^THE SENTINEL, ? HI i '?Rt ??t I. r. BRADLEY, Cdiior and frosrietor. Te^irts ofSilicriilloii, One Year ?1 50 9fS Months ............ r r 76 AdvertiNliiK Kates. Advertisements inserted nt Die rate of $1 00 pwr equaro, of (9) nine lines, ok j.kss, for the it inseHiop,rand 50 cents for caoh subso{ ent insertion. Contracts mndo for tiirkr, six or twelve months, on favorable terms. Advertisements not having the number of Insertion! marked on them, will bo published nntil forbid and charged accordingly. These terms are so simple any child may understand them. Nino lines is a square? one inch. In every instance we charge by th? space eccupiod, as eight or ton lines can vrirvdn If\ fkn^nrtv fnnr nr fion nAimrnu nu i1>a ? ? ? v-u, >? iuw advertiser may wish, and is ohargcd by tho ptce. PST" Advertisers will please state the number of squares tlicy wish Ihoir advertisements to make. ? Business msn who advortisc to be benefitted, will bear in mind that Lhe SENTINEL has a large and incroasing circulation, and is taken by tho very class of persons whose trade tbey desire. PICKENS C. H., S. C : o Thursday* April 13, 1876, mmsss.. , i ! "i.. i ?J-. t&- Hon. D. F. Brndloy, on Monday last, roturnod to his duties in tho Legislature, which roasHcmbled on tho 10th instant. + Wo publish on our outsido, tho rticlcs of impeachment against Bclktlap1," preferred by tho llouso of Representatives, and his trial boforc tho Sonato will soon commonco. The managors of the impcachmont are oven in numbor, fivo Doinocrats and two Republicans. In tho impoaohmonttrial oi Andrew Johnson,tho Republicans did not give tho DuuiuOFAto a aicglo manager. The Domoorats, discarding tho "Lox tali onis," hnvo magnanimously given tho Republicans two out of tbo sovon, but wo foar that they havo cast pearls bo- , foro swine. Tho Southern Domocrats doclined to allow any 0110 of their number to net as a manager, considering, and, perhaps justly, that it was none of thoir funoral, and tiist tho Northern and Westorn mon who were "ondcr firo" "for high orimcs an'' misdemeanors in office should be investigated by Northorn and Western Republicans; and knowing, furthermoro, that, if thoy wcro placed as a manager that a universal howl would bo raised in Ibo North about a "rebel" prosecuting a "Union soldier"?notwithstanding, tho Union soldior in qacstion is a confessed bribe taker. - ? i The Connecticut Election lias resulted in a complete Dome cratic victory, though with a loss max jority than last your. Tho total voto was 98,485; last yoar it was 100,083. There was four candidates in the field 'or Governor?Tngnrsoll (Democrat); Robinson (Republican); Smith (Tern poranco); Atwater (Groonbackp.) Jn gorsoll's plurality is 7,514; bis mas jority 3,057. Tho Legislature is overwhclmly Democratic l>y a majority of 87 on joint ballot, against 17 last year. This will givo us in Congress two moio Democratic Senators for nix years. Connecticut is all right. Halloa's Magazine Wo havo received tho May number of Ballou'n Monthly Magazine, published by Thomes ilaw loy street, Huston, Mass., r.nd lor hu1o nt nil periodical depots in tho country or sent at $1.50 per year, postpaid> Tho prosmit number of this valuable magazine in filled, as usual, with a superabundance of very interesting loading upon qui to a variety of subjects and novclotB, - ^ jpijy* Miss Parker, daughter of Dr. J, W. Parker, of Columbiia, who was Roriously burned at William-ston, while pausing from her boarding houeo to the collego, died on tho 8th inst., after iv-ii ui?yn ui most, intonso fluttering. How very crushing to the parents and flistcru is tliin mytcrious, suddon, and untimoly ond! \Vc loarn irom tho Spartan that Ihowholo lino of tho Spartanburg and Ashovillo Railroad has boon let out undor contract, to ho finished to Ashcville, N. ('., in 18 months from April Int. This is an important enterprise to Spartanburg, and indued to tho whole tttato, affording, as it will, commnni- j cation direct with tho groat .Northwest. Wo will bo glad to hoar of its ' eoin pletion. ?PT~i ~ " The Gjreenvjlle iibel CawTlio libel (suit of W. 10. Earlo against J. C. and Edward Bailoy, proprietors of tho GroonviHo Entorpviso ami Mountnineor, for f 10,000damages was bogun Wounesuliy z'Jtii ult. Thtscnsc really originated from a malicious ar* ticlo, from tho pen of Earlo, published in tho Greenville Republican, intending to injure nnd refloct upon tho granges, and upon Col. Qrittcndon, thoir Chief Marshal. Earta, hiding' behind tho Republican, commenced tho attack, and only acknowledged tho authorship after Jtunion, tho edi-> tor, had boon beaten by Crittondon for tho publication. Aftor acknowN odging tho authorship, ho rofusod to muko reparation, but continued his malicious attacks, really hiding himself behind tho law. Crittondon, having no other resourco left, exposed I Earlo's character in tho Enterprise and Mountainocr, by saying that he was "destitute of honor, principle, and every instinct of a gentleman?in fact a moral bankrupt." Now, instead of attacking or prosecuting Crittenden, who acknowledges the authorship, Earlo puts his damages at $10,000 and sues the Messrs. Bailey, tho piopriotors of tho Enterprise and Mountaineer. Tho burden of proof is on the Dofondants to show that Karlo is guiily of all that was allogcd against him.- Tho al'.ogod libel asserts that Earle has bcon guilty ot "horso stealing,'' compounding a t:folony," and various othor criincs, and that ho is a "moral bankrupt." The ovidctico given by tho Defendants in support of theso charges, was strong and substantial, and the Dofon*. dantsput up 3G of the most prominent and high toned men of Greenville, who said that Oapt Earlo's character is "bad, very bad." And on the contrary, the Plaintiff put up 17 prominent and high toned men, who said il.nt ?.l LliiVU i'Jiii iu n Ullill IIVIUL' WUO UUUU( The Defendants had 30 witnesses bosides, whom they wished to put on the stand to testify to his bad character, but the Judgo ruled thorn out. Therc sooms'to be a variety of opinion on this subject among the people of CJ reenville. Ai'ler Iho cvidonco on bolh tiiles closed and the counsel made their arguments, the jury retired, and remained the cntiro night, and early next morning brought in a verdict for the plain till' for $50 damages. Tlmir verdict according to the law threw the cost on tho Defendants. Legally Earlo is victorious, but wo aro not suro that lie is a gainer even in the victory. The array of connsol on hotl? Bides was aplcndid?tho Plaintiff boing reprose n ted by Clen. MeGowan, Cols' Cothran, Simpson, J. P. Moore and J. il. Whitner; tlie Defendants, I>3' (ion. Butler, Kx-(Jov. ]>onhnni, Whitnor >Sy mines and Col. W. 11. Perry. i-0"' ltichard (J. Watts, a yoiinj* lawyor of Laurens, in a com munica^ tion to tho Laurensville 11ornicl, ciiargoh Cullon Larlc, now Auditor, but onco Probate Judge oI Laurens County, with committing perjury at the |atc im|)oacbmonl trial of .Montgomery M08CM. This has been tho common lallc ever sinco tho trial, but Lark has never been bo directly and publicly oliarged with tho base crime. Ciovornor Chamberlain ought not to allow any perjured man to hold I ho oiucc or Vvouniy Auditor. no should at onco decapitate this Lark and consign liim to Lho privacy of an ignominious and less harmless life. Iteiy" Mr. Lamar of Mississippi is in dolicato health, so much so that lie will not bo able to continno his services in CongrosR this session. This is a g'*eat sourco of rogrot not only to tho nation, hut especially to Lho SouLh; whoso interest ho ever watches with a jealous eaglo eye. Mr. Lamar ia a host in himBolf, from whoso trenchant steel lho "bloody shirt" Kadicah of tho North involuntarily shrink. j&ay Tho Treasurer forwarded to Iho Oontonnial Hoard a (juartor of a million in fifty cent notes, to ho used as tickets of admission. Tho admission to tho exhibition is fifty cents, to ho paid in one note, so as to dispense with the trouble and confusion in such a great crowd, of making change. (\ /u>h \ f/\i'U i'nn tii t' rI' v a / ? 111.' n a Tho Union Herald ?ayn: Tho Treasurer informs us that ho will be able to pay during IIim rnonib two*thirdf? of (he h'cIiooI money duo (lie various counties under tho recent appointment made by Suporintondant J. K. Jillson. v Railroad Meeting- i A largo and onthusiustic meoting in ? tho interest of tbo llluo Didgo Kails i ropd waa held at Anderson, S. C., on | 30th ult. A riumbor of influontiftl and rcpVcscnjAlivo mon from tho seyornl sections interested, namely, Tonv> ncsseo, North Carolina, Georgia, and 8outh Carolina mot In convention, whoso object was to oloct permanent i ofllcorB. ^Hip copvontion jvns callo^l ti ordfiii by! upU JK. f A. Thofnf)Un our knowlodgo of the chemionl constituents, say to Ihom that the acid phoflpliato, when manipulated and thoroughly mixed with burn-yard ma nuro, cotton seed, or in faot with any animal or vegetable matter, forms a superior fertiliser. The oxcess ol Bulphurio aoid contained in tho acid phosflhito rapidly dcoomponQsteithoi oarn-yara mmturo oroollon scod, and at tho Hnmo timo this acid seizes and rotains in a solublo but solid form all tho ammonia evolved by th6 decomposition. This ammonia, as is well known, is tho great food and stimulant of all kinds of crops. Ilonco, a1 tho acid phosphato is ohcapor thar othor guanos, a superior fertilizer it in tho roach of ovory farmor, and ai far loss cost. It onablcu tho farmoi to utilizo his cotton seed and barn ynrd manures; and, furthermore, th< acid it contains bo thoroughly pulvorteos tho barn-yard manures tha thoy are inoro oasily handled and ?p plied?equally as oasy to bo distrib utod as tho impalpablo commorcin fertilieer. By this procoss ovorr farm or could mako immenso quntities of very puporior forlilizor, at compnra lively small costs. Tbo sulphato c ammonia, which is formod in grea quantities from tbo decomposition c barn-yard manures and cotton scec sulphuric acid being present, is powerful fortilizors, as is woll know by all cbomist. Ammonia is a vola (Sin ?i I Ir *111 nn/l if I Urtim to ??r\ aAt/l vnu miuj I* iiiiwiw 10 11u nv/ivi |ii\: sont to seize and combino with it. i oseapos ijn soon as it is generated fror tho decomposing animal and vegotn bio matter. By mixing this acid phoe phato with stablo maiuiro, tho cscap of the ammonia is entirely j)rovente ?a roBiilt to be socured by all possibl moans. Qreeuville Trial 1. That on tho 27th day of Maj 1865, Wm. E. Karlo, d sguised as United States oflieer, leading a ban of raidcrif, stolo from John Dill, livin in this County, a homo, never rcturi ingit, nor in any way paying for i 2. That iho sumo bund of raider of which ICarlo was Iho londor, pre ecedcd tho same night to tho houso i a man mimed Crane, 05 years ol and whipped him unmercifully. 8. That in January, 1808, Joli Henry Marie, tho brother of Win. 1 Rarle, committed rohhery in Andoi son County by stealing from ono S. King $20 in currency, while sloopin in tho name room with him. T1 money was found on his porson. Wr K. JOarle, thou a magistrate of Greoi ville County, compounded a felon b}^ compromising with King, payir SI 00 to discontinue tho prosccutic against his brother. It is always thus, when a mombi of a onco honored family sinks so lo iit his political Hiatus uh to assoeia with alien thiovoa and ignoramnns and a?9i?t thoin in robbing, diHgracir .. .1 ! i I i i j ;iiiu u|?j)ruM8illg till) pcupiO OI r> 1S III tivo State. Thoro was a time win tlio namo of Earlo was tho synonyn of truth; but, alas! what a tomb blow it has recoivod by tho dcfoctk of Homo of its docondants wlio ha' ombracod Radicalism for tho purpo of obtaining ofllco.?Union Times. A largo Catamont was killi Ijy a eolored man (llodgo Thompsoi about throo milos below Grcenvill on Ilocdy rivor, says tlio Groonvil rscwa, during tho rccont snow lull.Hodge, with his dogs, tried tho "eri ter," and conferred logother how th< should got him. Tho "porps promise to tako earo of him if llodgo wou dislodgo hiin. Whoroupon, liodj having no gun at hand, "fetched" hi with n rock, and the dogs dispatch* him. Tho prospects oi tho English ire trado aro gloomy. Pi r k n n h Pri obb f! m- > a n P> - v ? w ? ? ? V V M V It A A V COHHF.CTBD WEEKLY HY W. T. M'rALL. Cotton per pound, packed. 11)01 Cotton per pound, seed, Hacou per pound, ll Lard per pound, '1 l'ork per pound, ^ 1 Corn per bushel, 7 Wheat per bushel, $1., Flour per barrel, Apples, Dried, per bushel. ?1, Apples, Green, per bushel, $lj l'ens per bushel ft Mutter per pound, 1 f>(a\2 | lloef per pound, 6(r?) ! Booh wax, per pound, 2 j Tallow, per pound, Wool, per pound, 4 i ' -" "m ^Trr" ?^7' %TMIW A twrnnmTfi'niimtmn i Pi n \y AUV jsiyiwBBUcin i o. [ I ? A Fine LINE \ r I OF J I I I i BRY boobs, 1 ' MJ? WtTiSia? &T r I McFALL'S, ,1 HATS-LADIES', MISSES', AND n ? GENTS, at prices to suit tlio timoR. '! At MoF ALL'S. t >f o ? BOOTS AND SHOES. Good and Cheap. At McFALL'S. it n ??? ~ CROCKERY, TIN AND HARD0 WARE. Pricoe Way Down. d o * At AIcFALL'S. o FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES r? ? At MoF ALL'S. d ?r 0 7 DItUGS AND MEDICINES. Pure l. 8? mul genuine?will cure the sick and >of mako the well feci better. Trj ine? (I, Don't bo backward ? but ask for 1,1 vt'luU vou want.. R. J r- Respectfully, J(; W.T. McFall. " March 30, 1870 30 10 : - Sheriff's Sales. 'y ,g o >n STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Pickens County. or w Z. Smith I'laintift', vs. James A. liogga, Deln fendant. BV virtue of nn execution to me directed, I will sell to (he highest bidder, fit Piokens Court llcuKe on Saleday in Mny next, One tract of Land situate in Pickens Counll* ty, on branoh->water8 of 18 Milo Creek, adfD joining lands of S. W. Clayton, Mrs. Fielden, Moore and otlierfl, containing 200 acres, inore or loss. I.evied 011 as the properly of iv; .in 111 i-M .-i. noggx, in mo Hint oi /<. nnuth. TERMS CASH?Purchasers lo pay extra for Jillcs. fO J. RILEY FERGUSON, s.r.o. 90 np 13, !87rt .32 3 NIIDBMri 'H NAIifX. "1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j! County of Pickens. "i lo Martha A. Steele and Susan M. Alexander Plaintiffs, vs. 1). M. Alexander, /idin'r? L. N. Robins, Executor, Defendants, t" f^Y virtue of an execution to me directed, jy I ) 1 will sell to tlio highest bidder, before the Court (louse door, at Pickens C. II., on 3U A.'.. I ?,!.>? in vi..., ? -J Id One tract of Lanil, situate in rickens County, on Mile Creek, waters of Keowee River, containing 200 acres, more or less, m adjoining lands of L. N. Robins and others. Levied ?n as the property of Hardin I'riee, deceased, at tho suit of M. A. Steele and ?11. sail M. Alexander. TEAMS CASH, Purohaser# to pay extra for papers. J. RILEY FERGUSON, s.r.c. ap 151, 187t5 82 8 1 NOTICE rj A LL parlies having clamis against the 4* JlY. Firm of E. II. Griffin & 15ro. are requir(jj ed to present them before me on or by the 28th instant, or be barred, and those indebt" 0.1 ?o. uni.i r. ? .L- . V* IV ninu an Ml IMIIOI |"?jr I lie RHIUO Dy IIIHl time, or pay the costs of a suit. r'o J. C. GRIFFIN, Survivor. 10 Jipl3, 1876 82 2 00 * Notice. Oo tic ! VTOl'ICK Ih hereby Riven, that Edward F. Go Allgood and damuel J. 11 est or, Kxecujo tors of the Estate of T. A. llodgers, has this ?>o day applied to mo for leave to make a Final Jc Hettlement of said Estate, and to bo discharged tic therefrom: the same will be heard at n?y Oc oflico at Piokons Court House, on Thursday, 00 | (ho Uth day of May next. 0 I. II. PHILPOT, j.r.p.p. 0 J ap 18, 1870 32 \ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HMO Op! ?--?-o t am I WOULD AGAIN RESPECTFUL. ly call tho nttontion of tho publio to my well aolootod and m~ x sorted stock of VUB AMD SUUVES MI-MOM, consisting of DllY & FANCY GOODS, 11 ATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, x Gp.nfs' Clnfliincr Mails & Soflfiidtf. nVMYW VIVVR IMg WlWWt W j f GROCERIES, HARDWARE, AC. All of which 1 will sell ohonp for Oftftb. ! * ? I am still Agent for the "EUBB% KA" FERTILIZER, ono of the best in tho market. Prico pnyablo in cotton at 15o. 1st Nov., $00.00 por ton. -? Price pnyablo iu currency 1st Nov.f $55.00 per ton. t'rico pnyablo in cash on dolivery, tf H.ou por ion. g Freight $0.00 por ton, to bo uddtd' to this point, and mast bo paid in' cash. Last but not lonet, lot mo iroproM it upon thoso who nro duo mo on count for 1875, that I neod the monoy and MUST HAVE SETTLEMENTS. Pay up at onco and favor mo as 1 * favored you. M. W. FORD. EASLEY STATION, S* C. Fob 17, 1870 24 If COME ALL! . o . , EASLEY NTATIOX, ?. f. TilE UNDERSIGNED FIUM (SUG^ CKSSOHS to T. W. ItUSSEL) h?ro opened out business at Eaaley Stfelion, 9 A. Ij. H. It., and propoao to ko?n A first class stock ot Dry-Goods ui Sncra, * Which the}' propose to sell at bottom prices, ns the following pricos indicate : * Factory Yarn, 81.20 per bunch. 7-8 Shirting. 8 cents per yard. 3-4 Shirting. 6J cents per yard. Liverpool Salt, $1.05 porsack; Sugars, 0 to 10 pounds to the dollar, Rio Coft'co, beat, 4 lbs to tho dollar. (food Tobacco, at 85 conts por lb. Flour, Family, S7 00 por barrel. C. It. Baltimore Bacon, 13 conti per pound. All other thingf. in proportion, AI? ways in the Corn and Cotton Market; and other produco taken in oxchango ^ fox Goods. Guanosol tho best on hand. Call ' and examine before purchasing, Respectfully, RUSSELL. MARTIN & CO. Ma roll 2, 1870 26 (Joii.sumptioii Cured, An old physician, retired from active preetice, having lind plnccd in hia handa bJ M Kast India Missionary the formula of a simp!* Vegetable remedy, for the speedy and perrae nentcure of Consumption, Dronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections* also a Positive and Radical Cure for Nimni Debility and Nervous Complaints, After kiT* ing thoroughly tested its wonderful curative A powers in thousands ot cases, feels it hiedutjr to make it known to his Buffeting fellow*. Actuated by this motive, and a conscientious desire to relieve human suffering, he will send (free of charged to all who desire it, thle recepe, with full directions for preparing end ! n?. i * < auuuuoaimijr lining. Ot'ni Dy reiUFD RlfcU DJ, addressing with stamp, naming this paptr. , ^ DR. W. C. STBVBHB, Munroe Hlock, Syracuse, N. T. Easlf.Y HoTeL. * ? ? JTIIIS POPULAR HOUSE is conTenUntly located to the Depot; Rooms well furnished and th? tfthlc supplied with the best in tha market. Hoard reasonable. Conveyance fuini?lie