Don't Take Calomel! "Dodsor Doesn't Gripe, Salivate 01 Lose a Day's Worri Ugh! Cnlomol makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of tho danger ous drug to-night and to-morrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which caus?is necrosis of tho bonos. Calomel, whoa it comos in contact with .sour bile, crashes into it, break ing il up. This is when you foci that awful nausea and cramping. If you aro sluggish and "all knocked out," if your livor is torpid and bowels con stipated, or you havo hoadaclio, dizzi ness, coated tongue, if breath ls bad TEH DK1 VE FOR NEEDED FUNDS. I One .Million Cases Tuberculosis in tito United states-10,000 in S. C. Tlie South Carolina Tuberculosis Association is a voluntary organiza tion supported by thc sale of Christ mas Seals, Bonds and a few member ships. Its chief function is educational and preventive. Hs innis are to se cure adequate legislation for tho con trol of tuberculosis and the promo- i lion of public health, to hold educa tional exhibits, lectures, etc , to pro mote the modern hon Hb crusado in tho schools, to establish dispensaries and have consultants for export diag nosis, to secure adequate sanatorium equipment, to have proper follow-up care, public health nurses, open air schools, examination and inspection of school children. There aro ono million cases of tu berculosis in tho United Stales, and .sixteen thousand in South Carolina. Loss than 1 ii,800 cases are in tho homes in which there aro twenty thousand children. If funds aro available for proper treatment, sixty per cent of the cases j in South Carolina could bo cured. Thoro wore 1.S35 don tbs from tu berculosis in South Carolina last year. Every seven th ooo th ls from tuberculosis. There is ono death from tuberculosis ' every three end ono-half minutes. Tho loss, economic and potential, l? Sie?'er.,ono a year .. Sfj,Q0tl for bft?b denlli a sear. Il cost? aol cbunty in thc State mote than luxes. ' / A TONIO drove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy und Vitality by Purifying and Enriching tho Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how It brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. ^Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Is simply Iron and Quinine suspended In syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IKON to Enrich it, Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. Stores Liquor in Jail; Caught. Greenwood, Dec. (?.-Choosing the county Jail as the storage place for her supply of liquor brought Kate j *Lowis, negro trusty', sorting two ? months for violation of. tho prohibi tion law again Into the toils of Ute jaw to-day when Jailer T. NV. Mc Millan swore out ii warrant, against the woman, charging her with stor ing liquor. A gallon of liquor, al leged to havo belonged lo tho wo man, was found hy the Jailor, con cealed in a slop Jar In tho woman's cell. Ka to 'Lewis had boen a trusty, and on tho ploa of sickness had behn al lowed to go homo occasionally. A fow days ago sho smuggled into her coll a slop Jar, which revealed two quarts and ono half gallon contain ers, filled with corn liquor when tho Jailor romoved the cover to-day. City police o??lcors had hoon activo In t making searches In the neighborhood of tho woman's house, and Jailor Mc Millan believes sho brought tho liquor to the Jail for safo keeping. CAPACITY 5 -."r. H Al Storage and Insure Liberal Cash Advanc Interest Rate, 6 Per C New Business. G. W. GIGNILL i's LiverTone" Acts Betterand r Make You Sick-Don't ;-Read Guarantee or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tono to night. More's my guaranteo: Go to any drug store and got a hottlo of Dod son's Livor Tono for a few cents. Take's spoonful, and If il doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fino and vigorous, 1 want you to go hack to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is de stroying tho sale of calomol because it is a roal-livor medicine-entirely vegetable; therefore lt cannot sali vato or make you sick. KORMKR PRESIDENT IMPROVING Hopes Held Out for Ultimate Recov ery ol' Mr. Wilson. Washington, Dec. S. - Woodrow Wilson is so much better that he now takes almost daily walks through the streets about his residence, with no other aid than that of a cano. Those who have been surprised to encounter the well known ligure say that he really strides and does not merely shulllc along., When ho left the White Ilouso lie could not place one foot ahead of" the other and had to bo supported at every stop. Ile has cons'.antly ridden in an au tomobile for months, making trips sometimes as long as forty milos. His faco is ruddy and the lines that told of lils suffering havo gone, j Taken in connection with a speech ! ho made on Armistice Day from his doorstep, with all bis old fire and splendid choice of words, which re vealed his volco strong as over, it is evident that tho hermit period of tho cx-Prosldcnt is about over. He still denies himsolf to all but a few fa vored visitors, and except for an oc casional lettor, declines to bo drawn into tho stream of public affairs. But that he will continue to keep out of it Is most unlikely. A realiza tion that a mind so clear and so ac tivo must force him Into tho arena somehow is what makes the word that Woodrow Wilson is walking out Ibo bigge?! piece or news In Wash ington to-dav. I ' .???,.,''_~U~ .1?! i o IM ls-1 ?nri*i$ i ' ? ' Vet it ions Dismissed Opium bis, Dee. ?. Chief .lustloO !Gary, of tao .Supremo Court, lu-day dismissed Ibo petitions of P. M. .T6f ? fords and Ira Harrison, undor son 1 tonco of death for tho murder of J. , C. Arnotte, for a writ of error, ap pealing from 'he State Courts to thc ; United States Supremo Court. This ?disposes of tho appeals in so far as thc Stale Courts aro concerned. The ' next step probably will bo an appeal j direct to one of the Justices of the ' United States Supreme Court for an ov??" bringing tho cases before that tribunal. Jeffords ls under sentence to die Dec. L'iilh. Harrison has not been re ! sentenced since the Supreme Court confirmed his conviction. Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days > Druftitlsts refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching, Blind, ftlcedintf or Protruding Piles, hi mtly rollover Ilching Piles, nnd you cnn get ?? I'ulslccnuftcr thu that nuolictulon Price COc Mr. Turnor to Speak at Westminster. Roland Turnor, general agricultu ral agent of tho Southorn Railway Company, will speak In Westminster Thursday, Dec. l l th, at 2.30 p. m., and ari Invitation ls givon to all the farmers of Oconeo county to hear him at that timo. Every citizen inter ested In agricultural products and the marketing of samo should by all moans hoar bim. Whoo you hear him you will ho convinced that ho knows his business and Is on his Joh. Mr. Turner's appearance at West minster will bo undor tho auspices of tho Westminster Community Longue, which organization is looking out for opportunities to glvo such special ad vantages as this to tho people of our county. Cotton house .OOO BALES El G ES - ince, 30c. per month, es OA Stored Cotton, ent Per Annum on all IAT, President. IIIS Is n story of Inst 1 Christ mus day; nnd I will j tell you right nway that lt ended happily. But lt be- j gins sadly. It was Christ- ; mus day up nt tho North : puk-, and as usual on tho j day beforo Christmas, St. Nicholas bud been hurried and rather grumpy. Only this time, Mother Nicholas thought to herself that bo was Just a blt grumpier than she bad ever known him. And nt suppertime she i found that she was right. Ile came Into the kitchen, closing i his workshop door with n bang, and sat down with all the little Nicholases to bis porridge. "Well, I've said lt beforo," he growled, "but this time I mean it. The children down there in the world will get nothing from my pack this night. It's timo they were taught a lesson." All the little Nicholases gasped, but Mother Nicholas only asked calmly: "Why, what is tho matter now, fa ther? After you've been working for them tho whole your, you wouldn't go and disappoint the poor dears would you?" "Yes, I would," declared St. Nleh- t obis, swallowing his porridge In great j gulps, and pretending that ho was not i n saint at all. "Half of them go around saying that there Isn't any St. Nicho las, poking fun at me, aira laughing In their sleeves. And the other half think it makes no difference whether they are good children or not, I'll fill their stockings Just tho same. It's a ? thankless Job, I tell you. And I'm j too old a mon for lt. Sol" "Come," said Mother Nicholas, sooth ingly, "here is n plate of griddle cakes. When you have eaten you will seo things differently." "No, when I have eaten I shall go to bed. That's where an old fellow like me belongs, nn old fellow who children don't bellove In.'.' Mother saw that he was determined, and that thero was nothing to do for lt, since griddle cakes wouldn't help. So she put her finger to her Hps to motion the children silent, and went on quietly about her work. And when St. Nicholas hud finished his supper, bb did roll away to hedi only telling tho little Nicholases to !>o sure uo hang their stockings, for they luid boen good children nil the year and still bb)loved In bim. Tho minuto the door closed behind him the little Nicholases burst Into excited chatter. "Oh, what a pity I Those poor children 1 Surely there > must bo sonni good ones ! Oh dear, what fun will Christmas bo to us If nil the children in the world down thero are unhappy !" .'What indeed I" Mother Nicholas shook her head and looked often nt "Yes, I Would," Declared St. Nicholas. the closed door, behind which St. Nich olas could already be heard snoring. "And tho reindeer!" cried tho old est boy, "what will they do without their yearly exercise? It seems ns though father might.have gone, If only for their sakes." Mother Nicholas thought so, too. And nt that minute they heard the reindeer's little hoofs beating on tho hard snow crust at tho door. Wise lit tle beasts l St. Nicholas had nover delayed tho Ohrlstnuis-Eve Journey so long before, and so boro they were to save him the troublo of going for thom. The Nicholas children felt that' they never could face the poor llttlo reindeer's disappointment. But what was Mother Nicholas do ing so busily over thero by the cup board? Tho children looked In amaze ment. It was seldom that mother loft the snowhouse ot any time of day. And here she was, aftor dark, and Christmas Evo, too, putting on ber hood and cape, and pulling on her gauntlets 1 "Are you going to drive the rein deer back to the stables?" asked tho oldest boy. "Oh, please, let me. Fa ther always lots mo, you know." Mother shook her head. "I'll not bo driving thom back to the stables un? I ttl this night's work ls done," she said, [i'll you're awake when wo get back, you m ny do lt as always." How the children stared I "Was little old mother going all alone on that j long, wild drive over towns and for? i csts abd oceans and up and down 1 'chimneys, and goodness knows where, [ without UH kin g st. Nicholas If she 1 mightT v Yes, that was Just what she was going to do I "For, when a good j thing needs doing," she said brightly, I "no permission Is needed." "Keep the lire going, bo sure that I the baby bus the fur rug well up I around his chm, and give youi father j a good breakfast when he wakes," she culled over her shoulder and was away j out of the door almost before they ! had realized that she was going. They i heard the scampering of tho reindoor j hoofs, faster the dimmer they got, and then Just tho stillness of the North pole. That was last Christmas Eve. And If you ask any child who lay awake i to seo St. Nicholas, and pooped out with ono oyo, nil the time pretending to be fast asleep, lie will toll you that it wasn't St. Nicholas he saw at all. It was Just' a tiny, sprightly old lady j j With frosty white curls and a red hood, j who filled naughty Willie's stocking ? Just as full as good Marguerite's, and I St. Nicholas Welcomed Her Back Af fectionately. ' left many more bon-bons In both than I was usual. That peeping child will nlso tell you that before she went back up the chimney, she gave baby I a kiss on his pink cheek, a thing st. ' Nichols? (who ls ns afraid of babies us t pUrgtur, is, af.:1 for th? s?>mo rea? son) bits neyer beim known to do. And mother, will you helles e mo, In spite of having stopped to kb? all tho babies, bach ni th< North pole a ' whole hour earlier than St. Nicholas had ever been able to mako it, oven In bis younger days. Uer * work was well (lone, tool But in spite of the early hour, she found the children and her husband walting for her. St. Nicholas welcomed her bnck more affectionately than the children. "I woke in tho middle of the night," he said, "out of such a horrid dream j all about crying children and sad I mothers. Bless you, good wife, for ; not letting that dream come truol" ? "Ob, don't mention lt," said Mother ! Nicholas. "It was no trouble at all. Indeed, It did me good. I think, fa ther, slnco you aro getting so old, I : will take over Uris job myself from now on." / I St. Nicholas looked thoughtful at ' that. Ho paced up and down the I floor. Then he enme and stood In 1 front of Mother Nicholas, straighten? i lng up and looking almost as young . as in bis early days. "No, motlier," he said firmly. "A woman's place ls In the home. I'll at tend to the business hereafter, Ithank you." And mother, who, after all, only wanted everybody to be happy, made him some griddle cakes for his break fast. But that was last year, the year you got a stocking full, even though ? you hadn't been so very good. This year you had better watch out, for it is old St. Nicholas himself you have to deal with. Church robberies are common In Middle Europe to assuage tho craze for collecting religious art. Automobllo fuel and various oils for tho paint trade aro now being produced from Now Zoaland's znurl gum deposits. SAY "BAYER" whi Unloss you seo tho naroo "Bayor" on packago or on tablets, you aro not gottlng tho genuine Bayer product ! proscribed by physician* ovor twenty , two yoars and proved safo by mil ! lions for colds, hondacho, toothache, neuralgia, lumbago, rheumatism, Sm HtS Making th First Start Wc all feel sometimes wc have is toe small to start conception? Make thc start the balance will be easy? Large estates have been i ?g Start Savings A Our officers and directoi fuljbusiness men. They arc with your financial troubles. We solicit you deposits Account. Prompt services to all b Bank o??W Phone 3 Wcst Uni kl my friends and the public to ! the Stock of Groceries fo Bruce, in West End, Senec tinue to carry a full linc of connection with this will al - Real Dinner: from H A. fl When in Seneca give us but that's not all-buy you we've got just what you n? West End, U I C?\| I Sencca,S.C. IV. J. Olli ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty A?TUM?N. ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty. ty (By J. Fred Fowler.) in the luxuriant days of fall, When tho cotton fields are white, We Halen to the insects' call, Through frosty mists, on moon light nights. Tho corn in shocks does shine; Haystacks in cantonment style look grand. Autumn season is the superb ti me j As pumpkins appear thick In farm land. The golden leaves glisten by day, Brooks wind their way to ocean Making us think the race may Yet in glorious honors ho won. Viewing, we think of old ago That comes uninvited to all; But according to the Holy Page Wo should obey commands if small To Stop a Cough Quick toko * HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicino which stops the cough by healing the Inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salvo should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing" effect of Haya' Heal ?mi Honoy in aldcytlio throat combined with (lie healmg effect ot Grove's O-Pea-Trato Salve through tho pores of thc skia soon stops a cough. ' Doth remedies aro packed in one carton and the COSt Of tho combined treatment ls 35c, Just ask your druggist for HAYES* HEALING HONEY. Mechanically Assisted. (Now Bedford Standard.) Von Jay-"I supposo Henry Ford is what you would call a solf-mado man." Van Puff-"No; ho is what I'd call a machine-made man." m you buy Aspirin neuritis, and for pain in gonoral. Ac cept only "Bnyor" packago, which contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twolvo tabletsv cost few| cents. Druggists nlso soil bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is tho trade mark of Bayer Manufacturo ot Mono acoticacldcslor of Salloylicacld. 7 Le that thc amount of money to save. This is the wrong with what you have and >uilt from saving small sums. ccount To-Day *ie .s arc experienced, success i always willing to help you on Savings or Checking usiness entrusted to us. est Union, on, S. C. -Phone 3 know that I have purchased rmerly owned by C. A. a, S. C., where I will con Fresh Groceries, and in so serve s, 40 Cents - ll, to 3 P. M. a call, get your dinner/ r Flour, Lard and Meat; cd to Eat. ELGROVE, Seneca, S.C. NOTICE AS TO I OLINO GO?NlW CLAIMS, Ail porsona having olalms against Oconee County, WHO HAVE NOT ALREADY FILED SAME with tho Clerk of the Hoard, will pleaso pre sent them during the month of DE CF M HER, duly itemized and voriflod under oath. If you havo already sont in your claim, however, ploase do not do so again, ns it is unnocossary and also confusing. J. C. SHOCKLEY, Supervisor. .1. 13. S. DENDY, Clork. Doc. G, 1922. -19-52 NOTICIO OF FINAD SETTLEMENT A NI ! DISCHARGE. Notico ls hereby given that the un dersigned will inake application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate, tor Oconee County, in tho State of South Carolina, nt his office at Walhalla Court House, on SATURDAY, the 30th day of Decomhor, 1922, at ll o'clock In tho forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application cnn ho hoard, for leavo to mn ko Final Sot tloment of tho lOstato of GEORGE M-? McICEE, Deceased, and obtain Final Discharge as Surviving Executor of tho said Estate. JOHN T. MoKEE, Surviving Executor of the Estate of George M. McKee, Deceased. Dec. 6, 1922. 49-52 NOTICE TO DEF ! ORS AND CREDITODS. , All persons indebted to the Estate of B. J. MOODY, Docoasod, aro hereby notified to make payment to tho undersigned,' and all porsona having claims against said Estate will pr?sent the same, duly attested, within the timo prescribed by law, or be barred. Mrs. R. E. MOODY, and J. M. MOODY, Executors of tho Estate of B. J. Moody, Docoasod, Salom, S. C. Nov. 22, 1922. 47-50 NOTICE OF FINAD SETTtDEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judgo of Probate for Oconoo County, in tho State of South Carolina, at bis office at Walhalla Court Houso, on Thursday, tho 21st day of December, 1922, at ll o'clock In tho forenoon, or ns soon there after as said application can be beard, for leave to make final settle ment of tho Estato of MRS. SARAH A. SINGLETON, Docoasod, and ob tain Final Discharge as Executors of said Estate. E. S. SINGLETON, and J. L. SINGLETON, Executors of the Estate of Mrs. Sarah ' A. Singleton, Doceasod. Nov. 22, 1022. . 47-50 Tho maximum capacity of tho Con gressional library at Washington ls somo four million volumes. May 29, 1022, was tho l8Cth an niversary bf tho birth ot Patrick 1 Henry, ... _.' ? ; T'