Jv'ttr tf.imu?i?i-iu\v >jPlUhig vt Jhmttiitu tu j U'ituih 'Jidhuil ?Wm. iVjyi'itul*Hl. I tVuburmui Mull. .Inn:. Tah. ) OHXS '.en.poni.ry upponttnumt D? SR. .K. (..'.com-,, turtum ti hur iff ul AntUu-ni-n' (.uuntv. ut- !. uuiui Stuloe liuauiuv! Un ?Che *Vi??lur-u Mfi??ai vi fiauiiti o.n. .tu ki !'.' Wu \i.uuni\v vl .'. i: rvsi- ...?!(. with 'ti'. ean'i'ivi |>f t.?. > miesn k v :??.' i tni*?ui td iVoHtuih v. 'J'i'LiMif!. w.na inutlt u.v I't.: ihtUlpU H. H. Wt t itu tun ?. . i u ttl uu'.nuuu 'j*iu- i ). )r.>if . tiiit i oj yr. '. ttiuti will .nuntin.' iiiiu iii ullin*.' nutt' the f-rt?tsUiou: luu nu\;??. i t.'.> t.?.!' ? ppv-.r-.uuu-'.. it wm *u'.i'.>.?>v I?, J?'. pmJl rr.I hrvuri:: Ulli UtuUur tl' th?. I tluut Luu ixl .t.?. nuurl tv-dry by tllX'?jut?im ul M.t . .Wilily '.ionvi t I. viii litttl Lu Commit i tt ta.' i viiuttuw wunUitl ' 11 ? .i v j i ..! ? i.? , upolu btuui : A i ? tl um ?. .. . ' ; n i M t( i nd .'r.ilr.t. VV.ti.t'lviiu ni- t r tmipowui'iitl ti UU MI?. ? nen iv'.'.? Tin iteueai uppoiutu -t nt ?Inuepl VV Tv:hur: V.VPMMC' whin) che couta nu . ivt ul i a t."tv M .?ur by aUn 5".iMit.'.?. tu lint! tlu ht utatb U?.i;.i?. i t tn ur.ta ?; i.ut.i.vii e.w.'.tid btlj u vri t r Whtu i. i un tiivi ol \v :. ..?;.!.?.: t !-...??. lippiUUl 1.W fuxfl v ?.. > r ? >.: fchuii pu.? ohticiku, which t.-.-v ?-x >.. v ?... ?.. nul ? i'l l:'; hy igy / u?f U> "..?. ?.: p rtM.uu! of I tu i ppp tu I u DU L. Till li''ut.', .vu will, te. v?i?" ui'/uu-l ittU'U vi ttl th* i:p pviv'tiioii bf Nli'.. CiUbtUt. . i p?i I t r vt ii? -uppvit :mem .'.i-t.ri v,?. : i in? t-v.i.ui'1 ihul Mr. .'.?vtif.n i i ', hoer ??.;??..".?.!(! hy bini withvul |ih?? I. nv xv h i.; y.* bl ! t\?H'UU>d libe (Ht ?it? u| * 'cirri . '.;'.'. -.'ih'.-.v. wtuiiugj Ti t.? - y.WU'i't t "..! I |??.1 t'.fl i'.: tl ft;,!\'.vr I Ul *. v bitttt -y . '^MI.-.I/* .tv.dge -WV?. . ?kllM . > !*.?.. ?-it v ? 'i'", ihr : Wi V'vl-! \>i ' \ i;bt vu1.) -, VJ- v..i t.th 'Uutl bMtm : t'-Ut?w::..?; ?-vi?-y . ..;...>. . ...>.> tu UU -UP* ?..rr'tf Wii.h i-'ut- ?..... .-. i ' ': hud tturriud P?j.1 ih?. -: u' es -. ' il.tt tu .ti muli' '; ??.?j' vh.i> ti vt; iel til ? I i.vtory l.t.. i tn-- pituri:. Wt}:. wv i '".'.'. . ,tAut! tuu.de : ?n? u.tv.fivwt wtwr.i.M' i.b.?. u?, pu i nt- : V. ?.'.:! bf VlhtM dt'-pV'. t?| tu U.tU?U??t?d tUf VUUt V '.:'.< W.: i ie! 'i. o iii:; A'j (,n 'Amii:.'. <>;. J iv wt tit?&l :?K.e.?:. !..--Tkert w?:.. ?.. y^.ij vc LuxubJe gujioy? oj j:?uu't 5u o if ?JJ?: ry tuud 'wud??d warehouse* win v tin: J tut cuunt wu? i.uud?i Jut-e 8(i .?.ft u'.co;-jur. :.'.. u table iiJ?>:! w.tv '-.<-. Jiouue appropilutloas cuati ttij.tt.ec '.'.> ?he huren,? OJ .nlern?] rw HAW ut i . .: made public yesierdajh To tbow how jt i*. diuappiiuriiUjs, the u i-, under go v err tue-i), boii troJ UJt . r v u ? o w i.*- %. < :.:. i V 4 guJJuu* leas thu n '..M the t-ume du te Ja i i,,lW UiucJfl th.?-.! ?-: it;: ? J;r. J. M .bvurj, ebie! u! tin; hu teau's iodut-iruj ui'^ouoJ division, told the t'olwiultitee tber?:- were about ^Mti no'.i burrel* ol whit V -. y JD ^l-? hun d ed w u reh t u t.?:-f. 3 " 6 o ! t u e?w? oe la i-y. Jtaaed ua tv: old hurr?' ' vv.--.-,t this would ??sea) to fJgUJ?: .".OH: t-.um ? ja noe wovS wlen put ajtlde ?? uiije utuj ').:. v:: h.:. the glow which vic....- (be Ken- ; i t '. i.- y ?J ! i j ? u et 1 a a i o u ? t Kv.- U g h o v ', - ' ... w Olid . rat fjulnlM That Duvi Not fcff&vi tnt Bend ?k*:UUM v' '.'? V.-. .? ?\tt< >n'.->? . ".-i J.t.XK T; V? ax.'j st* j tj\. : t??s -.?.?.-. ? .-> ?J,?viti;ii.t n.-i .?.'.>? t '.."' . i-.'i.- ?eceu?ber ut pu hi ie uue t:o.v fur nt reel tiKs?**Jtnents, the city ol OharJolte a.?. o vireo two eb u/cb es WV.'.: ??:..?-. . O? vi <-0 ir; tai; lot. V v-, V.'?**' .. .vi'.er j'r efc'oyteriua chef cl and the J^ijwoith Metaoo;i! t J luitlj were thosn which weat over ->:?: vv.i'. lt ev. v.'. Ji. West, ol the .Method;** church, Mated that ''?'.>? Church would o?: j rr; med lat?: ly re o' ?? e a : e - j. v ' i, e Presbyterian ?. o .. c JJ wu>. said to hav?: vee a ?;o3d oy .<. fiuk?: ; i ti e wot .ey *o pay the street assess* ?ieh.lsi wt-s '.o; ;?;.?.. ?ed ?oaoe tibie prior ' -, t h ? J'u) > fut f/ood-t-N'o Jo o*? ?-'.i i lob, OreeaiJJe, j;e?-. ? After paying jv ! vi J bi rov"% the wu* charged v r: in i.ag st,?>ien, Mr*. J Jessie u'.-..'> v, ol' tl ii city, reJe&??*d by city ;. ;: : oi. ? ( - 'o:v/ wirer, -aercb ; . .. .-.;?>M.-j M.' p/dfcec?ie ti.e cate. V wv.-.- a w.-.->. arrested by tin- ep.y ;. o1 i ' H ea J ,. t.b j % rr) oin; J. g en e ?.-h a r ge o! .-- op fiting . said i'ie ad /'? M- . '.i. ?.-. ? .'.>. ol a u urn be/ of ex ;.? e '.>. v e ;:. 11, v < >. o J c ; o 11; J r; g. BREAK A COLD IN FEW_H0URS Compound" Acts Quick, Costs J.?tile, .' ic vcr Sickens! Jivery druggist here guarantee? each package ol "Papo's Cold Con pound" 'o break op any enid and end grippe tnluery ?a a few hours or money returned, Btu! pain, headache, feverishness, ). led or congealed nose .-ind hoad relieved with first done, These gafo, pleasant tablets cost only a few cen'a and mil lions pow take them Instead of sick ?nine euiniae. .viv. THE FEATURE AF CHRISTMAS .Ujii-lt of Geno, natty nm! Hnpplnww lint! Arrival naff Dit! Kvu ? .mum Comploto? Fmornni. til: luippteMi Seutun of Ghi'lHtntutttUle ls ?the tgiurtt ut {touMtoHtt*.- lt uiigoiitlurti. Ttiv onitiudlniuut ,o? ttltt? np nit te u Fuchur ' ({Uduc fison house te h mw ?howur hig (hmm iii*- l?l?tfi im tilie tutti lunMliij* bbhluO hhr. ut r.ttumiphere ul uhuoruiess nnfl nenin' htoiplntmc. O.Hw htmtmatmt hdUttf tr thu? Old M'oilfl fU?Mi hu?, tiuj?;?i\* . ?prend to i tumut twuty normet itl in ulAiUtnutl v '-Kl h ?muutleu ..lu- Gunnar Olu?at Kindluhi or Auf ind Clhi'tMt, bimoniuti Chi1 liiil* u.i'iiuru. who Ukf Suntu Gittus lu .Ctu'ir.ir.;. punine*- tu* uuhnpedeCi vuy thr \'i'A. ktsMhiuus tate! devil sooty chtmnvivs tu heauw hil. gtftt. upon Obit' -et. timi lU'l! .'.Joott;" valle !'eU> hlulml ur M&tohoins With the Fur" Joh k'wt dlputi),i ujitni hte heels with u liinlum cud for tte "numln.v" Iiotu: uuty till? hoHe? lu KJIU toftngte uif.'.'. ' ! ti Itt ?1J1\< e<iltme*, und nu\?f tin "v.ouitf" ?,?.?. Ul?tiVv ot thf.t UtuiUtOD liu; ?uti or HiihmHthul. SA?VT* BMWED hi WB?TM?S Chfurttt.?f Wut Uiw?y Dtiomc.*.;eC Ut E en un?' Uf'Oot?iy ie E?l'i) K TP.Mf ei illy 'ir yr ;?* ? mer iel Y .hHir.ur*. Uhrlutiiittv Ctis- : tlv.it.it?. w'?re t?m gtitveruiUy ohhe-< std lil t?i?t> Stat? th?, '...servi,. . flou ol (.Uuluttiiuti wat vr?-.!.'. :1?- ? notuiwd jas icu fvU. uta* ...:";.* i ud ;.?.?.. ! ?nl.t?ltuts ouatoTu. uud liai tiuiid dttilUtg ? to tbiufc ol ut- tv.?"li as ii ;?it'v.i .iltur ctn Utut .day would ut sice hiiu'wll Uuble to reproof t-,\ th? uvthonte-h. A.U uloug th* attira nod roils-hov ud 'r.a.at. G+waldint Alit?* wr :.*.> it; the iCUturubjuitui, th? utilj < rlutuui* treas to the days ol' th? PwriUuu ?iCttuluttihui v thoa? Huil uuturt hn< planted flier* und hud adorn?* with flew?' Kiiov ?Uie tlrw bur?.?e:' .... r.vi ot th* opeo hearths, hut ut fui i-t the ilr.tldr.ou kow, Oujlfituiuf- wm ."..e.: Ult* uti y other day Ju the uni? dui ii y vu firer the PurittU) rei - in ugtitufrt rh* ionu* aud euiBtoinv ..' th* i'hurou had spout ltsc?l ti ??.?tut t?j tvjul ".u- ihlldrot) etf the fRevviitwrtl etitttury trtlll erjjocted .00 ?lfu l: ASK FOR CHRISTMAS PEACE I ?i ir ..?; V (Jv<5 ft? Pt^cct F?*t?l ' Lev., ?Wjlyl ....r ......-ci ........ K?x&l] oevw get lt. Oe then to uhnselt "J'h--J art i ii '-hiJ'l. ak- Clirlstuias Day deejares: I De awl afraid to jgo unto th.-- J :. tlAtr. Pray to JJ:.--. : nh H?WJ uhf thou wujjtot? : say, "Fluther, I ?ai not ;:yi ?-rt?e. rea*-.orjiuble, forbearing J fear J eaimot k.eei Obrlstwa* aright lox I h uv?* wot a peaceful Cbrislioas spirit j/. ;jj?r ; ai*d J h.now ih?! 1 fch*,.M uevw ?.?it lt hy thirjJ?lii?t, and reading, and uodersiabdiux, i'or .1 j^Ktw ah that, ..od lies /ur ????y beyond it. doe? peuee, ba the verj- essene? *./ tbJn? uh div5d?^3. uoxnoved. th?.o3ut?f. et^r/iu] . Godht-adL which r;'^ chang? nor decs)' of this er?-uti;-'3 wi)'}, nor sin or fob"y of /.'je:, 01 dwJJs, can ever titer; hut which at :-J<-th /orev?v whit 5t i's ).' per/exl re>*t, t:. p?/rf?xl rx/wer i 1 ? j^*rfe't love. <>. I'Mher. .rive lie T?jy Christ nm? p?*a <:'?:."-From TOV.7J tuud Cow 'ry Berwen*. To Cure a O^ld in One Dey I-AXA7IVJ? KBfMO QUIMJfE (Tableu.) It . .. ? Cou?b *v; Heb?fcvl ? %f.*j wyrht wff the W. CKOVE S wcuwwe ou ??O? U>? ?Ut Mcxiical Diswjverj i'raiw?*!. N'?w Vori: Dec? >j.-With lb? r? ". . : .. ;f bj what rfc believed to ht tb? .' ist ca>? of diabetic corni, to fi?' iue cCsfcluJJy arrested io thc- annals of /;.?:>:. ein? o J ibis city, medical author U..IO-. 'o-'Jay ?2pr?Se?d high pji.5*?* lor Ith?- t;:?at;n?nt ut?4~--th? ibiullb fc-o I ru/b;( t. ;?:'.e?j"Jy repoli ed discovery ol Dre. y. .it.v ol Tor?iiio graduate?. ?y?tr%H Van JiSs??l)^ years ol agc of Brooklyn, WM taken to tb? hosp ta] th re? w?-?l:s ago 5n a dia tei.ic orn;a, a stat? in th?: diseaK? ?vti y )j h?-r?rtofo.?? bat been regarded fc*: I opel???, given tb? Insulin tr?at ;n?nt, abd .> few davis ^t?o -x-?~, dis? cb?/ged With careful dieting abd periodical in j ?ct I ob is of th?; pancreas ??tracts, physicians Bald ).;>> ile will r.<,t ht- endangered by lb? disease. Bucee?.*/u) ye 0/ a fc?;rur? to arr?.-: t t h ?; ,0 r 0 g .?.>;%. 'J ! gang ; ?.'.?.- aifc o v.- ; . ? claimed at the 8t. .Mark'* Hospital h;ift nigbt. l i?? li? ii?-\? au* r<;.>: county, were destroyed by Are at ) o'clock tl?!? morning, entailing an estimated los? 0/ 120,000, with $f,,000 Insurance, Accor/ about 1)00 in canil :*nd $800 in clothing and Khoeft ear );< r II tb? niKht. A n?:gro ?u?pect who disposed of a number of suits of clothes, seventeen of which have been discovered, l* being trailed by offi ceTH ?0-day. 'J'/ie Green V.?JO I 4 H- d'?p.'i rt m '. waa called to afc 1st In fighting the lire, hut could not crocs the- ftaluda river >>n account ot a dangerous bridge. CKUaflBlO* iIK Aili! 151J .>m? d lt iue, isintu tl -by the inuv)v ?U?3 but' ; isintu: I . i "'.rn; in flho i. :t. nm- ' dl?uos-lUCUBlilne r.:i> uni!)- tum Tm oi?lHUitl Ultu; WonjQ .> . .Ct Aluwa' i. '.'.?" ?di.ntl. >Ulv . '.vi . F .V V.'.unuu 'UlcKpu.; P.?- . ? . Musi aorrtuu. iiwu.'.f.u. &a" uu< J- atc ' ??UU11 .l.'.t.'a.t. Mll?hUluipillUl h wm rnpur-tofl thu., ??V : 1 law nidevwipo diu itlmttUi wi;, we, luaohmev wv* ir. : li?, Pill. t r alv in t?he hying tttutiiiu v- ''tn.'.-- nnu iirni or deity tflhls uiuiit] 'theil 1 ni?Oel Hil a-ventjgutum. "Hu- in?OI anti' bunn it y r:>*- u prnoClce The lmltor., lt wuv ntl vt . It.ttgjl t?tatumo? t.eleje>'io. v uv loud tn- u . ittlj 1. r.tf via t r t ?; 11 haafiU ar. in i . j-, -, r .-..;.? ;li .the ll.tl* fr:. 'Ill' : Li t ?. .vd' '": ?. rmi) Tier no.? V itali Che Va rt; i' ul nv.?? uuitakhJ; vw v i'mn ?j efl th?: ti ?3 Butt) plan ?il 1 Jr v. ( v. ?. : : libel both broil--- $) nev 1 1.1 ci '."i.* :<.:'.' er rt h. -Pri'. '.dun.: Ititi / 'O', tren line hem be; uv -ei-; th* e> *. .' . -.'Vt vue Ii: .i->\} iM.i The ojiberi were pinned br; he ? i wo ?ni it tili :.j'! vMeih ie. i in . iaii*')j ?..nfl bt&twt uitl "..!?:.S re.t'-bv " - j bofttais >??...!. buruo? ul mur : aid j reour: li k ll CHRISTMAS FEi.iT ~G? SS Ft;i^-itit r S.vti- ' ' hi ,.ot? v^.-i-F:>ti?. P :iv..t;c' h'eair 1 i.nci fihelterc. liBlBTMAJS *i -..at y & i;?8tivid otiioi ... ima for unui idoi 'lie JIulklor* ol ( Mar les i..-? neveral acsb 'lee ID vl.i'-.. i t UtiBlS ted ?rt? dene*" ul tiit?r edon ' >.-.i. elP ? kuuM'JQ ?usnlttt legend 1 -r* 1 ion uf \vui'ld-t .???...i:f.ion. T5-?*y v. .hut un the hoi.\ dit y "the FUD lt uitt buw*?d duwil ) '.it' Blurs ? .ai . the louuiitfdii? and Jojt?- eb >uid touched tb? <-.>. rib >vitb aj? its, . ur.te t- . l the grims vuv be-? wered v 1 *?en iuy ul I kfssuxia im ? . : us myrrh i*?5n'uded aplani ip '?si; bird? sang on Uie mon; taiia aoJ .-???. :\ - icu \c th* .W- .? ' 1 i.:. : v .v.- <.n.-r:U.tv. 2 j. wl-'-f ; ?.' ;.v- ???ir bi!..>.?' iiW:U KljrtS ' - ' . bi? '. j titi ?>;Cl r:?iiWi .. ? : fl *. ...J At iii.;*.? Ui^Ji w... w.. , '.' J iii adorn! .OD lief ure the : Crem Spirit Woe tu Irita, hov ever. . v .- 1- :e 'py up u II* ie ? . .--i with perpetual stltfetdng of tb? titees. Mun j ;>e?;.'le of the O?d World " - .. that on Christmas night an5?.-.i-':s i ?v- 0fted with nj....... h. but aune mnKl tr?itpaKs ur earesd/ p. Maj y ? nd mea? i ve been the tule* ?v.) '.'h aocounl fa?i thi robin's rei I rei st. In jrresu 1/ ; ny pi?rt.% of Barop* > . '- - '-ulled the Savior's bird,., and t vti rj > fold thal whew the ''/briet wt* crete bed tiii.- i-obln. una hiv te stand iii* gafferlng, ventored t< pluck the : thorns frunj JJ t he .:. JE d lpg st?, tte >d Btainud th?; 1 . :r/t breast, which rice he wea rs tedi USE OF CHRISTMAS STOCKING Ouftom Cerate From &unny Ital/ Where Peer FI nt Ubto Long Knitted Punts. J?j; castuza of benclng up ws-kliii'K un Christinas Eve | eon ta to us froi/j a land far ueixjss tbs octsan - frojja sonny Itu ly. In the '-'A, oi Padua, lung ago. good '.ld St. Nicholas u*ed to co about the i street* after dark t:A threw through the wlndowa u{ the bornes of the poor people lon? knitted parses, tied at both ends, snd c ?atalnlng mach need? ed culi v The?? parses were made of jiarrj, and when untied louted nut un like a l(>':i)fk- stocking. Finally, as time weat on the poor l*;r>?jUr. b up J tig C.'JS to t-v rn ind the j xu'-n.' f'..ituM-v- of t'.'dr ae<--.<5, used to hang these empty parses ut of the' windows on the night before Christ r.;. so that a gift might be placed bj th(;:;j. In the north country, where the weather ls cold at Christraus time, the , purses were hung by tbs chimney i place In the hope that Si. Nicholas ? wou'1 drop his offering down the chimney. When the purses went out of fashion stockings as the thing most like them j were used in th^ir stead, and that is why we today Mill observo the prac tice and thf? 'ijnt'-rrj. While Arsenic supply short? Washington, Dec. 0. -- Investiga tion ol thc ipplj of white arsenic, used Southern plantet? in fight ing the cotton boll weevil, was or der<; ?hie llunfl bj St AufUHthu:, une. lunn ID ?wh. but 1: would uppeur rina h wns Uni etttUlilltihefl in Gumnut*, until BIB, JU?(1 ti Sinnwujr nhoin the middle ol' the Tenth century, by K?u? Hi.hoi- the Gond. The Htmmns of the empire lUHtifl to CHllulifutti thc hirth o? the Diutonouurnfl Rut' on I mc. iir>. nceorduir te nie iT.tllhiu etcleiuhir. th? whiter aObtclee, Whim tlie mil' hopni. tt> rise ir. new vn.'ov. ufitnr hit- nutumm.: d?cimo. 7,ho,?<< o'-c. ttu rein; : fm ian cimier oj linc. 25 for CMu'lHtnuil woillfl Hemn tr burnt! bee? pyiuWdleH'l. CHRiST?.'.,S *.WD 'ir,0ST TALES Feir: < j; t 'v rv.i -j 1 's A.mst?:...*-.?:' ?..'..ut. Stir-it-a - s ; Ki ?ir. nut' Thinpi 6>upern*?tur?l, jg?ferFf H?i-ISTMAS btilng eeltibrtttwfl Jff&f? v } hi the deptl ni Winter,, wsj^?- v tte:- 'Utmg'jf Iii* neel true ^Er Ve- te morn,*' th?- festival ii nutttri?l'y uKHoelnttifl with tu lev of hiiuute? built! tui? 'ti- 'ups** j (Quel uri KU].uuturul. Thut Dickens ! in bh " '. *..?.;:......* Oui'c?,*' pave uv : tb* Spirits of the Fust, the Present, und ?lit J ir! ure. hut ?hrltitmut; lu , mind el ?tlie? eut?b of them in B fast- j dhuithir muutie vi irin?ness, und Bent j then oui PD t message of mercy that ! mu?t Itself felt over all the earth. Over ii KI ou y Scrooge htive they I CUB: tb'iir mellowing shades, tench- ! iui" theuj to my : "J wUJ boner OhrlBtmas ID my ht;arL \ tti.c tr; to Leer H ul! the" your. I will i L'vp iu the f'UKt, the P:vst?DL uud the : Future, The spirit* of uD three BhaU ! strive sdth^D ujt. I viii not shot out j th? lennon* thut they teach.*' Scrooge, conclxtded Dickens, "had *o i further Intercourse with Spirits, hut it v.-?>c ?.uvp;. -?.M .? ?-- iLst 1 ? kr *~ -nti.*.i VP j^iiiKj {Siip Jct wtoig?, >? -' tr BO emu ? CHRISTMAS DINNER J r j ' "C**v;:;.? Ch ri Ftrnap Uiey in- t *t vltei one or two to have J ?> C*hrtewuiit auuner with them ? J who vv. v : ?thtrwiBe have been ' J uh'-r.e. lt ?"ve tl - rrj so much , f pleuRure thai they never felt ' * they went bel?g "kindly** nor > i tliui th'/: vrvre "doing a real J J charity.' f ? that their guests t t always L. . real Christmas | J with real Christiuixt. cheer. F(.r t i they never fell th . they had J J been ir.'Titei out ol kindness, * t t?ox oxii ot chtrity ! ? Colds Cause Grip and Influenza L?XA7TVE BROMO QUININE T&bteU remove ihe ?ail?*. Thert it ooljf tot "B.".Q-. C.>a:Lit?? " E. W, GROVE'S tifcLtturt- oo the h^r. S'Jc. Worried Over Influenza Outlook. Columbia, bec. 7.-A confession that he was worried ov<.-r t.'.'. influ enza situation and outlook in Sou tl CiroJi.'.'a W&3 made to-day by Dr. james A. Kayne, State health office:. ?J iaknd found that it contained the body of a baby several months old. Th?.- graVO was covered with sand a*Junderbrush, hut attracted tho attention of the deputy. Mr. Cely says that he has clues which he be lieves will lead to positive evidence at to the parties who buried the chiid, and arrests may he made at an early date. Neighbor bf Lincoln Dead, Benington, Wash., Dec. 8.-J. G. Stewart, a neighbor and friend of Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, 111., in the fifties, ls dead at his home In Hamilton, aged SS years. He served as a photographer with the Union army during the War Between the StatfcB. Tin: ?'\'!'!'?:J) ST?ITES W?T?TKT;? Dave ItcHiininf] UtteviiUiuc-lidien that Oimu'ii Miilhitntotit. Vim (utu new mil int tnv thvm uv toitx yutirii But liny', uvii itm'thin ruit-K vi,ici. v.: fjovoin yoi? mi?i>;> uioht. Kimi m UK* in in' WHIM. 1 ? um M?i yaury ol' ut;?:, hut wooli anti *."-! inOhCS il. hf cl':.. v, t-ir.! ; n us he w: j?t'ri>c?xur.f ii height. ??ntl yuh m UH IK- 'rot bli ?iii jVli?jTKh'.u) (IcftuttH. WUK i. r.ij-:.-u?w.:i hy S?rjrt W. W. Onr'vi ;. .? cui-ooiu Mufm '-{mee- t? timur iv '..in.vi-t o' iib* mi;rit e r?bi,.oUiiihp s??Sion, jK>v.u>mo.;' ?i-bd ocnini tan ?:' IT. Oo'J?m riu. ?i c. &?? men, :?<..!. bi ii:h<> Tn'toa ?/. 11 Miu?r>f -C:?rjir. iv given i : <. onpbri n* iv?tx oi' becoming probolf?ti lu t.!: .S - ? tike l'ollov Inr. tri. cit* M r: Vitt.. Mil exp*??us?, ruiib?l?:: ?Radio.,, oomadete ii. dTenipMiir/,. ?OTO pQ eli ? .ri ?: i ; ?otu rc drafting, complet*- awtgUnoMle, biri] ?.?r-Dftrirr. surrej .r.r i:: :! magming, ci vi] service t fi "fi pnafle;), raiQ-wR'y mail clerk., oom pi etc :. ta'.:::emin 1. s ie nogra pb i c. ttwtifioi pu'Mi ci aooouiil' aut. foreign trade, salesmanship, business ma na ?-* meat, traffic manage ment. oommerciR? eorref pan dene*., complete oommej'cjij i a v. ooucrdte engineering, electrical en&'ineerliig, and others. NORMAN DIU O CO., Walhalla. S. C. Surprise Wedding at Ixmg Creek. Ixing Creek, Ixe. 6.-Special: A surprise wedding took place at Long Crek on Tuesday, D?c. 5th, when John E. Moore, of this place, was happily united !n marriage to Miss Rosa Richey, of Rabun county. Geor gia. George Matheson, not ri ry pub lic, officiated at the wedding. The groom is a well-known young mau of this community and has the congratulations o', tis numerous Jnends. The yo-.ing coutte have the good wishes of many for a long life of usefulness and prosperity. Mother Goose as an "Karly Bird/' Wire briar, limber lock. Early shoppers in a flock, Pick for Christinas gilts the best. And mail them early. East or West. R L. McNeely, Secrt tary. Ocor.ec- County Welfare Council. Subscribe for Thc- Courier. (Best.) MOTHER! MOVE CHILD*S_B0WEL5 "California Fig Syrup" ii Child's Best Laxative Hurry, mother! A teaspoonful of ' California Fig Syrup" now will tho roughly clean the little bowels, and in a few hours you have a well, play ful child again. Even if cross, fever ish, bilious, constipated or full of cold, children love its "fruity" taste, and mothers can rest easy because il never fails to work all tho souring The Surely of Purity Tb^re ar* ERO miracle i in cook Lag. WLet fcoes into th? food mus? ?DevJ.tabFy coin? cit. Elwso tjb? Joking perfection .tbiil- r?msJt* from, tbe une of Rc> 0 S&k&tf i^ovrder b no lt i? ?ins^y tfe? reedit of ab Bc&ste iptsr&y cratering the foc?-and o^c-T?fe? a-ffain. RoyeJ xi m&cKc; fror.'.-., Cres&rn of Twlar?leaiv?t? from gr ?vp 2*. /f CbMacfM Aro Alum Ls:z??& Nif DliUf Taste BIEGE T/il'K OF TUA MISGIVING Ai vii?- r.eonom.t li? iii?'-MLany Peo ple Viwii.od iib? institution. t, :nr i- C'-ft t S\. C.. DOC <*..-?pe oti BU uutio?no'b??e loa-dr. of people von' Li filmore, C. caine Sunday. Xi v. mu, ll;ii ?'.oait?? our .chilflrea v.- il m. ... W e ti o ci*a Hue ti inf. '.i - ?bjetidjs ci tibe G-ood Hope?oa? iiuu'. !"?? ev) S>td ? cia 'county ?fest nu a inn Len of c hi ck eur. for 7'ha*?kr.giiT j ?Our childr{\n 'rendered a fine pro i.grUiti ?ai?i? chick en, inri t.. tandy i .ti i) h uts., which- had been sen t us : : ; ?... c.!!-: rem piac?e??. C n Sunday. Dec. .Sd- Ibt: Kiwariis Club bi Hock Hill, w'Hih their wives, sweethearts and friends; ?tera ed UP M. fi fine ;*<::?. We expected three 03 four autos, Bi tie et mini nw had : ;:'-(.." they were coming with a Thanksgiving treal foi the ch;3dren. C:.< pl? OUT children f-nid iLm was a ti c clommi tl oe, as there were fifteen auto Jc' ca?ej a ul ?omethlng must ' ho done for the children ai once. I I- ri.?ndi of Ilia noedy children. If j i cou il ly / . t you io read tln? snd letters on our desk, I verily believe you would demand that the homo bo enlarged at once, and that demand would he backed up with the where with lo have Hie work done. We have seventy-five acres of as i pretty grounds laid off for play grounds and buildings as 1 ever saw. We have a dining room and kitchen begun' which will accommodate 300 'children. Five hundred dollars will ? ?inish it. We ne ed running water ?and lights in our cottages. With ?:V 1 OOO we could make room for fifty moro children. Do you want to help us provide room for a few of these needy chil dren ? Yours very truly. J. H. Spaulding. Superintendent Economy Home. No Worms in a Healthy Child AU children trembled viih Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a nile, the?? is more cr 1 ess stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu larly for two OT three Week* viii enrich th? blood, im prove the digestion, and sci er. a pe?era1, Strength ening Tooicto the whole system. Nature vi i thin throw offer dispel the vor ms. and the Child viii be In perfect health. Pleasant to take. Gie per bottle. Defused to Hear Mittle Appeal. Washington. Dec. 0-The Supreme : Court announced yesterday that it would not review a case brought by I Edward N. Mittle against the state ; of South Carolina, in which Mittle ?contested his conviction in the State courts on the ground that women were excluded as a class from the Jury li.-1 and were not permitted to serve. The action of the court, ns stated by Chief Justice Taft, was based on want of jurisdiction. Denmark has nearly two million bogs-about one to everv two Inhab itants. food and nasty bile right out of tho stomach and bowels without griping or upset ling the child. Tell your druggist you. want only the genuino "California Fig Syrup/' which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bot tle. Mother, you must say ''Califor nia." RofltSO any imitation.