the neagr-o ciapt ain, Laniker-soni, ordieed t hem to dlesist , inforin-1aig thmem (liat they would have co kill lhim befor-e they could shoot the t.wo wvhaite amaen. Seve-al rifle clubs ftrom Edlgefiel andl Aiken Conty went. down to thle seate of the ttoubjles Suinday night and yester-day: We learn thait as t lie tan on the Pott Roy aul Ratilroad was cotmaing to the city yestet-day aft ernoon squaads oif negr-oes wet-c seen in the hutshies on catch side of the i-oad watchitng the tr-aint. 'They werec all armied. T1hae scene of (lie tiroubles is near Rouse's bridge, about e ighateen miles fr-out Augusta. A youlng man front the Bath Paper Mills called at the oilice of the Chief of Police yes, ter-day, stated that it wats expected that 5001 ntegr-oes wvould at tack U ta )1ct p lac h comning iiightc, and requested Chief Chrtist inn to fur tnisha iin withI at-ans fot the whit e people. Clieif Chritist ian replied that, lie had no author ity to fiurn ish thle arms. A telegtram rceived haeire last evening stn ted thait onte white mani was woulnded and five -or six negroes k illed in the fight laist Sunday. It was repaorted at Ellento n yester-day that ten inegroe-s had beeni killed. Capt air. Flemintg rcturatned from~ Jacksor last evening at 10 o'clock- lie repor-ts that the tr-ack is now cleai- andl that. tr-ains will ruar through to day. Ellenton wvas guarded b~ atbout lifty white men when lie left and ar attack fi-rm the negi-oes was expected. The telegraph line was r-epaired by Mr llotatwr-ighit, telegr-aph opetrator- at the Pori . Royal Itailtroad depot in this city, andl Mr James Kent, one of the employees ofthae road -When they recached Ellenton y-esterday morn itng thecy fiutnd it in possessign of 150,negroes 'Thetre wat not, a white nman in the place. AIKEN, S. C-' Sept. 20.--There is no ex citement her-e to uighit. Companies A and C of the 2(1 United Statea lIfantr-y, coamanded b)y Captain Mill, arr-iv ed hetre this morning ft-om atlanta. - All is (ker was killed in t his fight. 'The whit es ret urnmed to Ellen - ton. Thie proprietors of the three stores ini Robbiins closed them aiid leftt, appreheiiding an attack from thle negroes al'ter lie armied whites left, It wp~s.expcted that the negroes would burn the~ three stores last iiight. The folloW1ing t'ulegram wais receivedl lat e last night.. ELI. .N-roN, Sept. .19.--Nyecry thing quiet here, but.(Thnk the whmites and blacks are havin6 it at RtQbbins; wonm't, say for certain, though huaie jtist seen a fire away cff'. We are all right, .ndia.r guarding the town. Time following list, of casualties is taken from the atugmstau Conistitutionalist: Froin the most, direct. -infornmation~ received, it appuars that two white meni are surely killed-Messrs. Johna Williamo and Robert Williams, neither related to the other, but belonged to (different families. The report of the dleath of Mr. Robert Dun b,r, Mr. Ilankinsotr and NI: Asilefo appears to have been ent,rue. Mr. WV.. E'. Ashley wvas, however, we ."He informed, shot, in the cheek by a negro, but Lhe ball was extracted. ,Two white meni are reported wounded Samuel Dunbar and yarnos Bubhl. Mr. Dun.. bar is a ie9t, , well-to-do citizen of South Carolina, (1 y ears old, ,.E11E JIJATEET-From. part,ios who eamno up) on the Port .Royal Railroad traini yestorday afternoon wo learnod that, all was qiot. ?at thne anon of tho raoent disturbance. Gen. 1Hagood arrived at Stool Creek, whero 300 - wbito men were campe, Wdniiesday afternoon. Yesterday mornig, with this force, he rode through tho coun tiy but found no parties of armed ne- p groes. General liagood returned to. Barnwell Court 11ouso last evoning, Everything is quiet along the Port Royal Railroad, and no firther trouble at is apprehended for tho present at any rato. It was reported yestorday morning that the Federal so diers at Rouse's bridgo had boon attacked by tho nes groes and one man killed. This prov ed not to bo the case, however. About 8 half past 1 o'clock yestorday Captain 1) Lloyd United States army, with 27 - men, reached the city on a spccial train of the Port Royal Railroad, and left for Aiken on the accommodation C train of the South Carolina Railroad. Ilo reported all quiet tt Ellentoll and Rouse's bridge. 110 loft six mon att Ellenton. I] Tribute of Res.pect. At a meeting of Mountain Lodgo, No. 115, Inde .endent, Order ofl Odd Fellows, held Sep- a tember 22d, 1876, the following preamble andi resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, Our Heavenly Father, in ilis All wise Providence, has been pleased to remove from earth our vorthy and well,beloved brother, M. S. IENDICKS. JResolved, That in his death,-this Lodge has been deprived of a imember wlose warm and generous heart. bound him to every associate. Resolred, That while we mourn his early departure, we rejoice i-I the hope that lie lts passed from this world of sorrow to a better life above. Reol'ved, That we tender to his family and relatives, our heartfelt syipathIy in this deep affliction. Resolved, That, a copy of these resoltions be transiitted to tle hereaved famiily, and pibli-shied in lie Greenville Daily News and PICKENS 8ErrINEL. JAMES TAYLOR, .llOlVIT AlLE LION, I iT iELSON, Con itiiec. Notice! -0 &kW VI I~AAI~S at El'asley Station s1r I'V or. A g< od Stock of G enerlal Alerr-ha n, dise, consistinIIg of BOOT1S AND) SHOEs, CR O CKiElR EWA I IE, INOTl'IONS, &e., Iln store aiind arri ving. All! to be sul . as chmeap als alny other estabtlisimtunt can sell, FDor. Cah or ar r We\T call attention of our' I-ienid whovw have been :lecommochiting, f to their indeblted1ness t) utS, and1( ask them to call at on)ce andt settle their accounts by cash or note. Thme (death of Mir. Hend ricks ma kes this call a necessity, anid hope thatI none will di..regard it. Brting inl yone~ Produco-tho highs est market price paid for Cotton, Corn, &c. L. WIL LIAM.\S, Su rvivor. Easley, Se~pt. 26, 1870 4 tf H EADOUARTCRS FOlt CII EAP Stoves, Tinware and House Furnishing Goods. CROCKERY, GLASS ANDI SILVER PLATIED WARE A SPECIALTY. Roofing and1( Repairing done at short nmot ice, at thme lowest prices. We ask all thle people of Pickens and adjoining Conunties to call and examine our stock. We certainly soIl Goods cheaper than they have ever beeni sold in tii market. Alt Goods guiarant ood. To Merchants- we wholesalo TJinaware as cheap as Northern markets. Send for Price List. J. E. CURTIS & CO., Cleveland Block, Greenville, S. C. Se pt 28, 1876 4 3 - LOST, B Y ,the undersigned, on thme 19th~ instant, bet ween his residence atnd E. F. Looper's, a Bnok Skin Pooket Book, or Wallet, with a spring catch, containinig $2.50 in green hack, $1 in silver; one Note oni Drm. J. M. Field for' $170; one Note on Jacob Pickle for $63.50, with several other papers. receipts, &.; one gold collar button. The finder will be rewarded, b)y returning the same to me, or leaving it at the office of PlcKEVNs SENTINELr. W.3J. PICKLE. Sept 22, 1876. 4 1 FINAL SETTL~EMENT, NOTIC E is hereby given to the Creditors, Legatees, and all oilier persons inter ested in the Estat e o f Janmes Walker, deces i edl, that application has been imaide to T.I. Phtilpot, Judge of P'robate, for l'ickens Coun,. ty, for leave to make a Finial SettIlemnent. of lie said Estate, on the 1 4th (lay of' Ootobeor, 1876, at 10 o'clock a. mi., arnd to be dis charged therefrom as Adaminist rator thereof.1 een 7, 176 1 rZ ANNOTINCEMENTS. For Solicitor. %. We hereby nominate Captain A, LYTIIE for re-election to the office of So aitor. He has discharged the duties of the lice for the past four years with fairness id ability, and will be supported for re-elec on by MANY FniaNDs. For School Commissioner D%L We are ."utlhorized to announce 1(. d'. NIT1H as a candidate for School Pommis oner of Pickens County-subjeoMo the rimiary election. IA We arc authorized to aunounce- Rev. SIV. SING LETON as a candidate for School 'ommissioner of Pickens County-subject to 1o primary election. VFA We are autlorized to announce Rev. S. GAIN ES as a candidate for School Comm lissioner of Pickens County-subject to the rimnary electiotn. IM, We aro authorized to announce P. D URETON a candidate for School Comm'is oner of Pickens County-subject to tho rimlary election. CHEAP GOODS, Rest Sgandard Prinats, 8 cents per Yard. 4W III at s, 5 0 CI NTS AN[) UPWARDS. S h 4 e N, ,0 IS'TS PER 1 PA I I & UPVA RDVLS. 'U ION. Thlose wiAing to puirchase wilI do IRes'pectful1ly, BROWN & HENDRICKS. Sept 21, 1875 I tt LI BERTiY HOTEL TiiEi 1Nbi;tEle,INED1 1'AS OPENED A P l'l'S C I,Ass 1lUl-8E at Liberty Station, 8. ., :al is prepred. to take peranent or Thie Talae will be~ supp)liedl wvith the best, hie uniret affordis. H e ho leep>s a~ select. 1STOC K OF Al ER. Il.\ N 1)ll'E on haluaal, whiclh isa %ocd to lhe mtbhec cheap, for c oh'. Consult yo%r own ute rest mad call on him.ti J. J1. NIX. Liberty, S. C., July 18, 1876 46 ff FINAL SETTLEMENT. P1'L. \ T ION haos been made to I. If. .Philpot , ELe and appear before me, in thea Court of raobat.e, to be( haolden at Pickens C. Hf., on ''riday, the 13th day of October, next, at 11 'cicok, a. mi., to shew eause, if any they aave, why the said administration shouldl not >e granted. Given under my haand and seal this, the !2d day of September A. D., 1876, I. HI. PHIILPOT, J.r.r.c. Sept 2S, 1876 4 2 STATE OF SO UTHL CAROLINA. P[CKENS COUNTy. By I. II. Phi/pot, Ju~dge of P'robate. Wheraeasa, Isaac Williams has nmade suit to nec to grant haun Letters of Administration, apon the Est.ate antd Effects of Moses S. HenE lricks. deceased Thie kiandr'ed and creditors of thesaid Moses 3. Hendricks. deceased, are thecrefore cited to >e and appear before me, in the Court of 'robate, to he holden at Pickens C. H., on 'ariaay, thec 13tha (lay of October next, at 11 >'clock, a. ma.,.to shaew cause, if any thaey have, vhay the said admmizistration should not be ~rantedI. (Given under my hanud and seal this, the* 12d day ol September A. D1., 1876. Sep 2, 1761.I-I. PIJILPOT, J.l'p... Set_8,1864 2 rue State of Sontha (ORPoing~ IF10KCN8 CO UNY, Byi I. II. Philapot1, Judb a of Probate. Wit -:nI AA, Thlos. WV. Russell haas made suilt o mec to garant ham Letters of Admin' trationa apon i,he Estate 4ndl $ffects of Ru ftOats, Ieceased( Thae kihndredl and credit.ors of the said Rufus )ats, are thecrefore cited to be and ap.. >ear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be aoldeni at PickensOC. IH., on Friday, the 6th lay of October. inst., at 11 o'clock. a. m., o shae)v eause, if any they haave, why the said d(azmuust ration should not be granted. OIjven uander my haand and real till., the 8th (lay of September A D., 1870. 1. IH. PIIILPOT, J.r.r c. Sept 21, 18753 a.